Elementary School Teacher

Elementary School Teacher


10 Years Experience

Boston, MA

Female, 31

I'm an elementary school teacher in a low income district. I work with upper elementary students. I teach English and math.

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36 Questions


Last Answer on March 19, 2019

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Have you ever saw a teacher get fired for treating students too harshly?

Asked by about 5 years ago

No, I have not seen anyone let go for mistreating a student. To be fair, I have never seen or heard of a teacher in my school mistreating a student in any way. I have heard of other educators in my district that have been let go for mistreating students, though. I can't speak to the specifics because all I know came from the rumor mill.

What do you think needs to be changed about America's education system RIGHT NOW?

Asked by opz about 9 years ago

The extreme emphasis on standardized testing is out of control. Kids can't graduate from high school unless they pass high stakes tests. As young as second and third grade students are experiencing anxiety over tests! Teachers are being held accountable if their students "don't pass" as well. It's hard to describe the feeling of knowing that the scores of 30 students will determine your evaluation rating. If a student comes in hungry or tired because their parent did not feed them or put them to bed, they will not perform as well as they should. Teachers have no control over that. Similarly, students have no control over what their parents do for them. It's a system that has been manufactured by the companies that create the tests. For instance, one national company is publishing the newest high stakes national test. They also published the math textbook I teach with, which was purchased about 4 years ago. This textbook does NOT address everything that is covered on the test. What does that mean? Time to buy a new textbook.

What do kids from lower income neighborhoods aspire to be when they grow up? I've always wondered whether there are just as many who dream of becoming doctors, lawyers, etc, or whether their 'bar' is set lower because of humbler upbringings?

Asked by Dallas Cowboys about 9 years ago

For the most part, they have big hopes and dreams like any other child. I've had students that have wanted to be everything from President of the United States to astronauts to teachers to ballerinas. I think they are too young to notice any difference in their socioeconomic status. They still believe they can be anything, and I want to help them hold on to that. They CAN achieve anything if they do not let go of the dream!

Do you have favorite kids in your class? (It's cool, you can admit it on the Internet)

Asked by BS about 9 years ago

I wouldn't say that I have "favorites" but just like with other adults, there are kids you get along better with than others. It doesn't affect teaching, but it's those recess moments while you chat. Of course, other kids are "favorites" because their situations are so difficult that your heart breaks for them. I like each child for different reasons. I've never had a kid I couldn't stand.

What's it like teaching in a low-income district? Is it more challenging and do you ever wish you taught in a wealthier school?

Asked by Ted about 9 years ago

It's difficult teaching in a low income district. My students are at a disadvantage from the start. Many parents try very hard, but aren't able to participate in after school activities or help their child study as much as they would like due to work obligations. Many of my students also aren't able to provide their own school supplies. My district doesn't have the money to purchase them, either, so I end up buying them. I love the students I teach, though, and wouldn't change it.

When you meet parents of the disobedient kids, are they typically what you expect? Like do you find yourself thinking "yup, no wonder this kid's a terror"?

Asked by Jules1 about 9 years ago

Sometimes, I do think that the behavior that kids show is a direct result of parenting. It's hard for a lot of parents to discipline, they would rather be friends with their children. I am always surprised when kids tell me about waiting in line at midnight for a new video game release. That's not really the best choice for an elementary school student on a weeknight! Other times, I think that circumstances unfortunately negatively affect children. If parents are working 2 or 3 jobs and leave the children home alone after school, it's nearly impossible to ensure that homework will be completed, dinner will be eaten, and the child will get to bed.

Is all the controversy around "new math" justified?

Asked by Euclid about 9 years ago

Yes and no. Yes, the math is taught in new way, but the concepts are the same. I agree that students should be taught as many strategies as they can to figure out an answer. I disagree with the idea that all students need to know every way to solve every problem for a test, though. I think that students should use whatever method they would like on a test. If they are correct and can show their work to prove it, then it should be marked correct. There may be more to this in the upper grades that I am not aware of, though.