Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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Last Answer on July 21, 2022

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What types of cases are the most interesting/exciting for forensic scientists?

Asked by brikhaus almost 12 years ago

That probably depends on the person, but in general I'm sure we like cases best when we can discover or determine useful facts that help in the investigation. It's not much fun to process a pile of evidence or do hours of work that ultimately (as most of it does) doesn't make much difference to determining or proving who did it. Homicides are, of course, the most high-profile but they also seem to arrive at the most inconvenient times and require hours and hours of working without a break. Personally I'm probably a little happier to solve a criminal mischief than anything else, because they're so petty and pointless--just stupid kids with nothing better to do than be wantonly destructive! At least a burglary has a logical goal. A selfish, inconsiderate goal, but a goal.

Have you ever helped crack a really cold case, or one where someone wrongly imprisoned was exonerated?

Asked by Sara almost 12 years ago I've cleared many people but before they were convicted--just routine stuff during the course of an investigation. Of two cold cases that come to mind, in one the guy recanted his confession and eventually won a new trial so I was re-examining evidence, and then just before the new trial he confessed again and went back to jail. Then in the other case, which was quite old, the descendent sued the state for wrongful imprisonment, but the court found that the state had not acted wrongly and  still had every reason to think the guy was guilty and no reason to think he wasn't, so that didn't really change anything, either. Unfortunately many of the other cold cases I've worked on are still cold.  

Can fingerprints be pulled off of nearly anything, or are there some surfaces or materials that simply don't produce good prints?

Asked by dan79 almost 12 years ago

The best surfaces for fingerprints are smooth and glossy: clean glass, porcelain, polished marble. It goes downhill from there. The rougher and more porous a surface is, the less chance of finding prints on it. Also if the surface is smooth but if it's covered with dirt or dust--someone who touches it takes away dust instead of leaving a print. Then people's fingers vary greatly in how much sweat and oil will be on the ridges at any given moment--if they're recently washed, if they have dry skin, there will be less chance of leaving prints. Then the environment the object is in--if it's a cool, protected place with steady temperature and humidity, prints can last for years. If it's exposed to light and heat and varying conditions, a print might not last very long at all. Fingerprints are subject to so many variables that we never make an assumption about whether we'll find them or not.

What are the biggest myths or misrepresentations you see on CSI-type shows about how forensics work?

Asked by Goolia.J almost 12 years ago

Oh, where to begin, there are so many.

Okay, #1 biggest: We do not really have a BatComputer! Do you remember the episode where they poured in alphabet soup and it spelled out a message? Real scientific instrumentation does not work that way. We don't have a machine that can accept any type of animal, vegetable, or mineral and tell you exactly what you want to know about it. Instruments might analyze organic material or inorganic material or, like my infrared spectrometer, inorganics but only within certain parameters. For example my atomic absorption spectrophotometer was set up to detect barium, antimony and lead on shooter's hand swabs. The hand could be covered in arsenic and I wouldn't have any way to tell. Materials can be run against a database of similar materials, yes, but databases exist because some lab tech went around rounding up samples of nail polish and created their own. There is no national database of perfume or wall paint or cat food--and even if there was, those items change formula every couple of months. So even if I can easily determine that this fiber is, say, nylon 6,6, there is no database that's going to tell me that it comes from a Halston sweater sold only by Macy's and this is how many they sold in this area and this is who they sold them to and, oh, here's a driver's license photo. Companies do not publish their formulas and stores do not hand out their sales figures (and we certainly cannot 'hack in' and get them). That would most likely be violating SEC and civil liberty laws. Okay, enough of that rant.

#2: Someone like me in Smalltown, Anystate, cannot scan in a latent fingerprint (from a crime scene) and search everyone who has ever been fingerprinted in the entire United States including job applicants and military. Most databases are local, maybe statewide depending on where you are and your software. I can search people arrested in my town, and have been receiving those from the county for a number of years. I do not have access to job applicants, not even our own, and certainly not military. That said, I estimate that in five to ten years I will be able to electronically submit a limited number of latent prints to the FBI's national database, but certainly not yet and certainly not for the past 50 years, as TV shows would have you believe.

Those are the two biggest. Oh, and we very rarely package evidence in plastic, we don't wear skin-tight, designer clothes and high heels to crime scenes (when you work around blood, bleach, dirt and decomp fluid you never wear anything that you'd be upset about if it got ruined), we don't interview suspects or tell the cops who to arrest, and we're not all young, single, sexy and angst-ridden. We're really very ordinary. Though I understand that doesn't make for the most captivating TV character.

In your professional opinion is a degree (undergrad) in biology favored over a degree in forensic science?

Asked by Denise Olivas almost 12 years ago

No, I wouldn't say so. I never use a lot of what I learned in biology on the job. It depends much more on where the degree is from, how many years it took, and how much practical experience in crime scene and lab work was included in the curriculum. You might want to call the crime labs you'd want to work at and ask what kind of degrees their employes have.

You show up to a crime scene and a man is dead with one gunshot wound to the head, and the gun lying near him on the floor. What are the factors you look at to determine whether it was murder or suicide?

Asked by SJR almost 12 years ago

Most people do not leave notes so the absence of a note doesn't really affect things.

Was there any sign of a struggle or forced entry? Is the blood spatter consistent with the position of the body (bearing in mind the injuries--it is possible for people to shoot themselves in the and then be moving around afterwards, it all depends on the power and location of the shot)? Is the injury consistent with a self-inflicted wound (angle, distance). Is there a history of previous attempts, depression or problems? 

When did you know you wanted to work with the dead? Have you always been into the macabre?

Asked by MyTalonz almost 12 years ago

I'm not into the macabre (I don't have skull earrings and I don't watch zombie movies...unless Shaun of the Dead counts because I love Simon Pegg) (nothing against zombie movies, just don't seem to catch them) and the only thing I appreciate about the dead is that they're quiet and they don't give me a hard time. I've always been into detecting, is the thing. The problem is I wanted to be a detective like Ellery Queen, work my own hours and then just call everyone into the library once I've figured it out. But I never wanted to be a cop and have to deal with stressed-out people, so being a detective was never really an option. A CSI is just unusual enough to be interesting but just routine enough to keep my inner homebody/bookworm/wallflower self comfortable.

Is the thing you see in movies where thieves wear "synthetic" fingerprints so that they leave SOMEONE ELSE'S prints behind actually possible in real life? Can you tell the difference between human and synthetic prints?

Asked by DallasR almost 12 years ago

This is certainly possible, but would be a very iffy way to frame someone. First you have to talk this other person into cooperating while you make a mold of their finger. THen you can use some epoxy based putty to cast the finger. Provided this goes well the pattern should be an exact duplicate, so that's good. Now you have to coat that with something to form a fingerprint. Don't use your own sweat and oils in case we do touch DNA on the print. On CSI they used cooking oil spray, which might work but depending on how long or short it is until the print is processed, it might be too soft and just smear when the tech powders it. Then you have to put this cast finger to a piece or pieces of evidence that you are SURE the crime scene tech will print. This is where it gets tricky. Say you stage a break-in and you put it on the window frame or broken glass. Maybe the frame is too rough to hold a decent print, maybe the tech fingerprints 15 pieces of broken glass and then gives up. Maybe you take great pains to put it on the murder weapon and then a traumatized witness or a clumsy tech smudges the print when they pick it up. Maybe you leave it on a note in the victim's pocket (paper is also very iffy!) and then EMS cuts the shirt off and leaves it in the driveway or throws it out in the ER or it gets soaked in blood. THEN when the tech lifts the print, it needs to look consistent with the 'background' from the item and the manner in which it was gripped. Of course if the rubber flakes off into the print that might get more attention than you want. THEN if we decide to do DNA analysis on the print (which is possible even after it's been processed with powder or superglue) the DNA results might be utterly negative or show animal strains (?) or whatever. Again, that might raise a red flag with an analyst, or they might simply figure that there wasn't enough sample to get a profile. So you MIGHT get away with it. Or you might not.

Why does DNA testing take so long? Even in high-profile cases, you hear that they're doing DNA tests, but that the results won't be known for days. What part of the process is the bottle-neck?

Asked by sonjalevesque almost 12 years ago

I actually haven't done DNA analysis in a lot of years, and that was before STRs (the method mostly used now) but from what I pick up from the analysts, yes, it's not like TV where you wait in the hall for your DNA results. It's a time consuming process and at certain points there's no way to do it quickly. First they have to determine if DNA is present. Then they have to estimate about how much is present, to know if they need to 'amplify' the same or not or how much. Then the actual testing is done. During all this they also need to run positive and negative controls and do other quality control measures. There's also paperwork, lunch breaks and I doubt too many labs operate round the clock. Then of course there's first-in, first-out; your case doesn't get to jump the line, so how long it takes depends on how long that line is. At our state lab it used to be close to a year, but things have gotten much better and now it's more like weeks to months. If we want something more quickly, we can send it to a private lab which can promise us a one-week turnaround--for $1800 PER sample. But even disregarding queues and monetary considerations, even if the lab dropped everything else and worked overtime, it would still take a couple days.  

Oh, and in that vein: what IS the most creative way you've ever seen a criminal try to throw investigators off his scent??

Asked by DallasR almost 12 years ago

We had a person borrow money from a kind elderly gentleman, then ask for more and beat him to death when he refused. The person then went home and mailed the victim a check, trying to show that the debt was being paid and there was no ill will. That's what passes for extreme cleverness in my neck of the woods.

Have you ever read Stiff by Mary Roach? I loved it, so interesting. What are your favorite non-fiction books about forensic anatomy?

Asked by Gwen almost 12 years ago

No, I have not. I don't really have any favorites about forensic anatomy in particular, though I borrow Postmortem by Koehler & Wecht from my co-worker often. I also liked the books by Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Thomas Noguchi. My favorite forensics book is probably Colin Beavan's Fingerprints.

And something else I always wondered. Just HOW MUCH of a fingerprint is unique to every human? If someone leaves only a partial print, e.g. a 1/4 of a thumbprint, is THAT unique to him and only him?

Asked by Sascha over 11 years ago

Every part of a fingerprint is unique to the person. Whether the latent print has sufficient information to identify it to a person depends on its clarity and volume and the experience of the examiner. There's usually more activity around the center of the finger pad than at the edges or the tip, for example. But exactly how much of what type of information an examiner needs to make an identification--unfortunately there's no simple answer for that. Fingerprints aren't like DNA, there's no handy table of X allele plus Y allele times population data, so there's no neat way to quantify it. On this topic, my pet peeve: When characters on TV say "It's just a partial." Unless your perpetrator stood at the crime scene and rolled his fingertip over something, from one edge of the nail to the other, then EVERY latent print is a partial!

What it was like the first time you saw a dead body? (And had you seen one before working in forensics?)

Asked by Terrio almost 12 years ago

I had seen dead bodies at funerals, of course, but other than that the first time was at an autopsy. It was strange because it was one of the rare cases in which the victim practically looked like he was sleeping. Almost always a dead person LOOKS dead, you can tell at a glance (something they rarely perfect on TV). But in this case it was a young man who had simply slipped on icy steps and hit the back of his head, so that was very sad too, to think that life could be lost so easily. Otherwise the autopsy isn't that horrible--there's no gushing blood, for instance, because the heart isn't pumping. It's the smell that gets you more than anything--it's not (most of the time) so much bad as strange. I think our bodies know more than our minds at that point and they know something is wrong. So the answer is I felt a little sick, but didn't actually get sick. We'd have lots of classes (police academy, nursing students) come through the coroner's office and while many would get a little queasy and have to go sit down, we rarely had anyone actually either throw up or pass out.

How soon after a person dies do you have to remove their organs so that they can still be transplanted to someone else? And does doing an autopsy damage any organs so as to make them no longer transplantable?

Asked by exconill almost 12 years ago

I actually do not know that, sorry. I attend autopsies but only to observe, so I don't have anything to do with that--but I can tell you that the organs (except eyes or bones) are all dissected and examined so they would definitely be no longer transplantable. So organ harvesting is done before the autopsy. 

Even if testing doesn't produce a database MATCH, can you tell from a fingerprint or DNA whether it belongs to a man or woman, age, race, etc?

Asked by Luisa Henson over 11 years ago

From a fingerprint, no. From DNA, not age but they can probably make estimates that the sample likely belongs to a particular racial profile. They can also look for markers from the Y chromosome to determine gender. However I don't know if they necessarily see all these loci in every analysis. Usually in DNA testing you have samples from the crime scene, the victim and the suspect, and we want to know if this sample matches either the victim or the suspect, period. So they most likely don't test for the other factors unless requested. But I am not a DNA analyst so I could be wrong--they could be able to tell all sorts of things that they don't put in the reports because it's not relevent to our particular case.

What's the worst mistake you've ever heard of a forensic scientist making at a crime scene?

Asked by JoyLuck over 11 years ago

That's a tough one. I've had cops put tools back into pry marks to show that they fit and unload weapons to make them 'safe' (which is an okay idea under certain circumstances, but usually not). I did something really stupid just a few days ago--after we had painstakingly located some spent casings in thick grass, I put a marker down, took a picture, then took the marker and went back to my car to get an envelope  for the casings. Doh! Luckily another CSI standing there hadn't taken her eyes off them. A good 15 years ago at my lab an old-school trace evidence person took the shorts from a decomposed body and washed them in order to read the tag info...I remember the look of horror on the cops' faces when I had to tell them that all the hair and fiber and other trace evidence had been washed down the drain. Happily it didn't matter, the victim's boyfriend was convicted anyway.

What degree and certification would I need become a forensic scientist? I'm currently majoring in criminology, but would switch if something else was better.

Asked by Alejada almost 12 years ago

Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

I'm currently in the Navy and looking into taking college courses towards forensics but I do have a charge of accessory after the fact to a felony in 2002. (Closed file) Would this hinder my ability to obtain a career in this field? If so how badly?

Asked by jwalk over 11 years ago

I honestly have no idea, and suspect it would depend on where you are applying--whatever the hiring agency's policies are. I'll ask my boss and get back to you.


OKAY! I finally asked my supervisor about this, and unfortunately the news is not too encouraging. If you were found guilty of a felony, you might have a real problem getting a job with a law enforcement agency. But just because the crime was a felony doesn't necessarily mean that was your charge, you could been found guilty of first degree misdemeanor or some lesser charge, and that might not preclude you from employment. Also, smaller agencies might be willing to waive this exclusion especially with military experience. And this is only in the event that you were convicted. If you were simply charged with the crime but not convicted, then most likely it isn't a problem at all. The only way to know for sure is to ask a few of the places you'd be interested in working at and see what they say.

Have you ever worked on a scene that you'd describe as the "perfect crime" in that the perp literally left NO trace of his presence?

Asked by Seth over 11 years ago

It depends on how you define 'perfect'...if I can't tell the perpetrator has even been there then we wouldn't even know a crime has occurred, so I wouldn't know it was a perfect crime. If you mean 'perfect' in that the guy didn't leave any DNA or fingerprints that we found, sure, all the time. I've had plenty of burglaries in which it was apparent that a burglary occurred, but between humidity and surface conditions and what the perp had to touch in order to get the job done, I find no fingerprints at all (not even the people who live there). If you walk up and shoot someone (especially with a revolver, so no dropped casings) and walk away, you're not going to leave anything. Maybe a hair or a skin cell, but how would a CSI find that on a dirty street? Hence, a 'perfect' crime. Unless you get a parking ticket on the next block or a witness waiting for a pizza delivery happens to look out their window or there's an ATM camera you didn't know about.

Have you become desensitized to death and violence? Are there still some crime scenes you see that make you sick because of how gory or depraved they are?

Asked by mbyrnes almost 12 years ago

I don't consider myself desensitized. I still say "Oh, that's terrible," when I read about someone's death in the paper. I just don't get sick at the sight of bodily fluids. It seems like you either get used to that instantly, or you get into another line of work. It's not exactly the same thing as having a weak stomach--I've known guys who were homicide detectives for 20 years and still had a weak stomach. But when I'm standing at a crime scene there are so many things to think of (plus the overriding "Don't screw up!") that I don't have time to think about how awful this is. To me it would be more nervewracking to be an ER nurse and have someone's life depending on my instant decisions; at a crime scene, the crime has already been committed, so I couldn't have prevented it and I can't do anything about the fact that it happened. I think also that, without putting it into words, I tell myself that the person died right away. I get more upset at seeing the things the hospital did, the tubes, the halo brace, because I know the person must still have been alive for that to be done. Basically, if this work is going to upset you, do something else. It doesn't help anyone to be traumatized by your daily job.

Do fingerprints contain DNA? And if so, then isn't fingerprinting kind of obsolete, since you can just test the DNA instead of the print?

Asked by Sascha over 11 years ago

The skin cells sloughed off and left in a fingerprint contain DNA, but there's no guarantee that there will be a sufficient amount to obtain a DNA profile so it's a risk to go straight to DNA testing instead of developing the fingerprint. Besides, identical twins will have the same DNA but different fingerprints.

I never understood how they establish time of death weeks after someone died. Are there biological processes that take place WEEKS after death with enough consistency to allow you to pinpoint time-of-death to within a few hours / days?

Asked by HammerPants almost 12 years ago

I'm sorry but you'd really have to ask a pathologist, this is not my area. I imagine it would depend a lot on the individual situation--the environment, temperature, humidity. Insect activity can be pretty accurate. But I believe that pinpointing to a few hours after someone has been dead for weeks only happens on TV.

My girlfriend's condo was broken into, but the cops said it wasn't a big enough deal to check for fingerprints. Who makes that decision, and can I hire a forensic scientist privately to do that?

Asked by Marc almost 12 years ago

I apologize to your girlfriend on behalf of the law enforcement community. No one should ever be told that their crime is not 'a big enough deal.' Even if the responding person thinks that, and I'm not saying we don't sometimes, you would think they'd have better sense than to say so. Unfortunately you had a lazy cop who didn't want to get his hands dirty--or, truly, that could be an unofficial policy taught to rookies by other lazy cops who don't want to get their hands dirty. OR it could be the policy of the latent prints department who want to limit their caseload so they won't accept cases that had a claim less than X amount of dollars. So it's hard to know where it came from, but it's still wrong. Anyone who's burglarizing a condo is burglarizing plenty of other places as well and it would benefit everyone in town if they were caught. It would only take ten or fifteen minutes to throw some powder on at least the point of entry and any smooth and glossy surfaces the burglar had to have touched (bearing in mind that knocked over is not the same as touched) such as a mirrored medicine cabinet or a glossy lacquered jewelry box. Now if she's positive the perpetrator is her ne'er do well stepson who lives there (so that it is technically not burglary) or she realizes the burglary happened 3 weeks ago and she didn't check her jewelry until now or some such circumstances as that, or if the door had been left standing open and the only item disturbed is fabric-covered so it won't hold prints, I can understand not processing for prints, but they still should explain that. That said, burglaries are my LEAST favorite task at my job, but that's because I'm lazy and hate getting my hands dirty.

