Yoga Instructor

Yoga Instructor


9 Years Experience

Delray Beach, FL

Female, 34

I'm a certified yoga instructor specializing in Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Children's Yoga. My style of teaching emphasizes a safe, supportive environment in which students can explore, be challenged, and find their own inner teacher. I want students to emerge from the classes feeling relaxed, open and alive. Ask me anything about yoga. Anything!

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81 Questions


Last Answer on September 05, 2017

Best Rated

I'd like to know how to go about hitting on girls in my yoga class. I don't want to HARRASS them when they're just there to work out of course, but as someone who's taught hundreds of classes and probably seen lots of fails, what advice do you have:)

Asked by Trav over 10 years ago

My personal opinion is to go up and talk to the girl you're interested in after class. There are no tricks. Just be real.

Even though I'm breathing comfortably, why is it that blood rushes to my head?

Asked by Kristal V over 9 years ago

Can you please elaborate by what you mean?

Hi! I am dying to get into meditation but I feel that there is so much anger and hate in my heart... And when I try to meditate I almost get angry and very adjitated.. I was wondering if you have any quick tips for someone who is so angry n wantcha

Asked by Diana over 9 years ago

I can totally relate to this question and am glad you asked it. When I first started practicing yoga, I was a very angry person and wasn't living a healthy lifestyle. I initially became frustrated with meditation because my mind wandered, or I started thinking about things that made me anxious or angry, and I felt like I couldn't still my mind. What you are going through is totally normal and just part of the process of learning. All you need to do is find a comfortable seating or laying position, while focusing on the breath. Focus on inhaling slowly and exhaling slowly. Anytime a thought comes up (which could be every single second), gently remind yourself to focus on your breath. In the beginning, you can start by just doing 3 minutes, then after you feel comfortable with that, increase the time until you reach a time frame that you're seeking. One of the purposes of meditation, is to heal negative thinking patterns and that is not going to happen over night! You have a whole lifetime of emotion that needs to heal. Go easy on yourself.

What is the best yoga positions for third trimester of pregnancy?

Asked by Shari over 9 years ago

Great question. I did yoga throughout my entire pregnancy, and was able to do quite a lot of poses. A very important thing (as I'm sure you can guess) is to not do anything laying on the belly. Also, if you are doing any back bending poses, do not push your hips forward. In backbends (if you have the flexibility) only bend the upper spine. In any forward bends, separate your legs as much as you need to, so that there is no pressure on the belly. Avoid full eagle pose, only do the arm portion of the pose. There are many great online video classes for sequences in the 3rd trimester.

I've been working my way up to padmasana but when I sit in sukhasana for too long my left knee hurts to the left of the knee cap. No pain in the right knee. Is there a stretch I can do to help this?

Asked by JN over 9 years ago

Yes. I would recommend doing Supta Vajrasana. It is very important though to do this posture SLOWLY and not to go to the full expression of the posture until the knee is healed. Supta Vajrasana healed me knee with the same symptoms as you. When you are in this pose, make sure that the heels are separated so that you can sit your bottom directly between the feet (the bottom should be touching the heels). THEN, separate the knees as much as you need to until there is no pain, and the bottom touches the floor. That is when you are free to recline backwards.Here is a link to doing the pose properly.

What's the most number of yoga classes you've ever taught in a day, and are you exhausted the more you teach or is it relaxing?

Asked by BeYou about 10 years ago

The most I have taught in 1 day was 4 classes. At the time, I was a full time studio manager and instructor, teaching 15-18 classes a week. I will admit that 4 classes a day was too much for me. However, I was teaching in New York City and it was HOT yoga. New York in and of itself is exhausting and being in the hot room was a bit taxing.

Teaching is certainly a very relaxing experience, but at this point in my life, I would not exceed teaching 2 per day because I would like to practice as well, and have enough energy to give to my family when I come home.

Do you think yoga classes in a Butterfly Conservatory could be beneficial to class? Think warm temperature, soothing waterfall sounds, butterflies etc. I want to start a program at my local facility and I would like a yoga instructor's perspective!

Asked by Amanda almost 9 years ago

Sounds like a wonderful idea!