Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.
Lol, yes it can be a lot of drama. Our headquarters station is crowded with 10 guys and they gossip, prank, get ticked off over small things. But yes as soon as the tones drop everything else stops. We watch each others backs.
Risk vs Outcome. As you arrive you are looking at several things especially at night. Cars in the driveway? Toys in the Yard? these thing will increase the potential of having to put life risk first. But if it is a vacant home and it is significantly involved is the risk of injury equal or greater that the outcome of saving a fire damaged building. We are trained to look at many things from reading the smoke? You can read several things from the smoke. This video link will show you the signs that we look for specifically smoke puffing out of the building. It takes a lot of consideration determining your choice of attack. But it all comes down to it night time fire are more of a initial rescue before suppression.
Commitment is basically the same, to a point. Remember the volunteers have full time jobs and families and that takes a lot of time. Then tack on the volunteering time ,thats alot. I can have a fire tommorow when I go to work do my thing and then I am off for 48 hrs, I dont have to work a another job but most of us do. So vol. firefighters have less time available then we do.
yes nationwide but there is always surplus appicants at all times. Most wanted to join the military to support our country.
Certified Nurse Aide
Dry Cleaner
Hospice Nurse
Photoelectric battery and hardwired detector and are the most reliable
We look at several things how long the fire was burning until we were notified. Usually house fire are electrical in nature and we can look at some of the wiring which by shorting out can cause the wires to weld together. Lots of things from witnesses, the residents telling us. Fire for the most time can be predictable in the amount of damage we can expect with known vairables from NIST testing. Can be a lot of detective work.
Yes every 6 mths we test them to see if there working if they need greased, as in the caps, Public Works Depts handle repairing them. We tend to have problems up North with freezing pipes and the such. But we also flow them to makes sure nothing has been placed in the hydrant that can ruin or break our pumps.
Yes, anywhere from 300 to 1500 gallons which doesnt last long. Generally you have about 4 min of waterflow.
Yes, we were treated to cookies and such and a different appreciation for what we do and our familes sacrifces throught out our careers. I always remind my to boys who are deputy sheriff's that people like firemen better. lol
The larger depts utilize physical agility test which gives you about 5 min to complete the course which involves climbing ladders, pulling hose and dragging a weighted dummy which is all incorporated in the job. Getting yourself physically fit usually gets one through just fine.
I have managed to stay burn free utilizing my gear, but most of my and our injuries are back injury, falls, of the such.
Black smoke is incomplete combustion from the fire it hasnt reached peak combustion and white smoke is usually seen as extinguishment is being achieved. But certain chemicals can produce the same effects also.
Who else is going to do it. Believe it or not cats will usually come down by themselves. When was the last time you saw a cat skeleton in a tree.
Numerous ways. We can look at the area of what we suspect being the location where the fire started and can usually see a burn pattern which looks like a upside down triangle as the fire spreads upwards. Chemical samples of the debris, Detection K9's are many of the tools that we use. But sometimes due to the amount of damage you can't always tell.
No it isnt realistic. Imagine in the summertime during the middle of the day you throwing on a parka put a blindfold on and put a helmet on and go into a perfect stranger house and find the remote control in the living room. Not going to able see much. gonna be hot and stumbling over stuff. Any firefighter that says he doesnt get nervous going in is not a smart firefighter and will get him or others hurt.
Approx 60 sec. day or night. There is always circumstances where your in a building and it takes time to get back to the rig. But if we are in quarters its target of 60 sec on the road.
Yes, they can and do. As far as I know there is not a lowering of the physical requirements for women applicants, they go through what all men go through.
Takes having a key and allowis to bypass all other request for service. We dont have a large amount of elevators and prefer to use the stairs believe it or not.
The trend has been to go to stairs and some depts use slides. There have been unknown amount of ankle and back injuries and even neck injuries. So from a risk analysis it is to dangerous but depts do continue to have them.
When a glass bulb or fusible metal link that you see in the sprinkler gets to a certain temperature it will breakaway and allow the water to come out the head. It will not open all sprinklers unless they individually detect high heat temperature.
I was in Gatlinburg TN testing for the fire dept. We didn't have the staffing to send and to be honest to much people can be a hinderance. The life saving issues of that day technically were over in 48 hs.
Yes, and two things 1. Becoming a fire fighter, and saving two kids lives.
Just like most jobs were get evaluations on our job performance and I personally get about 1.5 percent raise each year. As for saving lives some depts give out medals such as FDNY. As for any particular medal I could not verify
Summertime equals brush fires, Winter time equals heater, chimmney fires but since the fire service runs mor medical calls than fires we are busy through out the year. There is no set day that is busy. I have fridays with no calls and sundays with 20. The best thing is you never what your gonna due when on duty.
Our ladders can reach around 6 stories under ideal conditions. So we rely on what we call standpipes that we hook our hoses to and go up to meet the fire. We tackle it on the floor where the fire is.
The best thing that you can do is get your Emergency Medical Technician certification usually 230 hrs approx. If your area has volunteer fire depts. sign up. Not a bad idea to get your fire sceince degree. These aren't always a requirement but it puts you one step ahead. The military has firefighter postions also.
When we arrive scene we look for cars in the driveway, toys in the yard for example. When we respond at night we anticipate people being home. Bystander reports along with any family members outside advising us. People dying in a fire happens quite frequently. We look at the building and how much is involved to determine the likely hood of someone. surviving. If we can get in we try.
Haven't had to myself grab anyone out from a fire but the majority of saves are from EMS calls. And yes I can carry a 200 pd man.
I started as an EMT then went fire, truthfully I get more satisfaction from EMS calls, those are the ones that can count the most. Possessions can be replaced lives can not So anytime you save or assist those in need is all the better.
Thanks to smoke alarms the incidence of rescues aren't as common as they used to be. But as I had answered in a previous question as we arrive on scene we look at the vehicles and especially the time of the fire can identify the rescue possibilities. Many, many firefighters have go through a career and not to have to rescue one from a fire. Most saving of lives revolves around Emergency Medical calls.
You dont mention where you live but yes this considered a obstacle
excape and is usually illegal. If you furnish your state should be able to locate the law.
I am assuming that you are to the station. security is the reason. You do not want a bunch of keys to your building out there so yes this is a good idea. We use combination key pads. If you are using fobs it can create a log of who is going in and out of the building so if you are up to no good it is easier to track.
No it is not a problem
This has given me very limited info and can be very personal in nature. If you want you can contact me at to privately discuss this.
Yes, Most firefighting gear is measured to your size.
No this would no disqualify you.
Some communities provide housing and income for college students that provide their ability to volunteer with their fire departments. There have been volunteers that have volunteered for years and haven't been hired cause they didn't make themselves more valuable to an employer with education. So don't think volunteering is the only way. Remember fire depts are running 90% medical calls to 10% fire calls
A dept has to have a plan and they usually operate just like a career dept just on a smaller scale. These depts due have duty crews who are responisble for a certain time to ensure response, there are times though that depts rely on mutual aid in that either no one is available or committed on another incidents. But all depts have to operate with a chain of command in that someone has to be in charge of the operation or it will not operate properly.
To be honest you would be limited to auxillary duties
You are fine, just make sure to clean the tub and don't do that again. You can create health issues by exposing others to these fluids in the water system.
Dependant on the size of department you would go to Human Resources at a minimum. Unfortunately you may find your self having to address the issues that create a bad environment with your command staff. Some people have had to resort to seeking employment elsewhere. This question has many answers that could be given but with little information this is the best that I can suggest.
Did surgery correct the issue and is their any limitations from that surgery. Majority of Departments have a physical agility test and you can look up firefighter agility test for what is involved. Smaller departments may not. But as long as there is no complications than there should be no reason to not be considered. I do recommend getting your EMT it will put you one stap ahead of others.
Sometimes to much. Fire gear is fire resitive not fire proof but will ignite at high temps. The thing about it is that the gear allows us by its protection to work in hitemps. these temps will cause us to stay in unsafe temps at times.
It can be rough getting on with bigger departments. But with the right qualifications such as EMT , FF 1, FF2 it gives you a step u. I am from South Carolina and deparments are hiring on a fairly steady rate but understand this is the South so startg pay will not aas be on the op of e scle. It should be noted that the majorty of firefighters do work a partime job. I teach safety classes off duty myself.
60 secs 24/7/365
If the homeowner is confident on his accountability then suppression would be your next action.
