Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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What's the best shoes you say would be best for a CC also I wear size 15

Asked by Mr. OKC over 8 years ago

Getting that large size shoe may require a custom order. I was just at the website for US Uniform Company. One of the items I looked up only went as high as size 14. I only looked at one type of shoe. I buy Rocky or New Balance Black leather low top athletic shoes for walking. They will have the mandated SR/USA tag if purchased through an authorized uniform vendor. I can't say any one shoe is better than the other since I don't recall every being uncomfortable in any of them. I don't remember the brand but some definitely wore out faster than others resulting in an expensive (usually more than $100/pair) replacement order. I probably go through at least 2 pair of shoes per year and walk about 5 miles per day on my route, 351 residential deliveries to their door.

Today is 11/28/2014 will ?the mail be delivered today

Asked by trina over 9 years ago

Yes, mail is delivered Monday-Saturday every week of the year except for 10 Federal Holidays observed by the USPS.

Mailman, My son mailed a letter to a bank and forgot to put a stamp and sender's address. Please, how do I get back the letter so I can mail it properly.

Asked by Emem over 9 years ago

The letter will not get to the bank because there is no way for the USPS to know where the intended address is. The fact that there was no postage on it also doesn't help matters. I don't know how you will get the letter back unless you put your return address on the envelope. If that is the case the letter should eventually be retuned to you for an address and proper postage. I can't guarantee how long it will take to get the letter back, but you should get it returned eventually. There is no way to track where that letter is. Thanks for writing.

My mailcarrier is also my neighbor. She bypassed my mailbox during her normal delivery. Then went home stay in her apartment for less than 20 mins. She went out by her garage then came back with my mail then deliver it on my mailbox? Is that legal?

Asked by Cj almost 10 years ago

I won't comment on what is legal or not as to the order a carrier delivers the mail or where they take mail before or after a lunch break (if this was a lunch break.) The legality of what a carrier does is not something that I'm well versed on. I think that with their normal delivery they shouldn't be bypassing your mailbox without a logical reason. Is this an every day occurrence, or just once? If it is every day and you don't feel comfortable with what they are doing you certainly can inquire at the PO or ask a delivery supervisor as to why this may be happening. As a carrier I strive to maintain the highest level of professionalism and deliver mail in the prescribed order as to not appear to be doing anything wrong. I would never bring anybody else's mail into my apartment. I am not just not completely sure what, if anything, you are complaining or concerned about. I don't know the relationship that you have with your neighbor/letter carrier and whether or not you could ask them about this. Thank you for your inquiry. 

I lost my mailbox key (cluster). I called USPS and they said that if I leave a note for the carrier, he could replace the lock. Is it true or do I have to find a locksmith?

Asked by Nicole over 8 years ago

I don't think you need to hire a locksmith to replace the lock to a cluster mailbox, but to be honest I don't really know the procedure as to who maintains the boxes. It may be the USPS or it could be the complex/apt/condo management. I believe the lock may have to be changed because I don't even know if spare keys are held anywhere. If it is true that a letter carrier can get the lock changed I don't know the length of time that this takes though I imagine it is common for mailbox keys to be lost.

Can a mail carrier write my house number on the outside of my mailbox with a sharpie?

Asked by Steven about 9 years ago

I don't know if they can do that, but I would do it if it weren't clearly posted on the house or on the mailbox. This is important so that the letter carrier can deliver the mail properly. I am very big on communication so that anybody can fill in on any route and deliver the mail properly. As far as marking the house number on the outside of the mailbox, I don't know that it is necessary. A sticker on the inside lid or inside the box that clearly states a house number should be fine.

I'm waiting for mail , but the mail I'm waiting for has a different apartment number . How can I change it so that my mail gets put in the right mail box

Asked by Mary almost 9 years ago

I am not sure I can exactly answer your question properly. If the mail has already been sent, I don't know of any way to change the apt. number to the correct one. You can contact the sender so if they mail you anything in the future that they should address it with your correct apt. number. Since it seems like the mail has already been sent, you could leave a note on the mailbox of the apt. to where the mail was sent or you could could contact the post office to tell them there may be a piece of mail incorrectly addressed to another apt. # and that it should go to the mailbox that belongs to you. I don't know if either scenario will help as it probably depends on the willingness of your "neighbor" or the personnel at the USPS to assist you. I hope you get the mail you are waiting for.