Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.
Most volunteer departments have designated individuals that respond to get the apparatus. Each unit would mark up on the radio as responding, but there have been a time or two that I have heard of where someone had to go back and get the truck. My personal opinion is that all go to the station unless a unit is already enroute and no other equipment is needed.
Starting from the bottom to the top.
Firefighter- Private
Senior Firefighter-Corporal
Engineer- Sergeant- Driver Operator
Division Chief
Battalion Chief
Assitant Chief
Fire Commissioner.
This is a standard but can be listed as a different title.
Relax no they wont, that is reserved for business nuisance alarms.
Bowling Alley Attendant
School Bus Driver
Federal Lobbyist
Yes, We fill out reports called NFIRS- National Fire Incident Reporting System. We have two components that we use. The first one is fire calls which records what type of call, manpower levels, resources reponded and nature of call which if it is a fire it calls for description of what was burning, where it started along with a narrative of the incident. When we respond to medical calls we are Advance Life Support crews and a incident report that records type of call, who and what responded and statistical info of pt along nature of call and what we did for the patient. Our statistics for these calls are used for fire specifics which can be used to determine what you pay for home insurance and the medical is used for medical reporting statistics along with insurance payments. It should be noted that even though we have HIPPA laws the fire reports are public information except the medical reports which are medical records and are not available to the public.
Usually you keep 2 expeirence FF on the team, If you can have a full crew together is even better. The Officer typically will go with the first one. Depends on the size of the department.
Yes, dependent on the size of the departments they will initially dispatch a call on the main channel and then have units that are responding move to an assigned channel. Firefighters usually operate on a fireground channel that is a lesser frequency strength and keeps communications from ground crews confined to the call. The incident commander will monitor several channels on larger incidents.
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