Incomplete combustion, Fire is not at its maximum potential
There are departments that have explorer programs that start at your age. You can check with the Boy Scouts of America to see if there is one near you. Law Enforcement does the same. I might suggest that you check with your local community college to see if they have dual courses where you get high school and college credit for the class. This can be a signficant boost to a career if you are able to get you EMT in your senior year. Firefighting and EMS are trending to be handled by the fire department.
The answer to that is yes. California is a prime example with the high fire danger they have especially this time of the year. The flung cigarette still is a hot ember when it is ejected. Beside the fact that it is a peice of litter that takes many years to break down in the environment.
Most volunteer departments have designated individuals that respond to get the apparatus. Each unit would mark up on the radio as responding, but there have been a time or two that I have heard of where someone had to go back and get the truck. My personal opinion is that all go to the station unless a unit is already enroute and no other equipment is needed.
Starting from the bottom to the top.
Firefighter- Private
Senior Firefighter-Corporal
Engineer- Sergeant- Driver Operator
Division Chief
Battalion Chief
Assitant Chief
Fire Commissioner.
This is a standard but can be listed as a different title.
Relax no they wont, that is reserved for business nuisance alarms.
Yes, We fill out reports called NFIRS- National Fire Incident Reporting System. We have two components that we use. The first one is fire calls which records what type of call, manpower levels, resources reponded and nature of call which if it is a fire it calls for description of what was burning, where it started along with a narrative of the incident. When we respond to medical calls we are Advance Life Support crews and a incident report that records type of call, who and what responded and statistical info of pt along nature of call and what we did for the patient. Our statistics for these calls are used for fire specifics which can be used to determine what you pay for home insurance and the medical is used for medical reporting statistics along with insurance payments. It should be noted that even though we have HIPPA laws the fire reports are public information except the medical reports which are medical records and are not available to the public.
Usually you keep 2 expeirence FF on the team, If you can have a full crew together is even better. The Officer typically will go with the first one. Depends on the size of the department.
Yes, dependent on the size of the departments they will initially dispatch a call on the main channel and then have units that are responding move to an assigned channel. Firefighters usually operate on a fireground channel that is a lesser frequency strength and keeps communications from ground crews confined to the call. The incident commander will monitor several channels on larger incidents.
Alot of political debate has taken place within the fire department for 100 yrs plus when volunteer fire departments were established. It is a mixed bag but my personal observation has been there have been more republicans and tea partiers. But yes we do have political views and they can create some very interesting conversations.
No it isn't safe to be above the fire and when you are dealing with multi story buildings collapse is of the most highest concern. But you shouldn't be above a fully involved floor as it is unless there is a life safety issue. Being under a floor that is on fire is a collapse issue also. Collapse just recently killed two dallas firefighters from a building that was set on fire by an arsonist. Firefighting is a dangerous profession due to all of the unknowns.
Yes and when there are multiple calls the radio traffic can get busy.
There are 2 cords that are used usually one ensure that the batteries are charged at all times. We either have to pull them out or they pop out via switch. The larger ones are attached to the muffler so that when the engines are running inside you are not filling the station with carbon monoxide from the muffler. They dtach as soon at the truck pulls out. Most departments utilize this system.
Small handtools such as multi-purpose tool that has screw driver/Wrench/Wire Cutters can never go wrong
There are a few. Saving a 2 y/r that was found in a pool and in cardiac arrest and after a long road from reccovery coming to the station to say thank you. Saving 9 kittens from a fire and reviving them and being able to help those in need and knowing that when someone doesn't know who to call they call us and we usually have a cure.
Yes, but even more than that how many show up. Technically according to OSHA regulations for every firefighter that enters the building there must be 2 outside on standby prepared to rescue the two that went in. It's called the 2 in, 2 out law. But manpower is a big issue in the rural areas and even big cities such as Detroit who have seen staffing reductions to save money. This is a problem nationwide with reductions in the amount of firefighters on duty. But remember this, the standard of thought is that risk alot to save a lot but risk little to save little. Which means don't send guys in for useless attacks for instance vacant buildings that have been set on fire before.
When you go into a building that is on fire visability is very limited dependent on the amount of involvement. The room will be hot initally and dry around 500 degrees or higher. Imediately after opening up the nozzle the room become hot and steamy, which can create steam burns if the firefighter is not completely covered with you gear. So it can be both dependent upon the stage of involvement of extinguishment.
When we attack a fire and it hadn't vented and we are seeing signs such as smoke that appears to be sucking in and out of the eaves we have a door or window opened up at the same time we enter thus the pressure is released away from us.
Expeirence is your main goal. Yes you can go to a fire science major but it won't set you out front as anyone special. I recently changed my Fire Admin degree to Occupational Safety, why did I do this? I am looking at the big picture of after the fire service to make myself more marketable. If you are looking to get into the fire service here is my suggestion. Join a Voulnteer Fire Dept or Rescue Squad and go to Paramedic School. Fire Departments across the nation have entered into the EMS field. So many fire departments are looking for Paramedics. It is easier to teach a paramedic to be a firefighter than a firefighter to be a paramedic. Do I recommend the Fire Sceince Degree, No.
Typicall the duties are broken down below
Fire Commissioner.Fire Chief can be the same but larger dept the Commissioner is the Political appointee and the fire chief runs the dept.
Division Chiefs are generally in charge of 5 to 7 Battallion Cheifs and is responsible for all issues involved at his level.
Battallion Chiefs are usually in charge of anywhere from 2 to 7 Stations
Captains are in Charge of a station and or apparatus.
Lieutenants are in charge of a singe rig that is usually in the same house with another piece and the Capt. is in charge of the station.
Engineers are responsible for the operation of the rigs but with all of these positions if the upper position is vacant or on vacation they fill in as an 'acting' position. such as Acting Capt. this is only a temporary situation.
It depends on the patients condition. If we have a patient that is unstable and has the possiblity of going into cardiac arrest they are placed on a backboard. All unconscious patients should be placed on a backboard. CPR has to be performed on a hard surface thus the backboard. A stretcher is cushioned and does not allow for good compressions that have to be at least 2 inches in depth.
Little confusing question but I will try. I can only gurantee this answer for South Carolina. If the Officers didn't witness the accident and it is on private property the incident is between the two parties. They are required to provide insurance information that is forwarded onto the state for verification of insurance policy. A police officer responding to this call would tell them that it is a civil matter at this point but would fill out a report dealing with the call. It doesn't matter if a person is disabled or not the outcome is still the same. This as long as no traffic offense occurred it is a civil matter not criminal
Oxygen therapy is simply increasing the oxygen level of patients to 96-98%. Anything less than that can be below the levels that the human body needs for optimum performance. The mask are broken down with the lowest oxygen application of a Nasal Cannula that is insertecd in the nostril at approx 2 to 6 liters of oxygen per min. Then we have a simple facemask which gives a stronger amount of oxygen. The largest one is a non-rebreathing mask which provides upto 100% Oxygen to the pt. it does have a inflatable bag attached to it to increase the oxygen that the patient is breathing. When we are assisting someone breathe we use a Bag Valve Mask that allows us to force air into their lungs, it is connected to an oxygen tank.
Yes, that is how I got started. We have protocals established by the State and by the doctor who is responsible for the EMS system that we operate under. With these protocals it breaks down to such things as treatments and procedures we do for Diabetics etc. Any complaint of chest pain, respiratory issues always dictate the obtaining of a EKG strip on the patients. We also go a step further by performing a 12 led ekg which looks at multiple sides of the heart.
Math skills, there are numerous study guides are out there and they all contain the same info. Contact your local dept for the call volume they will give it to you.
To be successful you have to be in shape. I personally aren;t as in as good a shape as 20 yrs ago. But cardiovascular such as jogging, tread mill, anything that can increase your heart rate sufficiently every 3rd day for 30 min or greater is ideal. Healthy eating is a big plus. Some departments do have obstacle courses that measure strength but more so endurance. You can be in a fire for sometime, grabbing heavy objects, pulling hose in limited areas in hot temperature so you need to be able to be proficiant in doing this.
First off if they want us to take them to the hospital. A patient can not refuse transport if they are a minor and no parent or legal guardian is around, individual that is mentally challenged or for instance suffering from a stroke and can not inforrm us of person, time or place, and then also under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. Otherwise we don't always take everyone to the hospital. When to transport is usually done immediately for two reasons, number one is that they have a medical issue that needs to be addressed and the other is to free up the unit for another call. A lot of systems are no utilizing first response medical squads and are if the condition warrants treating the patient such as a diabetic needing "sweetened" up and does not need to be transported to the hospital.
