The Internet, IP
Male, 37
I've worked at multiple Internet startups of different shapes, sizes and ambitions. Now I'm the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) of another small company with big dreams. I look nothing like the picture above.
If you copy and paste your homework question in here, I will answer with something that will, at best, get you an F on your project, and at worst, will get you kicked out of school. You have been warned.
Fresh out of school, your main problem getting employed will be lack of a track record. This is a double-bind that catches a lot of new graduates: can't get a job without experience, can't get experience without a job. As a programmer, though, there's one excellent way to build a portfolio that other fields don't benefit from. I'm talking about open source software. Anyone can download it, anyone can read the source, anyone can modify it--and, thanks to Github, anyone can put it up online where anyone else can see it. If you interview with any halfway-conscious organization these days, at some point they are going to ask for your Github username, and they ask because they want to see what you have there. So what kind of software exactly should you be writing? Doesn't much matter. The common recommendation here is "scratch your own itch." That is, write a program that solves a problem you have. Once it's in reasonable shape, get it up on Github, write a little blog post about it, and iterate. Definitely make a point of writing and open-sourcing different types of programs too. Apart from showing versatility, you're at an ideal point in your career to explore all the different possibilities. Good luck and welcome to the occupation!
Given it was something they were interested in, absolutely! It's interesting and intellectually stimulating work that pays well.
I've actually never used Facebook (though I love Twitter), so my answer may not be worth much here. However, I'll make an attempt based on what I do know. It's my understanding that Zuckerberg is indeed extremely intelligent and a highly skilled programmer. However, the common wisdom in this industry is that brilliance counts for much less than hard work, giving the market what it wants, and a lot more luck than anybody is comfortable talking about. I don't see anything that makes me think that Facebook is different in this regard.
Depends on the specialty. If I were freelancing right now, I'd be charging $125 an hour.
Day Trader
Subway Store Manager
I was tempted to leave this unanswered--seems kind of fitting, doesn't it? Although I'm guessing that you ask because you're in a snit over a perceived slight from a developer, I'm going to treat the question seriously, since I have a few minutes to kill while my tests run. There's a stereotype that programmers work with computers because they have poor social skills, but get a bunch of us together and add beer and we'll be talking shop until the wee hours. The fact is, programming is one of those careers that's also a subculture, and it's a clannish subculture at that. As for the phone: programmers as a rule hate synchronous communication, which includes the phone and any kind of instant messaging. This is because to code you must concentrate, deeply and for an extended period of time. I've seen estimates that, after an interruption, it takes a programmer at _least_ 15 minutes to mentally return to where they were. A freelancer with in-demand skills (e.g. Rails or iPhone apps) can make over $100 an hour, so every time you interrupt a coder at work, you just set fire to $25. What's more, coding is lots of fun and listening to thoughts slowly trickle out of your head is boring. As for not alerting a client of delays, well, I can't really defend that. Absolutely a programmer should diligently alert their boss or client as soon as they realize that there are going to be delays. But programmers like being the bearer of bad news just as much as anyone else does (i.e. not a damned bit), and there's this temptation to think that if we just work _extra_ hard _right now_ we can pull off a miracle and deliver on time. So, in other words, programmers do that because we're human.
Personally I don't. While you have to be a generalist to work at a company this small, I'm much more interested in the "backend," meaning roughly the things that happen behind the scenes. A novel UX like Pinterest (and looking at their UI is a reminder that "novel" isn't the same as "good") doesn't capture my interest like it does that of some of my co-workers. Of course, this doesn't mean that I don't steal from other websites' design when I see something I do like.
You know what makes a programmer a professional? When they write good-quality code that lets the user get done what they want to get done, that lets them do it efficiently, and that another person can maintain long after they're gone. Let me review that statement...nope, don't see anything about dressing any particular way in there.
I don't know how big these are, but these are the things I'd tell to someone about to join their first startup: * The emotional rollercoaster is normal. It's not like in a big organization where every success and every failure is shared with hundreds of people. Everything that happens feels very personal. * Apple computers are overrated. Buy a commodity PC and install Linux. You'll get more power for your money. * Take care of your body. Make sure you get enough exercise, sleep and water. Snack on fruit and nuts, not candy or chips. Get up and stretch regularly, or rig up a standing desk. Startups are stressful enough already without ruining your health on top of it, and your mind is _not_ separate from your body. If one is in bad shape, the other can only do so well. * The business dudes are not your enemy, but they do bear watching. Don't let them make promises you can't keep. Remember that they need you (a lot) more than you need them. * It's normal, every so often, to wake up and realize that you are in a completely different business than you originally thought. A startup that can "pivot" in a new direction at this point has a better chance of success than one that carries on with the original plan. * Don't start a company where the only plausible exit strategy is getting acquired. Build something that actually takes in revenue.