Do you need a person's permission to collect and test his DNA? I saw a TV show where the cops offered a suspect a drink and cigarette to try and get his DNA.

Asked by Toby over 11 years ago

The way I understand it--and I am NOT a lawyer!--is that technically you don't need permission to get a DNA sample (which is just a cotton swab rubbed on the inside of your cheek, doens't hurt) because the 5th amendment right against self-incrimination only applies to testimonial evidence. You can't be made to speak against yourself, but your fingerprints can be collected whether you like it or not so DNA should be the same. A sample can be collected from a discarded cup or can because garbage is abandoned property and can be taken by anyone. (Of course if you go through their trash cans, you can't prove that your suspect drank from that cup.)  I believe it might also be affected by whether the suspect was in custody or not at the time of collection. And it won't help to test an official sample later because if the first sample is excluded from trial, then anything collected as a result of that will be thrown out too (or so I understand from repeated viewings of Law and Order.) That said, at my agency the detectives always get the person to give consent or they get a search warrant from a judge, just so there are no issues when it gets to court. It's not worth the risk of going through all the work to get to court and then having it all thrown out, so I think those tricks are largely used only on TV. I can tell you I've never seen it happen.   

I was wondering if I sent you a picture of a bone can tell me if its human or animal?

Asked by dee over 11 years ago

I can try. I'm not an anthropologist, but we do have a field guide here showing the skeletons of many mammals and birds. We used to have a lot of 'found bones' calls at my agency--the area had a great deal of construction going on in the area and the digging would often turn up bones.

What do you think forensic and biology study will lead us in the next ten years

Asked by bob over 11 years ago

To ever-more sensitive DNA collection and analysis, I believe. The other growing fields will probably be the analysis and utilization of computers, cell phones and video surveillance.

what would change a corpse hair from highlighted blonde to an orange red in an african american?

Asked by shunlegg over 11 years ago

I don't know, unless the corpse lay in bleach or some other chemical that would react with the bleach in the hair. Dark hair can (I know from personal experience) turn kind of orangy when you try to lighten it. Otherwise hair does not change much either while living or dead.

what type of issues in the forensic science field are still lurking around that cause errors in assumptions or holding progress in a certain study behind

Asked by bob over 11 years ago

I can't think of anything that's industry-wide. Errors in assumptions can be made at any time by any body--like, I might assume you aren't going to get DNA off a gun trigger because I never have, while a brand-new person might assume you will get it regardless of any other factors because a textbook said it was possible, and we both might be wrong or right in that particular case but not others. So most errors would be made by assuming something can't be done, either because a tech or officer never had any luck with it or because they aren't up with the latest information, which will happen anywhere because no one can keep up with anything. As for study, the only thing holding that back is what's always been holding it back--time and money.  Most of us can barely keep up with our caseload, much less take on a research project, and most government budgets have been battered down to sustenence level. It's getting better as the economy improves, and there are major research projects underway through the various forensic organizations, FBI and NIJ.

Whose payroll are forensic scientists on, the coroner's office, or the police force?

Asked by MissPink almost 12 years ago

Not to sound like a smart aleck, but you're on the payroll of whoever you work for--that can be the police department, the state police lab, the coroner's or medical examiner's office, the county sheriff's department, or an independent lab (usually doing DNA). You can also be a sworn officer or a civilian employee of same. Titles are not uniform. When I was at the coroner's office my title was forensic scientist because that was what the coroner said it was. At the police department I was an evidence specialist and then became a forensic specialist after I completed my training for fingerprint analysis. Your title is whatever your boss says it is.

What are the hours you work at your work?

Asked by Nikkie over 11 years ago

Right now I'm working 12 hour shifts, from 6 am to 6 pm, working out to 80 hours over 2 weeks. At the coroner's office I worked 7:30 to 4:30 and 8-12 on every other Saturday. When I started here at the police department we did 7:30-4:30 M-F. Then we went to, on opposite weeks, having one person work 10 am - 9 pm M-Th. Now there are more people so my 'shift partner' works noon to midnight. That way someone needs to be on overtime call only from midnight to 6 am. So in other words the hours will be determined by where you work, how many forensic people you have, how big the agency is and how determined they are to keep overtime to a minimum.

Say a criminal parent drowns a child in the bathtub of their home, then buries the body (FL). How long could the body show evidence of drowning (foam in air passages, water in lungs, etc)before decomposition destroyed that evidence?

Asked by Meg over 11 years ago

Unfortunately, same answer as above--you really need a pathologist to answer that. But I will ask the M.E. investigator when she gets back to me on the BAC question!

Okay, she said:

Welllllll….. that one’s trickier. Drowning is often a ‘diagnosis of exclusion’ so you may NEVER see evidence of drowning, even moments after death (although we look for foam in the airway and fluid in the sinuses to corroborate investigation findings). The mere process of burial could potentially destroy any pertinent evidence that would exist in a drowning, even if decomp hasn’t begun by the time the body is “dug up”. Now in a child, we’d look for petechiae, bruises (that you can only see by removing the skin), torn frenulam, etc.…

What was your most challenging case?

Asked by bob over 11 years ago

That's a tough one, because unlike television I don't take it personally whether the case is resolved or not. Again unlike TV, I'm not in charge of the case, the detective is. I'm just a cog. I also don't deal with family or witnesses so I'm sort of emotionally once-removed from the trauma. So the most frustrating cases are those in which I can't find anything that helps. Say the victim and the suspect live in the same house so that any fingerprints or DNA of the suspect is to be expected and doesn't prove anything. Or we have no suspects and fingerprints and DNA at the scene don't match anyone in our system so that's not helping either. So then the most satisfying cases are those in which I find and analyze a piece of evidence that can tell us with certainty who was present or what occurred where. But either way I don't take it personally. I can't control what's there, only what I do with it. Sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you're not.  

I am currently working towards a B.A. in Biology. Would this be an acceptable major to go into forensics with?

Asked by Sammy C about 11 years ago

Absolutely! Even better if you could pair it with some coursework in forensics or maybe an internship.

How does 260mg/100g of liver tissue translate into for a BAC number? is is .26 or .026 or .0026? Got a bet going--thanks.

Asked by auntiev over 11 years ago

I do not know! So I asked the local M. E. investigator, who said:

It would be .26….

If this is liver, then I presume you’re talking about a decomp… and if you’re talking about a decomp, then keep in mind that the process of decomposition will raise the ethanol level in the body anyway so some physicians don’t even consider liver tissue entirely accurate when looking at alcohol.

I'm working on a thriller novel. Can a person frame someone else by setting up their own suicide to look like murder by using the other person's gun in the other person's house?

Asked by goodcraic2i6n over 11 years ago

Let me get this straight--so Alex frames Bert by shooting himself (Alex) in Bert's house with Bert's gun? Kind of a drastic way to get back at someone, but certainly possible. Yes, initially it would not look good for Bert at all. However--and this is always the problem with trying to frame someone--what is Bert doing while this is happening? Alex can't be sure that Bert won't be getting a traffic ticket or stuck in an all-day meeting and therefore have an unbreakable alibi? The gun and the condition of the wound would have to be consistent with suicide (unless you do some Agatha Christie rubber-band type of arrangement) but that would not make it impossible for it to be homicide. Alex's fingerprints might be on the gun but that wouldn't rule out a murder (and it's so rare to get a fingerprint off a gun that he might decide not to worry about it). Please don't have Bert, upon discovery of the body, engage in the time honored but still silly tradition of picking up the murder weapon and then saying "I have no idea why I did that..." Human beings have an instinctive revulsion against touching anything associated with a dead body.

Does a neighbor see Alex enter Bert's house when Bert's not home? Is there any sign of forced entry? In other words, forensically there may not be much to say one way or the other--and that's very often true. Forensics will establish facts, but those facts might not be helpful. Forensically we can say Alex died of a gunshot wound from this gun, has gunshot residue on his hands (not suprising since he was in close proximity to a gunshot) and has no other wounds to indicate a struggle. That's about it. Deciding whether it's suicide or murder would likely spring from more traditional investigations--what was Alex doing there, did he know where the gun is, where was Bert, did Bert have a history of violence, did Alex have a history of mental instability, etc. etc.

I hope that helps!

Hi, I'm writing a research paper. How often do you have to present evidence in front of a jury as an expert witness and has it become more difficult as the popularity of crime dramas has increased?

Asked by Madison over 11 years ago

That depends on a lot of factors. In Cleveland I went to court a lot more often because--since it was a coroner's office--practically every case was a homicide and many went to trial. In Florida at the police department we have few homicides and a lot of burglaries and such, the types of crimes that tend to get pled out or dismissed. So I might go to court twice in one week and then not again for three months. And yes, the popularity of crime dramas has definitely made things more difficult because a jury expects to be 'wowed' with cool science in each and every case, and sometimes that just isn't there. It's not a bad thing that there's increased scrutiny on forensic testimony, of course, only that expectations can be unrealistic--in both directions. It can harm the prosecution's case if the jury expects DNA evidence in, say, a robbery case where someone walked in and walked out and didn't leave any DNA, and it can harm a defense's case if the jury has such faith in science that that evidence is all they give weight to. (Excuse the clunky grammar please.)

What's the most important thing forensic science can do today that it couldn't do 5 years ago?

Asked by ChrisnMike almost 12 years ago

I would say 'touch DNA', which means get a DNA sample from the sweat, oils, and amino acids left by simply touching something. We now routinely collect swabs from steering wheels, gun triggers and tool handles. That doesn't mean they always have sufficient DNA to do anything with, but surprisingly often they do.

what college did you go to?

Asked by Nikkie over 11 years ago

I have a bachelor's in biology from Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio.

What type of classes did you need to take to become a Forensic scientist?

Asked by Nikkie over 11 years ago

If you see the two Q&As above, you can't go wrong with science classes. When I was in college they didn't have courses specifically in forensic science, so that wasn't an option. And different agencies will have different requirements, so you might want to go online and check out the different vacancies to get some idea of what requirements are out there.

What made you want to become a Forensic scientist?

Asked by Nikkie over 11 years ago

I loved mysteries but didn't want to be a cop. I don't really want to deal with people under stress on a daily basis. This job has enough variety to be interesting but enough routine to keep the homebody in me comfortable.

For trace comparison, how much glass from a crime scene would you recover in order for a controlled comparison to that found on a suspects?
6 or 12 and where from?

Thank You.

Asked by Mike over 11 years ago

I  don't know what you mean by 6 or 12, but I asked a former co-worker who used to analyze glass in an ICP (inductively coupled plasma) and he said the current state of the art for glass analysis is LA-ICP-MS (LA = laser ablation). This uses a laser to vaporize a small amount of sample and then runs it through both an ICP and a mass spec. (only about $300,000). I'm sure a small amount is a very small chip or sliver. I know when I did glass analysis on an old hot stage we only needed a tiny chip. He also said you should contact Florida International University because it is "the epicenter of glass analysis".

I'm in high school right now and I want to become a forensic scientist. Is there a list of courses I should be taking? Or can you recommend any courses?

Asked by Wendy N. over 11 years ago

You can't go wrong with as much biology and chemistry as you can get, plus some physics and math.

I'm 20 years old and studying physics.I now realize that my real passion is forensic science. Would it be possible for me to take a turn and pursue that with a master's degree? What suggestions can you make that will help me pursue forensics?

Asked by Lito almost 11 years ago

Any science major is a good thing. The requirements for each lab vary, so if you have a particular location in which you wish to work, you might call all your potential employers and ask what the job requirements are. Then you can decide whether a science degree, a forensic science degree, a masters or a PhD would be best. Also check salaries and decide whether they are sufficient, and be prepared for a lot of competition.

Do you have to be a cop before you can become a CSI?

Asked by Miriam over 11 years ago

Not necessarily. I've never been a cop and neither have most of my co-workers. It completely depends on the agency you apply to--some require their CSIs to be sworn officers and some don't.

What possible ramifications might occur if examiners are not impartial?

Asked by Felicia Redecker about 11 years ago

I don't know, but I would guess that it would be similar to any other profession--if you suffer because of their bias or incompetence or even over-eagerness, then you can ask for damages. The way I understand it--and I am not a lawyer--if your doctor says you have a cold and you actually have bronchitis and he gives you antibiotics and you get better, you don't have much of a case. If you tell him you're allergic to penicillin and he gives it to you anyway and you go into a coma, then you do.

So if an investigator doesn't like you and focuses the investigation on you while the real killer gets away, they may get a bad evaluation at work but it's doubtful that anyone could say they would absolutely have caught the real killer if they hadn't been distracted by you. So I doubt the family of the victim could bring civil charges. If your life has been affected,you lost your job, your spouse, neighbors egged your house, then you could probably sue the department for harassment. Every type of investigator has someone they answer to--a boss, a review board, a licensing board, an appeals court. A conviction could be overturned or vacated altogether.

If they focused on you but you really did do it, then you probably don't have a case, even if they only found you because they don't like you.

I'm guessing--and again this is an only-slightly-educated guess--that the deciding factor is how much their bias affected anything that occurred, overall.

And if by 'examiners' you meant medical examiners, specifically, then I would think the opportunity to affect the ultimate outcome would be even more dilute. An autopsy is photographed and witnessed by assistants and often (in homicides) law enforcement. Everything they put in their report can usually be double-checked after the fact. The extent to which they could skew results would be very limited. This is not to say medical examiner's can't be biased--supposedly Dr. Gerber (along with the local paper) biased the Cleveland jury pool against Dr. Sam Sheppard, but that didn't change anything about his testimony or the results of the autopsy. It did get the suspect a new trial, and did bring changes in the laws regarding pre-trial publicity.

can you get fingerprints off a cigar or cigerillo?

Asked by Sam Berretti over 11 years ago

Yes. We would probably use ninhydrin or DFO to treat the wrapping.

If ejaculate was wiped off a bathroom floor with a sock, and that bathroom was used by other people for showering (humidity/wet floor) and toilet use (bare feet), would the semen still be picked up? Would results be reliable?

Asked by Shahada almost 11 years ago

As far as I know, 1) possibly and 2) yes. Since the area hasn't been specifically and thoroughly cleaned, yes it could still be picked up. And the DNA results should either be reliable or you wouldn't get any results at all. You wouldn't get results that look like someone else's DNA.

Why is blood type only determined by the A and B proteins? Aren't there other proteins on the blood? Why specifically these 2 proteins?

Asked by Adina about 11 years ago

The A and B's are antigens on the surface of the blood cells. There are other antigens (like Rh) but the A & B's are the most important. Why, I couldn't tell you.

If you get sample of epithelial tissue from a crime scene, can you detect either it comes from a male or a female? How? Does karyotype involves in this differentiation?

Asked by Ian Hale-Carstairs over 11 years ago

I'm sure DNA analysts could determine male from female if we wished. Y-STR testing is used often when there's a mixture of male and female cells, because of course only male would have a Y chromosome. But I really couldn't give you details; I haven't done DNA testing in about 17 years. The two outside labs my agency has used in the past are: and Hope that helps!

I am 51 and for most of my life wanted to be a medical your professional opinion should I pursue this? thanks

Asked by brown about 11 years ago

Every county has only one medical examiner (or coroner). The other people doing autopsies are pathologists. They are all (almost always) doctors. So as long as you're okay with completing med school and then whatever residencies are required, it's never too late to change your life!

How difficult, or possible is it for a state lab to lift prints off a small baggie/residue found in an unattended purse,during a chaotic police raid, possibly handled by several, the prints needing to be good enough to be used as evidence in court?

Asked by pazley over 11 years ago

Wow, that's a really specific question. The answer is: you never know until you try. I don't have a lot of luck with plastic bags but my newer co-workers, who have a little more patience with fluorescent dyes than I do, often get good results. It doesn't matter to the fingerprint whether the purse was unattended or not and it doesn't matter how many people handled it, it matters how they handled it. As long as they picked it up by its very edge, they wouldn't harm anything. So it's perfectly possible to get a decent print off it, but I also would not be at all surprised if I didn't because, as I said, plastic bags are very hit-or-miss. Retrieving fingerprints is largely a matter of luck. That's why we never say never.

what causes bird foot injury to humans?

Asked by talha about 11 years ago

I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what that is.

Something really valuable got stolen from my hand bag . Is there a way that a forensic can be done for fingerprints so I can catch the culprit.

Asked by keshni about 11 years ago

See the first Q&A about fingerprints for more info, but purses (fabric, vinyl, leather) are not good surfaces for prints so you might be out of luck. Is there anything on or in the purse that they had to have touched (not just knuckled or pushed aside, actually gripped) that is smooth and glossy? And that hasn't been touched a number of times since? That might be a possibility.

What type of factors make it particularly hard to determine the time of death?

Asked by Lee over 11 years ago

Well, time and a moist environment definitely don't help, but I'm afraid that's a question for a pathologist. Sorry I can't be more help.

Would you often go home smelling like a cadaver? And health-wise, is a morgue extremely STERILE, or is it like a hospital i.e. just a cesspool of germs waiting to infect?

Asked by Jeremy almost 11 years ago

I'm sure I did. I actually don't have a good sense of smell, so it probably did get into my clothes and hair more than I realized. You keep smelling it yourself because it gets stuck on your nose hairs (according to popular wisdom) so a whiff comes back to you for a few hours afterward. 

ME and Coroner's autopsy rooms are very clean, but that is not the same as being sterile. Except for items used to collect samples for DNA analysis, sterility is not really such a factor--you can't infect the patient. They do take steps to keep from infecting the staff, of course. No food or drinks in the autopsy room, using 'clean' pens and 'dirty' pens, gloves and aprons. I've never heard of anyone catching any loathsome diseases from working there. 

how to become a sientices

Asked by john about 11 years ago

Stay in school and take lots of science courses.

Do you have a graduate degree? Is it true that nobody hires Ph.Ds for forensic positions? Have you met or dealt with forensic chemists?

Asked by Lindsey about 11 years ago

No, I have a BS in Biology, though one of my co-workers has a Master's in Forensic Science. PhDs are often hired for DNA work but yes, probably not for the average forensic position just because they would probably want a higher salary.

And yes, I knew a number of forensic chemists at the coroner's office because they would analyze the blood, urine and gastric on all deceased. They had BS's in chemistry. I don't know if they have forensic chemistry majors now, but they didn't then. At other labs chemists do all the drug testing on suspected substances.

Hope that helps!

Do you think the so-called CSI effect has changed the way evidence is collected and the lab tests that are done?