Any time an exist sign is lefting leaving any confusion it will be considered out of code or basically yes, illegal. If should be pointed out to the fire dept for the correction by the Fire Marshal. There shall always be a clear and understanding sign that has specifics of size of sign, color and size of the signs fonts to be within code regulations.
It is knowing that when people are in dire need they know that if they call the fire department they will know what to do or who they need to call to take care of their problem. Fire departments are a valuable resource that I have been honored to be part of the team.
Yes hazing does occur, but unfortunately some firefighters don't know where to draw the line. What I have done in the past was when we had a new guy that was being trainined we would have them go look for such things as a 'Sky Hook" which doesn't exist or we would have them try to push start a rotary saw, under the pretense that what would he do if the cord snapped. But yes it is still occuring but not to any extreme.
Yes you can it is against the law to prevent a reserve from doing their reserve time.
Since 9-11 things have changed when responding to an incident such as this we have to be prepared for secondary devices that are designed to take out the rescuer. There are many issues to this and it is not a simple answer. My department send the cops in first to investigate and once it is deemed moderately safe Then we proceed to rescue the victims but what good are we if we becomes victims.
Typically one of each but some systems have two paramedics on a unit. I personally disagree with two medics unless it is a major incident due to it being a wasted resource of a medic driving. Some systems use 3 medics on a unit. Some private ambulance companies have a medic and a uncertified driver. But usually a Medic and EMT.
See above
We deal with it by talking about it with each other. I can speak with my sons about it since they are Deputy Sheriffs and see the things I see. I can talk about some of the things with my wife but she can only handle so much. Right now are dept is dealing with the emotional repercussions of one of our guys is dying from cancer that he and so many others from working on the debris pile from the World Trade Centers where they were exposed to cancer causing agents. We all are helping as much as possible but he has two young children and you can't help but think it could be you. But chiefly it is by talking and venting with each other's. It is a very exciting but stressful career that involves helping those that are suffering from disasters from either fire, illness and the such so you need to be tough skinned to survive.
It typically means we are either placing a pt in spinal precautions, backboard etc or simply getting a patient loaded into the medic unit for transport.
Being away from the family on holidays and seeing the suffering of those that have lost family members or their homes especially around the holidays.
From a fire report standing this is a bit complexing. The structure is not on fire, equipment is not on fire. The pot holder is not debris so it could be labeled as cooking material. The only listing that we could do is to list it as other and report it in the narrative of the fire report.
Flashover and backdrafts are the most interesting for me. Watching how thermal barriers are layered in the smoke is awesome. If you ever get the chance to go into a flashover simulator jump at the chance it is amazing how science and fire work together.
Tricky Question. When we go through numerous courses we arevtaught many techniques that are changing as construction for instance changes. Fires back in the 1990's were occuring in houses where we were given more time to fight a fire because we had wood framing that was constructed with 2 inch nails but now we have Gusset Plates that are only penetrating the wood by a 1/4" set of prongs into the timber. This is done now for cost effectivess but it causes us to move away from the way we operated for years and have to extinguish fires faster now. When it comes to fire suppression OSHA has instituted regulations called "2 in 2 out". For every 2 firefighters that go into a structure there are 2 outside waiting for in case of the need of rescue. This has become textbook teaching now. But this isn't always realistic and at times has to be put to the wayside. Example, Rural volunteer fire dept. gets notified of a structure fire and upon arrival they find a person trapped. There is only 2 firefighters on the truck, do they wait for more help or do they risk it and go in with no one outside. Testbook correct no, reality yes. When it comes to firefighting there is no set time frame for fires to go out. The incident is continously fluid environment and we try to be safe but we have to use Risk Vs Gain concept and what may be right to you can be the wrong way to another.
The gap would not be a back draft hazards based on the fact that it is not creating a tight seal that would allow a building to get to the decay stage and get dangerous with the application of the fresh air. I am confused in the thinking behind this though. The one thing it does allow is smoke and carbon monoxide to move freely into your home from the hallway or other rooms. I would recommend that you contact your local fire department code enforcement officer to see if this action is legal. I would imagine that there may be a few other issues in question.
That is what we call triaging when we have to sort out our patients when we have large amounts of patients as who is the most viable for recovering. Burn treatment has come along way in the last 20 yrs. We had people with 50% 3rd deg dying and now we are having pts 90% burned and living,
This is dependant on the type of department. If they are EMS strong than EMT first but generally firefighter training is conducted by the fire dept. I recommend getting EMT secondary since it is longer and shows a dedicated effort towards further employment.
Obtain your EMT and join a volunteer fire dept for exposure and expierence
Public institutions are required generally to conducted fire drills especially involving children which those are required by law to have monthly fire drills.
If you are able to get close enough to the stove yes, but prevention is the best. Don't cook unattended. Keep a lid to cover over the pan to remove oxygen thus you can reach the controls to turn off the stove.
Since there are not as many fires like in the past to keep your staffing levels departments also perform EMS services. by doing this it also brings revenue in. Some systems are still run out of hospitals or by a county or city. the idea of the fire dept is that we already have the ability for quick response but trained people so naturally it fit for many communities.
Answer above.
Good if you are able makes you a more viable employee.
Thats pretty simple- Smoke detectors. With all of the materials involved with construction of houses and especially furniture we are finding the smoke contents more lethal than ever in the history of this country as we continue to decrease costs in the construction alone of buildings, which are increasing the collapse time to full involvement. With the current statistics from 2000-2013 we are continuing on a decreasing slope of deaths. Prior to smoke detectors there was very limited ability for victims of fires to escape before the bi-products of the fire take their lives.
First off you feel the door for heat and before we enter we make sure that we are ready to begin our attack. Windows are broken from the bottom corner so that the glass does not fall on you if possible. Backdraft occurs when the building has a tight seal,]which is common with new construction these days looking at energy conservation. With that said rapid entrance of fresh air with a fire that has been smoldering can create a backdraft. I should clarify there is a difference between flashover and backdraft.
Flashover occurs when the building contents reaches a temperature where everything catches fire at once. Very few firefighters come away with out serious injury or death when caught in a flashover. Backdraft is the rushing in of air into a smoldering fire and it causes in essence a smoke explosion that blows debris out of the building.
1 at this time out a force 44
Never had it happen. But I must say that many of times a marriage can be ruined by getting to close and careers have ended for a few.
We operate 2 stations, soon to be three next year.
St. 1 Staffing is 10 guys- 1 Captain, 1 Engineer, 3 Paramedics and 5 FF EMT's
St. 1 mans a 4 man Engine Co, 4 Man Rescue Company and an ALS Medic unit with 2, They also operate a Squad that takes 1 man off each unit to handle additional EMS calls.
St. 2 1 Captain, 1 Engineer, 1 Paramedic and 1 FF EMT.
We run over 4000 calls a year with an average of 10 calls a day for a community of 36,000 people. We handle Fire/EMS/Rescue.
1, Ever since I was little I was drawn to a career in public service and with the fire service I don't usually have to deal with negative feelings from my patients unlike police officers and have been doing the job since I was 22.2. Long hours and times away from the family.3. To many to list from fires to chemicals to dangers working in traffic on incidents.4. Time and certifications and expeirence allows you to advance your career. We have Engineers instead of Sgts.5. Finish school and get your EMT and volunteer with your dept if they have volunteers.6. Taking care of others when they don't know who to call and we are able to take care of their problem.7. To many but probably bring a child back from drowning.8. We do everything from EMS to Fire and Rescue so everyone tries to maintain the same levels of expeirence. I am a supervisor so that puts a significant amount of responsibility on me.10. Increased budgets and decrease income, Also being able to recruit significantly trained individuals that will stay on the job.11. Maintenance, Training and personal projects but you can never gurantee what gets done baseed on call volume.
I prefer to see forward but if you look at it when it comes to accidents with apparatus rear facing seat should over more protection from head on collisions but it basically is up to individual preference. My vote though is forward facing
You can do both since they are connected. Fire Depts are no running more EMS calls these days. So take advantage of both.
we use positive pressure fans that basically forces the smoke out of the home through specific openings.
Be out going but not a know it all.
Usually volunteers have to pull some duty to ensure that there are people to respond. A neighboring volunteer fire dept has their volunteers pull a night shift from 8 pm to 6 am at least once a month. So this is probably what you are refering to.
Get with a veteran let him show you the ropes. He is a veteran because he does it safely. For the first few months Watch, Listen but don't put your input until you are confident that you know what you are doing. Otherwise hang on for the ride.....
I love my job, there are times when it is boring but it comes with the territory. You never what your going to be doing in 3 min let alone and hour. There is a certain time when you reflect in the thought that when people need help they call you when they do not know what do to and know we will be there with the answers or help. It can emotional from heartbreaking when dealing with the death of the innocent to the rush of the danger. I enjoy the unknowing and the helping of others.
