Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1236 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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Hi, I recently failed the LLV test for RCA and I asked if I can retake the test again but their answer is their are not sure. I was told I was ineligible for that position. I interviewed for CCA will I be able to retake it since it's diff location.

Asked by Martha Klufio about 8 years ago

Martha, I have no knowledge in the field of hiring and retests for when one fails an LLV test. Since you are applying for a different position at a different location, it's possible they let you retake the exam, but I'm just guessing.

I have no idea about the internal communications of USPS HR and if one dept or location would even know about the other. I'm guessing with the internal HR technology that they might share information about your past applications to the USPS but have no idea what impact that would have for your future hiring prospects. It is very important to learn how to drive the LLV safely and responsibly. I hope you get to take the exam again because I found that once you learn how to operate an LLV safely it becomes second nature even though the steering wheel is on the right side of the vehicle.

What gift should I get my mailman, also will I have the same mailman every day or do mail deliverers do it on certain days and take turns!

Asked by jay about 8 years ago

No gift is necessary for a letter carrier, but if you'd like to give one I'm sure it will be gladly accepted. Most postal routes have the same person deliver it 5 out of the 6 delivery days per week and then someone else fills in on the regular carrier's day off. If there is a staffing shortage some routes may not have the same mailman each day. Anyhow, 2 common gifts I receive for the holidays are cash (average $20) or a gift card to a coffee chan like Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks. Thanks for asking about this.

If I'm sending a letter to someone that is in the same zip code as myself and I put the letter in my mailbox to be sent out and when the mailman gets the letter while delivering mail, will the person I'm sending the letter to get it the same day?

Asked by Krissy almost 8 years ago

Krissy, thanks for the question. The letter would likely take 2 days to be delivered to the person you are mailing it to even in the same ZIP code. It used to be delivered the next day but mail processing standards for first class mail has been changed from 1 day to 2 days a few years ago. When a letter carrier picks up outgoing mail from a customer, they generally aren't looking at the destination ZIP code. Upon return to the post office, outgoing mail is usually just put in a large hamper and sent to a regional mail processing center. From there it is sorted using automated equipment and takes about 2 days for mail in the same ZIP to be delivered.

What is the guidelines for parcels drops before or after a relay and flagging the mail. I hear conflicting theories. Also holding the bag across the body or on the shoulder. Route inspections next month. Apologies, carriers tripping a little in ofc

Asked by jvitto48 almost 7 years ago

Most of the following I am copying and pasting here since your q’s were similar. I hold the satchel on my right shoulder and never across my body. I’ve seen it both ways and don’t know which is correct. By carrying it on one shoulder makes it quite easy to get on and off between relays if you are moving your delivery vehicle. Carrying across your body may be better for weight distribution. I’m pretty sure I was taught to just carry the bag on one shoulder and I’m just used to it and comfortable that way. I see carriers deliver with no satchel at all which bothers me because I believe we should always use one when delivering a relay.

Copied from a previous reply by me:

Jvitto58, I don’t know what our manuals say about this situation. I always feel we are given such little guidance on when to drop off a parcel on a relay. I know you are going to have route inspections soon. I don’t have much of a memory of what they are like so I can’t give you my experience. If a parcel doesn’t fit in my satchel, I will generally deliver it when I pass the address. This may be before of after I deliver the relay depending on where the park point is for a particular relay. I don’t flag the mail for addresses that have a parcel. I deliver the mail as I normally would and then deliver the parcel before or after the relay. To be honest, I have a geographically compact route so I often deliver most of my larger parcels before I even begin delivering mail for the day. I know you didn’t ask me this and I definitely don’t recommend doing it on an inspection as it can be considered inefficient or time-wasting. I just like to get the larger items out of my postal delivery vehicle. I try not to circle back with the truck if I can avoid it, but to me there are no absolutes and each day has some different nuances when it comes to parcel delivery. Regarding your route inspection, just try to give a fair effort. Don’t hurry, but don’t be a turtle either. I truly don’t have any great guidance because I’ve rarely, if ever, been involved in one.

How many feet from the mailbox does a car need to be parked for the mail carrier to deliver mail?

Asked by Sylvia over 7 years ago

I don't know the minimum distance that one must have a car from a curbside (mounted) delivery mailbox. Normally as long as the postal delivery vehicle can access the mailbox without the letter carrier needing to leave the vehicle to make the delivery that should be sufficient. We are supposed to minimize the amount of times that we put our vehicle in reverse so the letter carrier may also need clearance in front of the mailbox so he may safely drive to the next delivery point. It also may depend on the personality of the letter carrier. They are allowed to refuse delivering of the mail to any address where they need to exit the vehicle but for many letter carriers it may be easier to just leave the vehicle and walk a few feet to the mailbox rather than having to "flag the house", bring the mail back to the PO, and reattempt delivery on the next delivery day. I suppose if it's a chronic problem or they would need to get out for each stop due to vehicle blockage it would be time consuming and the management may even tell the carrier not to do that. I don't have any curbside deliveries on the route I deliver. If I'm helping out on another route which does have curbside deliveries I tend to get out where necessary and deliver the mail. I don't like to bring back any mail to the PO that should've been delivered. Again, all of this is my opinion and I don't know the actual rules which govern your question except, as stated above, the carrier should be able to approach and leave your mailbox without having to get out of their delivery vehicle.

what time mail man delivers mail in 181 willow rd 18 san ysidro ca 92173

Asked by delia morales over 8 years ago

This job message board isn't a customer service site to advise when mail will be delivered to a specific address. Depending on staffing and quality of the operations at your local PO will have an impact as to when your mail is delivered. In my experience mail is usually delivered between 0930 and 1800 but have heard about mail being delivered much later in some locations. If you called the USPS general customer service number i don't think they'd give you anymore of a specific answer either.

If I sent out documents and mail that got wet, will i get in trouble, and will anyone know it was me?

Asked by bob over 7 years ago

I don't think you'd get in trouble for that. The recipient may question why the mail and documents look water damaged but I don't know that they could pinpoint it was you who sent it in that condition. Mail is often wet when I deliver it in the rain. It's difficult during downpours to keep it dry and to be honest I don't try that hard to keep it completely dry. The bottom of my mail satchel gets wet very easily so when I carry mail in it the edge of the mail will often get wet. If the recipient has an issue with the condition their mail came in they may just ask you to resubmit the documents if that is possible. Thanks for the question and I hope I helped you.