Asked by Marcus almost 11 years ago

Sorry--I answered this one earlier, I don't know why it didn't post. Anyway, I don't think it has changed anything about how we do things (assuming everyone was doing them properly in the first place). All it has done is increase the amount of paperwork that comes along with doing them. Which is a tedious thing, but not a bad thing. 


Asked by talha about 11 years ago

Please don't let your child surf the net unattended.

can I become a forensic scientist if I am doing betc science

Asked by john about 11 years ago

I'm sorry, I don't know what betc science is.

Applying to a Forensic Scientist (DNA) position and alil freaked about the polygraph test. I'm content with who I am but any way you can spill the beans to what kinds of questions/things are asked? Like are family members called in?Just anxious. lol

Asked by LandRover almost 11 years ago

They may ask if you've ever stolen from an employer, if you've taken illegal drugs, and if you've ever betrayed someone's trust. Answers have to be 'yes' or 'no' but they may let you explain. Just tell the truth and don't worry about it, it's perfectly normal to be nervous. And if they say some answers came up 'deceptive' you can dispute the point. During my polygraph, the blood pressure cuff was so tight it felt like it was cutting off my arm, so towards the middle I was in so much pain I think that affected the results. Then it began to go numb and the pain eased so there was a difference in the reading. So if you disagree with the results, go ahead and say so. 

They'll let you know if they're going to contact family or friends. 

can I become a forensic scientist if I have dyslxyia

Asked by john about 11 years ago

I don't see why not. I have a friend who has dyslxyia and he became a schoolteacher.

Re: semen stains on men's boxer-brief...Would the same size/area of garment stain be present after masturbation as for stain after intercourse without showering? Way to tell if vag secretions are present as well?

Asked by tinamh about 11 years ago

Wow, that's another really specific one...I don't see a way to tell whether the stain would be the same size, that would depend on time elapsed, intervening activity and personal habits. There is definitely a way to separate male from female cells however, so yes DNA analysis would identify both parties.

I'm working on my new crime novel, and I have question to ask. Is it possible to see,or how is possible to see if someone had sex with dead person (necrophillia).What's the procedure in the autopsy and what are traces of sexual abuse on corpse?

Asked by Boo Boo about 11 years ago

Again--pathologist's area of expertise, not mine. The foreign DNA should be simple enough to obtain but as for pre- or post-mortem...I would guess they might figure it out if there was tearing or damage that seemed post-mortem (no bleeding or bruising). Otherwise, I don't know. Sorry!

At a crime scene, how long do prints last if not disturbed?

Asked by Kevin almost 11 years ago

That depends a great deal on temperature and humidity. Assuming it's a good print in the first place, plenty of sweat and oils on the skin and a nice non-porous surface like glass or marble--then if the temperature is a bit on the coolish side with a little bit of humidity but not too much and above all steady, then the print can last for years. 

If a victim was hit by someone wearing a ring could the letters on the ring leave behind a mark in the bone? (A legible one)

Asked by Jay A almost 11 years ago

You'd really have to ask a pathologist or osteopath but I would very much doubt it--even at points where the bone is close to the skin (like the back of the hand) the skin would still provide too much cushioning. It would leave a bruise in the shape of the ring but probably not clear enough to be legible. 

If someone was murdered and the body left exposed to the elements for a three or four days then buried it, how would the body appear if dug up a week or so later? Bloated? Would the insect larvae be alive? Is it easy to tell what happened?

Asked by steve about 11 years ago

Sorry--I posted an answer to this but somehow it's not here now so...I'll answer again. This is really a question for a pathologist. I can tell you that there is a huge difference between bodies that are exposed and bodies or even parts of bodies that are not, so the pathogist may be able to tell that it was exposed first. Whether larvae would still be alive probably depends on temperature and how deeply the body had been buried.  

if I have trouble writing and reading can I stile be a forensic scientists.

Asked by john about 11 years ago

See above answer.

Hello, I was just wondering for my future, if I were to be married to a man in the military would that hurt my chances of getting a job as a forensic scientist? Or would i be able to transfer to a different place?

Asked by Halie about 11 years ago

I don't think it would hurt your chances as a forensic scientist any more than it would hurt your chances in any other profession, if a potential employer would be concerned that you might leave in a couple years. Almost all agencies are singular--I mean my city police department is just my city, and the state police is just our state--so there couldn't really be 'transfers' from one agency to another. It might be possible at a federal agency like the FBI, but that would be for agents--their forensic personnel are all contained in one or two places, so far as I know. Your best bet would be to talk to people who have the specific job you want, and ask them.

I was thinking about doing a course on sciences and forensics but just wondered what that would entail? If you know, could you tell me please?

Asked by Lauren almost 11 years ago

It depends on what the course is about, and the syllabus or course handbook should give a good description. I'm sure the teacher or professor is available for you to ask for more details. Good luck!

Is there a field or duty/job where a forensic scientist collects evidence from a crime scene, helps detectives at the crime scene while also doing the lab work for processing DNA and other evidence as well as reconstruction of crime scenes?

Asked by Jared almost 11 years ago

Sure, mine. Well, not DNA--I believe DNA is done by specialists who are kept busy enough that they don't have other duties. If your lab doesn't have enough personnel or casework for DNA then it would be sent to another lab. But otherwise, how general or specialized your casework is depends on the size of the agency/lab. If it's small, you do everything. If you have lots of personnel, they can specialize. 

re: long wait. We, including the cops, DA know who the shooter was. we have supposedly been waiting for over a year for forensics to come in to determine if it was self defense or not. does that change answer.

Asked by tiredofwaiting over 10 years ago

Sorry, I didn't realize the first time you weren't talking about DNA. I couldn't begin to guess what the holdup is. This sounds like they need a crime scene reconstruction, which would take all the available information to try to reconstruct the sequence of the crime. If the case gets passed to experts in different fields (ballistics, DNA, etc.) then it could take quite some time, and I have no idea how backed up the average good reconstructionist might be. I'm sorry I can't help. The DA or the cops would have to actually talk to the forensic person and ask. 

have you meant kathy reiches she is an isperation to me

Asked by shel over 10 years ago

I have not, but I would love to. 

I just noticed today that urine has been splattered all over my window from the outside. My room is reaping of urine odor as well. It's humid today. How would I collect this for evidence? I think it's been there for a few days now.

Asked by Leesa almost 10 years ago

Use 2 clean cotton swabs--try using just the swabs first, and if the drops just flake off, then you can moisten the swab with (preferably sterile) water. Or do it first thing in the morning when the window is damp with dew. Put the swabs in a clean envelope or small box, something NOT air tight.

I have been very interested in forensic science for awhile, but not sure if that is completely what I want to go to graduate school for. How did you get into this field. What are other career I could go into that are related with being a bio major?

Asked by Nat Weber over 10 years ago

I had a bachelor's degree in biology when I applied to the coroner's office in 1998. They required a degree in one of the natural sciences, and there were no forensic science degrees back then. Only you can decide what you want to go to graduate school for, but as for career requirements you might look at the American Academy of Forensic Science and the International Association for Identification and look at their job vacancy postings to see what they require. As for other degrees with a bio major, there are many private labs for DNA, drug testing, paternity testing, water and food standards analysis, etc. as well as hospital labs that might require. Again, look at job vacancy postings in all these areas--they should be easily found online and they should state the educational requirements. It will also let you see in what areas more jobs are available. 

Is there anything about your field that you don't like?

I heard that forensic scientist do not follow the case through to the end. Is that true and has that ever bothered you?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

Again, I don't like the stress of people asking for the impossible, then assuming you aren't delivering it because you're lazy. There are tons of cases I worked, especially at the coroner's office, where I never found out what happened--unless I'm called to testify in the trial, I have no idea if the killer was ever caught or if the case remains unsolved. The cops would tell me if I asked, but I forget to ask because by then there's new cases. There are fingerprint hits I've made where the person wasn't arrested, and I don't know if it's because the person had a good reason to be in the home, or if the prosecutor got cold feet, or whatever. I could probably find out if I tracked down the detective in charge and reminded them of the exact case, etc., but who has that kind of time? Then there are other cases that I do so much work on, go through a trial, and I know everything about them.

Hi! I was wondering, what is your favorite type of evidence to analyze?

Asked by Daisy76 over 9 years ago

Clothing is kind of interesting because there's so much variety to it and it can give you a lot of information, with blood, gunshot residue and holes made by weapons. I also enjoyed working with fibers because there is a lot of variety to them as well, and they're colorful, but often I'd have way too many and then it would get tedious. No one examines fibers any more, they're not unique enough.

If a vehicle is submerged in non clean lake for 3 weeks with windows open. Can police detect fingerprints

Asked by Jinu18 over 10 years ago

Possibly. Probably unlikely, but possibly. We would use Small Particle Reagent on a wet car as soon as it was removed from the lake.

If a glass door is slammed what side does the glass fall on

Asked by Dave almost 11 years ago

I have no idea. If a piece of glass is shot or hit with something, most of the glass should move in the direction of the force with some flying back toward the source. But I would think the entire piece is vibrating with a slammed door, so I really have no idea. 

what do you need as in doctorites or other thing to become a forensic anthropologist

Asked by shel over 10 years ago

I'm afraid I don't have any idea. I've never met one, only forensic anthropologists. At the coroner's office our forensic anthropologist was a professor at Kent State and would come up and give a report on our skeletal remains when requested. 

how typical is it to take a year or more for forensic results to be turned over to a DA? What can those waiting assume from the long wait.

Asked by Bob over 10 years ago

Repeat, see above. 

I am currently in a relationship with a man that was convicted of a felony about 4 years ago. How does this affect me as a forensics student?

Asked by Rachael over 10 years ago

As far as I know, it doesn't. As long as YOU weren't convicted of a felony.

Hey an ak47 assault rifle fired at close range, what are the possibilities of no blood spatter.

Asked by Jay about 10 years ago

How many shots and do they exit the body?

how typical is it to take a year or more for forensic results to be turned over to a DA? What can those waiting assume from the long wait.

Asked by tiredofwaiting over 10 years ago

How long it takes to get DNA results depends entirely on where you are sending them and how backed up they are. Our state lab used to take at least 6 months, but things have improved and now it is only a few months. However if we have a homicide that really needs quicker answers, sometimes they can do that. If the police department or state attorney's office are willing to pay (probably at least a grand. sometimes per sample) the samples can be sent to a private lab that can get results in as little as three days. It's expensive, but it also has to be a lab that is accredited and that the agencies trust. You can't assume anything from a long wait other than that the lab is backed up. They might have an overwhelming amount of cases, they might not have enough manpower, or they might not be efficiently run. It's impossible to guess. 

My daughter was murdered and possibly dismembered. We have not found her yet. Obviously What was done to her has the potential to help us find her. Because of markings on her found jawbone, we believe he dismembered her. How long would that take?

Asked by Kimberlyn about 10 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. I'm afraid I have no idea how long it would take to dismember a body. That would probably depend upon the extent of the dismemberment and the tools used.

How can you tell if a body has been frozen at the time of death and then moved to where it was actually found.

Asked by Brian Lu over 10 years ago

That's actually two different issues. Moving a body can be determined by lividity--the blood pools at the lowest points of the body and becomes fixed, so if the lividity is not consistent with the position of the body, you can tell it was moved. I believe a pathologist would be able to see the signs that a body had been frozen (provided of course it hasn't completely decomposed by the time it's discovered) but I couldn't tell you what they are. 

Have you ever testified in court?
I believe you have answered this question before but I could not find it posted.

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

Yes, about 60 times, and I may be going again this week. It's one of those 'doesn't rain but pours' kind of things. I might go twice in one week and then not again for months. It's incredibly frustrating, time-consuming, nerve-wracking and super not fun. You have no control over anything, not when you have to be there, not how long you have to be on the stand, not what kind of questions you'll be asked, and you get no warning of any of these things beforehand.

I will be going to college for Forensics soon and still kind of confused on what classes i should take. Should i strive for a bachelor's in chemistry or forensic science cause i think i read somewhere you don't really need forensic classes?

Asked by Dave over 9 years ago

That depends on where you want to work and what kind of work you want to do. If you want to be a DNA analyst, take biology and biochemistry and don't worry so much about general forensics. If you want to work crime scenes, then you might want a forensic sciences program. The best way to know is to call places you might want to work at--say your dream jobs, even if they're in another state--and ask them what they require and what they look for. That's the only way to know for sure.

can one work as both forensic archaeologist and pathologist too ?

Asked by over 10 years ago

I don't see why not. I'm sure a coroner's or medical examiner's would love to have a pathologist trained in excavating buried bodies and crime scenes. However if you want to work as a pathologist but also do archaology work for other agencies or take leaves to work on archaeological digs, you'd have to work for an agency that would be okay with you working as a pathologist part time. 

How do you determine if a body that was found in the water died from drowning or from another cause?

Asked by Matthew almost 10 years ago

That's a determination a pathologist is going to make, not me. But they have told me that drowning is sort of a process-of-elimination conclusion, since there may or may not be water in the lungs whether or not the person died of drowning.Sorry I can't be more help!

What do you find is the easiest part of your job? The hardest?

Asked by Nicole over 9 years ago

School project?

All our jobs vary wildly, so what's easy and hard for me might be completely different for, say, a toxicologist or medicolegal death investigator. For me I would say the easiest is working with fingerprints in the office. It's tedious and time consuming, but not hard. The hardest part is testifying in court, which is inconvenient, nerve-wracking and often insulting on a number of levels.

Any advice for someone trying to go into forensics? I believe I want to be in a lab analyzing evidence.

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

Take all the science courses you can and any kind of forensic-oriented laboratory courses.

Do you use helminthic parasites as a way of proving sexual crimes if the crime took place a long time ago?

Asked by Jenifer about 10 years ago

I'm sorry, I haven't had any experience with that.

What skills and abilities do you believe are needed for a forensics career?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

As I said above, patience, attention to detail, a tolerance for the more tedious parts of the job, and an affinity for science. A strong stomach helps but I knew guys who were homicide detectives for twenty years and still got queasy at the smell of a dead body, so don't let that stop you.

How has the evolution of forensic science affected the amount of cases being solved and how they are solved?

Asked by Danielle over 9 years ago

That's hard to say because I only know what goes on at my particular agency, and cases are solved in all different ways--by fingerprints, by pawning stolen goods, by eyewitness testimony, through the criminal's use of electronic devices. I think more cases are solved today because there have been advances in all areas, because the world has gotten a little smaller and because the general public is more aware of criminal activity.

i am currently studying a major in molecular biology with a minor in sociology with an emphasis in criminal justice. i would like to know if i am headed in the right direction to pursue a career as a forensic scientist

Asked by Gage Peters over 10 years ago

Just as a guess, it seems to me that molecular biology and sociology are pretty far apart, career-wise. With molecular biology I would expect you to go into DNA or some other kind of specialized analysis--which would be fabulous, but I doubt that you would also be doing crime scenes. My question is, would you like to work mostly in a lab or mostly at crime scenes? If mostly in a lab, then I think you are on the right track. The best way to know is to contact places you would like to work and ask them what their requirements are. Go for a tour if you can. This is also a great way to network and meet people. But most importantly, every agency will have different preferences based on their functions and positions. Best of luck!!

Exactly how does lumimol work?

Asked by Jailah over 10 years ago

I couldn't tell you the exact chemistry, but it reacts with the iron present in hemoglobin to indicate blood. However it also reacts with other oxidizing agents such as copper and horseradish. Unlike what you see on TV, we don't spray luminol and then use a UV light or some such thing. We make the room as dark as possible, spending a lot of time taping material over windows and door cracks and 'ready' lights, then spray the luminol.or Bluestar. It will glow on its own without any additional equipment, and won't last long. It can be photographed but that's a bit of work. It won't stain or harm anything.

Do you ever read about forensics investigations in the news and think they're doing something improperly, or drawing unfounded conclusions?

Asked by singher over 10 years ago

No, because simply from a news article you have no idea of everything that is going on. The officers might not be (should not be) telling reporters everything they know, in order to weed out truthful and untruthful witnesses. They're also not going to tell reporters (and if they did the reporters wouldn't write it) every last little boring tedious detail of everything they do. And information often gets garbled in translation, from crime scene to cops, from cops to the information officer, from the info officer to the press release, from the press release to the news article, from the neighbor looking over their fence and then talking to the reporter. That's just human.

Lots of time the story I get from Dispatch when they first call me turns out to be a totally different thing when I get there.

How much experience do you have?
Also, What is the best and hardest part of your job?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

I've worked in forensics since 1994. The best part of the job is making a fingerprint 'hit' that tells us who the bad guy is, or working a crime scene and finding or concluding something that helps explain what happened there. The worst part is being stressed by detectives or attorneys who want all the answers right now and don't understand what they're asking for, or testifying in court and having no idea what's going to be thrown at you.

do you have any advice for someone who's interesting in forensic science field?

Asked by Soph over 9 years ago

Yes, take all the science classes you can and try to visit local labs to see what the job is really like.

Does being an attractive female help or hurt your professional ability to carry out your assignments as a CSI?

Asked by Bill W. about 10 years ago

As much or as little as it does in any other profession. At least half if not most forensic techs are female, so it's not that uncommon to have attractive ones. Many moons ago I used to be one, so I know that sometimes it's helpful to have people open doors for you, and sometimes it's a royal pain in the neck.

What kind of writing do you do in your career as a forensic analyst? Evidence logs, what kinds of reports, etc?

Asked by Amanda over 9 years ago

We have worksheets or notebooks that we use to make notes at the scene, and we have worksheets that we sometimes use in the lab if we want to. Then the 'official' report, which is usually fairly simple, is typed into our computer system so that everyone in the department can view results or print it out for the attorneys. It will outline everything we did and any results obtained.

What is the most important piece of evidence at a crime scene?

Asked by Andrew over 9 years ago

Whatever points conclusively to the identity of the perpetrator. That could be a fingerprint or DNA or some personal item they used or their picture on a surveillance video.

Hi, I'm a criminal justice major and we are supposed to interview someone in the field we want to go in. many of my questions have been answered but I have a few more.
How did you get your jobs? Connections? Any specific procedure? Thank you

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

I've had two jobs in forensics and didn't have connections to get either. I didn't get a number of jobs because they were already planning to hire someone's brother-in-law, but I eventually got a position. The procedure is whatever the agency requires and they will all be different, so you need to check out the websites of any agency you would like to apply to. They will usually have a clearly defined process for application.

Hello! My name is Emily and I am doing a science fair project called "Is It Blood? I am testing different items with Hemastixs to see if they give a false positive result. How would these results be helpful to a forensic scientist?

Asked by Emily Earnhardt over 9 years ago

it is always helpful to know what will give a false positive result. Hemastix will also react with a few other substances, such as vomit for one. That's why it's called a prelimary test and not a confirmatory test. Good job!

