Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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Ref below. Started after sub carrier removed from my route 4 not delivering my catalogs. Reg carrier did this 2x. Other carrier(union rep) put something back in bag & went on. Not receive Red/White Kroger coupons 5/24. Time 2 write US Senator again

Asked by Just Me almost 8 years ago

I can't really comment on any specifics that are happening with regards to your mail delivery. I do agree 100% that you should be receving every piece of mail that a mailer has paid for you to get. This would include any mailing that isn't addressed but goes to each address on the route and is labeled "postal customer". As I've stated before I'm sure it goes on at the PO where I work as well. From top to bottom there are some apathetic and lazy employees. Please do write to your US Senator or the USPS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and make a report of what you believe is happening. I would first take it up with your local post office but that could prove fruitless.

How do you get the USPS OIG to investigate? A carrier tech never delivers catalogs. I have tested and confirmed they did not deliver at least 12 over 2 years. All other carriers have passed my tests 100%. This one fails 100%. USPS OIG does nothing.

Asked by USPS Abused about 8 years ago

I don't know anything about getting OIG to investigate anything for the USPS. I think they may have a tip hotline that can be called but I don't know if they will place your tip on any high priority. I would call that carrier a sleazeball for not delivering anything that should be. It is illegal plus the only reason our job exists is because items are being paid for that we should deliver. I have the impression that so many employees (including management) don't care at all about proper delivery of mail and what gets discarded or has the proper postage. There is so little oversight as to what we do on a daily basis unless we do something egregious or work unsafely. I'm sorry to be so negative. It's important to me that every piece of mail that is properly addressed is delivered, no matter if it's a catalog, weekly supermarket flier, or birthday card. It's all mail and should be handled accordingly.

My husband friend,mail man,asked me why I have mail going to another mans house.That man is my payee rep and accountant.Your job is to deliver the mail, you are a mail man,not a private detective.Did he break any laws,this is not the 1st time w nosey

Asked by Jonas almost 7 years ago

Jonas, I am no legal expert to cite which laws may or may not have been broken. I am pretty sure that this isn’t an appropriate action on behalf of your husband’s friend. In fact, I’m very disturbed to hear this story. You are completely correct that our job is to deliver the mail, NOT ask any q’s or comment about the mail destination or be a private detective. You need not answer him at all or you could take it a step further and say “Do not ask me anything about my mail”. I’m not so sure I’d threaten to report the letter carrier for his actions but you’d be within your rights to do so if the problem continued. I hope this issue doesn’t continue for you.

On a related note, I definitely do pay attention to where mail is going to or coming from. I would never comment on it to a customer or talk about it with someone else. We should be trusted employees and have an obligation to keep all information confidential.

Is it true it's legal for the mail truck to run a red light

Asked by Henry about 8 years ago

I have never heard that before and I'd say it's not legal for a USPS vehicle to run a red light. We are supposed to follow the traffic laws like any other vehicle. I'm sometimes disgusted the way I see some of my coworkers operate the USPS vehicles. I feel we should be professional representatives of the USPS, but I see some people don't care and drive like jerks in the USPS vehicle as they do in their privately owned vehicles.

Does the mail automatically get held for most businesses on Saturday because the assumption is they are closed, and is that why my mail at home seems to arrive earlier on that day, or is it a coincidence?

Asked by Scott about 8 years ago

It's not automatically held on Saturday for businesses unless the business is closed or has no place to leave the mail when the office is closed. This is how I believe it works though I have no businesses on the route I deliver so I can't say for sure. The letter carriers in the office where I work who have many businesses on their route generally get to the residential portions earlier on Saturday so your observation would be correct. Scott, I'd say you've made a very good observation. Thank you for writing an email to jobstr for Letter Carrier. If I had businesses on my route and were able to leave the mail in a safe place even if the office were closed on a Saturday, I may try to deliver it so I wouldn't have has heavy of a mail load for Monday.

I see that I was saying wife, I mean girlfriend. Thats what he told me, so ok from what ive told you so far what is your opinion? Not just as a mailman but as a man. Hes also 10 yrs younger than me I'm 33 hes 43? Yes if you cant tell I like him! LOL

Asked by Jessica about 7 years ago

It seems I’m now a personal advice column. It doesn’t bother me but if you knew me, I’m probably the last person to ask about relationship advice. I’m not sure what advice to give that you don’t already know. I believe you have his text number or other way of messaging him. If you read this question I can’t tell who is older. That shouldn’t matter. Basically if you like him and he says he likes you and you’re not too worried about his girlfriend, (not that you need be) then it’s worth pursuing him for a date perhaps. It’s possible though that the relationship could get complicated if he stays with his girlfriend but has a relationship with you at the same time. I think as long as you acknowledge the pitfalls of this and could deal with potential conflict or disappointment (not that I wish that upon you), then go for it.

I'm about to retire after 20 years in the military. How does working for USPS work as far as retiring again?

Asked by Jamie almost 8 years ago

I can't give you any definitive advice for how retirement works after you've retired from the military and then work for USPS. Our retirement benefits are mainly determined by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). My recommendation is to go to to and look under the "retirememt" tab and then there is a section for "Military Retired Pay" which should give you some helpful information. Congratulations on the upcoming retirement from the US military.