Antiques Dealer

Antiques Dealer


antiquesville, NY

Male, 58

I have been buying and selling antiques (and some collectibles) for over 30 yrs. started out buying and selling to help pay for college. got a degree in business admin. and worked in managerial positions for 23 yrs. but, during this 23 yr. period I kept my sanity by continuing to sell antiques in my spare time. now that I am semi-retired, I still deal in antiques - it is in my blood. I am knowledgeable in auctioning, estate sales, online sales, direct sales, and appraisals.

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63 Questions


Last Answer on January 31, 2022

Best Rated

Do you think its safe right now to buy used stuff? You know in the COVID era

Asked by asdf almost 4 years ago

Probably as safe as buying groceries.  I wear a mask, wash hands, and keep a distance from the seller. anything that I buy gets quarantined in an out building for 3 days before I get it ready to sell.I think that most of us are more likely to die from heart disease (655,000 deaths per year) or cancer (599,000 deaths per year). I should probably quit eating red meat and smoking cigars.

Why are some antiques worth a lot of money while other things are sold at thrift stores for pennies on the dollar being way less valuable then they where. Then other things sell for way more maybe hundreds

Asked by Smiley almost 4 years ago

Sometimes family members clean out a loved ones estate and donate the contents to thrift or goodwill type stores not realizing what they are donating.  I have bought numerous valuable itemsfor "pennies on the dollar" at these stores in the past. however, these days there are so many folks selling on line, that the odds of finding these "sleeper" buys is slim.

I have an old antique mirror hangin in my house, appears to be mercury. It never broke or anything like that, does it still pose a risk to my health?

Asked by Judy over 4 years ago

I am not qualified to give health advice.

What’s the dumbest thing someone tried to sell you?

Asked by Gorgeous almost 4 years ago

A 20 ft. long privy cleaner.

How is COVID-19 effecting your business???

Asked by asdfasdf over 4 years ago

Most of my business is done online these days. business has increased significantly since covid. more people shopping online.

I recently bought a fan from an estate sale for a lot of money bought noticed when I got home they took off the serial number is it still worth something? The fan is a Robbins and Meyers inc model number 1604 A missing serial number in great conditio

Asked by Ben about 4 years ago

If it is in original, working, condition it still has some value - I have sold R&M fans in the past in the 75.00 to 125.00 range.

I have a green dragon complete dish set my great great uncle brought in Germany back in the 30s I think

Asked by Kellykennedy1205 over 4 years ago

any markings on the bottom of the pieces of this set?