Is there any job security in your field? Have you worked in any other fields of forensics? What were they like?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

I talked about what the coroner's office was like above. There's great job security if, as in any other field, you do a good job, you're fair and reasonable, you are empathetic to victims and suspects and other co-workers, and you're reliable and steady. People have to be able to depend on you.

I am writing a mystery. I need to know how long it would take a body to turn into a skeleton if it was locked in a soundproof windowless recording studio in a bungalow on the beach in Montauk NY. Thank you!!!

Asked by Kathleen Bridge over 10 years ago

Wow, that's specific. Unfortunately I can't really tell you--that's more of a pathology question. It takes a lot longer when the body is not exposed to the elements, so I would think at least a few years. I had a buried body that still had quite a bit of flesh after 2 years. I had a body in an attic that was a skeleton where it had been exposed and still had flesh where it had been wrapped in plastic after 3 years. The process will also be affected by temperature, so if the building is not heated then the heating/cooling cycle of the seasons will make it go slightly faster than if it were at a nice consistent A/C setting. Also if the room is very well sealed and the atmosphere is not very humid, the body might turn into a mummy instead of a skeleton. 

Do you have to be extremely smart to be a forensic scientist or is it more learning how everything works?

Asked by Kristen Scott over 10 years ago

Oh yes, I'm extremely smart. Just kidding! No, you don't have to be some kind of friggin' genius like you see on TV. You just have to be reasonably intelligent, reasonably sensible, reasonably observant, and have a good amount of attention to detail, respect for rules, and patience. It also helps to be pleasant and able to get along with people. Even though most of our victims are dead, the families, witnesses, cops and detectives are very much alive and under a lot of stress.

Do you have to enter the police force before you want to become forensic scientist?

Asked by nana almost 10 years ago

That depends on the requirements of the agency you work for. Some will require you to go through the police academy, many won't.

I have an interview coming up for forensic scientist,( chemistry), position with the DPS. I have a feeling that this might be different than an average interview.Can you offer any guidance or advice,please ?

Asked by d3ak over 10 years ago

If you could find out what kind of analyses they do, then be sure to point out your experience with that equipment, that would probably be helpful. They might have a summary online, or detailed in the job description, or if you know anyone who might work with them either at the lab or as a law enforcement officer you could ask them. Know what they mean by chain of custody. Good luck!!

At an outdoor crime scene, how damaging is rain? Will it wash away physical and biological evidence, or make collecting fingerprints and DNA harder? And does covering the scene with a tarp prevent that entirely or only partially?

Asked by Cassandra about 10 years ago

Yes, rain can be extremely damaging, if the evidence is something that can be washed away, like blood, fibers, fingerprints, small bits of anything, even bullet casings. Something permanent like a bullet hole, not so much. It depends on what the evidence is and how hard it rains. A (fresh!) tarp can help unless it's something wet, like blood spatter, that a tarp would smear.

You just answered my question, was looking into being a forensic technician, analyzing the bodies at the scene, maybe even look at them after. Would you think a major in biology be a smart move? Minor in criminology? Along those lines?

Asked by Taylor M over 9 years ago

If you're working with the bodies then you'd probably be a medicolegal death investigator. You might want to check out their organization: this page: of luck!

I want to become a crime scene investigator but I'm not sure how to get going on that, I am in college study in criminal justice, what should I do? Do I have to become a place officer? And what would disqualify me from becoming a csi? Thank you!

Asked by Joy keirstead about 10 years ago

Every agency--police departments, M.E. offices, state police--has their own rules and requirements. The best thing to do is check the websites or contact the agencies where you'd like to work and ask them.

Has anyone ever done 3D construction of a skull from an MRI/CT of a living person with a 3D printer then had a blinded facial reconstruction done from the model to test accuracy of the procedure?

Asked by Andy about 9 years ago

I'm sorry but I have absolutely no idea. We don't have anything like those types of facilities where I work.

What is your typical day like?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

When I was at the coroner's office, a typical day would be examining victim's clothing from a homicide or suicide, typing blood samples and testing gunshot residue samples. Now at the police department, a typical day is spent in front of the computer putting in latent prints that the officers or I have lifted from items and searching for a match, or checking past searches of new people put in the system. Then I might go out to process a burglary scene.

What type of hours do you work? What made you go into the filed of Forensic Science and what is your typical day like?

Asked by catdoglover57 over 9 years ago

I work 4 10 hour days, but previously I've worked 8-5 Mon-Fri and on rotating 12 hour shifts from 6 am to 6 pm. It all depends on what's needed. I love investigation but didn't want to be a cop. A typical day depends entirely on where you work and what you do. If you do only crime scenes, you might have to go out to a car accident, a suicide and an industrial accident. If you're a DNA analyst, you'll spend all day in the lab with test tubes. If you're a fingerprint examiner like me, you might spend 8 hours in front of a computer looking at fingerprints. At a smaller department like mine you might do all three things in one day. Or any of the above might spend all day sitting at the courthouse waiting to testify. So there really is no such thing as a typical day.

Say that there was a crime scene with trama to the head and bleeding from the head and specialist forgot to take the temperature of that body, what is another way to determine the time of death?

Asked by bryce about 10 years ago

Time of death is not determined as precisely as it is on television, I know, and they often use a number of factors to make an estimate such as when the person was seen last, mail piling up at the door, rigor mortis, lividity, etc. But honestly a pathologist could answer that question much more accurately than I could. They are the ones that determine TOD.

Two questions, really :) If a character shoots someone who later gets away and there is blood left in the snow, would that blood be of any use for a DNA analysis? And if so how should it be collected?

Asked by Kylie Brant over 9 years ago

Sorry I didn't answer this sooner! I'm sure the blood could be used for DNA analysis, and it should be collected in a sterile vial or bottle. But then it would need to be refrigerated.

If I would like to work as a Forensic Scientist, how many years will it takes me and in what am i going to study?

Asked by Ally over 10 years ago

That depends entirely on where you want to work and what they require. At the coroner's office they required a bachelor's degree in one of the natural sciences like biology or chemistry. Where I work now, they only require a high school diploma, but give extra points in the interviewing process for higher education so we all have at least a bachelor's. If you want to do DNA work in a laboratory they will probably want you to have a master's or PhD in genetics. If you want to do crime scene work they might want an associate's or bachelor's in forensic science. So there is no one simple answer to that question.

What do you think is the most essential invention in forensic science for solving crimes?

Asked by Danielle over 9 years ago

1) The camera.2) Fingerprint science. 3) DNA analysis.

if you find dog hair at a crime scene, is it possible to tell what kind of dog it came from?

Asked by dani over 9 years ago

Yes, if you could find a microscopic hair analyst with a library of dog breed hairs, they could narrow the breed down. And if you got a DNA sample from the actual dog then DNA analysis could tie it to that specific dog.

Do you plan on trying to get a job in another field of forensics in the future?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

No, I'm happy where I am.

Where do you see forensic science in the next ten years?

Asked by Mariana about 10 years ago

DNA and fingerprints will still be the main forms of identification, but the focus on video, computers, social media and phone evidence will continue to expand. Anything that's not absolutely yes or no such as gunshot residue, fibers, maybe bitemarks will be discontinued.

When examining a fingerprint, do you lift the print first then swab for DNA?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

That's always a good question. Black powder or superglue will not ruin the DNA, so we can photograph the print and then swab for DNA. Usually we're swabbing areas that we wouldn't normally be able to get a print from (like textured steering wheels or rough gun grips or the edge of a plastic bottle that someone drank from) so we do one or the other.

Can a forensic anthropologist tell from skeletal cremains if the individual had been sexually assaulted?

Asked by Avialane about 9 years ago

I don't know. I wouldn't think so, but that's really not my area.

Hello! I'm writing a career paper for college about forensic scientists. I was wondering if I could interview you and ask a few questions? My email is Thank you!

Asked by Danielle B over 9 years ago

See above.

How long can GSR last on clothing or on a person?

Asked by Jailah over 10 years ago

On the shooter's hands, not very long. When we did GSR testing we would not do it if more than 4 hours had elapsed since the shooting. On clothing, it could depend on the type of material and how far away the item was--if it's a smooth fabric it would probably brush right off, but a more fuzzy type of thick material might get some particles stuck in it.

That was talking about primer residue. Gunpowder residue is bigger, heavier, and hot so it can fuse to some fibers or get 'stuck' to the item by the victim's blood.

Hi I wounder how far has sience in forensics reached. Do you today have the ability to se emosional marks in the air? Strong emosions can leave a mark. like a fight that some sensetiv people can feel in a room even after it took place.

Asked by Jenifer about 10 years ago

I have never heard of that.

Hello Ms. Lisa Black! I am a highschool student doing a research project and was wondering if you have time for questions i need for my assignment due this Friday 11/13/15
My email is:
I really hope to hear from you soon!!

Asked by Lillian Nguyen over 9 years ago

Okay, I am emailing you.

Girl claims rape, boy says didn't happen. DNA came back inconclusive from rape kit except something in girls underwear they say is boys. How is that possible when nothing was discovered on girls body of boys, anywhere?

Asked by Momma over 9 years ago

Because human bodies are in constant flux. Cells slough off, fluids wash out other fluids, but a stain on a piece of cloth doesn't change.

I have read information regarding chemical enhancement techniques to view fingerprints in blood, however this got me thinking, does the use of fingerprint enhacement techniques such as powders suspension harm the confirmatory test for blood

Asked by Emily over 10 years ago

No. Almost all blood enhancement reagents will not destroy the blood for DNA testing. I don't think it would affect confirmatory tests either, but If we wanted to do a confirmatory test for blood such as phenolphthalein we would probably just do it on a spot where the marks were smeared or otherwise not useful as fingerprints.

how can you identify from a random dna sample that the sample belongs to a human being, not an animal? lets say that you find a DNA sample and now you have to identify that this dna sample is of a human or an animal or cannot be classified at all

Asked by Rabi almost 10 years ago

I actually don't know how a DNA analyst tells human from animal DNA, but I don't think it's very difficult. We have an easy field test called Hexagon OBTI that can tell animal from human blood in a matter of minutes.

Approximately how many cases do you think you have solved in the last year?

Asked by Danielle over 9 years ago

I don't solve cases. Detectives solve cases. I suppose I actually 'solve' them when I get a fingerprint hit for a burglary where there would have been no other way to ever identify the burglar. That happens maybe 5-10 times a year. Otherwise forensic science is usually confirming or eliminating factors that are already suspected, and often provides information (say, what caliber of gun was used or where the burglar got into the house) that doesn't point to the identity of the criminal but adds details to the overall event.

where could i go to ask a question about a bone that was found that resembles a femur?

Asked by JayBee over 9 years ago

The coroner's or medical examiners office, or find a college with an anthropology major and ask one of the professors.

If somone ejaculated in a girls or guys mouth they swallow can u find dna can it be found in 5 hoursborbis itbalredy gone

Asked by jim about 9 years ago

i don't know. It would be worth a try.

Thank you so much for responding so fast. I really appreciate it. I have only a few more questions.

Are there any shows that you watch that are more accurate and show what forensic scientist really do?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

I don't really watch any except the ones on the ID channel, and those are mostly about the investigation. But when they do mention forensic evidence, they're accurate.

Was just wondering what it took to become a forensic scientist, what did you have to take in college, what major?

Asked by Taylor M. over 9 years ago

It all depends on where you want to work and what they require. At the coroner's office we all had at least a bachelor's degree in a natural science like biology, because there were not any forensic degrees then. If you want to be a DNA analyst you will probably need to major in genetics or biochemistry. At the police department where I work, with our very small lab, we are only required to have a high school diploma--but you get extra points in the interview process for advanced degrees so we all have at least a bachelor's.Hope that helps.

Can a forensic Scientist help me solve this quetsion? There was only one murderer.

Asked by Sujee Pundaisen over 9 years ago

I'm afraid I'll need some more details than that.

Can a 9mm use 38 bullets

Asked by Dianna over 9 years ago

No. A .357 can shoot .38 bullets (not vice versa, or the gun will blow up) but 9mm can't shoot 38 bullets because they're shaped a little differently. It's confusing because what we call .38 caliber are actually .357, and 9mm is actually .380--in size, but a 9mm gun cannot shoot .380 bullets. You would have to read the forensic report carefully and maybe ask for clarification. I've never worked in ballistics, so perhaps there's a chance that the report is saying that the projectile had a .380 diameter, not that it was a .380 bullet, in which case it could have come from a 9mm gun?

When did you know that forensics was for you?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

After I spent 10 years as a secretary, bored out of my mind. I always liked mysteries and I liked science, but I never really thought about putting them together until long after my first round at college.

If a baby was born 53 years ago, 7 1\2 months gestation and was stillborn, then wrapped in aluminum foil and buried, if you could find it would there be any human tissue left to prove it was a chld? I want to bring him home and put him with his moth

Asked by martha1954 almost 10 years ago

I'm sorry, I"m sure I answered this question months ago, I don' t know why it didn't post. The answer is there's no way to guess, a doctor would have to look at it. If there's no tissue, DNA might possibly be obtained from bones or teeth.

What is the first thing you look for at a crime scene?

Asked by Lilly123 over 9 years ago

It depends on the crime, but in general I guess you look for how the perpetrator got in, how they got out, and what they disturbed while they were there. Then I look for what we could get information from (such as surfaces that they had to touch that are smooth and glossy and might have prints, whether they left blood or bodily fluids behind that could be tested, whether they wrote something or used something that could point to their identity, etc.).

I asked my question incorrectly. My son is going on trial for raping his ex wife. She wouldn't let him have most of his clothes back. Could she wet his dirty undies and smear old sperm on herself before a rape kit?
His sperm was found on her thigh.

Asked by Janet about 10 years ago

Unless he actually ejaculated in his underwear, I don't see why there would be sperm in underwear he simply wore. But maybe that's one of those questions about men I'd just rather not know! I'm also not sure that semen would go back into solution when re-wetted like sugar or salt. So it might be possible, for all I know, but you'd probably have to ask a serologist or DNA technician. I'm sorry I can't be more help.

My brother-in law, 24y.o. healthy male is with friends chat/laughing and laughs extra long, stops, head hangs down. Within minutes he passes away. At the time, drinking an energy drink and ate a peanut bar before. Post mortem, just scorched stomach??

Asked by Curious almost 10 years ago

I'm sorry, I wouldn't have any idea. You'd have to ask a pathologist.

Is it possible to get someone else's DNA on underwear from a toilet seat... As in touching bowl when sitting?

Asked by Momma over 9 years ago

If there was semen on the toilet seat and it was still wet and sticky enough to stick to skin and then be transferred to underwear, then I suppose it would be possible.

Is there technology that you use in your lab or technology that you have heard of that you find interesting?

Asked by Renee over 10 years ago

I'm very interested now in phone number 'spoofing' that the telephone scammers use to call us, but the technology is a little beyond my ken. Actually a lot beyond my ken. I have a co-worker who could explain it but we never have time.

Hi Ms. Lisa. My name is Candace and I really want to become a forensic scientist. How long does it take and is it worth it? I've spent all my life in a morgue. I love it all and does it pays well?

Asked by Candace Mckenzie about 9 years ago

let me try to answer these one by one:You will need at least a 4 year degree, most likely. It's well worth it if you really enjoy the work. Nothing in the public sector pays as well as the private sector.If you've spent all your life in a morgue, you probably already know a few forensic scientists. The best thing to do is talk to them and see what the requirements are in the places you want to work.

what technologies do they use for fingerprinting identification

Asked by nikki almost 10 years ago

There are numerous techniques for obtaining fingerprints from surfaces--black powders, colored powders, alternate light, superglue, dye staining. Once you can visualize the print, comparing one to another is done by noting all the information (where ridges end, divide, form a dot, have a scar, etc.) in one pattern and comparing it to another print's pattern. This can be done by a computer so that thousands to millions of prints can be searched quickly, all day, every day, all over the world, but is always confirmed by human beings. Despite what you see on TV!

If the results from a forensic report cums back an says that 501through 507 was fired from the same gun which is a 9mm an then it says 508 and 509 that was removed from the victim caliber 38 class bullet is this saying that there was more than one gu

Asked by Dianna over 9 years ago

See above answer.

my ex husband put tramadol to his Sprite drink and personally sent the specimen to the forensic lab on Aug 24; which was as dated as Received by the lab but the label in the specimen bottle was Aug 19.
My question is what was the time lapse? help

Asked by Clarity over 9 years ago

I'm sorry but I have no idea. You'll have to ask the lab. I'd love to know myself--I'd also love to know why your ex drugged his own drink and then paid to have a lab analyze it.

Can an angry woman use an old pair of underwear to smear dna before doing a rape kit?

Asked by Janet about 10 years ago

See next question.

Have you ever gotten emotionally attached to a case?

Asked by Jordan Hall over 9 years ago

No. There are cases and victims that I feel sorrier for than others, but nothing reaching the level that I would call emotionally involved. Everything is over by the time I get there, and then I don't usually see the victims or other parties again so there isn't an opportunity to bond.

I have a question relating to forensic anthropology. Do these scientists consider transgender people when identifying a victim? Crimes against transgender people are silent ones. They could be looking for the completely wrong gender of a victim.

Asked by Kamryn about 9 years ago

I would think that would become obvious at the autopsy. If the victim is not dead, say missing, then that information would most likely come to light when they talk to the victim's doctor or family members.

could you please answer these questions for a project i am doing about career opportunities
a. Describe the working environment
b. Are you working with others or independently working?
c. Does the career involve working in a lab, with people or both

Asked by jejeh about 9 years ago

a) I work at a police department. We have a small lab with equipment for processing for fingerprints and the rest of the office is regular office stuff--desks, computers, supply cabinet, coffee machine.We work mostly days, with someone on call tonight. b) Both. I work on my own for most call-outs and working on pieces of evidence, but for larger cases then we work as a team. c) Both, again. We have a lab but I probably spend only 5-10% of my time, on average, in there.

Hey, I'm very interested in becoming a forensic scientist myself. May I ask, what kind education is necessary to become a forensic scientist. Also where did you apply for your job? Did you go through private training after you were hired?

Asked by Zachary Assante almost 9 years ago

If you look through previous answers you'll find a number pertaining to this. Each agency and position may have different requirements so the only way to know is to call the places you are interested in working at and ask them. For my current job I only need a high school diploma but we all have at least a Bachelor's degree. If you want to do DNA analysis they may require a PhD. I applied to the police department that posted the vacancy. Most have online postings now so it's pretty easy. Yes, I've had a lot of continuing education through other police departments and forensic organizations.

What requirements do you need to become a forensic scientist?

Asked by stephanie about 9 years ago

It depends entirely on where you work. The requirements are whatever your employer says they are (same with your job title). DNA analysts are often required to have a PhD in genetics. At the coroner's I had to have a BS in one of the natural sciences. At my police department they only require a high school diploma, but give extra points for advanced schooling so we all have BSs. The best way to get an idea is to go to different agencies' websites and look at help wanted postings.

