School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

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Do you ever have to deal with angry parents? Like those whose kids are getting beat up on the bus?

Asked by tiffyplz over 12 years ago

All the time. Parents get irritated or angry at us for one reason or another. They don't like the seat their child is assigned to sit in, their child can't sit next to so and so, their child came home with a bus citation for poor behavior on the bus. You name it, they get frustrated and angry with us. Most of the time, I am able to calm them down, but the few I cannot calm down, I invite them to call my boss and set up a meeting where their concerns can be handled appropriately. If a child is being bullied or beat up on the bus, I do appreciate a parent coming to me with a concern so that I can be aware of the bullying situation and handle it appropriately and immediately.

If you're late in getting the kids to school, are you penalized in any way?

Asked by Tabitha74 over 12 years ago

No, we will call or radio ahead to notify the bus shop and the school that we are going to be late. We do this so we do not get in trouble and the kids who are riding our buses can get breakfast and get to class in a reasonable amount of time as well. High schoolers especially worry about getting to class on time and the little kids usually eat breakfast at school, so we try to make accommodations for them because many of them have not eaten breakfast at home. Sometimes being late is inevitable, we have to wait on a train, accident, or other thing that holds us up.

Why don't school buses have seat belts?

Asked by JRock over 12 years ago

Well, there is the logical question of, "How are we going to get 70 something kids to sit down and buckle up?" I'd be forever sitting by the side of the road trying to get the kids buckled. Then there is also the ever present question, "What about an accident?" Some little kids on the buses do not have the dexterity to push the button on the seatbelt release, therefore the responsibility falls to the bus driver. If the bus driver is incapacitated, then what? It is often thought that school buses are simply safer by using a method called compartmentalization, that is why the seats on newer buses are at least a foot taller than the older buses. Should there be an accident (excluding rolling over or tipping on the side) then the children are likely to stay in one area. Hope this answers your question.

If a school bus driver gets into an accident and it's his fault, would he lose his job?

Asked by SD_Tim over 12 years ago

That's a good question. It really depends on the company you work for, the situation at the time of the accident, and the circumstances surrounding the incident. For something simple, non serious, as a fender bender or striking a deer/other large animal, its likely you wouldn't lose your job pending the outcome of a drug test. For something more serious where human lives are lost or there is some severe damage, it is likely you would lose your job. Again it really depends on the company. Personally, I've been in a "fender bender" situation, I did not lose my job even though I was at fault. It was a matter of lack of visibility and someone being stupid by tailgating my school bus. I went to back up and turn around, and the guy was right under my bumper - where I couldn't see him even though I checked my mirrors. I did not get cited for the accident, though I was deemed "at fault", because the other driver did not have insurance. It was an honest mistake. One thing that happens at every accident regardless of who is at fault, is a drug test.

Do you see a lot of bullying on your school buses, and if so, what do you do to stop it?

Asked by Sarah J over 12 years ago

Bullying... the quintessential problem for any person who is in the school system, be it teacher, bus driver, or even custodian. I have experienced bullying a time or two on the bus and I immediately put a stop to it. The child who is bullying gets wrote up and turned into the school for disciplinary action. I also take a look at the video tape (all our buses have cameras with vhs or digital recording) and determine if the one who is bullying is also being bullied. If that is the case, then those who are involved get wrote up. In order to prevent further bullying out of earshot of me, I often will move those students to the first 2-4 seats so that I can hear and keep a better eye out on them.

Is it the school bus driver's responsibility to make sure someone is home to receive the kids when they get home? If someone's not home, what do you do then?

Asked by ryguy over 12 years ago

Depending on the age of the child, we do like to see a parent/guardian/babysitter there when the child gets off the bus. Federal Law states that children under a certain age cannot be left home alone. I'm not exactly sure of the age but i think its 10 yrs old or under. Most kids have parents or someone waiting for them when they get home. We cannot be sure that every child has someone waiting for them (in cases of dropping kids off at an apartment complex), however, we can try to be sure that someone IS waiting for them and be proactive. If someone is not home to receive the child, we will typically try to call the emergency numbers (if the numbers work) and try to get someone to be available to receive the child. Occasionally, if the parents are habitual about not being home, or we cannot reach anyone through the phone numbers provided, we will take the child to the police station and let the professionals handle it.

Should school boards hire adults to supervise children on school buses? Especially for children that are being bullied.

Asked by CH about 12 years ago

The idea of hiring adults to act as monitors is a good idea, but sadly many school systems just do not have the money to provide this service. If a child is being bullied, I recommend that a parent take it to the bus driver and notify the bus driver, and if that does not get results, then the parent can also call the bus supervisor and get it handled from there. Unfortunately, we do not have eyes and ears in the back of our heads so unless there is a really serious situation going on, we really honestly have no idea and cannot DO anything about the situation unless the child/parent/other children speak up and let us know. Certain laws mandate that there be an aide on certain buses such as special education buses, and sometimes school districts will opt to provide a monitor or aide for buses that are particularly troublesome. As always, safety of our children is our utmost concern.

Growing up I always remember how getting the back seat on the school bus was kind of a big deal to kids. Is that still the case? Ever see kids get into fights over it?

Asked by slowgrind over 12 years ago

It is a big deal for the younger kids, however bus drivers often solve that problem by either assigning seats or letting just the high school age kids sit in the back of the bus. There has never been an all out brawl over the back seats and often I will make the children move from the last two seats on the bus due to safety issues. In an ideal world, those two seats would not be filled by students.

What certifications do you need to drive a school bus? Is there a special driver's test? Is it easy/difficult?

Asked by gregg over 12 years ago

You need a Commerical Drivers Licence (CDL) A or B - With Passenger and School Bus endorsements. Typically a CDL A class will cover most of what you need to know about driving a large vehicle and all you would need to do is take the tests for the passenger and school bus endorsements. A CDL B will do the same thing, except you cannot drive 18 wheelers with the CDL B license. Everyone is different in how they take and pass the classes, but in my opinion, its really not all that hard if you study. Most bus companies offer training which will help you obtain your license.

Do the kids treat you with the same amount of respect as other authority figures at school?

Asked by goltar_x over 12 years ago

Most kids do. However, we do get a few kids who will not respect us the same way they respect their teachers and other authority figures, but chances are good they just have a problem with authority figures in general and have been in trouble at school, at home, and then, on the bus. Most of the time, I manage the kids and their behavior very well, and they know when they have pushed me too far. The few that have the authority problems, will likely always have authority problems until they learn to grow up.

Do you play the radio on your school bus and do you let the kids decide on which station to play? Or is it "driver's choice?"

Asked by Jules over 12 years ago

That depends on the bus. Since I bounce from bus to bus, some buses work better with the radio on, others get horribly obnoxious and cannot handle listening to the radio. (They forget they are in a moving vehicle and think they are in some nightclub.) Depending on the bus, or my mood, I will typically give the kids a choice between certain radio stations, or simply put on the one radio station that will satisfy nearly everyone on the bus. I refuse to listen to songs or stations that play songs that have an inordinate amount of swear words where half the song is "blanked" out due to the cussing. Its not appropriate to listen to on a school bus that has kids ranging in age from 4 years old to 18 years old. Since we have all ages on the buses, I have to be careful the type of music I let the kids listen to. During the holidays, I do have a couple of holiday cd's and there is a local station that will play holiday music. Usually, regardless of what bus I am on in the month of December, if the radio works on the bus I am driving, its driver's choice. Every now and again if I have a bus that has a designated high school run, I will allow the high schoolers to choose the radio station, since by that age, most of them tend to be responsible enough to listen to it properly. Those buses often do 2-3 runs in the morning and in the afternoon due to the amount of children on the route.

I realize it could be costly, but why don't school buses have a chaperone on the bus to mind younger children? Seems unreasonable - and even dangerous - to have you mind the road AND the children.

Asked by gracie over 12 years ago

Some individual systems provide a budget to have aides on all buses, however aides are typically found on special ed buses. Occasionally a school system will make an exception to the traditional one adult per bus and hire an aide for those buses whose behavior problems have proven a need for an aide to manage while the bus driver drives. Most of the time, the kids are fairly well behaved. They usually sit down like they are supposed to and can get a little loud at times, but very rarely do I experience extreme behavior problems that would require a full time aide. Often the reason why there is no aide on all buses is because of budget issues. My system is facing 9 furlough days due to budget cuts and the money is simply not in the budget.

If a kid is just so unruly that it's more than you can handle, can you get his bus privileges revoked?

Asked by Jaime over 12 years ago

Yes, riding the buses in the USA is a privilege, not a right. We have the power to get their bus riding privilege revoked, but we have to go through the school and show a track record through write ups, warnings, parent conferences, etc, with no changes before we can actually get the privilege revoked. In my school system, the kids who get written up have a progressive consequence. First write up is a warning. Second, is 1-3 days off the bus, third is 3-5 days off the bus, fourth is 5-10 days off, and then finally off for the rest of the semester or year. Unfortunately in my system, not all principals follow the system dictated by the school board and the parents will and have gone to the school board over their child losing riding privileges even though the behavior has not changed. Its frustrating for us.

Do parents tip school bus drivers during the holidays and/or at the end of the school year, and if so how much is typical?

Asked by abter1 over 12 years ago

No. Though we do have a bus driver appreciation week and occasionally regular bus drivers will receive small gifts from their students and families at the holidays. It is not typical to find and really depends on how well the bus driver works with families. Some drivers have had their routes for 15+ years and often have developed a rapport with the families on their routes. Gifts and tips are definitely appreciated by bus drivers. I also work as a Transit driver, and I do occasionally get a tip from passengers. Again its much appreciated, but not necessary.

What do you do if you suspect a kid is being abused at home?

Asked by Cheri over 12 years ago

Yes there is. Every bus driver, teacher, principal, and other employee in the school system is a Mandated Reporter. That means if we suspect or witness child abuse, we HAVE to report it by law. Each state is different in how to report child abuse, but where I work, if we suspect a child is being abused at home, we notify the supervisor at the bus shop and the school the child attends. It then sets into motion numerous meetings between the principal, counselors, and teachers involved and often will get the child out of the abuse situation. We take abuse cases very seriously and it is sometimes very hard to prove that there is any abuse going on because many people will not abuse the child in front of us. We document everything we notice such as signs of physical abuse or neglect, and various behavior patterns. Often, if a parent is habitually not home when we drop off a young child, we will report it and take the child over to the police station because the child is lacking in supervision at home.

I assume you've seen this video of the bullied school bus monitor, but just in case: Any thoughts on this? How does something like that happen?

Asked by Marissa over 12 years ago

This was a very hard video to watch, and in fact, I could not watch it all the way through. I address this issue on my blog. However to answer your question - Kids are mean. They do not think before they speak and often will torment others just because they can. I've been bullied by the kids before because of my size, and I don't let it bother me, and turn in those that are bullying. Unfortunately the consequences for the students who bully are not severe enough to STOP the bullying. Too many excuses for poor behavior.

Hi, with all due respect I have always wondered why bus drivers appear to be so grouchy. Is it because of the lack of sleep and unruly kids? I've never met the cheery bus driver as I see on movies. Just wondering!

Asked by Strangette almost 12 years ago

Sometimes even the most seasoned bus driver isn't always cheerful in the mornings.  I do try to greet my students with a good morning, even if I'm not the most cheerful.  Yes sometimes the behavior does affect my mood, but when you think of bus drivers in movies, they're simply actors, they get paid to be all cheery.  We are doing a job that is often thankless and can be very difficult.

This is a really interesting thread, learned a ton already by reading it. My question: do you lock and unlock the emergency door from the driver's seat, or could a kid sitting in the back just open it at any time?

Asked by Hank almost 12 years ago

The emergency doors in the back of the bus (or on the side of the bus in some models) are simply opened by a red lever in the back of the bus. Any child can do it in the case of an emergency. The door is not locked. The door can be locked, however when securing your bus for the evening after you have completed your route. The newer models of buses have a simple slide latch and the latch communicates with the ignition system of the bus. If the latch is locked, the bus will not start. It ensures that the door always stays unlocked so that students can get out in the case of an emergency.

How do you deal with a bus monitor that seems to be a back seat driver?
It will slowly and then eventually swiftly build until I'm slamming my brakes on in the center of an intersection! How can a driver professionally stop the distraction?

Asked by reason about 12 years ago

That’s a tough question to answer. Ideally if you have a monitor on the bus, the monitor should not be a distraction and you should be able to work side by side with the monitor. Have you tried speaking with the monitor directly? Maybe she/he doesn’t know that what they are doing is bothering you. If you feel you cannot speak to the person directly, ask your boss for a mediation session where he/she can have the both of you in the office and you two can hash out your differences. It may be that the boss may decide to move the monitor to a different bus, and give you a new monitor for yours. Personally, I prefer to drive a bus by myself because its easier to handle all behavior problems because I can be consistent in my discipline methods. If I write a student up for behavior and my monitor doesn’t for the same behavior, it sends mixed messages to the student on how to behave. I hope you find a resolution soon!

Do bus drivers (or whoever is the head of the bus driving department) have any say in a school district's decision to close schools due to inclement weather?

Asked by Heya over 12 years ago

That's a good question - I'm not really sure how it works in other states and each individual school district has their own policies on what is considered inclement weather, but our district rarely closes for inclement weather. The one time we did, since I've been there, I think it was a combination of the transportation department and the school board deciding what was safest for the students. We had experienced some torrential rain which washed out a lot of our roads and caused some very unsafe conditions for students, so the school was closed because of the road conditions caused by the rain.

Are you responsible for cleaning your bus, or is that something the school takes care of? Either way, how often does it get done?

Asked by Mr clean over 12 years ago

In my county, yes, we are responsible for cleaning our buses inside and out. Mainly we sweep the floors and we can rinse out the inside with soap and water with a hose. The outside of the bus gets washed by a large "bus wash" - a car wash for buses. We are supposed to sweep out the buses at least once a day, but some drivers will make it a weekly thing. Many drivers will ban the kids from eating or drinking on the bus to minimize the accumulation of trash on the bus and to prevent spills from liquids. Its easy to sweep a bus clear of all dirt (which is inevitable with kids on the bus), but it is harder to clean it if it is all sticky and dirty. I don't know how other bus shops run their buses.

Was it difficult to learn how to drive a bus? How much training is involved?

Asked by boltthrower about 12 years ago

It wasn't difficult at all. Its just like driving a very very very long SUV. You do have to have good spatial awareness to know where your tail end is from your front end, but overall, it wasn't hard. As far as training, you need to have a CDL B with a passenger and school bus endorsements. The other types of training as far as hands on and classroom time vary by state. Your local bus shop should have the information you need as far as when the next class is.

What, if anything, do you think is missing from the modern-day school bus? Seat belts? Power windows? Extra supervision?

Asked by simba07 about 12 years ago

Well, things like power windows are not practical because the kids would be forever playing with them, and we don't need any more buttons to deal with. A lot of the newer buses are equipped with power mirrors, mirror defoggers/defrosters, air ride seats, and air conditioning. One thing that I would like to see is better running/back up lights on the exterior of the bus for when we have to do turn around's in the dark. Another thing that I would like to see in addition to the air ride seats, is more cushioning/comfort in the drivers seats since we are often on the road for very long hours. In an ideal world, every bus would have an aide on it to monitor and help defuse behavior problems as well, but funding is just not available.

I have a boss that thinks I should not need to stop for 5 min to use the restroom after 2 hrs of driving. This is after I have delivered students at 2 different schools, driven about 35 mi, and before I pick up more students and drive another
15 mi

Asked by avatar about 12 years ago

I think you ought to be allowed to use the bathroom should you need it, however if you are leaving students unattended on your bus, I can see your boss' problem with you using the bathroom. If it is simply a matter of you pulling the bus over in a public area at a gas station, your boss may be wanting to avoid phone calls from the "concerned public" of buses parking in places where they shouldn't. After all, the county public pays your salary right? (That was a bit of sarcasm.) One thing your boss may be concerned about is you getting students to school on time. If you only need 5 minutes to use the restroom, simply back your route up by 5 minutes so that you budget that "bathroom time" into your route.

How fast can a school bus go?

Asked by J-Bird about 12 years ago

Federal law states that a school bus can go no faster than 40 mph on route and up to 55 mph on highways. Many school buses are governed down so they cannot go faster than a certain speed. In my district, the buses WERE governed to 65 mph, but some drivers were breaking the speed limit, so we were then governed down to between 55 and 60 mph. Other districts do not govern their school buses down. If you see a bus driver acting reckless by speeding faster than 70 mph on a highway, feel free to call it in and report them.

Are there any rules about how many hours must have passed since your last alcoholic beverage before you can drive a bus? e.g. If you have to pick the kids up at 7am, can you have a drink at 11pm the night before?

Asked by ScottyB over 12 years ago

Since I do not drink by choice, I don't know if there is an unofficial "rule". Since alcohol is NOT illegal to consume, the best advice I can give is to use moderation. Bus drivers are subject to random alcohol and drug testing, so if you're concerned about it showing up, then the rule of thumb is not to do it.

Why do so many school buses have white tops now? (pic:

Asked by Sox about 12 years ago

That is a good question. I actually had to look up the answer myself as I had not remembered what they said in training class. The white top of a school bus is reportedly a measure enacted to help cool the school bus. We do not have air conditioning on buses in my district, and the white tops supposedly keep the heat down inside the bus. Some newer models have tinted windows which also try to keep the heat from entering the bus. Another reason there are white tops, and strobe lights on the top of buses, is to assist with visibility from the air and on the ground.

Which passengers are worse: kids on school buses, or adults on municipal buses?

Asked by Danielle over 12 years ago

Each job has its selection of characters. Most of the time, a majority of the behavior problems I experience comes from the kids, but we do have adults who can be quite "special" in their behavior as well. I believe that the reason why adults tend to be better behaved is because they actually WANT to ride the bus, or HAVE to ride the bus to get to work, the grocery store, the movies, wherever.

Why is the district not letting me do the wheelchair tie downs? i cant believe that they that have you guys to do it...

Asked by ronda about 12 years ago

Well, I think part of the reason they do not let you tie your wheelchair down yourself is because the driver/aide must be sure that the wheelchair is adequately secured in the bus. If the bus were to get into an accident and you were hurt because your wheelchair was not tied down properly by you, it can be a liability to the district. Also, if you are riding the bus as a passenger, the driver is still having the full responsibility of everyone on their bus.

Do you think special needs children should be on "short buses?" Seems pretty alienating.

Asked by Timmy two times over 12 years ago

Good question. The fact of the matter is, "short buses" as you put them have special factory options installed. Often seatbelts, wheelchair tie downs, and wheelchair lifts. We have to make sure that all students, regardless of disability, have an equal opportunity to attend school. I don't know the reason why these buses are often shorter than regular education buses, however, I have a theory. Alot of times, these buses have to be small enough to be able to enter a persons driveway in order to pick up a student in need. A larger regular education bus is not designed for tight turns and pick up door to door. Students have to meet us at the street/central location to board the buses in those cases. Often special education buses have a driver and an aide on the bus to handle any problem that may come up, such as a student having a seizure or an autistic child having issues with noise. These buses are also often quieter than regular education buses which help a student who is autistic as they usually cannot handle loud noise like everyone else. Hope this helps.

what do you do if a student has a bathroom emergency on the bus

Asked by jan over 11 years ago

For bathroom emergencies, it can be a tricky situation.  In my district, it is left up to the bus driver's discretion.  Usually if a route is short - the kids will be home within 1 hour - I usually tell the children to wait until they get home.  Though there have been times where a route is longer, or the child is little (pre-k) in which case I'll stop at the bus shop, or at a school and get a teacher or older student (of same gender of child) to escort the child to the bathroom.  

What should I do when the bus driver sits on kids as a punishment?

Asked by momof3 over 11 years ago

First off, a bus driver should not be laying hands or any part of body on a child unless it is necessary for intervention. For example, I had two 2nd thru 4th grade girls decide to get into it on the bus and both decided to swing punches.  I stepped in the middle and separated both girls, took one gently by the wrist and moved her from the other girl and had a lady who was riding on the bus with me sit WITH the second girl in the same seat (with the girl near the window) until we got to the girls stop.

If in fact, this bus driver is displaying questionable behavior, you can request that the bus company pull the tape to address the problem.  The bus company can view the tape and subsequently discipline the driver should there be an issue.  That being said, it may be possible that the bus driver is assigning seats for each kid and it could be perhaps that your child does not like the new rule change.  I've never heard of a driver that sits ON a child.  Hope this helps.

Is it illegal to do break check while kids are on the school bus in Ga.

Asked by Tracy over 11 years ago

Technically speaking, it is dangerous to brake check any vehicle because it will cause wear and tear on the vehicle.  In addition, brake checking while one has children on board can put them in danger and cause unintended injuries.  Sometimes I will demonstrate to children how fast a bus CAN stop because it helps them remember to stay in their seats, but over all I don't usually perform "brake checks".

On a legal standpoint, it is NOT illegal to do so, just unsafe.

this question deals with the cameras installed on newer buses. Do the cameras still work even with the bus turned off? Do they still record?

Asked by RealBuesch27 over 11 years ago

It varies from state to state, but in my district, the cameras are designed to keep running approximately 10 minutes after the bus has been turned off.  This is for safety reasons for the driver and for the kids.  It also provides enough time for the bus driver to walk the bus/sweep the bus at the end of the route.  This also is proof that the driver is doing their job by walking the bus and prevents the driver from getting in a compromising situation should a student be found on the bus after the route and the bus has been shut off.

I was living near Hampton beach in NH, one day there was construction on a bridge. It took 4 hours to get home on the bus (usually took 30 mins). The driver could have gone an alternative way (I know for a fact she was allowed to), but didn't. Why?

Asked by Axlrose13 over 11 years ago

I can't say for sure the reason why the driver did not detour, however, maybe she was unfamiliar with the area, or perhaps she had been told not to deviate from the route.  Sometimes there is no space for a bus to turn and detour and sometimes the detour areas only accommodate cars, and not buses.

I'd like to know if there are any school bus drivers who might be teachers. Also how does the bus driver handle students who behave badly on the bus? Is he or she allowed to discipline anyone?

Asked by Donny over 11 years ago

Some school bus drivers may be retired teachers.  Generally speaking, no, teachers are not school bus drivers, but paraprofessionals may choose to work as bus drivers to supplement their income too.   As for handling badly behaved students, our course of action can include many steps.  First we will typically try to manage the behavior on the bus by changing the students seat or assigning seats.  Then we try to contact the parents of the student in order to try to get the situation resolved.  If that fails then we write the students up and turn them into the schools.  From there, the administrators of the school can choose to further discipline the student by taking away bus riding privilege.  We are not allowed to physically discipline students as far as laying a hand on a student though.

I'm a SPED bus driver in VA and I'm concerned because my school division often pulls my bus monitor when they are short handed. What can I do about it, they said this is a courtsey to me not a requirement.

Asked by lizzy1125 over 11 years ago

Being shorthanded is a tough subject as many bus shops everywhere are short drivers.  Typically though whether or not SPED buses have monitors on them is based by state.  I would research the laws in Virginia and see if not having a monitor is illegal on your bus.  If it is, then I would make efforts to report the activity to the appropriate authorities.  If SPED buses are not required to have monitors on them, then my suggestion is to do the best you can with the resources you have.

I got up to ask the bus driver a question and knew I shouldn't of been up but I got up anyways and I got half way and he hit the breaks and I flew 6 feet. Is it legal to break check students like that

Asked by Denver Bell almost 11 years ago

You said it yourself.  You should not have been standing up in the first place.  Did your bus driver warn you about standing up while the bus was moving?  You also assume it was a brake check, but maybe he really did see an obstacle in the road that would have required quick decisive action.  As for the legality of it, technically no.  If the driver can be proved to have illegally "brake checked" the bus in order to get a student to sit down, then there can be trouble.  That being said:


As for your question - could it have waited until you got off at your stop?  Could it have waited until the bus driver was NOT driving, but instead sitting at your school?  Ask yourself these questions.

i have left my video game on my school bus today when we had a sub bus driver, i have called my schools and spoke to the secretary and was told that the sub had not reported finding it' i was told that there would be a new sub tomorow. what do i do?

Asked by funlunde almost 12 years ago

Well first, you did a good thing by calling the secretary of your school.  The thing I would recommend would be calling the bus shop secretary and see if it has been turned in there.  If the bus is the same, then you can look in the seat you were sitting in, and hopefully the game will still be there.  However, a likely outcome is that someone else picked up your video game and has not turned it in.  I'm sad to say that many students are not honest and you have probably lost the game. I hope you are able to recover it and get it back.  Good luck!

Do you think assigning seats is a good or bad idea?

Asked by jasonsmom almost 12 years ago

Personally, I like assigning seats because then each child knows they have a place to sit.  A downside to assigned seats is having random children that do not normally ride the route get on a bus with a pass because they are going home with a friend/cousin/to grandmas.  In my experience as a substitute, the drivers who have assigned seats on their buses tend to have calmer buses overall.  The kids are less likely to act up and the ones that try to are quickly ratted out by other students who enjoy following the rules.  Bus drivers do have the right to assign seats, and if I am on a bus and experiencing problems, I will assign seats to the children the day that I drive.  It can cause problems with parents, but if I know where their kid sits, there is no fighting whether their kid misbehaved because their child sits in the same seat every day.

is it against the law to stop bus drivers from using school restrooms

Asked by patricia over 11 years ago

I don't know if it is against the law per-say, however there have been a few times where I have needed to use a restroom.  The ideal location would be on school property where I could run in and out really quickly.  The main concern when a bus driver needs to use the restroom is the supervision of the children on the bus.  In the cases that I needed to use a bathroom, I asked a fellow bus driver or an administrator to watch the bus while I ran inside to the school to use the bathroom.  In all instances, the time spent off the bus was less than 5 minutes, just long enough to relieve myself.

Do you think that the bullying problem is getting better in the last few years? There seems to be a lot of anti-bullying media campaigns, but is any of it making a difference as far as you can see?

Asked by Tev almost 12 years ago

Honestly, if anything, I feel that the bullying problem seems to have gotten worse or at least more apparent.  There are alot of anti-bullying media campaigns out there because there is an increased awareness of the problem.  The issue now is more the bullies who blatantly bully in plain sight.  Bullying can take many forms, some obvious, and some very subtle.  The thing that has to happen in order for the bullying problem to decrease is for the consequence for bullying be something that the bullies actively dislike.  If they don't like the consequence, they will not bully as much.  The problem we have in school is that the consequences really have no effect on students that bully.  For a student who is a good student, rarely gets into trouble, a lunch detention or losing their recess is a big thing and enough of a deterrent to have them avoid getting into trouble because that student's parents are often active within the school and actively take part in their child's education.  If that student faces a consequence for misbehavior at school, it is likely that the same student will face similar consequences at home to show the student that the behavior in question will not be tolerated.  A bully or someone who is constantly in trouble for other reasons, really doesn't care much about the school consequence because when they get home, the parents may be absent or simply not care to follow it up at home.

Thats not to say that there are exceptions to that assumption, but those children who lack discipline at home will invariably be in trouble at school for misbehavior.  Some parents believe it is the school systems job to raise their child to be an upstanding citizen.

Do you get annoyed when overly-talkative kids sit at the front of the bus, and ask you questions?

Asked by rootinpootin over 11 years ago

Hiyas Rootin!

I don't mind when talkitive children sit closer to the front and ask me questions.  Sometimes, it can get a bit annoying especially when I'm trying to pay attention to driving in stressful situations, but usually a simple, "Please be quiet for a few minutes, kiddo." usually helps and then the kid does not feel like I am ignoring them.  I have many kids ask me if they can open the manual door when we are at a stop.  I usually tell them that I will let them open the door at their stops.  Some of the older students like to sit up front and chat with me and often will tell me things that are annoying them or upsetting them and ask me for advice.

I saw a school bus that parked perpendicular to the direction I was going to unload kids from the bus. I normally stop when it's parallel on a local street. Could I pass the bus if no kids crossed the direction I was going?

Asked by k.v over 11 years ago

If the bus is 30 feet from the intersection, then yes, you can continue travelling on the perpendicular road, however if the bus is closer than that and is clearly letting kids disembark from the bus, its better to be safe and stop than sorry because you ran over a child and were not looking.  Children are unpredictable and at any point can go a direction one least expects, including darting back across the street to the bus for a forgotten item.

Do bus driver's have to let kids get on the bus to go to school in the morning even if the kid doesn't ride that bus ?

Asked by Haleigh almost 12 years ago

Good question Haleigh!

That is really a question that is only answered depending on the district your school is in.  Typically speaking though, if the bus services the school, then yes, we normally let children ride in the mornings.  We know that sometimes kids end up staying with grandma, or over at a friends house, and usually try to accommodate that situation.  If the bus has to go out of district to deliver you to school, then we do have a right to refuse bus service for that reason.  Often if a bus driver is faced with an unknown face at a bus stop, either the child has a note written by a parent to present to the bus driver, or the bus driver will radio the bus shop to get clearance.  Most of the time we are able to help you out.

as i understand it, driving a school bus from apr. 6-9 am and 2-5 pm is the typical hours of the job. starting out, making about $11,000 a year. what kind of "side job" can you get that fits between the am and pm shifts running the bus? need ideas.

Asked by wespoe23 over 11 years ago

Well obviously, we don't do this job for the money by any means! Most people drive the bus to get the insurance.  In my district we usually drive from 5 am to 8 am and then from 2:30 pm to 5 pm.  Unfortunately not a lot of workplaces care to hire someone from 8-2 ish.  I marketed myself for weekends as well, and it was hard to find a second job.  Ideally a job working at a doctor office or lawyers office part time between bus routes would be perfect for someone to go to, if the  employers would work with the bus needs.  I make extra money by volunteering to take field trips.  I also got a job as a transit bus driver for nights and weekends which allowed me to expand my client base from just children.  Good luck!

I have a few newbie driver questions for you - What items do you keep on your bus (kleenex, hand sanitizer etc.)? What do you tell your students at the start of the year to get off on the right foot? What are your best tips? Thanks!

Asked by Mightynice over 11 years ago

This is a good question, and definitely one I will probably co-post on my blog.  Things I recommend for bus drivers to have on hand:

Kleenex - You can never have too many Kleenex.  Kids are always asking for a tissue.

Paper towels - Not to be confused with Kleenex, paper towels are always handy for cleaning up spills and other larger messes such as when rain comes in the leaky roof of a bus.

Hand sanitizer - more for yourself than the kids, but some drivers keep it handy for the kids as well.

Baby wipes - If you prefer baby wipes to hand sanitizer, these can serve double duty as cleansing items for the seats and surrounding areas.

Cleaning supplies - most bus barns will provide cleaning supplies for a driver to maintain general cleanliness of their bus.  This includes windex, lysol, and other antibacterial agents for cleaning the bus.

Puke powder - yes the name sounds awful but it is essential for that child that you will eventually have that vomits everywhere.

Trashcans and trash bags - again self explanatory, but if you promote a clean bus, most of the trash the children will make will find its way into the can.

Broom - A strong and sturdy broom to reach those hard to get areas, brooms also aid in killing random bugs and other pests that find their way into your bus.

Log book/folder - Your bus barn is going to ask you to handle paperwork, it is handy to have a folder to use to keep all paperwork in.  It also helps to keep a current copy of your CPR certification on hand.

Bus roster - This is majorly important if you are in an accident or if a child needs to contact their parents for whatever reason.  You need to know who is on your bus at any given time.  This goes for bus passes too - I usually keep those for about 2 weeks, then toss them.  Things in a bus roster should include the following:  Name of the student, Grade/School, Address, Emergency and Parent numbers, and any allergies or special conditions one should be aware about.  Your bus barn should provide a form for children and parents to fill out and return to you.

Route description - make sure a route description is handy on your bus for those inevitable days that you are going to be sick.  A route description is a lifesaver for sub drivers who do not know your kids.  Also, make sure a roster is attached to each route description so that the sub driver can have it available immediately in the case of an emergency.

Bus seating chart - It may be a good idea for you to assign your passengers seats.  The seat assignments are also helpful for identifying problem passengers. 

Clearly posted rules - these can help students realize what rules they are supposed to follow on the bus.  I recommend going over the rules with each group of kids that enter your bus.

Citation/write-up folder - make sure you have a folder full of blank citation/write-up sheets.  Explain to students that if they do not follow the rules they are going to get a verbal warning from you, you will talk to their parents, and then if they persist, you will write them up and turn them into the school.  Explain that there are consequences for receiving a write-up such as a change in assigned seat to one of the front seats (or a least desireable location).  I know of one bus driver that had all of her children sitting up front and left the back of the bus as no-mans-land.  There were at least 6 seats between the last group of students and the very back of the bus.  A misbehaving child was sent to sit in the last seat by himself, which wasn't viewed as a reward as there was noone around him to help him disobey.

Offer little treats and incentives - Maybe you could develop a positive behavior system on your bus.  Some bus drivers use gum as an incentive, or lollypops.  If the children behave (for the most part) all week, they get a treat on Fridays.  You may want to have them work towards a pizza party or an icecream treat.  When I drove for an after school program, I brought things like cupcakes, and on the last day of after school, I brought ice pops since it was so hot out.  The kids will appreciate these little treats.

can you drive a bus with students on bus with the door open?

Asked by kAREN over 11 years ago

No, that is illegal to do.  I will air out my bus without students on it by utilizing the door, but I will never open the door while the bus is moving and in gear with students on it.

Can a bus drivre enter your home when your not home

Asked by stressed mother about 11 years ago

Sometimes situations happen when a parent is not home to receive their child.  We typically instruct the child to knock on the door to try to find out if someone is home.  If the child cannot get someone to the door, I will usually send an older student to try to knock harder on the door because little fists don't knock very loudly.  Failing that, we will radio in to the bus yard in order to try to get a parent on the phone while we finish the route, drop all other students off and then radio back to the bus yard for advice on how to proceed.  If the student's parents are still not home, I will walk to the front door and knock, but I will not open it or enter a stranger's home.  In cases where the parents are constantly absent from the bus stop, we will actually take the children up to the police station because of the lack of parental supervision for the child.

Why would a school bus driver need to know if the child goes home on the bus or is picked up?
Is he casing my home or my kid?

he seemed to put that on a card is that to be expected?
I didn't think much of it till i got back to the house.

Asked by Steven over 11 years ago

We need to have rosters on our bus.  If we are ever in an accident or the police come on our bus, we have to be able to give them an accurate roster of who is on the bus at any given time.  Obviously, the system isn't perfect because there are several children on a bus at any given time, but its important for us to have your childs name, address, phone numbers of both parents, emergency phone numbers, and any allergies or medical conditions such as Asthma or ADHD that we need to be aware of.

I promise you, we are not casing your house or your child, but it helps the school keep track of which kids are supposed to ride buses home or getting picked up.  Some kids also only ride the bus in the mornings or in the afternoons.  It helps us keep track of how many kids are on the bus.

Why do school buses have those blindingly bright lights flashing on the roof?

Asked by Anonymous about 11 years ago

The bright flashing lights are known as strobe lights and they are on the roof of the bus for visibility reasons.  Just like a garbage truck or a street cleaner or a snow plow will have flashing lights on it, a school bus is something that requires lots of visibility due to the precious cargo we transport every day.  Our student lights will flash amber/yellow and red and our stop signs will come out and flash.  Some newer models have included strobe lights in the stop sign to increase visibility to distracted drivers.  If the light is low level or there is heavy fog, snow, or rain, the strobe light allows drivers to spot our vehicles from several feet and allow other drivers to take necessary precautions when driving in those conditions.

what happens if you get written up on a school bus

Asked by T-dog over 11 years ago

Hi T-Dog,

There are various reasons why kids get written up on the school bus, and what happens to them depends on what they did.  For a student who disrespected the bus driver, the consequence might be a warning the first time, then subsequent suspensions ranging anywhere from 1-10 days depending on the number of other write-ups the student has received.  But, for a student who may have been physically fighting on the bus, the school may opt to jump over the "warning" stage and simply go right to suspension.

In my district, the general progression of write-ups is warning, 1-3 days off, 3-5 days off, 5-7 days off, 10 days off, then permanently off for the rest of the semester/year.

how do iget something out that fell inside the dashborad

Asked by terry over 11 years ago

That would be a question for an auto mechanic.  Unfortunately I am a bus driver, but there happens to be an auto mechanic on jobstr.  Hope you get an answer.

soooo got a little question for you braaa init mate. btw i luv ur bus init fam cos its welard ting. just wonderin how much ur insurance costs intit m8.

Asked by about 11 years ago

"w. dog" - First I am not sure what you're asking because I actually read english and write in english.  Second, please feel free to resubmit your question using proper english sentences.

Our school district reduced bus drivers time by 50% going from a duel tier to single tier system. They increased the number of drivers and buses and they did not want to pay health insurance. Do you see this backfiring eventually?

Asked by lucy1 about 11 years ago

I had to look up what dual tier vs. single tier is first.  If I understand it correctly, dual tier is when school bus routes are split by grade level, for example: 1 elementary run, 1 middle school run, and 1 high school run.  There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems.  I grew up in a multi-tier system whereas when I moved and became a bus driver myself, it is now single tier.  I suppose the district is trying to save money and time by consolidating all the dual routes into single routes.  As for them not wanting to pay insurance for their employees, that is a different beast all together.  I don't see the change from dual to single backfiring, but I do see a lot of backlash over the health insurance issue, especially if you live in a state like mine which does not offer expanded medicaid under the new "Obamacare" health fiasco.  Lots of businesses are looking for ways to cut corners thanks to the aforementioned three ring circus in DC.

My kids' bus driver drops them off at an intersection that is about 200 yards from our driveway to keep from having to come further down our road. We live on a dirt road so there is no sidewalk. Can she drop them off on a road with no sidewalk?

Asked by blainewarren1 about 11 years ago

First off - is the dirt road a dead end road?  Secondly - is the dirt road a road that gets a significant amount of traffic?  I ask these questions because dirt roads can vary.  If there is not alot of traffic going down your particular dirt road, then a sidewalk is not really needed or necessary.  It won't kill kids to walk a little bit.  (For my readers, 200 yards is about 2 football fields long.)  Unless your child is in 1st grade or younger, then there is really no reason why they couldn't walk a little bit.  Chances are good the only folks who will be coming down your dirt road will be neighbors who live nearby and you likely let them walk over to the neighbors house.  Additionally, if the road is a dead end (as many dirt roads are), there may not be a place for a school bus to turn around.  If you are still concerned, you can always meet the bus in your vehicle in order to collect your children.

how do you close the doors when your shift is over?

Asked by anonymous about 11 years ago

If we are driving an older model bus with manually operated doors (the handle has to be lifted and pushed out in order for us to open the door for passengers), we simply shut the door from the outside taking care not to push it too hard to latch.  If it latches, fear not, we climb in the back door (which is usually unlocked) and let ourselves into the bus that way.  For newer models of buses that have air operated doors, there is a switch that is located above the door labled "emergency release."  We flip this switch (on the inside) into the open position and it releases all the air holding the doors closed.  We can then push the doors open and then shut them after we get off the bus.

Some drivers have to be careful because their buses will have air leaks which makes it easy to exit the bus for a period of time - opening the door by the air switch, but then when the driver returns, starts the bus, and flips the switch, the air pressure takes time to rebuild.  Those drivers will often find themselves summarily accidentally "locked" out when the doors regain pressure and close on the drivers if they are outside the bus when this occurs.  In some fleets, the doors are operated by a key accessed panel outside the door which allows the driver to open and close the door from the outside of the bus using key access.

Can a bus driver separate the kids on a bus according to gender? Don't say that there must have been a reason because we did nothing. The front half is boys and the back half is girls. I think its not right because she makes the boys sit in 3's.

Asked by Salvador over 11 years ago

Yes, many bus drivers choose to separate children by gender, sometimes they put boys on one side and girls on the other, and others will put one gender in the back and the other in the front.  The fact that the boys are 3 to a seat is an unfortunate circumstance of your gender on that bus.  There is one bus in my district who has twice as many girls as boys, and the bus is separated by gender, so the girls have to sit three to a seat while the boys have alot more space on their side.  Could the bus driver even it out a little bit by allowing students to sit in certain seats or reassigning certain areas of the bus - yes, but sometimes its just not practical, or other schools fill in the empty areas.  If any girls are sitting only one to a seat then I could see where you have an issue, but if the driver is making an effort to try to divide it somewhat evenly to give everyone a place to sit, then you don't have much of a choice.

(Follow up) They basic say he's stupid and make fun of his english which isn't perfect. But like I said, they sometimes say thank you to him when they get off the bus. They are fairly polite but can be pretty mean too. They can be nice and mean.

Asked by John about 11 years ago

Sadly, students in general tend to have a nice side and a mean side.  Its part of human nature for some people.  The thing is that some people need to be told that their mean side is not something that should be tolerated or encouraged.  If you feel strongly about this, stand up for yourself and the bus driver.  Maybe hearing from a peer that their words/actions are mean might get them to think twice.

what should I do if a high schooler told me that I will get beat up on the bus

Asked by student about 11 years ago

Hello - I deleted your duplicate question in favor of answering here.  If you have been  threatened, or feel that you have been threatened by someone, go directly to the bus driver, teacher, administrator, parent, anyone who will listen to keep you safe.  On my bus, bullying is not tolerated and it will be handled.  If you don't get someone to listen, keep telling them until something is done.

I read that you try to put a stop to bullying when you see it. But if not even teachers in a classroom can prevent certain forms of bullying, how can bus drivers be expected to deal with it when they have to drive a bus full of kids?

Asked by John about 11 years ago

We try our best to stop bullying period.  Sometimes even all we do cannot prevent bullying completely.  Some kids just end up being victims of these circumstances.  Some of the ways we can help stop bullying or at least preventing the situation on the bus would be moving the bullies to areas of the bus where the camera can pick up their actions and voices should the behavior be both physical and verbal.  Secondly, we remove the victim from the vicintity of the bully.  For example, I would have the bully sit in seat 2 or 3 where I can hear them, and have the victim sit in seat 11 or 12, far enough away from the bully.

I have bipolar and I want to drive a school bus how would that work in Georgia chatham county?

Asked by britt over 10 years ago

Usually a simple note from your doctor clearing you to drive and handle a bus full of kids is sufficient enough to pass the bus driver physical.  New state and federal laws require some drivers to provide a list of their medications at the bus driver physical.  Chatham county in Georgia uses First Student - so you may want to look into that company.  Good luck!

I am in the final stages of testing for my school bus license. I am having a problem backing up into a lane. Any suggestions? I am a good driver but this part is difficult for me. Which mirrors should I use? Thanks

Asked by Sas over 11 years ago

First, congratulations! Secondly, best advice I can give is practice.  Find an empty parking-lot and see if you can borrow an empty bus to practice pulling between the lines.  Play around with the bus a little bit to see how it handles and see how the back wheels turn in conjunction with the front ones.  When making any frontward right or left hand turn, you typically swing a bit wide (wider for right hand turns in general) due to the tail swing and rear wheels of the bus and to avoid the curb.  When backing into a lane watch your rear wheels through your side rear view mirrors.  If you are backing on the right, use the mirrors closest to the student door.  If to the left, use the mirrors just outside your drivers side window.  One of the mirrors should be trained on the "blindspot" by the rear wheels.  Identify the wheels in the mirror and pretend that the wheel is on a dime at the edge of the corner.  You want to make the wheel stay still while backing left or right.  Think about how you back your car into a parking space and apply the same principle.  As you are backing, keep an eye on your front nose so that it does not hit anything.  A good judge of the front nose would be the cross mirrors in the front of the bus.  

Finally, get a trusted friend to help you identify the dimensions of your bus by standing at the rear bumper as you sit in the drivers seat.  Have them stand at all 4 corners of the bus and at the center in back and center in front as you check your mirrors.  Also have them stand at the rear wheels so you can identify them visually.  This will help you visualize your bus all around.  Good luck!

how do you make a right turn onto a two way street, and there is a car on the left hand side at the traffic light?

Asked by bass about 11 years ago

Very carefully.  Most intersections are wide enough for us to make a turn the way we need to, sometimes though, we may have to wait until the light cycles and the intersection clears.  More often than not, if it is safe enough and we do not have the turning radius needed, we will jump the curb in order to keep hitting other vehicles.

I'm school bus driver we would like permission to use your bus driver image to the left. We are printing some sweatshirts for the drivers. Looking forward to your response soon thanks Denise

Asked by Denise about 11 years ago

Denise - I simply did a google search, and that was one of the images I found.  So, I simply used it for this profile.  Therefore since it is public property, it is not mine to give away, but since it is very common to find in general, I don't think you'll run into copyright laws. Can I get a sweatshirt? ;)

Is there a period of time between morning routes and afternoon routes when you don't have anything to do?

Asked by John about 11 years ago

All the time in my case.  Some bus yards require bus drivers to be there a full day, but in my case, we work from 5:30 am to 8 am and then again from 2:30 pm to 5 pm ish.  Obviously the times vary for each bus driver depending on their route, location, and number of children.

why do school bus drivers always wave at each other?

Asked by ANON about 11 years ago

General friendliness.  We are a special breed and we will often wave at each other just acknowledging each other.  No other reason than we just are friendly.

