Nail Technician

Nail Technician


2 Years Experience

Gainesville, FL

Female, 23

I am a current licensed Nail Technician in Florida. I specialize in natural nail care, but have knowledge in artificial enhancements as well. I currently work in an upscale spa. Ask away!

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117 Questions


Last Answer on January 20, 2015

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Why are so many nail salons run by Asian families? Is it a cultural thing?

Asked by Debsmithey1 over 10 years ago

I researched this when first going to school to be a Nail Technician (since I didn't want to ask the question in class because it felt awkward) and stumbled across an article online. The article link I posted below is from a very reputable trade magazine for Nail Technicians (NAILS magazine) - my favorite trade reading material! This should answer your question:

Why do women care so much about their nails? Not that attracting the opposite sex is the only reason for it, but fwiw, neither I nor any other straight male I've ever known was ever turned on/off by nails.

Asked by T.J. over 10 years ago


Not all women like getting their nails done. I find for the most part women like to be pampered. During a manicure or pedicure they receive a massage as one of the steps in their service -- it's all about them during their appointment. For example, a lot of Moms come in that don't have time for themselves otherwise and like to spend that time relaxing while sipping on wine (at least, we serve wine complimentary at my spa) while getting a pretty polish on their toes or hands. For most women, getting a manicure or pedicure makes them feel beautiful, just like when getting their hair done or putting on makeup.

But, it's also a trendy thing to do. Women who love fashion or are creative like to come in to get their nails done (the latest fashion magazine will have the hottest trends on what color polish is in for this season and what celebrity is wearing the most trendy nail art) and have 'girl talk'. It can kind of be like a therapy session - a lot of clients end up feeling more like old friends at the end of their appointment to me. 

Last, it is really for our (and your!) health. Manicures keep nails at a healthy length, clean and hydrated while de-stressing you (the massage also increases circulation in the matrix area which in turn helps nails grow, for people who may have trouble with that). Pedicures do the same as manicures but also help with built up dead skin and ingrown toenails that make it painful for people to walk. Also, it helps with foot odor.

Does what they put in the nail polish to make it last longer in the bottle actually make it chip quicker on nails -- and can I ask them not to do that?

Asked by jojo over 10 years ago

I'm assuming you are talking about polish thinner - it is specifically formulated to restore nail polish to it's original state! If the polish is thick, it is going to chip easier. That's why we thin the polish out - two thin coats help sustain the life of your manicure or pedicure :) I'm sure you can ask them to not put any thinner in the polish their using, but you shouldn't hold them responsible for the life of your polished digits since they were not able to do what they professionally believe is right -by their client's request.

What's the ratio of guys to girls getting manicures at your spa, and have you noticed an uptick in male clients in the past few years?

Asked by dan79 over 10 years ago

I certainly have more female than male clients and if we are talking numbers -- in a month I'd say I might have 3 male clients total. In the two years I've been in the nail industry I have noticed men coming in with their girlfriend, spouse, partner, etc. to get manicures and pedicures done rather than coming alone. Most men that I've done nail services on prefer pedicures for the foot massage! I think it also helps that my spa has a men's changing lounge for massages and our pedicure room is semi-private. All in all, males are coming in more without shame!

what is the ratio of males to females?

Asked by ryanesha mathers over 10 years ago

I'm not quite sure if this question means males to females receiving nail services or working in the industry, so I'll answer in two parts.

1. If you meant the ratio of males to females receiving nail services:

Please refer to the very first question posted here.

2. If you meant ratio of males to females who work in the nail industry:

I can't answer for the whole industry as a fact, but what I have observed going into trade shows and visiting many different spa/salons is that there are about 85% of female Technicians and 15% male Technicians. I do not work with a male Nail Technician at my spa/salon, but there are males that work there that have different titles. It's a shame, because I feel we would definitely have more male client presence if we did have more male Technicians. 


How sanitary are the pedicure basins really?

Asked by a girl over 10 years ago

I'm not going to lie to you for the Nail Industry's sake. Pedicure basins are as clean as the technician makes it. There are a strict set of sanitation rules by law salons/spas have to go by in every state - if we don't follow them and get caught, the establishment may be fined heavily (sometimes even the technician can get fined or lose their license!). I can only speak for Florida's laws: You should make sure your Nail Technician is scrubbing the basins and running the water through with bleach or germicide for at least ten minutes (assuming it's a whirlpool basin). I would ask any new (or your current) Nail Technician what their cleaning practice is and what products they use to clean with. If they get offended by you asking then leave! I make sure I follow the rules by law and am very open and honest with clients - having groomed nails is not just cosmetic; it's about health too.

How long are manicures supposed to last, and what's the best way to prolong them?

Asked by Leanne1 over 10 years ago

1. How I first took this question: The time of your nail service varies from every spa/salon, but is usually according to what type of manicure you want.

For example, a dry manicure at my spa is inclusive of nail trimming/shaping/buffing, cuticle care and polish (15-20 minutes). A spa manicure is inclusive of everything a dry manicure includes AND you also get a soak, scrub, massage, mask and paraffin (60 minutes). You can even choose to get a hot stone massage as an additional charge.

With that said, the only way to prolong your manicure is to add extra services (you could possibly ask to pay more for extra massage time). You can definitely spa/salon shop as well to see who offers more for their prices... But are they giving you QUALITY service/products with proper sanitation? That counts!

2. This is how I think the question was meant: How long do manicures last after leaving the salon?

Manicures can last up to two weeks. However, most manicures end up lasting 2-3 days for most people. First, make sure to use cuticle oil daily to condition your nails and cuticles. Put a thin layer of top coat (purchase from your Nail Technician for the best protection) every other day to sustain the life of your manicure OR the best option - get gel polish instead of regular lacquer! It cures under a UV or LED light and will truly last up to two weeks. Also, any manicure is most likely not going to last two weeks if your hands are continuously in water as it expands your nail plate.