Is there anything wrong with having glasses or contact lenses if you want to be a forensic scientist? Will it interfere with your chances at being hired?

Asked by Barry89 over 9 years ago

No. I've worn glasses since the 5th grade and had no trouble being hired.

Hello! Is there a way that I could get a chance to interview a forensic scientist for a college paper of mine?

Asked by Danielle B over 9 years ago

Yes, I'll email you.

Can cooled oil impregnated towels self ignite?

Asked by michael almost 9 years ago

I very much doubt anything self-ignites, but I'm not an expert on explosives. But where oil is concerned I'm fairly sure you would need a spark to ignite it.

My brother was kill and they said it was an accident. His arm was nearly torn from his body but there is very little blood at the scene. How much blood should have been present?

Asked by autumndawn almost 9 years ago

See above.

Is it possible to find any semen or blood samples in an abusing crime scene after a while ? Certainly the scene is being cleaned by the janitors but even so with luminol or Christmas Tree Stain can any results of the criminal identity still be found ?

Asked by Mekos about 9 years ago

Who knows? It all depends on where the samples were and how thoroughly the surface was cleaned. If blood was on a glass window and it was thoroughly cleaned, then all of it is probably gone for good. If it's a porous bare wood, then probably not...unless it was thoroughly soaked with a bleach solution. If it's a large area, even if it's cleaned there might still be some left in the nooks and crannies--like in a tile floor, the ceramic may be clean but the more porous grout between the tiles might hold a substance. So there is no way to say it's always possible or it's always not possible. PS Luminol helps you find blood. Christmas Tree stain is used to stain a dried semen sample on a glass slide. It doesn't help you find the semen in the first place.

Is their an industry standard test to test for purification of blood on a forensic swab after a hematrace test results negative.

Asked by martin over 9 years ago

I don't understand what you mean by 'purification of blood.'

Writing a novel: How long could dead bodies go undetected in an air conditioned storage unit? Assuming the people who leased it paid in cash and were unattached to their location (so basically no one is looking for them).

Asked by WriterGal almost 9 years ago

I'm sorry I can't give you any concrete timelines (a pathologist would know better than I) but I would think at least a couple of days. Air conditioning would definitely make the smell more tolerable than no air conditioning, but still storage units usually have just enough A/C to keep high heat and humidity from causing mold or causing problems with electronics. That's not the same thing as refrigeration. It might also depend on how close the bodies are to the door. People walking by might catch a whiff of something bad but assume that an errant mouse or cat somehow died inside. Thinking that, passers-by might be reluctant to open the door to someone else's property. The storage unit owners, even seeing it unlocked, might try to at least contact the client first, maybe calling the home and the guy's cell which of course he's not answering. Honestly you could probably make it anything you wanted--if you want it discovered quickly, put the unit at the front of the property or give it a fussy neighbor client who visits that same week. If you want it to be a long time, put it at the rear of the property where no other clients visited their units and all units lead to an outer door that didn't show any signs of damage (because both victims and husband entered with their assigned passkey) so the storage unit employees never had a reason to enter to notice either a smell or an unlocked unit. Good luck!

What are the things we should be looking for in an abusment case,what are the good evidence of the crime scene ? Semen,blood ..?

Asked by Mekos about 9 years ago

I don't know what you mean by 'abusement'. Like child abuse, or sexual abuse? Basically you look for whatever confirms or refutes the victims' story or your theory of the crime. First was the suspect at the right location at the right time for this crime to have occurred--you look at receipts, witness statements, GPS, anything that puts the relevant people in the right places. Then is there physical evidence of the alleged action occurring--bruises, blood, semen, a weapon found at the location. Then is that evidence tied to the suspect by DNA or other means?

Hi. I am interested in becoming a Forensic Scientist and I am a senior in high school. I had a few questions and was wondering if I could get your phone number or email address to ask you those questions. Thanks

Asked by Rana over 9 years ago

I am so sorry I didn't get back to you earlier! I can be reached through my website at

Though if you look through previous questions and answers, you might find that someone has already asked what you would like to know.

what are two challenges that you have to overcome? how do you overcome those challenges?

Asked by Ayah about 9 years ago

Having to testify in court, which is the most awful kind of public speaking ever because there are people there trying to make you look incompetent. You deal with it by practicing and preparing and training yourself not to take it personally. The other challenge is learning to communicate, in different ways with different groups. With victims and family/friends of victims, you have to be empathetic without talking to them about the investigation, because that's the detective's job. With co-workers, detectives and cops, you have to give them all the information they need or want without bruising their egos. This takes practice and focus.

If somone ejaculated in a girls or guys mouth they swallow can u find dna

Asked by jim about 9 years ago

Possibly, depending on the time elapsed.

Can you tell from skeletal cremains if a person was assaulted?

Asked by Avialane about 9 years ago

If bones survive the cremation process and show signs of physical trauma (such as fractures), then yes.

I can't use my own email at the moment, but my teacher is allowing me to borrow her email. I hope you don't mind.

Asked by Highschoolstudent over 8 years ago

Okay, I emailed you.

Does the pericardium fill with blood upon expiration or after expiration, or at all after death

Asked by g.hill over 9 years ago

I'm sorry but I would have no idea. You'd have to ask a pathologist.

why we use alleles frequence instead of single short tandem repeat when we want to match dna crime to suspect

Asked by atheer almost 9 years ago

As far as I know--and I am not a DNA expert--multiplying the frequencies of each allele tested is what gives us the astronomically high numbers of elimination of people having that same set of alleles. A SET of data points eliminates many more people than a single data point, in other words.

what is the worst part of being a forensic scientist? Is there any reason why you would quit being a forensic scientist?

Asked by Ayah about 9 years ago

Apart from the physical hardships (bad smells, having to get out of bed in the middle of the night, sometimes having to work 16-20 hour days), the worst part is what would be the worst part in any job--problem co-workers or bad management. Happily I don't have issues like that right now, but if a really horrible management staff were hired in, that might make me quit or at least look for another agency.

If a gunshot wound to the head beginning under the chin and traveling slightly right to left and front to back was a 9mm and exited through a hat, would it be normal to not have blood splatter in the hat and why would area around hole in hat be gray?

Asked by Charlie almost 9 years ago

In general and barring other explanations, if the area around a hole caused by a bullet is gray that is caused by fouling, or vaporized lead from the bullet exiting the gun within approximately 6 inches of the hole. That would indicate that the hole is an entrance. Is the gray on the inside or the outside of the hat? I can't explain why there would not be blood on the hat (again, are we talking the inside or the outside?) unless it was literally blown off the head before the blood began to spill, but that is unlikely in the case of an exit I would think.

I have an old leather scabbard,from my fathers Marine Kbar knife, is want to know how to bring out the writing on the back, i tried using paper, and rubbing with graphite, any other suggestions?

Asked by Al Tyler about 9 years ago

I don't know too much about indented writing but I would suggest using alternative light sources like IR or UV.

A dead body that has been found after an extended period of cold weather has "gooseflesh" and is apparently frozen to the point that autopsy has to wait a day. Did that person die while in rigor, since gooseflesh is a characteristic of rigor?

Asked by Jimmy Conway over 9 years ago

I did not know gooseflesh was a characteristic of rigor, and if I'm understanding rigor to mean rigor mortis then of course they'd already be dead before reaching that stage. But as for how likely it is that pre-mortem gooseflesh would remain after death or be affected by freezing after death, I'm afraid you'd have to ask a pathologist. I don't have the expertise to answer that.

what courses do you recommend to take in collage and what would be good tips for the classes

Asked by stumped student about 8 years ago

You can't go wrong with science classes. When I was in college they didn't have courses specifically in forensic science, so that wasn't an option. Look especially for classes where you can do hands-on work in the lab or field. And different agencies will have different requirements, so you might want to go online and check out the different vacancies to get some idea of what requirements are out there.

My friend has been sleeping in a loft in his garage for 20 years. Recently he "fell from the loft" apparently while sleeping not once but two times 4 months apart. What are common injuries from a fall about 6-7 Ft H ft sleeping I have suspesions

Asked by Cassie almost 9 years ago

I'm afraid you'd have to ask a doctor. I'm not an expert in that area, but I could make a guess that it depends a great deal on what he lands on when he falls. Also, has anything in the loft changed recently? Maybe he rearranged the furniture so his bed is closer to the edge?

I have to interview a forensic scientist as part of my math class in Jr High. Can you tell me how you use math in forensic science. I googled the textbook answer, but would like a real persons answer.please

Asked by EJ almost 9 years ago

We use math in calculating point of orgin of bloodstain patterns. The sin of the angle of impact equals the width over the length of the blood stain. When we have a group of bloodstains on a surface like a wall or floor we can use this to calculate the point of origin. Also the fingerprint database searching uses complicated algorithms to rank fingerprint matches in terms of similarity. Forensic chemists probably use math more than I do--for example, to calculate the amount of alcohol in a person's blood. I hope that helps!

Am I allowed to have facial hair like a beard for example in the field of forensic scientist?

Asked by jason gonzalez almost 9 years ago

I'm sure you are, since most positions are civilian positions without those kinds of restrictions.

When a child is hit by a car and killed, why would cops put a child going 500ft, without road rash or clothes tore to hell. Only blood back of head, no visible marks. But the car actually looks like a sledge hammer hit it. She would of hit the car fa

Asked by Brandy Daugherty almost 9 years ago

See below.

How has no one asked you about the new OJ knife yet lol?? If there WAS blood or other DNA on it, just how long before it would degrade to undetectable levels? And might the tech be avail in the FUTURE (thus we should keep the knife for testing then?)

Asked by OJOJOJ about 9 years ago

Unfortunately, I cannot answer any of these!1. No one has asked me about the new OJ knife, and in any event I don't know any more than anyone else who has read the papers. 2. That's impossible to say. It would depend on what kind of DNA evidence is there, what the soil was like around the object and how exposed it would be to elements like rain and heat. If it were simply buried in the yard I would think it highly unlikely that anything could be recovered after all this time, but we never say never. 3. I have no idea what the future holds. More technology might be able to detect ever tinier amounts of DNA, but it can't construct DNA where none exists. Sorry if that's not too enlightening!!

what is the most gruesome case you have ever worked with and was the person ever caught

Asked by gael luna about 9 years ago

Probably either a (small) plane crash or a shotgun blast. The first was an accident and the second was a suicide, so I suppose you could say the person was caught.

Research for a novel. If one could behead others with a perfectly clean, precise, magical cut, how would that stand out from a beheading by a blade?

Asked by Adelle over 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I have no idea. You'd have to ask a pathologist about wound appearance. Sorry I can't be more help.

Also note that it appears that only the protectant layer was remover that the bar code sorda fadded/rubbed away.

Asked by Laray kirker over 8 years ago

See above.

Hello! I'm writing a research paper about Forensic Scientist and I was wondering if I could ask a few questions? My email is Thank you!

Asked by Red almost 9 years ago

Sure, I'll email you!

HI Ms Black, can you please give me a short summary about forensic analysis? its for a high school project and i need all the additional info that i can get.... my email is Thank You!!! :))

Asked by John over 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean by "a summary about forensic analysis." I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific than that.

Hello! I am doing an experiment on what common household substances oxidize luminol other than blood (and might interfere with an investigation). i was wondering if you had any personal experiences with this happening or any advice you could share!:)

Asked by Jessica over 8 years ago

Vomit, horseradish, copper (as in pennies) and some cleaning compounds can also give a positive luminol reaction.Good luck on your project!

Can u email me, I have a mountain of evidence that points in a bigger crime than a death I have bunch of pictures for u to look at

Asked by Brandy Daugherty almost 9 years ago

I'm sorry but as I say below I am not trained in automobile accidents, so I wouldn't know any more than anyone else about how to determine what happened during the accident. I'm sorry for your loss.

I am considering applying for a forensic scientist tech job but am not sure about the hours. I know that the job can entail working non-traditional hours including on call, but is it very often that you work those types of hours?

Asked by Tara almost 9 years ago

That all depends on where you work. If it's a large department and shifts are covered 24 hours, you might not have on-call times but might have to work late when on a scene. As to how often I actually have to take a call, that is totally unpredictable. Sometimes I can work a whole weekend without a single call, overtime or otherwise, and other times you're out all night. If you have a situation like child-care concerns or something where call-outs could be a problem, you're going to want to be aware of that. The best way to know is call the places you'd like to consider working and ask.

How much pressure per square inch. If a child is struck by a car, left fender without the car stopping, what is the likeliness of that child going 500ft ove two lanes of traffic.

Asked by Brandy Daugherty almost 9 years ago

Please see above.

Do you believe that more could be done to improve dna testing

Asked by kerrie dunbar about 9 years ago

Improved in what way?

What is the biggest problem for you in the medical field?

Asked by Alex almost 9 years ago

I'm not really in the medical field, so I don't know how to answer that. Can you clarify?

I'd like to know what is the biggest pain you deal with as a Forensic Scientist?

Asked by Jack almost 9 years ago

Officers who talk their sergeants into calling us out to a scene for five minutes of processing because they don't want to use the fingeprrint kits that they've been issued for just that purpose.

I am doing a research project on possible career options and my chosen career is Forensics, I am hoping that I may interview you. I have a series of questions I would like to address.
My email is
Please and thank you.

Asked by Esther over 8 years ago

Okay I will email you.

Can u prove the difference betwwen pubic hair and chaset hair or facial hair

Asked by jim amdiny about 9 years ago

Yes, there are visible differences (under a microscope) between the different kinds of body hair.

Have you ever done wax reconstruction to a person whose face was messed up? Is it likely u could mold a face with the person before they die, could u put a wax figure in the casket and it would pass for a dead person.

Asked by Brandy Daugherty almost 9 years ago

I have not because I am not trained in facial construction. We did have a case in which we had a reconstruction done on a skull which helped identify the person. As for the casket, I don't see why not, depending upon the skill of the wax worker.

Hi I was just wondering can I get a job as a DNA analyst. If I get a degree in microbiology with a minor in criminal Justice

Asked by Diamond almost 9 years ago

Requirements for a position are up to the agency doing the hiring. The best way to know is to check their websites for open position announcements, or contact them and ask.

My brother was killed. I believe he was murdered. His left arm was nearly severed from his body and his left mastoid process was crushed. The blood at the scene was descibed as an 8in in diameter patch. How much blood should have been at the scene?

Asked by autumndawn almost 9 years ago

I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Unfortunately I have no idea how much blood there should be, you'd have to ask a pathologist, but from my experience I can guess it would depend on two things--what kind of surface was he on--concrete, tile, carpet, dirt? Also, how long the heart kept pumping after the injury. I have seen gunshot victims where they barely bled at all, and others were completely soaked practically head to toe. So there are a number of factors that will affect this.

Hello, I am In high school & I'm doing a project where I have to ask about 8 questions to a forensic scientist, if you are willing to answer them that would be great & if you can email me that would be even better, thanks!

Asked by Breanne Ruiz almost 9 years ago

Sure, I will email you.

Hi i am struggling with coming up with a science fair idea and my main interest is in the forensic field and with Dna, I need guidance with an idea on fingerprints or dna analysis... Please and thank you

Asked by stewy over 8 years ago

I would be happy to help you. Please email me off list at and tell me what you need help with, for instance: How involved does this have to be? Do you need to do just a demonstration or an actual experiment?

Hi, i am currently studying a degree in forensic science, i just wanted to know if you have any knowledge of different techniques used around the world in crime scene environments. Specifically between the Netherlands and the uk.

Asked by Ryan Williamson almost 9 years ago

That's a good question but I'm afraid I have no idea since I've never worked anywhere except the U.S. I would guess that the scientific techniques would all be basically the same but the administrative aspects (paperwork, how reports are worded, what is done in which types of cases etc.) would vary.

I am writing a screenplay & need to do some forensic & CSI
research like ID & lab storage of
a decomposed severed head.
Would appreciate any help you might offer.
Thanks Don

Asked by Don Tamborine about 9 years ago

Okay, i'll email you.

a car VW jetta traveling at 30 or 40 mph hits a 67" tall 160 pound woman how far will she be thrown.

Asked by Sarah over 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I have no idea. You'd have to ask an accident investigator.

how long does it take to become a forensic scientist?

Asked by ali almost 9 years ago

If you look over previous answers, you'll see that it depends upon the requirements of where you want to work. My job requires only a high school diploma but gives extra points for college degrees, so we all have at least a BS. A larger lab might require a BS. If you're doing DNA work they might require a PhD. The only way to know for sure is to call a few places you might be interested in and ask what they require. Best of luck!

When looking at a murder scene, could you simpky check the body for fecal matter or urine in their groin area to see if that is where the murder took place?

Asked by Quincy almost 8 years ago

I think you mean to check for that wherever they're lying to see if the body had been moved?

Well, not everyone evacuates upon death. Also the clothing absorbs most of it, and any that leaks through could also have leaked through after being moved. But yes, that could be an indication that the body had been moved just as bloodstains would.

Hope that helps!

Can you test for how long dna evidence is present. Like if I cut myself on accident three days ago could you time stamp that without me telling you how long ago the accident happened.

Asked by PF over 8 years ago

No. There is no time stamp on DNA, so far as I know.

how often is DNA/fingerprint evidence actually left behind at crime scenes?

Asked by danielle almost 9 years ago

That's impossible to say, since there's no way to know if perhaps it was left but simply not discovered. Perhaps they touched something that didn't appear out of place so we didn't fingerprint it. Perhaps they touched everything but have very dry skin so they didn't leave prints. Perhaps they left DNA on the steering wheel of a stolen crime but we didn't collect it because the state lab doesn't do touch DNA analysis on non-violent crimes. There are too many factors involved.

I can say that burglars cut themselves climbing through broken windows perhaps 2-5% of the time. But only a fraction of burglars break windows, so....

If you were given a 20GB hard drive that had been used to image an 8GB USB device and
found during analysis that more than the 8GB image was on the disk, what would this
indicate? How would you then proceed?

Asked by Parbh over 8 years ago

I have no idea, so I asked my co-worker. She said:My first question would be was the 20GB forensic wiped? Was it completely empty when the 8GB was put on it?Second, does the software that you use to image produce working files or executable programs that are needed to view the image? Otherwise 8 GB is 8 GB so there can't be more.

Would there be DNA left if someone used a forge and turned a murder weapon (say a knife) into something else, or maybe just folded the steel multiple times?

Asked by RDSBandit over 8 years ago

I'm fairly sure that the high temperatures used in melting metal would destroy any DNA.

Hello Ms. Black, I have two questions 1) can those with a past juvenile conviction enter the field of forensics 2) might you be able to put me in touch with a forensic scientist who would do a informational job interview with one of my students?

