Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer


41 Years Experience

Marbella, ES

Male, 58

I have been in the graphic design industry since 1981 working in London, Los Angeles & Spain. My career started in the traditional way on a drawing board, using Rotoring Pens, Magic Markers, Pantone Pens & Letraset working as a Designer/Visualiser/Artworker. My design career has taken me through the music, toy, t-shirt, packaging & print industry. I am now a freelance graphic designer (British) based in Spain with many clients worldwide using Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign on a Mac.

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137 Questions


Last Answer on September 13, 2021

Best Rated

I've this very important question sir:

"I have expertise in Corel's Photo-Paint, but now I've a good job opportunity for Adobe Photoshop Designer."

Asked by UMER Qaiser over 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . I will be very honest with you ...I have never used Corel Photo Paint and so I do not know the difference. But I do know that Adbobe Photoshop is the industry leader when it comes to design and is what most graphic designers use. I am sure if you obtain photoshop and look at online tutourials you will pick it up very quick as I assume Corel has similar functions etc. Good luck.

I there. I am currently designing a business card for a mechanic. He requested a Camaro on it. Most pictures I find are editorial use only. How do I get around this? Is there anywhere I can get a picture that is for commercial use?

Asked by Mandy over 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . Most stock photo library sell royalty free commercial use photos not just for editorial use. Have you tried sites like ...hope this helps.

I have an update to your question, Google have now added a image search feature so you can search for images that can be used commercially. Search for a camero image as usual then choose 'Search tools' at the top ...then it gives you the option to filter it for 'Labeled for commercial re-use' ...this is a fantastic addition to the search tools so will be very useful to me too.

How often do you advertise?

Asked by Kiran Dean over 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . Never ...I don't need too. All my work comes via word of mouth and online social media. I belong to 2 networking groups which I attend every week. I do not think a graphic designer needs to advertise, especially nowadays ...your online portfolio should be enough ...just spread the word on online media for free.

What is the course which would help me in full fledged professional learning of matte painting ? Is it the same as digital painting ? What topics it involves ?

Asked by Smriti about 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . As above, I am purely graphic design and do not get involved in matte or digital painting so am not aware of courses in this subject. Sorry I cannot be of more help.

Hi, I would like to learn digital painting and excel in matte painting as well. I want to what is the difference between both ? And how can I learn them ? I am a graphic designer and know basic painting in Photoshop. What are the softwares required ?

Asked by Smriti about 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . I am purely graphic design and do not get involved in matte or digital painting so am not aware of the difference or the software requirements. Sorry I cannot be of more help.

Hi I am working on my site and I am not a drawer at all so I found some photos that were not copy written to use on my homepage site. What I am trying to figure out is how to animate the photos I found. Like what software can I use to add motion

Asked by Nancy about 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . Hi Nancy, when you say animate that could mean many different things. But if you mean fade in and out of each other etc you can do that in photoshop using the timeline option ...also you can use the program After Effects. These are expensive programs if you do not already own them. I am sure there are free alternatives out there somewhere but not sure myself, you will need to do a google search.

Do I must have to be a perfect on drawing by hand to be a graphic designer? I am good working on Adobe software's.

Asked by michael almost 10 years ago

UPDATE...I have now written a guide to becoming a graphic designer. It is available as Kindle or in print ...check it out here... AMAZON LINK . No not really, but it does help. But the main thing about being a designer is being creative. It doesnt matter how good you are on the Adobe software, if you are not creative then it means nothing. Its like saying 'I know how to use a oven so does that make me a chef' it doesnt. There are too many people out there that think just because they have a computer with photoshop etc that are now suddenly designers ..sorry but it doesnt work like that. I may sound harsh but I see so much bad design out there that has been done by so called designers ...I know all potential designers have to start somewhere ...but the first starting point is to be creative ...not the software you use ...and being creative on paper is a good starting point.