


25 Years Experience

Austin, TX

Male, 46

I've been a locksmith since 1998. I did automotive residential & commercial work from 1998 to 2008. From 2008 to 2018, I did some residential, but mostly commercial work. I have been project managing & estimating since 2018. I used to locksmith in the Chicago area, now the Austin area.

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329 Questions


Last Answer on June 11, 2024

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A disk tumbler lock is brought is brought to you for rekeying.it's original key was coded 443454.witch disk should you swap to reel this lock?

Asked by Larry over 8 years ago

I would swap the 3 & the 5.

We are building a new home soon, and I would like to get a blank vintage key cut for our house as a gift to my hubby. Can I do that? What do I need to look for? Thanks!

Asked by Rach over 10 years ago

Sorry for the late response, this question slipped through the cracks. By blank vintage key, do you mean skeleton key? I'm not quite sure what you mean, but your best bet for anything vintage would be to find a lock shop that has been around a LONG time. They usually have old blanks, & are familiar with anything you'd consider vintage.

I invented a new product. It utilizes a cylinder lock with 90 degrees of throw.
To make my product universal I need a cylinder lock with approx 15 degrees of throw.
Do they exist? What do I do?
We need a lock engineer to consult us or design a lock

Asked by Gary over 9 years ago

I will give you a call.

Hey Josh! I manage this apartment building with a gated fence that currently has a lock that always stays locked and two levers but People keep using lever as a step and stepping over gate. I want to keep it always locked. What lock should I get

Asked by Logan over 9 years ago

Well from the way you make it sound, both sides are already locked, and people are just climbing over the fence? I think if these people are going to go to those lengths to get past the fence, it won't matter what lock you put on. Perhaps barbed wire? Snipers? Electric fence? Honestly, I don't know if there is a reasonable solution for fence hoppers. Security cameras and prosecution might work! If you're asking for a solution to allow tenants access through the lock, you could get a double-sided combination lock. Simplex makes one that holds up decently well. It's the EE1000 series.

I have Schlage locks on each of my doors, is it possible to have a key cut to fit all the locks by just providing the numbers on the keys ?

Asked by Brent about 10 years ago

Whichever locks you have the key numbers to, yes, you can get a key cut to those specific locks using the numbers. It will probably be more expensive than a standard duplicate key, but it's very doable.

We are contemplating replacing a front door and back lock to a home. Instead of buying a new lock set, can the lock itself be recalibrated to accept a new key? Then just get those keys copied? Thank you

Asked by nb over 9 years ago

Yes that's the most common thing locksmiths do! You can either bring the locks into a shop, or for a little more money, have a locksmith come out to you. They can cut keys on site in their vans.

How do check a Upvc door lock to find out if the mechanism is compatible with a split spindle or not?

Asked by Ryan about 9 years ago

There should be an Allen set screw on the inside handle. You should be able to loosen it & slide the inside handle off, & then the outside handle & spindle will slide out the front. But I've never seen a split spindle on a door lock like that.