


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Hi you answered my question about joining as high school senior. So between EMT and FF, which do you think would be a more enriching experience if I was not interested in being a professional FF or EMT. (to be continued)

Asked by 123 about 11 years ago

I started as an EMT then went fire, truthfully I get more satisfaction from EMS calls, those are the ones that can count the most. Possessions can be replaced lives can not So anytime you save or assist those in need is all the better.

How often does a firefighter have the opportunity to actually rescue someone? Do most house fires not have any people trapped or most do?

Asked by 123 about 11 years ago

Thanks to smoke alarms the incidence of rescues aren't as common as they used to be. But as I had answered in a previous question as we arrive on scene we look at the vehicles and especially the time of the fire can identify the rescue possibilities. Many, many firefighters have go through a career and not to have to rescue one from a fire. Most saving of lives revolves around Emergency Medical calls.

I live in a sober living house, yesterday the management came and reversed our door knobs, putting the locks on the outside of the door. The danger seems obvious. Isn't that a violation?

Asked by trip over 11 years ago

You dont mention where you live but yes this considered a obstacle 

excape and is usually illegal. If you furnish your state should be able to locate the law. 

There is a push by some in our company to use a door fob system to detect when employees enter and leave. The claim is that this will help first-responders? But with both computer and human errors is this really true?

Asked by michael about 11 years ago

I am assuming that you are to the station. security is the reason. You do not want a bunch of keys to your building out there so yes this is a good idea. We use combination key pads. If you are using fobs it can create a log of who is going in and out of the building so if you are up to no good it is easier to track.

I wanna be a volunteer firefighter. I have a very clean record, but I'm worried about 1 thing. My car insurance coverage lapsed a while back. I am insured now, problem solved. But I'm worried that it may disqualify me from ever becoming a volunteer.

Asked by John over 11 years ago

No it is not a problem


My moms house caught on fire in monroe county and the fire fighters knew that we could not find my mom and they refused to go into my moms house to look for her why? she ended up burning to death and i am only 13 and have no mom can you tell me why?

Asked by Jolene about 11 years ago

This has given me very limited info and can be very personal in nature. If you want you can contact me at to privately discuss this.

I'm looking to be a firefighter but I am vary tall and my shoe size is 15. for your bunker gear do you get fitted (sort of like a tailor) and the factory makes it to your size? If not do you know if you can?

Asked by birdistheword123 over 11 years ago

Yes, Most firefighting gear is measured to your size.