17 Years Experience
Long Island, NY
Male, 43
I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.
No I haven't.
I don't know that to be the case where they hire and fire CCA after a year. I have never seen anybody hired for 1 yr then fired and rehired. As long as you are doing a respectable job, it's not likely you would be fired for an invalid reason.
I am sorry that you are having this issue with the parcel locker key not working and your request being ignored re: using another parcel locker. I am not sure what the best solution is. Is the note you left very visible? If that doesn't work, maybe leave a post-it note on the parcel locker near the keyhole explaining the problem. Another option is to try to call the local post office and speak with a delivery supervisor or the national USPS Customer Support Center at:
1-800-ASK-USPS® (1-800-275-8777)
Thank you for your question and I hope you get your situation resolved shortly.
Generally, if an outgoing item has been picked up and is in the mailstream to be delivered it is close to impossible for it to be retrieved. If you happen to see the letter carrier and he/she still has the item (meanining they haven't yet sent it out for dispatch), you could ask them to retrieve it but I don't know if they are obligated or even if allowed to give it back to you.
Architectural Project Manager
Hollywood Executive Assistant
Social Worker
I don't know the answer to this officially. It would definitely be helpful to put your name on your mailbox, but if a letter were dressed accurately with the correct apt. #, I'm not sure why it would be returned to the sender. If I were delivering to an apt. complex, I wouldn't require this to be done. I live in an apt. building and do put my name on the mailbox, but I don't know that it is required.
Mikas, I think it is very likely you will receive your package as long as the clerks in your PO can figure out which street you meant to put in your address and that it isn't similarly named with another street in the same ZIP code. The ZIP code is definitely a very important piece of the address to get correct because that will result in at least getting the package to the right PO building and the staff there will hopefully (and likely) be able to figure out the intended address.
Kbear, from what I gather in your question, you moved and didn't do a forwarding order on purpose because your paycheck was already in the mail? If this happens, the letter carrier might hold the mail at the PO for a certain amt. of days, but that doesn't seem likely. The letter carrier might complete an Employee-Generated Change of Address form and check a box "Moved Left No Address". In that case any mail addressed to you would be returned to the sender with "Moved, Left No Address" on the envelope. You could check with your local post office from where you moved and see what they have been doing with your mail. I don't know that you will get any resolution to your question, but it is worth a try. Good luck and thank you for writing.
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