# 1- infrared imaging has been a tremendous tool for us in that in the past when we would enter a structure you had to search manually search by hand. Now I can walkin looking for the the body heat that is emitted from our bodies. We are also able to look into walls for hidden hot spots instead of just tearing apart walls looking for it. Saves time and minimizes damage.
#2- GPS- assisted in search and rescue for mapping the search area. For law enforcement it helps in accident investigations. It also helps on accident recreations scenes to accurately measure the crime scene.
#3- Water mist will cool the room involved and cooling by creating a fine mist it allows for better
Quite a bit so we know what to use on what type of fires. For instance we do not apply water to flammable metals, or water to flammable gases. Sometimes we use dry chemical extinguishers on materials to remove the chemical reaction. Fires go out due to either removing oxygen(difficult), cooling, burns out of fuel plain and simple or intefferring with the chemical chain reaction such as dry chemical does.
yes, it is smart thing to avoid further damage from water and environmental damage.
It has made our job significantly difficult. Faster burning of these materials and hotter burning gives us less time to knock down these fires. The additional chemicals is making the smoke more toxic, So we are dealing with a shorter time to determine our attack and achieve it.
I am sure there are since not every Dept has Aerials but you will need to be able to climb extension ladders. So if you are afraid of heights this may not be your cup of tra
No, very rightfully to be concerned. Age is a factor but also you are using windows with a specifically designed component that has been altered.
I have had several bibles survive a fire. I personally think it is due to the thickness of the book. I personally never feel right burning a bible anyway.
0745: report for duty0745-0845 apparatus inspected and inventoried or cleaned.0945-1100 daily dutiesMonday- detail kitchenTuesday- WindowsWed- detail the rigThur- detail specific storage roomsFriday yard maintenance
1100-1300 Lunch1300-1500 training1500-1700 any special projects1700-0800 downtime, sleep, watch tv whatever
All subject to change daily for responses to emergencies
That pretty much sums it up
By modern standards that would be a yes to it being a fire hazard.
We use "Entrapped patients"
Many things from burn patterns forming v starting at the point of orign. We also use tools from machines that detect accellerants to K9 smelling out for accellerants.
Monitor the expiration date is the best way.
We use a quint 75' American LaFrance. I personally prefer Quints in that you have all the tools of the trade in one, but there are ramifications with that. 1. Decreased maneuverability based on the size of the rig. 2. decreased amount of water tank. 3. Limits on height of ladder. But overall I personally like having Quints. We do have 3 pumpers and 2 quints.
True along with birds, lizards.
I am slightly confused. What job are you doing when you apparently are standing next to a burn barrel
Volunteer and get your paramedic and you will have a extra thing going for you. Paramedic is a must for many departments.
Each state has set training requirements most the same but some more in depth. It depends per state some training can be initially in house with testing done at a academy.
Fire burn faster and tactics have to change with these materials. We used to have about 30 minutes on a structure to get it out but now it is more like 15-20. Fire are burning faster and hotter and we are dealing with more deadly smoke which has increased levels of Hydrogen Cyanide for instance. Beside that we are dealing with Truss Construction and gusset plates that are only stuck into a quarter inch of the wood and it does not take long for these to deteriorate and have collapses.
Usually volunteers have to pull some duty to ensure that there are people to respond. A neighboring volunteer fire dept has their volunteers pull a night shift from 8 pm to 6 am at least once a month. So this is probably what you are refering to.
Magnesium fires and petroleum fires we do use water. petroleum we use water with foam to prevent spreading the burning fuel. Magnesium fires become explosive with the application of water.
i would be skeptical of a ladder that says one time use since it is recommended to occassional practice. I have never heard of a one time use ladder.
My family didn't really know what was entailed. I really wanted to go into law enforcement but my wife asked me to be a firefighter instead, she felt it was safer. That was 26 years ago and I am still doing it. My family ended up being proud of my career choice.
No you can be both. There are approx 1.5 million career firefighters with the remainder being volunteer. Jobs in the south tend to be easier to obtain for some reason , of course you need to make yourself marketable by obtaining a degree, get certified as an EMT.
No, believe it or not they sell them at the FDNY store in New York not to far from Time Square.
Public education. Emergency Medical Services. fire prevention to name a few. We do not fight as many fires that we use to.
Didnt know we did?
The majority of Depts in this country are volunteer so yea they work hand in hand side by side
Were pretty flexible as long as it is good. I am not going to lie but there has been a time or 2 that we accepted it but later go rid of it.
Call the manufacturer they usually do. it.
Yes a CO detector should be in place based on the usage of the diesel engines etc.
Volunteer with a Dept. but make yourself more valuable by getting your EMT Certification since that is where the majority of our work comes from. It takes longer to teach a person to perform EMS than firefighting. So that gives you a heads up against others. I don't know how your feel about the military but they do have firefighters that you can enlist for.
this also depends on availbility of others. Some communities have no choice but to use them.
Not that I can think off, just keep nationwide potential in mind.
Depends on the scenario. Just being in possession of weapon not neccessarily. Is it a felony in a violent encounter. You have given me not enough info
Engine first so you can get the knowledge of how the environment in a structure fire really is which is no where close to what you go through the academy.
Yes it can which is why we wear glovewhile operating at car wrecks.
Depends on what is in their jurisdiction. But you should be able to google the answer.
See above
generally no since most departments require 18 yrs of age to enter a structure.
Vacuum is your best option, do not use until properly cleaned.
Several types of gases, racing fuel is one that you can not see as it is being burned. It depends on the flash point generally a flammable liquid has a flash point of under 100 deg. I am not sure which one you are referring to specifically.
Several ways. First dependant on where you live you can join a volunteer fire department. You do not neccessarilly have to have a college degree before you start or even upon completion of your career. I do recommend getting you EMT in that the majority of Fire Dept. responses are for EMS calls.
Kevlar will breakdown, also it is probably not OSHA compliant in that the uniform is 26 yrs old.
Possession is not a violent crime or crime of moral terpuatude so I don't think it would disqualify
Join a volunteer Dept and get yourself ready. Down South we don't have civil service exams. When the vacancy occurs we advertize the position for applicants.
Not the smartest idea. Fingernail polish can be flammable. I would keep it in another location if you are hurting for the room.
If they don't have one I guess you are in a good position then
Clean up or salvage begins immediately so that more items can be rescued. As for arson fires that would be no due to it being an active crime scene.
Burns faster increases collapse time in structures is the simpliest way to answer that one.
I keep my mounted on my chest where there is a holder for it. I also carry one on my helmet but when you are taking care of pts you dont usually use it since I would be shinning it in their eyes.
Thats how you learn and they get to know you.
Are you referring to a Breathing Apparatus Controller dealing with exiting and entering areas while utilizing scba?
Some departments have chosen to still cut holes in roofs and videos are abundant showing how dangerous this is. In my 25+ years of firefighting I have only cut a hole in a roof twice. My department uses Positive Pressure Ventilation and has not had a case yet where it didn't meet is goals. Now there are times where cutting holes in roofs are necessary but the risk vs gain has to be looked at. If you have a large strip mall fire and the fire is running the attic due to lack of firebreaks that were not required at the time you may have to cut a trench line across the roof to stop the flames from continuing. Any time a firefighter steps on to a roof the firefighter should sound the roof with and axe to feel if the roof is "spongy" if it is there is risk for collapse. The new construction has not been firefighting friendly, It is now that economics comes first where building components are lighter and fire burns through it faster thus collapse time shortens for us. So burn time prior to fire dept arrival and type of construction should be your big determinants of roof operations.
Those depts are very competitive. Getting a degree helps. But since they are civil service guys have gone years to get hired. I suggest that you get your EMT cert but also spread your wings by also llooking out of state. The south tends to be more fruifull on availibility of ff jobs.
Most deifinately the Masters in that it opens more doors since Emergency Management covers many areas, fire, ems, DHS, FEMA to list a few. Broadens your choices.
Zero support. Lack of maturity and expierence.
Anything coming out of DCFD tends to be flawed. EMS typically takes a min more only because you can't jump into per se bunker pants. But our dept has a 1 min to get out during the day and 2 min at night. But maybe the thinking of when it comes to fires they double in size in min, Unlike medical calls are not always life threatening and speed is not of the essence compared to fires. So it is a mindset only.
What was the question again
Compensated no, it is a violation of Fair Labor and Standards. you can only work so many hours in a week.
