


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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482 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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If firefighters are searching a smokey floor above a fully/very involved floor, are they at a high risk for falling through? Is it safer to be under a floor with fire?

Asked by Hello about 10 years ago

No it isn't safe to be above the fire and when you are dealing with multi story buildings collapse is of the most highest concern. But you shouldn't be above a fully involved floor as it is unless there is a life safety issue. Being under a floor that is on fire is a collapse issue also. Collapse just recently killed two dallas firefighters from a building that was set on fire by an arsonist. Firefighting is a dangerous profession due to all of the unknowns.

Do FF's tend to have conservative political view, liberal ones, or is it very mixed?

Asked by FDNY about 10 years ago

Alot of political debate has taken place within the fire department for 100 yrs plus when volunteer fire departments were established. It is a mixed bag but my personal observation has been there have been more republicans and tea partiers. But yes we do have political views and they can create some very interesting conversations.

What are the yellow hoses that are attached to fire engines before they leave the fire station? Do they have water or gas? And why are they connected all the way up until when the engine leaves and the connection breaks?

Asked by FF about 10 years ago

There are 2 cords that are used usually one ensure that the batteries are charged at all times. We either have to pull them out or they pop out via switch. The larger ones are attached to the muffler so that when the engines are running inside you are not filling the station with carbon monoxide from the muffler. They dtach as soon at the truck pulls out. Most departments utilize this system.

Looking for a gift for a new recruit graduating from fire academy? any ideas for a gift. I was thinking maybe something he could use while at his station.

Asked by alex about 10 years ago

Small handtools such as multi-purpose tool that has screw driver/Wrench/Wire Cutters can never go wrong

Sorry to ask after you already answered one, but when your on a medical call, are there multiple EMS teams at different places all communicating with dispatch on one channel?

Asked by Bob almost 10 years ago


 Yes and when there are multiple calls the radio traffic can get busy.

Of your entire career, which single event are you most proud of? Is there a rescue that you will never forget?

Asked by An about 10 years ago

There are a few. Saving a 2 y/r that was found in a pool and in cardiac arrest and after a long road from reccovery coming to the station to say thank you. Saving 9 kittens from a fire and reviving them and being able to help those in need and knowing that when someone doesn't know who to call they call us and we usually have a cure.

I know you listed the typical ranks of an FD, but typically (or in your experience) what was the responsibility at each rank (i.e. captain, battalion chief, LT, Corporal, etc.)?

Asked by Albert about 10 years ago

Typicall the duties are broken down below

Fire Commissioner.Fire Chief can be the same but larger dept the Commissioner is the Political appointee and the fire chief runs the dept.

Division Chiefs are generally in charge of 5 to 7 Battallion Cheifs and is responsible for all issues involved at his level.

Battallion Chiefs are usually in charge of anywhere from 2 to 7 Stations

Captains are in Charge of a station and or apparatus.

Lieutenants are in charge of a singe rig that is usually in the same house with another piece and the Capt. is in charge of the station.

Engineers are responsible for the operation of the rigs but with all of these positions if the upper position is vacant or on vacation they fill in as an 'acting' position. such as Acting Capt. this is only a temporary situation.