17 Years Experience
Long Island, NY
Male, 43
I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.
Not if they are delivering mail to the liquor store! But seriously, I don't think it looks good if they do, but I don't know of any rules that forbid it. We definitely shouldn't be drinking any alcohol on the job, but a reporter in the Phila. Area did an exposé that showed a few carriers spending a long time at a bar drinking when they should have been delivering mail.
I am not sure about this one.The mailman might have to put the mail in the box and not be allowed to hand it to anyone even if they had id. It is in your best interest to put in a change of address to your new residence or a PO Box.
Having never taken the CCA driving test I can only offer tips.
1. Pay close attention to the driving instructor/examiner
2. obey all traffic signals and speed limits
3. 2 hands on the steering wheel while driving
4. Curb your wheels when parking
5 anytime you leave the driver's seat, the ignition must be off and take the key with you.
6 use your mirrors especially when changing lanes or pulling away from a curb
7 Try to avoid going into reverse unless it is necessary.
when you call the office you are going to, please ask them what to wear. If you won't be contacting them by voice before you report to that office, here is what I'd recommend. Pants (jeans) or shorts. A t-shirt, or single colored collared shirt with a couple of buttons. comfortable walking shoes. We generally wear black uniform-allowance approved shoes with an anti-slip endorsement. SR/USA is what the label says. A baseball cap if it is sunny where you deliver. Bring a jacket or sweatshirt as well in case it is cold. Sunglasses. A pen. The office should provide you with a mail satchel and dog spray. Good luck and I hope it goes well for you! Bring your USPS ID card if you have already been issues one.
Hotel Employee
Day Trader
TV Meteorologist
I am not sure about this. I have never seen it happen where a carrier lost his job or was disciplined. I suspect they may get in trouble if it can be proven that they were negligent In being careless with the item. Domestic Registered mail is probably the worst thing to lose. Custody of the item must be signed for with each transfer. It is a good question though As there can be VERY valuable items in the mail worth many 1000s of $$.
Thanks for your question. I believe the USPS would hire a 57 y/o as long as you can physically do the job. There can be a lot of walking depending on the type of route you have. Some neighborhoods have mailboxes at the curb and you deliver directly from a postal vehicle.
The ISC is the International Service Center. There are several around the US that handle the incoming and outgoing international mail. For logistical reasons, they are often found at or near major airports. On the USPS website, I looked up 1st class mail int'l letter to Malaysia and it didn't give any time estimate of how long it would usually take. You can do a google search for "Michigan to Malaysia Mail Delivery Time" and see what results you get. My very non-scientific answer would be at least 10 days.
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