Asked by SLP almost 9 years ago

Please see earlier answer about convicted felons. But as far as I know it would probably depend on the kind of crime, whether it was a misdemeanor or felony, etc. Many juvenile records can be sealed or expunged as well, so that process could be worth checking out.

You can have your student contact me Via my web site at and I'll try to help!

How long does it take to really get a fingerprint match if using all available databases?

Asked by Seeker almost 9 years ago

That depends entirely on your digital situation. How big is the database (how many fingerprints does it have to search through), are you searching both fingers and palms, how many servers or whatever can you devote to the task, and have the search parameters been narrowed down, say to only right hand fingers or only the left index. All those factors will affect it so that a search could take anywhere from a few seconds to a day .

If the bar code if worn off of a computer and you are trying to figure out what the bar codes numbers were. How can you get the numbers? Cause where the bar code was before it was torn off. It left a lil bit of the code is visible.

Asked by Laray kirker over 8 years ago

I would try an alternate light source, UV or IR light or even white light with colored filters. That might make it more visible. Other than that, I don't know, sorry. You'd have to ask a document examiner, they might have more techniques for working with paper.

I'm worried I wouldn't be able to handle seeing the bodies knowing what they went through. Like I read about children that are abducted murdered and dumped and it scares me. Have you investigated a child murder? How do you distance yourself?

Asked by Landon almost 9 years ago

I've been involved with a number of child murders but in every case the child was killed by someone in their own family, usually a parent. In one case a 6 year old was shot by an acquaintance of his older brother's, but the 6 year old wasn't the target, simply an inconvenient witness. I've never worked one where the child was abducted. I don't have chilidren so it's actually easier for me than for people who do. To me it's largely the same as any other murder, though harder in some ways because the victim looks so vulnerable. You handle it because there's so much to be done and you have to do it right, so thinking about all that keeps you from thinking about the tragedy of this young life.

Would you be able to tell the difference between hair that was taken from a victim's brush (and planted at a crime scene) and hair that just naturally malted? For example, would hair from a hairbrush have more of a root than a malted hair??

Asked by Caroline almost 8 years ago

I don't know what malted means, but I suspect the answer is no. Just brushing hair can pull it out just as in a struggle.

when i was in third grade i had a chemistry set- on day a relative gave me conc nitric acid; glycerin and some powdered magnesium - i almost got hurt -got lucky- do u think this person meant me harm- i've often wondered

Asked by over 8 years ago

Without knowing you or your relative, I really couldn't guess. Maybe they hoped you'd read the instructions first?

How long would it take for a deceased body to drop below 32 degrees centigrade if they were in good health previously and the ambient temp was 17 degrees centigrade. Would the body be cold and blue to touch inside 2 hours?

Asked by Iain over 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I have no idea. That's a question for a pathologist. Sorry I couldn't help!

I am looking at becoming a DNA analyst working with hair, blood and gunshot residue samples, would it be better to get a degree in Forensic Science or a degree in Biology?

Asked by ssosiak1 almost 8 years ago

If you're going to be a DNA analyst, you will probably not be working with gunshot residue as well. DNA labs are tending to want their analysts to have a PhD in genetics and focus solely in that area, but it would be best if you called labs at which you might want to work and make sure. Best of luck.

Pressure points on a car, Chevy Cavalier, between a 1198-2002 year model, I would like to know the metal density of the fender, when struck by a child less than 80lbs and less than 4ft tall, car traveling at a 50mph.Head lights density test, how much

Asked by Brandy Daugherty almost 9 years ago

I'm sorry but I am not trained in accident reconstruction. That is a very specialized field. I would have no idea whatsoever.

If somone ejaculated in a girls or guys mouth they swallow can u find dna proving who ejaculated

Asked by jim amdiny about 9 years ago

See above.

What type of decisions do you make

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

How to best process or obtain a piece of evidence.

Is a forensic expert allowed 2 make a hair or fiber match based only in the fact that the hairs or fibers were artificially dyed

Asked by Michele almost 9 years ago

Unlike what you see on TV, a hair and fiber expert never 'matches' hairs or fibers (except in the case of DNA analysis). We can say they are 'consistent with' having come from this person or this article of clothing in that all the microscopic characteristics are the same or within a group of the same characteristics. Though dyed hair is quite distinctive with the growth since dying and the color so it would be a strong indication that they came from the same person, you couldn't actually put a number on it (like 'there's a one in two billion chance this came from someone else', like DNA). That's largely why hair and fiber comparisons are rarely done any more.

can you tell the age of pharmaceuticals - specifically Ritalin/methylphenidate - like how many years ago it was made?

Asked by rogernono over 8 years ago

I'm sorry, I wouldn't have any idea. Do you mean dating the actual pills, or once they're in a person's system? If the former I think you'd have to ask a chemist, if the latter, a toxicologist. Sorry I can't help.

Will a dry blood stain on rocks, say the interior of a cave, appear red after at least a year or would the stain be darker or change because of the conditions within the cave?

Asked by MK almost 9 years ago

It will turn a dark red brown once it's completely dry, and will stay that color so far as I know if conditions stay consistent. If it changes further it would probably just fade a bit.

What are some of the difficult parts of this job

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

Being 'on call' and knowing you can be interrupted at any moment of the day and have to go to a crime scene, even if it's the middle of the night or a holiday. I've also had to change vacations because I have to testify in a trial. I hate that. 

For undergraduate studies, is it recommended to take Forensic Science or should we take a broader natural science such as Chemistry or Biology? This is of course considering the applicant is aiming to become a Forensic Scientist in the future.

Asked by Detective Dick Gumshoe over 8 years ago

I would suggest biology or chemistry, but that was what everyone took when I started out, so I may be behind the times. Your best bet is to call the crime labs you might wish to work at and ask what they prefer. Also check employment postings on the forensic organizations websites, such as IAI and AAFS. That's the only way to be more certain what they actually want.

So is there a specific test for nuclear DNA versus mitochondrial DNA?

Asked by L.Randolph over 8 years ago

Yes, they are different substances.

Why is a confirmatory test required for semen but not for blood?

Asked by Chris Kay over 8 years ago

Wow I am sorry I somehow didn't answer this question!! In my experience we do a presumptive test for both and then send to DNA testing because they will confirm the presence of DNA in the quantitative step. We do have the OBTI test for human blood but there's no reason to do it u less we're in a huge hurry to confirm human blood.

Hi, I'm looking for a forensic scientist to interview, and I thought you could help me? What is your field of specialty? Do you work in teams or divisions? What were the perks and down sides? I don't have enough room for the rest of my questions.

Asked by Highschoolstudent over 8 years ago

Send me your email address. If you don't want to post it here you can email me through my website:

Thanks so much for answering that! Yeh, the criminals used other peoples hair. Would it be possible to blend the different types of hair with water so you could spray it on the scene of a crime? would it be the same result as leaving the hair intact?

Asked by Lisa fan over 8 years ago

Wouldn't that get the whole crime scene wet? And wouldn't a layer of hair indicate that the hair was a diversion, since obviously no one would normally shed that much hair while committing a crime. It scattering hair wouldn't affect fingerprints or touch DNA, which crime scene techs would be looking for more than hair anyway. Most labs don't even analyze hair any more. Also, I should clarify, hair cells don't have nuclear DNA. DNA in hair usually comes from the skin cells that hold the hair in your scalp and cling to the root. So if you're using cut hair there would not be any nuclear DNA to obtain. Mitochondrial DNA is a different type of DNA present in your cells' mitochondria. It will be the same throughout your body but is passed down unchanged from mother to child so it will be identical with your mother, your mother's siblings (assuming the same grandmother), your siblings from the same mother, your first cousins from your maternal aunts, etc. But very very few labs test mitochondrial DNA so it's unlikely it would be tested from your crime scene unless it was extremely high-profile and they had no other evidence to use. And then they'd have to have a suspect to compare it to or it would be useless. (CODIS, the national DNA database, is nuclear DNA.)

An HVAC condensate leak resolved 1mth prior yet occupant complained of 'worms' & 'biting bugs' entering via the air vents. Photo enlargement an assumed mold/debri pile in pan looks to be decomposing carcass.

Asked by Sleepy over 8 years ago

I doubt I can help you but I'll try to get the pic.

Hello, my name is Maria and I'm currently a High School senior. For my college and career project I need to interview someone in my field of interest which is forensics. Is it possible I could interview you through FaceTime or something? Thank you:)

Asked by mariataipe1523 over 8 years ago

Sure, send me your email address. If you don't want to post it here you can email me through my website:

Hi Lisa thx for the answer. My question is it OK to declare vagal inhibition without sending hyoid bone to forensic lab. My fathers hyoid bone was not sent to forensic lab but was only manually examined. We suspect foul play here.

Asked by Raja over 8 years ago

A forensic lab wouldn't examine a hyoid bone. That would be done at the autopsy by the pathologist. To the best of my knowledge there isn't anything else to examine, just whether it's broken or not, and as I said it doesn't conclusively prove anything one way or the other.Best of luck.

What do you like best about this job

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

All the interesting, different, bizarre stories that make up the crimes that have happened that we have to investigate. 

And B) if it is mixed in with other samples of saliva, for example if 4 people spit into a glass and mixed up, could 4 samples of dna be pulled or is all the DNA ruined? Thank yooouuuuu! :)

Asked by sandaM over 8 years ago

As far as I know since they would all be the same type of cells, they could not be separated.

Has forensic science actually made some investigations harder to solve?

Asked by Mariam over 7 years ago


Juries' unrealistic expectations of forensic science may make court cases harder to win, but that's not the same thing.

What are the main pros and cons of forensic investigation today?

Asked by Mariam over 7 years ago

Pros: Advanced technology and political attention (i.e., funding)Cons: Reality--evidence isn't always there, the job can be dirty and hard, budgets are always limited

Discuss how the following statements can both be true when applied to forensic investigation: “Every contact leaves a trace” AND “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

Asked by Sara about 8 years ago

Why does this sound like a homework question?

Good Afternoon, I'm writing a research paper about Forensic Scientist and I was wondering if I could ask a few questions? My email is Thank You

Asked by NL over 8 years ago

Sure, I'll email you. You might also want to look over earlier questions on this site.

What i meant by summary were the things that forensic scientists do when the first see a crime scene till the end of the investigation..... thanks!!

Asked by John over 8 years ago

I'm sorry but that can, and has, fill several textbooks. There's just no way for me to summarize it in a paragraph.

What is the difference between a forensic scientist and a forensic science technician? Also, would I be able to major in Human Biology to become a Forensic Scientist?

Asked by RTasha over 8 years ago

A forensic scientist, forensic specialist, forensic technician can all be the same job or different jobs--your title is whatever your agency/boss says it is. There's no strict uniform code for titles. Usually any natural science is a good background for forensics. It may depend on whether you intend to work in a lab or on crime scenes. The best way is to look at job postings that interest you and see what the requirements are. You can view job postings on professional organizations' websites such as or Good luck.

if dna or other evidence could be reproduced by a 3d printer how would this effect forensic

Asked by viorgateway over 8 years ago

I'm afraid I don't know enough about how 3-D printing works to be able to answer. I can guess that it might be handy for reconstructing items such as shoeprints and tire tracks from photos or scans. Other than that I don't see where making a copy of something would necessarily affect a crime. And as far as I know they haven't reached the point of replicating on a cellular level such as DNA.

Does this career include or require travel

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

Only local, to other government agencies or for training.

which of the ethical approaches/theories do you think will have the greatest influence on your thinking when faced with an ethical dilemma and why?
Which approach/theory?

Asked by lucresia about 8 years ago

I wasn't aware that there were theories other than: Do the right thing. Don't do the wrong thing.

Figuring out which is which isn't really that hard. Doing it might be, but it's usually not hard to figure out.

Hope that helps!

Are you required to be a police officer before becoming a forensic scientist? Also do you know of any jobs in forensics or any crime scene jobs in general that don't require being a police officer first?

Asked by Allie over 8 years ago

Many if not most crime scene and forensic work job are now civilian, which means you don't need to become a police officer and are not trained at the police academy, etc. Some agencies do have their forensic staff become sworn officers, so the only way to know is to ask. I've worked in forensics for over 20 years now and I've never been a police officer.

1. What is your past education?
2. What is your salary?
3. Craziest crime scene you helped solve?
4. What were some requirements asked of you for this job?
5. How long have you been doing this?
6. How many years of school did you do?

Asked by Kendall G. Koffler almost 8 years ago

School project?Email me at and I'll send you answers I've accumulated.

What do you like about your job? What do you dislike?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

I like all the interesting, different, bizarre stories that make up the crimes that have happened that we have to investigate.  I dislike being 'on call' and knowing you can be interrupted at any moment of the day and have to go to a crime scene, even if it's the middle of the night or a holiday. I've also had to change vacations because I have to testify in a trial. I hate that. 

What is a color

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

I don't know what you mean.

I'm not sure who to ask, but could you possibly explain the decomposition process of a shipwreck victim's body after 3 years of being underwater? Thank you for your time!

Asked by Irene almost 8 years ago

I'm sorry, I really couldn't. You need to ask a pathologist. Best of luck!!

Hi Lisa thx a lot. A last similar question reg brain because my father was diagnosed with both heart and brain problems. Is extraction of brain and it's examination necessary If patient had brain probs? If so is it done at forensic lab or autopsy?

Asked by Raja almost 8 years ago

If someone is under a doctor's care and the doctor signs the death certificate, then there most likely will not be any examination at all. Autopsies are not done in every case, only under some circumstances. Any examination would be done at autopsy.

What are the normal working hours? Do you work overtime? How is overtime set up?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

I'm sorry, I thought I answered this one. We work 40 hours per week, some of us are on four 10s and some on rotating 12 hour shifts. Each of us takes a turn on being 'on call' for overtime calls.

Been reading through these with great interest Lisa, I love forensic science! if criminals had time and the area was very small what is the best way for criminals to either erase or cover up there DNA? Thanks:)

Asked by tommy k over 8 years ago

They could try not to leave it in the first place--wear gloves and a hat, and don't cut yourself on the window you broke to gain entry. And wear a mask since you never know who has cameras where in this day and age!

What advice do you have for a person interested in your position?

Asked by Nate almost 8 years ago

Take as many science courses as you can. Visit all the crime labs in your area, talk to people, and try to get an internship in one or more of them. 

Is it true that a females DNA can't be used to trace paternal male lines? How would I trace my fathers ethnicity with him gone and no brothers?

Asked by L.Randolph over 8 years ago

I'm not a DNA expert, but I know that half the 23 chromosomes in a person''s nuclear DNA come from one parent and half from the other parent, so part of the father's DNA would have to be present in the child.

Mitochondrial DNA (which is a different substance entirely, a circular structure present in the cell's mitochondria, whereas nuclear DNA is a double helix present in the cell nucleus) is passed from mother to child without recombining, so only the mother's mitochondrial DNA is present in the child. We test for mitochondrial DNA when nuclear DNA isn't available, like when we only have cut hair or fingernails or old bone to work with.

I don't know how to edit my question to fix the photo link. The pic must be seen in order to provide thoughts on mold & debris vs. decomposing carcass. Thanks

Asked by Sleepy over 8 years ago

Sorry I went to the link but it just loaded forever and I coudn't view the picture.

UPDATE: Hey on a whim I tried the link again and could see the picture. Unfortunately I still couldn't make a guess as to what the pile is. Though in my opinion it looks too light-colored to be a decomposing animal.

Is there a license required to become a forensic scientist? If so, what type?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

No. Depending on where you work and what you do, your employer might want you to be 'certified' in one area or the other.

What is your opinion on te csi effect and what concerns do you have about it?

Asked by Kerena over 8 years ago

It's concerning because juries expect more than is reasonable. Not every case is going to have DNA evidence and you don't always find fingerprints on a surface and eyewitness testimony sounds convincing but can be very unreliable. However an expert can hopefully explain all these issues to make the limitations clear, provided the jury listens.

I want to be a csi but where do I start? I am currently on my 2nd semester at a community college so I am doing my genera ed, I would like to know what are the best classes I should start taking that will benefit me in the long run after I finish GE?

Asked by ali about 8 years ago

You can't go wrong with as many science classes as you can get, and especially anything that's specifically forensics. Programs that have hands-on labs for processing evidence and crime scenes would be great.  Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

I am attending Pace University this coming fall with a degree in Forensic Science, any advice for a soon to be Forensic Scientist?

Asked by ssosiak1 almost 8 years ago

You can't go wrong with a lot of science classes. When I was in college they didn't have courses specifically in forensic science, so that wasn't an option. And different agencies will have different requirements, so you might want to go online and check out the different vacancies to get some idea of what requirements are out there. You can also call labs you're interested in and ask, that way you get to 'meet' some people too.

Can extensive bruising be caused by pushing someone with the palm of the hands on the chest area

Asked by Jay almost 8 years ago

I'm not a doctor but I don't see why not. If the flesh and muscle is being crushed between the ribs and the person's hands, that would have to cause damage. Sometimes CPR can cause cracked ribs.

How to chemically distinguish between an original hand-written signature and a printed copy (the one that is scanned and then printed)

Asked by rixy about 8 years ago

I'm sure document examiners could do this fairly easily but I don't know exactly how. I would guess that alternative light source (like infrared or ultraviolet spectrums) could show that there is no difference between the signature and the rest of the document. Or I believe thin-layer chromatography could show that the chemical makeup is the same. A Questioned Document Examiner could tell you much more.

Can seman be removed with dry cleaning

Asked by aratliff8 over 7 years ago

I don't know that as a fact, but I would think so. Simply washing with soap and water will take care of it.

I am doing a project over my career and I want to ask some questions and I was wondering if you could answer them thank you!

Asked by trace clamon over 8 years ago

I was going to email your teacher but you didn't give me her complete address, just her name. Please go to my website and hit 'contact me' and let me know where to send a response. Thanks and good luck with your project.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how certainly can you look at two photographs and tell whether they are the same individual? Like to show you the photos. Thanks.

Asked by Seligo about 8 years ago

Sorry but I am not trained in facial recognition and I am notoriously bad with faces. My husband teases me about it all the time.I'm sorry I couldn't help!

As a forensic scientist, what problem have you found that lead to unreliability of forensic science? Any possible solutions?

Asked by yubing over 8 years ago

"Unreliability of a science" is pretty a broad swipe, so I don't have any idea what you're referring to. Any line of work--government, plumbing, brain surgery--can be unreliable if the people doing the work are undertrained,overeager, arrogant or lazy.

Many cold cases have unidentified victims but how come they are unidentified when you have fingerprints and hair, etc, i don't understand why cant they know who they are when they have that.

