School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Can I ask the bus driver not to have my child sit with the bully?

Asked by Jen over 5 years ago

You can ask, but its not a guarantee if the child in question is not being a bully to begin with. I would start with asking if your child can be moved to a place thats within closer earshot of the driver so that they can keep a better eye on your child.

It also times the bus every minute of the route where it goes and every turn it makes so you could approximately track the bus .

Asked by DJ about 5 years ago

Moat districts have a time schedule for buses listed and yes if there was someone who wanted to harm children this could be a problem. The only major issue i see is where you mentioned the names of kids listed.

Why are my co workers so rude? What do you think? So I did not move because a kid was misbehaving and I called the principal. The other busses where having trouble getting around me so they breaded me on the radio. One lady demanding that I pull

Asked by Tom over 5 years ago

Generally some people get irritated if things are holding them up. The polite thing to do would be to move to let others out and put your hazards on while you wait for the principal to attend to your bus. This way you're not holding up the line. If I'm late to my school in the afternoons I'll hold up traffic to let my co workers out before picking up my kids. Its just polite.

Hi, why does my bus come at random times? So one day it will come before 6:50 and another past seven. Anywhere in between. I am pretty sure that there are no routes before us. It is really not possible. We are the first route and then he does a elm

Asked by Passages over 5 years ago

He might be trying to figure out the best way to do the route. If the problem continues for the next 2 weeks and a time isn't picked then complain to the district.

Thank you for answering my question. What is the best way to respond to complaints like that? Do parents get angry when you tell them there is nothing you can do and to bring it up with a supervisor?

Asked by Lynn over 5 years ago

You're welcome, generally if it's a bullying issue I tend to take a more proactive approach but have both the victim and the bully sit closer to me so I can hear what is being said. For other complaints, I take on a case by case basis and either try to work a solution or refer them to my supervisor if they are being petty.

Thanks again for answering my silly questions. I think they made a law that motor coaches have to go at least ten miles above he speed limit. I never see them pulled over but their always flying. Lol

Asked by Ruth over 5 years ago

Lol my pleasure.

Hey after being a driver for a while have you ever at a restaurant or somewhere sitting tried to look up in your minor to see what someone was doing behind you. Say someone sounded drunk. Then you where like oh yea...

Asked by Dslsksk over 5 years ago

Lol I find myself stopping at railroad crossings in my personal vehicle and when I'm out in the grocery store and I see a child acting out I will give them the bus driver stare.