I would be amazed to see that happen but with that said stoves are designed to keep the heat in the oven. It is never a good thing to put things on the stove. So yes you could have a fire but it would take a faulty stove or accidently turning on the stovetop burners.
Unfortunately with economics being such you may have to do that but I feel that a community should put public safery first in staffing depts. i am not in favor of either of these because teenagers tend to lack that maturity of being able to do both activities. But as said it is dependent on the communities needs.
Tends to dues to the greater thickness of wood. Modern construction uses less wood and more synthetics that makes the fire spread dues to smaller amounts of surface depth thus burns faster.
There are companies that specialise in smoke odor removal after a fire, you may need to have all the insulation removed if it hasn't before.
The training is the same usually. But sometimes it comes down to available training time. Career FF train just about every day for at least 2 hrs generally. Volunteers have fulltime jobs that they have and training times are limited. Volunteers do take the same curriculm as career although
Thats how you learn and they learn about you.
Generally yes, especially IFSAC certifications.
Have they scheduled a fire academy class yet?
If it is being expunged then no it does not impede your goal.
It is not in compliance with NFPA regulations for duty uniforms that are worn under the bunker gear due to age and degradation.
Yes, I am currently going to Eastern Kentucky University online working on a BA in occupational Safety. Firefighting schedules work out pretty good for school.
generally no but it depends on the department requirement.
in your case being an EMT puts you ahead of many. I would advise you to joun a volunteer fire dept to determine if it is your ball of wax. As for fitness being in shape makes it easier and if you dont feel that you are than do something about it.
Auxillary members are those members that can provide help outside of a structure but are not able to work inside
You can volunteer if they have them but I do not think FDNY has volunteers. You can volunteer with any volunteer FD, of course you need to apply and be accepted. I have heard that FDNY can be a little cocky, I do know NYPD and FDNY do not always get along though.
Are you working while going to paramedic? If you are, you are going to find it difficult generally to volunteer/work and go to school all at once. Paramedic is a pretty tough class. Getting hired in CA can be difficult due to the competition. You will have a better chance applying nationwide. Paramedics are a dime a dozen in CA. They are hard sought for for instance in SC where I work. Most depts are going to an ALS system and require PM license.
Go to, it explains the process.
Depends on department requirements and state certification requirements. My dept does not do physical endurance tests prior and during employment. Is this a good thing, technically no. A firefighter has to be in shape for hard work and hot environment. Example are community did a Silent Walk on 9-11 in memory of the firefighters that were lost in the WTC collapses. The event had the firefighters wearing all of our gear including SCBA and walk 2,5 miles across our main bridge and the 2.5 miles back. Temperature was 85 deg plus significant humidity which is common here. Many of the firefighters such as myself prepared for the event for weeks exercising in full gear getting body accustomed to the long hours working in gear. The ones that didn't was shown to them yesterday morning by the effects of the walk. Being fit, not necessarily olympic level is required to perform your job just due to the working conditions that we operate in. There is the CPAT test that are conducted and by doing a google search it reveals what you need to do and you will be able to judge your current fitness as a starting point.
1. There was an instilled desire to help others which probably came from being active with Boy Scouts and a Explorer with our police dept. I obtained my EMT which led into firefighting.
2. Working a 3rd day can be taxing even if you don't run a calls it is the mental wear of the 24 hr shift that is the most tiring. Holidays, Birthdays, school activities with your kids sometimes have to be missed due to working which can be frustrating.
3. There are numerous hazards from fires, collapses and car accidents. We are in dangerous locations as you may have witnessed on the news of a firefighter fall into a roof while fighting a fire. We have been killed while working in the street at accidents. So it is difficult to point your finger at the most dangerous things that we come across.
4. We do not have Sgts we have Engineers. These positions are obtained by time on the job, testing both written and practical exams.
5. Become an EMT first and volunteer with a Fire dept or Rescue Squad in your area.
6. The satisfaction of helping others and knowing that they call you when they know that you will take care of their problems.
7. Probably saving a 2 yr. old that had fallen in a pool and we brought him back.
8. I do not have a particular specialty since we are all trained to do the same but I guess you could say that I enjoy EMS the most.
9. Changes in Construction- Things burn faster and hotter, Increased EMS responses with no increase in resources, and increased cost of equipment makes it hard to obtain.
10. Study. Workout, Sleep, Run Calls.
can you do both? As online college degree in fire science?
I can only speak for Sc but the curriculm is the same. Here they make the classes accomatable for the volunteers by doing classroom portion in the evenings and Sat. Takes approx 3 moths to get FF 1&2.
No it gets turned over to Police Dept and no they do not have to pay for it since it is theirs anyway
Depends on the dealer and if they are custom fit. We have ours custom fit so it can take about a month..
More ego building lol, but it can be humerous although, but not to many people hate firemen.
As the saying goes Paramedics save lives, EMT save paramedics. I have seen lousy paramedics over the years that is for sure. But either level is part of an team. So that can go either way. My personal opinion is that a FF should be a minimum of EMT since the majority of calls these days are medical.
Go to town and get a quick knock down from the front and send crews to the back to check for access. The Charleston Fire Dept had their infamous Sofa Super Store fire and an employee was trapped in the back of the facility and they had to axe their way to him from the outside of the wall to bring him out that side.
Generally if a dept does not have an aerial they dont do that but you still need to climb extension ladders. So you have two options work on your fear since extension ladders come with the job or change choices, but you usually cant have it both ways. Sorry being honest.
do not have a clue.
yes, 100 in 65 is considered reckless driving. May want to evaluate your driving habits. Most department require a 10 yr driving record.
What are you referring to?
24 hrs on and 48 hrs off. Come in at 0745 and leave at 0800. I get 12 shifts off a year, which is basically 6 weeks of vacation(I have been with my dept for 25 yrs) If I take one day off it gives me 5 days off. There is no rhyme or reason for when busy days are. I have busy Sundays and slow Fridays. You take them as they come. We are not up for 24 hrs generall after 5 pm it is generally our down time but that is usually earlier. We do training from 1300-1500 every thing else is either cleaning or other chores that you would find in your house since it is mine every 3 days.
To go interior firefighting you have to be FF2. I would imagine your system is similar to SC in that it takes approx 4 months based on volunteers work fulltime jobs.
Back in the day and even today volunteer fire departments were a social club environment, You would be respected in the community if you were a volunteer firefighter. Elections, weddings, marriages, community meeting and parties were held in the fire halls. With that said there were and still are the availability of alcohol in some of these organizations. My professional thinking is that alcohol has no place in a fire dept. We should be at the top of our game and not under the influence of alcohol.
Metal studs is the best.
Have no clue, that title I have not heard of, sorry
Generally yes, unless you do not plan on driving any apparatus. But generally yes.
Sure. My email is
Have no clue, that title I have not heard of, sorry.
Always protect your regulator. What type of scba do you use. We use Scott and I keep my regulator connected to my mask and have mask around neck with a holder when not being used but in the ready
Go to this site for the regulation for the state of Hawiai.
It depends on response time. Was dispatched lastnight to arson fire and the firstarriving unit had the fire knocked down in 5 min. So it all revolves withresponse time and how fast water gets to the fire. My longest fire has been 3 hrs.
Simple answer is yes it helps especially for exposure to the career
Not usually wise I keep mine outside.
I can only speak for South Carolina so hereis ours.The first step if FF1 IFSAC takes approx 2 months meeting a few evenings and Sats. This certification allows exterior firefighting. FF2 is approx 3 months same schedule. SC does have a fire academy that is 12 weeks but they come out with EMT
Personal items removed from house prior to fire, excessive debt, behind on house payments are your first clue. As for the home numerous ignition point. No power to the house. Vacant homes are good starting points.
Depends on what you are looking for.
Not familiar with NJ. Otherwise get your EMT and FF1&2 certs. These can be done as a volunteer.
My Engine carries the exact same as the medic unit so the sophistication would be the same. And the majority of ALS departments operate the same.
First off, is this a residence that you own and not rent, If it is a rental property there can not be any fire hazards also required smoke detectors. Commercial properties can not have exits blocked. They are required based on Sq. ft of the establishment. With that said do they have excess exits thus allowing them to block a particular opening. That is commercial for private homes we have no jurisdiction to determine what you are allowed to do since it is your property. Your mom is right but also wrong from fire department standing it is unwise to block an exit. If you bed is below the window frame it gives you the ability to effectively exit the window without a ladder for example. So is there a hazard with your bed in my eyes the answer is no.
