Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1236 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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How can I write a letter to manager for collect my uniform

Asked by Nizu over 10 years ago

Nizu, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by your question, but I will take a guess. I believe you are a letter carrier who doesnt yet have a uniform or uniform allowance. I'm pretty sure that not long after you pass the 90-day probationary period the USPS should be sending you information on how to purchase uniforms plus a spending card which can be used at authorized vendors to make purchases of authorized uniform components. This is for city letter carriers and CCAs. I don't know anything about rural carriers and a uniform allowance. Have you asked your supervisor if they know anything about the process?

Customers are used to getting mail at the same time everyday. Today there was more mail to sort/deliver, so you are later than usual in making deliveries. A customer is angry because he has been waiting for a cheque, how do you address the situation?

Asked by zoom over 10 years ago

I don't come across that situation very often. It is true that on many routes the mail is delivered at approximately the same time daily. There is no actual "on time" for mail to be delivered during the day. We just have an end of day deadline to meet for finishing out route and a prescribed order to deliver the mail.  Like you said, some days the mail volume is higher (or our staffing levels are lower) which may result in a later delivery time. I would address the situation by explaining the above to the customer. I never get angry back and always remain calm. Nowadays so many financial transactions can be done electronically that I don't believe I deliver too many checks and trend will only likely continue. I appreciate the question. 

hey there i will be starting the cca postion soon. any advice?
- how long can it take to become "career" in queens?
- the allowance dose not cover much .
-must i wear strictly uniform or may i buy simular items

Asked by morgan over 10 years ago

Congratulations on being hired as a CCA. First I will answer your questions and then I may give you some advice.

1) I don't know how long it will take to become a career employee in Queens. I've heard that the mobility and promotions are quicker in urban environments due to turnover and the number of positions, but I have no way of verifying that. The suburban office where I work has 6 CCAs and I think they have all been here for less than 1 year.

2) The uniform allowance isn't too much, but it should cover your basics. After a couple of years, I have had more than enough to wear and use the uniform allowance mostly on footwear (expensive..$100/pair) and warm weather clothing.

3) Technically, you should always be wearing all USPS regulation clothing/uniform once you have passed probation and are given a uniform allowance. Whether or not you actually have to do this will likely depend on your supervisor or postmaster. They seem fairly lax in my office in enforcing the uniform regulations which I think is wrong. I wear regulation clothing head to toe including footwear. The proper footwear is very important because it has to be approved to be slip-resistant. This job may require a lot of walking and you don't want a slip, trip or fall to injure yourself. Having the proper footwear and paying attention to where you are walking is very important.

My advice to you would be as professional as possible in performing your assigned job. Don't get involved in any office politics. Join the NALC. Bring any questions to your shop steward that you may have re: rights as a CCA. Work safely. As a CCA, you may be assigned to different stations on different days, have very few days off, and have an ever-changing work schedule. It's possible you will have a huge amt of hours per week or not many.  If a manager/supervisor gives you vague or unreasonable instructions, it's important to speak up to get clarification and/or tell them you won't be able to finish an assignment in the allotted time. Do not let yourself be bullied by management. They may try to intimidate you, but as long as you show up for work on time, work safely and professionally, things should work out fine. If you like the work and think that making a "career" employee would be good, don't give up on your CCA position no matter how stressful it could be at times. Being a career employee allows you to work a much more consistent schedule and receive paid sick leave, subsidized health insurance, and many other benefits.


Good luck!

Why would a mail carrier avoid delivering male to the whole street on a non holiday?

Asked by Heather over 11 years ago

I have no idea why a carrier would avoid an entire street. Did you see them do it and inquire why? Unless there was a serious safety hazard that precluded the carrier safely getting to the street I don't know why there was no delivery. There are times wheN we are severely short staffed but I think we still make an effort to get to each house each delivery day. 

I rent a condo and my landlady likes to use the pool so we share the pool key by leaving it in the mailbox. Is this an illegal use of the mailbox? Twice the pool key has disappeared , would the mail carrier have taken it?

Asked by Meg over 11 years ago

I don't know that the mailman would have taken it. Is your mailbox locked? I don't recommend using your mailbox for anything but mail. It may not be legal but it is unlikely that there is a penalty for leaving the key in the mailbox, except the key disappearing for whatever reason. 

I have rebates that needed to be postmarked 1/18/14. Will the post office ever back date postage?

Asked by kks about 11 years ago

Not to my knowledge, they will not back date postage for items that were supposed to be postmarked previous days. I don't think it would be legal to be done but I can't say that a worker would never back date postage. I've never been in this situation but I would likely refuse any request for me to to do that since that may put my job at risk for falsifying a postmark date and that is usually not worth the risk.

What are the nationwide regulations for resIdential mailboxes?

Asked by chertz over 11 years ago

I don't know what the regulations are for attaching a mailbox to your house. Does your letter carrier walk to your door to deliver the mail? If that is the case, the mailbox must be accessible in a safe area for the carrier to reach the mailbox. If you live in an area where the delivery is made to a curbside mailbox there are regulations for how tall the mailbox must be from the ground plus there must be clearance on either side of the box so that the postal vehicle can get in and out of the area without having to put the vehicle in reverse too much.