Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer


41 Years Experience

Marbella, ES

Male, 58

I have been in the graphic design industry since 1981 working in London, Los Angeles & Spain. My career started in the traditional way on a drawing board, using Rotoring Pens, Magic Markers, Pantone Pens & Letraset working as a Designer/Visualiser/Artworker. My design career has taken me through the music, toy, t-shirt, packaging & print industry. I am now a freelance graphic designer (British) based in Spain with many clients worldwide using Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign on a Mac.

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137 Questions


Last Answer on September 13, 2021

Best Rated

I'm new to printing industry, setting Illustrator files for foiling, uv stamp, glitter, emboss etc. Some say the colour of the treatment layer should be 100% black, some say it should be a spot colour(which one?)? Which is correct?

Asked by Nita almost 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . 100% black is always the safest to use as you know it definitely doesnt have a mix of any other colour in it.

My company is trying to sell a logo design, they have never done logo design and want to use my previous work with agencies as examples of work they did / could do. I told them no since they have no ownership to these logos? I was told I must. Do I ?

Asked by Oxford.Comma over 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . If you designed the logos while working for the company on a contract and they paid you a wage you do not own the logos. But if you designed them outside of that company they do not have any rights to use them to promote themselves. It is up to you to decide whether they can use them or not ...but deal with it in a sensible way as you do not want to lose your job. Good luck

Do employers care about diplomas over certificate when hiring a graphic designer?

Asked by Courtney almost 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . When I see recruitment adverts for graphic designers I see that a lot are asking for at least 2 - 3 years experience and some kind of degree. So they do help ...but at the end of the day it is your portfolio and creativity that will get you the job. Before I was freelance all the jobs I had I was never asked for my diploma certificate (I did have one) ...but it was my portfolio that got me the job. Hope this helps.

Do you know any websites where I can get a Mockup for Roll Stickers?

Asked by Razan about 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . Hi Razan, not sure I understand the question ...but I guess whatever you are searching for ...Google is always the answer ...I find everything I need there. Sorry I cant be anymore help.

Your reply to my question was "I m purely graphic design & don't get involved in matte or digital painting". Fine, but I m confused now. Does it mean Graphic Design isn't related to Digital or Matte Painting at all even if its done in Photoshop?

Asked by Smriti about 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . I design logos, magazines, marketing materials etc... thats what a graphic designer does. It depends on what you mean by digital painting ...if you mean creating a work of art with photoshop etc, that makes you a digital artist, of which I am not. As part of my design skills I do manipulate and retouch photos ...but all designers have to do that at some point in their career. I see many people say they are a graphic designer just because they own photoshop ...but they do not know how to design. I hope that answers your question. 


How is this effect made on the pictures? Thanks in advance!

Asked by Dale almost 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . The way I do it is that I draw over the photo in illustrator so I have a vector version I can colour (see my profile pic). But the other option is to place the photo into Adobe Illustrator and use the trace option to convert to vector and then convert to live paint to manually change the colours. You may have to experiment with the settings in the trace option to get the look you require.


What steps do you take when you create work that needs to be printed? I am creating an invitation through Photoshop but the graphics I usually create are only for web and print feels like a whole different beast. What criteria to you use for printers

Asked by Lucero over 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . Designers that work mainly on web make the same mistake all the time ...which is, when asked to do a print design they do it in RGB and low res ...because that is the spec they only know and always work in.

So when doing a print job (such as the invitation you want to do) make sure the document settings are CMYK (not RGB), 300dpi (not 72dpi) and if the design will bleed off the edge of the page allow for at least 3mm bleed (extra space off the edge of the design).

To be honest Photoshop is not the best tool for designing invitations etc. Photoshop should be used for web graphics, photos, image retouching etc. I always use InDesign for this and import any relevent photoshop images I need. Also any vector illustrations i need i do in Illustrator.

Hope this helps