Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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989 Questions


Last Answer on July 21, 2022

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Hello, what would you do if your boss came in and asked you to test a vile of a COVID-19 vaccine for a possible crime but you did not know what it was however you did know it was a death investigation. What would you do? Thanks!!!

Asked by Mikey over 3 years ago

My lab doesn’t have the ability to test vials of any time. We would send any liquid samples to the state lab.

Hello Lisa, what is the dumbest case you ever worked?

Asked by Steven over 3 years ago

Nothing's really 'dumb' since every case involves, a minimum, property loss or inconvenience. Criminals can be dumb...the best example I can think of was when a bunch of boys broke the glass in a door to get into a jewelry store, couldn't find much to take, then were hightailing it out of there as the alarm rang and one was trying to climb back out the broken window and not having much luck when his buddy barreled through the other door simply by pushing the push bar on it. The video was hilarious.

Is that possible with in 25 day. I mean decay process.

Asked by Kalyan reddy over 3 years ago

I’m not a pathologist, so I really wouldn’t know for sure, but I know decomposition can vary wildly depending on circumstances—whether the body is exposed or contained or wrapped; temperature and humidity are majorly important; and predators, insects, water, shade vs sun, all can affect matters. My best guess is yes, it’s possible.

Hello! I have a friend that wants to be a Forensic Scientist! He recently graduated high school and is transitioning to college. Is there any summer jobs/ internships you would recommend for him that can increase his exposure to the field?

Asked by Carter over 3 years ago

I don’t believe there would be any summer jobs at a police department or crime lab, and internships are usually given to students who are college juniors or seniors. Though they should check with the police department, there might be volunteer or Explorer programs. Otherwise any job that involves lab work might help—not just hospitals but food or water testing sites.

Best of luck to them!

If you ask a cop why do all cops have short hair and the cop says something like “we cut it short so we don’t pull it all out” what does that mean?

Asked by Ryan over 3 years ago

It means that, like most people, they get tired of people asking them stupid questions.

Do witnesses often test positive for GSR residue on their hands? How close would they need to be when the firearm is discharged?

Asked by Cat twigg over 3 years ago

I couldn't tell you--I haven't personally done any studies of bystanders at a shooting. GSR analysis is usually testing for primer residue, which can escape from the gun when fired. So someone could have GSR on their hands if they handled a gun, if they touched a surface near to where a gun was fired, if they handled the gun after it was fired, etc. This is why, though they've stated this on television every day for fifty years, having gunshot residue on your hands doesn't prove you fired a gun. Not having gunshot residue on your hands doesn't prove you have not fired a gun. The particles are very tiny and easily dislodged. These are some of the reasons why most agencies don't do gunshot residue analysis any more. Hope that helps!

someone is alleged to have worn a t-shirt for over twelve hours on an 88 degrees day,dancing,drinking,and playing pool,but DNA testing revealed none of his DNA was found in said shirt.What are the odds of that,if not possible?

Asked by over 3 years ago

That sounds odd, but were they looking for blood or semen stains in particular, or just the DNA of whoever wore it?