The Internet, IP
Male, 37
I've worked at multiple Internet startups of different shapes, sizes and ambitions. Now I'm the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) of another small company with big dreams. I look nothing like the picture above.
If you copy and paste your homework question in here, I will answer with something that will, at best, get you an F on your project, and at worst, will get you kicked out of school. You have been warned.
10 PRINT "I think some random programmer on the Internet is going to do my homework for me"
20 GOTO 10
Give that a try.
That's nice.
C. But if you're asking because you're looking for a language to learn as your first language, I recommend Python over both of these.
Help Desk Technician
Freelance Writer
Movie Theater Employee
Ask the professor for help.
I'm not really clear on what you want, but it sounds like you may want a hash function like MD5 or SHA-1.
It's not a matter of the language. Most programming languages are general-purpose. It's like asking "Is English or French better for writing novels?"
The answer is whichever one you know and can either find appropriate libraries for, or can write them in.
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