Probably! Not everybody is cut out to do this for a living but anyone of reasonable intelligence can learn to do at least a little programming. One good reason to do so is that it de-mystifies computers. There are plenty of them around, and they are here to stay, so you may as well know something about them. To a lot of people, a computer is a magic box filled with 0's and 1's that lets you look at Internets and occasionally sends your checking account number to a gentleman in Nigeria. To a programmer, a computer is a scientific box that operates according to very simple rules applied over and over and over again. Knowing a few of these rules will help you deal with these machines that make up so much of our environment these days.
Even though I assume that you probably want to learn Ruby to use Rails, I'm also going to leave Rails out of the equation. The reason is that Rails is a big framework that itself takes considerable time to master, especially if you're trying to get your head around the basics of programming and Ruby at the same time. I don't recommend doing this in any case, because Rails imposes its own conventions on programs that you don't want to get into the habit of using too early. The good news is that Ruby (likewise Python) is particularly well suited for learning on. It's got a gentle learning curve that's forgiving to absolute novices but is still powerful enough for professionals to use. Historically, that's a surprisingly rare combination in a programming language. The bad news is that it still takes a long time to become proficient. Assuming that by "proficient" you mean you can write a program of a few hundred lines that does something you actually find useful, without too many horrendous bugs in it, I'd expect it would take about six months of regular practice. Notice too that I say "practice" as opposed to "study": a little bit of theory is very useful, but the only ways to get better at programming are to write programs, and to read and modify other people's programs. As for "expert," well, I've been doing this since I was a little kid, and now I'm in my middle 30s, and I'll let you know the minute I'm an expert. If you'd like to start learning Ruby--and I heartily recommend this, since programming is seriously a ton of fun as well as being useful--I recommend Learn Ruby The Hard Way, available for free at, with printable or eBook versions available for a very reasonable price (I have no connection with this work or its authors). As noted above, programmers are also surprisingly gregarious (at least with other programmers), and if you live in or near a city of any size there's probably a local group for Ruby programmers open to the public. Good luck!
In college, I participated in several programming competitions that lasted all weekend. Our strategy was to open the question packets at midnight Friday (the first moment that was allowed), read the question, talk about a strategy for a little while, then get a good night's sleep and regroup Friday morning. The good night's sleep was key, since after that it was just catnaps until 6 PM Monday when the contest ended. So, call it not quite 80 hours.
Long hours during crunch time are the rule in this business, and mental stamina is vital, but being able to occasionally bust out 24+ hours isn't actually that useful. After being awake past a certain point, even if you're technically awake and theoretically working, you're not producing and in fact you're likely doing harm by introducing bugs that you wouldn't if you were alert. Much more valuable is the ability to work 12-16 hours in a day, get a few hours sleep, then come back the next day and do it again the next day, and the next.
It's difficult no matter what you do to find a good developer these days. Assuming that you have a particular technology that you're trying to recruit someone to work in, and not having a lot of luck, try looking for a good programmer who _doesn't_ know that technology and hiring them to learn it. One of the key attributes of a good programmer is that they don't pigeonhole themselves into thinking that they are an "X programmer," where X is some technology. They're a programmer and they can learn any technology that comes along--and they will. If you live in a place like San Francisco or Boston that has a thriving software industry, find the one guy who knows everybody in town in the business and make friends with him. How do you find that guy? By definition, ask anyone.
You can build somewhat sophisticated static sites (meaning sites that always present the same information to every visitor, the equivalent of printed material stuck up on the Web) using Dreamweaver or Frontpage (if they still make Frontpage). If you want to do something more complicated than that, and you can't quickly slap it together out of Wordpress plugins and whatnot, you'll have to learn some programming. Sorry, no way around it. Basically, if you have a tool that's powerful enough to let you do that, it's going to be a programming language, or something roughly equivalent (and comparably complex) but for the interface. The bad news is that it takes a long time to get good at programming. The good news is that it's lots of fun and can come in handy no matter what field you're in. If you like, I could recommend a number of good resources for getting started, enough to keep you busy literally for years.