Have no support for this due to lack of maturity. The majority of accidents involving teens is speed was the factor. You cant help anyone if you dont get there
Well for #1 there is a fire which scares most people, #2 most fires take place at night and strangers are in the house wearing a masks and usually yelling to find people that may be trapped. Our voice are muffled which scares many young kids. This is one reason for fire prevention and getting young children used to us in our gear.
Lightening strike possibly
So what is the principle of foam. It is used to smoother a flame by completely covering the fire and taking Oxygen out of the fire. Yes it does breakdown rather quickly but as for a residual film that needs to be rinsed really shouldn't matter. There is no bunker gear breakdown that requires the gear to be cleaned other than the byproducts of a fire from cancer causing materials or petroleums. So as for your answer I would be inclined to say no.
Middle $ 40,000 but varies on the area.
Incomplete combustion where the fire is not reached its max temp to ensure complete burning of materials, also Rubber and Petroleum products.
Misdemeanors are not disqualifying just be honest when you apply. Yes if you can get it expunged that is always good. But fear not just be honest and upfront.
You question is confusing. But let me see if I can dicepher it. So you are thinking of dedicating you time to learn about firefighting before you are of age by I am assuming hanging out at the fire dept. If this is correct and you became good friends and were there to help them with the little things until you became of age you could be considered in the brotherhood. The thing about the brotherhood is kinda a thing of the past with a lot of large depts in that it is considered more of a job these days. I thought my dept was a brotherhood but there a groups that do things and don't invite others etc. I personally have friends within my dept but at the same time they are fellow employees and those that have family involves a lot of time for a family to operate as it should be with kids and the such. But yes I would consider you a member of the the fire family. I hope that is what you were inquiring of.
yes, that is why you have mutual aid from depts that are better equipted or trained to do more intrinic work.
You can mask up, but dont be the one breathing air in the yard, you would look like an idiot
I would find it improbable that it would self extinguish. If it had limited oxygen than that would be feasible.
Taking your core classes at your local college and then you can continue with Eastern Kentucky University or Oklahoma State among several others that offer a online BA degree.
Contact the local fire dept and have them address the issue
Temperature ratingsCostsDurabilityOSHA, NFPA compliantComfort
For starters but manufacturers will have a lot of this info for you.
Yes it s specifically if you are looking for jobs in Fire Service dealing with Forestry.
Black smoke comes from fire involving Petroleum, Oils and incomplete combustion where the temps have not reached their maximum for full burning of materials.
Well, Lets go with the easy first- EMS does allow beards dependent on the service and there tolerance. Fire dept- No BEARDS. Me personally would not wear a beard due the exposure of bodily fluids and being retained in the beard, but what ever rocks your boat. Stress, hmm well I am working on a 24 hr shift right now and was sitting by the computer when you submitted this question and have only run 1 call so it has been a pretty non-stressful day. So dependent on the service you work for stress can be minimal or maximum, it is all based on call load, employer and the way that they treat employees work environment. In general there are times that I have high stress but it has been manageable for me for 30 yrs and I still got probably 13 more to go. Pay if you plan on getting rich don't start. When I started in 1987 I made 8.35 an hr for private EMS service. The first fire dept I worked for was 14,261. Try supporting 4 kids and wife with that which is precisely why so many of us have part time jobs. I teach CPR part time and make 5 figures doing that in conjunction with that and the fire dept I can complain. Time with the family I work every 3rd day for 24 hrs. So if you look at it as only 10 days a month or 122 days a year that sounds like not a lot. But if you look at missing birthdays, anniversaries, holidays etc cause you are at work for 24 hrs then its a long time and detrimental to family life. But hey I been doing it for 30 yrs and still love going to work cause I don't know what I am going to be doing in 5 min.
Unless everything is made of concrete or the room is oxygen depleted the answer would be no.
No, obviously you are referring to be a volunteer. If you are anticipating working on a medic unit then the state would require you to obtain one.
Grease is a flammable liguid that water is not effective unless additives such as AFFF is added.Electrical water can not be applied until power is turned off but also some oils re used in transformers thus putting it under grease catagory.
Plan and simple you usually have no input other than you can hope for a particular house but you are a rookie.
Forestry firefighting
They used to be at one point and may still be in some older buildings. The basic concept was it allowed you to see that there was indeed a fire extinguisher in the locker. No they are usually kept in a metal box mounted on the wall with a metal door.
Contact your local Fire Dept for assistance
Depends on your ordinances, but why would you leave a final open, or do you mean locked
Can not say I have, Are your gloves new or hand me downs. Is it all gloves or a certain pair. Could be allergies.
yes, get your paramedic since a large amount of depts require this.
A physical from the doctor
I would anticipate attacking from the 2nd floor especially since it is only 1 story.
I dont see why not especially starting witha volunteer fire dept
Send to the pic
How about a Combat Medic with a sheriff dept and a volunteer firefighter. What is their thinking of its to much. It is becoming common to have medics with SWAT teams
Dependent on location. You are not going to become rich $36000 to 56000
Emergency management, Fire Admin, Emergency Medicine for example
Learning to be a firefighter is a continuous career that involves training all the time. Paramedic is more intensive in that it usually takes 2 yrs to complete and now is considered a Associates Degree. It is harder to become a paramedic between the 2 in brain knowledge but physically firefighting is more labor intensive.
They do the same job but the paramedic is trained more to handle advance medical procedures. Having a paramedic cert makes you a more profitable employee and I highly recommend it if you are entering this field.
I would have to probably say no. Reason being is OSHA requires us to be tested early to be able to blow in a device that measures total lung capacity. If you can not achieve desire results you are not allowed to use a SCBA thus not fight fire interiorly in a building. But that does not stop you from performing in other areas of a fire dept operation.
There is no certain amount of time. You need to make yourself very marketable with education and exp which can be achieved by volunteering. We have guys coming down to to the South cause they can not get hired up North due to lack of job openings. So it may neccessiate moving out of the area to get a firefighting job.
when I first started in 1989 it was 14,261 a year and now mid 60's. Up in the East Coast and West coast it is considerably higher due to the cost of living. We currently have 2 female fighters and one of them had a baby last year and back at woork.
It is a cancer causing gas and respiratory depressant. When working around refrigerant leaks Breathing Apparatus should always be used.
The best person to ask that would be the consumer safety commission, they tend to monitor these matters. As for installation a large majority of police and fire depts have employees trained just for that. Our police dept handles thos for us.
Pretty much no. OSHD Standard 1926.152 should have the clarification you need.
Wood wouldn't fuse to cast iron??????
As long as it would not impede you from performing the rigorous tasks that could be required no. After all it is treatable.
Maps and knowledge. If you are arriving to find your hydrant you are behind the eight ball. You need to know it ahead of time cause it may change the route that you may take.
You need to keep in mind that you were directed to attack from the 4th floor from a higher authority so there is no freelancing in the fire service. Every defensive attack is different. Is there burning embers that are of concern that you couldnt reach from 2nd floor thus attack from the 4th floor. To broad of a question to give a certain answer.
If you are planning to go into Forestry firefighting yes
Feel free to contact me at
Quite frequently while out in public. Yes it does make you feel appreciated. No on the autographg.
I am going to try to guess your question. If you are referring to a torching can for setting backfires and a persons pants caught fire quickly, I can only assume there would be a hole in a line. If my guess is not correct rewrite your question please.
Yes, water coming in contact with power can create electrical shorts that can lead to fires or injuries.
Grease involves a flammanle liquid which does not allow the application of water. And electrical fire is the same way until power is turned off.
Are you planning on going into forestry firefighting?
It will get you more of an advantage over those that dont
Major problem, impedes response, creates evasive action that put more of public at risk then there needed to be. Besides it pisses me off.
In my honest opinion, No. one of our officers has a BA in Geology for instance and it does nothing for him. If you are going to go to college and be in the fire service get a degree that correlates to the job.
Fire admin, Emergency Medical, Community Relations, public Safety, Emergency Management. Dependent on what your goal is.
Once water supply is adequate and suppression teams are in place ventilation is usually started. Some depts use ventilation as a way to locate the fire by providing oxygen to bring out the hidden hot spots. But generally ventilation are done at the same time.
Sounds like you have removed the hazard
Well first and foremost it can take an entire career to possibly reach the level of Chief. Depenant on where you live can come into play. If there are volunteer or reserve fire depts in your area sign up. Consider Air Force in that they have firefighting positions. Expierence takes time to build. College will be neccessary to advance with degrees in fire service but more emphasis on business management.
Seen it happen. Family left a candle burning on coffee table. Set the table on fire and caught the carpet on fire burned the carpet then went out. Depends on what is burning and how much fuel is available.
it is not recommended due to the wattage they demand.