Asked by lily over 7 years ago

Because not everyone's fingerprints are in a database. You only have fingerprints taken when you are arrested or apply for a job or some other license for which it is required. Not all of those necessarily end up in a database accessible to the agency that has the unidentified person. And DNA such as hair only helps when you have a profile to compare it to--if the unidentified person is a convicted felon so their DNA might have been entered when they went to prison, or if there are family members available to give a sample (in which case you would have to already have an idea of who the person might be). It's not really like TV. We don't have databases of every single person and every single substance known to man.

I was wondering if the dna from different sources are the same, for example is the dna the exact same in sweat, hair, saliva etc? I ask because I once saw a movie where the criminals threw hair over a crime scene, ruining all the DNA?

Asked by Lisa Fan over 8 years ago

Your nuclear DNA is the same in the skin cells holding your hair in place, your saliva, your blood, your skin, your bone marrow etc. Your friend's DNA is of course different from yours, but the same in their saliva, their blood etc. The criminals probably threw someone else's hair around the crime scene so it wouldn't match them.

What are some skills and abilities a person would need to be successful in this type of work?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

You have to have good attention to detail, can work under stress and unpredictable circumstances, be patient and cautious. 

I have a BSc in microbiology. What else do I need to become a Forensic scientist? What are your thoughts on what Master's program I should pursue if any?

Asked by Nix about 8 years ago

Each agency will have their own requirements. The best way to know what to expect is to call all the crime labs in the area and ask what their requirements for various positions are. You can also check websites for forensic organizations such as and and examine their job postings. Best of luck!

How did you find this job

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

I checked city and county websites for job postings.

I need to interview a forensic scientist for a college paper that is due September 22, is my email address:

Asked by Delores Jackson over 8 years ago

Okay I will email you. I also suggest you give yourself more lead time on future assignments....

What kind of off the job training is required?

Asked by Kaylee Marr over 8 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by 'off the job training.'

Do firearms have a unique spray pattern when fired? Something similar to a fingerprint?

Asked by Marco almost 8 years ago

No. You might be able to estimate muzzle to target distance from a spray pattern, but not firearm type or brand.

What type of personality do you think would make a person well-suited to this type of work?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

See above.

Thanks again! So scattering hair over a crime scene would not cover the more commonly found searched for nuclear DNA? meaning the criminals in the movie (Charles town) arn't achieving much protection at all?

Asked by lisa fan over 8 years ago

It could help if it's pulled hair, not cut, and if they were super-careful to leave no fingerprints or any other kind of possible DNA samples so that the police had no choice but to test the hairs for possible suspect DNA. It would also depend on the scene--if it's a heavily traveled bank, for instance, so there is a ton of discarded hairs, the police would hardly test them all. If they leave a tuft of hair on say, a chain-link fence used to get away, where the police couldn't help but notice it, then they'd have a better chance of making it a useful diversion.

What are the career advancement opportunities like for a person in your profession?

Asked by Nate almost 8 years ago

There are usually levels of the job, like Tech I, Tech II etc. depending on years of experience that will come with an increase in salary. After that one can progress to supervisory role. But there aren't a lot of steps, really. For instance I have nowhere to go from my current position, and I don't care. I like what I'm doing and have zero interest in being the supervisor.  

Hypothetical question: if someone died in a brand spankin' new car (very few germs/bacteria, tight seal on the doors and windows) how long would it take for the body to decompose? What would it look like in, say, 75 years?

Asked by Jordy about 8 years ago

Interesting question, but I doubt I can be of much help. A body can do one of two things after death--decompose or desiccate. So it might turn into sludge or it might become a mummy. It might depend on temperature or pH levels (more relevant if the car was buried) to determine which way it would go. Being sealed would definitely slow the process to a crawl. I had a body in an attic once that was partially wrapped in plastic, and after three years the wrapped areas still had plenty of flesh and the unwrapped parts were down to bone.

What kind of toxicology is needed to produce evidence of poisoning from chloroganic pesticides and illicit drugs from around 16-17 years ago. A trace unknown substances test? Blood, hair, bone marrow . . . sample? Free at a gov. agency? for a guy.

Asked by Glass about 8 years ago

I'm so sorry but I wouldn't have any idea since I've never worked in toxicology. And since my agency doesn't do it either I don't have anyone to ask.

Is their a way to determine which vehicle hit which from the damage say 2 vehicles are stopped on the highway one backs in to the other then insists the back car rammed him. Marks on the road are nonexistent because of a blizzard

Asked by Gabr over 8 years ago

Someone trained in accident reconstruction might be able to do so, but not having marks on the road makes it more difficult.

Do you have any advice on how to prepare for this job

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

Take all the science courses you can, and visit and talk to forensic science personnel. You'll find them very approachable.

Do you ever get called to crime scenes to conduct your own investigation or is the evidence brought to you for analysis? Do most forensic scientists get to do both crime scene investigations and analysis? Thanks for your time.

Asked by Chicken almost 8 years ago

I do both, but it depends entirely on your department. People at smaller departments usually have to cross train and fill several roles. At larger departments with more personnel, people may specialize. The only way to know is to call the agency you want to work at and ask.

i asked a question and didnt even realize i forgot to put my teachers email so il just give you mine ( thank you!

Asked by trace clamon over 8 years ago

Okay, I emailed you.

What are the major responsibilities of your job?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

I spend about 90% of my time sitting in front of a computer looking at fingerprints. The rest of the time I go to crime scenes to photograph and process for fingerprints and collect items of evidence. When I was at the coroner's office I probably spent 40% of the time examining victim's clothing, 10% on gunshot residue testing, 30% on hairs and fibers, and 20% everything else. 

Do you ever get to go to a crime scene?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

Yes, all the time. That's part of my job. But that will depend on what your job is, some people work only in the lab, and others work only at crime scenes.

Greetings. I am writing a murder mystery in which the victim died from a blow to the head. The killer then loaded the body into the back of an SUV, where it lay for perhaps up to 6 hours. Then the killer dumped the body in a location where he was hoping to frame someone.

First question. Several hours after death, could there still be enough blood at the location of the head wound to leave blood evidence at the dump location? Would there be any way for the forensic experts to determine that that blood landed where it did several hours after its owner had died?

Another scenario. What if the killer, in the process of dumping the body, tried to make it look like the victim died in that location by bashing his head, in the vicinity of the wound, on the corner of a dumpster? What kind of evidence might such a maneuver leave?

I hope this question makes sense... Thank you. :)

Asked by CrankyBeach over 8 years ago

First question: My guess is (simply based on experience) is there would still be sticky blood at the head wound enough to smear on stuff, perhaps. It wouldn't be spurting or perhaps even dripping at that point because it should have begun to coagulate. Provided it didn't dry entirely, so the body would need to be in a place that's neither too dry nor too hot and certainly not both. Cool and humid would keep it from drying. The killer might bash the head but there could be a lack of blood spatter or flowing/pooling blood from the wound, since the blood won't be flowing as it would be if the person had still been alive. Also the problem with moving the body is lividity where the blood pools at the lower spots of the body due to gravity (like on the back if the person is lying supine. After several hours it should be fairly noticeable and then if you move the body, the lividity pattern doesn't quite match the position.

Hope that helps!

Dear forensic scientist Lisa Black ????

I do an investigation

The subject = could a victim survive a gun shot wound in the upper forehead by a 50AE Desert eagle gold 24k at 15 feet with very fast and good medical treatment?????
I can not finding any clear evidence so I hope you could answer my question????

Asked by Jeffrey almost 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I would not have the slightest idea. It would depend entirely on the path of the bullet and what it hit. Sorry I couldn't help!

What kind of degree do I need to work in forensic science? What are the pros of being a forensic scientist? What are the cons of being a forensic scientist? How is the job market in forensic science?
This is for an interview assignment.

Asked by Candace over 7 years ago

Please email me all questions at once at

Can you work as a CSI and as a forensic scientist at the same time? What I mean is that can you collect the evidence and analyze it as well?

Asked by Alyne almost 8 years ago

Yes, that's what we do at our agency, depending on the analysis required. We can process for latent prints and analyze them and also cell phones and computers. For things like DNA analysis and bullet comparison, we send that to the state lab. Every agency is different depending upon available personnel and equipment.

My father was declared dead of vagal inhibition and cardiac arrest.. I have read that vagsl inhibition often caused by throttling and strangulation. How important it is to expertly examine the hyoid bone so rule out foul play

Asked by Raja over 8 years ago

I'm sorry to hear about your father. The hyoid would normally be observed during the course of an autopsy, but I have had pathologists tell me that people can be strangled without breaking the hyoid, and the hyoid can be broken due to other reasons,so it doesn't conclusively prove anything one way or the other.

Okay, so I'm interested in forensic science but..1.)I'm not that great at chemistry and I'm worried that'll get in the way and 2.) My parents aren't sure how much they'd make annually and if it's a secure job..I just don't know if it's a good choice.

Asked by Drxl almost 8 years ago

How much chemistry you need depends on what type of work you do. As long as you're not actually working in toxicology or DNA, you shouldn't need to be a great chemist as long as you can reliably work with chemicals and combine them properly (like following a recipe). And as long as you are a reliable and honest employee then the job is secure, once you get it, but I will be honest--there's a lot of competition in this field right now so getting into a position might be difficult. You should definitely have a back-up plan.

What should you major in if you want to go into this field?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

Usually in forensic science or any kind of natural science. If you want to go to into drug testing or toxicology, major in chemistry. If you want to do DNA analysis, then biology or biochemistry.

whats the most challenging thing about your job?

Asked by kenia almost 8 years ago

Worrying that I might have missed a piece of evidence at a crime scene or in a lab process.

If you were a high school student, how would you prepare for this career?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

Take a lot of science classes, and keep up your English skills.

Hey Lisa:) I was wondering if DNA found in saliva is still discoverble if A) it has been watered down, for example if someone was to spit in a glass of water, and if so how much water before the DNA is too hard to find?

Asked by sandaM over 8 years ago

It would still be discoverable up to a point. How much dilution it could take, I'm afraid I don't know.

Is there much if any room for mistakes in your job? How sever are the consequences? Can a forensic scientist redeem himself/herself after a mistake or is that the end of the line for him/her? How can mistakes be avoided? Much appreciate for your time

Asked by Ahmed Jordan almost 8 years ago

Like any other line of work, it all depends upon the mistake made, what effects it had, and how culpable you are. If it's a typo, just fix it and maybe make a note in the file. If you get someone killed, your boss will probably have to fire you. If it was an honest mistake, then you might get a note in your file. If you steal or invent evidence, you'll be fired and probably not work again.

I'm looking to return to school for Forensic Science to be a lab technician with a focus in ballistics. I'm wondering how highly regarded an online certificate is in your industry since I'm looking to finish school and start quickly. Thank you

Asked by Kelly H. over 7 years ago

That's an excellent question that I wish I had a better answer for. I'm guessing it depends on the interviewer's history and experiences. For instance due to curriculum changes, in my area we actually get much better-trained candidates from the community college and the for-profit local schools than the large, more prestigious university. It depends on what the curriculum entails and how much hands-on work and practice in your specific field (which may be difficult to do in an online course, but if the bricks and mortar schools don't provide it either, then perhaps it makes little difference). If I were you I would detail that as clearly as you can when applying for jobs.

After I graduate high school what should I do in order to pursue a career in Forensic Biology

Asked by Ailyn almost 8 years ago

Plan to go to college and study biology, and try to find a college that has the specific major and courses you want.

Would you choose this field if you had to do it over again?

Asked by Campbell about 8 years ago

Yes. Unless I could make it as an architect. I would really like that too.

How did you decide on this type of work?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

I loved mystery shows and books when I was a kid. I always wanted to be a detective, but didn't want to be a cop. And I always liked science.

What is some things people worry about when coming a forensic scientist?

Asked by Kristen almost 8 years ago

Usually the biggest worry is getting sick or faint around dead bodies. But actually they rarely do.

Why would the GBI send blood thru the mail, and not in Bio Hazard bag and lacking the proper Names and information on a Clear Top Vial of blood?

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

Sending it through the mail is not a problem if packaged properly. The color of the top depends on what kind of testing is requested, drug, DNA, etc.

If someone has taken illicit drugs in the past but has since quit, what are their chances of moving past the polygraph stage and actually being hired?

Asked by Biostudent04 about 8 years ago

Probably very good, as long as you're honest about it. They usually go over the questions before you start the polygraph so take the opportunity to tell the truth. Then, in the polygraph, you have nothing to hide.

What kind of schooling did you have to go through to become a forensic scientist, and how did you get to where you are now with your current job?

Asked by Izzy over 8 years ago

I had a bachelor's degree in biology when I applied to the coroner's office in 1998. They required a degree in one of the natural sciences, and there were no forensic science degrees back then. Only you can decide what you want to go to graduate school for, but as for career requirements you might look at the American Academy of Forensic Science and the International Association for Identification and look at their job vacancy postings to see what they require. As for other degrees with a bio major, there are many private labs for DNA, drug testing, paternity testing, water and food standards analysis, etc. as well as hospital labs that might require. Again, look at job vacancy postings in all these areas--they should be easily found online and they should state the educational requirements. It will also let you see in what areas more jobs are available. 

When does a DOT worker qualify as a Coroner for a Crime scene? Why wouldnt there be a Crime Scene Unit investigating a minor child's Death, who died on Ga state owened property?

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

I have no idea. Do you have a copy of the autopsy report? That should be available fro the coroner's or medical examiner's office.

Hi Ms.Black,I was wondering if you had any advice for a high school junior hoping to get into forensic science?I've been researching colleges and forensic programs in California(where I live) but I hope you can help me understand the process better.

Asked by Brit almost 8 years ago

Most agencies do not have huge staffs like on TV, and people tend to stay in the field. Thanks to the TV shows there is a universe more competition than I faced. On the other hand thanks to the current emphasis on forensics, agencies are always expanding--the federal government will be setting mandates and providing grant money to expand labs and services Check out every level (city, county, state, federal) in your area that you can find and also private labs.  Check the websites for the International Association for Identification and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.  

Where would an author go if they wanted to ask questions of a forensic scientist in order to get details right for a book the are writing?

Asked by Arillius about 8 years ago

An excellent site is my friend Dr. Lyle's "The Writer's Forensic Blog" -

You also might attend any public events at your local police department, such as a citizen's academy. There you might meet members of the crime lab and see if any might be amenable to you emailing them questions now and then. Feel free to email me as well via my website: www.lisa-black.comBest of luck!

What type of education/training does this job need to be successful in this type of work? What type of education/training have you had?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

See above. I have a bachelor's degree in biology, plus over a thousand hours of continuing education in forensic topics (accumulated over 20 years).

What kind of background is necessary to qualify for this job? (Thank you for your time) advance

Asked by Nate almost 8 years ago

That entirely depends on where you want to work. Each lab has its own requirements. My first job wanted a bachelor’s degree in any natural science. My current job just requires a HS diploma, but it helps to have advanced degrees so we all have at least a B.S. There is no uniform job definition or title for forensic work--your title is whatever your boss says it is, and crime labs can be a small place that only tests drugs and fingerprints or a large, full service place that does everything from questioned documents to DNA. 

Hi! I'm writing a mystery where the murder weapon is a maduvu, a knife with two antelope horns. I'm wondering what would distinguish the wound to make it unique to that weapon, assuming the victim was stabbed in the chest or back. Thanks!

Asked by over 8 years ago

Wow, you'd really have to ask a pathologist. But I would assume a stab wound with a horn would look different than one from a knife, more round and uniform. You might also have a sliver of horn break off in the wound. The round wound in the flesh or bone might make a doctor think it came from a bullet at first, but with no bullet found then they might think icepick or something horn-shaped. Best of luck!

I asked a question a few minutes ago, but what I really meant was if you can take the case and analyze the evidence as well?

Asked by Alyne almost 8 years ago

Yes, we do it every day.

What are some pointers you would give a person concerning applying and interviewing for a job in this field?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

Call all the crime labs in your area and ask what their requirements are. You can also check websites such as those for the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and International Association for Identification which will post vacancies and job descriptions.

can someone make their own fingerprints disapper from their own hands

Asked by almost 8 years ago

Temporarily, with sandpaper or chemicals, but they will grow back in the same pattern.

What kind of tasks do you do on a typical day

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

That all depends on where you work and what your job duties are. I spent about 90% of my time sitting in front of a computer looking at fingerprints. When I was at the coroner's office I probably spent 40% of the time examining victim's clothing, 10% on gunshot residue testing, 30% on hairs and fibers, and 20% everything else. 

Briefly describe your working conditions.

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

Our building is relatively new so I work in an nice office. If it weren't for all the skull-themed items you wouldn't know you weren't in an accountant's office or something. We have a small lab where we process items with superglue or dye stain. I have to go to crime scenes, of course, and those can be cramped, filthy, rainy and/or hot.

Would you encourage someone to go into this type of work? I apologize for all the questions I sent you. Thank you for your time.

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

I would never want to discourage someone from this field because I love it. But it's a very popular field right now so I would also advise anyone to have a career plan B.

Is it possible for someone to shot themselves, first bulled lodge in the breast bone. throw up, pass out, come to and shot themselves a second time? Second bulled thru the heart and out the back ?

Asked by Linda about 8 years ago

Yes, quite possible. The breast bone blocked the bullet from hitting anything vital and so it wouldn't be fatal. We've had plenty of people shoot themselves in the head but the skull deflected the bullet enough that they either survived or had to fire a second shot.

Can you figure out someone's identity by a blood sample? Like figure out their DNA and who they are?

Asked by Ashton over 7 years ago

You can say that this blood came from this person. But you have to have a DNA sample from that person to compare it to. (A swab from inside the mouth is fine, it doesn't need to be blood.) or they need to be already in the DNA database.

What do you enjoy most about your job? (Sorry for the typo on the last question, it was supposed to say: "(Thank you for your time in advance)"

Asked by Nate almost 8 years ago

All the interesting, different, bizarre stories that make up the crimes that have happened that we have to investigate. 

Can a forensic examiner analyzing evidence distinguish between a latent fingerprint from a bare hand and those produced by someone wearing gloves?

Asked by kayla lions over 7 years ago

Sure, because fingerprints will have ridges and gloves will not.

I have multiple questions to ask for a school project. Should I ask them all at once?

Asked by Rachael almost 8 years ago

Please email me at

my friend died under strange circumstances. there was alcohol, cocaine & marijuana in her toxicology report that was performed at the hospital. she was put on life support & died a few days later. her arms & legs were stiff. what does that mean? OD?

Asked by trina over 8 years ago

I'm sorry about your friend but I wouldn't have any idea what it means. You'd have to ask a doctor if stiffness of the limbs is a symptom of certain drugs.

What is the most difficult part of your job?

