


The Internet, IP

Male, 37

I've worked at multiple Internet startups of different shapes, sizes and ambitions. Now I'm the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) of another small company with big dreams. I look nothing like the picture above.

If you copy and paste your homework question in here, I will answer with something that will, at best, get you an F on your project, and at worst, will get you kicked out of school. You have been warned.

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76 Questions


Last Answer on September 07, 2015

Best Rated

Can you please explain very basically what REST and SOAP are and also if either of them are actually needed in a simple web application.

Asked by Zac over 10 years ago

The absolute simplest explanation I can think of, is they're both ways of using other people's systems on the web, and if you don't need to do that for your application, you don't need to worry about them yet.

how do i write a simple algorithm that will check win for tic tac toe diagonals?

Asked by John over 10 years ago

The details depend on how you've represented your tic-tac-toe grid internally. But in general, observe that there are only two possible diagonal wins: upper-left to lower-right, or upper-right to lower-left. That's just two possibilities you have to check.

Shall I try and be a programmer this late in life? I am 35 have been learning some for about a year and like it but I worry after I master it in about 3 years I will be around 37/38 is that too old to get work in the field?

Asked by Doug over 10 years ago

Go for it! You were planning to be alive and doing something in three years anyway, right?

There's a bit of an ageism problem in the industry, but I no longer think it's as bad as I used to think. The hard part is getting the first opportunity, and after you've proven yourself on a project even once, getting work will be much easier.

Men and women are running races. We need to know what was the lowest men's score and the highest womens score. Data are given so mens score alternate with those of women. First men's then womens. The program stops when a time of 0 is readfromman scr?

Asked by Lexxx over 10 years ago


Hello, is it possible to write a Windows application (.exe) that will check something on a website (check if a string is on a website page source), and if the string isn't found then run a shortcut from my desktop or an .exe. Thank you!

Asked by Sam about 10 years ago

Well, it's been maybe 20 years since I wrote a program for Windows. But that said, although I can't tell you exactly how to do it, that should be eminently possible.

What exactly are elements in Javascript?? The web seems to be void of a definition on them. Or maybe the answer is too obvious?

Asked by Bos over 10 years ago

If we're talking about a Web context, the elements Javascript is concerned with are HTML elements:

Those elements make up the browser's internal representation of a page, and mostly they correspond to an HTML tag on the page and whatever stuff is inside the tag. For example:

<p>This "p" tag indicates a paragraph of text.</p>

By manipulating the elements, Javascript can change what's displayed on the page. That ability is what made possible, over the past 10 years or so, all the fancy special effects that became standard on Web pages.

Let's say I want to write code that does this: an input into the Google Search field causes the text to fly over the earth, via Google Earth, to the location of the top search result. What size programming team is needed? Or just sell idea to Google?

Asked by Bry almost 10 years ago

You can't sell the idea to Google.

To implement it takes just one programmer--if they're the right one.