Toll Collector

Toll Collector


5 Years Experience

Brooklyn, NY

Male, 33

I spent just short of five years as a toll collector on the western end of New York State. Ask me anything, but please don't pay me in pennies.

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122 Questions


Last Answer on September 11, 2020

Best Rated

Have you ever had a emergency where they open all the gates and cars still stop even though life is at stake because for some reason they want to pay the toll? Why do people do that crazy stuff?

Asked by Donald over 5 years ago

Can’t say I’ve ever experienced a specific situation of that nature. But generally speaking everybody reacts differently in those types of situations and you can’t really predict how things are going to go. People have an expectation of normalcy and sometimes they stick to it even when things are deviating significantly from normal.

Hello what do you do when emergency vehicles are coming with lights and siren? Do you make them pay or let them through?

Asked by Raina over 5 years ago

Emergency vehicles don’t stop. I believe they’re pretty much all equipped with EZ-Pass.

Why do people seem so angry at tool booth workers sometimes?

Asked by Larry over 4 years ago

Why not? People love to use these brief opportunities where they feel like they have control and power to exert their own existential unhappiness onto a party that by definition, cannot reciprocate in kind.

Hello, now what happens when someone can’t or refused to pay? I would suppose they can’t just sit and block the lane for eternity so what happens?

Asked by Dan over 5 years ago

We issue an unpaid toll. Take down some information and give them instructions on how to mail it in. Usually takes a few minutes. People in line get pretty mad.

How do you feel that toll collector at NY state is now obsolete and are all replaced by cashless tolling?

Asked by Chris over 4 years ago

I don’t miss the job and I can’t imagine anyone else will miss the experience of stopping to pay a toll. Time marches on. Though it marches a little slower upstate if you’re feeling nostalgic.

Is there anything worse then getting paid in pennies?

Asked by Jenener over 4 years ago

Dirty pennies.

Money is inherently dirty, but there is just something really disheartening about change coated with dust, dirt, fast food grease, motor oil, and god knows what else. At that point I’d rather just do an unpaid toll.

What is the most someone has overpaid?

Asked by Cassandra over 5 years ago

Can’t really recall a specific number but not really more than a few dollars. Usually happened to people that thought they had exact and drive off without letting us count first.