Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1236 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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Why did I get a letter with the return address having an X over it?

Asked by rae over 10 years ago

Rae, I don't know why you would receive a letter with an X on the return address. It doesn't really make sense to me. One theory would be that it was mailed and then our automated letter sorting system accidentally read the return address as the destination address. Maybe if a letter carrier saw that they would put an X through the return address so that the only address that could be read by a machinery or person would be your address. This is just a guess on my part. Thanks for writing. 

I got a ltr written on a gray US Postal Service Routing Slip in my pob asking if my partner receives mail at my po box. What does this mean. They have getting mail there for 10 yrs. But the box is only in my name.

Asked by jack over 10 years ago

I am not sure why the note was placed in your box and the routing slip was maybe just being used for scrap paper to write the note. I am speculating that whoever wrote the note just wanted to verify that your partner's name was valid to receive mail there. Maybe the PO box clerk was filling in for the regular PO box clerk and didn't know your partner gets mail in your POB since your name is the only name renting it. I would just return the slip saying that your partner receives mail and the name and address is correct to come to your PO Box. That clear up any confusion on the part of the USPS employee that wrote the note. 

I recently moved to the adjoining zipcode in NYC. Before moving, there was never a problem getting my mail. Now, I dont get most of my mail or packages. The PO lost my mail that was held for a 2wk vacation. How do I get my mail--all of it?

Asked by Jan over 11 years ago

I am not sure why you are getting poor service. If you are referring to mail being fwded from your old ZIP to your new address, it sometimes takes a little time and only certain classes of mail are forwarded (mainly first and periodicals class). If the mail is addressed to your new address, I don't know why you wouldn't get it. If this persists, you may want to contact your local PO, though I am never sure that results in any improvement. 

Does the USPS do random drug testing?

Asked by Molly about 11 years ago

Yes, before one is hired they are often given a drug test. I have not been tested since but imagine it is is possible that  I could be given one at anytime. 

I wanted to know how effective the package intercept is? After reading some reviews I have found that it is not something that is at the top of USPS' to do list. Please give me your input.

Asked by Angie over 11 years ago

i don't know anything about package intercept, but I would suspect that any international mailing would be hard to do it for. It is true that it isnt on the top of the list of services offered due to the shear volume of packages processed. I don't know if eBay would be of any help getting you paid for the item either. Some African countries have a very poor track record when it comes to fraudulent transactions.

What do the six colors for case blocks mean?
Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, White.


Asked by musicnmustangs almost 11 years ago

I think you mean in our carrier cases when we sort the mail in the post office, we use different color plastic tabs or colored bars to put in the case to indicate the status of certain addresses. Some carriers are better at using these than others and I don't think it's mandatory, but I think it is a great tool to help the carrier remember any changes on the route and to communicate that information for any substitute letter carrier.

The following is my understanding of the colors:

Red=I don't know

Green=Hold Mail

Yellow=Certain name at that address has/had a forwarding order on file (In our colored tabs, you can actually put a small tab of paper in there with the name of the family/individual/business that has a forwarding order on file)

Orange=Vacant Address-Do not deliver anymail here


how do i address a greeting cards envelope

Asked by Amy over 10 years ago

When you address an envelope, there are basically 3 sections. In the upper left hand corner of the envelope, you would write your address. That is called the return address in case the letter is undeliverable. In the center of the envelope (centered top to bottom and right to left), clearly write the address of the person you are sending the letter to. Please make sure that information is correct. In the upper right hand corner is where the postage is affixed. The current rate for a one oz. letter/greeting card is .49 . The stamp will usually have the word for "Forever" on it which is sufficient to cover the current one oz. letter rate.