


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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484 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Do fire trucks have water IN them, or do you always need to find a hydrant?

Asked by Cassi over 11 years ago

Yes, anywhere from 300 to 1500 gallons which doesnt last long. Generally you have about 4 min of waterflow.

Post-9/11, did you get special treatment around your town? Free meals, free drinks, or even just handshakes and kind words? How long did that last?

Asked by K. Rembold over 11 years ago

Yes, we were treated to cookies and such and a different appreciation for what we do and our familes sacrifces throught out our careers. I always remind my to boys who are  deputy sheriff's that people like firemen better. lol

What kind of physical fitness component is there for the firefighter certification exam, and do most candidates have to train in preparation in order to pass?

Asked by dan79 over 11 years ago

The larger depts utilize physical agility test which gives you about 5 min to complete the course which involves climbing ladders, pulling hose and dragging a weighted dummy which is all incorporated in the job. Getting yourself physically fit usually gets one through just fine.

How badly have you been burned in a fire? What kind of protection from heat do standard firefighter suits provide?

Asked by emily_kessler over 11 years ago

I have managed to stay burn free utilizing my gear, but most of my and our injuries are back injury, falls, of the such.

What does it mean when you see black smoke vs. white smoke?

Asked by Mckenzie over 11 years ago

Black smoke is incomplete combustion from the fire it hasnt reached peak combustion and white smoke is usually seen as extinguishment is being achieved. But certain chemicals can produce the same effects also.

Stupid question but, why is the fire department responsible for getting cats out of trees?

Asked by Grizmatic over 11 years ago

Who else is going to do it. Believe it or not cats will usually come down by themselves. When was the last time you saw a cat skeleton in a tree.

How do you figure out if a fire was arson?

Asked by Gordie30 over 11 years ago

Numerous ways. We can look at the area of what we suspect being the location where the fire started and can usually see a burn pattern which looks like a upside down triangle as the fire spreads upwards. Chemical samples of the debris, Detection K9's are many of the tools that we use. But sometimes due to the amount of damage you can't always tell.