Super Pave
Richmond, VA
Male, 33
I have been a supervisor of large paving projects for VDOT and other agencies for 13 years.Mostly interstate.See the guys or girls working behind the orange cones on the road? that's me! ask me anything
nah not that I can remember..This might make me a horrible person but I don't like Jerry Seinfeld.
I have not BUT my company also does milling which is tearing up old asphalt so the road can be repaved.We do this for a number of different paving contractors.We were hired to mill a 5 lane section of road about 1.5 miles long and that was all.The company that hired us was gonna pave it themselves.We ended up milling the road three times before the road was passed.No fault of ours but I don't think that company survived that one lol.
That depends on the area of course but the average for VA is just a simple laboror about $10-$12 hr. Paver operator $20-$25 hr with a $1-$2 annual raise. That raise would cap though.We tend to work alot of overtime ALOT. The winter months the work slows down which the guys love.
I would hope so because thats what I am.I construct new roads or repair roads.I am proud of what I do.
School Teacher
Call Center Employee (Retail)
Yes they are but that has nothing to do with it.Your states DOT office either sub contracts or employs engineers to design our roads.If those markers fall into their design thats how they come to be.We often have to make changes in the field when plans to work out like they do on paper.
a worker? I assume you mean a paving crew? all depends on the job.We can put down as much as 2000 tons a day.We also have jobs where we put down 10 tons just depends on the job.
I really dont know the answer to that..thats more of a question for your local goverment.
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