columbus, OH
Female, 32
In the last 5 years I have worked every position within the store starting with the cow and now the GM. I handle all the interviews/hiring, ordering, employee issues, scheduling, you name it I do it. While the job demands long hours it is worth it.
Yes, most stores have at least one big Cow and one kid "baby" cow. It all depends on your height. I was the baby cow. You normally make just a little above minimum wage. Some times I worked in the store walking around and greeting the kids other times I would go to events that we were supporting and work. Without a doubt the best and easiest job at any store.
Very rarely do I have to dismiss someone, I would say about 2 times a year. We try to hire the best people possible who we know will enjoy the job and meet our high standards. Of course, just like any job when we have had to dismiss someone they may disagree and it has gotten ugly, but I think on average people see it coming. We give verbal and written warnings explaining what will happen if it continues. The worst case I've had is we had to ask the employee to not return to the location.
Our customers definitely notice and appreciate us saying "my pleasure". I have gotten complaints that say we forgot to say my pleasure as well as many compliments for us saying it. It takes a new employee a few weeks to get use to it, but once they do and can say it genuinely it adds to the experience that every customer has. No one chooses to come to a chick-fil-a just because we say my pleasure, but it is one of many things that make us stand out from other restaurants.
Nope. It would be pretty pointless if we did. They come in randomly a few times a year, walk around for about 30 minutes and leave. We have never had any issues with it so to us its not a big deal. As long a you keel your store clean and keep the food below food safety temps you are fine.
Radio program/music director
We have say in some of what we do. Corporate sends us items that are part of our national campaign, which changes a few times a year, so if you go into a store in Texas they have to same national material that a store in Maine has. We have to put those in our restaurants in the correct places, but other than that we can do any marketing we want. Operators jobs are to sell food, so they can do pretty much anything that will help them sell more chicken .
Yes they are 100% white breast meat. It's the reason we can't sell a 20 piece nugget for a few bucks. We are even in the process of making it even better for you and switching to 100% antibiotic free chicken (currently the grilled sandwich is). Also as a chain we are to lower sodium.
A man named David Ring came up with the cows. He was an employee of The Richards Group.The cows made there first appearance in 1995 on a billboard the simply stated "eat mor chikin". In 2003 they actually stopped using the cows for a few months during the mad cow disease scare so people wouldn't think they were being insensitive and using the scare to get a sales increase.
We love our cows, they hold a very special place in our store. Many stores have cow cars. We use our cows during special events. If you go to corporate they will great you with cows. My favorite cow thing is the calendars.
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