Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1236 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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My address has always been my mom address. Her boyfriend moved in and he keep giving important mail back to the mail carrier. For months I have not receive important mail can I take legal action.

Asked by William Legion almost 11 years ago

I am sorry that I can't advise you on any legal action to be taken with regards to your situation. I find it quite unconscionable that your mother's boyfriend would return your important mail to the letter carrier if he knows that you receive your mail at your mother's address. One option would be to contact the post office that delivers your mail and mention to the delivery supervisor to mention to the letter carrier that mail addressed to you should be delivered to your mother's address and not be accepted by the letter carrier as "refused" mail. Also, I am sure you've already mentioned to your mother about what is happening and asked her to tell her boyfriend to stop doing that. I don't know the circumstances as to why her would return the mail, but it is disgusting to do that if it is just to be malicious. Thank you for writing.

I delivred my documents to the post office late yesterday would like to return it back before the truck come to tack it at what time the truck come to the post office to take the things

Asked by thuria almost 11 years ago

I know this reply is probably too late to help you retrieve the documents from the post office. I don't know what time the trucks leave the following day with outgoing mail but I would think that it is fairly early in the AM, if not around 6-6:30PM the day before. I am also not sure if they would allow you to look for (or if they'd look for) items you dropped off for mailing. I know at out post office that any items accepted at the retail counter, or in a collection box BEFORE the latest time posted on that box must be dispatched the same day.

When sending a piece of mail to an address in the same town, is it ever acceptable to write "city" instead of the town name? Have you ever heard of this? My fiance swears this is ok. I have never heard of doing this.

Asked by Nat over 11 years ago

I think you both might have a point here.  The only time I have ever heard this before was on an episode of "The Brady Bunch". They were trying to figure out where a letter came from and it just said "city" on it so they knew it was mailed from that same city. If one were to Do that today without putting on the proper ZIP code, I doubt the letter would get to where its going because mail is generally processed at a regional sorting facility than at any local PO. If you write "city" and the correct ZIP, it is more than likely to be delivered. 

I just recently moved to Joliet,IL and I'm used to mailboxes@the end of the driveway w/the red lever.My mailbox is by my front door.My question is can I leave a letter correctly addressed w/postage in my mailbox for my mailman to be mailed out?

Asked by Samantha over 11 years ago

I would say that it is fine to leave a correctly addressed and posted letter in your mailbox for the carrier to take with them to mail. I would recommend that the letter be very visible so that the letter carrier can see the letter they are supposed to take with them.

I have applied for City Carrier Assistant and have an interview next week. I am wondering how often you lift 75 pounds? I have started to worry about being able to do that!

Asked by MarthaJ over 11 years ago

It is pretty rare that we would have to lift 75 lbs. Most of the heaviest packages are probably in the 30-40 lb. Range and even that isn't an everyday occurrence. Good luck to you. 

Where can i get a third arm for delivering flats?

Asked by Johnny chambers over 11 years ago

I am not sure what you mean by this. I carry some of the flats on my arm for a walking route and then some in my satchel since my office deals with FSS meaning there are 2 separate bundles of flats. The key is to try to be as organized as possible when loading up your flats and letters for delivery.

Does the mail carrier get a day off when it is a state of emergency?

Asked by normnorm about 11 years ago

Not to my knowledge unless the USPS closes their local office or district. In all of my years working on Long Island, maybe 1 or 2 occasions have we been unable to deliver the mail, but I don't remember if we were expected to report to work or not. It's possible though that I may not have the correct information and that a local state of emegergency would excuse a letter carrier from reporting to work.