Another old joke: Q: How can you tell an extroverted engineer? A: When they talk to you, they look at YOUR shoes. I think the introversion generally comes first. In my case, for instance, I live with my girlfriend (wipe that surprised look off your face) and have a few close friends--the operative word there is "few"--but I spend a lot more time alone than the average person, mainly by choice.
The same as the motivation of someone who does evil shit without a computer. They get something of value in return, or they're bored and want to make trouble, or they see what they're doing as good or at least justifiable.
There are people who take it seriously?
Absolutely, and I've had the pleasure of working alongside a few too. Since you brought it up, yes, almost all professional programmers are men, and that's one of the things I dislike about this industry. Partly it offends my sense of fairness (since, for reasons I mentioned above, programming is a good field to be in, and why shouldn't women get the benefits of being in it as well?), and partly because I've always enjoyed the company of women and wish there were more of them around at work. Why are there so few female programmers? It didn't used to be like this: back in the very early days of programming (the late 1940s and the 1950s) IBM made a point of recruiting women to work as programmers. It's probably not a coincidence that, at the time, programming was not seen as particularly important or prestigious, and didn't pay very much. So where did they all go? I think the redoubtable Zach Weiner sums up the answer perfectly in this cartoon (which is down at the moment but hopefully will be back up soon): In short, girls learn early on that computers are "for boys," and that being smart is uncool and unfeminine. In the meantime, boys are hacking away merrily. If, a few years later, the girl turned into a young woman decides that programming sounds good after all, she's lost a few crucial years' head start, and getting started at all becomes much tougher. That's just one aspect and one opinion, though. This is one of the classic questions of the field and the debate about it is still quite lively.
I don't have a lot of personal experience with outsourcing, but based on what I've seen, I'd consider doing it for a prototype, or for an auxiliary project that wasn't critical to the business (but then why are you building it in the first place?).
There's no such thing as "the cloud" as a single monolithic service. It's a term invented by marketers, and you know how much engineers love marketers and their terminology (*). So let's dig a little deeper. What all cloud services have in common is that they're remotely hosted, run on virtual machines, and are billed on a commodity or pay-as-you-go basis. One class of services here is virtual servers, something like you'd get from Amazon EC2 or Rackspace Cloud Services. This is a virtual machine running Linux, or Windows if you're masochistic, and as far as this machine can tell it's a real computer with all the capabilities of one. You have full root access to this "computer," and can install and run whatever software you like on it. So the short answer is yes, there are some "cloud" services that will allow you to run an application written in C++--or C, or Ruby, or Perl, or OCaml, or Haskell, or... (*) As a rule, not enough to piss on them if they were on fire.
The basic answer: "None, that's a hardware problem." The Microsoft answer: "None, we just define darkness as a new standard." The Apple answer: "Just take it to the Genius Bar and we can replace the lightbulb for you in 3-5 days." The Linux answer: "One. I just did it myself."
Right now most of the people I know who build websites use either the Rails framework written in Ruby (which is what my company uses), or the Django framework written in Python. Django vs. Rails is what we call a "holy war," meaning that it's based on tiny differences in doctrine that to an outsider seem trivial. PHP is still very popular too but has a bad reputation amongst some coders: it's thought of as the tool of choice for hacks (as opposed to hackers), and is said to be virtually unmaintainable. Bigger shops tend to use various Java frameworks, about which I know little and care less. I started learning Java some years ago and quickly decided that it wasn't any fun at all. To anyone who works with Java reading this: learn Rails, you have nothing to lose but your chains. As for languages dying out, sure, they do all the time. Thousands of programming languages have been invented over the years, and at any given time maybe 30 are reasonably popular. In my own career, for instance, Perl used to be the center of the universe, but I haven't written a single line in it for maybe 10 years. There's something wistful and sad about happening across docs for a dead language.
It's hard to generalize about programmers' political beliefs: they range from far left to far right, with an annoyingly large contingent of libertarians.
Well, yes, that's a different story. Sounds like the problem is your particular developer.
It's a hell of a lot harder without the headphones, because then we can hear people talking.
A multi-way tie between: * interrupting me when I'm thinking (see many comments on the subject above); * bullshitting (programmers don't tend to, since you can't bullshit a computer); * calling meetings that don't need to be held for the sake of having a meeting.
