Paving / Asphalt Superintendent

Paving / Asphalt Superintendent

Super Pave

Richmond, VA

Male, 33

I have been a supervisor of large paving projects for VDOT and other agencies for 13 years.Mostly interstate.See the guys or girls working behind the orange cones on the road? that's me! ask me anything

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59 Questions


Last Answer on March 28, 2014

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Is there a lot of corruption or mob influence in paving?

Asked by StdR8s over 11 years ago

LOL no they have not reached us yet!

How badly would touching newly-poured asphalt burned you? Ever happened to you?

Asked by Dr0id over 11 years ago

No it's never happened to me but  your car exshaust runs about the same temp as freshly made asphalt.Your talking serious 1st degree burns depending on the contact with it.But we wear work boots with steel toe that does protect our feet from the temp.And there's really no reason why it should ever come in contact with any other part of the body.The guys that paint the lines on the roads for all of us.They have the real danger..They control the paint spraying from the trucks rear and all the air,hydraulic,and supply lines run right by the seat they operate it from.They have to heat that paint up to like 300 degrees before spraying and I've heard some bad horror stories of lines busting.

What's the deal with those little black lines of tar that they use to fill in cracks in the asphalt? I've nearly killed myself when biking in the summer, and that tar (is it tar?) gets hot and tacky.

Asked by dennispaul over 11 years ago

My company does it but I don't like it.It's called crackfill and its supposed to stop cracks from getting worse and potholes forming.I can tell you I think it's a cheap band-aid on a problem that most people don't want to spend money on.I milled a highway last year(milling is a machine that grinds up the asphalt and loads it in a truck and is recycled)The city had just spent $300k on crackfill against pro advice.Yeah it continued to crack anyway and they had to pay us to mill the asphalt,the crackfill,and pave the road.

Are streets paved at an angle so that rain water naturally runs off to the side and into the gutters?

Asked by Chizel over 11 years ago

Yes they are.Putting an angle in the center of the road kind of like the roof on your home is called a "crown''.It's purpose is to force water to the gutter pans and out of the road.There is a new type of asphalt that is still in some what of the development stages that water flows directly through the asphalt making drains or ditches unnessecery.

Why do cement trucks need to spin?

Asked by Elvira.13131313 over 11 years ago

They spin in order for the cement to not set up.They have flights inside kind of like a clothes dryer.When the truck arrives at the job the drum spins backwards to force the concrete out of the truck.

How does a city decide whether a road with potholes is going to get re-paved? Will enough people complaining to the city get it moved to the top of the list?

Asked by shaga over 11 years ago

The City or the many I have worked for use a computer program to select routes to pave.It's based on things like traffic volume and last time it was paved.But yes the people speak and they shall be heard! I have been on a job may times and get a call that we have to move a road up on the list because of the complaints.

Do you do private work too, like paving driveways, and how much would it cost to get a standard driveway repaved?

Asked by Singh312 over 11 years ago

My company does not do driveways.We do however do large shopping center parking lots.An example driveway say big enough for two cars about 50' long would be something around $5,000-$8,000.