Professional Gamer

Professional Gamer

the Ryanator

Clemson, SC

Male, 23

I played two entirely different video games professionally for multiple years. That is, I traveled around the country often on a sponsor's dollar and competed in video game tournaments for money. I believe I can provide good insights into professional gaming. If you want to know more just ask!

I'm now lead developer at LiveNinja an internet startup that I will shamelessly promote here.

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97 Questions


Last Answer on February 12, 2015

Best Rated

Did you play a lot of video games as a kid, and were your parents supportive of that? Or was it more of a "told ya so" once you showed them this could actually generate income?

Asked by Sammie almost 13 years ago

My parents hated when I played video games as a kid. I had a daily limit of a couple hours of screen time; this includes video games, tv, general computer use and so on. I already moved out before I started winning money at that point they became at least more neutral on the topic.

Is the stereotype of gamers as overweight dudes living in their parents' basements and never getting laid pretty accurate?

Asked by Jmd almost 13 years ago

For people who play games competitively I'd say the stereotype is not that true. Not the coolest people in the world by any means but, professional gamers in my experience tend to be much closer to "normal" than some of common stereotypes portray. For the random gamer, I don't know. There are definitely gamers who play single player games or mmorpg non-stop that fit that description, but those aren't professional gamers.

Have you ever been asked to be a beta-tester for new games? Is that a pretty common thing for pro players, and do you get paid for it?

Asked by turtle over 12 years ago

Beta testing is pretty public these days, so I've beta tested several games but that didn't require me having a pro graming background. For earlier stage game testing the job tends to be a lot of look at every wall and report if it is there. That is to say not that fun. I've heard of pro gamers being recruited to test some games that were designed to be competitive but that is pretty rare and I've never been specifically recruited.

Do pro gamers have groupies?

Asked by the maestro almost 13 years ago

For very top players but, not that many. That's assuming when you say groupie you mean more then just a very dedicated fan. If we are just calling groupies super dedicated fans then there are a lot.

How do gamers feel about the assertion that violent video games cause behavioral problems in kids?

Asked by juliopepe almost 13 years ago

I've never actually discussed it with another gamer. I personally don't believe violent video games lead to behavioral problems in kids or at worse the media exaggerates the effect. I think the research on the topic is mixed but, I haven't ever seriously looked into the research so consider that more of an uneducated view on the topic.

Thinking ahead to Xmas. Is there one particular gaming console that you feel is better than the rest? My gut is saying XBox, but I'm not sure.

Asked by JakiesMom almost 13 years ago

I like the xbox 360 and you can't go wrong with a good pc. It really just depends on what games you or your kid wants to play.

Remember that story about the dude who played video games so long he died from a blood clot? ( What was your longest marathon session, and did you make an effort to break up your sessions with exercise etc?

Asked by kev almost 13 years ago

I do try to break up my sessions with exercise and such. Besides being healthier, I find if you take a break and come back you're generally more refreshed and can get more out of the game.