I think what we have here are two related questions: why programmers can do this, and why they do. We can because we have a lot of leverage in the workplace (due simply to supply and demand) and this is one of the few ways we use it. Also, we don't deal with the public, or even other people in general, very much. We do because, without a reason to dress up, we might as well be comfortable. I also wouldn't underestimate the lingering effects of the early connections between programming and 1960s counterculture (a book about called _What The Dormouse Said_ is said to be good). Take a look at this old staff photo of Microsoft from 1978, and notice how in bad light you could easily mistake them for the Manson Family:
Hate to do this, but I'm going to have to cop out and suggest you ask a professional about this. Luckily for me, even though I've been programming for decades, I'm apparently not prone to RSIs.
(RSI = "repetitive stress injury", meaning carpal tunnel syndrome and whatnot).
Take out everything that's specific to desktop machines, replace it with a corresponding version for mobiles.
Seriously. Read the answer I posted to your question the other day. That's how you do it.
I'm the voice of reason, or, to put it another way, the wet blanket. I'm Scotty down in the engine room yelling "Ye canna change the laws of physics!" at the head-in-the-clouds bridge officers (*). I mostly don't set the agenda but I do veto parts of it that are impossible or ill-advised. (*) That's my Star Trek reference for the year taken care of.
I believe that you have to be, to some degree at least, introverted to be a programmer. It's a job that would make an extrovert unhappy. I'm not sure what even qualifies as "nerdy" anymore when everyone and their dog has a Facebook account, goes to comic-book-superhero movies, and plays video games. Perhaps it has something to do with living in your mom's basement and never showering, in which case no: we tend to bathe as often as anyone and live in our own homes (sometimes even with a spouse or SO).
As a rule, larger employers are more likely to care about a degree than smaller ones. But even larger employers often leave themselves an out by saying "Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience". I know plenty of skilled and successful programmers who are college or even high school dropouts.
I think it's great that there's still at least one form of skilled white-collar work you can do without a degree. But there are advantages to studying CS in college. It'll get you a foot in the door early in your career. You'll learn a few useful things about computational complexity, algorithms, and data structures that you might not otherwise. You'll be exposed to a lot of different sub-fields (e.g. AI, graphics, databases, operating systems) and might fall in love with one you never suspected existed.
That's an excellent question, and if you ever find a recipe for one let me know...actually, don't, you could figure out a way to make a ton of money off of it. The one thing I can think of that all good engineering managers I've known had in common is that all of them were current or former programmers themselves. But that's not sufficient by itself.
Yes--try googling "Android phone forgot password." Programming is not the same as IT.
Hard to say for sure without details but almost certainly not. From the browser's point of view there's little difference between a redirect and the user entering the site in their address field directly. Probably your best bet is to figure out how to remove the menu item in question entirely.
Money's pretty handy.
So a programmer is someone who writes programs for computers. And what a program is, at the heart of it, is a list of instructions.
This can be "low-level" stuff where you deal pretty directly with the basic capabilities built into the computer, like: "Get this number from here, get that number from there, add them together, then put the result over there." Or you can build stuff at a "high level," using a lot of other software other people have already written, that would look more like "If Fred logs in to the system between 2 AM and 4 AM, and records show that he had more than 8 beers that night, cut off his access to email until 9 AM."
This is tricky because computers have no brains and no initiative of their own: their strength is in doing really simple, tiny, mechanical operations on information, but doing them extremely quickly and following the instructions they're given exactly. It's "exactly" that gets you, because if you write some code that you think is telling the computer to do one thing, and what it actually tells the computer is something entirely different, the computer is going to do what it's told, not what you meant. So even though we say a bug is a "computer error," it's almost always actually a programmer error.
My day is pretty typical of programmers in a small company: the big company experience is going to be diferent.
I come in to work between 10 and 11 (I'm a night owl), and check in with my co-workers to see if anything notable is happening that day. If something urgent had come up, they'd have called me on the phone already, but now that our site is a little more mature it's gotten a lot more stable than it used to be, and emergencies are a lot rarer. Which is great.
I've got a few people who report to me, so I check on their progress real quick and make sure they have a plan for the day. Then ideally I spend most of the rest of the day actually programming. The key is to avoid a lot of interruptions, because to write code efficiently you've got to concentrate for a long time. You learn to schedule unavoidable interruptions for either the start or the end of the day, so that you're not chopping up your day into lots of little pieces.
About 5 PM we get everyone (there aren't many of us) together in one room and talk briefly about what we did that day. People start to leave after that, and I often have the place to myself for two hours or more, which is a great opportunity to work on hairier stuff that takes some peace and quiet.