Thanks for responding to my request .Out of all the images of School Bus Driver my boss likes the one you are using. I have to have it redrawn Be more than happy to T's or sweat shirts with this School Bus Driver logo.Email your information thanks

Asked by Denise about 11 years ago

Awesome - You can email me at :)

What should I do if I see kids insulting my bus driver? The driver doesn't get upset by it because I don't think he hears most of it, but they make jokes about him to each other frequently. But the same kids also say thanks to him when they leave....

Asked by John about 11 years ago

I would report it to the bus driver himself.  He may want to be aware of what these students are saying to at least watch out for other students on the bus.  If you are uncomfortable with that, then you could report it to a school administrator who could bring it to the bus driver's attention.

If you lose something on the bus where would you go to find it. And what if another child has found it ?

Asked by Nicole over 10 years ago

You can ask the driver if they saw the object in question, if they have, they likely turned it into the bus shop or schools, in which case your parents would need to call up to claim it on your behalf.  If its money, its likely gone.  Unfortunately other students are not so honest.  

Is a male, 35 yr old bus driver allowed to have a beer and drive a few hours after? Would the police make him do a breathalyzer test? What might his BAC be?

Asked by Leah over 10 years ago

First, I'd be questioning his judgement for having alcohol knowing full well he is going to drive childen later.  As far as the police are concerned, if the police have reason to believe he is under the influence or a parent has called it in reporting him to be under the influence, they can subject him to a random drug screen and a breathalyzer.  I'm not sure about the BAC level as I am not a police officer nor do I drink.

Second, my policy is to avoid alcohol in any situation where I might need to be in full control of myself  especially when driving children.  I would not knowingly put my children at risk.  If this individual is consuming alcohol and then driving children, he is essentially playing with fire because while with some professions alcohol may be accepted, when driving a school bus, it is likely not accepted.

have power wash business washing buses a company contacted me and wanted a price per bus to have 160 buses interior detailed over summer do have any inside info what they pay for service thanks email

Asked by tim from pa. almost 11 years ago

No idea honestly, though a few of my friends offer bus cleaning services, inside and outside and charge approximately 50 dollars per bus.  They aren't a professional cleaning service and are just looking to make a little money on the side.  Personally, I pay for them to clean my bus because it is worth the 50 dollars to me.  Theres alot of nooks and crannies on a bus that need to be cleaned as well as with newer buses, the holes in the ceiling can't get wet, so its easier to pay someone to do it.

What does the button do on the back of the bus ?

Asked by Jefferson over 10 years ago

The button on the back wall of the bus is part of the child check safety system. Essentially whenever a bus driver returns to the bus yard or his/her home after a run where he/she has picked up students, they are supposed to do a walk through of the bus in order to ensure all students are off the bus. Newer buses require us to press the button at the back of the bus in order to stop or prevent an alarm from sounding (usually a beeping noise or the sound of the bus horn) before opening the door and exiting the bus. Failure to press the button and exiting the bus is much like breaking into a car with a car alarm. The alarm sounds and the driver is forced to walk to the back of the bus to shut it off.

if you miss your bus can you ride a late bus if you have no ride home or if you have to stay after school for a teacher can they call a late bus for the student.

Asked by CT almost 11 years ago

That would depend on your school district if they run late buses.  When I was in high school, we had 2 late buses that would serve the north and south side of town.  The idea was to get the riders of the late bus within reasonable walking distance of home (Sometimes up to 2 miles)  My late bus stop was about 3/4 of a mile from my house and a half mile from my regular stop.  I would suggest calling your local bus company and asking them if they have a late bus.

If the bus is your only means of transportation, then I would recommend going to the teacher and explaining your situation respectfully.  They may be able to work something else out for you (lunch tutoring or lunch detention) in order to accommodate you.  Good luck!

Im about to retire in september and was wanting to become a school bus driver and I understand you can only make a certain amount of money,are drivers allowed to work one part of the split shift,eitheir morning or evening,but not both.

Asked by robert almost 10 years ago

That would be left up to the district you want to work for. Many of our drivers are semi-retired and still work a full time shift. The money is low, but its an easy job. That would also be something you would have to take up with the social security office. Good luck.

how do you back a bus up in between 2 parked busses at a compound

Asked by helen almost 11 years ago

Its a matter of using the mirrors to line your bus up with the other two buses.  Keeping it in line with the other two buses, back up slowly until your bus nose is in line with the other busses.  It is fairly simple to do once you get a handle on how your bus turns and backs.  If you are unsure, I recommend going to a parking lot with white lines painted on the pavement.  Attempt to back your bus keeping it centered betweeen the two lines.  Once you can do that without running over the lines, backing your bus is a cinch.

Can a bus tip over? I have a severe fear of buses, and it's only getting worse with age.

Asked by Andrea almost 11 years ago

Andrea - Unfortunately, yes, a bus can tip over, but most accidents where the buses have tipped over are due to driver overcorrection, or outside force on the bus making it flip on its side.  Generally speaking though, buses are safe to ride in and if you have a problem, please feel free to address it with the driver of the bus.  The driver can reassure you and give you fair warning if he is going to do something unexpected like back the bus up or turn it around in a tight area.

my bus works fine with engine off and operating lift why not error on the side of safety?

Asked by luckyrose almost 11 years ago

In that case, then I would turn the bus off.  I was just stating that some buses require the bus to be started and running or the key to be turned in the on position to allow power to flow to the lift.  Some lifts will not operate without the parking brake being engaged either on some of the smaller "transit" type buses.  I would double check your company policy on this issue though.

I'm doing a speech over bus safety, and I need to know the correct term for the button or switch that a student can pull up to stop the bus incase of an accident or an emergency?

Asked by kay almost 11 years ago

Buses are equipped with an emergency or parking brake, but it can be very dangerous to pull this brake while the bus is moving as it will cause the bus to jerk to a stop and can cause an accident if used improperly.  In the case of an emergency and the bus is simply rolling low speed (under 5 mph) then the emergency brake button can be pulled in order to stop the bus.  It looks like this: 

In the case where the driver becomes incapacitated at any time while the bus is moving at speeds greater than 5 mph, you can instruct students to put the gear shift in neutral which will stop the motor from propelling the wheels.  Then instruct the student to keep a steady hand on the steering wheel guiding it to the side of the road.  Once the bus has rolled to a stop or has dropped below 5 mph, then the student can pull the parking brake to stop the bus completely.  I would not advise a student to cut off the bus engine using the keys until the bus has come to a near complete stop as the power going to the steering wheel will stop if the student cuts off the power too soon.  That can make the bus hard to maneuver in an emergency.

Most bus companies have CB radios to use in the case of an emergency.  Instruct students on how to access the radio and how to call for help in an emergency.

how do i convince my friends bus driver to let me ride their bus.

Asked by CT almost 11 years ago

Get a bus pass from the office.  You need to bring a signed note from your parent or guardian to the office and they will issue you a bus pass (usually only good for one day).  Trying to skip around on buses is not advised and in some districts can get you removed from riding the bus.

I'm a senior in high school and I used to ride the bus and every time I did the bus would be hot even when it's 77 degrees and and higher. now my question is why is the heat always on when they don't need it

Asked by Alec almost 11 years ago

Hi Alec!

First off - if you notice that the heater in the back is blowing, please let the bus driver know.  Their arm may have inadvertently hit the button on the control panel which controls the heat blower.  Secondly, most of the time if a driver gets too hot they turn the heat off under the hood or up in the drivers compartment by flipping a lever to stop the heat flow.  Third, when you put 40-60 bodies in a small area, its going to be a little hot and uncomfortable.  If the driver has air conditioning, they will put it on, but if there is no air conditioning, simply open a few windows  on each side all the way down both sides of the bus and there will be a cross breeze that comes through which will cool off some of the interior of the bus.

There may be other reasons why the heat is needed on certain days, but most of that is due to the defrosting of the windshields and visibility.  Bottom line is - if you're hot, let the bus driver know so they can adjust accordingly.  If they don't, then simply relocate your seat away from the seats where the heaters are.

What do you do if you write a kids name down?

Asked by AA almost 11 years ago

Depends on the reason for writing the name down.  Sometimes I may ask a child for their name and write it down as a note to myself to let the office know I have them still on the bus if they missed their stop.  Sometimes, it may be that we need their name to look up their address in the computer system, or find a working parent/guardian number to contact.  Finally, I may write a child's name down in order to write them up for misbehavior.  Not everything leads to misbehavior and a citation, but for other reasons.  

When I had an after school route - I had my students names on one sheet as well as their stops listed, in order of drop off.  When they got on the bus, I would ask their name (if I hadn't already learned it) and would check off that they were on the bus.  It helped me keep track of the number of students who rode and which way I needed to drive in order to drop them off efficiently and quickly.

Hello. Are School Bus Drivers allowed to take their bus home after work To save on fuel? How does that work.


Asked by Nathan Bishop over 10 years ago

It depends on your individual district.  Some districts forbid taking a bus to a personal residence and others allow for the drivers to take their buses home.  In my experience, the bus drivers are allowed to take their buses home, but if their buses are needed for inspection or whatever, then we have to find a ride home, or take a spare home until we get our regular buses back.

Personally, I don't take my bus home because I simply have no place to park the vehicle.  Of course, the stipulations are that if they give you the privilege of taking the bus home, that you will not abuse that privilege and make sure that you do not use the bus for personal reasons like grocery shopping etc.  Additionally, you agree to keep it safe from vandals, and to ensure that just like your regular car that you make sure you secure it.

Even though I don't take my bus home, I would need to clear it occasionally with my supervisor for me to take my bus to my second job since it usually started right after my bus driving job. After I got off for a break, I would run the bus back to the shop, secure the gate, and get my own personal vehicle. 

My 11 year old daughter came home from school yesterday and said that the bus driver told them that MI law states that if children get picked up first they are to be dropped off first as well. Is this true?

Asked by Deborah over 10 years ago

As far as I know there is no law that requires that to happen, however, each district has its own policies on how routes are set up and run.  Sometimes the bus shop dictates how a route goes and other times it is up to the drivers discretion.  Personally, I believe that every few years routes need to be revamped and revised and it is best left up to the bus drivers who are driving the routes.  The drivers know the number of students that are at each stop and can better determine if a route has a more logical way of being done.  

Here in my county, due to some of the distance, the first ones on are often the last ones off as the afternoon route is run backwards from the morning route.  For my own route, prior to going to a double run, I ran my route one way and the afternoon route was identical to the morning route.  Now, since I have 78 kids listed on my roster and only a 72 passenger bus, mornings have stayed the same as I have less kids in the morning than in the afternoon, but my afternoon run has been split 2 ways.  I still get done at the same time every day, but some of my kids who had been getting home at about 3:45 are now only getting home at 4 pm, and those of my kids who were getting off at 4:10 pm are now getting off at 3:40 pm because of the logistical change.

when using a wheel chair lift with a full bus of kids do you leave engine running while getting off bus?

Asked by lucky almost 11 years ago

In order for the lift to operate, there has to be some power to the bus.  I do not know if the bus just needs to be in the "on" position or fully running for the lift to work, but usually since on special needs buses there is more than one person on the bus (driver and aide) it is usually safe to leave the bus running while picking up and dropping off a student since there are several adults around to handle situations.

Is it difficult to remember your route, or they make it pretty simple to let you know where all the stops are?

Asked by Yvonne about 10 years ago

Its fairly easy once you get the hang of it. For a regular driver, the route does not usually change day-to-day with the exception of when the driver gets new kids on the route or kids move off the route making it unnecessary to drive into a certain section of their designated route boundary area. An example of this is if you have a child who lives at the end of a long dead end road who doesn't ride anymore, then the route would change in that you would not go down that road in the future. As a substitute, there are route descriptions that most bus shops will provide their drivers so that they may be able to follow it in order to pick up or drop off students.

I found as a sub, the easiest way to learn a route and remember it was to have a child tell you how the route runs. You eventually learn the stops on each bus route and create a mental map in your head.

I asked you a question about leaving bus running in reverse or with a full bus of children and you said use aide or helper I have nobody to help. I am alone help comes later I walk kids in to school alone. I thought this was a wac or state law.

Asked by luckyrose almost 11 years ago

In my district, special needs buses have to have two people on board, the driver and the aide.  I was speaking only from personal experience.  I've also had other bus drivers help me and I help them as well on checking the reverse and rear lights.  Here in my district, we do not get off our buses to walk students into school.  The only time we are to be off our buses with students on board is to operate the lift.  Thats why special needs buses will have an aide and a driver on board in order to help manage the situation.

Im in ny and I wanna know is it legal for a bus driver to buckle up certain children on the bus and when they say it is too tight she won't loosen it? It's only my 2 children she does this to.

Asked by Nikki almost 10 years ago

If the buses are equipped with seatbelts and the children can fasten them themselves, then we make them fasten their seatbelt. If they need help, we help them. We do adjust according to child size and needs. If in fact the belt is too tight, then you can probably speak to her supervisor, but chances are probably good that the seatbelts are properly adjusted so that the children cannot turn around in the seat or sit sideways. Similar to how a car is set up. Many buses have simple lap belts but more buses are going to the 3 point shoulder harness model similar to what you see in todays standard automobiles. Those, like the seatbelts in a car, are automatically adjusted. If the belts are leaving marks on your children then they are too tight, however, consider this... if the bus is in a roll over accident... would you rather your children slip out of an improperly adjusted belt and snap their necks or be fully secured to the seat minimizing injury.

Why do bus monitor check understand buses

Asked by alias almost 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you are asking with this question. Please resubmit your question.

Hi Im 53 and just looking into being a school bus driver
I'm a barber on the weekends.
Can I make a living doing this?

Asked by Gary over 10 years ago

Well if you like to cut hair then of course you can make a living doing that.  All kidding aside, driving a bus depends on your area.  In my area, the pay is low, so many drivers supplement their pay with other jobs between driving the bus.  Most people get the bus driving job in order to get reliable health insurance.

I began driving a school bus just a month ago. Today was 87 degrees so I opened all my windows so the children would not bake.
Another driver warned that police will write a ticket if the windows are down past the black half-way line. Is this true?

Asked by jeff almost 11 years ago

I am not sure if there are particular state or county laws where you live that govern the height of a window on a bus that is down.  I suggest you check with your CDL trainer and boss at your bus shop yard.  They can better advise you.  My personal policy is to let the children let down the windows if they are hot.  If the windows are not down, it is the children's personal choice not to let the windows down.  If I have little ones, I have an older child help put those windows down in order to make the little ones more comfortable.

What will happen if I get written up for the first tin?. Will the bus driver call my parents? Is it just a warning?

Asked by Emily over 9 years ago

Depends on what you did and how the school handles the disciplinary form. If you talk with the bus driver respectfully and ask the driver what you can do to avoid getting in trouble then you may be able to avoid the situation and fix it.

Hello. I want to be a school bus driver when I grow up. The thing I am stressing out about is vision and hearing. Half of my family wears glasses to. Thanks, and is the bus driving test hard?

Asked by Carter over 10 years ago

Don't worry too much about the hearing and vision testing.  If you wear glasses regularly to drive, just wear those.  I wear glasses all the time and so do several of my friends who are bus drivers.  Also the test is only as hard as you make it.  Study up and you should pass it no problem.  Good luck!

M son is consistently bad on the school bus(7 yrs). The principle stated he is being disruptive, getting out of his seat and not listening to the driver. We're notified 3-4 days after. We will try anything to get him to behave. Recommendations?

Asked by Frustrated Parent over 10 years ago

Dear Frustrated,

I'm sorry to read that you are having difficulties with your son on the bus. Seven is a challenging age because their attention span has not developed fully and they can be a little rowdy without intentionally misbehaving. First, I would identify the behavior that is being mentioned. Second, ask if the principal has seen a video tape of the bus ride. More often, if there is a miss communication, a video tape can speak volumes as to the actual situation. Third, identify positive behavior rewards for your son. (Example to follow) Fourth, speak with the bus driver directly. Ask if there is a seating arrangement that might put your son in the direct line of sight of the bus driver but close enough to the front so that your son might feel he needs to behave. Implement identified rewards both at home AND on the bus for positive bus behavior. Finally, talk to your son and listen to what he has to say about the situation. He may have a different perspective.

Example: I have 4 pre-k kids on the bus this year and I bought coloring books, crayons, and coloring tablets (plastic clipboard things). Every day they get on the bus in the afternoons (mornings aren't an issue as they are quiet and usually sleepy) they get their choice of coloring pages and crayons. It keeps them busy and occupied while they are riding the bus. When they get off the bus, if they have sat and behaved, they get a sticker. Some of my older kids love the coloring pages too and ask for them. Maybe something like this might help your son to behave. I also allow electronic devices on my bus so ipods, cell phones, pocket games. It keeps my kids occupied so that I don't have to get onto them as much. I hope this helps. Good luck and feel free to email me at with a followup.

Can a bus driver refuse a child that was assigned to there bus that is required to carry a epi pen? Can they also refuse transport this child. In the event of emergency with this child can they use there union right to refuse transport and medical at

Asked by amber over 10 years ago

Tough questions.  Legally, if a child is having an issue such as an allergic reaction and the child has an epi-pen on themselves, we are trained to help the child administer the epi-pen to themselves (in the form of putting their hand around the epi-pen and guiding it to the right spot so that the medicine is delivered appropriately).  That being said, if your child has a severe enough allergy that the bus driver is simply not comfortable with handling it (as can be the case with severe bee sting or peanut allergies) the driver does have the discretion to advise you to seek other types of transportation.  They can go to their supervisors and try to work with you to find alternate modes of transportation for your child.  It may be that the child needs to be on a special education bus.  As it is, I have a child who is a diabetic on my bus (also a very common issue) and I am in the process of speaking to qualified nurses and doctors on the best way to help this child should their sugar drop.  I advise you to take it to the bus garage and see what they say.

I was taught never to leave bus engine running get out of bus with bus in reverse gear and check back up lights but my new boss is demanding I do so with only parking brake set on short bus. This seems like a safety hazard to me. I thought this was

Asked by lucky almost 11 years ago

That is true, you shouldnt put the bus in reverse and get out and walk behind.  If you have an aide, have them walk behind the bus while you control the bus in order to test the back up lights.  If you're alone, then I would either ask one of my co-workers to check or get a pvc pipe so that you can wedge it between the seat and brake pedal (with the parking brake set of course) and instead of getting out of the bus you can simply walk down the aisle inside the bus and peek out the back door to see if the lights seem to be functioning properly.    I would not do what your boss is suggesting as that puts yours and others safety at risk.

Does a bus driver have the right to put their hands on a child

Asked by jessica almost 10 years ago

That depends on the situation at hand. As a rule of thumb, I don't put my hands on any of the children on my bus because of the liability issues surrounding that. If a child offers a hug, I will sideways hug or simply reach my hand up and pat them on the side of the head ensuring that minimal body contact happens. That being said, if there is a safety issue and the children are at risk of being injured or killed (an example of this would be if a vehicle is choosing to ignore our stop signs and warning lights for loading and unloading children) I will put my arm out to stop a child or pull them back from harms way. Not in any malicious intent, but only to watch out for their well being.

Do you think that bus drivers should let the little kids go under the seat? My driver does and its stupid.

Asked by Amanda over 10 years ago

All of my kids know to sit properly in their seats.  If one decides to go under the seat they get a front seat for a period of time until they learn that they must sit down properly.  If your driver is allowing it, you should report it to the principal of your school or the transportation department for the safety of the other students on the bus.

The bus picks up my 6&4 year old every morning by pulling up my drive way and turning around but dropping them off won't and I was running late and he dropped them off at main road and left them to walk a block luckily I was pulling up what can I do?

Asked by Leslie about 9 years ago

You can call the individual bus yard for your school district to check to see what the policy is on stops. I will usually make a stop in front of a child's house with the exception of a few of my stops. One stop is down at a dead end and there is no turn around spot for me, so the children have to meet me at the nearest intersection. The other few times is during my first run, I give certain older kids the opportunity to get off at a stop and walk to their homes, though on the second round I often pass by their homes directly.

I am currently taking my course to receive my school bus license. I am 26 years old and I am afraid the children (especially teenagers) will not take me seriously because I look young. Any advice for a new/young bus driver?

Asked by Tamy over 10 years ago

I was actually between 24 and 25 when I started driving a bus. Just be consistent with the kids. Try to remember that they will be kids. They will turn around and kneel up and probably not sit down so that you feel like a broken record when you drive, but eventually they will learn to respect you and the way you do things if you are consistent and fair. If you expect one thing from one kid make sure that you expect the same from the other kids. In other words, its not fair if you are constantly telling one child to sit more than the others, or are singling that child out for the front seat.

Another thing, learn to let things go. You will have bad days and days where you want to pull your hair out, but the important thing is to remember not to let it get to you. If it is getting to you, make a positive change. Take a half day off and allow yourself to clear your mind. Finally, unless there is blood shed, its best to handle things diplomatically working your way up the ladder discipline wise. In example, start with the kids, relocate them to certain seats. Then move up to contacting parents, and finally contact of school administrators. My simple rules are as follows - Inside voices, quiet at the railroad, stay in your seat, no eating (water is okay), no fighting/bullying/watch your language. Some days they can be rowdy, but they listen, and respect my rules.

Good luck!

when the bus is not in does the camera roll

Asked by nar almost 10 years ago

The camera will roll anywhere from 5-15 minutes after the bus is shut down, and then the camera will stop rolling.

Follow up to the bus driver video taping my child. Are parents allowed to request to view the bus recording for the day in question. Was told there was nothing on the surveillance tape yet they informed us they had a talk with the driver anyways. Thx

Asked by Learjet60xr about 10 years ago

In my particular area, whether a parent views a surveillance tape is left up to the school. Due to legalities involved in the privacy of other children on the bus, my workplace does not allow parents to view videotapes, but if individual schools make that choice, then that is on those schools. As inevitably happens with kids on the bus, if a parent views the tape, they tend to focus on children other than their own. This is why we choose not to let parents view the videotapes. You are more than welcome to ask, the worst they can say is no.

My bus driver told be she was going to write me up. All because I told her she should put on her seat belt, and to stop texting and driving. She yelled at me for no reason as well. Am I going to get in trouble for doing the right thing?

Asked by Michael. about 10 years ago

If she is texting and driving and being unsafe on the bus, you do need to report it. If she threatens you with a write up if you do report it, then she needs to be reported. You shouldn't be worried about retaliation from the school for reporting her unprofessional behavior.

Hello. After school can bus drivers take a kid to the bus parking area to help clean and such? Also when I grow up can I get the same bus androute my bus driver had or has?

Asked by Carter over 10 years ago

Hi Carter,

Technically, no, the bus driver cannot take a kid to the bus parking area to help clean up unless there was a good reason and it was previously approved by the school and the parents.  That situation would be if the kid had vandalized the seats or bus in any way and was cleaning the bus instead of having his/her parents pay for the damage.  As far as getting the same bus and route your driver is currently on, depending on your area bus shop will depend on how they run things.  Where I live, all the drivers keep their same routes and buses unless new buses come in and those are given out yearly.  In other areas, the drivers have to bid on the routes and buses they use.  It really depends on where you live.  Also buses are typically put out of service after a certain mileage for the safety of the students.

what do i need to do to become a bus monitor

Asked by spicy almost 11 years ago

Depending on your district will depend on the procedure for applying for a job.  In my district, applicants submit their applications to the local board of education.  The process begins there.  I suggest you go to your local board of education.  They will be able to give you the necessary direction in which to go to apply to be a bus driver or monitor.

Yes im a obi for school bus drivers are you allowed to drive a bus with your temps With a driver who is not an obi certified?

Asked by carol about 10 years ago

I'm not sure what an OBI is exactly. Assuming it is similar to a driver trainer, if a driver has their temporary CDL-B license, then I would think it would be illegal for them to drive a bus without someone who is a certified trainer.

How likely is it that a school bus driver could have a minor accident and not realize it? Some particulars...engine noise, noisy kids and a chaotic intersection.

Asked by Longtime driver over 10 years ago

It is probable, but most drivers know the dimensions of their buses really well.  Occasionally some have clipped stop signs or other road signs, and still a few have inadvertently backed into trees, but because it was at such a low speed there was not a definite "impact" other than a scraping sound down the side of the bus.  There have been times where I have backed into fences or run over fences and not realized it until daylight.  We had a driver who hit a couple mailboxes the other day, but the wood around the mailboxes was so rotten that any good gust of wind probably would have blown it over.  We're human and make mistakes.  The important thing is not to dwell on these mistakes and just move on.

My mother in law is a bus driver for the same company for 30 years and she used to take her bus home for the school year, now the bus company is saying because of home land security they aren't allowing them this true.

Asked by Darnell over 10 years ago

Not sure about homeland security, but often bus companies will forbid drivers to take their buses home as a measure of protection for the vehicles.  If there was vandalism in the last few years or issues regarding misuse of buses such as people using them for personal errands wasting the fuel paid for by the city/county, then the bus company has a right to protect their investment.  Buses are not cheap!   Most drivers do take their buses home because it saves on fuel expense if they live on the route directly.

Is the bus driver allowed to let a parent on the bus in a time of conflict?

Asked by Young almost 9 years ago

Short answer - no. Long answer - yes with a but. If the parent is causing the conflict or there is an imminent danger to children the bus driver has a duty to call back up to help solve any major conflict. If the parent is looking to help a bus driver who has been assaulted, then okay but as long as it is not a revenge tactic. If its an emergency such as the child is choking or otherwise injured, then exceptions to that rule is warranted.

Is it illegal for a school bus driver to drop a child off 5 blocks from home in the winter in Canada ? She is only 5 years old.. Also 10 weeks ago another child who lives next door to me was hit by a truck in Medicine Hat alberta she is also 5 year

Asked by Jeremy foxx about 10 years ago

First off, the child is 5 years old and has been walking 5 blocks all this time and you didn't think to question it until now in the middle of winter? Secondly routes are usually set by the individual bus company. As far as legality, our state suggestion is that students bus stops can be anywhere from a quarter to a full mile length from their homes or closer if necessary. Sometimes though adjustments to the routes must be made to accommodate road closures.

Why dont bus drivers have a door on their side ?

Asked by Rolando Mota over 10 years ago

I'm not really sure exactly. I know on smaller buses (20 passenger) the driver has a door on both theirs and passengers sides because of the design of the bus. For larger buses, its only feasible to have a door on one side for all entering and exiting the bus. Interesting fun fact, that in any accident, the drivers side window and both front windows (as well as most any other window in the bus) can be kicked out to aid in evacuation procedures if such procedures are warranted)* * I don't advise you getting on a random bus and kicking out the windows without a warranted cause. That may get you arrested and charged with vandalism. Plus the other folks look at you like you are crazy.

does school bus drivers have to do a dot physical?

Asked by britt wise over 10 years ago

Yes.  In my district we have to pass a yearly physical by a DOT certified doctor.  They aren't anything too bad, mostly just a general physical and then questions about history and medications.  The DOT is cracking down on people with CDL licenses (both Class A and B) and are requiring some drivers to go through additional testing.  This may be anything from an extra eye exam if you wear glasses to a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea.  

can you be a monitor and work your way up to be a bus driver? thanks

Asked by Britt almost 11 years ago

There are many ways of starting out in a bus company and being a monitor is a good way to decide if you like the job before you decide to go to the training to become a bus driver.  Since becoming a bus driver requires a CDL-B license, many bus companies offer training and assistance with getting the license, though much of the responsibility falls on you as the trainee.  In this way, just being a monitor for several years does not qualify you to "move up" to be a bus driver as the requirements for the position vary.  However, if you want to start as a monitor and get your CDL license, then I am sure any bus shop would love to have you on as an employee.

So today I threw something on the bus , and it landed close to the bus driver . So he stop the bus and called in the radio and asked who threw it and I said it was me , what will happen to me ?

Asked by What will happen to me ? over 9 years ago

Did you apologize for throwing something? If so, its likely the driver probably accepted your apology, no harm no foul. If he said he was going to write you up, then you will have to accept the consequences that the school gives you for throwing something you shouldn't have. If you want to really impress the bus driver and let him know you are really sorry for what you did, you can simply write him an apology letter and hand it to him tomorrow when you board the bus. If you don't feel like writing an apology, then simply saying you're sorry to the bus driver will make all the difference in the world. My bus kids know that its easier to be up front and honest with me and that its likely they will only get a verbal warning for their behavior. Good luck.

Does anyone know what the law is about not having heat on a school bus?

Asked by jhp over 10 years ago

I don't know if there is a law or not. Most, if not all, school buses come equipped with heaters. Not every bus has an air conditioner, but a heater is fairly standard. Occasionally, as with other mechanical items on a bus, the heater may break down. This is usually unexpected and not preventable. It makes for a very cold bus ride in the mornings during the winter months if a heater breaks. Most of the time its fixable or if it needs further service, the bus companies will often swap buses out for a fully functioning bus. Also, as I told the kids who got on my bus in short sleeves and shivering this morning while holding their jacket in their arms... a jacket works better when its ON!

When I applied for a bus driver position I put that I was wreck free for the past three years but it actually falls off in a few months. I will let them know but Could still get a bus driver position or does this factor me out?

Asked by Kayla about 10 years ago

If you lied on your application (or stretched the truth) they will still be able to see it on your DMV record if it was recorded on your license. Depending on who was at fault will determine whether they will hire you or not. If you were not up front and honest with them in the first place, they probably won't hire you. Had you spoken to the transportation director and explained that the wreck you were in was a few years ago and gave them details, then they might be willing to work with you. Good luck.

Whats the fastest and easiest way to assign seats on high school only route? School just started, lots of high school students and its hot so I dont want to have them sitting inside the bus for long. Its too hot.

Asked by Edwin(texas) over 10 years ago

Let them choose their seats, if there is a problem with them, then assign specific ones seats closer to the front where you can manage them.  You'll find that several of the kids will sit with the same people every day and that they will usually have a preferred area of the bus.  I have elementary, middle, and highschool on my bus so I separate the bus by sections.  It gives the kids autonomy of choice when deciding where to sit.  Alternately you could ask them to decide amongst themselves where they are going to sit, or at the very least whom they would like to sit near/next to.  In that case, I would hand out index cards and then once names are written on each card, hand one student tape to put the name cards above the seats.  At any rate, highschoolers like the autonomy of choice, so unless they give you a reason to assign them a seat, let them sort it out.

How can I ask my bus driver out on a date with me? He's my Uni's shuttle bus driver. I know he knows I exist because I am a regular passenger. Is it acceptable to ask, despite him being the uni bus driver and I am the student?

Asked by L.Saes over 10 years ago

This is kind of a slippery slope for bus drivers.  It is probably best to maintain the professionalism and not get personal.  Thats not to say if you see him out and about in a place other than the bus, that you can't strike up a conversation with him, but in my opinion best to keep those conversations for interactions outside his professional job.

My 6yr old told us his bus driver video taped him getting off the bus. Very well behaved boy, never been any issues with him or others his age. I'm positive it wasn't to record bad behavior. Driver very friendly, son said it was uncomfortable. Legal?

Asked by Frank about 10 years ago

First off, is this a school sanctioned thing? For example, is the bus driver recording students in order to put together a "school bus safety" video for the district. If so, then notices should have been sent around to all parents of the children involved. As it is the only LEGAL camera on the bus is the one that is hooked up to the bus monitoring system. Occasionally, I might take photographs of certain kids, but that's because I know their parents and will text them a goofy picture of their kid. Usually it is co-workers children. At any rate, I would seriously question why this driver is videotaping your child getting on and off the bus, or if maybe there was a miscommunication and the driver was referring to the overhead cameras in a bus lecture which are pointed at the students getting on and off the bus and sitting in the seats.

I do have responsible high school kids on my bus that I could of send to get water. luckily one of the student had a water bottle. My question is what if I had no water supervisor says no don't pull over. Child passes out. Who does the blame fall on

Asked by cali over 9 years ago

The blame falls on the school district in my opinion. Heat is not something you want to play around with especially around children. If you're hot, imagine the ones who can't speak up for themselves or the little ones who get overheated really quickly. That's why even if my supervisor says no to stopping at a store to get water for the child that is obviously in distress, I would still do so because that child is depending on me to help them and my first responsibility is to the children in my care on the bus. Case in point - I have a diabetic child on my bus. Even though she has not shown any signs of distress or problems managing her diabetes, I always keep a water bottle and some easily dissolved sugar on the bus just in case she has a crisis. Maybe you could keep some water bottles or something on the bus to help manage a situation like that before it gets to be a problem? Finally, if they try to blame you for the child's distress (as some parents will), your best course of action is to take the situation above your supervisor if your supervisor is unsupportive.

Can I take my own children on my route instead of having to find alternate childcare?

Asked by SusanB over 9 years ago

That would depend on your local bus company. Different companies have different policies. In my district, as long as the children are school age, they are allowed to ride our buses. It also will depend on which schools you end up serving as to where your children can attend school within the district. Your best bet is to call the bus shop and speak to the supervisor on the bus shop's policy on the matter.

Hello. Is the pre-trip inspection hard? Right now, I'm not very mechanic. So, I've heard you need to check the lights, simple, but what about all the other stuff? And when should bus drivers start to wake up and go to bed?

Asked by Carter. over 10 years ago

The pre-trip inspections vary from state to state and bus shop to bus shop, but overall, they aren't all that hard to follow.  In my district, our pre-trip inspections are basically ensuring all the lights work, the horn works, the stop arm and the stop sign come out, emergency buzzers are active and working as well as the door functional. Any mechanical issue is usually discovered either in the fuel line or when the bus stops working for some reason.  Since we don't fuel our own buses, the mechanics do it, they check the fluids and all under the hood for us.  

As far as going to bed and waking up, that will depend on your individual route and district.  For mine, I don't have a set bedtime or anything like that, but my route starts at 6:35 am every morning so I have to plan to be up and out the door by 6:10-6:15 every morning.  I usually wake up at 5:45 ish (start to wake up/alarm goes off at 5:30), in the shower by 5:50, and out the door by 6:20. It only takes me a few minutes to drive to work, so I'm on the bus yard by 6:25 and on my bus and enroute by 6:30 to my first stop.

I take my road test next week and will be given my own route immediately upon passing it. As a new driver, are there any mistakes that newbie bus drivers commonly make that I should try and watch out for?

Asked by Stephanie E. almost 10 years ago

Be firm but fair. Don't let them see your weaknesses, but also realize that they are kids and will make mistakes. Try to listen to the kids. Calm bus driver = calm bus kids = easy time for all. Good luck!

I am a school bus driver. I have an unruly student who is videotaping and taking pictures of me and other students. I don't like it and the students don't either. What can I do? Can I take his Ipod from him?

Asked by flewggle about 10 years ago

I would check to see what your district policy is on electronics on school property. In my district, electronics such as cellphones or music players or the like are not allowed primarily in school or on school property which includes the school bus. As for me, I allow these things unless they start to cause a nuisance between the kids, in which case I usually will warn the child with the offending device and warn of the consequences (confiscation and a parental phone call) Most of the time the kids will tone it down and behave. Have you tried warning this child of the consequences for his behavior? Finally, you can get the back up of your supervisor in order to help manage this.

can a bus driver ask for your name and phone number legally?

Asked by Caleb about 10 years ago

If it is done in the manner of asking for student information, then yes. We need to know how to contact people in the case of an emergency. However, if this is a driver asking for your phone number just to call or text, then that is kind of weird. I will often ask a student their name if I am not entirely certain of their name.

Hi! I'm Jenna I'm in 8th grade and about to move to another town. I am really worried about getting on the bus and looking lost and weird if that bus has assigned seating will the bus driver tell me where to sit or will I just have to find empty seat

Asked by Jenna over 10 years ago

Hi Jenna!

Moving can be scary, but just a few tips for when you get on the bus in your new town.  Ask the bus driver if they have a place for you to sit.  If the driver says sit anywhere or sit in x section, you can either go down the aisle and ask another kid if you can sit with them or find an empty seat depending on where you are in the route.  Sometimes as a driver I have some kids raise their hands so I can tell a new kid to sit with someone I know is going to be friendly and welcome them.  If the driver has assigned seating, they will probably tell you where to sit.

Finally if you're still nervous, have your parent or guardian call and speak to the bus driver before you get on the bus.  I have lots of parents calling me asking me questions about my bus, and to get a time for their children to be at their designated bus stop.  Good luck!

How many feet off the school bus does the cameras pick up sound?

Asked by Angelina about 10 years ago

It depends on the type of system, but most sound systems on a bus pick up surrounding noise, but the best noise happens about 4-6 feet surrounding the microphone.

If you see a bus drive do something that you feel isn't safe with the kids on the bus, what should you do? (IE- turning in traffic on busy road when it's not their turn to go).

Asked by Kaskitowa about 10 years ago

Call it in to the authorities, or to the local bus shop/school district labeled on the outside of the school bus. Sometimes drivers do get distracted and make poor decisions. They still need to be notified so that they can adjust their driving style. There have been a few times where I have not made the best decision and pulled out inadvertently in front of someone on a blind corner, but we are human and all make mistakes. I would rather someone come to me and tell me that I need to watch how I drive than to endanger children anymore than necessary.

Do old school busses in the school bus depots have their cameras rolling all day year round ?

Asked by Shane over 10 years ago

A school buses camera is usually only active when the bus is switched in the "on" position.  The only exception to this is when a bus is switched off after a period of time.  Our camera systems are designed to run for about 10-15 minutes after the bus is officially "off." This is so that it can be shown that we do our walk throughs to check the bus for any sleeping child and also prevents a bus driver from turning off the bus just to yell or swear at children off camera.  If they have to wait 15 minutes the boss man knows something is up.  As for any other security cameras that may be around the bus depots, I'm not sure, but some depots do have security cameras on the building and in the parking lot to ensure protection.

If my child bus got into a car accident and didn't notify me of it, is it illegal in the state of tx

Asked by Katie about 9 years ago

Far as I can tell the notifications are left up to individual bus companies. I would assume it is based on severity of accident. If the bus was involved in a minor fender bender where no children are hurt, it is likely they will be either transferred to another bus and then delivered home or to school, or the bus is undamaged so it is able to deliver a student to and from school. You should review your individual school system policies to see what their protocol is on notifying parents of bus accidents.

I have a couple questions about retarders on the school buses? Are they allowed in all states? Are they required? When were they first introduced? Why were they put on buses in the first place?

Asked by Belinda about 10 years ago

I'm not sure of the legalities associated with retarders or governors on buses, however I do know that the federal speedlimit for buses is 55 mph maximum. Various states and counties may have their own rules, but as for ours, we are pre-set to 55-59 mph maximum speed. This is to keep the children safe as well as drivers.

My 5 year old son and nephew both on the same bus claim they were pushed into their seat. I have asked for the bus driver to be changed to another route but it fell of def ears, What can I do? My nephew does not want to get on the bus anymore.

Asked by margaritaq over 10 years ago

First, you need to establish who was pushing your son and nephew.  If it was the bus driver, ask the school and bus shop to pull the video tape.  Most buses have video recording systems now in order to prevent situations like this.  If it is shown on the tape then you have the right to request disciplinary action.  If the action done is not suitable or the problem re-occurs, then you have the right to take it to the superintendents office.  However keep in mind that you're only hearing one side to the story.  The tape tells the whole story and will either clear the driver or make it clear the driver is in trouble.

Can a bus school bus driver make a student sweep the floor legally.

Asked by Bo almost 9 years ago

Legally speaking, probably not. However did the child do something that would warrant a need to clean up the bus? If so, such consequences should be discussed with the parent before hand unless the school opts to handle it that way. For example, a kid who has a chronic problem of not throwing away his trash may be asked to clean the bus in lieu of a harsher punishment like In School Suspension or Detention. My bus kids always like to help pick up the bus and I do have a couple of them who like to sweep up.

When working for a bus contractor and a driver backs into a arbor and knocks it down and breaks flowers pots. Who is responsibiliity is it to pay to replace it

Asked by Bill Edwards almost 9 years ago

If the driver backed into the arbor, knocked it down, and broke something then it should be up to the bus company to pay for a reasonable replacement of items broken or damaged. Accidents happen, and things should be fixed. I once backed into a yard and over a low fence (fence was largely decorative and only outlined parts of the driveway). I didn't think I had damaged anything but my boss got a call from the homeowners. Though I took responsibility, my boss just went and got the items needed to simply repair the damage (a post and one small piece of fence) It took all of 10 minutes to make the repair as it was a simple accident and not malicious in any way.

We were about to go out to our bus stop, but, the bus driver sped by being about 7-10 minutes early. Aren't the bus drivers suppose to stop an wait for a small time?

Asked by redblake66 almost 10 years ago

The bus driver should stop at every stop on his or her route, however waiting is left up to the individual bus driver. You may need to adjust your time in going down to your bus stop to ensure you do not miss the stop. The bus driver may have a new stop or has needed to adjust the time of your bus stop in order to make things run more smoothly. Additionally, there might have been a substitute on the bus that was unaware of the stop. I recommend being out at the stop at least 5 minutes ahead of time. If I stop at a stop, I will typically wait 5 seconds before closing the door and moving on. If I see students coming towards the bus, I will wait. However if the student is chronically late to the stop or dawdles and doesn't come directly to the bus in a timely manner, then I am more apt to shut the door and leave the student behind, especially if they have been given a warning about the time they are to be at the stop.

do the kids have to sit where you want them too

Asked by Jacob almost 9 years ago

Bus drivers have the right to assign seats to kids. That includes everyone from pre-school to high school. The way it works on my bus, the elementary have assigned seats. From pre-k through grade 5, they are assigned a certain seat. After that they have the freedom to pick a seat but must stay seated and follow all the bus rules. Failure to follow the rules, acting out, and being unruly will get an older child to be treated like my younger group. Some districts require assigned seats regardless of age of the child. This is to help first responders when there is a bus wreck. We don't do it to be mean or obnoxious, though if you act out, we may retaliate in response by putting you with a child that is significantly younger than you to show you how to behave. If you have a preferred seat or section or have a certain friend or two you want to sit beside, let the bus driver know. Most drivers will try to accommodate you.

When a school bus travels at 60MPH, why does an alarm go off and the bus slows down?

Asked by Jon almost 10 years ago

Sorry for the delay in reply. Usually it means that the bus is governed to a certain speed that it can't exceed. Some buses have alarms to notify the driver of a speed exceeded in which case the bus will automatically slow. Other buses will just hit that maximum speed and simply slow or hold at that max speed.

What happens when a bus driver writes somebody up?

Asked by Imari over 9 years ago

The citations are usually handled by the school. The bus driver will turn the citation into the proper authorities (principal or supervisor) and the citation will be handled from there. The consequence depends on the severity of the behavior written on the citation. For example: two kids in a fight will get 3 days off the bus but the kid who gets in trouble for using foul language might only get a warning. It depends on your school districts policy.

Parent does not like me -
wants to watch two weeks
of my bus driver activity

Asked by JUDYF over 10 years ago

As long as you are following procedures your boss should back you up.  We've had parents threaten to get us fired, but in the end they look like the idiots because we are following all procedures and policies in regards to bus and student behavior.  I wouldn't worry too much unless you are doing something that is in clear violation of the rules.

A new dispatcher is being
disrespectful to me on the
radio and in general. I tried
to help in a rock throwing
incident and she later told me
to be quiet.

Asked by judyf over 10 years ago


Sometimes dispatchers are under a lot more stress in situations that are emergencies or safety issues.  I would recommend taking a step back and listening to the radio chatter that occurs during an incident.  Two common incidents we have in my area are vehicle accidents and trains.  While neither really involves a school bus other than the knowledge to reroute in the case of an emergency or to save time, the conversations often go something like this:

Vehicle accident - 

Random bus driver - x to bus shop, there has been a vehicle accident at the intersection of x and x. Advised that other drivers reroute to avoid.

Bus shop - 10-4 advising drivers to avoid intersection of x and x.

Other bus driver - What color was the car/truck involved?

Still another one - Who got in an accident?

Third - What intersection was it?

Fourth - How did they get into an accident is the whole intersection blocked off?

Fifth - Bus shop, i had my radio down and didnt hear what was said.....

I could go on but then you get the idea.  The same occurs when a train is blocking an intersection.  Finally emergencies involving other buses can be as stressful when you have 5+ people who are offering to help but are running over each other on the radio at the chance to be the first to gawk at the incident.  Our bus shop actually tells us to stay off the radio as it is distracting and frustrating because the bus shop OR the driver involved in the emergency cannot seem to key up on the radio because of the flurry of idiotic activity from the other "well meaning" bus drivers.  I've even taken to calling the bus shop by cell phone to avoid the incessant radio chatter and questions regarding the incident from drivers OTHER than dispatch.

Point is, sometimes taking a step back and evaluating whether our voices are needed can sometimes make the few times we do decide to step up and help that much more meaningful.

Is a bus driver allowed to ask a child personal questions regarding another child? Also, the result of the questioning made him uncomfortable and cry, and it has nothing to do with the safety of either child. Is this sort of questioning legal?

Asked by Cynthia over 9 years ago

I would need examples of the questions being asked in order to better understand the situation. That being said I rarely ask any child any side of a situation but his or her own. For example, on my bus on Friday, I had let one of my more challenging students sit further back from the front. As such, he subsequently threw something at other kids which made a big problem on the bus. Instead of accusing any one child, I asked each child what happened and their side to the story. This stopped them from being upset over the situation and allowed them to control their side to it.In the end, I got the truth about what happened, correlated by several kids, and not one of them accused the other of doing it.