Contact me via email
It looks good on character reference. So list it
If followeded by manufacture instructions
Take the Paramedic Program it will get you the best ability for future employment. Paramedics are needed throughout the country.
adrenline Junkie, desire to help other and not being selfish.
What kind of job in the fire service or public safety are you looking to do.
Umm, fire and water!
Not a bad combination.
Do you any handicap issues that limit your abilities if not than there shouldn’t be any issues. There are amputees that are working as firefighters now.
Not quite sure what exactly your question is referring to?
2. Effects on Humans: In high concentrations, dichlorodifluoromethane can cause narcosis, unconsciousness, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and asphyxiation, either as a result of dichlorodifluoromethane's narcotic effects or as a consequence of its displacement of oxygen in the atmosphere. Many nonoccupational deaths have been reported from the sniffing of fluorochlorinated hydrocarbon aerosols, including dichlorodifluoromethane; the mechanism of action in these cases is believed to be cardiac arrhythmias caused by sensitization of the myocardium to epinephrine [Hathaway et al. 1991]. Studies in volunteers showed that inhalation of 10,000 ppm of dichlorodifluoromethane for 2.5 hours caused a 7 percent reduction in standardized psychomotor scores; however, at 1,000 ppm for 8 hours/day, 5 days/week, for a total of 17 repetitive exposures, no abnormal responses occurred [Clayton and Clayton 1982]. Exposure to 40,000 ppm for 8 minutes caused generalized sensory losses, ringing in the ears, apprehension, and slurred speech; at 110,000 ppm for 11 minutes, there were cardiac arrhythmias, amnesia, and a marked decrease in consciousness [Hathaway et al. 1991]. An individual exposed to 150,000 ppm experienced loss of consciousness [Parmeggiani 1983]. Individuals with cardiac or respiratory disorders may prove especially susceptible to dichlorodifluoromethane [NLM 1995]. Contact with the liquid can cause frostbite because of the rapid evaporation of this chemical [Sittig 1991]. STORAGEDichlorodifluoromethane should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area in tightly sealed containers that are labeled in accordance with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard [29 CFR 1910.1200]. Containers of dichlorodifluoromethane should be protected from physical damage and ignition sources, and should be stored separately from chemically active metals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, powdered aluminum, zinc, and magnesium should be avoided.
With this said unless your husband is in the refrigeration business this should not be left in a boiler room. I suggest that if not needed get rid of this chemical by contacting a local A/C business or your local waste management business.
See above answer
Very large restaurant.
Go get checked ASAP
Long term damage yes, cause it builds up in youir blood stream. Dependant can create issues. I would recommend taking them in to be checked at ER. They can determine CO levels in their blood.
Yes and yes
go get checked. Could be low level exposure that is building up in your system.
Expunged means it is no longer there and should not come up. So you should be able to.
No brained ABC, cars are made up of so many materials. If your car catches fire it is usually toast anyway
She probably hands Agonal Respiration’s which is basically dying breathes. There was obvious life ending injuries to call DOA. In hindsight after all details are out you probably wouldn’t start. But when in doubt try
Got me bud
Email it to
Super Firefighter.
That’s the best with a limit of 20.
Yes, Veterans preference but also maturity and discipline that can be lacking in those that have not served. My opinion is that all graduating high school students serve 2 yrs in the military like Isreali teens do.
If it is life or death you have to do what you need to do, thats the best answer I canbgive
Dependent on the level of the assault. Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence would disqualify in the US.
Yes, ot can self ignite. Can not convey enough get it out of there.
Yes, I do also so no it didnt stop me.
Generally not
There is no telling, last night and none but shift before I had 3 at night. You can be sound asleep and 10 sec later your heart is running 130 bpm. There no way to prepare other than keeping your self rested before shft.
Never boring thats for sure. You dont know what you will be doing in five min.
Finish high school. Get at least a AA degree in fire mngment or the such. If volunteer fire depts are in your community and sign up. Get your EMT and all of these steps move you to the front of the list.
It is a refrigerant and can be toxic. It is a known carcigen
You have to know what you are getting involved with in this career and what the hazards or pros and cons. Training continues through out your career due to changes that occur all the time from medical treatment to tactics and construction.
We would have to take apart the slide to get them out or cut them out. How about someone get stuck in the center of it by their hair?
Finish school and go to college and pursue a fire related degree. Also join a volunteer fire sept for exp.
should be dried before being plugges in but the prongs will begin to rust if left in water
Assignments depend on needs and sometimes seniority.
could be you have a draft in the room or low oxygen levels secondary to increased CO levels. Is there any gas service in that room?
I have never been to finland so I could not even begin to answer that answer.
To kids we are. We didn't get into this career for that most of us got into it to help others and also the not knowing what we will do moment to moment. The thrill of saving someone or bring life into this world in the front seat of a car can be awesome. But it does have it's downsides. That being death and sorrow to pain and suffering of others and even yourself.
Is there difficulty with walking if not I wouldn't see what would impede him. He diffidently starting ealry
Plainly stated “Cookies”
Are you referring to a distributor nozzle
3 today. It varies, there is legit calls and nuisance calls.
If any food is open such as bread, cookies and such I would get rid of but all sealed items no are just fine.
Could be a number of things but with all those numbers I am thing brass wood screws
Not the brightest of ideas. Wind can stir up the ashes and launch them up the hill. Many states it is illegal to have unattended fires especially diring fire season.
No. All clear means that all hazards are removed, or occupants are out or all units are clear and returning to service. It does not meam safe to enter.
Generally yes, there is some tensions specifically like New York PD and FD. I have seen it personally. My thought on it is there our days where I need them on a scene and they need me on others. We should operate as a team but unfortunately egos in some communities do get in the way of common sense.
Nope, eventually it will stop. This is pretty humerous.
Scene safety includes us. If you attack a firefighter while doing his job expect 3 others to come help him. It is an arrestable offense
Time consuming and for some can be mentally challenge. I wouldn’t want in other job.
we have access codes or Keyes on the apparatus.
Everybody since it is so virulent
Child abuse cases and elderly since they are the ones that tend to be the ones that need others to help them.
Different siren just to draw attention to distracted drivers, otherwise just a way of moving through traffic.
I could see certain applications such as high rise fires if it was possible to have a device such as that . Today technology has no limits.
Yes and probably had it myself in Feb
There are several different levels, not everyone becomes a paramedic. Takes 2 yrs to get it usually and is intensive materials and time involved. Some become basics- 9 mths.
Yes, generally against policy
Where do you currently reside. The South East, SC, GA have numerous opportunities.
The typical ladder is 24 ft so if my math is correct it could be used as a bridge to get to rhe window but you would jave to measure the distance out.
Visual fire equals hose line in hand. Common sense
Extinguishing a trash truck fire when the tire unexpectantly exploded 15 ft away
Not really to be honest
Probably did and it does especially with elderly and cooking over a stove.
Life before limb, whatever it takes to get them out
If I had to guess unfortunately if you are considering a non-fire brigade status and rely on local resources you should not have to have the items listed, but this would be subject to your OSHA and NFPA. Have you spoken to them?
Never been tested. But high enough to serve the public lol.
Alot of Fire depts have explorer programs for teenagers to get them whAt they need to be a ff
I am going to some dumb calls lately I can say.
No the headache can be from extinguishing agents if they were used. Should have been wearing a protective masks at a minimum.
If there is active fire hose stays with you. During an overhaul phase the nozzle is usually left in a easy to reach location if more water is needed. Depends on dept procedures on this practice.
First off why would you be calling for an explosion, this does send red flags for me so I will not be answering that question. But as for the first one, we will still respond due to you may not have completely extinguished.
He leaves no questions asks
Individual that was killed on his last day, last 10 min of his job since he was retiring and was caught in a cement mixer machine. Pretty much sits up near the top, other than delivering a baby during a police chase while riding with my youngest son on his job.
why do you want to do this. Do you expectbto be compensated. Know what your longterm goals are and guage your thinking around that.
Yes, based on material, happens frequently with elderly and cooking.
It is abused most definitely. I run legit calls 50% of the time but 50% of them are calls where people thing a sore neck from a carvereck is worth big bucks, call 911 get seen faster, no insurance ER will take care of you no matter what. But yes it is abused.
Many things from different hose lauouts, compartment layouts. So have special requirements for medical equipment just depends.
Yes, it does.
Criminal that get injured while victimiZing others. I will treat injuries but not feel sorry for them.