I normally try to leave by 7:30 or 8 PM, so I can get home and have a while to hang out with my wife before she goes to bed.
It's not for everyone but I think it's a pretty fun way to make a living.
"Programmer" and "developer" are pretty much synonyms, and refer to anyone who writes code, whether for love or money. "Software engineer" implies that the subject programs for a living, and that they've mastered what we call "programming in the large." What that latter refers to is the fact that making a large software system is not the same as making a small system, only with more of it. There are certain techniques and principles that help prevent a big system from becoming a giant unmaintainable mess, and a "software engineer" should ideally be competent in those.
The kinds of math that keep coming up in programming are mostly what they call "discrete math," which is logic and set theory more than the algebra and geometry you'd probably learn in high school. (That assumes high school still works like I remember.) So you can expect to see a fair number of logic problems. A typical one might be like:
If you're starting from no experience and want to get this done, your best bet is probably to use Amazon Mechanical Turk, and pay people about five cents per listing they enter.
Depends on the language, I suppose. We're talking mutable array passed by reference, so I'm thinking C and I'm thinking strings passed in.
I am not going to do your homework for you, but if my assumptions above are correct, here are some hints to get you thinking in the right direction.
Sure thing. Here you go, you'll just need to fill in some details:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { [...calculate payment here...] return(0);}
It really depends on what language you're using. Reading a file is something almost every program has to do at some point, but some languages make you jump through more hoops than others.
For instance, this one line of Ruby:
data ="filename")
replaces the many lines of C you need to accomplish the same thing.
It depends entirely on the site in question. Try asking Google.
Check out Foundation or Twitter Bootstrap. These are web design libraries that may give you the leg up you seem to be looking for.
So, I can't say for sure, but I think Flash might be a good bet.
Compared to other programming tasks, it's not so hard--it's more a matter of gluing together big parts that other people have already made.
What gets tricky with screen scraping is dealing with pages that almost-but-don't-quite fit the pattern. Setting up a basic scraper is pretty easy, dealing with the exceptions to the rules is what gets you.
Gladly. My freelance rate is $150 an hour, with a 40-hour minimum. If you're interested please post your e-mail address, name, mailing address, and the name of the company you work for/school you attend.
More RAM will never hurt performance but it may or may not help. Some tasks are "CPU-bound" and some are "memory-bound," meaning some will top out your CPU first and others will run through all your memory first. The only way to find out is to measure your particular usage and see.
When I'm buying a computer I tend to buy as much RAM as I can afford: you save money in the long run that way because the computer will have a longer useful life.
Basically, because other people exist. Other people are either going to extend your code someday, or you'll be using code that other people wrote. And if you redefine "cout" or "fin," things will get as confused as if you redefined a common natural-language word like "dog" or "red."
Get millions of dollars, hire a game development studio. A commercial-quality game is the creation of hundreds of people working together.
This is actually a very perceptive question. In short, if your heart lies specifically in website programming, a programming degree is probably better.
Computer science, properly speaking, is the branch of mathematics that deals with the theoretical underpinnings of computation. Computer programming is a practical, not so much a theoretical, discipline: how do you get a computer to do what you want to do? You could say that computer science is to computer programming as physics is to mechanical engineering. As a mechanical engineer you'd better know some physics, but your interest is mostly going to be in practical applications.
One secret of web programming is that, from a theoretical point of view, it's really simple. A browser somewhere makes a request to your site; based on that, you get some data out of a database; and then you wrap the bits of information you got in some HTML and send it back. What makes it trickier is being able to do that tens or hundreds of thousands of times per second, 24 hours a day, on all sorts of different browsers. But the algorithmic aspects are largely well understood and already taken care of.
Do your own homework.
Generally you don't, but your question gives me an opportunity to explain a few interesting aspects of software engineering, so here we go anyway.
Engineers (software and otherwise) talk about the concept of "coupling." This means, roughly, "If I change Part A of this thing, how much if any do I have to change Parts B, C, D, et cetera?"
Good design usually calls for "loose coupling," which means that you can change one part mostly or totally independently of all other parts. In other words, Part A is a "black box" to Part B: Part B knows that it can get Part A to do something, but it doesn't have to know or care how Part A does that thing exactly, so you can replace Part A with something completely different, and as long as it continues to do the same task that Part A did, everyone's still happy with it.
When you see the opposite, "tight coupling," that means parts work together more closely, and it's a bigger pain to change one, because you have to change many others. Once in a while this is done for performance reasons, but usually it means that the design or implementation is bad.