Is there a minimum age to become a school bus driver? I'm 20. Is it a potential job while I myself am in school? Drive 5-8, class 9-12, drive 2-5?

Asked by Matt about 10 years ago

Each state has their own laws regarding the age of bus drivers. I think here in Georgia it is 21 or 22. Other than that I'm not sure. As far as time is concerned, yes it can be worked during a college schedule. In fact I am in college myself and manage my job and college.

How do i get a bus driver to stop in front of my property which is a designated bus stop. He just refuses to drive down a few 100 yards cause its easier to back up and turn around if he doesnt?

Asked by Angryinarkansas over 10 years ago

"My sons bus driver says to be waiting on him in someone elses driveway a 8th of a mile up the road. No other kids get on when my son does. Waiting means stand there for possibly 30mins cause this bus doesnt come at a regular time."

I copied the second part of your question here so that I can address both at the same time

First, if your house is a designated stop, my first suggestion would be to go to the bus shop supervisor and find out why he has not been stopping at the stop.  There may not be an easy place to turn around down by where you live.  Sometimes there are safety reasons why we don't go down certain roads.  If the bus has no consistent time, this is something that should be reported to the bus shop as well.  I try to be on the same schedule within a 5 minute time frame so as not to worry my students or parents.  Third, I don't know the age of your child, but it is likely that if the child is in middle or highschool, it is easier to get the child to walk a couple hundred yards to where there is a safe place for the bus to turn around.  On one of my roads, there is literally no place to turn around at the end of the road.  I could go down it and back into someone's driveway, but I don't want to do that unless it is absolutely necessary or pouring down rain.

Keep in mind there are laws when handling back ups on a 40 foot school bus.  The bus isnt exactly the most maneuverable vehicle too.  Hope this helps.


Today someone called my company to say my kids were not sitting in the bus. I have nothing but problems with these kids and I have wrote up tons of them. This year I have 68 kids on my bus and are 3 to a seat. I can't get them to sit.

Asked by Someone called in on me over 9 years ago

What happens when they get written up? If you are having a problem with overcrowding, you have a few options. The first would be to go to your supervisor. They may be able to rearrange and take some of the students off your bus route in order to alleviate the overcrowding issue. Most any kid is going to have problems sitting three to a seat, especially if they are older kids. A second option is to speak to your supervisor about splitting your route into two runs. I service elementary, middle, and high school students on my bus and due to an overcrowding issue I experienced last year, I opted to do an abbreviated first run in order to drop off approximately 20 students to alleviate the need to have most everyone at 3 to a seat. I still get done at the same time every day, actually about 5 minutes earlier by simply going to two runs. My kids are comfortable and they behave much better because they are not packed in like sardines.

A third option is for you to assign everyone a seat. Anyone not in their assigned seat or standing in their assigned seat will get written up.

So my name is not john but I am a high schooler and I go to a public school and I ride 3 buses but the bus I ride on the way home he separates boys from girls girls get the whole back and us boys get 8 seats and the girls get the rest is it legal???

Asked by NotJohn over 9 years ago

It is legal and well within the bus driver's right to assign seats on the bus. Different drivers choose to do it by sections or by sides, or even by assigning each child a specific spot on a seat. I have my bus divided by grade level, though i have so many middle schoolers that it is difficult to contain them to just a section of rows. So my bus rules are my elementary (pre-k thru grade 5) cannot go past row 6 which is about the halfway point of my 72 passenger bus. My middle school and high school share the remaining 6 rows. Depending on the number of kids in each school I serve will determine whether I allow them certain privileges and that does include restricting seats.

Unless you are forced to sit 3 to a seat to where 3 high schoolers in a seat would make the ride dangerous and unsafe due to lack of space, then really its up to the bus driver. Are the girls crowded? Are there more girls than boys? If the numbers are that all the boys fit (at 2 to a seat) in the 8 seats available (4 rows of seats) then there really isn't an issue other than the fact you feel it is unfair. Life isn't fair.

Is it ok for parents to record the bus driver with her phone every time she arrives at bus stops without the bus drivers permission?

Asked by Tanner over 8 years ago

Well given that most bus stops are in public places, I would venture to say that recording is okay. However that being said, there may be some legality reasons why you should not record anything involving other people's children. Best to check with your local laws.

This is a reply to your question... The girls are not crowded at all us boys are since we have so little seats that we usually have 3 to a seat the girls (there are less girls)get to do what every they want drink or eat but us boys cant do anythin

Asked by NotJohn over 9 years ago

Then you may want to check in with the district and the bus shop to see if something can be done. Have you considered talking with the driver to see what his reasoning is? Maybe if you approach it with a polite manner, he might be more amenable to changing or giving an extra row of seats for space. Good luck.

Will a school bus driver ever get off the bus if kids are inside?

Asked by Dan Melton over 9 years ago

Typically, no. However there have been circumstances where a driver does need to exit the bus. It also depends on the situation. Some bus companies require bus drivers to also act as crossing guards so they have to secure their buses and escort children across a road. Another circumstance where a driver would need to exit the bus while students are on the bus is to either speak privately (at the doorway to the bus) with a parent or an administrator. Finally if the bus driver has to use the bathroom, in my district we are authorized to ask for someone to come watch our bus while we use the facilities.

Hey there bus driver. A driver local to me was just suspended for getting off the bus while the engine was still on. That seems suspect, but what do you think? Here's the article:

Asked by Keith about 10 years ago

The article doesn't seem to want to come up for me, but a quick Google search comes up with a couple stories relating to a bus driver leaving a bus running while stepping off the bus. In my district, we are taught never to get off the bus while it is idling with passengers on board. The only time it is acceptable for us is if we are doing our pre-trip inspection to ensure everything is operational. The reason why we are taught this is for safety. It can be very easy for a passenger to step to the front of the bus and press a couple buttons for fun. Pressing the wrong button or releasing the brake could endanger the other passengers on board. From a safety standpoint, the driver should have been suspended or at least very severely reprimanded. I don't think the offense warrants a loss of a job, but certainly a warning or some action for the driver endangering other passengers. That being said, there are some professions that allow for provisions of the driver stepping off the bus while it is idling, mostly to help a passenger. This can include luggage or any other items the passenger may be traveling with, along with and including walkers, wheelchairs, or other items. On a side note, the article I read on Google was about a driver who stepped off the bus to take a selfie with a Hollywood star. While the actions seem innocent, the driver utilized her cell phone on paid company time AND potentially endangered her passengers by stepping off the bus. Finally, while it is not wrong to ask for an autograph or selfie in general, it may look unprofessional to others, which is probably why she got reported.

What is the age you need to be to become a school bus mechanic at the bus shop? One of my friend said he know's a person in high school who works at the bus shop. Thank's!

Asked by Schoolbusfan92 over 9 years ago

My apologies for a late reply - I'm not sure about mechanic - but I know for a driver position, it depends on each state and individual company. Most companies will request a driver be at least 21. As for a qualified mechanic, 18 would be a legal age to work. As for your friend, the highschool in the area might have an agreement with the school to have students complete a work study. This allows a student to get experience while completing some generic duties.

Hello, Im having a problem with our bus driver. She doesnt say good morning or say anything and is forcing her to sit with older boys and she doesnt want to. I told her she needs to get her a bus buddy for the morning so she isnt scared. Any advice?

Asked by Jordan Flowers over 9 years ago

Have you tried speaking with the bus driver directly? Maybe there is a space issue and the driver has assigned seats. If your child is the last stop (in the morning), then it may be that the only seats available are ones with boys in them. If possible you could request that your child be seated next to a child of the same gender or paired up with someone else. When I have assigned seats on my bus, I usually will pair children together with ones whom I know are their friends on the bus. Sometimes with the younger ones, I will pair them up with either classmates or older positive influences.

As far as saying good morning or anything to the children, it is each bus drivers individual preferences. I prefer to greet every child with a friendly good morning. If I don't greet children, they know its either because I was distracted or otherwise occupied answering a child. Sometimes you speaking to the bus driver might bring about the change that your child needs. Good luck!

Our bus drivers in are school district leave children after bus stops, found mouth them and one even drove with the door open in the winter time to school and the school district does nothing about are you going reported the bus driver to CYS in ?

Asked by Jen over 9 years ago

I'm not sure exactly what your question is, but from what I gather, safety is a concern. If the school district isn't doing anything to stop the behavior of drivers, then please report the behavior to the police. That being said, make sure you know exactly what the driver has said or done or you could be accused of filing a false police report. You may have a situation where the driver has been instructed to leave students.

Do school bus drivers look through the seats when there done with their job for the day?

Asked by Jocelyn over 9 years ago

That depends on the individual bus driver but most of us at least do a short walk through at the end of every route to make sure the kids have all exited the bus. Whether they dig in the seats and find objects hidden is dependent on each individual bus driver. Personally, I check my bus, but my kids also know that they better take all their objects with them because some other kids aren't honest.

What happened to your blog? Really enjoy reading your blog!

Asked by Elen almost 9 years ago

I haven't had much of a chance to blog recently. Its kind of a shame that I've not been as active in the blog-o-sphere. Maybe I'll create a new post referencing this Q&A so that people can come and get their questions answered directly.

Hi, im 22 and will be starting in 2wks ( youngest driver btw ) How does a bus driver get their bus assigned to them. For example how do some get the newest buses and some keep the old. I know it has to do with bidding, but how does this process work.

Asked by CJ almost 10 years ago

Buses and routes are typically determined by your specific company that you will be working for. In my district, the routes are designated by number and the ones with the longest routes in miles or those that do many field trips out of town get preferential treatment when the newer buses arrive on the lot. Most of our drivers keep the same route year after year so unless the driver voluntarily gives up their route, or retires, the routes stay the same as do the drivers. That being said, there is a fair amount of turnover between drivers and floaters and substitutes and its likely you would get a route in a short amount of time. Be aware though if there are several routes that are listed as "open" it is likely that those are the routes no driver wants because the kids are absolutely awful on those routes. On the other hand, it takes a special driver to handle those sorts of routes and make them "good" routes again.

Hi...I was just wondering if, in your experience, the bus routes are set up so that, to the extent possible, it's
"first on" (in the AM) and "first off" (in the PM)? Thanks!

Asked by BostonTerrier over 8 years ago

It depends on the area. Some bus drivers drive the routes the same way in the evening that they do in the morning, therefore that first on first off philosophy works, but then there are some drivers who reverse their entire route in the evening so that first on is often last off. This is usually due to the area in question. For example, if a student lives 20 minutes outside of town and there are some students on the bus that live directly in town, the bus will often drop off those in town students before the bus makes its way out of town to drop off that one student. My bus route is a little complicated as I make two runs in the morning and two runs in the afternoon. All of my runs are set up to make sense for the geography of the area and to maximize the time efficiently while serving the most amount of students. Because my highschool is on one side of town and my middle school is on the other side of town (my elementary is in the middle) I often will drop off students on my way to one or the other schools or pick them up in the morning depending on number of kids and whatnot.

My bus driver is writing me up because my foot was in the isle and a girl almosted tripped. What if I go on the bus?

Asked by Tony over 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay in response, Hurricane Matthew knocked me for a loop. As far as writing you up, has the bus driver warned you about it before? If so have you consistently put your foot in the aisle when told not to? Maybe you could apologize to the girl and the bus driver and ask for a second chance.

Is there a policy stating anything about taking your grandchild on the bus if they are registered in another school district?

Asked by Sbienz almost 9 years ago

That issue is usually left up to individual districts. Some districts allow drivers to take their very young children (in a car seat) sometimes on the bus. This applies to grandchildren too. Others have strict policies about what students and children can and cannot be on the bus. I believe it depends on a case by case basis and is determined by the district in which a driver works. In my district, the policy is usually school age only children allowed on the bus (pre-k thru 18) however the rules have been known to be bent a bit to help accommodate a special situation such as someone lacking childcare for a particular child. As long as it is cleared by the boss and is not causing a problem for other people, then it is generally allowed.

Ello, again. This was a question on the top of my head-Would it be appropriate to take a video of the bus moving? I think the bus driver would think you are a creep. What's your opinion?

Asked by Carter C. almost 10 years ago

Apologies, I have been on vacation the last month or so with many other priorities that I have neglected this Q&A. The only way a video camera should be used on a bus or aimed at a bus is to catch the driver or students in the act of wrong doing. If you see a bus weaving in and out of traffic or making an improper stop at a rail road crossing, video tape. Then bring the tape to the attention of the bus company. The driver needs to be reprimanded and held accountable.

How often do you hear kids coughing on your bus and do you worry you will share in their sickness?

Asked by Freewash almost 10 years ago

Every day. I don't worry about sharing in their sickness because no matter what you do or where you go, germs are everywhere. That shopping cart handle.. filthy, that movie seat... filthy, that public transportation bus... filthy. If i'm going to get sick, I'm simply going to get sick.

If you've picked up half of your kids, and it's icy/snowy and at the last minitue they notify you "So and so is now closed/2 hour delay" What would do?

Asked by Carter C. over 10 years ago

First I would figure out who I have on the bus (is it elementary, middle school, high school?) The protocol for dropping off elementary is different from dropping off or handling high school. Secondly, I would figure out the individual school district policy. Then the following two scenarios can potentially occur and would be how I would logically handle it:

1. For a two hour delay - I would bring the students already on the bus directly to the school (or other designated area as defined by the bus shop/school district) then wait and begin my run again picking up the remainder of my students on my run from the beginning. The the students who were originally on the bus to begin with would end up getting into some place warm and off the icy/dangerous roads even though its earlier than the designated 2 hour delay. Chances are good the school districts prepare for something like this and will often open up the cafeteria or gym for the students to chill until the school day starts. 2. For a full on cancellation depending on where I am en-route - I would continue to the end of my route, turn around and begin dropping off students, starting with the last ones first. The reason for continuing to the end of the route would be to help notify any students whose parents either aren't home or have not gotten the message yet that school is cancelled. It also allows me to pick up those whose parents have left for the day thinking school is proceeding as normal. Once all is dropped off, whomever is left I would contact either their parents or the school if I cannot get hold of the parents (taking into consideration the child's age). Point is regardless of where the child will be, I would be responsible not to leave them where there is no adult supervision if it is required.

Are the school bus cameras always on and can they turn it off

Asked by Paul over 10 years ago

Typically bus cameras are on from the time the driver starts the bus to up to 15 minutes after the bus is shut down. This is a safety feature for students as well as drivers. The 15 minutes after the bus is shut down is long enough that it would be suspect if a driver were to deliberately shut down the bus and wait those 15 minutes before addressing students. In my district, we are not allowed to have the keys to the VCR or Digital recording boxes so that we can remove the tape ourselves. Sometimes the camera does not work properly or the roads are so bouncy that the VCR hiccups and ejects the tape so the system is not perfect. Digital cameras have made it easier for us because VHS tapes can be so easily corrupted.

Is it illegal for the bus driver to her kids open the doors??

Asked by Isabelle about 10 years ago

If the proper procedure is followed and the bus is secured, I see no reason why a driver cannot teach their children how to operate and secure the bus and that includes opening the door. In my view, if there was an emergency on the bus, I would want my kids to know how to pull the brake, set the bus in neutral, turn the key off and open the door. My elementary kids have shown a healthy interest in learning how to do these things so I actually do let them on the bus, I have complete control over when and if they do it and it boosts their confidence and knowledge. That being said, I would never let them randomly open the door without my approval or knowledge.

Today, I was not allowed on either of the 2 late buses because they said they didn't have my stop...two days ago they did and all last year they did, is it legal for them to say that neither can drive me home even though i am registered??

Asked by Kat over 9 years ago

Late buses are generally used to get students within reasonable walking distance (1 mile) of their homes. That being said, I don't know the policies of your particular bus service. Maybe you should have your parents check with the bus barn and the school in order to make sure they do have your stop on the list.

Is it common for ups drivers to drive through the buses red lights

Asked by dave about 8 years ago

If the bus has the stop sign out and the lights flashing for the love of GOD and all the kids out there that don't want to die... STOP YOUR VEHICLE! If you are not sure STOP YOUR VEHICLE! If you think there might be a problem and sheep fall out of the sky STOP YOUR VEHICLE!

That being said there are very few areas where a driver is allowed to run a school bus red lights and they vary by state to state. Check with your local state laws but when in doubt STOP!

For the safety of the kids!!

I got written up on the bus for bringing a friend on the bus ride home with me. I didn't know this was against the rules, and now I'm scared; will this go on my permanent record?

Asked by Miles over 9 years ago

If this was your first write up, chances are good the administrator will simply warn you or give you a short lecture if that. Nothing will go on a permanent record for something as trivial as bringing a friend home. In the future though, if your friend wants to ride the bus, it's probably best if your friend gets a pass from the office stating that he/she can ride the bus home with you. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I don't write kids up just because they want to bring a friend home. I do require that their friends get passes, or at least if they couldn't get a pass, I will call a principal or assistant principal to the bus to give clearance for them to ride. We just need to watch out for the safety of every student.

101 degree weather no ac on bus children riding for an hr are hot red and sweaty and needs water bus driver asks supervisor permission to stop and give child water. At a store near bus stop there was high school students and middle Supervisor says no

Asked by cali over 9 years ago

That's a tough call. Personally, on hot days, I bring water for all my bus kids. It may not be cold water, but it is liquid. If there is a definite need like the child is going to pass out or in serious health decline due to the heat, then I would probably send one of my more responsible kids in for water at the store and take the heat later from my supervisor. The biggest issue I have there is that there was either no one on the bus to supervise the kids if the driver got off or that kids can be hard to control if let off to go into a store.

If a student slips and falls while they're getting off the bus (getting dropped off at home) is it the bus drivers job(?) to help the student up or help them in any way? Instead of just asking if they're okay.

Asked by Kayla almost 9 years ago

Most of the time if a student slips and falls while getting off the bus, they are usually up and going by the time we would have secured the bus, unbuckled our seatbelts and gotten out of our seats. We ask if they are okay in case they really are not okay and are more seriously injured. If that's the case, we will go the extra mile and help them up or call for assistance. In my district, we are required to write up any incidents of injury or potential injury so that if there is a further problem, it is on record. Of course safety is number one priority so we teach our students to use the hand rails while stepping off the bus.

Hello, Me again.mOkay so around 22 hours ago a Child around my age died from a bus tipping over at my school. What happens to the Bus Driver? Does the Driver have to pay a fine, get sued or fired, what?

Asked by MadKid6969 about 8 years ago

Chances are good if the driver was at fault for the accident, the driver will be arrested and charged with negligence. That is entirely up to the police and investigating officers. Accidents happen and sometimes they are preventable. The real question is whether the driver was at fault or not. Just like anyone else that has been in an accident the person is entitled to a fair trial in accordance with the laws.

My son marked on the bus seats and the bus driver told me that they are new seat and has to talk with the bus transportation. do you think we would have to buy a new seat?

Asked by mom of a 1st grader over 9 years ago

It is a very good possibility that you will be billed with the cost of a replacement seat cover if the existing cover cannot be cleaned. I'm not sure how much those generally run, though a quick search on google revealed that the replacement covers are usually 8 to 15 dollars depending on where the school bus transportation department places their orders. The seat covers are usually ordered to match the interior color of the seats. There may also be an installation or other surcharge for putting the seat cover on the seat as it is a bit of a process in order to ensure that the cover is secure and fits well. That being said, it might be a good idea to discuss with your son the proper way to respect other peoples property. Just like you wouldn't let him draw on the walls at home, he shouldn't draw on the bus seat. I have a soft spot for elementary kids and usually there are cleaners out there that can remove marker stains from the seats. If your son would ride my bus, I would likely ask you if it would be okay if he could clean the seat on which he drew. If the marks still did not come up with a generic cleaner, then I would still praise him for trying to clean up his mess and then get a different cleaner to attempt to clean the marks myself after telling him that sometimes cleaners don't always erase the mistakes we make. Sometimes kids (especially little ones) don't think of their actions before they do it, so I keep that in mind and adjust my approach accordingly.

My son is 5. His first day of riding the bus was this past Friday. He and his siblings informed me that the bus driver stopped on a dirt road and let him off alone to use the restroom behind a tree. Is this legal?

Asked by Elici over 8 years ago

Depending on the area in which you live and the desperation of your child to use the bathroom would be the determining factor for whether or not the right decision was made. When possible here, we will make accommodations for a child to use an actual restroom, but sometimes on country routes, there are not bathrooms available readily. If your child was desperate enough to where he could not wait till he got home or risked embarrassment in wetting his pants, the bus driver probably thought it might be easier to just let him off and have him go behind a tree right quick. If you take issue with this, then bring it to the bus drivers attention and talk to the bus supervisors.

Today my bus driver made me get off the bus against my will because I spat gum a sombody who was annoying me. Is it illegal for her to make me get off the bus (not at my regular stop) Against my will?

Asked by Jake almost 9 years ago

In my district, we are allowed to put children off at two places. 1. that child's regular stop, and 2. at any school within the district up to and including district school board offices and the bus barn itself. As for you spitting gum at somebody, did you consider the ramifications of your actions? First, who is going to clean up the gum, which by now has probably stuck to the seat or to the floor and been walked on? Second, is throwing or spitting something at someone a way to solve a problem? Third, if you are having a problem with somebody, please, feel free to tell the driver so that the driver can make adjustments. That being said, while its NOT illegal, it may be against policy.

I have never been a driver. I am retired 62 years old. I have my own children and grandchildren. I love the idea of doing it but my wife has been discouraging. Saying it's too much stress and not worth it. I have an open mind. Am I missing something?

Asked by Charles about 9 years ago

I think you're missing something. I think that maybe if you want to do it, then you should give it a go. Worst that can happen is you go through the classes, drive the bus for a little bit, and decide its not for you.

What happens to a student when another student hits someone with and object like a belt

Asked by Lola over 9 years ago

Well, it depends on the age of the child and the circumstances. If an object was thrown and it hit another child accidentally, I obviously handle that situation differently. On my bus, unless any visible marks were left by the object on the victim, then I will normally call or speak with the parents of the child who threw the object as well as notify the parents of the victim. In more severe cases where marks were left, I write the children up (both the victim and the offender) because often there is more to the story than just the object being thrown or used against the victim and then I also call the parents of the children to let them know what my course of action is. I also pull the video tape on my bus and review it to see if it was a clear case of victimization or a tit for tat situation. Even in clear cases of victimization - the victim will get written up but a notation will be made that they were the VICTIM and not the offending student. This is so the principal or administrator knows exactly who to talk to over the incident.

I was wondering if it was legal to stop at a gas station when taking the kids home from school, like with kids still in it?

Asked by Abby about 9 years ago

There are a myriad of reasons why a bus could stop at a gas station. The bus should not be left with students unattended or if the driver has to leave, then the driver should take the keys out of the ignition and secure the bus as though no-one were on it. Sometimes there may have been a sick child and the driver made a judgement call to get the child to a bathroom, or the driver may have been ill him or herself.

Another thing that it may have been would be a sports team which usually leaves at around the same time school lets out. Often, the teams like gas station pit stops before leaving town or while out of town. I'd call the local bus yard and see if that driver is allowed to do that. Each county has its own rules.

If you are a driver can you bring your kid on the bus with you in the morning? Or is there an age limit on who can be on a bus?

Asked by Brittany Carver about 8 years ago

That depends on your district's policy on the matter. In my district as long as they are school age and registered in the school system, the bus drivers can bring their own children on the buses with them. This is also dependent on special circumstances as determined by the boss. Many drivers have children that are very young but also have children that are school age. Often bosses will make the personal call to allow a driver to bring a child that is not registered to the school system on the bus provided the child can behave properly or is properly seat belted or restrained in a manner such as a car seat that will allow the bus driver to still effectively do his or her job while having their children on board. My district also allows drivers to make certain allowances for friends provided it doesn't inconvenience the children on board the bus as a general rule of thumb.

For example, I was allowed to transport my friends three children. My friend lived a block from my bus route and I was allowed to deviate my route by one block to accommodate my friend as approved by my boss. The inconvenience to my bus children was minimal as it meant I only went down one street further up and the time difference was negligible (a matter of 30 seconds to add an additional stop). Did my boss have to make this accommodation? No, but he allowed it because he did not see a reason to deny a favor that I was doing for a friend.

if you get caught kissing on the bus what happens?

Asked by double k about 9 years ago

Depends on the age of the student for me. If its a highschooler i might discipline them by making them sit up separated by gender. Same with any other grade level. Repeated offenses and I would turn them into the school for inappropriate display of affection

Let's say, a child is entering the bus on the side of a stop sign. There is a car being ignorant, and is not stopping. What would you do? Also, what do you think of the idea, flying school buses?

Asked by Carter almost 10 years ago

First, I would blow my horn to try to get the child's attention as well as the oncoming traffic's attention. Secondly, the child should not move towards the bus until I have cleared all traffic and made sure it is safe for the child to do so. Third, if the person passes me, I will do my best to get their license plate number and their car description written down so that I can turn them into the police for disobeying traffic laws regarding school buses.

Flying school buses - a little far fetched though kind of interesting.

Are you supposed to wait for the student to see if someone's home or drive away leaving the child alone by themselves? If not can you lose your job for that?

Asked by Ciara over 9 years ago

We are required to stop at every stop, however if a student does not exit the house or is at the stop in a timely manner (we request at least 5 minutes before the stop time to be AT the stop waiting on the bus) then we can leave. If my bus students are not out waiting on me, I will stop and wait for 3-5 seconds before closing the door and moving on. This is in addition to setting the brake, shifting the bus in neutral, and activating the lights. If some of them are out, but others are still walking to the stop, then I will wait for them at the stop. If I do not see them exit the house in a timely manner then I can leave them. Some drivers will honk the horn to notify the kids that they are at their stop, however I do not do this except under extreme circumstances for example if a child is an every day rider for instance and suddenly misses the bus one morning. This is because every child would take advantage of the extra time and come to expect the horn beep. If I have to be out for any reason or any length of time, I want my substitute to know that my bus kids will be at their designated stop at the designated time. If it is raining however, I do allow for extra time so that the children can come to the bus from a covered area.

In the afternoons, we are only required to see if a parent is home for children that are under 3rd grade. Unless otherwise instructed by a parent to leave the child at the stop, it is always best to err on the side of caution. We can potentially get in trouble if a student is left unattended that should have been supervised. In the past, if a student tells me they have forgotten their house key, I will call the child's parent to find out what the parent wishes me to do with the child.

Do you know how old the oldest bus in your Fleet is

Asked by Henry about 8 years ago

Honestly I don't. I do know they retire the buses after so many years or after they rack up so many driven miles due to safety concerns. Plus older buses do not have as many of the safety features that newer buses have. Child check lights, taller seats for better compartmentalization, less overhead hazards... etc.

Can 6-10 yr olds stand up right by the window where the bus driver is while driving?

Asked by Shelby Hey almost 9 years ago

As i said before, we prefer not.

Should the bus driver wait to pull off until after the aide has buckled the child in the car seat?

Asked by Mizz Valdez over 9 years ago

That's a tough question to answer. My instinct is that before the bus starts moving that all children should be secured in seatbelts (provided the bus has a seatbelt for the child) or at the very least, all children should be seated. I drive a bus without seatbelts and my rule of thumb is that I will wait until most, if not all of my kids are settled in their seats before continuing with the route. At a maximum, I might let up on the brake and roll the bus forward but I wont hit the gas until they are seated. The only other time where this might need to have an exception is if the bus stop is on a main busy highway and it would be more dangerous to remain stopped for longer than is necessary. Aides on the buses help alleviate any driver issues with getting the kids buckled in.

My bus driver stopped in the middle of the road and turned off the bus because someone farted, she said she wasn't going until it went away. Is that legal? She has done this several other times.

Asked by Amanda over 9 years ago

If the bus is not pulled over in a safe manner and is left in the middle of a road, then the bus driver is in the wrong and should be reported. However, dirt roads don't often allow us to pull over as far as we'd like or are so narrow that we have to travel center. As far as your bus mate farting, I suggest the child learn to control his or her bodily functions.

Does the county or transportation department accommodate your route if you have an elementary aged kid of your own ?

Asked by Corey h. over 9 years ago

That largely depends on the bus company itself. Most drivers who have children only do it because it affords them the opportunity to drive their own children to and from school and get paid for it. That being said some drivers may be asked to take on different routes until the route that is near their home comes open. Each bus company does routing differently. In my county, parents are allowed to have their own children on their buses, but it can sometimes cause issues with "favoritism" among students whether real or imagined.

My friend got kicked off the bus for having a scateboord

Asked by Mad friend about 8 years ago

Are you sure that's the only reason they got kicked off the bus? There may have been other reasons for your friend to be denied riding the bus that you are not privileged enough to hear about. A little more information can help me answer this.

Yesterday I left something very important on my school bus, today my school is closed and I need that item for Sunday, I do not know who to call or who to contact. Please help.

Asked by Trisha almost 9 years ago

You can try calling the bus shop or the board of education to try to get the bus yard number. If you can get ahold of somebody there, then great. Other than that, unfortunately, you'll have to wait until Monday to get the item.

What is needed to become a bus driver? Written test are a must. What are the components of the driving part of the test?

Asked by Brian over 8 years ago

In most states and federally speaking a CDL class B license with Passenger and School Bus endorsements is needed (for driving a school bus specifically - I am unsure about Greyhound type buses). Most bus companies will host training classes which will give you the needed skills and experience to obtain the job. The written part is standard and the usual for every state. The driving parts of the test vary by the examiner that gives the test.

What should the kids do if the bus flips or crashes? Why do they do while it's happening?

Asked by Tone-IY over 9 years ago

It depends on the state you live in as to how the bus is configured for example if the bus has seatbelts or not. The best course of action once one has experienced an accident, especially something as severe as a crash or flipping over, is to evacuate the bus using one of the designated exits. If the driver is conscious and able to perform his/her duties, they will instruct you on how to exit the bus, otherwise exiting the bus in a safe manner and then moving a distance away from the wreck for safety is advised. For simple fender benders or less serious accidents, the driver will tell you what he or she expects.

To minimize your injury in an accident, sit the proper way in a seat with your bottom against the seat bottom, your back against the seat back and your feet on the floor. Sitting sideways or kneeling up reduces the efficacy of the structure of the bus when it comes to accidents. If your bus is equipped with seatbelts, wear them. Stay calm. Accidents are unexpected so there is no real way to prepare for them. It is not quite like an airplane where they have the safety brochure and "crash positions". We are on the road so it is hard to predict how other drivers will be.

Hi l live in pa is legal for the bus drive to drop my 11 and 7 year off at the bottom of my road with out me there I always pick them up because we live a half mile from the school bus stop

Asked by brittany almost 9 years ago

That would depend on your district laws. Look in the children's school handbook for bus policy and procedure. If in doubt, call the bus yard and ask. Eleven is a bit young to be let off with a younger sibling, but in my county and state, children as young as 9 can be left home alone without supervision or let off without a parent there. That being said, if you always pick them up and have never failed to pick them up, as a driver, I would immediately question you not being there. I have some kids whose parents meet them every day, and others whom if there is a vehicle in the yard, I am to assume (and have been told this by the parents) that somebody is home for the children though nobody is at the door to greet them. Additionally, a half mile seems quite a distance for an elementary kid to meet the bus. Is there a place down your road closer to your house that the bus could potentially turn around? Maybe you need to ask and see if there is a possibility to change the stop?

can a bus driver be a babysitter

Asked by carlos perez over 8 years ago

That would depend on what you mean. If you intend on using the bus as free child care, NO. Your children need to be dropped off and picked up at their designated stop times in the mornings and the afternoons. Exceptions can be made if you are running late or emergencies occur (we understand when things are out of your control) but we prefer things like these don't become a habit. It's not fair to your children or the other children on the bus. If you know of a neighbor or friend of yours that is a bus driver and you want to ask them to babysit your children in their off times, then that falls under the category of personal friendship/relationships and is outside the realm of professional bus duties. For example, I transport my friends 3 teenage children. They often need help with homework so I will go over to their house after my bus route to help them. This is because we are friends outside of my job not because we became friends THROUGH my job, though the same or similar scenario can occur.

Have you ever had any close calls with motorists disobeying your stop sign? Does it happen often?

Asked by Bill almost 10 years ago

Yes. I have had a few close calls, though luckily none of my children have been hurt. Motorists disobeying the stop sign happens more often than you think. I apologize for the delay in responding.

My kids bus drove by with out stopping...ain't they supposed to stop or can they just drive by with out stopping it's happened a few times.

Asked by Deanna about 8 years ago

Are your kids standing out at the stop 5-10 minutes ahead of time for the bus driver to see them? There may have been a substitute on the bus and not every substitute knows every stop and most rely on students being out at their designated stops on time. If your children have been told multiple times to be out on time ready and waiting and they were not, then I have no sympathy. That being said our policy in our district is that we go by every stop and at least look to see if the kids are at each stop. On colder mornings or mornings where rain is a concern, I don't mind waiting an extra minute for kids to come from the house but generally the kids need to be out and ready and waiting on the bus.

Hi! I'm in a year-round school, and my bus driver assigned seats. Problem is, when the tracks track in and out, some seats are empty but the one i'm in has four people in them (all 8th grade). We tried talking to the bus driver but he won't help.

Asked by Carly about 8 years ago

Are all 4 of you trying to cram into one seat at once? If this is the case then I can see your frustration. Can you ask him if he means rows of seats instead of just a single seat? If he means rows of seats then a row of seats can fit 4 people (two on each side). Also, if there are four kids in one seat that are near high school age I would have a hard time cramming those kids in that one single seat. Maybe you can get your parents to discuss the issue with the bus driver?

An example of where I use location of students to my benefit is on my run. I have one seat where I have 5 students assigned to that single seat. Two are middle schoolers, one is a high schooler and 2 are elementary kids that are kindergarten and 2nd grade. The middle school rides the first run and the high schooler and two elementary get on in the second run. The only reason why I have the two elementary with the high schooler is because they are her little cousins and she can squeeze next to them easily without creating an issue. I also don't mind if there is a spare seat that they adjust accordingly and let the little kid sit with someone else as long as there is space available.

Good luck

What are my daughters rights as far as getting to school on time? My daughter is a special needs child. She needs extra time to prepare in school. The bus driver gets her to school late almost every day. What can I do? They don't help.

Asked by Denise about 8 years ago

Is your daughter riding a regular education school bus? You can request special education school bus transportation for your child to be written into your child's IEP or 504 plan. If your child already has a 504 and an IEP in place then modifications to those must be made before any district will make any changes or concessions. Get those in place and the district should help you at least fight that battle of getting your child to school on time. That being said, riding the bus is a privilege not a right and therefore it is something that most districts provide because many parents do not have other options for their children to get to school. If your child needs extra time to prepare to be in school I do suggest that you look into alternatives such as driving her yourself in the morning times so that it is not as stressful if the other options do not work.

What is the consequence for a bus driver if they've made unscheduled stops for personal business...such as stopping at their bank and taking the students inside with them?

Asked by Marie over 8 years ago

That's a bit dicey. It is frowned upon for us to do personal business in the bus in general. That isn't to say that we aren't allowed to make stops at a grocery store or Walmart for one reason or another as long as we do not abuse the privilege. What you may have witnessed too is a class field trip to a bank that may have been pre-planned for a teacher and students. Don't be so quick to judge as there may have been many reasons for a bus to be stopping at a local business for one reason or another. Keep in mind we often have second jobs and we get permission to park our buses at one location or another that is not on school property. If you are concerned about seeing a bus making repeated stops at a location, a phone call to the bus yard may clarify the situation and allow the proper authorities to be notified of any ill behavior.

Can you turn off the camera inside the bus

Asked by dee about 9 years ago

Our cameras are locked away to where we cannot turn off the cameras when the bus is on. However when the bus is stopped and turned off and NO students are on board, the cameras will turn off just like any other electronic when you turn on or off your vehicle. For the safety of the drivers, we are not allowed to turn off our buses while we have students on them except when waiting at a school, and then most of us turn our keys to the left all the way to keep the cameras rolling.

Is it illegal for a bus driver to drive with their interior lights on, and are bus drivers allowed to get out of their seats?

Asked by Meredith over 8 years ago

No, I use my interior lights in the mornings so that I can keep an eye on my kids. Having kids of both genders on the bus in the dark can lead to questionable circumstances, so to prevent problems, its easier to drive with the lights on. Yes, we can get out of our seats if the bus is parked and secure.

Do you have any advice for driving a school bus in the snow?

Asked by Kim over 8 years ago

Take your time. Use your training. Most companies will have policies put in place for snow driving. This may include putting on snow tires or snow chains on the tires to help with traction, using lower gears, or reduced speeds in general. I live in the south, but I grew up in the northeast New England area and just like any region, driving in inclement weather, whether it be rain, snow, ice, wind, or fog, must be done with an abundance of caution especially when transporting children to and from school. Good luck!

what if u have a small child that needs to go to school but u dont have that route

Asked by kelly about 8 years ago

Speak to your supervisor about it. They may make exceptions or allow you to deviate from the route you have to take your child to and from school. There is always a way to work it out.

I've noticed that school busses in ohio never really pull into an apt. Complex and holds up traffic. I don't really mind waiting it takes less than a minute, I'm just curious. But is there a law or policy that they buses can't pull in because it's

Asked by PC about 8 years ago

Sometimes apartment complexes are too small for a bus to maneuver safely in and out of without risk of hitting vehicles or other obstacles. There may also be apartment complex rules and regulations forbidding heavy vehicles from entering or exiting the complex except in special circumstances (fire trucks/ambulances etc). There may also be a law forbidding school buses in certain counties from performing backing up while students are on board. When backing a school bus, the students are at greatest risk of getting injured or killed because the driver is largely depending on a set of mirrors and praying that no one is behind them or pulled a stupid move to block their path. I would look up your local ordinances on school buses and see if that helps?

Can a bus driver let a kid stand by the bus driver where their is no seats

Asked by Shelby Hay almost 9 years ago

Technically and legally, no, though I have had kids come up and ask me a few questions. If its more than one question I usually have them sit in the front seat or I ask that they tell me at a stop instead.

On my bus there is a person that always sits on the bus in the first seat on the door side. They're older and they are always on the bus. Why?

Asked by MacKenzie almost 9 years ago

They could be a monitor or a new driver learning the route. If they have been there year round then I'd lean towards monitor or driver helper. If not, then it might be a new driver who has been told they need to learn every route in the district. Another possibility might be the driver could be being evaluated for a promotion or other work related things.

I am a newly hired substitute driver and often assigned to unfamiliar roads (and buses). What is some advice for a smooth trip to and from school? Especially elementary-age kids who may not know their stops? What about maintaining schedule?

Asked by Ceejayty over 8 years ago

1. Get a route description. Most companies will have these available to substitute drivers. The description will notate the stops and times for each stop.

2. Most kids are more than willing to help you find your way. Ask them. Don't hesitate to let them tell you where to go.

3. If the kids aren't at their stops in the mornings, you have no fault in the situation. They know to be there 5-10 minutes ahead of time and to be waiting on you. In the afternoons the schedule is a little more flexible in getting the kids home. Take your time and eventually they all get off the bus!

4. Don't sweat the little things. The kids are going to turn around in the seat and talk. As long as the noise is not distracting and at a reasonable level and as long as they are staying in their seats, let the kids be kids.

Can a bus driver let students from another school on the bus?

Asked by Zyria Smith almost 9 years ago

That depends on a case by case basis. It may be that the driver was asked to cover another area and school and is having to make adjustments accordingly. All too often where we pick up and who we pick up is determined by the school system itself.

Why do bus drivers sometimes have a random person riding on the bus with them? Is that person just examining the driver or is the driver gonna quit? Went through this once and my bus driver stayed.

Asked by Kendra over 9 years ago

There can be any number of reasons a bus driver has someone riding the bus with them. If its not a regular occurrence, then the person is likely a safety evaluator or supervisor of some sort. This may be so that the driver is periodically and randomly evaluated by the company they work for. Another reason you might find someone riding the bus with your driver is simply so that other person can learn your bus drivers route details. Periodically we might have to be absent from work for some reason or another and a substitute driver is needed. In order to cut down on the confusion, subs will often learn each route separately. Finally, if your bus is one that needs supervision by an aide, the driver could have requested someone to be an aide on the bus in order to help manage students behavior.

Bus driver grabed my child by back pack and shoved her into a seat she is in preschool, is this against regulations?

Asked by Dad over 8 years ago

In general, it is frowned upon to put your hands on a child. That being said I have grabbed onto kids to stop them from hurting themselves. For example if a 5 year old gets out of the bus seat before their stop and my foot is on the brake, the bus will brake faster than the kid realizes and I often put my hand out to stop them from sliding into or hitting the windshield of the bus. If your child won't sit down, I will stop my bus until the child sits as they should. I may take them by the hand and lead them to the seat and ask them to sit down but I would never forcefully move them or cause them to get harmed in the process. If a child will not slide to the window to make room for other students, I will generally speak to that child's parent first. With many little kids, less is more. The more direct you can be in your expectations and less intimidating, the more likely they are going to listen and obey. That being said if the driver did put his or her hands on your child or child's belongings, ask the bus yard to pull the video tape and review the drivers actions.

I get ur response but the bus driver can't see intill she stops because she coming up a hill and there a big tree in the way pluses my Brock down vehicle she wouldn't be able to see them til she passed my vehicle witch at that point she shouldbestope

Asked by Deanna about 8 years ago

Are your children in your vehicle or are they standing at the stop? Its not clear as to where your children were this morning while waiting for the bus. That being said, it doesn't change the fact that it could have been a substitute bus driver that doesn't know the route very well. If there is a visibility issue then you definitely need to take that up with the school district or be standing out there with your children with a flash light to maybe flag the driver down if visibility is an issue. Perhaps installing a street light or lamp might illuminate the situation and make it clear if your children were standing at the stop. Either way you should probably contact the district to talk to them about it and address your complaints.

Can a person be a School Bus Driver if they have had an accident in the past year? The accident was their fault

Asked by Chuck almost 8 years ago

Hi Chuck! Sorry for the delay in response. It would depend on what the accident involved. I can't speak for most bus companies but many of them go on a case by case basis. Most require a 5-7 year MVR history regardless of whether or not there was any offenses in that time. If you are disqualified from driving, you will be notified then. Good luck!

What to do if you tear apart a bus drivers seat?

Asked by Chris over 8 years ago

Own up to it, offer to pay for the damages, and apologize. Also don't damage other peoples stuff.

I'm a Mad 13 year old old boy. I was literally just a second ago drove by with no stop or hesitation by a bus driver, she drive down my steep hill. Is it legal what she did by not stopping at all for when I was walking up to the bus stop.

Asked by MadKid6969 over 8 years ago

Were you at your designated stop on time and ready for the bus driver to pick you up? If you were and she did not stop then there may have been a substitute bus driver who did not know the route and stops on the bus route very well. We make mistakes. The best thing for you to do in that situation is go home and ask your parents to call the bus yard or school and see if they can send the bus back to get you or have them drive you to school and call in to the bus yard to find out what happened.

How far does the 2 way radio reach?

Asked by Antuony almost 8 years ago

It depends on a lot of factors. Bus to bus... probably a couple miles if we're travelling on a trip and get separated and stuff like that. In town with the tower it can reach from the county line and beyond, though the further from the tower the bus is the signal deteriorates.

I live in the paramount school district and i got my first write up what's going to happen?

Asked by kamara about 8 years ago

That all depends on the reason for the write up and your individual schools policy on write ups coming from bus drivers. In my district, administrators are supposed to follow a policy that goes something like this:

1st write up: warning2nd write up: 1-3 days off the bus depending on offense3rd write up: 3-5 days off the bus4th write up: 5-10 days off the bus5th write up: 10 days off or permanent removal from bus riding privilege for at least the remainder of the school year.6th write up: Permanent removal of bus riding privilege for at least the remainder of the school year.

In many instances they don't follow this policy like they should and issue far too many warnings, but if they follow it like they should, we would have less behavior issues on our buses. Chances are good you will only get a warning. I recommend to all kids who get write ups that they better their chances with the bus driver if they verbally apologize for their behavior and perhaps even write a letter of apology to the bus driver or their fellow students depending on what the situation was. An apology goes a long way with me when it comes to my bus kids. If you have the guts to apologize for your behavior, I am actually LESS likely to follow through and submit the write up to the school because you showed me that you are willing to accept consequences for your actions. (In those cases I usually ask the student to sit in the front seat for a period of time and then at the end give them the write up to tear up or dispose of to drive home the point that they should behave) I suggest you get on the bus tomorrow morning and apologize to the bus driver and own up to your actions. That speaks volumes. Good luck!

If a student ever asked you to open the door at a stop, would you do it?

Asked by Sam over 8 years ago

It would depend on the situation. We are not allowed to let children off at undesignated areas unless previously being notified to. If the student simply wanted to get off the bus randomly, the answer would likely be no unless there is a safety issue at hand.

Can I see my son on video recording on the school bus that he got kick off (picking on him)

Asked by Dean almost 8 years ago

That would depend on school district policy. If your child got kicked off the bus you can demand that the video be reviewed, but you may not be allowed to view it yourself because of the privacy of other students on the bus. What happens is that many parents will see a video and focus on the behavior of other kids on the bus instead of the behavior of their own child. That being said, if you feel your son is being wrongfully accused then you do need to ask them to follow up and pull the video tape to clear your child's name.

