Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1236 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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2morrow is my 2nd shadow day as a rural carrier & the next day I'll be on my own. How on earth will I ever be able 2 case all the mail in a timely manner? 600+ boxes on the route and I am overwhelmed already. Do you have any tips on casing quickly?

Asked by Van about 8 years ago

Van, I'm sorry that I don't have any secret tips about casing quickly. By shadow day I guess that means you watch someone while they do their job. I admit when you first see a carrier case with so many addresses and then you have some so much mail to put in the case it is overwhelming. My advice is to not get distracted by outside music or your cellphone. Try to remember where a particular street is on the case. I've found that when you are put in front of a new carrier case it is intimidating, but the more you do it the easier it should become. Do not give up easily as you are just starting your job now at the USPS. I've found it to be a worthwhile career.

Can a CCA become a supervisor?

Asked by Dee over 7 years ago

I don't know that they can become a full fledged supervisor as a CCA (city carrier assistant) because that would mean being hired into a career position. A CCA is a non-career position. I've seen at least 2-3 times at the office where I work where a CCA has become a 204(b) which is an acting supervisor. It surprised me at first when this happened but I didn't have an issue with it as I had no desire to be a supervisor/manager. Some coworkers feel it's a bit absurd. The truth is that our staffing levels are so low across the board that nothing surprises me as to who goes where and does what. In our office we currently have one CCA (pregnant) who is doing the work of a 204(b). I don't know her plans once the baby is born and she comes back to work.

It now looks like the carrier signed for the letter him/ herself, using a single letter, days after failing to complete the restricted delivery. I need to file some sort of claim now against the post office, and it breaks my heart to do so. how?

Asked by KDS4444 almost 7 years ago

I don’t know anything about the claims process and what type of compensation you’d be entitled to beyond the cost of mailing the item unless you purchased insurance or if the type of mailing has insurance associated with it. The carrier shouldn’t have signed for a restricted delivery item. It shouldn’t break your heart to do this. I’d be more aggravated by not getting a service you paid for. To be honest, I often sign for customers when they have certified letters or packages that ask for a signature confirmation. This is mainly because I know most of the people who I deliver mail to. It hasn’t come back to haunt me, yet. I wouldn’t sign for a domestic registered item or for a Restricted Delivery item. As far as how to file a claim, you could go to a Post Office and inquire about the process or perhaps look at for guidance.

My route is a drive and drop for 9 houses, an anonymous source said l don’t have to use my satchel, l disagree and does the carrier have to use seat belt after every stop, not sure on that, thanks again

Asked by jvitto48 almost 7 years ago

For the drive and drop, I have heard that the satchel should be used as a protection in case of a dog attack. I can’t verify that is true, but I’ve rarely seen any carriers use their satchel for this type of delivery. I deliver to many houses using this method and have never carried a satchel with me. As far as seat belt use is concerned, I put it on each time I go anywhere even if just between houses that are near each other. For me, seatbelt use is an absolute all of the time. It’s an automated muscle memory item so I don’t even think about it.

Can a mail carrier enter an open garage to deliver a package

Asked by Debbie over 7 years ago

I don't know the rule about this Debbie. I would guess that for the safety of the letter carrier it is recommended not to enter an open garage or backyard. I almost always will leave any packages at the front door. If the garage is open and the package can be left there I may consider doing that as well. We have never been told not to deliver a package through and open garage.

Ref below. Started after sub carrier removed from my route 4 not delivering my catalogs. Reg carrier did this 2x. Other carrier(union rep) put something back in bag & went on. Not receive Red/White Kroger coupons 5/24. Time 2 write US Senator again

Asked by Just Me almost 8 years ago

I can't really comment on any specifics that are happening with regards to your mail delivery. I do agree 100% that you should be receving every piece of mail that a mailer has paid for you to get. This would include any mailing that isn't addressed but goes to each address on the route and is labeled "postal customer". As I've stated before I'm sure it goes on at the PO where I work as well. From top to bottom there are some apathetic and lazy employees. Please do write to your US Senator or the USPS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and make a report of what you believe is happening. I would first take it up with your local post office but that could prove fruitless.

Is it legal for a CCA to unwillingly work 7 or more consecutive days? Either during December (the Holiday season) or during months not December.

Asked by Deee about 7 years ago

Deee, I don’t know the answer to this question. On the NALC website there is a CCA resource guide. In a section I looked at it didn’t seem to mention anything about the number of consecutive days you could be scheduled to work. We have several CCA in our office and I’m pretty sure they try to give them off one day per week, but I don’t know if it’s mandated or not. During the busy time they may work more than 7 days/week. If you have a shop steward that you could contact they may have the proper answer for you.