So as programmers we like to make chunks of code that don't overlap, that only do one thing, and that offer certain services to other chunks of code ("expose an API") without actually committing ourselves to doing those services in a particular way. These high-level chunks of code are generically called "modules" although there are plenty of other terms too, for different contexts.
In particular, if you have an application with a complex UI, you would have one or more modules that did nothing but the UI: a module to put things in windows onscreen, to know what to do if someone clicks here or types there, and so on. But there would be more modules that handle things behind the scenes. Imagine for instance a mapping app where you could either type in an address, or say the address into the mic. These would be two separate modules, as piece of text in a window is a very different thing than a pattern of sounds, but the meaning of the address "123 Elm Street" is the same in both cases, so both of these UI modules would talk to one common module in the "backend," which means basically all the code that does something that the user doesn't see directly.
And this brings us, finally, to an answer of sorts to your question: if you can get your hands on the source code to the original application (which if the application is proprietary good luck with that), and if the UI is loosely coupled to the backend, and if you know how to program in whatever language the application is written in, then you replace the UI modules with modules appropriate to a phone or tablet.
The rest is just details. Thousands and thousands of details.
Not a clue, have never touched GameMaker.
I can't. The last time I drew a flowchart was...possibly never. They're not much used anymore.
You should only do this by IPs if the site is going to be used exclusively from their internal network. Otherwise, for a number of reasons, it's not a reliable technique.
If that's not the case, I'd see about implementing single-sign on with their site.
10 PRINT "I think some random programmer on the Internet is going to do my homework for me"
20 GOTO 10
Give that a try.
That's nice.
Ask the professor for help.
I'm not really clear on what you want, but it sounds like you may want a hash function like MD5 or SHA-1.
C. But if you're asking because you're looking for a language to learn as your first language, I recommend Python over both of these.
It's not a matter of the language. Most programming languages are general-purpose. It's like asking "Is English or French better for writing novels?"
The answer is whichever one you know and can either find appropriate libraries for, or can write them in.
The details depend on how you've represented your tic-tac-toe grid internally. But in general, observe that there are only two possible diagonal wins: upper-left to lower-right, or upper-right to lower-left. That's just two possibilities you have to check.
The absolute simplest explanation I can think of, is they're both ways of using other people's systems on the web, and if you don't need to do that for your application, you don't need to worry about them yet.
Go for it! You were planning to be alive and doing something in three years anyway, right?
There's a bit of an ageism problem in the industry, but I no longer think it's as bad as I used to think. The hard part is getting the first opportunity, and after you've proven yourself on a project even once, getting work will be much easier.
Well, it's been maybe 20 years since I wrote a program for Windows. But that said, although I can't tell you exactly how to do it, that should be eminently possible.
If we're talking about a Web context, the elements Javascript is concerned with are HTML elements:
Those elements make up the browser's internal representation of a page, and mostly they correspond to an HTML tag on the page and whatever stuff is inside the tag. For example:
<p>This "p" tag indicates a paragraph of text.</p>
By manipulating the elements, Javascript can change what's displayed on the page. That ability is what made possible, over the past 10 years or so, all the fancy special effects that became standard on Web pages.
You can't sell the idea to Google.
To implement it takes just one programmer--if they're the right one.
Okay. Sounds like something people might pay for.
Did you have a question?
You can write a game in Delphi perfectly well. (I think. I don't actually know Delphi, but last I heard it's a general-purpose language).
Except in a few specialized applications, "What language should I use to write X?" is not the right question to be asking.
I don't know exactly how Visual Basic encourages you to organize projects, but if everything is under one directory, there are programs built specifically to take a directory tree and pack it neatly into one file so that you can easily send around that one file. I hear that 7Zip ( is pretty good.
This is programming in here, tech support is down the hall, third door on the right.
I'm assuming this is C, which is what it looks like, anyway. Try leaving out that "int" so that the line reads:
c = gah(d);
You need the type when you're declaring or defining a function, but not when you're actually using it.
Well, you have to have SOMETHING besides an idea to bring to the table: ideas are cheap. I used to set myself an "idea quota" each day, where I'd require myself to think up and write down ten ideas for a project every day. That's a lot of work at first but after a week or two they come very easily.
If you know, for example, how to run a small business, or how to sell things to people, or even how to MANAGE a technical project (which is a very different skill than working on one as a developer), that would be good.
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