Do bus companies allow you to bring your child on the bus

Asked by Kim about 8 years ago

It depends on the districts policy on the matter. Check with your district.

How fast can a school bus go

Asked by Jayda about 8 years ago

Legally speaking federal speed limit for school buses is 55 mph.

What do you do when a student leaves something on the bus and do you check the cameras to see if someone stole a lost item?

Asked by Ezethral over 8 years ago

The easiest thing to do is call the bus barn to let them know of a missing item. The driver can then search the bus. If the item is missing from the bus, then its likely someone picked it up. If that is the case you can ask to see if they can pull the cameras to see who did it but more often than not the cameras wont pick up much if a kid is being sneaky. Good luck.

While the kids are on break,do the bus driver still work or get paid

Asked by Tanisha about 8 years ago

That depends on the local bus depot and district contracts. In my district we get paid year round so even through the summer we get a paycheck. It often means our monthly pay is lower than normal than if we were to only get paid for the months we actually work but it balances out because then we aren't left without pay during the times when school is out. Pay is often low enough that drivers have to take on second and third jobs just to support their families.

If bus have stop sign out is it ok to drive straight perpendicular, so technically you won't be passing bus

Asked by Lisa over 8 years ago

If the bus is at an intersection letting off children, the best thing to do is simply sit and wait until the bus clears the area. When in doubt, stop. You don't want to be responsible for the death of a child because you thought you could drive around the bus.

Recently my daughter's bus driver has been pulling over and waiting for five minutes on the side of the road whenever the kids are "misbehaving" and this is becoming a real problem because my daughter has after school activities. Can he do that?

Asked by Karaomo over 8 years ago

Yes. For safety reasons, we can pull the bus over if it is unsafe to continue to drive the bus while the kids are otherwise distracting the driver. Consider this, if you are driving down the road and you have 45 children sitting behind you being rowdy, throwing stuff out the window, being a hazard to other drivers on the road, shouting and screaming, and otherwise distracting you from hearing an ambulance that just ran a red light because of an emergency and struck the bus because you couldn't hear it due to the confusion.... would you rather the bus driver have pulled over and waited five minutes and your child be alive instead of in an accident? If this is becoming more of an issue, I suggest you find alternate transportation for your child.

If I go to the bathroom and the bus driver closes the doors but I am there can she refuse to let me on

Asked by Jacob Thacker almost 8 years ago

Did you get off the bus to use the bathroom and did you let the driver know where you were going or ask the driver if you could use the bathroom? If she let you off to use the bathroom and you returned expecting to get back on then you should have been let back on. If you assumed she would let you back on without notifying her then how would she have known where you were if you were either not on the bus to begin with or there on time when she was to pull off from school grounds? Typically if a student asks me if they can use the restroom, I let them provided its not too soon to their destination/school or a reasonable time to ask them to wait (5-15 minute time frame) I also take into consideration the age of the child and where their bus stop falls on my route. If they are my last stop, I will often let them use it more often than my first stop as that child is usually on the bus for 45 minutes to 60 minutes as opposed to only 10 to 15 minutes average.

Our school buses have been overcrowded this week (first week of school), having 3 middle schoolers to a seat and even more standing in the aisle. What should bus drivers do in that situation?

Asked by BB over 8 years ago

Well given we are experiencing overcrowding ourselves here due to lack of drivers available, I welcome you to contact your local bus shop and go through the class to become a bus driver. Then and only then will the route be split up so that overcrowding can be alleviated. Otherwise (and this sounds harsh) drive your own kid or squeeze in a seat. If the overcrowding does continue you can call the bus yard to see if there are alternative options as well.

My driving record is perfect except I got a ticket in my own vehicle this weekend for not wearing my seatbelt. Will this affect my CDL? Thanks

Asked by Bus driver over 7 years ago

If you got a ticket in your personal vehicle for not wearing your seat belt, then you should probably simply own up to your boss about the infraction. If your boss is anything like mine is, he or she may tell you just not to worry about it since it did not happen on the bus. That being said, its always better to be up front than to let them discover the infraction when they update your file and pull your driving history.

Hello, I'm needing to know how to address the bus driver with out sounding like a complaining parent . I understand that the driver cannot control every situation . Would it be better to write him a note or talk to him directly ?

Asked by Momma bear over 7 years ago

If you feel comfortable approaching the driver, you can always talk to a driver at the stop, however most drivers are on a time schedule so if you send a note with your child and have it ask the driver to either call you at their leisure or explain the situation in the note, the driver can then address the situation. Either way, I do suggest leaving your phone number as a point of contact for the driver so that they can follow up with you and get clarification with the situation or at least you have then reached out to the driver to get some resolution to a situation. I encourage all my bus parents to contact me if they have issues or concerns and I encourage them to text me or call me or write notes to me so that I can address behavior issues or other problems that crop up on the bus. Good luck, I hope you get the situation resolved!

Is there a law against a school bus driver getting off the bus while it is parked in the middle of the road and running and no other adults on the bus, to walk up to every child’s house and knock on the door and talk to parents? State of Texas

Asked by Cgarcia over 7 years ago

At every stop? Not sure to be honest. If this bus is a special needs bus there is likely a monitor on the bus. If the bus is having to talk to parents at every stop I'm not sure what the issue was but there may have been an incident or a route change and this driver felt it best to notify by going door to door. It also depends on the districts policy too.

Someone threw the filling from inside the seat at someone else and thay threw at me, then I started to tell the guy next to me to stop talking the filling out, but in the meantime someone threw 1 at my eye and then I started to throw some i gt writen

Asked by Bobby over 7 years ago

1. Don't throw stuff.2. Don't throw stuff.3. Don't throw stuff.

Now that that's out of the way... the bus driver had every right to write you up for throwing stuff on the bus as well as everyone else involved in throwing the seat stuffing. I also hope that the driver and school makes you all clean the bus and repair the seat that was damaged. Just because you tried to tell them to stop doesn't negate the fact you threw it eventually yourself.

Can a bus driver try to decide the order people get on a bus

Asked by Tristen almost 8 years ago

It depends on where you are referring to. If you mean stop order in the morning, yes, most drivers have control over that. We also have control over whether or not someone sits with another person through assigned seating. When it comes to loading at schools, we can't control who gets on the bus first but again we can control where people sit through assigned seats.

Can a bus driver ask your child personal questions about the family?

Asked by Davis45 about 7 years ago

It depends on the type of questions asked. If one of my bus kids comes to me with a concern about their home life, I might ask questions to further determine the type of advice I would give or whether further school intervention is necessary to protect the child. For example if they mentioned they had no power on at home I would listen to conversations with other students before asking questions of them to find out how they are coping with no power at home. Keeping in mind if they have other resources like a relative or family member that is close by whom they are staying with instead. If they came to me I would have to ask those sort of questions so that I could determine if I needed to report to the school if they needed help.

Hi, how exactly do I deal with a bus driver who seems to have singled out my child, constantly threatening to kick him off the bus and going so far as to call ask him if he's a "zoo animal"? He's asked her why and she refuses to give him a reason....

Asked by NRY over 7 years ago

You should probably contact the bus yard to have the video tape pulled off the bus and reviewed by the supervisor. If there is a problem with the driver, the tape will show it. If your child is misbehaving, the tape will show it. Double edged sword with that one. Name calling a child is unacceptable, but how much of this is a story the child is saying to downplay his own actions on the bus for getting in trouble? Video tapes are a saving grace and school administrators can review and either clear your child or the bus driver in this case.

after i get let out of school my bus driver is often not on the bus;my peers n i have to wait til she arrives n yells at us when we open the door without her can she get in trouble for this? if so please give me a cite to where it clearly states so

Asked by a person about 8 years ago

I have to say I side with the bus driver on this one to be honest. It is our policy that no students get on any buses when the buses are unattended by an adult. She is right to reprimand you and your fellow students for opening the door and getting on the bus without her there. If an administrator or school official told you to get on the bus without her there then you do have the right to complain and let her know that the administrator told you to get on the bus without her there. Simply taking it upon yourselves to enter the bus without the driver is not okay though. If there is another adult besides the driver telling you to get on the bus without the driver there then I would approach the driver and let her know politely whats going on so she can address it with the school as per the policy of the district.

Do you think people with a temper should become bus drivers? What if they can drive really good but have a temper.

Asked by Sadie almost 6 years ago

That's a double edged sword. If you can control your temper then yes. But if you cannot control your temper then this job is not the right one for you.

7th - I finished my food before I got on the bus and put it behind me but the 6th graders found it, put it on the floor and yelled I was eating on the bus. Now I have to sit up front with the little kids for a week. How can I tell her I wasn't eating

Asked by Emma over 8 years ago

Talk to your bus driver and be honest with her. Also, if you had trash on the bus, it might have solved issues if you simply put the trash in the trash can instead of behind you in the seat. That could lead to you forgetting to take it with you when you get off the bus and throwing it away properly. Additionally, a week with the little kids isn't as bad as it seems. Sometimes its easier to just accept a consequence, remembering to throw the trash away in the trash can instead of leaving it or putting it on the seat for others to find, and moving on.

Is it common for UPS trucks to drive through the busses

Asked by Dave over 7 years ago

Its common for many vehicles to run through buses lights when they are activated. It is still illegal and the bus driver has every right to turn the drivers in to the authorities. Many states have strict fines against running the lights.

I life my fidget spinner on the bus I need it back in the morning I ride 260 to hunter middle school my fidget spinner color is pink and orange

Asked by Sarah gann almost 8 years ago

Your best bet is to ask your morning bus driver. Good luck. Also don't annoy your teachers or bus driver with the spinner. I love them if they are used properly. I may stock up on them this summer and hand them out as prizes next year.

Can the bus driver drive 10 mph on a 40 mph road (it allready takes 40 minutes to go home driving at 40) or skip a whole neiborhood because a couple kids who live there cause trouble on the bus and is there a legal time kids have to be home by

Asked by Julie over 7 years ago

If the bus is making multiple stops on that 40 mph road then the bus may not have time to get up to speed and is travelling slower than the speed limit on that road. That being said if the bus is being unsafe and you have a concern, call it in to the bus company and report it. As far as skipping a neighborhood or designing a route, it also depends on what the bus company's policy is for allowing drivers leniency in designing routes. My district allows the bus driver to decide how the route will be driven and what stops in what order in order to best facilitate getting the kids home as quickly and as safely as possible. Check with your local district.

Do the Kids respect you and your Work? I mean, they definitely should!

Asked by Lenavog85 over 7 years ago

It depends on the day and the situation but most of the time show respect to get respect is a good rule of thumb to follow.

Is it against a rule or law to get out of the drivers seat when the bus is parked and running, to assist children both in and off the bus. There are adults and children on the bus.

Asked by Joan about 8 years ago

Short answer, no. Long answer, that depends on your districts policy on the matter. As long as the bus is secured and the children are well supervised then you can get out of the drivers seat to assist children.

is there laws for what a driver can and cant do? ie: i have to get out of my seat to place a seat belt on a child...i place the bus in N and lock the brake, my stop sign is out

Asked by new boss over 7 years ago

It depends on your districts policies and your job description. Various companies require bus drivers to do different tasks according to state laws and requirements. It also depends on the type of bus it is. For example, regular education buses here in my district do not have seat belts on the bus, but the special needs buses are all equipped with seat belts. Because of this, the special needs buses have monitors on the bus that are required to assist children to and from their seats and ensure that they are properly belted in and secured on the bus. This is for their safety as well as the safety of others on the bus. In other districts, regular education buses have seat belts and it is up to each district's individual policies on enforcement of wearing the belts. Some districts even require their drivers to get out of the bus and assist children in crossing the road by holding up a hand held stop sign. Bottom line, it is all about safety for the kids we transport every day!

My child was on the bus trying to get to his seat web the bus attendent grabbed him by his arm hard and toast him in his seat... Came back and started grabbing him harder and harder told him if he hit him back he will press charges.More children seen

Asked by Sharlotte about 7 years ago

Get that tape off the bus pulled and call the school board and the school bus yard supervisors and get it sorted out that way. No-one should put their hands on a child except to pull them out of harms way in my opinion.

Im planning on retiring soon and was thinking about being a driver.I know they usually work split shifts ,one in the morning and one in the evening,Im wanting to work just a morning shift and not in the evening,is this possible?

Asked by robert over 7 years ago

That would depend on the company you want to work for. Talk to the supervisor and ask them. Good luck!

If it is a main sidewalks does the drive HAVE yo drop chilsren (kindergarden & 1st graders) in front of home?? (She did last year and this year she said shes trying to stop fewer times because kids live very close.

Asked by Jaclyn over 7 years ago

It varies state to state on what guidelines a bus driver must follow when designating stops.

The previous link provided will give examples of these statutes for a few different states, but generally if the children live close to each other (within reasonable walking distance to where they could meet in the middle at a neutral stop) the bus driver is authorized to make changes to the route according to individual district policies. Basically there needs to be enough warning for drivers on the road to stop between stops with adequate time for the safety of all the students on board and off the bus.

I have a friend that drives a bus and she said it’s so hard to pull the handle to open the doors for the kids and it’s hurting her neck! What can I do to help it open easier

Asked by Becky about 6 years ago

The best thing she can do is ask the shop mechanics to either loosen the springs on the door or to add lubrication to the handle in order for her to open it and shut it. If it bothers her that much they may opt to give her a bus with an air door that opens by a tap of the button. Of course I'm sure she wouldn't complain if you offered to pay for her to get a massage.

I live in New York State and the bus driver said parents are not allowed on the bus at all. I can't find anything in the schools handbook or policy or any law pertaining to it. Is this a common thing bus drivers tell parents to keep them off the bus?

Asked by Smileys over 7 years ago

Basically, a parent stepping up onto the bus uninvited can be considered trespassing or unauthorized and can put students lives in jeopardy. We go through background checks in order to work with students and transport them. Consider this, would you like a random person to step up on your child's bus while the bus was at a different stop? What if that person had a gun or a negative motive to harm children. Point is, we take all precautions to protect the kids on our buses at all costs and if that means asking a parent to stay off the bus, then we do what we have to do. That being said, if I have a sleeping pre-school age child and the child is not wanting to wake up and voluntarily walk off the bus, I will also allow his/her parent to come and get the child, but usually the child is in the front seat to where the parent does not need to go further back in the bus and I will usually place myself between the seats so that the parent can only go as far as their child only.

What happens if a driver writes your name down? Cause my bus driver saw me chewing gum a friend gave me. My school never mentioned about eating and the bus driver yelled at me and asked me what my name was So I did. I'm a regular grade a student.

Asked by a student ( female. don't want to state my name about 7 years ago

Well its likely you're probably only going to get a warning, but if you simply apologize to the driver and let them know you didn't realize eating/drinking was not allowed on the bus, the driver wont write you up because you apologized. I always accept verbal and written apologies from my students. It means a lot more than just ignoring the problem and pretending it didn't happen. Good luck.

Can a bus driver really hold me on a bus at my stop?

Asked by High schooler almost 8 years ago

If there is a safety reason for the hold, then yes we can hold you on the bus. Think of it this way, if there is an oncoming car and the car is not stopping and you have to cross the road, would you rather get hit by a car or held on the bus a little bit longer for your safety. Alternatively if there is a crazy person outside the bus with a gun or a knife would you want the bus driver to protect you, or simply let you off at the stop?

Hi, I was wondering if it would be appropriate to ask my bus driver out on a date. They're a city bus driver, though, not like a school bus driver or anything. They wouldn't get fired for accepting would they?

Asked by Ella almost 8 years ago

Sorry I was on vacation when you asked this. I would probably steer clear of asking out on a date unless you are over the age of 18.

Can the driver see all of the seats with his/her mirrors? If not, which seats CANT the driver see?

Asked by MirrorMan over 7 years ago

Short answer, yes, all the seats are visible with the mirror inside the bus. Long answer, sometimes the front two seats are hard to see depending on the angle of the mirror and adjustment of the mirror according to the drivers preference but as those seats are right up front right by the driver, those kids cannot get away with anything without the driver knowing about it.

I am a school bus driver in pa
Am i allowed to bring my own kids on the bus wjile driving Even though they aren't students?

Asked by Lisa almost 7 years ago

That would be a question for your supervisor or your boss at your company or bus yard. Every company or district has a different policy on the matter. Check with them and they should be able to tell you what the policy is.

How long does school busses keep audio/video logs for

Asked by Tommy over 6 years ago

If its digital it varies. If its VHS cassette tape typically record time is 6 to 8 hours of video tape so that usually will be one or two days depending on how short or long the route is.

When approaching railroad tracks, is it the law the requires you to stop on the right side of the road or it suggested?

Asked by DQuestion over 7 years ago

If I remember correctly, it is a law that buses should be on the right hand side of the road on a 4 lane highway if they have to stop at a railroad crossing. This is two fold. One it is safer for kids in general as most people in the USA pass on the left so faster traffic will automatically go around on the left, and two, should the bus become disabled at any point the door is on the right hand side so evacuation of the bus will be easier than having to stop traffic to let kids exit the bus in an emergency on the tracks.

Are school bus drivers aloud to slam on the brakes because out bus driver her names Ethal if you loud she slams the brake also are they aloud to yell at you for being loud or listening to music?

Asked by Isaic over 7 years ago

Sorry for the delay in the answering of this question - Technically, we shouldn't be slamming on the brakes, but that being said, your behavior on the bus should reflect how you want to be treated.. If you feel you are being mistreated by her, then report her. Some districts do not allow their students to listen to music on the bus because it can distract students in an emergency. My policy is headphones in, or the music is off, I don't want to hear what you're listening to. Additionally if you're being loud and obnoxious, she can tell you to quiet down because your being loud can be a distraction to her.

My daughter in 5 grade and wants to seat alone. However the bus driver makes her to seat with other kids. There is plenty of empty seats and she needs to make homework while riding. Is he has the authority to do it?

Asked by Iryna over 7 years ago

The bus driver has the authority to assign seats as he or she sees fit so yes they have the authority to assign seats. As for your daughters desire to sit alone, it could be that there is plenty of room when she gets on or off the bus, but there may not be room as the route progresses. You also don't know if there are other kids who get on or off before or after your daughter that take up the spare seats. It is not always practical to have a kid sitting by themselves. Additionally homework should be done at home, not on the bus.

Is it normal to just want a bus driver who will just scream and cuss everyone out. I have had subs like this before and two bus drivers who did not put up with much. My drivers I have had lately are very nice and let things slide but the bus is horr^

Asked by -ible I mean HORRIBLE the high schoolers in the back are very horrible they say the most vulgar, obscene, and offensive things. I am not easily offended or things like that but when they are talking about how they want to rape and kill a teacher they did almost 6 years ago

Report the behavior of the kids to the administrators at the school. If you get no action that's why the driver doesn't do much. Personally, I try to have a bus that is well trained and while I cannot control everything that goes on, I can certainly influence it.

I believe school bus drivers that bring their children to work with Them are a distraction. Are there any laws banning this procedure

Asked by Just a parent almost 7 years ago

No there are no laws banning this and in fact many parents become bus drivers so they can drive their own kids to and from school and make a little income on the side. Some districts have their own policies as to the age of the child allowed on the bus with the parent. For example, they cannot be a toddler or infant in a car seat, they must be school age. Some districts do allow parents of young children to take their kids along as long as the child does not disrupt the route and its on a case by case basis. Most parents who drive will put their children in one seat usually right behind them or near them so that there is no chance of issues of favoritism.

I only said dagnabbit at a normal tone three seats behind her and she freaked out! Now I have to sit next to 3rd grade girls! I am in 6th!!! Is this allowed?

Asked by Angry kid about 6 years ago

Cookies might help you get back in her good graces. Apologizing might also help too.

is it legal to tell a school bus driver that they cannot use the bathroom or get something to eat while working

Asked by Upset over 7 years ago

Honestly, no it is not legal to do so, but there may be district policies relating to the matter. I would recommend taking it up with your supervisor and asking what your district policies are in the matter.

How do substitute drivers know what the route is? I'm assuming they don't memorize dozens of routes.

Asked by Bob over 7 years ago

Many districts require the regular drivers to provide a route description for substitute drivers. This is not always the case. Sometimes districts rely on computerized route descriptions for substitute drivers. These can be accurate or inaccurate depending on the driver of the route or the actual stops involved in the route. When I was a substitute I found it easier for me to memorize certain routes because the drivers would often be absent or not there because they were doing a trip or otherwise occupied .

The other day I was going to a friends house so I rode her bus, the bus driver ended up stopping the bus asked my name and then asked to call my friends mom to see if I had permission to go to her house. Are bus drivers supposed to be all nosey?

Asked by 0814 about 7 years ago

If you didn't have a bus pass then yes. However I am more concerned that the bus driver didn't notice you getting on the bus in the first place. My bus kids know it's okay to ask me if someone new rides my bus and my standard answer is have their parents send a note to school and get a bus pass.

What should a person do if their bus driver goes off on angry tirades and screams into the PA mic with the volume all the way up while beating the steering wheel and put the mic to a speaker?

Asked by Dana about 6 years ago

Shut up and don't talk back.

Though really if you're upset about it, maybe a phone call to the supervisor might help.

Have you ever had a experience where another school bus ran your stop sign?

Asked by Jimmy about 6 years ago

Yes. It happens to even the best drivers.

What is the nicest bus you have ever drove?

Asked by JJ almost 6 years ago

One with air conditioning.

Howdy we recently got a new bus driver about 5 days ago she always miseses stops! her names Ethal and is it ok if the bus driver keeps saying if you dont quite switching seats im going to go back to the school are they aloud to do that or no?

Asked by Isaic Walker over 7 years ago

Yes they are allowed to go back to the school. Stay in your seat and stop switching seats while the bus is moving. She does have the authority to assign seats if you cannot behave. Maybe you should offer to help her out with the route so she won't miss stops.

What do bus drivers do while kids are in school?

Asked by Makayla about 7 years ago

Many of us have second jobs that we go to during the day. Some are lunch room workers and others like myself work outside the bus job and school system during the day. Some people don't have to work outside the bus so they are either stay at home parents or retirees just looking for a little extra income by driving a bus.

What is the most disturbing thing that you have seen students do on a bus?

Asked by Alli about 6 years ago

Nothing surprises me anymore. I had a student shove his way through my door just because he wanted to get off the bus at the wrong stop.

Why is federal regulations restrict buses to 55mph? I feel this can put buses in danger where the speed limt is 85 and people are flying 100.

Asked by Old man Jenkins about 6 years ago

Think of it this way, would you want a vehicle full of 60 children speeding down an interstate at over 60 mph? The risk of injury is lower the lower the speed of the vehicle. Truthfully, I wish we could speed up a bit more on highways, but it is for student safety.

What do a parent do when the school bus driver picks up there child in the morning to take them to school and puts the child off the bus at a corner and leaves the child there, and never calls dispatch to let them know of a issue.

Asked by Queen over 6 years ago

Assuming this is the same route run so basically the child was picked up and then before being dropped at school was dropped off at a location not the child's stop. First it would depend on the age of the child. As a general principle we are not supposed to drop a child at any stop other than their designated stop or on school property unless an emergency dictates (bus fire, tornado etc). If there was a behavioral issue the driver should have notified dispatch and the school and you as the parent. Now that being said, I have had a few high school kids forget an item at home in which case i was less than 2 to 4 houses from their stop, i let them off to go get the item and instructed them on where to meet me. Hope this helps.

Is it legal for a bus driver to disclose information to other passengers on a bus? Also is it illegal to intentionally brake check a student for standing up to early?

Asked by Sheepdog over 6 years ago

It depends on the information disclosed. If its protected by HIPAA laws then it can be disclosed under certain circumstances. For example a diabetic student may need to be known on the bus and other students may be inadvertently made aware of the condition or an older student may be paired with a younger student with issues and may be made aware of those needs in order to alert the bus driver. That being said generally personal information is not shared.

Also while not illegal it is unethical to brake check a student.

My sister starts training classes Monday for bus driver. When will she be drug tested? Before driving a bus or randomly? She takes Loracets that are prescribed.

Asked by over 6 years ago

Drug testing happens at random and will usually happen at the pre employment physical. As long as she is prescribed these and her doctor can clear her to drive it should not affect her ability to get cleared to drive a bus.

If you typically do not ride the bus and you go to ride it for the first time and the bus passes by you. Is that allowed?

Asked by Rob over 6 years ago

Yes, if you are not a typical rider in the morning, it is your responsibility to notify the driver either the night before or by calling the bus yard in the morning so that the driver can know to stop at your stop. We are not mind readers. If we are going slow enough and you are out with other students at a stop then we will pick you up but if your stop is a single stop with no other students its best to call ahead.

My daughter did something very bad on the bus and the next day a totally different bus driver told all of the kids on her bus what my daughter had done. To me this is bullying by a bus driver. Is she allowed to share personal info to other students?

Asked by Tanya almost 6 years ago

Truthfully, how did the driver even find out? 98 percent of what I hear comes from the kids themselves. Chances are good there was a discussion on what your child did and maybe the bus driver wanted to not encourage the students to follow in her footsteps. That being said, it should blow over in a week or so. If it keeps getting brought up then i would take more issue with it.

On the other hand, whatever your child did obviously had negative consequences and now she is seeing the negative effects and consequences to her actions. Welcome to life.

What do you think are the best and worst part of your job?

Asked by asdkl;fjwewferwe almost 6 years ago

Best part? Seeing smiles and saying good morning to kids. Celebrating victories with them. Showing them I care.

Worst part? Angsty middle school attitudes.

I can’t remember for sure does the “Jake Break” slow you down to 15 or 5 mph or something else? Does it depend on the make and model?

Asked by Davi over 6 years ago

This is more of a semi truck driver question than a bus driver question. On most buses it is fairly common to have automatic transmissions and air brakes. We do not have a jake brake system that allows the vehicle to slow rapidly. I don't know about older model buses.

Why do we have a new driver every year and almost every year except last year one of /the drivers left mid year one left after two weeks and we had subs all year?

Asked by Dan almost 6 years ago

There is a bus driver shortage everywhere. We aren't paid enough to make it worth our time most days so when an opportunity comes along to make more money we jump on it. This, unfortunately, disrupts students and puts extra strain on other drivers who have to absorb the extra kids.

This is a comment so feel free to delete it. I think it is fine but
I know there are mixed feelings and I just wanted some feed back. Thank you! I do think around 80 is when I would see some concern though. Thanks for answering my question.Imeantwel

Asked by Dr.Pepper is the best drink about 6 years ago

Fair enough. We do have to go through yearly physicals and pass those before we are allowed to drive. What gets me is that people are allowed to drive those ginormous campers without training.

Have you ever had bodily fluids on you?

Asked by Jim almost 6 years ago

Yes. Its disgusting.

Bus driving is a job I would PAY to do. I just do not think the pay will make ends meet. What is some ideas to make good money on the side?

Asked by Jim almost 6 years ago

Don't become a bus driver. You will forever be searching for ways of making extra money.

Okay I have a question on time. In the morning how long should I wait before I contact the transportation supervisor? I get that things happen but I think more then 10min is can be cold or raining. Also we live a block away from thebusbn

Asked by Ronna about 6 years ago

Given that most bus companies are experiencing a shortage of bus drivers at the moment, maybe instead of calling or complaining, you can apply for a job as a bus driver! Until then be patient, the bus will get there or drive your child yourself.

If the bus rarely if ever comes early then why do bus drivers want us at stops 5-10 minutes early?!

Asked by You do not know almost 6 years ago

Because we want you waiting on us. When we have subs do our routes, they count on kids standing outside waiting. With mine, as long as you are ready to go, i don't mind if you wait in the doorway inside.

My second graders bus driver goes by “grandpa” and lets kids hug him and give him a kiss on the check. Not trying to be overly paranoid but it seems really wierd. After reading forms it shouldn’t be allowed but drivers get away with stuff too. ??

Asked by Mamabear over 6 years ago

Going by "grandpa" is okay though a bit of an odd choice. Allowing a kid to give a hug if the kid wants to is okay. I have several kids who give me hugs when and IF they want. Getting kisses from kids is weird and not something I'd allow. Kids can be overly affectionate and need to be taught boundaries with adults.

Why is the bus comming at random times? One day it will be here at 6:48 and others like around 7:00 am. You never know what time the bus will be here from day to day. The official stop time is 6:49 but it usally comes before or after that.

Asked by I about 6 years ago

Because we are generally shorthanded everywhere. So be ready to get on the bus whenever it gets there.

Have you ever tried a drive through in a bus?

Asked by Dan about 6 years ago

Most drive thru's have height restrictions that basically prevent buses from going through them.

What is the number one reason a bus driver gets fired? Humor me

Asked by DJ over 6 years ago

Probably child neglect by leaving children sleeping on buses unattended would be an immediate fireable offense.

Thanks for answering my last question! One more did that driver loose his/her job that ran your stop arm?

Asked by Jimmy about 6 years ago

You're welcome. No they did not lose their job but they did get a lot of crap from fellow drivers for a few weeks. We're human, we make mistakes. We just pray that no child gets hurt.

Why are some of the hoods of the buses painted black?

Asked by Randy over 6 years ago

Supposedly it reduces glare that bounces up from the hood of the vehicle.

I have two weeks off the bus now and never got my answer so now what?

Asked by Pam almost 6 years ago

Start walking to school or pay for a taxi, then be grateful you have a ride to school on the bus after the 2 weeks is up.

What was your worst situation /experience in your job?


Asked by Basti83 over 6 years ago

Sorry for the delay in reply. My worst experience that I can remember is a cross between kids throwing up and a kid who got beaten up by another kid and I had to call for police assistance.

What are common rookie mistakes?

Asked by Jeff (made up a name) almost 6 years ago

Being too cocky on the road is a big one. Not realizing just how big the bus is and how long it takes it to stop. Cutting corners too fast. Hitting mailboxes or trashcans. These are all common rookie mistakes.

Can you be a full retiree and drive a bus? Can you just volunteer if you need to? Do you know what the policy is for simi and full retirees?

Asked by John almost 6 years ago

Many retirees drive buses. The limit would depend on how much social security you get etc. Check with your local district.

One more for you could I just do after school trips part time with out doing very many routes?

Asked by Daniel about 6 years ago

Yes it depends on your district but yes.

Do you think people should operate a bus over the age of 66?

Asked by Dr.Pepper is the best drink about 6 years ago

Do you think you should have a drivers license over the age of 66?

Come on, unless there is a serious issue and they can't pass the vision and physicals then it's fine.

why are bus drivers usally really nice or really mean

Asked by Javen almost 6 years ago

Given they try to maintain discipline on a bus load of kids you have to maintain a level of firmness. Once the kids are in a good groove you can loosen the reins a bit. It all depends on how the kids act.

Is the endorsements you have to get passenger, school bus, and sometimes air brake?

Asked by Hilary about 6 years ago

Cdl class b, passenger and school bus endorsements, airbrake written test. That is the basics.

What made you want to become a bus driver?

Asked by Kimbra almost 6 years ago

I needed a job and this offered steady pay and benefits

Hey when you go out on long trips and a lot of buses do you usually take a spare bus or two or a bus(s) that have few passenger on them in case something happens?

Asked by 34 about 6 years ago

No. We load according to the number of passengers needed and usually plan for that many buses. If something happens, triple up buttercup

Someone on my bus today pulled the handle to the back door off. They fixed it but I think they put it back on wrong. What do you think will happen if the driver finds out? sorry if it posts more then once it did not go thrugh for some reason

Asked by Jason about 6 years ago

Report it to the bus driver to get it checked out. The driver should be doing a walk around and checking the bus for defects.

Can a bus driver take a unruly kid back home?

Asked by Don over 6 years ago

Yes. Or back to the school or over to the police station. Or the driver can have the police called to escort the child off the bus. An unruly child is a hazard to other students and to the driver while driving down the road. The driver has to do what they need to in order to keep control of the bus and the students.

Is it allowed for a driver to call a student out for talking loudly when they themselves are blasting music and conversing with other students and telling the student in question "I can't hear my music"?

Asked by Nhan over 6 years ago

Personally, I don't think it's right that a driver calls out a student for that given the circumstances. That being said, as a driver myself, I rarely have to raise my voice or get onto my kids. I keep the radio at a respectable level and oddly, surprise surprise, my kids respond to it by being quiet and respectful in return without being obnoxious because they enjoy the privilege of the radio.

How much gas does 1 bus neeeds during the day?

Asked by Leon74 over 6 years ago

It depends on the amount of miles a bus drives as to how much fuel it uses. I fuel up on average every 250 miles and get approximately 50 gallons of diesel.

What is the longest route you have ever done?

Asked by Donald over 5 years ago

75 miles long.

Is a bus driver alowed to discharge a kid off the bus with no other adults miles from home/school etc?!

Asked by Annie about 6 years ago

Define "miles". Most people have a misconception of how far a student is actually allowed to walk and in most states it is right at a mile or a little less. That being said, if the bus left a child on the side of the road without it being a legal bus stop then they are not allowed to do that. However, if you're upset your child had to walk a little bit in inclement weather, please join us or decide to drive them yourself.

Have you ever been in the middle of road rage on your job?

Asked by Donnald almost 6 years ago

Yep. Every. Dang. Day.

Is it okay to wear a MAGA hat when you drive.

Asked by Orange man ???? almost 6 years ago

Sure? I mean a hat is a hat is a hat. If you're offended by a hat, I suggest you find a safe space to cry and grow up.

What was your worst day on the job?

Asked by Michalski over 5 years ago

Luckily haven't had too many bad days though other drivers have had incidents where they witnessed kids being struck by vehicles.

Why are people on this form always asking if things are legal? Do you think they are trying to get a bus driver in as much trouble as they can?

Asked by 23423 about 6 years ago

I don't think they are attempting to get drivers in trouble, but rather its a combination of the entitlement complex followed by ignorance of the actual rules. There is an indignation of "can a bus driver actually do x" that many people don't get that we can do it and will do it. Assigning seats is a common frustration. People in general do not like to be told what to do, yet in order to pass certain things we have to follow certain rules. For example, you cannot just drive a car because you want to. You have to have an idea what speed limits are and what the rules of the road are before getting behind the wheel.

Can school bus driver stop the bus on the side of the road for 10 minutes or more to take a break? This is around 7:00am

Asked by Stephanie over 6 years ago

Yes. It also depends on whether they have students on the bus too. They may be trying to get their students under control too and one of the easiest ways to do that is to simply pull the bus over and wait. If the driver is at a school or near a school they may be killing time before drop off is allowed.

What is it with bus drivers passing people if their not at their stop. Say its raining and your walking and your like right there and the bus driver looks at you and drives away? Why?! I understand if your not out yet or dawdling but come on.

Asked by Mr. Angry almost 6 years ago

Not at the stop = miss the bus. That simple. Had you been there on time you wouldn't be asking the question. That being said, most drivers are on a time schedule. If you are not out when the driver has asked you multiple times to be out. Expect to get left.

Has a kid ever exaggerated something you did or completely made something up to either make you look worse so he won’t be in as much trouble, excuse actions, or just to get you in trouble?

Asked by John over 5 years ago

Yes but video always sets the truth straight.

Is sticking the PA microphone up to a speaker a good way to get kids attention?

Asked by Mike almost 6 years ago


Can my bus driver make me sit behind her? A bunch of kids on my bus are super loud, but she never gets mad at them. She is trying to make me sit in a seat with two elementary girls! I am a 6th grade boy! She nearly took my phone! Allowed or not?!?!?!

Asked by Angry kid about 6 years ago

Short answer, yes. The bus driver is allowed to assign seats as he or she sees fit. Yes, they are allowed to confiscate your items if they are a legitimate distraction.

I am interested in being a driver and I would like to know what the DOT exam is like and if I am overweight would I be hired

Asked by Vic about 6 years ago

It depends on your region how the DOT physical works though typically it is pretty standard. If your BMI is too high they will send you for a sleep study before they will approve you to drive a bus or any large vehicle like a semi or tractor trailer. If you have diabetes as long as it is well controlled on pills or diet you will be OK. As of right now insulin dependent people are not able to drive a bus. Though that may vary by region. Your sight and your hearing must be OK and your blood pressure must be within normal limits.

What is your top three complaints about the job? What is your top three favorite things about your job? What may be some things people complain about that you have never had issue with or vice versa?

Asked by School bus person almost 6 years ago

1. Idiots on the road. 2. Idiots on the road running my stop sign. 3. Cleaning up puke.

1. Smiles 2. When kids sing along. 3. When they tell me they had a good day.

Mainly we get low pay for the crap we put up with, so the next time you see a bus driver. Offer a massage or alcohol or some sort of monetary compensation. They'll be your best friend for life.

what happens when you write down a high schooler (first write up).

Asked by Bhavnoor Saini about 6 years ago

Generally only a warning will happen based on the severity of what happened.

Why is my bus driver a bitch

Asked by Pam almost 6 years ago

Ask her?

Is it a violation of FERPA for a bus driver to look at or read papers that are in a special education student's backpack? ( Example; checking their daily communication sheet to see how they behaved at school)

Asked by chris88 over 6 years ago

Not necessarily, like all school employees they are bound to keep things confidential. However if the bus driver is using it against the student or improperly then definitely report it.

Is no talking on bus a rule a bus driver can make? And does a bus driver have the right to write you up for it?

Asked by Lisa about 6 years ago

Yes and yes. Truthfully though, I prefer other student management methods. Just bring headphones and a good music player.

Can a school buses strobe light be amber or does it only have to be white?

Asked by 93 about 6 years ago

Strobe lights on top of the buses are clear. It looks like its white when it flashes but thats just the cover over the light.

Today I said a bad word and the bus driver said I would have to find another rude home this afternoon and the next three days. Being this is my FIRST write up he usually gives warrings the first time. Do you think I was singled out?

Asked by Erin almost 6 years ago

Short answer, no. Don't cuss. Long answer maybe write an apology to him and step to the bus this afternoon with it. Explain that it isn't your normal way of acting and offer to sit in the front for a few days in lieu of getting kicked off. If he holds firm then say thank you anyways and gracefully walk away and find a ride.

The school officials evidently think that students can rule our lives. So if district office and the school board does not do anything (I think they will) do you think it is possible to take the matter up with the state? I am not in a union but can

Asked by Dale over 5 years ago

State will refer you back down to local as its simply political. How they choose to spend their money is up to them.

Do you ever do cross country trips or do they usually hire a charter service for them?

Asked by 435345 almost 6 years ago

Cross country as in the sport yes. Cross country as in longer than 5 to 7 hours... generally that depends on the trip coordinator whether they get charter or lowball pay us.

Can the bus driver call another kids mom a drink while the lady is yelling at her for not picking up her son?

Asked by FortNite kid over 5 years ago

If the shoe fits....

How do you keep from getting a horrible route? (I.e behavior issuies, extremely long, complicated to drive, or just plain horrrible kids to drive)?

Asked by Jj almost 6 years ago

That's a complicated question because there is a driver that is good for every route. Kids respond to different ways of handling them and not all kids respond in the same way. Recently, I had to merge my route with another route and took on an additional 40 to 50 kids. It took about two weeks but I'm finally seeing progress in how these kids are responding to me mainly because of the example set by my original kids.

I just asked a question but it wasn't really answered. I asked if it's ok for a bus driver to stop on the side of the road for over 10 mins to take a break? It doesn't have kids in the bus. If so, it must be only a few cause I don't see kids.Everyday

Asked by Stephanie over 6 years ago

Yes it is, bus drivers have schedules they need to keep. The driver may be waiting to start his or her next route. As long as the bus is off the main part of any road and not impeding traffic a bus driver can stop and "take a break" as you put it.

I guess they say in fog they flash and make it harder for drivers to see. Some also say they are a seizure risk. Do you think this is a bunch of crap or that they work or what do you think? Also, what color do you think is better on them amberorclear

Asked by Dave almost 6 years ago

All strobes on buses that I've seen are clear white. It can be a seizure risk but seizure susceptible people shouldn't be driving.

Can a school district buy a 20 year old bus fix it up, get all the safety specifications, and make it like brand then put it back into service legally? I know they can keep a bus as long as they want but what about buying old and older buses?

Asked by Forg almost 6 years ago

Legally speaking, I am not sure. I suppose if mileage is right and they can get some use out of it, i suppose they could do that. Most systems won't use buses older than 20 years but many of our buses are that old if not older.

Have you seen the video of the bus driver being beat in while she was dropping off kids? What are your thoughts on that?

Asked by Jeff almost 6 years ago

Yes. She should have stayed in her seat, called for help, shut the door and drove off.

What do you think is the hardest part about being a bus driver?

Asked by Gregory over 5 years ago

Having to see a kid go through hard times and not being able to do much about it.

But not all drive thru's...

Asked by Dan about 6 years ago

I haven't found one yet that doesn't have a height restriction.

Hey I have sort of a strange question but I am serious. I want to become a bus driver do you think I could work out a plan to be in collage and drive then work a decent day job while being a bus driver? Mabey just a AM or PM or part time or jus

Asked by Daniel about 6 years ago

Yes. We need drivers.

Is there vacuum operated stop signs anymore?

Asked by Jj almost 6 years ago

Our stop signs are air operated.

Why on some newer school buses do the headlights sometimes wig wag with the red lights?

Asked by Krista almost 6 years ago

Visibility. Visibility. Visibility. It's all about visibility of the bus. A driver is more likely to be aware and alert if the light is flashing rather than solid color.

What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked on here?

Asked by James almost 6 years ago

There are too many to list.

Then think if The regular driver had a problem with it then why would rude lady take it away instead of just asking to silence it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asked by Jayden over 5 years ago

Her bus her rules.

What should I do if the bus is coming 20 minutes before the scheduled stop time?

Asked by JC about 6 years ago

Get on the bus or go without a ride to school. Then set your alarm for the new time because it's likely the driver was thrust into doing a double, triple, quadruple run just to get kids to school. Just get on the bus, bring the driver a coffee with creamer and sugar on the side and the driver will be grateful.

How many hours are you legally allowed to drive at a time?

Asked by Man about 6 years ago

I believe the federal law is 14 to 16 hours on the clock 8 hours mandatory off the clock. This is generally for truckers and other long haul drivers. School bus drivers don't usually have to adhere to that federal law.

Consider this. A trip might be 10 hours long but only involves 4 hours worth of drive time (drive there and back) the remaining 6 hours are the activity time for the group you took to the destination.

Can a bus driver kick you off for playing music on your phone speaker?

Asked by Lee almost 6 years ago

Yes, it's a distraction for the driver and if the driver has asked you to turn it off or turn it down then you can be written up or kicked off the bus. Just do as you're told.

Have you ever got done with your route(s) to find some kid sleeping?

Asked by Don almost 6 years ago

Yes. It happens.

Honestly I think its better then a driver who sits there and does nothing and lets people act how they want even if it makes someone unsafe or uncomfortable.

Asked by John almost 6 years ago

Very true. Having some form of discipline is better than nothing.

Can a driver get in trouble for smoking on the bus. No students (passengers) on board but smells like smoke.

Asked by jhg about 6 years ago

Yes. Report it to the proper authorities.

Why do bus drivers almost never get in trouble. The principals and supervisors always take the drivers side even if there is video of them screamig and cussing middle to high schoolers out and sometimes after calling 100 times they will move them?

Asked by 667 almost 6 years ago

Because generally bus drivers don't do the things you accuse them of. The video is proof of them doing nothing wrong. It also depends on what your definition of cussing is and truthfully if the kids were better behaved then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

Hey, how are you able to do this? I mean when your off the clock don’t you just not want to focus on work or do you just answer questions before and after your job while your there? For real

Asked by Donn almost 6 years ago

Some people don't know the inside scoop on what this job really is about. It takes just a few minutes to answer questions and generally people don't mind hearing answers.

What is the first letter of your first name?

Asked by Jerry over 5 years ago

B for bus driver.

There is also a video of a bus driver blowing a whistle in a kids ear and yelling at him.

Asked by Jeff almost 6 years ago

Thats unacceptable.

Can the bus driver get off the bus in the middle of the route while there are children on the bus and go into a gas station, leaving the kids alone?

Asked by Rayne almost 6 years ago

Generally speaking no its not advised however if there was an emergency situation like a kid having a seizure and they needed to get help, then I would consider that a grey area.

Are school buss drivers allude to take a students phone away from them in Ohio

Asked by Elliot almost 6 years ago

Yes if the phone is causing a distraction and it is school policy. The school bus is the extension of the classroom and is basically a mobile moving classroom. Do something stupid with your phone, lose the privilege of having it on the bus.

Here is something for you there is this sub bus driver who looks just like Dee Wallace who is very rude and yelled at me for doing homework while she was talking and threw it in the trash. What should I do?

Asked by Jamie almost 6 years ago

Don't do your homework on the bus.

Why is there such a shortage of bus drivers?

Asked by Maya almost 6 years ago

Because the job is severely underpaid for the hours and dedication we put in as drivers. Lots of places won't hire a person to work part time for the hours that we are available since our schedule is so unique and our pay isn't even close to what would be a livable wage.

Does a bus driver have the right to not let someone on who is on the roster just for a dress code violation?

Asked by Sam almost 6 years ago

Yes. If you are in violation of dress code they can refuse to transport you. Don't violate dress code.

Why do kids like to complain about the music that the radio is on when it is on their station most of them don’t even listen to it. They are too busy with head phones in, being loud, etc

Asked by Jsopdsofj over 5 years ago

Because sometimes they can hear that music over their headphones. I try to keep the music at a reasonable level so we all get along.

