


New Brunswick, NJ

Male, 33

As an avid lifter, I decided to compete in an amateur bodybuilding competition to showcase my hard work and appreciation for the sport.

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316 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

Best Rated

I had an injury a few years back and now my lats are not pumping equally like the right side is getting more pumped.... What should I do? Kindly suggest asap.

Asked by Mohit Kumar Gupta over 9 years ago


I have been going to the gym for 2months now. And the last 2 weeks I have gone very weak. Even battling with own body weight exercises. Is this normal. Or do I have a major problem

Asked by jacques over 9 years ago


I keep getting multiple answers to this one question. You might have gotten this question already, but here it goes.

What cardio should I do to preserve muscle? I'm a skinny guy and am currently on a plan to build muscle, so what cardio, if any?

Asked by Nicholas over 8 years ago


Hey I’m 16 and I want to be a body builder so bad, how you think I should start? Please help

Asked by Zuleyka almost 5 years ago


I notice that I can't lift the same amount of weight one to two sets after. Should I change that weight? Also, when training pecs, my arms are usually the most sore. Is it okay to do arm day the next day?

Asked by Nick P almost 5 years ago


i realized that my Rhomboid major muscle shrinkend in the left side i'm going through Physical therapy
right now my question is do i keep workout the back or not

Asked by kareem moussa about 8 years ago


hi sir ,i just want to know if your body is slim and you want to gain weight so u do abs exersice is it any effect on your other muscles to reduce them like chest ,arms or shoulder in a way that they also be reduce by reducing bally fat

Asked by Muhammad Talha almost 8 years ago