Flirting/Relationship Coach

Flirting/Relationship Coach

Fran Greene

Commack, NY

Female, 0

Love is a many-splendored thing, and I should know: as a Flirting, Dating, and Relationship Coach, I enhance the social lives of singles & the relationships of couples. I previously served as’s Director of Flirting, and I’ve appeared on such shows as The Today Show and Bill O’Reilly. I recently released The Flirting Bible and I’ve also been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Cosmopolitan. Ask me anything!

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41 Questions


Last Answer on November 12, 2015

Best Rated

I have a monster crush on this barista at my nearby Starbucks. I'm there 3-4 times a week, so we're friendly, but I'm dying to ask her out. But worried if she says no, I can't walk in there again without it being weird. Plus, I think she gets hit on constantly by other customers. Any suggestions as to how to keep it from getting awkward if she says 'no', and how to set myself apart from the other 50 guys that ask her out every week?

Asked by Shawn about 12 years ago

How exciting to have a huge crush! I know it is downright scary to take the plunge and ask her out. So what's a great guy like you supposed to do? You could do nothing and kick yourself for being too chicken to ask her out, or you could take a deep breath and ask her out. It would be best if you could ask her out in private (that might be hard). Anyway, you could say to her, "Your boyfriend is a really lucky guy", and when she says she doesn't have one, you could say,"Then today is my lucky day. How about going out for a drink later?" Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Let's imagine the worst: she says no. Okay, you feel a little awkward for a day or so. Not the end of the world. I know your pride is hurt, but if she says no she is actually doing you a favor by not wasting your time. But it could be your lucky day and she will say yes. Keep me posted...... promise?

If I'm continually making eye contact with cute guy, and I catch him doing the same with me, but nothing's "happening", what should I do?

Asked by Misty1 about 12 years ago

How great is that? He is giving you the green light to make a move. So Misty, stand up tall, walk over, smile, look into his baby blues or big brown eyes, extend your hand and introduce yourself. The rest will be history!

What does "Director of Flirting" mean? What did that job entail? Sounds great!

Asked by Talia about 12 years ago

As the Director of Flirting I had a column called "Frankly Fran", very similar to I was asked questions as to how to survive online dating, flirting tips, how to start a conversation, what are the best places to meet, how do you know when someone likes you, how to go on after a breakup, are office romances okay, when is it okay to have sex, etc, etc. I also was a spokesperson for Match and was interviewed on radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. It was fabulous! Loved it.

What do you think of sending women drinks across the bar as a way of making the first move? Smart or stupid?

Asked by masterofnone about 12 years ago

Sending a drink to a woman across the bar is a smart way to get her attention. It could get expensive, though, so first engage in some eye contact and see if she looks your way. How about sending a note along with the drink so she will really be wowed? Go for it.

What percentage of your clientele are male vs. female?

Asked by Kev about 12 years ago

60% female and 40% male

What advice do you give to married women if they are considering having an affair?
Does that come up in your line of work often?

Asked by hotmama about 12 years ago

It has not come up with any of my married woman clients. Having a cheating spouse has been completely devastating and heartbreaking for my divorced woman clients. My advice to a woman who is considering an affair would be to either work on the marriage or pursue a divorce. Having an affair does not make the troubled relationship better and always causes pain for the spouse that is being cheated on.

What's the best way to learn to communicate with your partner if you have similar qualities that aren't healthy? i.e., we both have same habit where the moment one of us feels hurt in the slightest way by the other, we say things to hurt the other.

Asked by rh24 about 12 years ago

You are not alone with this one. The moment we feel hurt our natural instinct is to retaliate and want to hurt our partner. Just because it's natural it doesn't mean that it's helpful as you have experienced. How about trying this? Talk to your partner about what you have observed and explain that you want to break the cycle because you really care deeply for him/her. Decide together that when one of you feels hurt the hurt person will explain how they are feeling rather than lashing out. The more you communicate the closer you become!