I could have swore there was another bus driver on here at one time. Was there or have you always been the only one?

Asked by JJ almost 6 years ago

I have no clue. I know I'm one of the only school bus driver threads?? I'm not entirely sure though.

Can my bus driver really write me up for insubordination because I refused to snitch on somebody?!

Asked by Sia almost 6 years ago

If you were being obnoxious and rude and disrespectful then possibly. It could be a tactic the driver may use to get the other person to confess to whatever happened. Without knowing the whole situation i can't give an answer.

Okay so I heard somewhere that a bus driver can not break up a fight. My bus driver a few years ago did and nothing happened to her. She still drove so she did not get fired, suspended, or put in jail

Asked by Karen almost 6 years ago

It depends on the district policies and is generally left up to the personal call of the driver in charge. For example, if I have two middle school or high school kids fighting, I will call the cops. But if the kids are elementary, scrawny and tiny, I'll intervene before they beat the snot out of each other.

I know right that is what I was thinking. I guess he wanted to teach them a lesson or something. They just ended up letting them both back on the bus.

Asked by This was years ago but.. almost 6 years ago

Smh. Sometimes you can't teach people and people are idiots.

What do you think of strobe lights? Well I guess everyone does not love those clear and amber flashing lights. Some say that aircraft cant use them during inclement weather becuase it makes visibility worse and that is when buses use them.

Asked by Dave almost 6 years ago

We use them for visibility reasons. I have no issue with them.

Do you think that two way radios can be a distraction for bus drivers? Why do some drivers think they are just something to chatter on. Like no Donna I don't care what your having for lunch I am in a wreck.

Asked by Chain Saw almost 6 years ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha <gasp> hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Omg thank you for making my night. Truthfully they have a good place but like you said, Susan is too busy planning her nail salon appointment and Joey is asking for a prayer request. On top of Dumbass Debbie who can't find an address that you've told her 8675309 times.....

What happens when a school bus has to enter gated neighborhood like how do you open the gate?

Asked by Mr. Dr. Professor Patrick almost 6 years ago

The bus driver is given the code by the association that owns the gate and generally like everyone else has to press in the code to open the gate. Some gated communities are open during certain periods of the day like commuter times to allow buses in and out. Some are open during the day and close only at night. Some require a remote to open and the bus is provided with that. There's ways around it. Some communities have a gate guard that will let a bus in and out.

Okay this happens months ago but I want to see what you think. Okay my Ag teacher who drives a bus of the class down to the school farm took a phone call while he was driving. Should I have said something?

Asked by Jims almost 6 years ago

Again situational. Depending on the situation at hand the rule states no phone use primarily. That being said if he wasn't a normal driver he might not have thought about it. Truthfully, I've taken phone calls but usually make them brief as unless its an emergency it can wait.

Are the type D buses harder to drive then other types of buses?

Asked by Ronnie almost 6 years ago

Type d buses are flat nose. Ive driven them before and they have benefits such as better turning radius than traditional buses. It takes a bit of getting used to because your drivers seat is 2 to 4 feet in front of the front wheels so you have to get used to swinging around a bit but its fairly easy once you figure it out.

Can the bus driver be responsible for pressing charges. Lets say there was a assault on the bus. The victim did not wish to press charges and the police where not going to arrest if no one pressed charges. Can the driver press charges?

Asked by James almost 6 years ago

If the victim doesnt want charges pressed no. If the victim was also the bus driver then yes.

Why are parents and students so mean to subs? They are just trying to do their job and they are yelled at they are too early, too late, made a simple wrong turn and can easly turn around. Also kids are usually for them then their regular driver.

Asked by afasdfa almost 6 years ago

Subs have a more difficult job than regular drivers because they do take the brunt of problems if a kid misbehaves or is not out at the stop. That being said no route is without problems and problem kids. The trick is to figure out how to approach it.

Okay thanks I will take your advide. I am sure it is worse for the driver then it is for me. I will make a fun game out of it and try to guess what time the bus will be here today. Thanks

Asked by I (response) about 6 years ago

I suggest bringing coffee and donuts to the driver. You might get a hug then.

Hi question. So my child takes the bus in the mornings because he is in a wheel chair and I am unable to. I enrolled him in an after school program till 6pm. I can pick him up after school but will he loose his seat on bus in the morning? Yes or no

Asked by WorriedMOM over 5 years ago

No. Whether you can transport him or not should have no bearing on whether he is eligible for school bus transportation. We have many kids who ride mornings only or afternoons only.

What was your first year like?

Asked by You are the right one ?? almost 6 years ago

A lot of learning. I had to think outside the box and then learn on a steep learning curve to manage students.

Hello why are you a bus driver? Out of everything you could do with your life be a truck driver, police officer, fire fighter, lawyer, politician, and everything else WHY A BUS DRIVER?! God bless you by the way we do need more bus drivers but why

Asked by Winter over 5 years ago

Because I love my job.

What do you do when students trash your bus?

Asked by 56 almost 6 years ago

Make them clean it up.

Do you plan on coming back to your blog in the future?

Asked by Jhon almost 6 years ago

Honestly i am so busy i havent had time for my blog. I might resume it.

Why do the flashing 8 way lights always wig wag? or at least for the most part

Asked by dfg almost 6 years ago

Mine go wag wig. Though in all actuality its likely to do with the visibility of the bus. Flashing lights alternating catch the eye faster than simple flashing lights.

Have you ever spotted Big Foot?

Asked by Yetti over 5 years ago

No but some of the highschool kids come close

Why when I or somewhere else when a priority call goes out does no one shut the **** up?! They need to call, switch channels or figure it out theirselves. In a rare time when something happens they just don’t shut up! 56 is lost, 29 wants the principal, 67 is mad at another drive, 55 and 54 is having a conversation, 45 wants to know how to shut something off, and 27 is just bullshitting. I want to tell them to shut the F up but is not worth the write up. So how do I shut them up?!

Asked by The angry redneck over 5 years ago

First off that's hysterical because it seems the problem is everywhere. That happens in my district too. We even have multiple meetings and announcements on the subject but people still ignore policy. You should talk with your supervisor and see if he or she can make an announcement or have a refresher meeting.

what do you think of this. Okay long story short the driver called for the police becuase of back talking. Supervisor shows up instead. Bus driver refuses to let him on while there is now someone bradding him. 20 min late because SROs had to come.

Asked by This was years ago but.. almost 6 years ago

Uh. What? If his supervisor showed up then he should have let the supervisor on the bus.

Yea, bad wreck but Susan loves that nail place but she does not like how expensive it is. Joeys sick dog is more important then possible injured kids and I need emergency response. Debbie can not use a pen and paper and is now lost in another state.

Asked by Chain Saw almost 6 years ago


So a judge could not do anything even if he or she wanted to. Honestly that was all I wanted to know is if it was legal or not. Again I am not going to do it and I don’t want the bus driver arrested or sued. Sorry and thank you.

Asked by Samantha over 5 years ago

You're welcome.

When do you usually write citations? Do you use them frequently or only in extreme situations?

Asked by Dan over 5 years ago

Generally I save citations for extreme situations like if a kid punches another kid in the face and blood is drawn or if a weapon is brought on the bus. There are some drivers that will write a kid up for nothing or minor stuff. The only other time I might use a citation is if I've exhausted going to the parent and the parent has refused to do anything about the behavior. Then and only then do I document what I've done and send it on to the school to handle.

How do you handle “kids” when they have constant behaviour problems, the use lots if profanity, talk too loud, yell, smoke, talk back, bad mouth the bus driver where the driver can hear them, etc?

Asked by Gannet over 5 years ago

Write them up and turn them into the administration. Generally i try to handle problems before they get out of control though.

Hello what would you do if some kid spit on you?

Asked by Poopy head over 5 years ago

Write them up.

Other drivers use them to help us?

Asked by Dale over 5 years ago

Unions are slippery slopes.

What time do you usually get up in the mornings? Some drivers say they have to be up at 3:30 AM and others don't have to until closer to 6:00.

Asked by David almost 6 years ago

515 to 545 am then drag my butt to the bus at 6 am

Is it illegal for a bus driver to take a phone away all over a stupid ringer? If she is a sub and not even the regular driver and she hears it and take it away because it’s a distraction. She not wanting to miss the light but still gets up and took it

Asked by Jayden over 5 years ago

No not illegal.

Heres a question for you, why are most type D buses shorter then the Type Cs? Noticed the same thing with Bs

Asked by Marla almost 6 years ago

I'm not entirely sure but it has to do with the make and model of the bus. Some school buses are 72 passenger and others are 90 passenger and still others are even less. So it just depends on the need of a company.

What is so special about the back of the bus

Asked by Daniel over 5 years ago

Nothing. Kids think its a privilege but we see everything that happens.

Is there a difference between a bus aide, monitor, attendant, assistant, and driver helper? Is it just different people call it different things like pop and soda?

Asked by Silly willy almost 6 years ago

No there isn't a difference that I can see though different states may have different requirements.

Why are some bus drivers so nice and some are so mean. For real most of my drivers where one or the other either super nice or really like yell their butt off at everyone or be super sweet and only yelled on occasion when no one was listing

Asked by ASDFJKL: almost 6 years ago

It depends on how the kids are to us for many of us but some people are just plain mean. I prefer a quiet approach. I rarely yell, say please and thank you to my kids and they respond much better.

Can a bus driver with a bus load of kids get off the bus to assist with a motor vehicle collision if they secure the bus, take the keys, and put a responsible and trustworthy older student in charge?

Asked by Luke almost 6 years ago

Depending on the situation would be when I'd make that judgement call. Typically its best to not interfere unless life is at stake and you know you can save a life.

Why do you think your question volume has gone up? You used to get a question maybe once a week sometimes now it is like sometimes multiple times a day.

Asked by Roberta over 5 years ago

Because you asked this question.

What do when the subs are useing old route maps and stopping by a sex offenders house and the driver just screams at me "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO DO MY JOB!" or worse tells me to shut the hell up and let her drive or she will pass it and make me walk

Asked by ?? almost 6 years ago

Call the bus shop and ask them to redo the route in the system. Also another way to get on a substitutes good side is for you to offer to show them the route then be good about telling them turn left, turn right, stop just after this white mailbox, green trash can, orange car.... etc. The less a sub has to deal with other kids screaming in their ears the better.

My bus driver said she needed to pee so she took us off route and stopped us at her friends house and went in to do so. Is that legal?

Asked by Nirv almost 6 years ago

Personally it's not something i would have done but if she got permission from the bus company then ok? Personally, ive had to go to the bathroom before but ill ask a school administrator or employee to watch my bus while i go use the facilities.

Then rant about it for 10 minutes. Also embarrassing someone because she thought that person was noes picking! Why not just pull them aside when they get off?!

Asked by Jayden over 5 years ago

Maybe dont distract her?

Why does school have to start so early? I mean if they have to they could just end later, right?

Asked by Connie almost 6 years ago

Because we like torturing kids. I really don't know the real reason.

Hey, have you ever known someone who has drove a bus for over 30 years? Do you plan on driving the rest of your life or do yoi think you will move on to bigger and better things. Have you always wanted to become a bus driver?

Asked by Red Beard over 5 years ago

Not 30 years but many of our drivers are topped out at over 20 years of service. I could definitely see myself doing this long term, but when i think of what else I could do, I don't see myself leaving my bus babies. But then again things change. I never thought in a million years that I would be a bus driver. It certainly wasn't my first choice but is my best choice for a job.

She said no drinks but it was just water.

Asked by Dillion almost 6 years ago

No drinks is no drinks.

Are School bus drivers aloud to leave the bus when stopped in the road picking up children while children are also on the bus?

Asked by Moe almost 6 years ago

It depends on the district and situation. Some districts require you to cross children yourself to prevent more accidents which requires you to regularly leave your seat. Other districts have a strict policy of no unattended bus.

Personally if I have to speak with a parent or teacher for longer than just 30 seconds in order to protect the privacy of a child I'll step off the bus.

One more sorry for posting so much. Do you think amber strobes can cause confusion and make drivers think the bus is stopping?

Asked by Dave almost 6 years ago

Thats why all the strobes ive seen are white. The student lights do strobe on their own on newer buses for visibility reasons.

After talking to some witnesses & another mom, I feel that my 5yr old is being suspended unfairly. He has been accused of throwing an object, when he simply only dropped it, and for getting up. I was told she writes kids up for talking. What can I do

Asked by Momof2 over 5 years ago

You can ask for the video tape to be pulled off the bus and reviewed by the administrators. Truthfully if he was consistently not staying in his seat and the administration saw that, then they are justified in suspending him. He may also have thrown an object not just dropped it. Point is there should be video of the incident in question. If he was suspended unfairly, the video would show and clear his name.

Do bus drivers ever have to stop at weight stations?

Asked by Ron almost 6 years ago

Generally no.

Hey what happened you where getting questions everyday and now your getting a few a week again.

Asked by June over 5 years ago

I slowed down on answering them. Time constraints on my part.

Do you think bus drivers who yell should be fired? I don’t I figure if they are not saying anything too vulgar, not physically harming anyone, and not flat out bullying someone they should be able to keep their job. What do you think?

Asked by John almost 6 years ago

If yelling was a reason to lose a job, I'd have been fired a long time ago.

Okay then who do you think some drivers think that it is a good tactic to scare and intimidate students?

Asked by Job over 5 years ago

Control. There are many different ways to exert control over a bunch of kids. Some people do it through intimidation and scare tactics. I prefer a more practical approach. Treat them like I want to be treated.

Can you really get fined by the FCC if you make unsolicited messages, cuss, or make weird noises on the CB. I know it can be a nuisance but I heard someone can be fined. Is that true?

Asked by Mrs. Crabtree over 5 years ago

Honestly, I've never heard of that. We joke all the time on the radio and cut up and have a good time. Sometimes adding a little humor to the day is the only way we survive.

What would happen if you pulled the parking brake at 60 MPH?

Asked by Jonsnsnsjsksk almost 6 years ago

The bus makes a beeping noise and it engages slowly to slow the bus down.

Why do bus drivers get so cranky? Some being flat out nasty. While other drivers are always nice and rarely if ever raise their voice. Then other drivers have almost no interaction with students?

Asked by Randal over 5 years ago

Some people just aren't morning people, other people just don't like people. Sometimes these people are forced to get a job doing something they don't care to do. Personally, a job is what you make it.

If you don’t do any summer school routes are driver paid in the summer? Does it depend on the district/company.

Asked by Bob over 5 years ago

It depends on the district and company. My district pays us in the summer but that means they withhold money from us all school year to pay us in the summer. We are contracted for 180 days but they take that and spread that over 12 months. Summer school and other extra things like field trips and alternative school runs and mid days are considered extra so they pay us a minimum hourly rate for that. For example, I'm doing summer school so I am allowed to put down 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon for transportation.

How bad is the bus driver shortage really? What are some reasons that may have cased it?

Asked by Ron almost 6 years ago

Come apply and find out for yourself how bad the shortage is. It's bad enough that I am not allowed to be sick even if i get hospitalized by a doctor.

Also when you drive your route of cats do they climb and on you and don’t sit down and meow too much? What do you do to manage the cats behavior on the bus on your kitty cat route

Asked by Job over 5 years ago

Meow meow mrow meowwww meowwww rowrrrrr hisssss.

So here at the high school there was a student council member say that bus drivers can’t drive for more then so many hours they HAVE to charter. So my fellow bus drivers and me obviously called BS and said where not having some high schoolers

Asked by Dale over 5 years ago

There are hour restrictions on all cdl class a and b drivers but whether companies follow them is up to the company.

Is it true that districts place their bus drivers say the stricter meaner ones on more misbehaved routes and the ones that are more Lenient and nicer are put on better behaved routes

Asked by Brat kid over 5 years ago

There is a driver for every route. Some drivers just work better with some kids than others. I'm sure to some kids I seem mean but to others, I'm their favorite.

Hey quick question how fast can a bus go. Lets say there is no laws, regulations, or governors and pressed the petal to the metal. How fast do you think it will go?

Asked by Buddy The Elf almost 6 years ago

Probably 80 to 90

What is more difficult in general city bus or school bus? Also I know this is irrelevant but do you have a southern accent?

Asked by Billy Bob Joe almost 6 years ago

Both are about the same it just depends on experience. Yes i do have a bit of an accent.

Whoops sorry I asked so many questions I did not think it went through

Asked by Kimberly about 5 years ago

That's okay!

What is better Bluebird, IC, Thomas, Lion, or some other manufacturer?

Asked by TT over 5 years ago

We have Bluebirds and International bluebirds on our yard. I don't have experience with any other type of bus.

Have you ever had to delete a rude, dumb, troll, and/or irrelevant question?

Asked by Johnson almost 6 years ago


Also does it annoy you when someone calls it a year when it is not a year. It is a term.

Asked by You over 5 years ago

Nah I call it a year or a term it's both.

So you think though if a sub came 20 minutes early and there was no notice and it was a mistake. That they should have sent the bus back or did something in that case? Do you think the sub would be reprimanded?

Asked by James over 5 years ago

Reprimanded, no. As the rider you need to be ready for the bus to come at any point. Generally we tell our kids be ready 10 minutes early just incase. Generally if the sub is following the driver's instructions then it's your fault you missed the bus. Most buses stop and other kids are getting on at the same time.

How much trouble do you think a driver would get in for screaming shut the “F” up to a high school student?

Asked by Watson over 5 years ago

Depends on the context and how many other ears were around to hear the cuss word. If i have all highschoolers, I've been known to relax the rules a bit and cut up with them because God knows they've heard worse already.

What do you think about eating and drinking on your bus? Are more lax as long as there is not mess? or are you more of no ones eating unless their starving to death or your a diabetic?

Asked by Jimmies over 5 years ago

I prefer they didn't eat on my bus because I don't want them to choke while the bus is moving. I understand that kids will be kids and they will eat, but as long as they're responsible about it and do not leave a mess or create more problems i generally won't say anything.

Hi so evidently our driver is switching routes after semester. I can’t really blame him but the bus driver we are supposedly getting I have heard bad things about and I think I had her as a sub before. I hear she is really mean and my route is pretty

Asked by Ryan about 5 years ago

Give her a chance to show ya'll how she operates. Also don't be jerks to her just because of what you hear. A bit of peer pressure goes a long way when it comes to handling behavior.

HAVe you ever had a tire blow out? If you did what happend?

Asked by Sia over 5 years ago

No thank goodness.

Can you eat and drive

Asked by Dj over 5 years ago

Yes, though generally if I have to eat and drive I choose easy stuff like chicken nuggets or something that isn't messy and I can deal without having much on it.

What is the worst bus you have ever drove?

Asked by Lol over 5 years ago

I've had my share of bad buses. Probably one that I've had to call the cops to How could this even happen he deserves life without poral! Okay here is the question how do districts/companys prevent these kinds of people from being with kids?

Asked by Pissed off almost 6 years ago

We go through background checks but even those aren't foolproof.

Yes the radios can get a driver through a hard day. That is when they know when to shut up and enough is enough. Lol. I saw it in a training video once.

Asked by Mrs Crabbtree over 5 years ago

This is true. Radio usage is monitored and restricted by district.

But here is the thing when I am good I still don't want to hear them yelling at other people and about other things. They only like a handful of kids and the new lady has a shrill yell. Miles away from school both parents work

Asked by The man almost 6 years ago

Wear earplugs? Or get your fellow students to sit down, behave, and stop doing shit that will get them yelled at.

What do you do if you hit a deer or some other animal?

Asked by Jane over 5 years ago

Report it to the boss and the boss goes and gets the meat if its a deer. If its a smaller animal like a squirrel we don't generally report it. If its a dog or a cat we let the boss know that way if an angry parent calls he can say keep your animal inside next time.

Is that you in the Halloween shirt?

Asked by Zz over 5 years ago

Idk what you're talking about??

So okay there is this bus driver who only lets us sit triple as a last resort. I understand the safety concerns but thats not the weird part. She said its weird for two guys or two girls to have their butts touching.

Asked by Confused over 5 years ago

Some drivers have old fashioned rules but it doesn't mean that they are wrong. Generally though to avoid harassment or problems I will sit boys with boys and girls with girls.

If my bus driver threw away my water. Was this illegal like petty theft or something?

Asked by Dillion almost 6 years ago

What were you doing with the water? If it was being thrown or tossed or otherwise not being used appropriately yes, they can throw it away. Stop doing stupid crap.

I got written up for messing with controls when I flipped this lock. I did not realize it would stall the bus out and the bus driver got pissed and wrote me up. The principal have me three days off the bus and a phone call home. How was I to Know?!

Asked by Johm about 5 years ago

So, you didn't learn a basic rule which is do not touch or play with something that isn't yours. Congratulations. You just learned something new. We do try to educate students but when they miss a crucial lesson that is taught in grade school or choose to ignore it and mess with something that isn't theirs, they can expect to have consequences.

Why are some bus drivers show up as early as possible so we can sit in the bus lot for thirty minutes and do nothing. Others show up at the last possible minute? What’s up with that? My bus comes at 6:45 this year a few years ago it was 7:15.

Asked by Dann over 5 years ago

Are other kids getting on your bus while you wait at.the bus lot? There may have been some changes to where other drivers are forced to hold other kids while the now empty drivers go out and pick up more kids. Personally I time my route so that I don't have to wait in line.

What do you do in a medical emergency?

Asked by Carson about 5 years ago

Call 911. No really. Call 911 lol. Most of the time it depends on the kind of emergency it is. We are all CPR and basic first aid certified so we can handle things like choking and stuff but generally we call for help.

Okay so our bus driver is really mean and finally they got enough complaints that they decided to give us this bus monitor. They told us how the driver should not have to get involved as much. THE MONITER IS MEANER THEN THE DRIVER AND THEY GANG UP!

Asked by The man almost 6 years ago

Maybe stop acting out on the bus. Or don't ride if you don't like it. You always have other options including your own two feet and the wheels of a bicycle.

Is it okay to run across the street before the lights turn red??? He said cars can still pass but the cars should be smart enough to see that kids may be crossing.

Asked by Dennie over 5 years ago

Would you walk out in traffic when there is a stoplight without the crosswalk sign? Or how about without looking both ways. Stay off the road, wait for the bus and driver to tell you when it's safe to cross and you won't be roadkill.

How many hours do bus drivers get for vacation, paternity leave, personal days, sick days, etc?

Asked by Tim over 5 years ago

It depends on the district. I know that we get approximately 11 sick days every year to use, and we max out sick days at 45 though we can accumulate more than 45. If we have more than 50 at the end of the year we get a 500 dollar bonus. We get 3 personal days per year. Vacation is strictly whatever school schedule is. Leave types are case by case basis and approved by administration.

One more sorry for blowing your email up. Or kindly tell them it is BS and their own personal problem. What do I do if something is or has been done but the parent insists it hasn't or is not good enough.

Asked by Lynn over 5 years ago

If the parent is being unreasonable, let them know they can continue the issue with your supervisor and shut the door in their face. Bus riding is a privilege not a right.

Can you see the E-mail and username of people asking questions or does it just show the screen name at the top like Raven?

Asked by Raven over 5 years ago

It just shows me the name of the person who asked the question. It sends me an email notification saying someone asked a question. I don't see anymore than the question itself and the name you chose like in this case its Raven

Is it true that some bus drivers pull in to a school and wait 30 minutes even a hour just to be the first ones there? If you where a supervisor would you allow buses to wait as long as some do?

Asked by Rodney over 5 years ago

Yes it's true at least for my district. Personally that is on individual bus drivers call but as for me I am not a babysitter therefore i refuse to wait any longer than i have to.

Should I report this bus driver? So I guess our bus was running late and the bus that is 20min before our bus was late. We thought it was our bus so we crossed the road and she ALMOST HIT US! Never said sorry or anything

Asked by Karmen over 5 years ago

Well first off, never cross the road without signal from the driver. You are safer in your own yard than crossing the road before they get there especially in the first few days of school. The driver probably didn't see you because they obviously were not expecting you to come out of the yard or home. Especially if you are not a listed stop on their route. Remember you are still dealing with vehicles. You wouldn't just walk in front of a taxi in NYC just because it's yellow and going in your general direction. Don't be stupid and get killed.

What happens if you break down on a one lane road with no shoulder?

Asked by Chicken Little over 5 years ago

You call a tow truck and the mechanics. Then put out the hazard triangles to show motorists of the hazard of your vehicle in the road.

For real try and write me up for a dirty bus when I clean my bus every day. Other weird stuff they pull. The director of transportation is a good guy. They do it to other drivers too. Advice? I have chilled a bit. Then they talk about misbehavior

Asked by Carlene over 5 years ago

Take photos of your bus that's been clean and document document document. If you're writing kids up for little things then maybe its time you found another job?

What are the most common complaints parents give you?

Asked by Lynn over 5 years ago

My kid is getting bullied but they called such and so a name first..... or can you come later we don't get up that early. Or can you take my kid on my overcrowded first run because I'm too lazy to make other arrangements.

Why do most school buses suck? Why can they not be more like Greyhound buses? There is only like one nice school bus I have ever rode on the rest where either bad or okay. Many with no AC.

Asked by Jamie almost 6 years ago

Because kids tear stuff apart.

For me or the bus driver? I know that it is illegal and am not planning on bringing tobacco products on the bus. I am just legitimately curious because someone said they are suing the school pressing charges on his driver.

Asked by Samantha over 5 years ago

They can still attempt to sue the school and driver but then they'd have to explain why they had tobacco products on school property. According to the federal law it is illegal to bring drugs on school property. Tobacco is considered a drug. They'll be laughed out of the court.

Can I ask the bus driver not to have my child to sit with another child? The other child is mean to my child. The child push my child up against the window. Should I call the bus company or ask the bus driver?

Asked by Mimi over 5 years ago

I would speak with the driver first. Be careful accusing other kids of actions. The bus is a very delicate balancing act.

Do you support the heartbeat bills?

Asked by Pro life is pro women over 5 years ago

This is not the q&a to answer that.

Hey yo wht do the thingamigigger do in the dash that has the little red blinking light?

Asked by Donnie the man bro over 5 years ago

The thingamajigger is likely the digital camera system. The blinking light says its running. There may be a red button on it that the driver can push for automatic student ejection (just kidding) though really if they push that button it marks the tape and allows the driver to return to that moment in order to view what happened on video. Other flashy items on the dash may be the student lights or the left or right indicators.

Do very many buses have air horns? What is the loudest on you have even heard on a bus? Do you think the ones that the locomotives have would help with drivers running stop signs?

Asked by Jack Black (not really, lol) almost 6 years ago

Not that I've seen but it would be awesome if we did have air horns. People are gonna run our stop signs regardless.

Is It dangerous to leave late students behind? I know it sucks when there is this one kid who dawdles his or her ass to the bus. Is it unsafe. What if they can’t get back in their house or call someone? Would the driver be liable if he or she sawthem

Asked by Jarred over 5 years ago

No. If the kid is dawdling and has been told multiple times not to, the driver has every right to leave the stop. That being said some drivers build in a little extra time for that stop that dawdles coming out of the house because they care and sometimes kids have bad mornings too.

Do I have to have a air brake endorsement to drive a bus? What if I don't drive a bus with air brakes?

Asked by ZNnasnnssnnsn over 5 years ago

That depends on your district's requirements. Most school buses have air brakes to my knowledge but there are a good many that don't have them. Check with your local district.

What bus is better a city or school bus?

Asked by Jimmy Johnson makes another left turn (sorry if you like NASSCAR) over 5 years ago

I don't have experience driving larger city buses though i have driven the smaller handicap buses before. With any job there are ups and downs.

If there is a scum bag teen on your route do you go out of your way to make his rides miserable? Either continuously wright him/her up or they just stop riding because they don’t want to have to deal with you? Would you embarrass them?

Asked by Sarah over 5 years ago

No. No. No. I generally try to get through to all my bus riders and make them feel welcome on my bus regardless of past behavior or issues.

How do you keep kids from driving you cra cra

Asked by Jefferson over 5 years ago

You have to be crazier than the kids.

Do you get to pick stops times? Do you draft your route and have it approved? Or is it picked by the company/district and it is what it is? What about if you wanted it changed.

Asked by San over 5 years ago

That depends on the district. Some districts choose for drivers other districts let drivers choose the stops and times. If you want something changed, talk politely to your driver about the policy on how to go about doing that.

So that being said a guy would have to be seated next to a girl and vice versa. She has other weird rules. Asking for someone else.

Asked by Confused over 5 years ago

What other weird rules are you talking about?

What is the difference between a sequential flashing system and a non-Sequential sequential flashing system?

Asked by Dimmue over 5 years ago

One is sequential and the other is non sequential sequential? My guess is that you may be referring to the student lights. When they alternate thats non sequential but they still all work sequentially together. Whereas the hazard lights are flashing all together at once.

I am a veratrin driver for around 50 years now. My new district has threatened to fire me if I do not get my act together. Never had those problems in other districts or company's. The director is understanding but people in school board are assholes

Asked by Carlene over 5 years ago

What brought about them threatening you in the first place?

Have you ever spotted Big Foot?

Asked by Yetti over 5 years ago

Nope but many of my highschoolers could compare.

if I had a bloody nose, and it’s time for me to gain entry into the bus, can my driver refuse me a ride to school? my driver kicked me off the bus with “i can’t allow someone with blood on this bus.” i know i get nosebleeds often, so does the school

Asked by help almost 6 years ago

It depends on your district policy. Some won't allow kids that may be injured or hurt on the bus due to liability. Nosebleeds might fall under that category. I would check with your local district.

I think I have got the bus driver and the stop I wanted for years. Praise the Lord!!! Hope your happy for me!!! ????

Asked by Danie over 5 years ago

Yayyyyy!!! *does happy dance*

What are bus driver stereotypes that are/ aren’t true

Asked by Sally over 5 years ago

Identify the stereotypes and I'll confirm or deny.

Would you ever start a YouTube channel like Ms.Hoods School Bus Life?

Asked by Trump 2020!!! over 5 years ago

Never heard of her but I'll check her out.

Has anyone ever gave you a tip before?

Asked by Brandy over 5 years ago

Yes. It's few and far between but gifts and tips do happen. This one time, I was specially selected to provide transportation for a group of people coming in from out of town and they provided tips which were a welcome bonus.

I see thanks for answering my question. Sorry for the long question I just copied and pasted it in and it let it go through.

Asked by DJ over 5 years ago

You're welcome! Hope my answer helps you. And thanks for the awesome question!

What do you do if a sub comes 20 minutes early and your dad calls the bus barn and they refuse to send the bus back?

Asked by James over 5 years ago

Ask your dad for a ride or start walking to school. Or call an uber?

What do you do if you get a bad note from a sub?

Asked by Silly Willy almost 6 years ago

Apologize to the sub and then my kids and I have a lecture route where I tell them what I expect from them when I have to be out. If they give me more trouble, they don't like the consequences.

Or would that cause them to loose more brain cells

Asked by Honnie over 5 years ago

They already have limited brain cells.

Telling us how many hours we can work. So we took it to transportation supervisor and director. So they got with the school board and spent a lot of money on two new and custom buses to fit their needs. Besides we did not have enough type D buses

Asked by Dale over 5 years ago

So students whined and got their way.

Hey you HAVE to watch this one it’s hilarious. Do you think this man needs his own show?

Asked by Hahahahaha over 5 years ago

What one?

DO subs generally give feedback? Do a lot of bus driver quit after their first “year” (year used loosely) or before the end of term? Who typically becomes driver is it young people in college, older semi retirees, or who else?

Asked by You over 5 years ago

Subs are welcome to give feedback to regular drivers on their routes. Many times the kids will act out or act differently when there is a sub on the bus because they think they can get away with it. Generally not everyone is cut out to drive a school bus, so we do have people who will quit after a stressful moment. That being said drivers come from all walks of life and backgrounds.

If you where to be assaulted would you be considered a special victim?

Asked by Day day over 5 years ago

Um probably?

She also instead of immediately taking me to school she made me go in the gas station with her for like ten minutes. She never said sorry and acted like it was all my fault. My driver always announces stops and does not care if we sleep. She is Unreasonable

Asked by Dillion over 5 years ago

Well she couldn't leave you unsupervised. If it was me I'd have offered to buy you a drink (soda or water) and a snack before taking you home and saw to it that you had the opportunity to use the bathroom.

Thanks. Now if you where in a supervisory position would you allow buses to wait more then ten minutes? I think some places put a policy that buses are not able to wait over ten minutes. Why or why not?

Asked by Rodney over 5 years ago

Personally unless there was a good reason for a bus to be there early like they were meeting another bus to hold their children or something similar, i probably would institute a rule like that. The longer a bus waits sitting still with children the more possibilities there are for altercations between children. Not only that some states have idling laws.

What make and model bus are you currently driving? Do you like the bus or is it some old crappy clunker

Asked by T-More almost 6 years ago

2016 bluebird vision with an air conditioner retrofitted.

What do you do if little Jonny craps or pee pees his pants? Or both because usually when you poop you pee. Seriously though what would you do in that situation?

Asked by Mr. Knowitall over 5 years ago

Depending on where we are, take him to the school or take him home. Depending on the situation like legitimate accident or little johnny is just being an ass will determine my next course of action. If he's being an ass, generally I'll write him up.

The little image in the middle of the first question. Is that you?

Asked by Zz over 5 years ago

Thats probably an advertisement? I don't have any personal images on here.

Why are some strokes mounted in the back while others are up front while others are midship? Why are some buses equipped but some not? Why are they usually white/clear instead of amber like other vehicles? Why do some flash once, some twice, others 4

Asked by Zack over 5 years ago

Strobes are there for visibility. Sometimes its just the preference of the manufacturer as to where to put it and how its installed. The newer strobes flash brighter and more often for higher visibility.

Kids freak out over anything. For real they go crazy over a trash truck, or the sound of the brakes, or even someone walking their dog. What do you do. How can I drive with screaming and going insane over trivial things?

Asked by Robin over 5 years ago

Honestly they're pretty chill. They don't freak out unless you do something dumb like slam on the brakes. They may get a little excited over something that's unusual but you have to realize they are kids. Most of the time if you chill out with them they will respect you.

Thanks for answering. I want to make it clear I just wanted a opinion and am not trying to convince or argue anything. But I would put the fairness on which trip is longer. Thanks again.

Asked by Interviewer over 5 years ago

That's a good idea actually. Sadly, coaches do not see it this way and neither do the bureaucrats in the school board offices. They do what they want to do.

Do any buses have Bluetooth or a audio jack so you can listen to what you want over the radio?

Asked by Gocohcc about 5 years ago

I can't speak for all buses but the newer buses in my district including my own have an auxiliary feature where i can plug in an aux cord and play music through my phone through the radio. I generally will play pandora Disney kids music or tween popular songs that are mostly clean lyrics. If i have only older kids on the bus like highschoolers, i will allow them to hook up to the aux cord themselves and play their music or use my phone to search pandora.

Question have you ever had someone in your years of driving had someone you did not like.

Asked by Question maker almost 6 years ago


Is it considered threatening if someone called the bus driver a name and the driver said “you think your tough, say it to my face” and then asked if their scared of her?

Asked by €}=}=|+€~!|¥\=~€,!£|¥{¥|€~£{==]]¥{‘nfkfoorjejepepe over 5 years ago

Lol well did they say it to her face? Don't say it behind someone's back. Seriously, grow up and quit acting like an asshole people.

Also, are you participating in the thing where they use school buses to help provide breakfast and lunches?

Asked by 02983457 almost 5 years ago

Not at the moment. We are offering drive thru breakfast lunch services 2 days a week here but if this continues we will probably look at other options.

Do people ever raise hell about when the bus stop is in their driveway? Does the district ask notify the home owners and ask them if its okay or do they just put kids out there. I heard a story of a very irate man chasing kids off his driveway.

Asked by I over 5 years ago

Generally bus stops are decided either by the driver or by the district. If someone has a problem with the location of the stop they just need to contact the district.

What is the angriest a parent has ever been with you and what happens?

Asked by Connie bear over 5 years ago

I've had a parent step up on my bus and shout in my face before. Generally once they say what they want to say it's over. Occasionally they will get so riled up that they will ignore bus driver requests to exit the bus and we have to call the police. The police can then arrest them for trespassing.

Why do parents show up in droves when a bus driver pulls over due to excessive noise? I have seen videos of it and it makes me mad because I bet the driver pulled over and told them to be quite and then they start getting louder. I mean the noise level in the buses I have seen. Do the parents expect the driver to drive with that kind of screaming like wild banshees? Seriously?! The parents make it worse because I assume the driver can’t just let kids off with random people for all the driver probably knows. Their kids aren’t dying and if they shut up for a few minutes I bet they would have been on their merry way. Just let the supervisor, principle, and/or police show up take care of it then maybe they will let your kids off too you or they will continue on home or school. I understand they may be scared if the district never contacts the parents and they are twenty minutes late but when they know what happened why do they do that? Even calling the cops saying their kids are held hostage and make it sound like the driver put a gun to their heads. Anyways what do you think and have you ever been in a situation like this?

Asked by DJ over 5 years ago

DJ, first off how the heck did you get around the character limit??? Secondly, we live in a society of "me first." If anyone, including children, feel they are being wronged by anyone, their first instinct is to scream discrimination. It's sad, but a reality. With free access to social media and giving our children free access to these items, we create a level of distrust in everyone. Adults that were once held in a position of authority are now being stripped of that authority in order to further our own agendas.

All it takes in a situation like you described is a kid to call a parent and falsely accuse someone of doing something that they are not. We are so quick to blame as a country and to point the fingers at someone else that we fail to see the actual source of the blame and take care of the initial problem. So while the initial problem may be unruly disrespectful children, it is blown out of proportion to make the persons in charge at fault for the initial behavior. This is a direct result of a "not me" society. We refuse to take responsibility for our actions and therefore the blame lies with someone other than ourselves when it should lie directly with ourselves. The perceived injustice to themselves is never their own fault.

People need to start taking responsibility for their actions. As far as being in that situation, I have had furious parents who decidedly cuss me out for something that I did not do. It's frustrating because you are put in an impossible situation.

Sorry forgot to post the link so. Hahaha this is really funny you might want to check it out.

Asked by Hahahahaha over 5 years ago

I'll check it out.

What’s your Iq

Asked by Big Jim about 5 years ago

Probably more than yours is.

At least it’s not like those motor coaches. They never follow even the speed limit.

Asked by Ruth over 5 years ago

Motorcoaches are a different kind of bus and they have different standards.

Is Billy Maddison on your sub list?

Asked by Job over 5 years ago

Lol no.

Would you ever drive for a company like Greyhound or Megabus?

Asked by Jay Dillion almost 6 years ago

If the pay was decent, yes.

Have your or anyone you know been pulled over while on a bus? What happend?

Asked by You have what your dad has to do today or what if it will work it will almost 6 years ago

Yes I have seen co workers gotten pulled over. They were speeding. One had kids on the bus. Although both co workers got off with warnings, one was fired the other was given a very stiff warning not to let it happen again.

Is it illegal for a bus driver to BLAST country music because she did not like the rap. I get that someone should not turn up their music when she says “TURN THAT HORSESHIT MUSIC OFF” (she was cussing) but then everyone has to suffer.

Asked by Tina almost 6 years ago

No its not illegal. Rude yes. Illegal no. Also turn that horseshit off.

Why are subs almost always late or early. Almost never on time?

Asked by Gina Dee about 5 years ago

Because a sub doesnt know how the regular driver runs the route and their driving style is different from the regular drivers style

i’ve dropped a couple of things on this bus and when i dropped something on the floor today because i kicked off my seat when i was trying to she allowed to legally take away my personal item because i dropped it

Asked by shay over 5 years ago

We can take items away if they are causing a problem, but generally we aren't allowed to keep the items, they have to be claimed by a parent. That being said, don't argue, apologize, and let the driver keep said item for the time being. When you go to get off the bus, ask the driver for the item back and see what the driver says.

What are some common myths about being a bus driver?

Asked by Don over 5 years ago

That every bus has air conditioning. That it's an easy job to make 50 to 100 kids sit down.

What do you think of this article?

Asked by Gorgia almost 5 years ago

It's a truthful article. There's a lot to consider in laying off bus drivers and having contracted companies in limbo.

Stop spamming you bastard

Asked by Dan about 5 years ago

Thanks for noticing it. I just deleted the spam questions and will be addressing the other questions later today.

Do you get irritated when subs don’t put the bus the way the found it? Ie radio, climate control, moving things, etc

Asked by Skskssksksk over 5 years ago

Sometimes but its not my bus per say it belongs to the county so they can do what they want

Hey what do you think is the weirdest thing a kid has ever brought on your bus?

Asked by Ozark over 5 years ago

Acorns and he called them nuts.

Does it take a higher class CdL or certification to drive a Flat noes bus. Some subs wont drive them. They will take a regular bus and stick numbers on them. Or is it personal preference that they just don’t feel comfortable driving them?

Asked by D838373 over 5 years ago

Not to my knowledge. Some buses are still not automatic, though most buses made today are automatic, and unless the driver has trained on a stick shift bus, then they can't drive it. There is extra training required for buses higher than 72 passenger because of the length of the bus.

Flat nose buses are unique in that the driver sits in front of the front wheels so it takes a little extra awareness to make turns around corners. Some drivers get spooked by the feeling of driving a vehicle like that and prefer a traditional style. Personally, I've driven both.

Why does not every state require yellow/amber lights and only the reds?

Asked by Darren over 5 years ago

I'm not exactly sure.

Does the driver get to choose his or her route and stop times? Or does it distract/company do that?

Asked by Really man over 5 years ago

It depends on the district's policy and practices what routes are what.

I understand but technically is it illegal and could it be considered vandalism if the judge just had a burning hate for bus drivers? Maybe the judge has had his chew thrown away and never got over it.

Asked by Samantha over 5 years ago

Samantha, let me break it down for you. It's illegal to have tobacco products on school property. Therefore if the product got damaged, flushed, stomped on, otherwise destroyed, the person doing it would be well within their rights to do so. Buses are considered school property. Stop asking the question to get the answer you want to hear because its not going to happen point blank.

How did DJ ask that long ass question? I can barely even get my whole question across sometimes because of a character limit. But I think he long surpassed that. Can you set it different for certain people?

Asked by Eric over 5 years ago

Honestly i have no clue!! I'm going to answer his question later today

What is the worst weather you have ever had to drive a bus through?

Asked by Dav over 5 years ago

Probably pouring down rain where I could not see a few feet in front of me and I had to stop due to a tornado warning.

Do you drive bus 21 like is on your profile photo?

Asked by Mike over 5 years ago

No my bus number used to be 68 now its 14.

Okay why in the movies can someone wait in their house for the bus and the bus driver will honk to tell the kids it’s time to get on the bus. Then in real life you have to stand outside no matter if it is raining or cold, etc and the bus does not even usually pick you up at your house. Why? Why do movies do this and why is it like this in real life? I hate movies they never get anything right. Their like a parallel universe.

Asked by Dndnnd over 5 years ago

Every district runs their buses differently as do drivers run their routes differently. Lots of things that happen in movies are unrealistic to the "real" world as you put it but movie directors aren't thinking about reality, only the fantasy they are creating for the viewer to see. In a fantasy world, all students would sit down, behave, and not bully each other but we both know that's a fantasy too!

Why why if it’s unethical to brake check, jump a curb, goose the gas, or some other way of making someone fall down do bus drivers do it? Also are Muslim drivers safe?

Asked by Kelly about 5 years ago

They do it for the same reason a parent spanks their child. Often its a knee jerk reaction (and not a very mature one at that) in an effort to get the child to behave. It's done out of frustration and lack of options when the child hasn't faced consequences. Personally there is no reason to put safety at risk over a child standing up. As for your second question. Yes they're safe as long as they have had the same training that everyone else has had to get and obtain a drivers license.

I heard a bus driver one time brake a kids E cigarette. Is that illegal?

Asked by Samantha over 5 years ago

Tobacco products are forbidden on school property. Buses are school property. If a kid has an e-cig, its illegal. That being said, generally I would confiscate it and turn it in to administration. I've also been known to look the other way on certain runs when it's strictly highschool kids if they have dip or other items as long as they don't make a scene with it or are obnoxious about it. Basically don't blow a smoke cloud on my bus or you will get caught.

Is it a good tactic to intimidate and scare the kids into behaving?

Asked by Job over 5 years ago


If you could not be a bus driver what would you do?

Asked by Dog lover almost 6 years ago

Find another job.

Why so some districts run the buses their selves and some hire a company(s)? Also do you think it is fair to charge students per bus ride?

Asked by DAn over 5 years ago

Its a funding question. Some districts hire outside private companies. Others depend on the local public transportation for school children hence the need for a bus pass. Some districts charge parents a yearly sum others, nothing, it all depends on where their money comes from. Bus riding is a privilege not a right. Therefore it takes money to maintain buses, train and keep qualified drivers, and fuel costs. Some districts just do it differently.

How can I get the bus driver I want?

Asked by Owen over 5 years ago

Live in the area in which they drive.

So next time someone puts their hair over the seat and it blows back at me can I take scissors and cut her (or even his) hair off? Maybe take a lighter and catch it on fire then take the fire extinguisher and put it out?

Asked by Dan about 5 years ago

Not unless you want to be removed from the bus by the police in handcuffs.