Occassionally emergencies happen. When that does you do what you have to and get guys to come in. But you will miss holidays since a fire dept works 24-7-365
FirefighterEngineer/SergeantLieutenantCaptainBattalion ChiefDivision ChiefAssistant ChiefFire Chief
Generally speaking
Nothing to the extreme of California but my dept does all phases of fire protection except for shipboard and airport
Nope, cars are becoming more sound proof and people just do not pay attention. There is blindspots that we come out of which is why “WE” drive with due regard and extreme caution.
Depressed a time or two. Anxiety yes it can. All emotions come into play with this job
Previous rank is usually irrelevant. Give me a bit of background on you. Kinda hard to answer a questions without a little detail.
Adventure #1Boredom #2Never know what your going to be doing min to min when on duty.
Competiveness between the groups
They obviously are not very wise and dont understand that fire outside industrial setting tends to be more complex. Based on your spelling I am guessing your are from England or arance.
Couldnt tell you other than this is all voluntary, we are not compensated to answer tour questions.
Depends on the departments choice of the color schemes. Studies have been made but nothing is required by law for a specific color of the apparatus.
If no one was there probably not unless the homeowner was filing a claim they would need to contact the dept. otherwise it was a simple brush type fire and minimal fire reporting would not be required.
Co detectors Ahould be no highsr than 3’ off the ground. Smoke detectors on the ceiling
Flattering yes, but maintain professionalism at all times, I chose this career to help people not pick up girls. Badge bunnies are out there that is fo sure.
2-6 but generally 4
I have it tattooed on my arm. It is a symbol of solidarity.
Anywhere from nothing to up to $100,000.
Yes very possible.
Yes, Mass hysteria brought on by media. There will be deaths just like there is with every flu season. Politically motivated plain and simple. Wssh your friggin hands.
Yes 800, VHF, UHF and some have AM/FM and bluetooth etc.
Laws very from city to city but all flammable liquids are to be secured in a fire proof storage locker when dealing with commercial properties.
Some are Fire Marshals and have arrest powers and some depts are both firefighters and police officers
Not for months, it will change somethings that we wont go back to in medical field.
Transporting those that have EMS needs and I have only had 1 Covid pt so far working for 2 counties.
My take is two fold or more so 3 fold. These is previous history between Derek and Floyd, Derek was responsible for his death and Floyd was not a choir boy. Let the legal process take its course. He will be convicted I feel confident.
Yes it is, fortunately the smart phones have the ability to warn us,
All Genre's, Also dependent on my partner.
Depending on if the unit has a radio.
Pt, care, fire suppression, scene safety, haz mat mitigation for starters
Depends on organization. My Dept uses the county HR department for this. I have never used the program.
Fire Police assist with traffic control at fire scenes.
Not seen
He is pretty funny.
Support them. I have been boycotting NFL ever since the kneeling bullcrap and now even more with their antics. I will never support the NFL from here on out.
All lives matters and allof the rioting has been taken over by other parties with no concern of the victims that fits there narrative.
Fire Marshals are legally certified with arrest powers and whatever equipment they would need to perform their jobs.
Ok, so I cover 2500 square miles with my 2 employers that I work for and have handled at least 20 possible Covid cases. I had Covid in Feb and managed to live just fine. I have 2 daughter in laws that came down with it. One worked at Walmart and the other is a nurse. The latter almost died due to Covid complications and childbirth involving clotting after a c-section. The twins were born with Covid but were asymptomatic and managed just fine. The Media has blown this way out of proportion due to politics. Yes people have lost their lives and I am sorry but we lose on average over 50,000 every year from the flu and that has been for decades. I am not a sheep I have no faith in face mask. Our immune system is a wonderful thing but if you are in your 70, 80's or have serious medical issues or risk you are at an increased risk of mortality. With that said the flu kills alot of these people just from that. But my personal belief is that this is blown out of proportion and there is people that should go to jail over some of this. This is only my personal feeling and everyone is entitled to one.
Trying to help them not go into shock and stay conscious. By staying conscious it helps with determining pet needs.
Opportunity only to proceed with their agenda
Do what you can but personal safety is first when no lives are at risk.
No you do not but if you are getting into the filed I do recommend getting your EMT
I havent had a need to do that. But I have answered a question with a question but generally dont get a reply.
I forget the the name but look under flammable liquid firefighting techniques,
Dont know. I got involved with this when on a cruise and this attorney was leaving Law field to do this?
Considering you spend 1/3 of your life during your career it is difinately a lifestyle. After 35 yrs and 12 more to go it develops your life. so between calls, classes there isn’t alot to do otherwise. But with so many kids today it seems to me that they think of it as just a job and there is not alot of dedication to the career. going to paramedic school not has just enveloped my life for the last 8 months.
Occurred in the town near me but I was off duty or working in the country.
Generally use ABC, K is for kitchen grease fires, D is combustible metals that react violently with water.
Arrest powers involving lqs dealing with arson basically and ability to shut businesses down.
Just block it out but did about puke the other day when a dog of a pt was eating up the pts vomit lol
Portable air cylinders that are connected via a hose.
They will lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen but they would possible expierence pain but then also the injuries from the wreck may cause them to lose consciousness. So that is a difficult question to ask.
911 calls have decreased and calls in general but still working the same hours.
I dont mind questions but there can be some silly ones that for sure.
I don't know cause it isn't my favorite food, Steak is mine.
Getting turned around in a closet in a structure fire. It is the simple things that can get you killed.
Parking in front of hydrant, fire lane and not moving to the right when we are responding top the lists.
According to numerous undisclosed sources that is the case with some scrupulous operations since Medicare pays more to the hospitals for a Covid death due to federal reasons than someone that has other issues. This is a very touchy issue but I personally believe it is more political than anything,
Most are able to build an emotional wall and can concentrate on the tasks at hand. But there are some that can only do it for so long and have to retire and unfortunately there are so who take their own lives. I know of at least 5 co workers who have killed themselves. I have had a few calls that are imbedded in my head but can keep them back in the cave of my mind.
Well it is apparentthat they need a new truck. The investigation has revealed the amount of explosives but in hindsight they loaded it with to much.
Law Enforcement
Get your EMT, it puts you above many others.
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Not quite sure what super glass is?
As long as they can do the job what’s the problem?
Yes, during overhaul or if we have time to get things out but it depends on staffing. I currently operate a 1 man Engine and I cover approx 100 sq miles by myself with back up 20 miles away. So with that said my time is very limited to do alot of things, lol.
Yep halve noticed that
Nope but Cats yes.
Yes, especially elderly or woman in distress for safety issues.
All of the time besides my sons being deputies. We rely on LE for assistance on many calls.
Probably only if it interferes with egress during a fire.
Male macho I guess, most work part time jobs where they come in handy/
Death of the innocent due to drunk driving.
Get your EMT and volunteer with a department to gain expierence.
Yes, the system is abused and underpaid. People that dont have insurance use the system as their personal doctor and the system wasnt designed for that. The best thing you can do is address the situation and then educate them on issues for future. But it comes down to majority of people know that you call the fire dept when you don’t know who to call, cause they will take care of it.
If your a female it has to be worn pinned up usually, but every jurisdictions have different standards.
Thank you
Not sure expect a significant amount do outdoor sports and a pick up works best. I drive a 2020 Telluride
Secretary, inspectors and the such. So yes Dept do have civilian employees
I am still here. Rolled an Medic unit 3 times but very fortunate to have not been seriously hurt on the job and still have 12 years to go. I have been doing it since 1985,
The dangers are difinately there. I currently operate a 1 man engine company in the rural setting with my backup 20 min away really enhances the dangers.
Got enough questions at once?
To much building in our urban interface and especially in areas of CA where high fire dangers are explosive.
Private is a company that makes a profit as in a business. Rural Metro is a well known private fire dept that started in Scottsdale, AZ
Preference mainly but regulations vary from state to state, but there are sometimes certain designs have to be placed on the rigs.
Well considering I got divorced after 38 yrs with a narcissitic person cant provide a biased answer to this.
Urban interface and community being built in area with limited water among other issues.
Not me personally
Depends on how long you will be gone
If you can function without your asthma acting up and is your shoulder injury repaired it is possible You can also look at a career with EMS,
There is currently a double amputee firefighter I believe up North. So yes if you can do the job dont let it atop you.
Depends on company. And agency that handles the grading
It should be the individual choice. Plain and simple.
I would have the repair done before you start. Because they will not let you do the cpat with a known injury.
Depends on agency and they company they have doing it.
I work with several FF that had asthma. As long as your meds keep it from interfering during exercise you could achieve your goal.
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