Elementary School Teacher

Elementary School Teacher


10 Years Experience

Boston, MA

Female, 31

I'm an elementary school teacher in a low income district. I work with upper elementary students. I teach English and math.

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36 Questions


Last Answer on March 19, 2019

Best Rated

What can a teacher do if he or she is thinks they are about to be fired?

Asked by jimkfjas about 5 years ago


Why are teachers associated with apples?

Asked by Merry almost 4 years ago


Question what do you think the rest of this school year (and possibly next) look like?

Asked by Lola about 4 years ago


Am I asking a question?

Asked by ;klja;skldfjeiijuiouewioprueiowru about 5 years ago


Do you think that students should be vaccinated before they are allowed to come to school?

Asked by Jane about 5 years ago


Is that you in the photo?

Asked by Finny almost 4 years ago


What do we do about this disaster of online learning? Many kids can not even get online and so many kids also just wont do the work. Things sometimes get turned in at strange hours and then like I said not at all. Some kids who always did their work and always got it done on time are some of the kids who are not doing anything. ANYTHING NOTHING gets turned in by at least half of the kids, another quarter of them get things done late and somethings don't get done. Then becuase of confuseion someitmes is the issuie. I don't even know what to do anymore. I doubt we will really open in two weeks, month, next year or EVER. I think this is a goverment coo and I always thought those people are crazy but I am pretty sure their right at this point. Where being taken over and no work is being done by students because they don't want to and there is no one to make them.

Asked by dfgfg about 4 years ago