Do you think more buses should have jake brakes? I know some do but it is rare. What do you think?

Asked by Lennard over 5 years ago

Most school buses are now automatic shifting so jake brakes are not necessary or needed.

I took a nap on the bus because I have to get up early. I was woke up by a alarm and a very angry sub at a gas station. Not my fault she did not announce the stop. But she was mad at me. She should have said sorry. Can she get fired?

Asked by Dillion over 5 years ago

She cannot get fired for doing her job and checking the bus for sleeping kids. We can get aggravated and upset at kids that sleep but understand that you're human.

Did you drive today

Asked by Ndndnddb about 5 years ago

No, today is Sunday. Lol

Why do you not like unions very much?

Asked by Rosemary over 5 years ago

Unions have their benefits and disadvantages. It depends on the state you live in as to how well a union would work for you.

So when you say you time it to not wait in line do you like to be the earliest or latest bus there? Also where you work how much leeway to they give drivers for timing and everything like that?

Asked by Asker dmdkndmfmf over 5 years ago

They pretty much let us decide our routes based on the number of kids that ride, where the stops are, and how to do it. Every state is different and every county is different. When I talk about timing I usually mean that I pull into the schools so that I do not have to wait in line. Our schools have specific times in which the kids are allowed to enter the building. Most drivers end up getting there early and wait in line for the doors to open.

Also the administrators and supervisors would see it and if it was too harsh or too nice they could change or toss it out. They could still also make another punishment. It’s more work for them and sometimes they may not even get around to it.

Asked by 933738292 about 5 years ago

See my previous answer.

Can a bus driver slap the stupid out of a kid?

Asked by Honnie over 5 years ago

We wish we could but we can't.

Do bus drivers get paid by the hour, by the mile, or some other way? Does it depend on the company or district.

Asked by Stan over 5 years ago

It depends on the district and the company. Most districts/companies are moving away from mileage and going towards a flat hourly pay scale for drivers. This reduces paperwork and allows for better flexibility in pay increases. That way a driver who has only been there 5 years isn't making more than a driver that's been there 15.

Does the people who ride your bus know you have this Q&A forum?

Asked by Carson about 5 years ago

Not that i know of.

I can get over that stuff. Just most subs try and put the bus back the way they found it. Like I sad though I get a lot of complaints on her and want someone who will work well with them.

Asked by Glynn about 5 years ago

Have you tried asking her to put stuff back how she found it?

Why unlike a lot of other people in education bus drivers mostly conservative

Asked by Stewie almost 5 years ago

Many people in education come from a varied background. Lots of drivers I know are very liberal and some are conservative as well. There are lots of people that have differing opinions on political views. That's not to say that our views are right or wrong. Many of us are living pay check to pay check and have seen the harsh reality of the service industry so when we get somebody that wants to offer free stuff we have a question about the legitimacy of the offer.

Is Cummins the best engine?

Asked by Nsnsbs over 5 years ago

I'm not really sure to be honest. That would be a question for a mechanic.

Thank you for answering! Okay I have one more question about the weight stations. Is there any reason a bus would be required to go through them? I mean any that you know of at all even if t is exceptionally rare?

Asked by Bfnfbfbd almost 6 years ago

Depends on the state you live in.

Do drivers get fired for mishandling students. I don’t mean assaulting, batting, or calling them horrible names. But like yelling too much, too many citations, and/or swearing

Asked by Nsnsnsnsnssdnej over 5 years ago

That depends on the district. Most districts prefer drivers to try to get along and strike a balance with their bus kids.

What do I do if the bus is always later then the posted stop time by five, ten, sometimes fifteen minutes but substitutes come pretty close to the stop time. Would calling the transportation director and asking to have the stop time raised be okay?

Asked by Sydney over 5 years ago

Actually thats a good solution. If your regular driver runs late but the sub runs on time then the transportation needs to be aware so that they can make changes to the route so kids don't miss the bus by mistake.

Getting ready for in less then a month now. What are some tips for riding the bus? I about lost my mind last year, lol.

Asked by Denim over 5 years ago

Remember that kids are people with emotions and worries like adults. Sometimes their shoulders are holding the world and they can't help it.

Is a write up and a citation the same thing?

Asked by Danie over 5 years ago

Yes. It is.

So my state just mandated that schools be closed for the remainder of the term. So what next do you think there will be lay offs? How are they going to do this it must be hard enough to do a month. Many schools are not made for doing this long term. I feel like most places try and say this will never happen and now this is going to be a bigger cluster duckey then it is. Thanks

Asked by So sorry if I post more then once I don't know whats going on right now with the site. almost 5 years ago

There have already been some layoffs in some districts. Most districts, I believe, will still in some way be paying their employees their contracted amount. Given that school is a necessary thing and that some jobs such as bus driving can be modified temporarily to accommodate the needs of the students, it is unlikely that things are going to never be needed.

Well true most school boards are cheap. But my school board is trying to remodel a 10 year old building. Every building in the district needs to be “re innovated”. I think it may be more of the superintendent though and their kissing ass.

Asked by Kelly about 5 years ago

Sometimes renovating a decent building is worth it, but sometimes your best course of action is to start fresh.

If something happens would the driver be liable if the driver saw the student walking to the bus? Is there a better way to handle that situation? Would the driver be liable if it was say a sub and he or she did not know that person was coming?

Asked by Jarred over 5 years ago

That is exactly the reason why we ask students to be ready 5 to 10 minutes before stop time so they are ready to go. So they cannot be held liable.

Hi, what do you think will happen if they decided to close schools for the rest of the semester? Will we do online, mailing, or just pass us for the next grade (or graduate) Thanks!

Asked by Joe almost 5 years ago

That's hard to say and also depends on the individual districts. I'm sure the extenuating circumstances will be taken into account when deciding what to do. The issue is in many rural areas kids do not have access to online like urban areas do and that puts them at a disadvantage.

Can I ask the bus driver not to have my child sit with the bully?

Asked by Jen over 5 years ago

You can ask, but its not a guarantee if the child in question is not being a bully to begin with. I would start with asking if your child can be moved to a place thats within closer earshot of the driver so that they can keep a better eye on your child.

It also times the bus every minute of the route where it goes and every turn it makes so you could approximately track the bus .

Asked by DJ about 5 years ago

Moat districts have a time schedule for buses listed and yes if there was someone who wanted to harm children this could be a problem. The only major issue i see is where you mentioned the names of kids listed.

Yea make sure you report it to Jobstr. Their getting past the limits by copy and pasting. Your welcome

Asked by Dan about 5 years ago

Thanks, ill be sure to do that the next time it happens!

Thank you for answering my question. What is the best way to respond to complaints like that? Do parents get angry when you tell them there is nothing you can do and to bring it up with a supervisor?

Asked by Lynn over 5 years ago

You're welcome, generally if it's a bullying issue I tend to take a more proactive approach but have both the victim and the bully sit closer to me so I can hear what is being said. For other complaints, I take on a case by case basis and either try to work a solution or refer them to my supervisor if they are being petty.

Thanks again for answering my silly questions. I think they made a law that motor coaches have to go at least ten miles above he speed limit. I never see them pulled over but their always flying. Lol

Asked by Ruth over 5 years ago

Lol my pleasure.

Why are my co workers so rude? What do you think? So I did not move because a kid was misbehaving and I called the principal. The other busses where having trouble getting around me so they breaded me on the radio. One lady demanding that I pull

Asked by Tom over 5 years ago

Generally some people get irritated if things are holding them up. The polite thing to do would be to move to let others out and put your hazards on while you wait for the principal to attend to your bus. This way you're not holding up the line. If I'm late to my school in the afternoons I'll hold up traffic to let my co workers out before picking up my kids. Its just polite.

Hi, why does my bus come at random times? So one day it will come before 6:50 and another past seven. Anywhere in between. I am pretty sure that there are no routes before us. It is really not possible. We are the first route and then he does a elm

Asked by Passages over 5 years ago

He might be trying to figure out the best way to do the route. If the problem continues for the next 2 weeks and a time isn't picked then complain to the district.

Hey after being a driver for a while have you ever at a restaurant or somewhere sitting tried to look up in your minor to see what someone was doing behind you. Say someone sounded drunk. Then you where like oh yea...

Asked by Dslsksk over 5 years ago

Lol I find myself stopping at railroad crossings in my personal vehicle and when I'm out in the grocery store and I see a child acting out I will give them the bus driver stare.

So on long trips when you reach maximum hours for the day do you just pull off and make everyone stay at a hotel or send another bus out a day ahead to transfer everyone on?

Asked by Ruth over 5 years ago

Maximum hours? We go over those all the time but don't tell DOT that. Sometimes they will allow 2 drivers to tag team a trip but more often than not we just push through it.

Does your district/company do summer school routes? Do they charter?

Asked by Donna the lama almost 6 years ago

Summer school, yes. Charter, no. Though we have been asked by people outside the schools to provide a bus occasionally for local in town functions.

Do you have a sub list that you can prefer subs on?

Asked by Stan over 5 years ago

Some districts require drivers to find their own subs, others choose for them. In my district its a mix. If you have a midday or an extra route, you are responsible for finding your own sub. But if you have to be off your regular route then you have that covered by them.

what is the weirdest item a student brought on your bus?

Asked by ash over 5 years ago

Truthfully, I haven't had any weird or odd items brought on my bus. Though once I had a pre k kid bring a bag of acorns on the bus and tell me to look at his nuts. I told him to put his nuts away and that they were very nice nuts. Another kid asked if they could hold his nuts and I had to say no you cannot hold his nuts.

My kid been having problems with the bus monitor she called my daughter a hoe on a Friday we called up to the bus and they were supposed to let us know if it did happen or not then on Monday 3 kids told me she was in my 11 year old face now she scare

Asked by Tasha about 5 years ago

It sounds like the monitor might not need to be on the bus but you can ask for video to be pulled which has audio recording and it will also show if your child was showing out and the monitor was correcting her by telling her to sit down and behave. We have a lot of kids who try to get us as drivers in trouble for saying things when they are angry they got in trouble in the first place.

Entry route. So that’s how it’s set up. Because when we get to the middle school no bus has unloaded yet unless where later getting on. Then the buses are just pulling out when we show up. He said last month that this would not happen anymore.

Asked by Passages over 5 years ago

See my former answer he's probably trying to figure out proper timing.

Yea I don’t get it I feel it can cause more of a danger. I understand in some areas because but in many areas the speed limit is 70 MPH and buses get rear ended going 55-40. I don’t see many buses going 55. Thanks for answering

Asked by Ruth over 5 years ago

It can cause more of a danger in some areas that's why many of us avoid highways with greater speed limits so as to watch out for the safety of our kids.

Has someone ever tried watching porn on your bus? If yes what happened? If no what would/will you do in that situation?

Asked by Rocco over 5 years ago

Generally if someone chooses to watch explicit material they are discreet about it and use headphones. I can usually tell if something isn't right by the looks on kids faces and whether or not they draw a crowd. With the added availability of technology everywhere, explicit material is widely available to even the youngest person. If someone were to be reported for watching porn, I would have to write them up and confiscate the device.

Am I allowed to catch the elementary bus if I miss the secondary bus? I would be late but would it be okay?

Asked by SI over 5 years ago

That would depend on your district and the bus driver. You could ask but chances are good the driver will say no.

I really don't know what to do about the bus monitor we never had any problems with the driver and the school said they cant do anything about it what should i do

Asked by Tasha about 5 years ago

Go to the transportation department. If you cannot get a resolution that way then elevate it to the superintendent.

I know some routes in my district go multiple different places. So it makes the route bigger but instead of picking up EVERY kid in a neighbourhood we will take a little off another bus. Then they can do transfers.

Asked by Dsmmsdm over 5 years ago

Again it depends on district and district policy on how they run routes.

Oh and by the way there have had two way radio trainings and that has not stuck with them!

Asked by The angry redneck over 5 years ago

Happens here all the time. The radio can be tied up for 10 minutes or longer on non essential crap.

Yea but can it be considered vandalism if you pressed the issue? Or even theft? What about throwing a pack of cigarettes or chew away?

Asked by Samantha over 5 years ago

Still illegal.

What is that tape used for covering up rips, holes, tears, and graffiti called?

Asked by Daniel about 5 years ago

I use duct tape.

Why do not all buses have yellow warning lights only the reds? So it’s harder to know when the bus is approaching a stop Especially in rural areas.

Asked by Mile over 5 years ago

It depends on the manufacturer and state regulations as to what is required to be on a bus.

Hey do you know what the difference is between air brakes and vacuum brakes? Thanks! Also air and vacuum doors, stop arms, etc. Thanks

Asked by Conner over 5 years ago

I've never heard of vacuum brakes or doors but I can explain manual doors, air brakes, and standard brakes. On a majority of buses, there is an air system that controls the door, stop sign, crossing arm, and brake system. There is a compression tank that fills to capacity when the bus is turned on. Some drivers are required to "bleed" the brakes when the bus is switched off (more on that in a few). When the system is working properly the items come out like they're supposed to and they operate properly. Of course there are overrides for the systems. In both the drivers seat and in the door frame there is a switch that will override the stop system and shut it down if its malfunctioning. The door has an emergency override switch that allows the air to be released so you can open the door in the case of an emergency. Note that manual doors do not have this. They are operated by the driver manually with a hinge that the driver uses to open and close the door from the driver seat. Air brakes are similar in that there is an override for them but it requires you to bleed the tank by pressing the brake pedal till the emergency parking brake pops out and the brakes set on the bus. Some buses do not have this and have the standard brake system found in all cars.

What do you do if a tornado warring is issued and your on a route? Do you go back to school? Would you ever take shelter in someone home? A business? A ditch? Just keep driving?

Asked by Happy New Years ???? ???? about 5 years ago

Being this has happened a few times while I've been on the bus, generally if we can get the kids to safety, we do so. That usually means a business, other school, or other means of shelter. If we can't we can scope out best and worst case scenarios incase the inevitable does happen. One time we had to evacuate into a middle school and another time we evacuated into a local government office.

Why would your bosses be so concerned about what you have on here?

Asked by Gkxlhclgclhclhcl over 5 years ago

Because there are some districts and states with a very strict publicity policy

Do you think getting buses like this is a waste of money or a good investment?

Asked by Interviewer over 5 years ago

It depends on a district's needs and financial situation. Not every district can afford charter buses (or in this case yellow buses outfitted to be charter buses). Most of the time saving athletic trips or the very rare reward trips, those buses would sit on the yard unused. Then there is the fairness issue. How do we decide which teams or groups get priority over others during the busy season. Instead i would rather see money being spent on newer buses in the fleet to benefit ALL students not just those that do extracurricular activities. Many buses are still not equipped with air conditioning (even in the south) which makes for very hard conditions for drivers and students every day. Why spend money on an extra dvd system when you can get two buses for the price of one charter bus.

Check this video out and watch to the end it’s frickin hilarious. Make sure you watch it all the way through. Hahahahahaha

Asked by Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha over 5 years ago

Hahaha i saw that yesterday

Do you think someone who is pro abortion should be trusted around kids?

Asked by Ddoooo over 5 years ago

That's a personal choice. Long as they aren't homicidal or anything like that towards the kids personal beliefs shouldn't enter into whether or not a person is effective in doing their job.

How loud do those radios go on the bus? I heard somewhere some of them have a pretty good bass if you crank them up.

Asked by Sam over 5 years ago

They get pretty loud. From the drivers seat it doesn't sound too loud, but moving away from the noise of the engine it can get really loud. The bass and treble are marginal at best.

Do bus drivers really even follow the 55 law?

Asked by Ruth over 5 years ago

Most of the time we follow the posted speed limit. Though the maximum speed we should go is 55, it can be dangerous in a highway situation so we tend to bend the rules and top out the buses usually if they're governed at 60 or 65 in order to not impede traffic. Some companies and districts do not govern their buses and those are the ones we see most often speeding way faster than they need to be with kids lives at stake. Personally I don't think i could go faster than 59 to 61 with children on board.

Hi, have you ever had to start your route a hour early to pick up another neighborhood because there where no subs or other bus to? This happend to slmeonethat he got called at 5:00 saying the bus would be a hour early for that reason. Is this common

Asked by Jaiden over 5 years ago

No, but i have had to run another route after mine is done, or squeeze more kids on my bus in the afternoons to get them home. There is a driver shortage everywhere and no relief in sight.

Would you ever start a YouTube channel? Like Real Life With Michelle, Miss Hoods School Bus Life, or someone like that?

Asked by Daniel over 5 years ago

If I could be guaranteed not to lose my job, yes. But too many people don't like social media and I have already gotten in trouble for it thats why I stay anonymous.

What the crap are school buses doing out on Cristmas?

Asked by Brother about 5 years ago

There may be charter trips and those use buses that may be school buses as well?

Do yo ever have problems with white knighting when you get someone in trouble?

Asked by Jill over 5 years ago

I had to look up that term. Often parents don't want to hear that their children did something wrong and will often deflect or attempt to deflect the problem in order to draw attention away from their children's behavior.

An example: little Johnny hit on the bus.Momma: well little suzie told him to!

You can delete this too because I have made so many comments now sorry. But as you can tell the drivers names are on there too.

Asked by Dj about 5 years ago

Drivers names aren't bad to have on there. Parents can look up a route then call the shop and say hey i found my kids route with x driver and it helps the shop narrow it down so parents can get in contact with the driver.

Good point. Now would it be better if the bus was used on a long route or be a extra spare bus until needed for a district that had a lot of trips that went out of state. Or is this still overkill?

Asked by Interviewer over 5 years ago

That's a tough question. Most districts purchase buses based on capacity and usability. The capacity of these buses are 48 passenger, 40 for the ones that are wheelchair accessible. The standard capacity for a school bus is 72 passengers at 3 to a seat. Of course this figure is impossible the older and larger a child gets. My route alone takes me an hour and a half in the morning and almost 2 hours in the afternoon. I transport more than 85 to 90 children across all age groups on a good day. A bus like that while appealing because of the comfort items, is impractical because even at full capacity i would need to make at minimum 2 rounds to get everyone to and from school. Many routes are designed to have the maximum number of ridership and in some cases will exceed that amount. Even on the longer routes. If the district had drivers available and enough finances available then sure. But otherwise i think it would waste valuable resources.

I heard that there are limits on how long bus routes can be. Is this true and is there exceptions for rural districts or districts that cover a large area in general? I personally would rather a longer route then a overcrowded one too.

Asked by Dsmmsdm over 5 years ago

It depends on the district. We are shorthanded everywhere so overcrowding is bound to happen. Routes are made longer and schools are not changing the way they do things to accommodate the sheer number and stress we are under. The amount of kids also depends on the location of the route. A rural route is less crowded but longer whereas a city route can be very crowded at times.

Why can I not be finishing breakfast and my mom handing me my lunch when the bus comes?

Asked by Dndnnd over 5 years ago

Because we don't live in a Leave It To Beaver world. Instead we live in a get your butt up on time so you don't miss transportation to school world. Because the real world transportation doesn't care if you miss the bus or train or plane to that meeting with your boss.

When you request subs do you do it online or the old fashion way? Do you have a program like ASOP or something like that you just put your going to be gone on so and so and then subs get a text.

Asked by Don’Marie over 5 years ago

Again that varies district by district. Some districts have a sub list, others have an automated system and still others will have the traditional call in and have your supervisor find somebody to run your route.

Why do people think these forms are chat rooms?

Asked by Donaldsoneeson about 5 years ago

I don't know?

Why don't they have a forum like this but just for bus drivers? Have newbie, ten year drivers, and veteran drivers. Drivers from all over the US. School bus drivers, city drivers, greyhound, etc. Just a bus driver Q&A?????

Asked by Djsksjsjsjj over 5 years ago

Thats a good idea. My q&a definitely seems to be popular.

Should this bus driver be fired?

Asked by Your friend about 5 years ago

It happens that we make mistakes and pull put in front of people if there are blind corners as what appears in the video here.

How do/would you react in a situation when you called someone a he or she and they responded in anger demanding you call them by their pronouns? Could and would you get in trouble if you refused because Against your values? Would you call them their pronouns even if you did not have to?

Asked by I am the person over 5 years ago

Personally if the person asked (not demanded) i would be far more receptive to it. However i do respect that people choose to be identified by different pronouns than their physical gender and that it can be a sensitive subject for some people.

Are districts ever legally required to close, delay, or dismiss early because of inclement weather? Or is it completely district decision? Why are some districts open come hell or high water and others close for flurries?

Asked by Funny bear about 5 years ago

No not legally required. There are special circumstances where it might happen (like a terrorist attack which may close down major cities etc) but most states leave the decision up to the individual districts and schools to make that call.

Someone was standing on my bus and the bus driver brake checked him and he went flying on the floor

Asked by Blake over 5 years ago

Report the driver to the district. Also don't stand on the bus.

Do you do field trips much?

Asked by 123 like a bird I seen over 5 years ago

Yes. I do. Mostly Friday, Saturday, and Sunday though I will pick up the occasional trip other days.

Can you write up a student for saving seats even if they did not give attitude? My bus driver asked for my name as i was getting off the bus because for the second time i didnt want anyone next to me when there were other seats open. Can she do that?

Asked by music over 5 years ago

Yes. If the driver is telling you and others where to sit you do not get to dictate who sits where and with who. Sorry it doesn't work that way. Slide in and make a new friend.

Do you have any funny stories? What company do you work for? Which company or districts is the best? Best hours, pay, and takes up for their drivers? Is a place like that hard to find?

Asked by Jemmie over 5 years ago

Yes. Can't tell you because I don't want to get fired. No specific company or district is the best it just depends on what works for the employees. Starting salaries vary from district and company to district and company as does support and all that jazz. Sometimes it is hard.

what do you think about the bus driver who was fired a few years ago for praying?

Asked by Jejddjdjskd about 5 years ago

I think they went too far in firing a person over their religious beliefs.

I think it may have something to do with the school board though they think they need to get new everything. I think the buses where about 20 years of age. Their down a few buses as well because some did not get replacements.

Asked by Kelly about 5 years ago

School boards don't like to spend money if they don't have to. One of the first things to go out of a budget is transportation funds.

Hi, thanks I make a point to try and stand on my pour here, in the door, watch out the window, or sit in the car in lightning. It was a problem we had with a former bus driver who tried to take off on many people on those days and did leave some.

Asked by Jdjdjsjsjsjdjdjdndnd about 5 years ago

If my kids are waiting on the porch or at the door ready to dash out to the bus (not walk slowly) i will wait. However that is generally an exception.

Do you need a CDL to drive a mini bus?

Asked by Joel over 5 years ago

It's always best to have a cdl class b to drive any commercial vehicle but it depends on the company's requirements.

Hello, so this kids teacher made them stay behind in class for a extra few minutes or so. So when he got to the buses we where pulling out and she obviously saw him and we where yelling at her to stop. She told us to shut up and left him.

Asked by Ndnddndnd about 5 years ago

No the driver cannot get into trouble. It is the student's responsibility to get out to the bus on time. Bus drivers are on a time schedule. It is not the fault of the driver that the student stayed after at the teacher's request. We are not taxi's.

Why would a district not release earlier if it’s so bad. So it started icing. Some kids did not make it home until six at night. My parents got us off and our bus went but about the time the elementary one did. A guy made dinner for kids stuck forhrs

Asked by Wild man about 5 years ago

School districts do not have crystal balls indicating how weather is going to go. Sometimes it's a gamble and they release early and nothing happens. Other times stuff like that happens.

Hi so sometimes on the radio where the bus drivers talk I hear a driver instead of just calling to base or what ever they will say Bus 20 to base with priority. What does that mean?

Asked by Solomon over 5 years ago

I would think that means that they have an emergency situation that needs attention immediately instead of waiting forever for someone who might or might not respond.

Why when a bus is on fire the horn sounds off?

Asked by Joesph about 5 years ago

That happens with most vehicles when something triggers the electrical system to malfunction. When the fire heats up the electrical system it shorts out and melts together likely causing the systems connected to go off. That is why you see and hear car alarms, flashing lights, and the horn when something like that happens till the fire finally kills the system entirely.

Why do kids and teens disrespect younger drivers more then older ones? Our new driver graduated a year or two ago and they are extremely disrespectful. Way more then they where to previous drivers? What do they think gives them the right?

Asked by Hsbsbbsbs over 5 years ago

Mostly because when you're a younger driver you are more of an age peer than an authority figure. They figure it out real quick when you write them up for their bullshit.

Thanks. I would I be required to stop for say a church bus with red lights and a stop sign?

Asked by Kimberly about 5 years ago

Better to be safe than sorry. You wouldn't want to chance a child getting hurt.

Why do people get so mad when events are held on Sundays?

Asked by Meral about 5 years ago

Because many people reserve Sunday as a day of worship for God.

Okay so I want to ask this without sounding mean. Why do you think some drivers like to pull in five, ten, even fifteen minutes before the doors open? Is it maybe for hours so they can say they get paid more? Or do you think they just want to be there early so if something happens they wont have to worry about being late? Just curious.

Asked by Asker dmsjsjdndn over 5 years ago

Some like to be first in line. I'll never understand why they decide to pull in and wait. It makes no sense to me. That's why i plan my route to be done right on time.

Why do districts provide transportation if their not required to? I feel like while it’s a convenience it’s more money, a lot more time, and more energy when you could just make it to where it’s the responsibility of the family and the student. some districts I think do

Asked by The only way better is the fact about 5 years ago

Because some kids would never come to school if transportation wasn't provided. Some parents just do not care about their kids education or can't be bothered to make sure they go to school.

Have you ever used Snow Chains?

Asked by Republican about 5 years ago

No, i live too far south to employ the use of snow chains.

Why does our bus driver care so much if we stand up while where stoped in the terminal?! What the heck does it matter we are stopped! Why?

Asked by Abby over 5 years ago

Well its not so much the fact that you are standing its that there are other moving vehicles around the bus. The safest place for a child to be is seated properly in the seat. It also cuts down on any major issues that can arise by someone roaming the bus like bullying or fighting.

Hi ???? have you always worked for the same district

Asked by YOUNG MAN about 5 years ago


What do you think of these lights?

Asked by Cc about 5 years ago

I would love to see these standard on all buses. I would also love to see more lights to flash even more to help a driver see the bus in question.

I will try and ask a new questions since everyone keeps asking the same and similar questions lol. Okay why do a lot of places require a HS diploma or equivalent? It makes no since you can get CDL, endorsements, and learn to drive a bus without.

How does a diploma determine how good of a bus driver someone is?

Asked by Daniel about 5 years ago

Good question. Most employers in general ask for at minimum a highschool diploma even though you can get things like a drivers license and other things without one because they want to see how dedicated a person is to finishing what they start. A high school diploma (or GED) also shows that a person has dedicated time to finish something that was far more difficult than just a simple test. Stay in school.

Have you ever had a bus fire? What did/would happen?

Asked by Johnson over 5 years ago

Not personally but there have been a few fires in my district. Thankfully no students injured and in both the fire was quickly extinguished by either the driver or the fire department. As for your other question which has been removed i took items out of my bio that i felt could be used to narrow it down to where i am and my district. Its a protection.

Do you relate more to miss frizzle from the magic School busor Auto from the Simpsons?

Asked by PanaSayUh over 5 years ago

Chris farley.

Also, why has your questions gone down again? Do you think someone is spam posting questions or that it was just because it was the begging of the year? Other elxmation?

Asked by Jill over 5 years ago

Probably because the beginning of the year has dropped off. I'll generally get another surge of questions in January.

Hi Merry Christmas can a church bus, commercial bus, activity bus, or other non school bus legally use the eight way system. I seen a church bus use it once. I also know they usually disable them when they don’t want them to be a school bus again.

Asked by Kimberly about 5 years ago

Merry Christmas. Many small parochial schools utilize a busing system similar to public schools, but I think you are referring to the buses that have been converted to other use by churches after they are done being buses. While not illegal that I know of, the laws may vary from state to state.

It’s sad that they need to come up with all that stuff. Honestly people should be able to know when to stop on the really old buses that just had the solid light. Unfortunately people will run them no matter how much you pimp the buses out. But it’s worth a try to get someone to stop.

Asked by Pj over 5 years ago

It is sad and year after year we have more kids get hit by other drivers who don't pay attention.

Hey one more why are they getting rid of buses that are older but well maintained and could have gotten more years out of them. So why did they get rid of them and replace them with some more buses that in ten years will probably be replaced?!

Asked by Kelly about 5 years ago

State and federal laws prohibit use of a bus if its over a certain age or mileage due to the safety features meant to keep kids safe being constantly updated. Thats why older buses are being pulled to be spare buses and replaced.

What do you think?

Asked by Video almost 5 years ago

There is a shortage everywhere. It's unfortunate the company did not have coverage to transport the child to and from school however if the hiring is falling with the school board then the school board needs action

Do you prefer a simple bus with bare minimum options or a bus with every luxury option there is where there is what feels like thousands of switches but they all are nice features?

Asked by Friend over 5 years ago

I have no real preference as long as it starts, runs, works for what i need it to do and gets kids to and from school. The extra items like AC or anything else is bonus.

Hi, do you think more districts should have programs that track buses and alert parents also alerts that say for delays, early arrivals, and other changes to the bus schedule? Do you think while convenient they raise privacy concerns or not?

Asked by 02983457 almost 5 years ago

I would like to see something like this but it could get abused by parents. I think it could be regulated by each district and company. That way the company can relay info to parents without giving up location info to parents for safety of children.

Hey also when on trips can your radios get on channel 19 so you can talk and if something happens you can talk with other drivers on the road or can only other bus drivers talk?

Asked by Merry about 5 years ago

Most bus companies have a radio system that allows buses to communicate with each other. Though generally the frequency is not available to the public and we cannot communicate with other buses outside the district. Occasionally our frequencies will interfere and interact with the 911 tone out for emergency response and we hear the dispatch. Or can hear the police channel of another city.

Do bus drivers really ever make a kid come to the bus barn and help them clean the bus or repair damage? I have had a few threaten it before just curious.

Asked by RAAARW almost 5 years ago

Potentially yes if permission is given by parents and the supervisor of the bus barn. Truthfully just clean up after yourselves and we won't have an issue.

Now that I remember I had a driver who had this rule too. Is this messed up or do you agree?

Asked by Confused over 5 years ago

Again every driver has different standards.

Why in Missouri do they require buses to have two stop arms?

Asked by Pj over 5 years ago

Visibility. Most older buses will have one stop sign and one crossing gate. Newer buses will have 2 stop signs and 1 crossing gate. In some states they are even piloting a program where they are extending the stop arm out about 5 feet into the opposing lane to make it even more visible and make sure drivers know to STOP!!! The biggest issue we have as drivers is the sheer number of people who ignore our flashing lights and stop signs even though they had plenty of warning to stop. It's an epidemic and I fear the day my bus kids are going to get hurt over it.

Have you ever drove a route way out in the boonies? How long can those routes take and about what time is the first stop In the morning?

Asked by Jimmy Dean Shine On about 5 years ago

Yes, some routes take upwards of 2 hours. Earliest stop I've heard is around 5:45 am. Though depending on the location of the children it can be slightly earlier to be able to get them and others to school by 7:15 am.

Why when there is winter weather or some other event why are some things canceled and others arent

Asked by Ooooooooooooooohhh about 5 years ago

Some things are outdoors events so they are affected by the weather. Other times road conditions may be dangerous for travel. Each school system takes these things into consideration before cancelling activities.

Would you be mad if some other bus driver got approved on here and people where asking him/her questions instead of you?

Asked by You don’t know why they did that over 5 years ago

Nope, the more the merrier. I only have my opinion so another driver may add their own opinion to questions.

You have been being irritating and flat out rude to us lately! Because you think a question is stupid you give a mean spirited , smart ass, poor, or just plan rude answer. Listen your a bus driver and we are not. You have 12 years of experience I am sorry we don’t know what you do. That’s why you created this right? For people to gain knowledge and create transparency. There are people on here who where in no way rude to you and you have gone off on them. You have told people that they speak bad English, accused someone of trying to make you say something, and trying to make people look dumb for asking questions because they wanted a answer. Some people where rude but not everyone. So why are you giving rude answers or flat out removing them!? Again we ask questions because we are not bus drivers so don’t think we know what you know. Also what would even be the point of trying to bait you into saying something like you accused Samantha of a few months ago?

Asked by Angry viewer over 5 years ago

Hello dear angry viewer. I'm sorry if I have pushed some buttons that caused you to get a little upset. If you take the time to read through the 400+ questions that have been asked and answered I often get repeat questions. Some have been removed because they were duplicates of other questions, and still others were removed because someone opted to spam my q&a like a juvenile person. Sometimes a person asks a question that makes no sense whatsoever so i do invite them to share details and get a more detailed answer.

My snarky demeanor is just part of who I am. Take it or leave it.

Why is it every time something happens every bus driver and every other Tom, Dick, and Harry with a radio think they need to get in on the action even though they have nothing to do with the situation and have nothing of value to add. if they can help fine but is it noseyness and just wanting to not be left out?

Asked by Ray about 5 years ago

Because people are just plain nosy.

Do you like country music?

Asked by Jack about 5 years ago


Those regulations are a joke and no one follows them. So what are they going to do about it really? It’s a waste of money to get rid of a good bus that could be updated and retrofitted and buy a whole new bus. That new bus could explains the fleetBut instead it’s replacing a bus that did not need replacing. I don’t think they where breaking any regulations in my state. So it’s just weird.

Asked by Kelly about 5 years ago

Retrofitting a bus costs about as much money as purchasing a brand new one off the line. Sometimes its cheaper to get new and as the buses age its like cars, the parts become obsolete and unavailable over time.

What radio staition or type of music/ talk do you like to listen to? Or do you at all?

Asked by Johnathan over 5 years ago

Pandora. Usually kids stations or holiday appropriate stations.

Why can Middle Schoolers not sit behind a certain point and High Schoolers can’t sit in front of a certain point but Jr. High can sit where ever they please?

Asked by Joe about 5 years ago

Its bus drivers choice really. Ask your driver?

Yes true and I assume the phone numbers are work numbers. I just don’t like that kids names and every stop and what time their on and off I just there for anyone to see. Thanks again!

Asked by Dj about 5 years ago

You're welcome.

Also how do you stop A-holes from cutting in front of me. Every morning and afternoon I get there and everyone crowds me and tries to rush on first when I have gotten there 15 minutes before they did

Asked by Johnny on the sopoy about 5 years ago

Just stand back and let the a holes duke it out. There are plenty of seats on a bus and people are gonna be immature no matter what you do.

Does school start back up tomorrow or the next day?

Asked by Uh ob about 5 years ago

We went back January 6.

Do you like Louisiana Saturday Night like my bus driver

Asked by CC about 5 years ago

Never heard of it.

Can the board and transportation have desertion over whether to transport students who don’t live in the district but go to school in the district for one reason or another. I heard word on the street they may start but I don’t know if they can.

Asked by Don about 5 years ago

Yes they can have discretion to provide transportation to out of district kids. In our district if a parent chooses to enroll their child out of district, they are responsible for transporting that child.

Is it legal to have bus schedules on a public forum? My district used to and I know it’s convenient but you can see every bus stop, the estimated time of arrival, and how many get on/off/transfer. On SPED routes it says everyone who rides. Full names

Asked by DJ about 5 years ago

Yes. Many districts do it, however them having children's names listed may be a security issue. I would bring that up to the superintendent.

Why do some drivers have a problem with getting on the bus at another stop? Every other driver has said you can get on where ever as long as it’s a stop but you have to get off at your designated stop. What do you think is the reason?

Asked by Jack over 5 years ago

The reason for that is that the driver isn't expecting you at a different stop. Now if my kids and I work out a dual stop arrangement if they miss the bus on first pass then that is different. New drivers fresh out of training are told the rules of the district and adhere to them more strictly.A perfect example was last year i had 2 families that used the same babysitter. More often than not on early mornings every 3 weeks or so the babysitter would have all the kids get on at one stop or the other. I knew this and both families so it wasn't a huge deal. The problem comes from kids running to catch the bus and the potential for them getting run over.

Is it sketchy if drivers are in the radio saying where the cops are

Asked by Crown super coach about 5 years ago

Eh, not really. Most anyone who listens to a cb radio feed can figure out where the cops are stationed.

What are all the custom options you can order on a school bus?

Asked by Brett over 5 years ago

Buses are customizable in many ways. The standard basic bus has your drivers seat, steering wheel, student seats, the classic yellow body, and all the lights as required by state. Newer buses will have LED lights as these last longer. Newer buses also have a DEF system that allows for fuel to be processed cleaner than others. The customizable options are more for driver and passenger comfort like air conditioners, air ride seats for the driver, adjustable steering wheels, cruise control (some states do not allow cruise control to be used), speed governor, electric mirrors that both adjust and defrost control from inside the bus, whether to use an air brake system or not. Whether to make the bus automatic or not. Seatbelts in some states.... the options really are endless and depends on what each district needs in a bus.

Do kids get you sick very often?

Asked by Redneck about 5 years ago

I generally have a decent immune system thanks to the germ tube i drive. But occasionally a sickness gets through my immunity and knocks me for a loop. Usually happens once a year or every other year.

Do some districts allow kids from out of town to ride the bus? Say some districts kids parents work in other buildings but go to the same school I know most don’t allow that their responsible but is there some districts that do? Or for other reasons

Asked by 11 about 5 years ago

Generally teachers kids fall under a different category of kids and at least in my district they allow them to transport between buildings.

Why do some buses have a door on the passages side and a door behind the driver.

Asked by Kay about 5 years ago

In larger cities like New York they have buses that have passenger doors on both sides which allow for loading on both sides without the need for crossovers. Supposedly this eliminates a danger facing students crossing in front of the bus, but i think it just causes more issues. Some buses are equipped with an emergency door on the side of the bus instead of in the rear if their engines are rear engines.

Yes they luckily took them off and put the bus info into SIS but there is still archives of them. So I think people complained but they are still there. Do you think that should be brought up?

Asked by DJ about 5 years ago

I would notify them of the archives and link them to the archives then they can fix the problem.

Do you think City Buses will stop running until this whole Corona Virus thing blows over?

Asked by SCARED almost 5 years ago

That is a possibility if we reach similar crisis levels as seen in wuhan and in Italy. Just stay calm, practice social distancing, become a housecat and demand a sunny spot at the window.

Why are the red and yellow lights almost always red is on the outside and yellow on the inside unless there are only red lights. Is that a law or just how the manufactures do it?

Asked by Thelma about 5 years ago

That's a good question, I'm not entirely sure why the red is on the outside except that I can guess it's for visibility reasons. Much the same way a stop light has the red at the top, maybe they feel having it on the outside helps drivers?

Is there really anything good about the back of the bus? I mean Rosa Parks did not like it so if she did not like it then it must not be such a magical place after all was it

Asked by Johnny on the sopt about 5 years ago

Not really though kids think they can get away with stuff back there. They really can't.

I know someone who was almost struck by lightning a few years ago waiting on the bus. Who can be sued if struck be lightning?

Asked by Jdjdjdjd about 5 years ago

Truthfully if you were standing out in the storm that makes you a dumbass. Waiting for a bus or not is beside the point, if you don't feel safe to do so always ask your parents to either take you or sit with you in their vehicles at the stop.

Have you ever had a fight on your bus and what happened?

Asked by Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek about 5 years ago

Yes. If the kids fighting draws blood in any way shape or form, i immediately call the police. If i am close enough to a school i have the administrators called out. If not i tell parents and write up kids.

Hey do you think I will get written up if I get in the tool box?

Asked by Dawg coollllllll kid about 5 years ago

Probably. Just don't do it because you can lose your riding privilege. Don't say i didn't warn you.

Have you ever worked as a bus aide? Dispatcher? Supervisor? Maintenance or something besides a driver?

Asked by 637816923784612789346192783461278934612789346129378146238974126347891236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123612361236123 almost 5 years ago

Bus aide yes. Not very often though as the need for drivers was much greater.

What happens if your in traffic where it can be a 1 even few hours delay. I know it’s rare but it can happen and I have heard of it before. What do you do? Is it different in the AM and PM what about field trips or other events?

Asked by Trump KAG 2020 about 5 years ago

Sit in traffic. There isn't much to do unless a good viable alternative is found. Sometimes we have no choice.

Is it possible to volunteer as a reserve bus driver?

Asked by Nsnsnsnd almost 5 years ago

Not sure. Can't hurt to ask around.

Do you think this virus will close down schools and what precautions are they taking?

Asked by Worried almost 5 years ago

Many school districts are already choosing to voluntarily close in an effort to curtail any mass spread of a disease that has a high infection rate. This is known as social distancing. They recognize that putting several children in a confined space (classrooms, buses, and cafeterias) are prime sources for the spread of germs whether intentional or non intentional and given the risk to the immunocompromised being proactive is better than being reactive. My district is shutting down for 3 weeks and they will be disinfecting the schools and buses in an effort to curtail the spread of germs.

Question what do you think the rest of this school year (and possibly next) look like?

Asked by Lola almost 5 years ago

Well, many state governors are calling school done for the remainder of the year. Until the stay at home orders are lifted, we are likely to just stay in place until this whole crisis blows over. Rest assured many children are in the same boat so lack of education is not really a concern as much as getting them food and supplies for their families who depend on the schools 9 months out of the year for breakfast and lunch.

Do you think it’s appropriate to listen to Alex Jones on the bus with kids? Kids are highly receptive. Same with NPR

Asked by Jeff about 5 years ago

Not necessarily. It's probably boring to kids and personally i prefer to play something that is kid friendly.

How cool is it to drive in the dark morning when it’s Christmas time and all the Christmas decorations are lit up and everything is all lit up down the street.

Asked by Yoooodooooodole about 5 years ago

Honestly, it's my favorite time of year because i never know which houses will decorate and go all out. I love it.

Was it wrong for me to have a crush on one of my bus drivers? My old PM driver was so hot.

Asked by Some guy somehwere almost 5 years ago

It's not wrong, but you have to understand that there has to be a professional boundary. Children having crushes on their teachers and other adults in charge of them is fairly common however it can be a very slippery slope and get both the teacher/adult into major trouble and the child into consequences they did not intend.

Is it true that if you fire one driver in a lot of places a lot of drivers will get mad and quit?

Asked by Snsjjsj about 5 years ago

Depends on how the working environment is. Failure to treat your employees properly will result in them quitting.

Do you read Schoolbuseet?

Asked by Gregg over 5 years ago

Im assuming you meant school bus fleet. Ive heard of it but not read many articles on it.

Is it illegal for a driver to get up out of his or her seat?

Asked by Infj over 5 years ago

If the driver is safely stopped, no.

Do you think it’s a good idea to charge students for riding the bus? Kids on free or reduced lunches can be discounted or ride for free. But I think it could save on taxes and as long as it’s not too much but what do you think?

Asked by Trump is amazing almost 5 years ago

No. Riding is a privilege not a right. The moment we bring money into it we remove the authority to kick a child off the bus for acting out simply because his parents pay for the service exclusively.

Why do some routes not start until past seven and others at 5:30? Am but in the PM they start about the same time

Asked by Jim about 5 years ago

Depending on where you live and how the bus system is set up will depend on how the routes start and end in both morning and evening. Some districts have the schools separated on each bus by school/grade level. For example there may be high school routes, middle school routes, and elementary routes that all start and end at different times based on when those schools start and end their day. Alternatively you may live in a county that puts all grade levels on each bus. There are positives and negatives to this. A positive is that if you are a family that has older siblings, the older ones are riding with the younger ones and you don't have to worry as much about childcare when your high schooler gets off with your second grader. Due to the distance from the schools will depend on when each route needs to start. You can guarantee that the one that starts early will end late in the afternoon due to the distance they have to cover with children.

Hey is anything you do legal? Anything a bus driver does, says, thinks, or anything else legal? Just asking lol

Asked by Ding dong about 5 years ago

Let me check with my lawyer.

Hello why do some places like to make you turn around a 100 times and then yell at you for being late? Also, what’s the point in going back and picking up a student and making everyone behind because they decided for the upteenth time to be late and got left?!

Asked by Mrs. Bitchyasshole almost 5 years ago

It depends on district policy as to what is acceptable in certain circumstances. We live in an entitled world where the thought process is me first and never tell me "no". Sadly this is not how the world works primarily and the sooner kids learn this concept the better. For me, if a child is a chronically late person, they get bus left and i will not return to pick them up. If the child has never been late and was just having a bad morning or an off morning, i might consider going back if its not too far out of my way. We also have a policy that they need to be out at each stop 5 min prior to avoid issues like this.

Is it true that sometimes districts and companies illegally use unqualified people to drive buses?

Asked by 885858585 almost 5 years ago

All drivers are supposed to pass strict guidelines and licensing requirements as set by federal and state law. We are required to pass a physical every year and comply with DOT standards. Do bad apples get through and do companies attempt to bypass these standards, yes. But rest assured that they nearly always get caught hopefully before lives are at stake.

It is no secret that buses are a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, etc so how are the buses cleaned like this? What do you use? Or have you done cleaning at all?

Asked by COVID-19 almost 5 years ago

We generally deep clean the buses at least once per year. By that I mean get in every nook and cranny, dig out trash between the seat and walls, scrape gum off the bottom of the seats. Wash the ceiling. In the mean time, we do sweep our buses at minimum once a week. During cold and flu season we spray the seats down with disinfectant spray or wipe them down with lysol wipes and spray or clean the windows.

