Toll Collector

Toll Collector


5 Years Experience

Brooklyn, NY

Male, 33

I spent just short of five years as a toll collector on the western end of New York State. Ask me anything, but please don't pay me in pennies.

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122 Questions


Last Answer on September 11, 2020

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Are 100 dollar bills accepted

Asked by Richard about 8 years ago

The NYS Thruway does accept them, though collectors are required to note the license plate number of the car associated with the bill in the event it comes back counterfeit.

Hello! I'm trying to track down an attractive Bay Bridge Toll Booth Operator so I can give him my number. How can I get in contact with a specific operator or find out who he is!

Asked by Allylive105 over 9 years ago

Hahaha this is by far my favorite question so far. Unfortunately I don't know anything about operations on the Bay Bridge so I can't really give you much specific advice.  

If you have a receipt from the transaction, there might be some identifying information on it. (In New York we had collector #'s that were printed out on the receipts)  

If you go over the Bay Bridge frequently you could try to ask other collectors, but that would likely be very hit or miss. 

Honestly, I would post a Craigslist missed connection. If you write it artfully enough, the Internet might just take up your cause. Good luck!

What type of questions are asked during an interview....

Asked by Blackrose1977 over 9 years ago

The only thing I can really recall is having to make change on the spot without the use of a calculator. (We didn't have cash registers in the booth) so you need to be able to calculate change that drivers are owed on your own. There were some other scenario-based questions, I suppose, and general inquiries about customer service experience. There is often a civil service exam somewhere in the process and that often serves as the basis for the job. (If you can pass the test, you can probably do the job. I got the sense that the interview was primarily to confirm the results of the test. Again, I'm sure other collectors have different experiences.)

Do toll collectors get paid weekly?

Asked by Kimmy about 9 years ago

I was paid bi-weekly. I can't speak for toll collectors as a whole, though.

where is the civil test held for toll booth collector in ny

Asked by nana almost 10 years ago

I don't really really keep up with that kind of stuff anymore. Try this page:

Good luck!

Do you have to have your Driver's License when you're going through a pay toll? Do they ask for it?

Asked by Shar over 8 years ago

The only time I required a license was when an individual did not have enough money to pay. We were required to copy down the name and address of the driver and take down the corresponding plate number along with the amount owed. Two copies to audit, one copy to the driver. I'm not aware of other situations with other agencies that might require it, but I assume that is the most common reason a collector would need it.

I'm not from around here, I accedently got off at an exit to use a restroom. The lady took my ticket and I need a new one. I took exit 110 and I need to be in Brooklyn. How do I get another ticket without backtracking.

Asked by Samantha about 8 years ago

I'm both impressed that you found this AMA while you were on the road and a little regretful it took me over a year to answer. Regardless, I worked in Western New York so I would have been of no use to you. Hope you figured it out!