What happens if a Kindergartner needs the bathroom while on the bus? Do you make a stop?

Asked by CT Mom about 5 years ago

That depends on the distance to the home. If the child is still 45 minutes from getting home, we will often make a decision to let them use the restroom at a school approved location (ie another school or the board office or the bus barn) Little kids are not as able to hold their bladders like older kids are.

Is it sad that you will not see some kids again because of the early break VERY EARLY break.

Asked by ************ almost 5 years ago

Yes actually. I miss every one of my bus kids. Even the ones who make me want to pull my hair out in frustration because they're the ones that need me the most. I've tried to keep in contact with parents as best I can but there is only so much I am allowed to do.

Did Mike Parson just cancel schools indefinitely?

Asked by Darlene almost 5 years ago

Not sure who he is. I know where I am, we are scheduled to return April 13. That can still extend if the spread of the virus is not stopped or slowed.

Do you think Chris Farley is delivering lunches to kids? Uh oh...

Asked by YOU KNOW almost 5 years ago

Uh no.

I want to hear a good story that has happened to you at your job being a bus driver.

Asked by Amen about 5 years ago

There aren't really good stories as good moments. Sometimes I'll have a kid who turns around and gives a hug to me randomly or just decides that they're gonna behave or any number of things really.

Quick question have they closed your district for the remainder of the academic year or are you planning on restarting soon?

Asked by John almost 5 years ago

Our district is closed for the remainder of the academic year

While driving just put the cruse control on, hold the streering wheel and take care of business. Is that okay?

Asked by Infj over 5 years ago

What the hell???

Hey why are some districts super strict on their drivers and then others let them get away with pretty much anything as long as their not putting their hands on kids or DWI or something crazy?

Asked by I was wrong once almost 5 years ago

It depends on the district and the company. Sometimes, districts have to consider how they would look to the general public if their personnel did certain things so they put policies in place to ensure that their people follow them. That's not to say that people don't accidentally mess up now and again.

Hi what are some things that you think would make school buses more efficient and how do you do your pre trip inspection?

Asked by Merry about 5 years ago

Good question. I would love a way to check brake lights and back up lights without having to have two drivers. Newer buses have an exterior light check button that the driver can press and it flashes all the lights in sequence so you can see that they're active and available. As for other efficiency concerns, that is left up to the individual driver for customization.

How do I not get a certain sub again? I always get complaints on her and she messes with seat controls, changes the radio station, leaves windows down, climate controls, etc. I also get a lot of negative feedback about her.

Asked by Glynn about 5 years ago

So you expect a sub to not adjust a seat and mirrors to help them do their jobs? Things like that are a safety concern for the students. If a sub cannot see adequately out the mirrors and out the dash board you are putting the kids at risk. As far as leaving windows down, the sub should put the windows up. Radio stations are an easy fix. Have the driver put their favorite stations on a separate band. Generally radios have 3 bands of FM radio available. When they plan to be out, simply inform them to switch the band that way their presets are not messed with.

Do buses ever have outside temperature on the dash or where ever else like many cars do?

Asked by Gentlemen about 5 years ago

Mine does not, though i am not sure about the newest buses we have.

Have you been doing any kind of work during this COVID-19 deal? If so what have you been doing meals or parking buses so kids can get on WIFI just things I have heard of

Asked by 02938457 almost 5 years ago

As of now our district is not using us bus drivers yet. We don't have wifi on our buses though i wish we did.

You know every Karen in the neighborhood wants their kid to be the first one home so she can get them to soccer practice

Asked by 7390875r almost 5 years ago

Well Karen, go sit in the parent pick up line yourself. Lol.

Why do kids and teens freak out over even a minor change? If it’s not something their used to you will have at least have of them freak out most of the time I noticed. Or have you not witnessed that?

Asked by Good person almost 5 years ago

It depends on the kids and the route and the driver. When i was subbing on routes, i got to know several routes regularly as well as the kids on those routes. Once the kids were confident that i knew what i was doing, they often treated me like they did their regular driver.

Well bad. I heard she goes on rants, raves, and tirades and that she is really mean. That she has broken things and there are roomers of her putting her hands on people. Any advice thanks. Sorry for making it two questions I wanted to tell the story.

Asked by Ryan about 5 years ago

If she does put her hands on people, that's not okay. But consider your actions on the bus and try to get the other kids on your bus to stop acting out. Being mean for the sake of being mean is one thing but being mean but also being fair is another. If she holds everyone to the same standards then you may find you actually like her.

Also, I assume drivers get a lot of days off since they can get subs would I be right or wrong?

Asked by 05689 almost 5 years ago

Even in this crisis we still have a driver shortage.

Should I call the bus barn after the bus took off and the neighbors could not get their lunch because she honked then drove off as soon as they came out. I don't know how much money they have and that driver could have caused them to miss a meal

Asked by Jay almost 5 years ago

Being that some systems are on a certain schedule, it's likely the parent has been notified of when the bus will be there to drop food. If you did witness this, the neighborly thing to do would be to check on the family and ask if you can help them by calling the bus barn. It's hard to say whether or not they've already been told "be out at x time we will be there at y time" just like a normal bus stop. I would err on the side of caution and be polite with a phone call.

What do you think of walk outs or a day where many drivers don’t go to work? Are you for it or do you think they should do their job or find another one? Have you ever took part in something like that?

Asked by ???? ???? almost 5 years ago

Some states do not allow walking off a job or striking. It can be viewed as insubordination and can put someone's job at risk. If you want to make changes, best to petition for them properly through the right channels. I have not participated in a walk out or strike because i value my job and have some dignity.

Is there a way for bus drivers to satisfy everyone? Parent A: BUS IS TOO LATE AT 7 MY KID HAS BAND PRACTICE AND I GO TO WORK EARLY PARENT B WELL 6:45 IS TOO EARLY MY KID HAS TO DO THIS THIS AND THIS AND IS NOT FAIR TO MAKE HIM GET UP AT 5! then if you switch the route to get a kid home quicker becuase their the last stop then the another parent gets mad. Then more get mad is there a way to make everyone happy?

Asked by 7390875r almost 5 years ago

Unfortunately most bus routes are set in such a way to accommodate the majority of students. Don't like the time the bus comes? Find another ride to school. We live in a "me first" society and parents need to understand that they are not the center of the universe. That being said, I do attempt to accommodate on a case by case basis if its feasible and will not disrupt the route as a whole.

Is the think gold line flag for bus drivers?

Asked by Cecil almost 5 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what the gold line flag stands for.

Hello, is your district ever going to have you deliver meals to kids like the ice cream truck or naw?

Asked by Bro almost 5 years ago

I wish we could but right now the answer is no.

Hi, so I will ask you since your the only person who is involved in education who is answering questions evidently. So what will districts do for kids who can't get online

Asked by HHH almost 5 years ago

Most districts will have alternate education items available for those without internet like paper packets to complete or a list of at home activities anyone can do without internet. In some areas school buses are being used as wifi hotspots for kids without internet access. It depends on the district.

Hi how do I get the bus barn on my police scanner

Asked by 383933939393939393929292939293929292 about 5 years ago

Not sure. You would have to ask an expert in ham radios for that.

Would my district change the write up system from the drivers would choose how many days off the bus change to it has to got through a administrator who may or may not do anything and could even go all out and give a extreme punishment. I know some drivers have abused the system or not used it at all but how is this better?

Asked by 933738292 about 5 years ago

I wish we had this system. It would cut out the middle man, though I think that some oversight is needed if a driver does abuse it, like if a child has been written up more than 3 times and kicked off the bus, then future issues need to be handled through administration and driver collaboration. The problem facing drivers is that parents refuse to see their child could be a problem.

Is there a shortage becuase most districts are choosing beggars? They want a specific type of person and strict hiring qualifications but don't pay well and have to put up with kids, parents, traffic, and all the rest of it.

Asked by Ninja almost 5 years ago

There's a shortage because it is hard to find someone who is willing to put up with all that we put up with for the low pay we get. Often times we make even less than food service workers and janitorial staff and are expected to have all the qualifications to ensure the children get from home to school and back again safely. Couple that with a severe lack of discipline follow through on the school administration part and it's a vicious cycle.

So a little brain teaser for you. What do you think if right now we get on the bus a little before 7 (depending on the driver) we start at 8. Next year where goin to start at 7:45 so what time do you think that will push it back to. Thanks

Asked by Crazyperson almost 5 years ago

Probably 15 to 30 minutes to ensure everyone gets to school on time.

I don't know what your supposed to do in lightning so evidently your a dumb ass if your wanting in it but then sometimes bus stops are far from home and if you wait inside and the bus driver does not see you immediately then you deserve to miss thebus

Asked by Jake almost 5 years ago

Generally when it storms I make sure to give my kids extra time to get from their houses to my bus I don't feel that it is necessary to rush a child in getting on a bus because they could get injured if they rush. It is important to me to make sure that the children have ample time to get from their houses to the bus.

How do you control kids when their being difficult? What kinds of disciplinary actions do you usually take

Asked by ****** almost 5 years ago

I use a variety of positive reinforcement tactics. For most kids, a routine is best so assigning them a seat on the bus and a seatmate they're friends with alleviates 90 percent of behavior issues. The other 10 percent, I use positive rewards for good behavior and largely ignore the bad behavior. Sometimes with a difficult child, I assign them a "job" like making sure everyone is awake. Now occasionally even this method doesn't work and I do have to resort to writing a child up and turning them into the school but that is a last resort.

Why do you think so many people on this site want people to give them the answer they wanna hear instead of the truth or your (or whomever their asking) opinion? I mean they already told them selves so whats the point?

Asked by Walker asks people thigns almost 5 years ago

I'm brutally honest in my answers. People have come to my thread looking for the answer they want only to be told they're wrong. I don't mince words nor do I make excuses. People live in a "me first" bubble and it sucks when that bubble bursts.

is it legal for a bus to use a driveway as a turnaround?

Asked by Dog lover almost 5 years ago

Yes. It is. Sometimes driveways are all we have that give us enough space to turn around at the end of a road.

What’s the most inappropriate thing you have seen on your bus?

Asked by Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo about 5 years ago

Not so much seen as heard of happening. Lots of inappropriate sexual stuff can happen with older students on a bus.

Now question have you ever took a route that no one else wanted for some reason? Why? What was it like?

Asked by Pamela almost 5 years ago

There are always routes out there that nobody else wants but I am a firm believer that there is a bus driver for every route meaning that there is a bus driver that will be able to reach the kids on each route in that special way. It is sort of like a matching game, you have to figure out which bus driver matches with what route. Some routes are definitely more challenging than others.

What do you think of this 4 hour round trip bus route?

Asked by Rob almost 5 years ago

Someone's gotta do it. It's either that or the district offers remote learning options for the teenagers and not everyone succeeds that way.

Why are some districts using buses to deliver food? Here they have all the buses out that drive and have teachers, paras, among other people giving out the food at bus stops

Asked by Goldy almost 5 years ago

There are many families that do not have vehicles snd do not have access to the internet at home. Having buses serve these neighborhoods and children serves three purposes. One, it puts food in the hands of children that would otherwise go hungry. Two, it allows teachers to hand out and collect homework packets for at home learning. Finally, three, it allows the district to lay eyes on kids they would normally keep tabs on during the school year to ascertain whether or not they need more help.

Have you seen the video of the guy getting yanked off that bus for not wearing a mask?

Asked by Kaleigh almost 5 years ago

Yes. Given that it's been posted and a fairly widespread practice that for the protection of yourself and others that face masks must be worn, it doesn't surprise me in the least. There are many people out there who feel they are above what the governments can tell them what to do and whom simply won't follow rules. (Fake service dogs are a perfect example.)

Is this a good job for someone in collage?

Asked by Toby almost 5 years ago

Sort of. Most bus companies require their drivers to be a minimum of age 20 to 21 or a bit older to start. The responsibility of having lives in your hands is a big one.

My question is I know some buses come as early as 5:30 or so. But are they ever earlier then that? Do you think there are any school buses that come closer to 5:00 or even four something?

Asked by Nixon almost 5 years ago

It depends on the district. Most districts have rules about when and how early to pick up students.

They keep pushing the date we go back to school. When do you think it will be?

Asked by Wesley almost 5 years ago

Truthfully.... next school year.

Have you ever rode a greyhound bus?!

Asked by Defendent almost 5 years ago

Rode, yes. Driven, no.

Does it help a driver to have any kind of degree before or while your driving a Bus?

Asked by Jason over 4 years ago

Highschool diploma and cdl certification is standard. Anything else is bonus and more than welcome.

What are your bus rules?

Asked by Jermone almost 5 years ago

No killing each other, no bloodshed, respect each other, quiet at railroad crossings, no screaming unless you're bleeding, injured, or dying. Keep the noise level at a respectable level. Other than that I'm flexible.

What is all in the tool box(s

Asked by CUZ almost 5 years ago

Good question! There is usually one box for first aid. That has your typical bandaids and other first aidey type items. Then there is the body fluid clean up kit which we break out in the event a child vomits on the bus or blood is shed. That has gloves and specific instructions on how to dispose of body fluids.

Finally the long thin red box usually bolted to the floor is reflective triangles that we can unfold and pop up when the bus is broken down and we need to give motorists warning of what's on the road.

Do you work another job(s) besides driving a bus?

Asked by 12qwe almost 5 years ago

At the moment, I don't but in the past I have held side jobs or other part time employment. I do have a few side hustles that bring in a little extra education.

Why do bus drivers sometimes bounce in their seats

Asked by bus rider almost 5 years ago

That's due to the driver having an air ride seat. The air ride seat allows the seat itself to cushion against the imperfections in the road. It's kinda like riding a horse if we hit a bumpy part of the road. It saves our backs from hurting as bad after our long routes.

Hi I have some websties you might want to check out. These websites are sites that you can rant on, tell stories on
confess on, etc. It is really endless and you don't have to sign up (although you can) no charitor limit
and you just title it, put it into a catigory, then put some sort of name and it can be anything, then you put
in the capta code to make sure your human and done

Asked by DOO TOOO DOO TIE almost 5 years ago

Thanks but I think I'll stick to this platform

Why is my district going on a firing spree? I read the board minutes and they are just firing people but here is the thing they are hiring as well

Asked by Jason almost 5 years ago

Summer is usually the time for staff turnover. Thats when people retire, find other jobs, transfer from one school to another (middle school to elementary etc) and in the rare case, the district will terminate those who didn't perform to their standards or who left without intentions to return.

Sometimes in other rare instances, a school board might be considering switching contractors. In the case of bus drivers, this happens more often in larger districts where companies like Durham and First Student bid on a contract and most of the time there is informal hiring and firing of employees as they transfer the contract services.

What’s your opinion on electric and alternative fueled buses?

Asked by Mickey Mouse about 5 years ago

Great for inner city and areas that are largely congested where pollution might be a large concern. Impractical for large areas due to limits on how fast and long it can run on the alternative fuels before returning to regular fuel.

If a bus is equipped with two strobes (one in the front, and one in the back or middle) do they both come on with one switch or do they each have their own or does it depend?

Asked by Kay almost 5 years ago

Honestly I don't know. I've only had experience with one strobe light which is operated by one switch inside the bus.

Sorry if this is a bit long but. We had a incident with a driver from the football team a few years back. We had this older lady who was really mean. So what happened was well I guess she yelled non stop at the foot ball players, the few cheerleaders, as well as even one of the adults on the bus all the way to the game. When they coaches, teachers, and sharpens would try to solve a problem so she would not get so mad she would immediately start screaming at whoever they where getting onto. I guess she went on a rant about her job, how bad they all are, and how they think their so rough and cool. This in it of its self is really nothing to write home about because sometimes drivers yell whatever. This lady though was cussing at times and when they got to the school they where going to play at the coach wanted to be let off at a certain point. The driver refused and there was a huge argument. They where screaming and cussing at eachother and told everyone to get the “F” off her bus and threatened to not pick them back up and they can go charter. This gets better after the game she was really upset the game ran late and threw a fit. She also threw a fit because they smelled bad and that they did not take a shower threaten to pull over at a truck stop and make them shower. She also made them go back to the school with the windows down at 70 miles per hour (roughly). She also argued with parents at the school.

Asked by Ryan over 4 years ago

First yes she should be reprimanded or at least told her behavior is unacceptable. Sometimes our jobs suck but it isn't appropriate to take it out on the kids or other adults on the bus. If she really hated her job that much then she shouldn't drive a bus. That being said the only issue where she might be in the right would be where the coach wanted the team dropped off. Sometimes as drivers we are given separate instructions on how to unload and where to safely unload.

Is there any districts or bus companies that don’t require and diploma OR equivalent? It seems like most do and I understand wanting people to have it but I figure the more requirements the less people they will have to pull from with shortages

Asked by Calhon over 4 years ago

Equivalent is experience. Most bus driving jobs and jobs today in general require a minimum of a highschool diploma. This should be industry standard across the board.

What are things that delay buses the most? I would assume weather, maintenance, trains, traffic, wrecks, no sub, bus driver late for work, having to pick up other passengers on other routes, etc. What do you think is the most and did I miss any?

Asked by YOUR BFF LOL almost 5 years ago

Weather, traffic, and trains are my top three followed by shortage of staff issues. It's no secret that there's been a bus driver shortage lately mainly due to the behavior of the kids and the low pay offered to put up with the behavior issues. Rarely a maintenance issue pops up, but it does happen. Even the most "on time" bus driver can be late.

Why is my kids lunch being delivered late? It was 11;00 but now it is like 1, 2, even 4:00 once

Asked by Dave almost 5 years ago

Sometimes delays happen due to shortages of staff or an inability to function due to more restrictions for the safety of students and drivers and other staff. Just be patient. This covid-19 stuff is all new to us.

Question, have you ever been in a situation where a blizzard on a long trip has you stranded out of state and they shut the highway down. What did or would you do? Would you drive until they shut it down or pull over when would you feel unsafe to drivers

Asked by Jake From State Farm at 3:00 in the morning over 4 years ago

No i haven't been in that situation but i have been in a situation where immediate weather has forced me to stop driving for a period for the safety of my bus kids. It's always safer to stop and shelter in place or seek out a secure building in those situations.

What is it like driving in severe weather? I don't know if you live in Dixie Alley or not but I assume you have had storms and I have seen you have in these question. So what is it like?

Asked by Kevin almost 5 years ago

It's scary. Especially since we have children to consider and think about when we are on the bus. I always have a back up plan ready to implement depending on where I am in town in order to keep the children safe.

Have you ever been in a bad wreck on the bus before?

Asked by Jon almost 5 years ago

No, thank goodness, though I have been involved in a few fender benders. Minor incidents, minimal damage.

What is the worst thing that has happend on your bus?

Asked by Tommy almost 5 years ago

I had a fight where I had to call the cops to take the kids off the bus.

I have heard a lot about bus drivers refusing to take protesters to jail. What do you think about it and if you where asked (even though you are a school bus driver not a transit) but would you do it?

Asked by Dianna almost 5 years ago

Truthfully no I wouldn't unless our system paid us to collaborate with officers. Generally they don't mix our professions because of liability reasons.

Should someone complain if kids are being made to sit four to a seat and people in the floors and everything? My friend said his bus was like that and the driver just gave up caring because they would not give them another bus and no one would try and get another ride to school when they could

Asked by funny almost 5 years ago

Yes. They should complain to the district and the bus barn. The driver is not at fault because of the way the district is forcing the overcrowding issues and refusal to accommodate time schedules at the schools. It also doesn't help when parents yell at the driver too. Take it higher and the driver might actually get some relief on the overcrowding.

Hi so let’s play a game. I am a lot like you I think there is a driver for every route. Just like there is a teacher for every class, a coach for every kid, etc! So can you tell me which driver would belong in the best route. From well behaved routes, to mediocre, to horrible, to special needs, subs, and all the routes in between. Let’s begin.
Driver A: Very mean, old, cranky, and cantankerous old woman. She has been at this job for years and is not getting any nicer. Constantly yelling and writing people up and going on rants, raves, tirades, and breading people. Better not get on her bad side.
Driver B: Very sweet old woman been doing this job for years. She is like the grandmother of bus drivers. Spoiling the kids giving them candy, soda, and pretty much letting them do whatever. As long as they don’t cross that line you know you don’t wanna get spanked by granny so to speak.
Driver C: Overly professional, serious, and very by the book. You mess up your get written up. This driver don’t play but the driver is not l really mean either.
Driver D: This driver is young and tries too hard to be funny. Very nice but also a bit bossy. New driver
Driver E: This lady has been here a few years. This lady is the lady who this job was not all she thought it would be. She constantly complains about her job. She comes at the very last minute to pick kids up and is constantly late. She usually does well with the kids but quick to write people up.
Driver F: This old man former military and is a drill sergeant. That is what he is known for
Driver G: If he is not first he is last. Bus driving is like NASSCAR. Constantly leaves kids, is one of the first buses and the school, and a bit quick to temper. However he is typically pretty nice.
Driver H: Passive aggressive and picks favorites. Your on her good or bad list there is no in between.
Driver H: This lady is just crazy. Always a great story for her kids to tell their friends.
Driver J: Does not like her job and does not even look at the kids. Just rush and get them to school and then back home. Very minimal interaction with the kids.
Driver K: He likes to joke with the kids and play along with what their doing even if it’s a little bad.
Driver L: She thinks she is a boss ass bitch. A self proclaimed strong and independent woman. No one can tell her what to do. If you get on her bad side she will make you suffer.
Driver M: This would be you!
Your the supervisor place drivers on what route you would think would best suit them. Also, for extra fun make more letters.

Asked by Jackson over 4 years ago

Oof that's a lot of types to place. It's hard to say where they should go or what routes they should be on. Some people are just not cut out to drive a bus though.

Oh my gosh do you think this will continue into the future?!

Asked by Jay over 4 years ago

Potentially yes, but remember it's an election year and most of this stuff is due to certain groups getting butthurt.

What was the worst route you have ever had?

Asked by Davered over 4 years ago

Wasn't really a route but a field trip from hell.

I have noticed a lot of retired cops are bus drivers. Why is this?

Asked by Andria over 4 years ago

Just like most people, when some retire they still have the desire to work and driving a bus is a fairly easy job overall. The kids can be challenging at times but mostly that is due to lack of behavioral support. Some professions are just better than others at dealing with the higher stress levels of bus driving.

Is it normal for a bus driver to have three routes? The Early route which is HS, then your MIDDLE SCHOOL AND JR HIGH and then High School? What are the time frames of this on a medium distance route?

Asked by Ramy over 4 years ago

Yes. With the shortage of drivers many drivers are pulling double and triple loads. Often school times are staggered start to accommodate. It depends on the district the timing of the buses. Generally buses run from 5:30 am till 10 am it just depends on the district. Same for afternoon runs. Usually the kids who went in early will get released early.

What are some types of questions you wished people would stop asking

Asked by question to all over 4 years ago

All questions are valid and when a q&a is long like mine is noone wants to wade through all the questions for an answer.

Do your passages students what ever you call them seem to like you? Why do kids always talk bad about adults behind their backs>

Asked by Some dude somwhere almost 5 years ago

They seem to like me. Sometimes kids talk behind adults backs because they have to feel better about themselves.

What is your biggest pet peeves kids or teens do?

Asked by Angela over 4 years ago

Mostly when they outright disrespect the adult in charge. It bugs me because they feel they don't need to face consequences for their behavior and actions. It further irritates me when their parents defend the ugly behavior too.

What do I do about the summer school bus honking waking me up at seven every morning

Asked by Jerry over 4 years ago

Wake up earlier then it won't wake you up?

Do you go by your first or last name? Why with teachers and a lot of other school staff the majority go by the last name but most bus drivers go by their first and only a few go by their last name.

Asked by Tommy over 4 years ago

My first name. Here in the south it's common for kids to call an adult Mr. Or Ms. Firstname as a form of respect.

Why did my white woman bus driver wright up a black kid for racism after he said “nigga” to his homie. He was not being racist and the bus driver said “it does not matter and just a shortened version it’s still racist”.

Asked by Jacob Amith over 4 years ago

Gotta side with the driver on this one dawg. Being racist wasn't the issue the issue was inappropriate language. So sit down, shut it, and quit being foul mouthed with your homies

So they moved the date school starts again. This time to Aug. 20. I know summer school is in progress but this seems like it will never blow over will it? These people predicting COVID-19 are worse then weather men liars. Not just for schools but everything

Asked by Concerned citizen over 4 years ago

The date school starts is dependent on each state and individual district. Right now my district is on track to start back but if numbers keep rising, we're going to be back in isolation again.

You live in the south Hu? WILL SWEET PATATO PIE SHUT YOUR MOUTH??????????

Asked by Ndndnjddjj over 4 years ago

Potato. And i prefer pumpkin.

When do you think schools should start and how? There are so many options such as just do it normal, staggered schedules (many options inside this one), hybrid, use social distancing guidelines but have normal schedules, or something else?

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago

Personally, they should be doing hybrid or virtual where possible. If companies still won't let their employees be in person then why are we asking our kids and teachers to take that same risk?

Why is my driver is on a tight schedule that he can leave me at my stop but he can pull over all the time to berate us?

Asked by Zack over 4 years ago

Because you're supposed to be at the stop ahead of time.

So do buses have radios that can communicate with other districts transportation. Let’s say there is a trip like sports and multiple buses from various districts are on it. Could they communicate?

Asked by Ryan over 4 years ago

We generally have our radios set to communicate with our own districts drivers but not with other districts. It would be kinda cool if this could be worked out.

What is something that other drives do that you drive you up the wall. I know you mentioned drives playing on the CB and arriving at the schools too early. Why and what are some other things?

Asked by Jane over 4 years ago

Tattle on each other for menial things that really are not a big deal in the first place. An example of this is a post on social media that they don't agree with so they take it to the boss to get the other person in trouble. It's childish and stupid.

My school is being the biggest pain in the ass! I have no idea what is going on. So there is the “Social distancing” bullshit and I don’t know what time my kid gets on the bus. Just the secondary routes are 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30!!! Not

Asked by ANGRY PARENT over 4 years ago

Even including pm routes. Confusing and this is a mess I can’t have my child in online for the same reason I can’t homeschool because some people have work!!!!!!! I’m tired of the COVID-19 hoax what about you and what do we do? Me and my husband also have to be at work at 8:00 so I can’t take them. I would prefer a earlier route I mean I don’t want to have to get my kids up at 4:00 in the morning either but I definitely can’t have it too late like 7:00 or later is a no go. (Question continued)

I will answer your full question here. First the virus is not a hoax by any means but massive biological warfare released by people with ill intent. There have been deaths attributed to the virus and there are other things at play that make it more than just political.

Unfortunately we as drivers are only able to do what our districts are allowing us or requiring us to do due to the CDC standards and recommendations for social distancing and other guidelines. This does mean that busing and school as we know it are going to be different and everyone is going to have to make a change. Also with the potential for high risk of infection from this virus there is the very real possibility that children will be quarantined multiple times because either their peer got sick, their teacher got sick, or other mitigating factors. Normal as we once knew it is not going to happen at least not this year and in the immediate future.

Please do not get angry at us as we all try to make adjustments. You can try to politely ask for the route time that best suits your family but keep in mind others are choosing much the same thing or going to request similar. We cannot accommodate everyone perfectly at all times and sometimes it just has to be one way over the other. We all have to be patient as we work out the new normal. Sadly it may come down to you driving your own kids for drop off at the school because riding the bus is a privilege not a right. So please work with us amd and we will try to work with you.

Sorry to add to your interesting jumble of questions lol. So is it appropriate for a driver who has a long country route to let a kid use the bathroom behind a tree? Or let a kid use a relatives bathroom (if nearby)

Asked by Cynthia over 4 years ago

Behind a tree, maybe. It depends on the judgement call of the driver and gaining permission from the parents of the child. Again same with a relative of the child. It also depends on the age of the child and whether or not the child has the cognitive ability to be independent in that matter. I'm less likely to allow a 5 year old to do that as opposed to a 16 yr old.

What is the joke on putting “My Other Vehicle Is A School Bus” that people put on smart cars and motorcycles.

Asked by Dake over 4 years ago

Some people do that to be funny I guess?

why do bus drivers drive so fast?

Asked by Ronnie over 4 years ago

Its a misconception that drivers are driving fast because of the size of the bus. If a bus driver is exceeding the speed limit though please do report them.

By the way people sitting on peoples laps and when you are on a bumpy road it is like getting a lap dance YUCKY

Asked by funny almost 5 years ago


i'm sure over the years you have seen plenty of drivers come and go. What qualities and traits do you see with most drivers who stay verses quit or be fired with in a few years and someitmes mid year. I

Asked by Waylan over 4 years ago

Patience patience patience.

What is the double standard of bus drivers (other adults) to kids, ageist? They can eat, drink, chew gum, cuss, yell, dance in the seat, listen to whatever music, etc while kids can’t do any of that because the bus driver (or other adult) is a adult

Asked by June Bug over 4 years ago

Generally i try to make things fair. I do not do anything that i wouldn't allow my bus kids to do.

You know what is crazy I noticed a few drivers got fired from his driving. Why do you think they where fired? Don’t they need drives why would the do something stupid like fire bus drivers?

Asked by Jannie over 4 years ago

It depends on the situation. If the driver made a comment on social media that doesn't line up with the school system's beliefs then the system has the ability to and right to separate from the individual.

Are the Jobstr guys still doing anything on this site or is it a abandoned project? I sent them a email and they said they read everything and NOTHING. I am worried once the last of you who actually still answer regularly once their gone this site is dead

Asked by Bddnndndn over 4 years ago

I have no clue.

Why do some high schoolers who can drive their own selves to school ride the bus just to cause trouble and get mad when there are rules? Like your own car you can make whatever rule you want but you ride the bus sorry you can't eat, drink, cuss, etc

Asked by Entitled Warrior almost 5 years ago

Sometimes kids have parents who take that stuff away and force them to ride the bus. Other times, it's not as common to find a kid who just rides to cause trouble. Usually if they're causing trouble, they did something to deserve being on the bus in the first place.

Also, what is the best thing to call the people who ride your bus? Kids, students, passages or something else? What do you usually call them?

Asked by Dayton over 4 years ago

Passengers, riders, students.

Also can I play slug bug with my bus driver? I think it will be fun but don’t want to get written up or arrested LOL

Asked by Dayton over 4 years ago

Probably not a good idea but you can joke with your driver.

Have you ever had a situation where someone asked you wait on their brother or sister they will be out? Then a few minutes later they don't show and you wonder. Is this person in the shower? Or even gotten up from bed? Also what takes so long?

Asked by Jon over 4 years ago

Yes and generally if I am running a bit early i will wait otherwise i expect the kids to be outside at the stop at stop time.

In states that require school buses to have seatbelts as well as districts that have policy how do they keep them buckled in? Not to play with them? I mean you can’t even get them to sit down and shut up most the time?

Asked by Caren over 4 years ago


Though really I have no clue.

Why do some drivers have X rule while others will have the exact opposite (Y rule) and others won’t have any rule on it at all.

Asked by Darren over 4 years ago

Our buses are like our homes. If you went over to your friends house and they asked you to take off your shoes and you didn't it would be disrespectful to their wishes. Some drivers set rules in much the same way.

Is that you driving the bus? And why are you letting the kids smile your not supposed to have fun, eat, drink, be on your phone, or do homework just sit there and shut up for a hour right

Asked by Jonna over 4 years ago

Bahahahaha! Good one. I let my kids cut up and have a good time as long as there is no bloodshed.

What is a good behavioral system to have in place besides yelling and screaming or writing people up

Asked by Donna over 4 years ago

Rewards for positive behavior. Interaction with the riders. Showing interest in their activities. All of these are positive ways of encouraging better behavior in students. Being firm and consistent is not the same as yelling and screaming at the kids.

Do you trust young drivers and aides (18-25) And what about drivers and aides 65+? What do you think?

Asked by Trevor over 4 years ago

Yes as long as they're properly trained and pass all the requirements.

When did it become a common practice for school buses to start picking up kids at their houses instead of at bus stops? We never had the luxury when I was younger, why the change?

Asked by ANGRY over 4 years ago

When child predators started abducting kids more frequently. Its a dangerous world out there.

Hi I see you have been asked a lot of questions recently but I just have to ask mine sorry. So with these protests going on what do you do if protesters are throwing things on the bus, ripping things off, climbing on it, or even trying to board?

Asked by Jamie almost 5 years ago

1. Not even attempt to put myself in harms way.

2. If i happen across a group of angry violent protesters, do not stop, keep going. They either move or get squished.

3. I have no issue with peaceful protests but those are the ones that aren't blocking roads and causing violence and mayhem.

If Juneteenth becomes a national holiday do you think school would (summer school ofcorse as well as other school functions in the summer months, year round, schools with weird start/end dates, etc) be called off?

Asked by Dolly over 4 years ago

I have no earthly idea to be honest.

Why are school buses starting to make more luxury items standers. I know you could always custom order these things but more buses have radios, heat, AC, strobe lights, non-manual doors in fact many companies except blue bird and some small bus manufacturers

Asked by Darren over 4 years ago

Many items are for the safety and security of the children we transport. Some are comfort based but in many cases they are necessary.

Why do bus drivers open the doors at railroads?

Asked by Sherry over 4 years ago

We have to listen for the trains as well as look for them. It's part of our safety procedure. Stop. Look. Listen. We cannot always count on the railroad crossing arms to work properly.

Have you ever had a bad winter weather experience? What was it like?

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago

Not on a bus. I have in my personal vehicle. It was ugly.

Your also maybe one of my favorite bus drivers. Do you want to be my favorite???

Asked by Dayton over 4 years ago


Have you been been in a position where when severe weather you had to evacuate into a private house? Better then a ditch but what about safety precautions would be taken? What are all the proceeders you do?

Asked by Lorah over 4 years ago

Not into a private house but into a public building due to a tornado yes. I notified my supervisor where we were and that the kids were safe.

I also heard drivers have a five minute max time they can wait. Is that so and that seems like a long time. Why not just come back and circle or just leave their butt

Asked by Jon over 4 years ago

It depends on the district policy. I usually leave kids if they're late.

If you where not a Bus Driver what would be another job you could see yourself doing?

Asked by QUESTIION TO ALL over 4 years ago

Tutor or paraprofessional. I love working with children and helping them succeed is my passion.

Have you been doing any summer school routes or field trips for summer school now that summer school has started?

Asked by Samual over 4 years ago

As of now, our system is closed until August and then opening will depend on the Covid-19 situation.

Why do drivers always pull their buses into Kum &Go?

Asked by Turtle fan dan over 4 years ago

Probably for the same reason you stop there?

Is it okay for a driver to let a kid talk to him/her while their driving? What kinds of things do you sometimes talk about with kids about?

Asked by Dayton over 4 years ago

Yes. Of course it is. We talk about everything.

Have you ever seen that bus that can go 300 MPH?

Asked by Darla over 4 years ago

On YouTube, probably. ???????

Yo I have been following you for a while and you seem like your so over this Jobstr deal. You been doing thins a while lmao

Asked by Sylvia over 4 years ago

Haha i took a break for a bit and now gotta sift through all the questions that piled up. I'll be back to answering most questions promptly soon.

Wow this page is sooooo cool how do you answer so many questions?

Asked by Dayton over 4 years ago

The questions get emailed to me and when i have time i come here, sign in, and answer them.

Wassss good so have your ever prepared for a situation like a emergency where they evacuate schools on buses? I have heard of that happening in hurricanes, wild fires, and stuff

Asked by werqweert almost 5 years ago

Yes. Have prepared and executed both types of evacuations.

What do you think of this video?


Im not a teacher but tbh its hard to say what one should do. We are charged with keeping kids safe so if we get sick and kids get sick its a catch 22.

HAHAHA. Someone asked why buses drive so fast?! Their like the slowest on the roads slower then even semi trucks. Do they even drive over 40 miles per hour? Hell their don’t even usually go the speed limit. A better question is why do they go so slow

Asked by Ryab over 4 years ago

Buses generally are governed at a maximum speed of 60 to 65 mph. By federal law we cannot exceed 55 mph but most drivers will attempt to go the speed limit or at least keep with the flow of traffic.

Hello ma’m what do you think about MANDATING (not recommending or under certain conditions) masks in schools where social distancing can’t be bla bla bla. I personally don’t think it’s right but what do you think? Should schools even reopen?

Asked by Molleigh over 4 years ago

Mandating is fine but the school district needs to acknowledge that enforcement of something like that can disrupt the education process.

Do kids ever draw things for you, give you coloring sheets, things they did at school, stickers, candy, things like that and what do you do with them. I remember my driver kids would give her stickers and she stuck them all over the bus.

Asked by Karen over 4 years ago

Yes they give me stuff. I wish I thought to keep magnets and tape so they could put their stuff up on the bus walls/ceiling. Hmm thats a good idea for next year!

I have noticed when I read the board minutes I’m shocked at how many people in transportation, substitutes, paras, and nutrition services they let go! Why do they let so many go what is the biggest reasons? Thanks!!!

Asked by Poland over 4 years ago

Depends on if your district went virtual. Virtual learning means layoffs for some jobs.

What do you think of FFRF nut jobs who say public school bus drivers and even city transit can’t play sermons or religious music because of separation of church or state. Also, reports of school teachers and staff taking Bibles for this reason or andNot letting kids

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago

Well given its a public school we have to be sensitive about the potential difficulty for kids having different religions. We also live in a snowflake society.

Do you think being bus driver is easy money or a hard job?

Asked by Charotte over 4 years ago

Fairly easy overall. The hard part is dealing with the behavior issues.

What do you think of this video here? What did she do right and could she have done better on anything to me she sounds like she did pretty good.

Asked by Martina over 4 years ago

She did everything right.

Are these just not the incidents that just drive you crazy? Parents complaint about things that don’t matter. Not every one has the luxury of getting on the bus at 8. Also their made to accommodate the majority of students. even when the routee are

Asked by Belinda over 4 years ago

Tbh if a parent wants to bitch about the time the bus comes they have 2 options. 1 become a driver or 2 drive your own damn kid.

Do you think it’s OK to force children to wear masks? What about kids with special needs? What about kids who they don’t wanna wear it or their parents say they don’t want to wear it? Also most masks are in effective let’s make it harder to breathe

Asked by Miss Donna over 4 years ago

Yep i think its fine because if a parent doesn't like it they can homeschool.

My personal opinion is that this depends on the district. Places with little to no cases should open as normal, with some problems have normal with extra precautions, for bad areas implement staggered schedules, harder hit hybrid, and extreme online&

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago

Largely agree with you. See my other answer. Sorry for the delay.

Are they doing this in your district too? Could I potentially win a suit? So, if a staff member refuses to force a child to wear a mask etc they get reprimanded and eventually fired if not immediately. I don’t think this is right.

Asked by Wade over 4 years ago

You don't think its right they fired the staff member? In many states they don't need a reason to fire a person.

Should we sue if we are forced to wear masks and get wrote up for daring to speak out against it? Health conditions we don’t have to wear them. We barely get paid anything and are already tested horriblely they want to fire drivers or make them want

Asked by Sherry over 4 years ago

I wouldn't sue but find other work

Would you recommend during the COVID-19 stats students ride the bus?

Asked by Save water drink soda over 4 years ago

Buses are overcrowded so if the kids and parents don't mind no social distancing...

What time does bus 13 arrive?

Asked by Jamie over 4 years ago

Some time between Monday through Friday.

Hi, so I hear all the time “my district (or company or both) has unreasonable expectations we have to meet that’s why we have no drivers because they fire them or everyone quits. I understand having high expectations. What is the fine line between high and unreasnable expetations?

Asked by Sam over 4 years ago

Most people don't want to do hard work. Or pass a drug test.

How do you remember names and faces?!

Asked by Dave over 4 years ago

I take the time to memorize my stops and the kids at each stop. I greet them by name every morning.

Back when we where in school we had a really mean sub and I dared my friend to cuss her out and he did and she started cussing back. So we baited her so can she get fired now or at least written up see how she likes it?

Asked by Katie over 4 years ago

That was a dick move on your part. Next time how about being nice. Baiting someone never gets you anywhere.

should AC become standard on school buses?

Asked by Rayleigh over 4 years ago

Yes. It is too hot not to have air conditioning.

What do you look like?

Asked by Andy over 4 years ago

A human.

What is it like when you’re trying to drive a large vehicle and cars won’t give you any room?

Asked by Jeff over 4 years ago

I'm bigger so yeet out of my way lol

Why do some drivers use the radios to just talk and talk and talk non stop all the time and never let people who need to use them on because they just wanna hear themselves talk I guess.

Asked by Donald over 4 years ago

Because they like to hear themselves talk and yammer on.

What should I do I keep having my aide pulled who’s not been qualified to dive a bus and my bus is absolutely out of control. What can I do? Have you ever had a problem like this?

Asked by Paula over 4 years ago

Change jobs. Most buses do not have aides on the bus to help monitor the children or their behavior. So either you can write them up for horrible behavior, learn how to relate to your kids, or change jobs.

My driver tells us about how he used to be in all these crash demolition derby’s that’s how he learned to drive a bus and he has photos all over the bus. Should I be worried? Uhh there’s some traffic JUMP where at school. Just ram some cars no biggie

Asked by Rylee over 4 years ago

Nah if he shows issues like being unsafe in actual driving then bring it to someone's attention.

One more ONE MORE i know you got a lot. Do some people ever use the free CDL training to then quit and find another job say trucking, city bus driving, coach driving, working for another district, etc?

Asked by I’m not pooping about 4 years ago

Yes that happens all the time

I do not understand how this driver even got her job back and isn't in jail? I guess having a good lawyer maybe. Maybe you could take a look and see what you think as a insider so to speak,her%20job%2C%20a%20panel%20of%20judges%20have%20said.

Asked by TRUMP WON!!! about 4 years ago

While it wasn't right that she slapped the child, the child was lashing out in anger first and being physical with the driver. It was definitely a momentary lapse in judgement. Is it a career ending one? No. How many parents get their kids taken away just because they walloped their kid on the behind once. There was no excessive force and it was likely a moment of reactionary behavior to what the child was doing.

Do you think this is degrading to drivers? These are the types of videos they make us watch and are trying to make us hold up to impossible standards especially during COVID-19. Do you have any advice jj get they are trying to be funny

Asked by Lacie over 4 years ago

I think the video is fine. Most people do not understand what we go through as drivers and it's informational. If you're offended by it then change jobs.

How early is too early for a special needs student with autism to get on the school bus? Sometimes the SPED buses are was earlier then the normal buses

Asked by Marry and Eric over 4 years ago

It really depends on the district policies as to what is standard.

Where have you been all these years I have grown a gray beard by now and have five kids been married and divorced twice and retired living on a island. Where have you been?

Asked by 234 about 4 years ago


Do you agree with the use of school buses for COVID testing labs?

Asked by Luna about 4 years ago


Are traffic violations in a personal vehicle a common way drives get sacked? (I.E speeding tickets, DWI, etc)

Asked by Dale over 4 years ago


What do you think is the worst part of driving a school bus? Also, would you ever drive a city bus?

Asked by Mikey over 4 years ago


Has your district went back yet?

Asked by Wondering about 4 years ago


How do I stop the politics with COVID? So there are three types the YOURE NOT DOING ENOUGH IM GOING TO SUE and THIS IS ALL AGINST MY CIVIL RIGHTS IM GOING TO SUE then there are people who just just tired of it all. Please, how can this a end? ever I know bus driving alwuas has had more pollitics then.i ever expected picking and dropping would. but how do I avoid jt becuase it seems trying to stay out of it all is into a third gorup whixh ja just STFU ready like every other yesr

Asked by Smamsm over 4 years ago


If so then that answers it but if not what are you doing? I saw a lady on YT who was cleaning and working in the library but I think she took a new job or something

Asked by Wondering about 4 years ago


Ignore the spelling I must have had a stroke. No I’m not going to fix it. I’m already had a rough morning having to hear supervisors talk about how they are doing everything they can to keep everyone safe but also how they have lines to keep.both sides happy

Asked by Smamsm over 4 years ago


Hey you’re back lady! Do you think any of these reasons would be the same for Bus Drivers? If so could you elaborate and if not what’s going good or how’s it irrelevant

Asked by I’m not pooping about 4 years ago


I don’t see what a meeting with three groups that could kill eachother is going to do any good anyways? I heard it since February, you’re not protecting us to this is tyranny and aginst my civil rights. I would rather take us out or eat or a cold beer that might help better lmao

Asked by Snsns over 4 years ago


So I have a question and I fully understand you have a lot of pending questions right now.

But why is it some districts

Allow drivers and companies they allow them to pick their routes. Their stops. How to do the route. What time come how early or late they want to be.

While other districts give no leeway whatsoever. We got another transportation coordinator and on top of COVID related stuff we lost almost all of our drivers. I mean the shortage was bad as it was. But we even had a surplus of applicants and more subs then we knew what to do with.

The lady used to allow drivers to do their routes how they wanted and was also generally great. She never got onto drivers unless she has to and took her drivers side of things when problems arose unless the driver legitimately did something.

A number of years ago when she retired this all changed. Even she left when she came back as a sub and couldn’t believe how bad it was.

She was a long time driver herself which must have been why she was so great. Not that I hate the new guy… But he wants to control everything anymore and drivers are just leaving

Asked by JAWN over 2 years ago


We lost our long time drivers too. Not just the ones who been there a few years. Most drivers top out at 5 years but we had some veterans and even they’re gone

Asked by JAWN over 2 years ago


I’m not even playing with you. Our district used to be the TOP in the area for retaining drivers. Now it’s one of the worst

Asked by Dnee over 2 years ago


Why do some drivers have a rule not to sit in the back two or front two seats

Asked by Jess about 4 years ago


Look. It’s like. It used to be a big emotional thing when drivers left. Now it’s just Thursday. Many drivers leaving in the middle of the year… I mean it’s a NIGHTMARE not having enough drivers. It’s absolutely mayhem and well more have left now

Asked by John over 2 years ago


Why do some drivers have a rule not to sit in the back two or front two seats

Asked by Jess about 4 years ago


But I’m not saying it never happened. But…. Drivers leaving in the middle of the year was really rare. Sometimes someone was not cut out for it and it wasn’t all they thought it would be. Sometimes someone would be fired. But nothing like this

Asked by John over 2 years ago


Wow am I ranting. So sorry! They would at least try and finish the year. But not anymore. Different times we are living in

Asked by John over 2 years ago


Is it legal for a driver to sit on kids as a punishment???

Asked by Fortnite is fun over 3 years ago


Sorry I rant because I know you understand. It used to be a place where drivers said “wow we never worked in a place like this” and they would stay forever (not really but it felt like it”

Not to mention the kids are more misbehaved then EVER

Asked by John over 2 years ago


I have never seen such disrespectful kids before. I mean you always had a few. You always had those handful of routes… but this is more then I ever seen

Asked by John over 2 years ago


Hey Jess again what do you think of this video?

Asked by Jess about 4 years ago


This is a opposite story

Asked by Jessicia about 4 years ago


This is by far these past years the worst years for bus drivers. The kids and teens are more misbehaved by ever before and drivers can’t even react. And I don’t mean in the 70s and 80s I mean even 10 years ago.

The routes are overflowing. If a bus has a max capacity of between 73 and the big buses up to 90 and it’s so full you have kids standing in the isles and sitting on other kids laps.

I have 2 morning secondary runs. I do the first one early in the morning and then a bit later one. They had to make it even earlier not the time they start schools but let kids in. Used to be 7:15 for middle school about 7:25 for jr high and 7:30 for the high school and went down to 7 in the morning. So drivers could even do another run.

Then you have to rush pick up another 90-100. Then 2 elementary runs and another after school run for after school care in the afternoon.

Kids are always getting to school and home late anymore because if ANYTHING happens on a late run. Say drivers discretion is on a shorter route. You can come between 6:45 at the earliest and 7:15 at the latest depends on your preference.

Well. If you’re doing a route at 7:30 and kids have no time to eat breakfast or have anything before school for anything.

I mean you can plead with kids and parents some need to carpool and older kids to drive if they can because some need to use the bus. But nope….

It’s absolutely crazy. I have never seen this before on this scale.

I have seen a bit overcrowded but with the shortage of drivers and the district growing so fast it outgrew the bus fleet even. And more drivers leave.

Asked by Wow over 2 years ago


What happens when you get written up on the bus she writing on the seat

Asked by Aniyah over 2 years ago


I really don’t know how to make kids mind. I really hate writing kids up for low level stuff like eating or drinking and chewing gum on the bus. Because it’s a waste of the admins time. But I can’t do anything else and half the time they don’t really do anything anyways.

Some kids seem to think. Rules are there for no reason and that I’m just “mean” and if they wanna talk smack behind my back to their classmates, teachers, and parents. Why don’t they come say that to my face?

Number one. It makes a mess. Number two. It’s not about whether you’re drinking that or not. The point is. It needs to be in a closed container and put away. Nothing open or with flimsy lids. Because not if but when there is a spill at some point. It’s going to make a GIANT mess. Finish your food and drinks before you get on the bus or just keep them in a closed container that can be kept in your bag or that won’t spill.

Also. It’s a longer route. So I know it sucks. But. That makes it worse. Because number one. When you’re drinking something. It’s gonna make you have to use the bathroom and I can’t hold up a whole bus of kids and make them late getting to school or getting home because we have to stop for bathroom breaks and it’s not really safe either. I can’t have them peeing their pants either. It’s happened before and it’s a bad situation

Another reaps with sugary and caffeinated stuff. It makes the kids way too wild and rambunctious.

I literally can explain it. And I find shit on the floor and I look in my mirror and my camera and obviously they’re eating.

I throw their food away and it always ends in a complaint form parents because “I spend good money on that how dare you throw it away”.

I explain have your kids follow the rules or find them another ride. I’m a little nicer then that. But they usually will take my side on that anyways.

If a kid refuses to throw it away (or if there is a little left just finish it) it ends in a report to administration who may or may not do anything.

It’s also a chocking hazard.

I don’t mind as much for older students if they don’t make a mess and they’re not like passing around drinking out of one pop can ???? but that’s not usually a problem. That shit gets dumped out and thrown away.

I also have told them. Do not ever throw liquids in my trash can or you’re gonna be cleaning it. But. That’s another story I think I told you about that

Asked by Fed up over 2 years ago


Hey random bus driver I found online. I saw this video and wanted to know your opinion. Do you think this is a legitimate concern or parents being overdramatic? I saw some other similar posts and found this video not too long ago

Asked by Jenna over 4 years ago


What are things co workers do that annoy you?

Asked by Hilary about 4 years ago


Miss bus driver can I get my bus driver in trouble for saying tat I look like a dog and to get my head *** in the wendow? She is really mean and rote me up for some thing I dedent do last weak and I got supended

Asked by Sa over 3 years ago


Another thing is foul language I can let a few things slide on one route with some of the high schoolers in the back. Unless it gets excessive.

But some kids you can’t get to STOP! Especially on my elementary run. Some kids don’t need to be hearin

Asked by Fed up over 2 years ago


I would imagine that hey you have a few extra hours to yourselves but hey to each their own right? Some time off work and before work with no kids. Lol ????

Asked by Jenna over 4 years ago


What do you think of those flimsy dividers on buses between kids and the driver? I think it looks stuipid and doesn't work and they can't even talk to eachother with masks on. Why don't we just wrap kids in bubble wrap they are gonna get hurt and sick its part of being a kid

Asked by Alissia about 4 years ago


Wut if she is not my normal driver but the summer scool driver? What if my mommy and daddy don’t belive me and say that I shold beheive butter and she won’t be as mean

Asked by Sa over 3 years ago


That kind of language and again. Writing them up….. I am not the kind of driver to just abuse the write up system like some drivers do.

But. I have wrote more kids up this past few years then I have in the past 15

Asked by Fed up over 2 years ago


My gosh you have a lot of dumb questions piled up. Lmao ????

Asked by John over 4 years ago


I’m sorry to keep going. I mean some of the kids make me look like the devil. Sometimes you get a new route and kids say “I heard you were really mean”

In reality. I’m usually a pretty nice guy. The other day I was called a racist for not giving

His daughter a piece of candy. I told them. That it’s nothing to do with race. She got written up that week. And I don’t give candy to kids who got written up or who I otherwise had problems with and if he wants to go file a complaint to file it.

I don’t have to give candy out period and a lot of drivers don’t.

Asked by Fed up over 2 years ago


I don’t know anymore. Maybe you have some ideas.

Used to. I found the balance of being a cool driver without being w pushover.

There are drivers a lot meaner then I am

and there are drivers who let kids push them around. A hell of a lot meaner then I am.

I always had kids who love love love me and kids who hate hate hate me. But. Kids are more misbehaved now then ever before and managing them….. is not as easy as it used to be. Even ten years ago. Kids respected authority a lot more then they do now.

Many times. Candy (sometimes soda once in a blue moon and I tried pizza once but that was a disaster never doing that again) usually is a good reward. Assigning seats if things get out of control. But there are some kids. You can’t reason with. Who you end up writing up time after time and they’re always back on the bus within a few days and doing the same shit all over again.

I see why some drivers are as “mean” as they are. Some of them are unfriendly people even outside of work. But a number of them are drivers who are nice peppe who are simply fed up

Asked by Fed up over 2 years ago


My question is I see you’re backed up. But what makes the difference between a driver who is just doing it as a job is here to day gone tomorrow and a driver who’s wanting to make it a career choice?

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago


How can they find drivers who want to do this long term. As well as people who just come to get a CDL and take another job almost immediately? What’s a better way to get drivers to work as well as stay?

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago


Hello, I need to ask you. Do you think if a parent homeschooling their kid and wants to be a bus driver so they can be home during the day. Do you think some higher up academics will look down upon that? I know some people are very judgmental...

Asked by Jessica over 3 years ago


During the training period when you just first start or what sometimes is called FTO. Is it usually two weeks riding with the trainer, two weeks driving with trainer on bus, then another 2 where he/she follows you in a personnel vehicle

Asked by Sandy about 4 years ago


I apologize ran out of space. Continuing... towards people who do? I know there are some teachers and academics who for some reason look down on parents who do this. I know it’s a stupid question and I’m just being silly.

Asked by Jessica over 3 years ago


I’m new. How do you deal with self entitled kids who think the world revolves around them?

I get paid the same whether I wait on someone or not. I don’t care what your last driver did. Waiting on kids most of the time is a curtesy and at drivers discretion.

It’s not fair to all the other kids to have to be late getting to school and late getting home. Because someone forgot their bag at home or someone forgot they were not supposed to go to school that day or forgot their planner. Or their brother or sister is taking two hours. Or you want to walk up a road as slow as you can.

I think some drivers are petty about if. If I see a kid is almost to the bus I will wait. But I ain’t gonna sit all day long.

Yes some drivers will wait five ten sometimes 15 minutes or longer and it makes ZERO sense to me at all.

I’m sorry. Some drivers have more patients then I do. I get paid the same whether someone rides or not.

They aren’t entitled to me to sit and wait or turn back around. I will SOMETIMES do it at the beginning of the year. But once people start to abuse it that or it’s a one time thing.

Karen I don’t care your son isn’t ready yet. I don’t care you wanted to wait inside the house. I did not see you. It’s raining yes. But there are kids standing out in the rain and shouldn’t have to stay out there longer because some kids can’t get their ass outside on time.

I’m sorry. The stop times or too early or too late. I can’t please everyone. It is for the majority of students. Many high schoolers need to get to school earlier then normal. While other times I’m not going to sit in the bus terminal for 15 minutes. But I’m done ranting.

Asked by Hi over 2 years ago


What do you think of districts that have school come hell or high water and put students and staff in danger. Even when most schools are closed for winter weather sometimes even if it’s a ice storm or blizzard there is always one still plowing on

Asked by Seventeen about 4 years ago


Is it true that in the mornings and afternoons at each stop at least one adult a parent, guardian, or someone at least to be at the stops? Even for older children? The driver at the meet and greet thing said that. Why is it?

Asked by Tabitha over 3 years ago


I’m sorry. This isn’t Uber. I have 70-90 other kids on the bus. I can’t accommodate everyone. For some reason if I have 50 or 70 kids on a bus.

If the bus schedule doesn’t work find another ride to school. Stop locations are another problem

Asked by Hi again over 2 years ago


Even during COVID-19 when most schools closed on their own some stayed open until the governor shut them down and they still went virtual and had many staff still working

Asked by Seventeen about 4 years ago


Is it true that in the mornings and afternoons at each stop at least one adult a parent, guardian, or someone at least to be at the stops? Even for older children? The driver at the meet and greet thing said that. Why is it?

Asked by Tabitha over 3 years ago


Hello, my child’s bus has been over 30 minutes late even a hour once. My kids late to school almost every day because of this driver. The district always just say “we will try to talk to the driver” or “where doing the best we can” but it still happens

Asked by PARENT over 4 years ago


Another question.

Are the people who drive and test the roads before making the call to have school, not to have school, late start, etc is it transportation staff who does it?

Asked by Steven about 4 years ago


Why do bus drivers brag about how many kids they wrote up? I heard a driver say once to another “I wrote five kids up today”

Asked by Mandy over 3 years ago


Please tell me how this kind of thing could even happen? Kid steals a school bus

Asked by Kya over 4 years ago


Longer version

Asked by Kya over 4 years ago


Why are most bus drivers older or younger? Not usually middle aged

Asked by Asker over 4 years ago


Hi bus driver. I know you’re backlogged a lot of questions. But how does it make you feel when kids and teens go behind your back and say stuff but won’t say it to your face?

Asked by Randall over 2 years ago


Show parents and students this when they bitch about the bus

Asked by The Bitchy Dirver over 4 years ago


Do drivers who are paid hourly or by mile (or any other way I suppose) ever try and “cheat” the system to get paid more. Such as showing up excessively early, trying to drag the route excessively late, try and spend as long as they can waiting in the terminals, pick the longest route possible, find any excuse to have to pull over to take more time, if paid by mile if they have a break between runs drive around a whole bunch, if paid by hour or time in general drive at a excessively slow speed, and other things like that? Have you ever seen this kind of thing or even done it yourself and would administration put a end to it if this happens?

Asked by Abert about 4 years ago


My second question is why do so many districts and companies pay different ways and what are the pros and cons and indifferences of them. Some pay by hour or some unit of time, others pay by mile, others pay a flat salary of some kind while others have more of a contract plan and I’m sure there is more but why does everyone seem to do it differently?

Asked by Albert again about 4 years ago


Do you think you could ever do a route like this I think the first stop is before 5 AM!!!

Asked by Ryan about 4 years ago


What do you do when you have a anal retentive boss? Long story short we are in a prank war with a few drivers we would dress other drivers buses up like for instance decorate one for Christmas, then I found out who it was and put some stupid bumper sticker on hers. When she finally realized she had a bumper sticker that said “I beat up five hippies and all I got was this bud” she put some sticker saying “to avoid injury don’t tell me how to do my job” on mine. Which tuned into me water painting her bus, and then I tied cans to the back of her bus at which point I put another bumper sticker that said “honk if a kid falls out” on the back and she finally noticed it and put another one saying “I’m 70 so leave me the hell alone” and a few other random ones I picked up a event and stuck them various places. To which she stuck a baby doll that made noise in my tool box and it took me forever to find it until a kid pulled it out of a tool box I thought a kid was crying. Then finally I put a giant pair of bull balls on the bumper when they called me to the office and wrote us both up for trying to have a good time. Sorry this is long. Copy and pasted

Asked by Martina about 4 years ago


I don’t know why I called them bull balls. Truck nuts lol

Asked by Martina about 4 years ago


Do you think the driver was justified or not. I think the kids learned a lesson but then again the kids could have gotten hurt plus it’s trespassing.

Asked by Mike about 4 years ago


Are drivers obligated to turn around for kids who left things at home or school? Many times kids will ask the driver to return to a stop because they left something like a bag pack, school material, phones, etc and the driver will. Do they have to

Asked by Katie almost 4 years ago


Same question goes for when someone asks if their brother, sister, friend if you will wait on them. I had a driver wait up to ten minutes before for people. Sometimes people who where not coming out.

Asked by Katie almost 4 years ago


People also say “if the driver sees you they have to wait” is that true?

Asked by Katie almost 4 years ago


I also seen it where a kid forgot they where not supposed to go to school or ride the bus or something. Do they have to turn around

Asked by Katie almost 4 years ago


Ohh yea same for supposed to stay at school for something

Asked by Katie almost 4 years ago


I learned your secret to putting all those windows up lol. I used to think you just had to tirelessly put them all up. Nope you just walk out side and give them a good push. Just thought I would share lol

Asked by Manly almost 4 years ago


have you ever worked with a driver you did not think should be a driver? Why did you not think that?

Asked by Tarra almost 4 years ago


What do you think about a route where so there is not enough buses and not enough drivers. So lets say there is a bus that has grades 5-12th on one and the other is K-4
So the buses are doubble ran but some routes are just too long so you might have time in the morning to do a elementry run but not in the afternoon so they might only have one
run or maybe they have a AM route or subs since in the mornings you can always come earlier but in the afternoon you have to drop your kids off and be at the next school.
So lets say there is not enough buses and not enough drivers so the route that was already long is longer becasue in the morning the route is ran normally both the one with
older studnets and younger students. But now they have a AM and PM elementry run as well so the driver has time to drop a number of students off unload much of the bus. Then
take the reamining students to the elementry school make them move to the back and tripple up and the elementry students all get on and tripple up. The driver then drives
and does the route dropping of the reamainng older kids and the younger kids as well. Do you think this is a good solution to being a route down? I know they don't have enough
drivers but having older and younger studnets together can be a problem as well as the fact the route was long to begin with and now it is even longer because they have to do this.
What are your thoughts?

Asked by Searra almost 4 years ago


Hey maybe I have a good question for you lol. How do you enforce the rules without being what some call “anal retentive”? I know if you give kids a inch they take a mile but also you don’t want to make a big deal out of every little thing.

Asked by Carrie almost 4 years ago


For example you might let a cuss word slip they are just talking to their friends and let one out not being loud or obnoxious or saying it for the sake of saying it a older student but as time goes on everyone will start doing it obnoxiously just becuase they think they can or let someone sit not a assigned seat one tike and everyone just sits whereever

Asked by Carrie almost 4 years ago


Ohhh yea one other example is that you let a kid play music one time. Then other kids start doing it and then it is gangster rap. If you tell them to stop you become the “mean bus driver”. I know there are drivers way “meaner” then me but I want to be cool

Asked by Carrie almost 4 years ago


Do you think it’s okay to hire a driver with a oxygen tank? Let’s say the person is a good driver, can handle kids well, and everything else however if they got in a crash would he be able to help the kids, other people around him/her, or him or herself? i see a libalirty but also I dont rhink irs good to barr someone dorm gettinf a job over somethif theh xant help

Asked by Zack 2 over 4 years ago


What do I do about my Childs FOUR house each way bus ride? The round trip is 8 hours that is longer then he is even in school. Why does it need to be FOUR hours long? We have to get up at 3:30 and he not get home until after 7 PATHETIC

Asked by Jonna Lynn Doris Jackson almost 4 years ago


Haha. I really can’t blame you I would have been done a long time ago. You seem to get the same questions over and over, irrelevant questions, dumb questions, politics,People posting links trolls I don’t think I ever seen this site this bad

Asked by Sylvia over 4 years ago


I had a driver when we were telling our driver about some of our past drivers over the years and everything right now we don’t have a driver irs all subs and

There was this lady who identified herself as someone who worked high up in the transportation department.

She said that the reason we never get good drivers is because we’re the type of kids nobody wants, therefore you get the drivers nobody wants.

She said she wished she could fire some of the drivers, but that she has a shortage of drivers and that well frankly some routes (such as ours) deserves to have those types of drivers.

I have had drivers put their hands on kids, cuss us out, get lost out on the middle of nowhere, that were absolutely bat shit crazy, some who are just down right creepy, and some who were really pretty cool.

Our route has probably had about every driver in the district at some point. But I found her comment about deserving tjem a bit rude and really have never heard someone say something like that before

Asked by Dylan about 2 years ago


I really think the ones are entertaining that go on and on and on and they tell you literally everything going on somehow going way beyond the character limit. I just noticed your more snarky then normal lol.

Asked by Sylvia over 4 years ago


Is there detectives who work inside prisons? Like on the streets there are street cops in prison there are guards. But there are crimes, violations, gangs, etc in prisons to be investigated so how does this work? Thanks

Asked by Dusti almost 4 years ago


So when becoming a bus driver is it best to say that you want to do this either long term or even retirement or should I tell the truth and say I just want to do this for a little bit

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago


On one hand they have people come and go a lot and they want someone who will stick with them a while and not just drive for a year or two and be done. On the other hand is just that they don’t expect people to drive forever and don’t care as much

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago


Why do people think that your someone to vent to lmao. Hahaha I’m sorry I’m just reading your page.

Asked by Dino over 4 years ago


This was before COVID is it leagal if a driver had a overcrowded bus and kids had to sit on other kids laps and stand in the aisle? It sounds unsafe and uncomfortable and it was. But they never sent another bus and everyone still rode it was also a

Asked by Jdjd almost 4 years ago


Flat nosed bus so the biggest bus they had. Should we have reported this? The driver was mad too and said that if we can find a alternative way such as being drove or driving or calling a Uber/Lyft some did but it was still bad. What should be done

Asked by Jdjd almost 4 years ago


Would you agree with this video?

Asked by Ciara over 4 years ago


Question do they usually make bus aides get a CDL? I heard they do sometimes in case they need to pull one or have one drive for a event?

Asked by Mr. Seth Myers over 4 years ago


What should I do. We had a bad experience with a driver on a field trip. First she wouldn’t let me have a cooler in the back because it blocked the exit never had a issue before Rest of this I pre typed out because some sites you can copy and paste to get around the limit I’m sorry but it’s a long story. We never had a problem putting a cooler back there before. She made me block a entire seat where kids could’ve sat. She also yelled at the kids very hatefully most drivers don’t say much of anything and just let the teachers handle it. I wouldn’t have a problem with it expect she was so rude. I also felt like she was speeding a little bit. Another problem was she refused to wear a mask. We didn’t say anything to her so we don’t cause a stir but with COVID in a crowded bus she should have worn a mask. Should the driver be reported or should I let it go and just hope we don’t get her again?

Asked by Mrs. Kearson almost 4 years ago


Same question for transportation office staff and mechanics would they usually require dispatchers, supervisors, front desk worker, people who clean buses, etc to have one in case they need to pull someone when they don’t have enough subs?

Asked by Mr. Seth Myers over 4 years ago


are y'all allowed to install aftermarket speakers to the bus?

Asked by hyperbolic almost 2 years ago


I saw a flashing light on top of a bus. It was not clear but it was a yellow color what does that mean?

Asked by Kayla over 4 years ago


Our old district used to cancel school for any type of winter weather that made impacts. The new one we moved to wants our kids to go to school even in ice storms and blizzards who should I report this to?

Asked by Concerned almost 4 years ago


Have you ever been in a road rage situation in your bus? How bad was it? Simple brake? Did you or the other person ingratiate it? Was it with another bus driver? What happened?

Asked by Kyle over 4 years ago


Does this have any legitimacy at all

Asked by Fact checker over 4 years ago


Or maybe when you where off work but with a school bus or maybe witnessed it off work

Asked by Kyle over 4 years ago


November 29th save the date big trucker and big vehicle strike in general. Park your bus on November 29th to protest Joe Biden and support Donald Trump

Asked by Chase over 4 years ago


Hey I was wondering why do drivers get snippy and bitchy over the radio all the time? It’s not as bad as truckers but its like everyone just wants to bitch at eachother.

Asked by Ronald over 4 years ago


If I wanted to become a Sub Bus Aide why would the want me to have a CDL? They said they might need me to drive every once and a while but I am nervous to drive. What should I do?

Asked by Regina over 4 years ago


Question to you is why do most school buses have seats that sit 2 (3 elementary) but sometimes you will have on one side seats that sit 3 (4 elementary) and on the other have half seats like in the back that sit 1 (2 elementary)?! Kind of like on small airplanes

Asked by Daylee over 4 years ago


Can 6th grade students listen to music on the bus

Asked by Chase anderson over 1 year ago


Quick question
What was your first time driving a school bus like?

Asked by Jana over 4 years ago


My driver threatens to take and eat my funyuns is this legal if she did it? Why? She was mad because she said I couldn’t eat anymore because I left crumbs but why would she eat them? She said if you don’t put them away I will taken and eat them

Asked by Barry over 4 years ago


What are the best and worst types of bus drivers to work with?

Asked by Liam over 3 years ago


What do you think causes kids to become worse. Before I would say Jr High even High school kids where innocent and the worst they did was skip class. There where a few rebels but it was not like over half the school was smoking pot.

Asked by Angry over 4 years ago


Let’s play a hypothetical. Very rural part of Alaska school is only 70 miles away to the nearest school district. What kind of bus trip are we looking at if any at all? What should be the round trip total of time? As well as other things?

Asked by Aiden over 4 years ago


Gosh it’s just sick what do you think happened

Asked by Angry over 4 years ago


Why do some drivers bitch and complain about the most minor issues and that is the reason things are unfair for drivers. Don’t get me wrong some districts are completely unreasonable but they don’t understand when they complain about things they

Asked by Sally over 4 years ago


Why did this bus driver not drive off and let this woman break into her bus and beat her and then beat the kids? I mean if they had brains they would have just went in the back. Warning SHOCKING

Asked by David L almost 4 years ago


From what I read on the web the average school bus driver has to get up between 3-5 AM. What is this like compared to the typical 9-5 job? What time do you go to bed and wake up? Does this negatively effect you or do you just get used to it?

Asked by Maya over 4 years ago


Either have to ignore it or make adjustments. Why and no offense to you but is it bus drivers who like to complain about the most of minor things and is there so much drama and politics between bus drivers? Please don’t take this the wrong way

Asked by Sally over 4 years ago


I mean I understand there has to be high standers and there is a fine line between high and unreasonable standers. Sorry this is a side note I am not insudltonf other drivers or you I just want to understand I just don’t know why it’s this way.

Asked by Sally over 4 years ago


is a bus driver allowed to pull over for about an hour with the A/C purposefully off in 104 degree (f) weather??

Asked by or over 1 year ago


Because when drivers complain the either have to ignore them and it feels like “lack of support” or they have to make new policy and “ THEIR MAKING NEW RULES WE HAVE TO FOLLOW WAAAA” that’s what other drivers will do.

Asked by Sally over 4 years ago


What do you think of those Dodge Collins mini buses? The ones that have like a front passenger and driver seat then they have the big door in the middle that has the ramp and the wheel chair passenger can sit in the middle with his/her friends?

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago


Sorry I posted so much I’m not trying to spam I don’t feel like I was very clear and I don’t want to come off as insulting and I want to get my point across so you know what I mean. So I apologize. Do you ever have any of what I said feel said?

Asked by Djjd over 4 years ago


So I know I posted a lot more then I anticipated you can just do something if you feel like it where this is all under one comment. Sorry I just did this off the top of my head instead of thinking it out

Asked by Djjd over 4 years ago


Here is a link to the low floor bus in case you never seen or heard of it.

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago


Is this true? I hear things about some schools having a transit bus(s) running through out the day time because some older kids have to leave during the day but dont have a means of transportation so they can hop on a bus. Do they do this?

Asked by Dalton over 4 years ago


What do you think is better on a resume for this job? Having experience working with kids or working CDL like trucking or city bus driving another district bus driving, etc?

Asked by asdf over 4 years ago


Why do you think people want to call everything verbal abuse now! Like Johnny Stop throwing pencils. Or when kids push adults to a point over and over. Used to verbal abuse was a extreme yelling, cussing, or making threats. Why is that?

Asked by Well Howdy over 4 years ago


Have you ever had to call the police or your supervisor did? What usually gets the police involved? Why? And What Happened? Thanks!

Asked by Funky Monkey over 4 years ago


Since you work with kids have you ever been falsely accused of it?

Asked by Well Howdy over 4 years ago


One more because I see you have some interesting people lol. Have you ever seen legit verbal abuse and do false accusations take away form legit ones. Where there was bullying, screaming, threats, or something extreme, etc?

Asked by Howdy over 4 years ago


My daughter has a long term sub on her bus. She keeps telling me the driver is going on cussing tirades and has recently wrote her up for the second time for something dumb. I thought she was lying but I heard her screaming yesterday. What to do?

Asked by Ryan almost 4 years ago


one more I have noticed little buses sometimes have AC, coach/activity seats, and more custom options like that compared to bigger buses why is this?

Asked by Ralph over 4 years ago


What do I do if a bus driver wrote me up and I wrote a note to the driver. The driver accepted and forgave me but said that she can't just unwrite my up and drove off and left me I had to call my mother and she was mad at me and not the driver

Asked by helpless almost 4 years ago


I am a new driver, driving for 3 weeks only. I was offered a "better" route today. I broke down in tears just thinking about abandoning my current students whom I have a good bond with already. Is this a normal reaction.

Asked by Tony B over 1 year ago


What do you think of this amazing story?

Asked by Lawson over 4 years ago


What’s different now verses when you where young? How adults and children interacted? How was discipline different? Where kids better, worse, or the same in behavior? What changes are good and bad in your opinion

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago


What do you think of this amazing story CORRECTED

Asked by Lawson over 4 years ago


What’s different now verses when you where young? How adults and children interacted? How was discipline different? Where kids better, worse, or the same in behavior? What changes are good and bad in your opinion

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago


Sorry it posted twice I don’t know why it did that.

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago


Why do some drivers leave a district either they resign, retire, sometimes even are fired. Then they come back years and years down the roads. It’s always a driver you least expect. We had a driver come back who retired. A lady we I will just say I never expected to.never touch a bus again.

Asked by Sarah over 4 years ago


I mean she loved her job she just done it a long time and she was ready to go. Lol. I can’t believe she actually came back I seen this before a couple times too. Maybe financial and maybe sometimes they just miss it?

Asked by Sarah over 4 years ago


What usually works better to help settle down kids that can’t handle the radio. I noticed three tactics. One is turn it off altogether, another is gradually turn it down, and another is turn it to a station the majority of them don’t like? and what are some staitions that the majority dont like?

Asked by Leon over 4 years ago


Do you ever find yourself looking up to see behind you, stopping at railroad crossings, turning wider then needed, giving kids acting out the stink eye, going 55 miles per hour, starting to pre check your car, or anything else lol I saw a video

Asked by Daaa over 4 years ago


Why don’t they like no were not sitting with girls on the bus? It doesn’t make sense to me

Asked by Gerald Hilminton about 1 year ago


What do you think should be more standard on school buses? Seat belts, strobe lights, more lights for unloading/loading/, fire blocking tech, and other safety, comfort, and efficient things that are typically custom order.

Asked by Joel over 4 years ago


So, there's kids on the bus I ride to the school and back home. They cause problems constantly and they made a mess earlier. Is it illegal or wrong to have them sweep it up while sitting as the bus is moving?

Asked by Woods about 1 year ago


Hello, so you work with children how do you feel about Epstein and Maxwell?

Asked by Xavier over 4 years ago


So in the last number of years they have got the police involved with more things and students. Such as fights, kids throwing a fit, minor vandalism, and much smaller stuff. What do you think about this? Do you think that it is fair? Do you think it’s just their lazy way out of not having to deal with it kind of like giving every kid suspension? What is it I mean yes technically they can and Obama a few years ago wanted this but I personally don’t think just because they CAN do something does not mean they always do. Like I don’t think a simple fist fight over a girl or a cat fight over a boy or someone looked at them wrong but no one really got hurt really is something the police need to be called for unless someone is wanting to press charges. That is the same for say someone drawing or poking a hole in a school bus seat. Again something the administration should handle. But I feel like I’m the last few years there has been more just calling the police to deal with everything. I don’t know if they are just wanting to be more scary by doing it. If this is something that is necessary because of a uptick in misbehaving. Or if it’s just because the admin don’t really want to deal with it but they look bad if they do nothing plus they will keep having to deal with the issue so they just turn it over to the police. Now I understand definitely if someone is being best for no reason or they destroy a entire bathroom or something. But I think this had gotten a bit. Ridiculous. Your thoughts?

Asked by Frank over 4 years ago


How long is a driver allowed to wait on kids? He has waited longer then ten minuties before and the max I was told was 5. Who should I report this to? It has made me not have time for breakfast befroe

Asked by Katie Bear almost 4 years ago


Hi, what should I do if I am a bus driver and there is this one principal who runs out in front of buses with his hand up and have almost hit him and also was about rear ended and he just gave me a dirty look when I honked

Asked by Suseanna almost 4 years ago


I had a problem with my driver. I will call her Karen. Karen told me for no reason I could not be on my phone because "some kid was in the isle once" she said if I did not like it I could drive my self. My truck is in the shop and she said well thats not my problem I don't want to hear your sorry ass sob story

Asked by Jase over 4 years ago


Happy 4th! What I want to ask is why do some districts transport students who are not even a block from school while others only transport 1-3 miles. As well as some schools are starting to be “schools of choice” and they used to not transport but now their starting to.exstend routes to do that. As wel as.part.time employees kids

Asked by Gus over 4 years ago


What should I do? Let it go, file a complaint, or try and set up a meeting the phone is what keeps me from loosing my mind from annoying kids and a annoying bus driver. She thinks because we are kids she can treat us how she wants because "im a adult

Asked by Jase over 4 years ago


This crazy

Asked by Ling over 4 years ago


why do some bus companies hire subs directly while others go through a temp agency and others have a hybrid system where some are directly employed and others are through temps? I don't understand

Asked by Bob over 4 years ago


It’s not fair to make everyone suffer for some kids who where playing games in the isle and someone else who had sounds playing at a time when I was not even riding the bus. Makes no sense at all!

Asked by Jase over 4 years ago


I have noticed more and more transportation departments are investing in reflective vests, jackets, coats, etc. Why is this?

Asked by Sydney over 4 years ago


So I know your a bus driver but your part of the education system hell even a bus driver could do this. What do you think about teachers and other school staff taking Bibles away from kids and saying you can’t read this at school because church and state must be septate therefor you cant read this

Asked by Kayla over 4 years ago


I found a interesting question online and I had a similar situation. What do you think?

Asked by Nanna over 4 years ago


Why is my child’s bus coming the same time in the mornings but in the afternoon it’s about 20 minutes later this year? Could there have been a route change they refused to tell us about? They used to tell us things now they post the times on a deal

Asked by TRISHA over 4 years ago


I know you’re backed up a lot of questions so sorry to add to it all

How do you get kids to stop bringing drinks on the bus?! I don’t mind making a exception for water. Because the kids don’t go ape shit and if it spills it’s easier to clean up. Plus in the summer, late fall, and late spring it can get quite hot.

HOWEVER!!!!!! Administrators aren’t good about doing anything when you write kids up. As I’m sure you know this. Yelling at them then they go around and tell all their friends how mean you are (which I don’t really care bur…)

I tried to explain to them. Number one it makes you have to use the bathroom. I can’t be stopping and I don’t want accidents. Number two with sugar and caffeine everyone goes wild. Number three I hate cleaning up spills it makes and mess and it ruins the bus as well as anything else it spills on your friends bag pack your bag their phones, etc.

Trust me I’m not trying to be mean. Another problem is they bring things on the bus. I have told them. It needs to be inside of a closed lid bottle and PUT AWAY. “Well I’m not drinking it” isn’t the point. The point is that McDonalds cup can spill its not about if you’re drinking it or not.

Even kids trying to bring on full on glasses of stuff or open cans. Which as soon as you have to hit the brake or have to speed up to get through a intersection is going to spill all over the damn place.

I see why so many drivers are “mean” now. Good grief.

Asked by Hey about 3 years ago


That always has problems and constantly being fixed and the schools don’t want to tell us nothing anymore. I know when we lived in KC and ST Louis they had transfers but they don’t have that here the only other bus they ride is from the jr high to

Asked by TRISHA over 4 years ago


Or excuse me early fall sorry

Asked by Hey about 3 years ago


The high school I think the routes the exact same and the route is short so I don’t understand why my kid is home so late but the bus comes the same time in the mornings

Asked by TRISHA over 4 years ago


What happens when a driver fails a drug test?

Asked by Starfish Peppersocks almost 4 years ago


I feel bad for doing it. But with food because of chocking hazards as well as allergies. They know it gets thrown away immediately. I have been trying to give some leeway with drinks but as I said before. Too many problems

Asked by Now about 3 years ago


Also what would happen if lets say a driver was given a traffic citation while dirving the school bus what hapens?

Asked by Starfish Peppersocks almost 4 years ago


What do you think is better car pooling or the school bus?

Asked by Marlene over 4 years ago


What is it with bus drivers and smart cars and motorcycles, and mopeds? Among other small vehicles is it just nice to go from a giant bus to a little dinky thing to ride around on

Asked by Brenda over 4 years ago


What’s the hardest part of being a School Bus Driver???

Asked by Df about 4 years ago


Hello bus driver. If my bus driver claims she can call the police and have people arrested for disorderly conduct and she “has had it done before”. Your opinion?

Asked by Frank about 3 years ago


I mean plenty drive giant SUVs and trucks too but I’m sure you see a lot of smart cars and motorcycles don’t you?

Asked by Brenda over 4 years ago


She did say that the police are a last resort when I asked her directly about it. But she could call and time she needed and if she wanted someone arrested she has the same power as a airline pilot or something

Asked by Frank about 3 years ago


What is the worst bus you ever drove? Was it old, smelly, cheap, what?

Asked by Ben over 4 years ago


What is the cause of the bus driver and substitute shortages everywhere?

Asked by Sandy over 4 years ago


This is kind of a long question. I learned the trick to copy and paste so I don't have to type a ton of questions

So lets say a driver is a lone bus on a out of state trip. What happens if that bus breaks down? A better question is. Let's say this driver is drunk. The driver is out of its home state when the driver is pulled over. The driver is later arrested after doing DWI tests at the side of the road. Now the bus is being towed away and all the kids and adults are standing outside the bus as it is being loaded up and the driver is about to be haueld off to jail or the DWI testing center. What would they do? What if it was a school bus verses a charter company? Would they all call Ubers or cabs? What would happen?

Asked by Johanna Mortcombe almost 4 years ago


How different is driving a school bus from district to district (or company to company). Is it a drastic difference between district to district and even say state to state and internationally. I don’t know if you changed jobs or been with one distri

Asked by Hello about 3 years ago


When is the worst and best times of year to drive?

Asked by Michael over 4 years ago


So Trump says we should be going back to school and how it’s so important. What do you think?

Asked by Ramy over 4 years ago



Asked by Ndndndn about 4 years ago


IT WORKS!!! Hey is it normal for a driver to put her stop sign and reds out at a red light intersection? Or is this lady F’n crazy? She said “it helps people know to stop” and then she sometimes runs it saying “Oh I have my reds they have to stop

Asked by Ndndndn about 4 years ago


What do you think of this lady?

Asked by Mr. Hilarious over 3 years ago


What should I do I’m scared my bus driver has dementia. My long time bus driver she’s old is getting lost we where almost a hour late she’s lost all the time and sometimes she is speeding up and slamming her brakes on she’s starting to scare me should i report her? we love her and I dont want her to be fired but sometimes she talks non sense too. shes been worse this yesr then ever

Asked by Kate over 4 years ago


She thought she was on a field trip last week and was in the town over and we were a hour late getting home.

Asked by Kate over 4 years ago


Seriously it’s so weird I would feel so bad to get her fired though she is so sweet. But she’s showing up at weird times, getting lost, going the wrong way, passing stops, talking crazy not making any sense anymore at times. What do we do?

Asked by Kate over 4 years ago


One story was she thought she was going grocery shopping and took us to the store. That was a fun day and we had to explain that she was supposed to be taking us to school. Had to wait on kids who jumped off though but they bought her a coffee and a dougnut so i guess that makes up for it

Asked by Kate over 4 years ago


What’s better a urban, suburban, rural, or other route? What are pros and cons to each one?

Asked by Damion over 4 years ago


Is it legal and possible that there are any bus routes as early or earlier then 4:00 AM I know there are some some country and out of district routes that are pushing 6 some maybe 5:30 but that’s the earliest I heard of. Same in the afternoon what do you thinks the latest?

Asked by Noe over 4 years ago


Tell me why some drivers don’t stop at railroads or kind of slow down and open their doors?!

Asked by Marty Anne over 3 years ago


Even 3:30? You think that’s possible?

Asked by Noe over 4 years ago


What does it mean when a bus driver flashes his or her hazards twice?

Asked by Dayton over 3 years ago


Hi so I am going to put the most commonly asked questions for bus drivers off Google.
1: Why do bus drivers open the doors at railroads?
2: Why do bus drivers drive so fast?
3: Why do bus drivers wave at each other
4: Why do bus drivers seats bounce?
5:) Why do bus drivers stop for no reason?
6: Why do bus drivers stop at train tracks?
7: Why do bus drivers randomly stop?
8: Why do bus drivers stop at railroad crossings
Obviously I could do more like a-z but I’m sure you have enough questions and probably have been asked some of these. A side note is I had these in a list straight down if it messed it up I’m sorry

Asked by Gene over 4 years ago


I could not imagine spending the same hours on the bus as I do at school.

Asked by Noe over 4 years ago


Why do so many bud drivers look like convicted felons?

Asked by Justin about 4 years ago


What do you think for overcrowded schools? So there are a few options. But making new buildings and adding on can cost a lot of money. But all of these options have cost ands expenses such as staffing, resources, etc. So there are more non traditiona

Asked by Sandra over 4 years ago


Why do some districts have routes set that drivers pick on seniority, some the supervisors pick for them, other times it’s first come first serve, and other times the drivers pretty much keep the same routes which is pretty much where supervisors still pick

Asked by Paige over 4 years ago


What’s the point in giving a bus aide a radio if the driver already had one same as giving mechanics radios?

Asked by Sharron over 4 years ago


Some have other methods and sometimes some districts even change routes (even multiple times) in the middle of a school year sometimes the driver, sometimes the stops, sometimes the physical distance and where stops are, sometimes the stop times and skmetkmes who rides what bus

Asked by Paige over 4 years ago



Asked by ******** over 3 years ago


Sometimes they change the buses around it’s just dysfunctional I don’t understand

Asked by Paige over 4 years ago


I had a substitute driver who said that she can do whatever the hell she’s wants and the district or the bus company can’t do anything about it because she works for a temp agency

I’m not going to go into all of what she did. She was the worst driver we ever had. She said go bitch to them if you want to and they don’t give a fuck what you or your partners have to say.
What do I do?! We have had her probably three times this year already. But this was the worst we ever had her right before spring break. Nobody will do anything I have heard other stories on her before too.

She told my best friend to ride the short bus

Asked by Kay almost 3 years ago


How many stories of these people are telling you are people making shit up? If you read some of them their just outright crazy! Some of them The writing style is the same I’m getting the feeling someone is playing around on these forums I would beware

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago


I know many bus drivers who are great people. The police have been pulling them over for petty offenses like 1 mile over and petty moving and non-moving violations.

Mostly K-9 officers so they can try and find drugs on students. They don’t realize the impact this has on drivers though especially if the officer tickets them. Being pulled over on the job is humiliating at best.

They have found drugs. But honestly I feel like they are crossing the rights of the drivers and students on the bus

Asked by Pissed off almost 3 years ago


I mean crazy things happen Lord knows I rode the bus too and I have some crazy stories but your forum is more wild then the other forums but maybe they just delete some of the more non sensical stuff

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago


When I say found drugs. I mean a few times. Out of many. Not mine though. Mostly a little weed or find a vape pen or tobacco products.

It would be better if they set it up with the school though
I would not mind a drug search if it was set up and not just pulling us over. I don’t do drugs. So why can’t they set it up with the district? Tell me to pull over somewhere and do your thing

Asked by Angry almost 3 years ago


What do you think about putting little bathrooms on the back of buses?

Asked by Shana over 4 years ago


I must ask you.

Why do bus drivers always have super big personalities?! My gosh I never had a bus driver I ever forgot. Lol

Asked by David almost 3 years ago


What is wrong with the bus driver? I already know when school is back in we got our bus driver back again. This lady is mean we can’t eat, we can’t drink, not even a sip of water, no gum, we can’t do homework because some who we can stab penciles and pens up our nose or stab ourself, no phones because their distracting and people miss stops, same with handheld video games, same with lap tops, we can barely talk with out getting yelled at, we can’t have headphones in because she does not think we can hear her, so we have to listen to whatever garbage she is playing, we can barely talk without being told to shut up, we can’t even have a bag pack string in the isle, she yells bloody murder anytime someone breaks any rule and writes them up, she is known for making us late both to school and back home, you must be at you stop 5-10 minutes early which is dumb she will sometimes wait but write you up for “delaying the loading/unloading of school bus”, ANYTHING she threw a fit because there was mud on the bus from someone’s shoe like did she not want him to wear shoes? WHY?????????

Asked by Jamal over 4 years ago


This is weird why is this?

Asked by Claire over 4 years ago


Is ok to leave kids on the bus while you go use the bathroom in a McDonald’s

Asked by Kennedy almost 3 years ago


I shot a Nerf gun on the bus and got yelled at do you think she will let me on the bus?

Asked by Sean over 4 years ago


I’m worried she wrote me up she never said anything but she got really mad. One time I played a siren on a toy and she thought she was getting pulled over or something and I got written up

Asked by Sean over 4 years ago


Never mind they called I’m suspended off the bus and grounded and probably will be taking to vice dictator again and probably get more punchskmente because I cant have any fun

Asked by Sean over 4 years ago


Why did a bus driver honk at me? There where yellow lights on but not red lights that means I can go around right?

Asked by Dhdn over 4 years ago


Is bus driving a good place to start while becoming a teacher? I think it might be a good place to start working with kids. Then maybe to a substitute, the a para, then maybe a full time teacher. Any other ideas? What do you think?

Asked by Tiffany over 4 years ago


What is a bus doing out at 1:00 am?

Asked by Jsjs over 4 years ago


Should this driver loose their job?

Asked by Garth over 3 years ago


What if I got written up twice

Asked by Ra ra over 2 years ago


Has a driver ever ran out of fuel before? What happened? Could it have been you?

Asked by Barney over 4 years ago


A man made a book about driving a school bus would you ever read it?

Asked by Charles about 4 years ago


A man made a book about driving a school bus would you ever read it?

Asked by Charles about 4 years ago