Asked by ac almost 8 years ago

Being 'on call' and knowing you can be interrupted at any moment of the day and have to go to a crime scene, even if it's the middle of the night or a holiday. I've also had to change vacations because I have to testify in a trial. I hate that. 

How do I become a forensic biologist? I'm starting college soon and I don't know how to start looking for majors or even colleges that would help me down the right path.

Asked by Aaingel over 8 years ago

1. Review earlier answers to similar questions.2. Take as many science classes as you can.3. Check out the websites of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the International Association for Identification and any others you can find, and look at their Employment Opportunities section. Job postings will tell you what qualifications are required.4. Call all the crime labs in your area (city, county, state and any other location where you might want to work) and ask what degrees their staff have and what are required. (For instance my agency only requires a HS diploma but we all have at least a B.S.) Every agency will have their own requirements. Best of luck to you!!!!

How often did you encounter gloveprints? Can they be wiped? What are the necessary circumstances for them to exist? I'm asking not to become a murderer, but to help make a roleplaying case for people I know.

Asked by R-Mod over 7 years ago

Not often. Since a glove itself isn't secreting sweat and oils, there's really nothing for it to make a print with until it gets a little dirty or if the surface it's touching is a little dirty.They can be wiped off as easily as any other print.

What kind of hours do you work

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

We work 40 hours a week plus overtime when needed.Right now I'm on four 10's but I was on 12 hour rotating shifts, 6 am to 6 pm, and will be going back to that next year. I liked that schedule.

can dna from sperm be off an article of clothing?

Asked by Ifeatu over 7 years ago

Yes, absolutely.

Hello I am Jordan and I am in the Gift and Talented program at school and I'd love for you to answer some questions at
Please respond back.

Asked by Jordan over 8 years ago

Okay I emailed you.

What type of case do you have most often and when is your busiest time of year?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

Where I live we have many burglaries. There really isn't a busiest time of year, though things sometimes pick up when the kids are out of school. When I worked at the coroner's office I also swore there were more homicides in September and December.

Which is better doing a bachelor in pharmacy and then masters in forensic science or bachelor in forensic science and then masters in forensic science

Asked by Prakhar Choudhary about 8 years ago

That would depend on what it is you want to do. If you want to work on crime scenes, then I would say to major in forensic science. If you want to work in a toxicology lab, then the degree in pharmacy might be better. I really don't know so I would examine job requirements listed in online vacancy postings, or call agencies at which you might want to work and ask them. Best of luck!!

I have 2 questions please What are the maximun and minumun time ranges for the sructural changes that 'love bites' go through? Would these be quicker if on more delicate skin?

Asked by Mcbyrne over 8 years ago

Wow, I'm sorry but I have absolutely no idea. You might need to ask a pathologist.

:How do you use math, science, social studies, and other school subjects in your work?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

A good knowledge of chemistry is helpful to be able to understand why certain processes work the way they do. We use math to mix reagents and calculate angles in bloodstain pattern interpretation. Any knowledge can be helpful because we deal with every kind of person, job, situation, and object there is.

Im doing a science assignment, and was wondering if i could email you and ask you some questions about your career as a forensic scientist. Could you email me if so! email:

Asked by Tyler almost 8 years ago

Sure I'll catch you when I'm back at work tomorrow.

1: What is required for your current position? Could you explain a typical day in your career? 2: what inspired you to choose this career? 3: What are some likes and dislikes about your job? what would you do change about your job?

Asked by my name is Brent and im doing a project for class where I have to ask someone with my dream job a few questions. over 7 years ago

For homework assignments can you please email me offline at: lisa-black@live. com and I can send you a list of answers to these types of questions.

How can I specialize in homicide as a forensic scientist? What do I need to do to do this?

Asked by madi almost 8 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by 'specialize in homicide'. Forensic techniques can be utilized to investigate any crime, but if you mean you only want to work on homicides, then I don't know of any positions like that. The closest thing would be to work for an agency where the work is mostly homicides, such as a medical examiner's office. But even they would also investigate suicides, industrial accidents, etc.

How long does it take to get through a really tough case?

Asked by pkdk882 almost 8 years ago

That's impossible to answer. Things can range from something like the Orlando shooting, which was massive to process but in terms of 'whodunit' it was over as soon as it began. Then you might have a person shot on the street, no casings, no witnesses--a very simple event, but nearly impossible to solve unless someone talks. Then there's every possible combination in between.

what personal qualities are recommended?

Asked by kenia almost 8 years ago

Attention to detail, an interest in science and the ability to occasionally work in chaos.

In the case of a partial hanging (person on knees), if complete rigor has set in when the body was taken down, is it still possible for the blood to pool on the back?

Asked by Terry almost 8 years ago

According to a little chart I have tacked up above my desk, livor mortis sets at about the same time as complete rigor mortis, so it could be possible. But you really need a pathologist to answer that.

How long does it take to determine how someone died and when they died

Asked by pkdk882 almost 8 years ago

I'm sorry, I answered this a week ago but somehow it didn't post. A pathologist will usually estimate time of death during the autopsy. It can be very simple and require the body temperature and not much more, or it can be very difficult and cover a wide range of possible time, especially if a lot of time has elapsed since death. The more time, the harder it gets.

Hey! Can I major in Criminal justice and still become a forensic scientist? Or do I have to major in Chemistry,Bio,Etc??

Asked by ash over 7 years ago

The title 'forensic scientist' doesn't mean anything in particular--job titles will vary by the agency. It would be better to major in a natural science or in forensic science so you could get as much lab experience as possible, but the only way to know for sure what the job requirements are is to call the place(s) you want to work and ask.

Hello! I have a first quarter project that wants me to talk about a type of scientist (obviously I have chosen forensic scientists). I was wondering if i could interview you for said project. Thanks!

Asked by M.H. over 7 years ago

Sure, you can email me at, but I'm traveling and won't be able to get back to you for another week at least.

Please email me, I have tried to learn Forensics for my child's case, due to the Law lacking in Preserving and Safe Guarding evidence and lacking any witness statemnets although there was alit of people as potential witnesses?

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

Witness statements would be included with the officer's work, not the forensics unit. I'm sorry for your loss. Is there a victim's advocate at the police department that handled the crash that could help you? They could walk you through where to find all the information you want. You didn't include your email address.

If someone were to conduct an experiment using fake blood spatters, would it change the results to that of real blood splatters?

Asked by Rylee over 7 years ago

I'm sorry, I wrote a whole answer to this but somehow it didn't post. It may, depending upon how much different from real blood the fake is, for instance if it's significantly more or less dense. But in terms of fluid characteristics it may not change it enough to even be noticeable or make much of a difference in the final analysis.

Is it hard to find a job when you're just starting out?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

It can be hard to get into any job when you're first starting out, but it depends on so many factors--what kind of position you're looking for, location, competition. An internship can help a lot as well as lots of hands-on classes in school. Best of luck.

How long is your average report for a case?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

About two pages.

What does a dead body smell like?

Asked by Sabrina over 7 years ago

That depends on how much time has elapsed and the environment. Of course the more time, the longer it's been the more decomposition will have occurred. A very fresh body might not smell like much of anything and a very decomposed one can smell like terrible bodily functions or really rotten garbage. A very dry environment might cause the body to desiccate (much less smelly) or a wet one will prompt more decomposition.

If a man masturbates a few times on a towel...And his girl friend urinates on it and then wipes her self down there with it. Would it be possible to find semen in or around her vagina?

Asked by Brian about 8 years ago

I really don't know--I suppose it's possible but I don't know how urinating on it would affect it. I also don't know why one would urinate on a towel. And it sounds like you're trying to find an innocent explanation for your girlfriend's parents on the occasion of her unexpected pregnancy. Either way,, good luck.

Is there a kind of gloves that doesn't leave gloveprints? Asking for a sort of detective story.

Asked by R-Mod over 7 years ago

Sorry I didn't answer this before, I'm on the road. I've seen glove prints occasionally--a remarkable number of burglars don't bother to use them. But I've never compared the prints to a particular glove because by definition gloves are mass produced and therefore not unique like fingerprints. I've seen ones from cloth gloves, which will leave the knit pattern behind, or latex gloves which will sort of look like a group of random bubbles crammed together.

What is the future outlook for this profession?

Asked by Candace over 7 years ago

DNA and digital forensics will continue to grow in terms of technology and attention.

If a deceased is found on a soft surface such as a bed with no lividity or rigor mortis, what can be said about the estimated time of death?

Asked by Erica M about 8 years ago

Whether a surface is soft or hard wouldn't affect the presence of lividity or rigor mortis, they would develop regardless. It might affect the pattern of lividity (whiter at the pressure points).

What are the educational requirements for an entry-level position in this line of work?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

The requirements are whatever your employer says they are (same with your job title). DNA analysts are often required to have a PhD in genetics. At the coroner's I had to have a BS in one of the natural sciences. At my police department they only require a high school diploma, but give extra points for advanced schooling so we all have BSs. 

Hi I’m in 9th grade doing an interview project-How much does a person usually make in this career? What kind of lifestye does this career provide? What skills should I develop for this career? What are the day to day duties of this job?

Asked by Mandy P. over 7 years ago

Email me at and I’ll send answers.

My son was killed a year ago. They ruled his death a suicide by hanging (belt).knew this was bs.thx 2 you answering my question, can you tell me if I can get his record on my own,or do I need an attorney 2 get thm . I tlkd 2 detective, was blown off

Asked by Jennifer bowers over 7 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss. It depends on what you mean by 'record.' You shoudl be able to get a copy of the autopsy report from the Medical Examiner's or Coroner's office. You can get a copy of the police report from the Records department of the police station. I don't know if you could get a copy of all the detective's notes, which would likely be just a few jottings in a notebook, or any notes that they took while speaking to witnesses, etc.--that may vary by department/state. You may have to make a public records request through your city hall, and notes, witness statements, etc. may not qualify as 'public record.' Again, this varies by location. And, speaking from experience, I'm sure it hurts that the detectives are blowing you off, but they are not doing it because they're hiding something or because they don't care. A great many people kill themselves (this came as a major surprise to me when I started in this field) and very, very often family/friends don't want to accept it and insist that it couldn't happen. They are figuring that if they give it some time, acceptance will come. Best of luck to you.

What time span does the investigation autopsy go for on average?

Asked by bart white over 7 years ago

The average autopsy takes 1 to 4 hours.

Is there a way to tell the person's weight from their skeleton? I know you can tell age, race, old injuries and so much more. Would you be able to tell that the bones belonged to a 400lb man?

Asked by Desiré about 8 years ago

That's an excellent question but you need an anthropologist to answer it. I'm afraid I don't know. Sorry!

Hi. Will a combination of chlorine bleach, gasoline and paint thinner destroy blood DNA?
Thank you :)

Asked by Ayden almost 8 years ago

As far as I know, the chlorine bleach alone will do it.

Do clothes play a key role in terms of clues? If so… how?

Asked by bart white over 7 years ago

Again that depends entirely upon the circumstances. If someone is shot from a distance, then the clothes aren't going to tell you anything. If someone gets close enough to leave their own blood or their hair on the clothing, then they might.

How many hours do you put in a day

Asked by jon57 over 7 years ago

Whatever you’re scheduled to work—depending on your agency’s setup you might work 8, 10, 12 hour shifts, maybe plus overtime call-outs.

Hi I have a job interview tomorrow. Can you tell me the difference about criminal justice DNA and crime Scene DNA? And also what would you do if two samples where switched or contaminated in the lab? And what types of questions came up in interview?

Asked by Jen almost 8 years ago

I don't know what you mean by that--DNA is DNA. Samples being switched is one situation, and contaminated is another. Obviously the situation would have to be remedied and the samples re-analyzed. Questions will probably be a combination of general interview questions such as 'what are your strengths' and questions about your specific training and experience in forensic topics. Good luck!

Sample of which body part do you use to perform a dna check of a john doe if you have to

Asked by Mystery almost 8 years ago

From live people we usually take a buccal swab from the inside of the mouth. From a deceased person, we can use any part from which we can extract DNA, such as blood, bone, teeth, etc.

Is it correct process to declare cardiac arrest or heart attack as reason for death without internally examining the heart purely based on symptoms of other organs? If examination of heart necessary, is it done at forensic lab or at autopsy?

Asked by Raja almost 8 years ago

Examination of the heart would be done at the autopsy by a pathologist, and since I'm not a pathologist I'm afraid I cannot address your first question.

-What is your favorite part of working in forensics?
-Is there anything about this field of work that you don’t like?
-What was your minor in college?
-Are there any classes you suggest taking while in high school?

Asked by shelby almost 8 years ago

That every day is different.I don't like after-hours calls. I didn't have a minor. As many science classes as you can.

What characteristics does someone need for this job

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

You have to have good attention to detail, can work under stress and unpredictable circumstances, be patient and cautious. 

- What is trace evidence? Are fingerprints considered trace evidence?
- How is evidence collected and documented?
- What is some frequently used equipment in the lab/ what are they used to look for?

Asked by AP over 7 years ago

I'm afraid those questions are much to broad for me to summarize here. See if your library has copies of Richard Saferstein's Forensic Science Handbooks or his smaller volumes on forensics.

So unless the gloves and/or surface had some form of dirt or oil or other sort of substance that would make a print form, if both were completely spotless, there would be no gloveprints?

Asked by R-Mod over 7 years ago

Probably not. Fingerprints are left usually because skin has oils and sweat, which of course gloves wouldn't have.

How does this career affect your lifestyle

Asked by Angel over 8 years ago

When i go to a party people want to talk to me. That never happened before. Otherwise, it doesn't, except for the obvious scheduling/overtime problems.

can a person erase their fingerprints w/ household cleaning products

Asked by almost 8 years ago

From an object? Sure, if you clean the surface thoroughly.

I am Aminul from India. I got 49% in my HSC board exam can I became a forensic scientist.

Asked by Mohammed Aminul Islam shaikh almost 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I wouldn't have any idea what an HSC exam is or what a good score is.Best of luck to you!

I was wondering, do people have different patterns on each finger? One finger tented arch, one plain arch sort of thing?

Asked by Amelia H. about 8 years ago

Yes, absolutely. Most people will have a mix of patterns on their fingers.

Can I interview you on this for a school project?

Asked by Samantha almost 8 years ago

Sure, email me at

So I eventually want to enter into being a forensics analysist, but I've encountered a problem. I recently got a medical marijuana card for a medical problem. And I am not a frequent user. Can I basically forget about being an forensics analysist.

Asked by Carisma over 7 years ago

I don't see why as that would be perfectly legal.

When measuring blood splatters, does the type of blood affect the diameter measurement?

Asked by Rylee over 7 years ago

There's only two kinds of blood, blood and menstrual blood, and as far as I know there's been no studies using menstrual blood.

What is you opinion on the product rule used in DNA match probabilities and is this a reliable statistical method to employ when new DNA profiling multiplexes analyse STR markers within the same chromosome?

Asked by andres11 almost 8 years ago

Sorry, but as I'm not a DNA analyst, I wouldn't have any idea.

What type of equipment do you operate? How did you learn to operate the equipment?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

Over the years I've operated a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, alternate light sources, a photography setup, and various software programs. Venders or other employees train me to use them.

what was the craziest case you have ever worked on?

Asked by john34 over 7 years ago

I haven’t worked any really crazy ones, and sorry but any semi crazy ones would take too long to explain.

if you could choose, would you rather work in a lab or on a crime scene?

Asked by kenia almost 8 years ago

I like doing both, because being in the lab all the time can get tedious, but being at crime scenes all the time can get exhausting.

How do the forensic team transport the body without destroying any crucial evidence?

Asked by coraline medow over 7 years ago

Inside a fresh body bag that's zipped up.

Would it be better to have a bachelors degree in biology? Or a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice focused on forensics?

Asked by Sabrina over 7 years ago

That depends on what job you're applying for--does it entail more lab work or more scene work? The only way to know for sure is call the places you might want to work and ask, or at least check out job postings online.

Did you ever puke or feel funny on a certain case?

Asked by MarieAbend over 7 years ago

I got a little queasy at my very first autopsy, but since then, no.

whats a typical day in the life of a forensic scientist?

Asked by kenia almost 8 years ago

When I was at the coroner's office, a typical day would be examining victim's clothing from a homicide or suicide, typing blood samples and testing gunshot residue samples. Now at the police department, a typical day is spent in front of the computer putting in latent prints that the officers or I have lifted from items and searching for a match, or checking past searches of new people put in the system. Then I might go out to process a burglary scene.

Can cigarette remains (Butts, partially smoked, etc.) be used to identify time in forensic investigation? (ex: Staleness)

Asked by Wolf - Research for Novel over 7 years ago

Not as far as I know. I think that would be too difficult because even if you could assess staleness, you wouldn't know how fast the person smokes a pack, therefore how long the pack had been open, how it had been stored, etc.

Do I need a bachelor's degree in both forensic science and Biology to become a forensic biologist, because many universities i like don't offer forensics, so i'd have to take forensics at a 2 year college and some website say i need bachelors in both

Asked by Ailyn almost 8 years ago

That depends on what agencies mean by the title 'forensic biologist' and what your job duties would be. The only way to know that is to contact them and ask. You can also check websites of forensic organizations such as American Academy and the International Association for Identification and look at their job postings. That will give you an idea of requirements for different positions.

Ex branded my arm with writing . Heated something small and wrote name all over. Barley burns skin. Trying to make it stand out to take picture or somehow lift like finger print. I tried with finger dust powder from hobby store.???? any suggestions?

Asked by Larry over 7 years ago

If you could possibly create different colored filters for your camera with transparent, colored films? That might enhance the writing. That's all I can think of, sorry!

Do forensic scientist have to specialize into one field like serology, latent print, toxicology, etc. or can they be multidisciplinary in the sense that one day they work on entomology another they do blood spatter and so on?

Asked by Chicken Jr. almost 8 years ago

see question above.

Very very sorry to disturb so many times our case pathologist did not examine hyoid bone. He sent it to forensic lab. However flab did not report receiving it. In the concl pathologist declared hyoid bone intact. When he examined hyoid bone?confused

Asked by Raja over 8 years ago

Okay, so if I'm following this:The pathologist says he sent the hyoid to the forensic lab.The forensic lab says it didn't receive it. The pathologist report says the hyoid was intact.

It seems to me that the 2nd and 3rd statements contradict the first, and since as far as I know pathologists and not labs examine hyoid bones, my guess is that the first statement is an error, either a typo or a misstatement and the bone was never sent to the lab. The only way to know for sure is to ask the pathologist. Just call the ME or coroner's office and ask for an appointment to come in or to phone in order to ask that pathologist a few questions about the report. Such offices are usually very careful to make a family comfortable so I'm sure they will be willing to address your concerns. Best of luck!

What's one of the weirdest cases you've worked?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

Unfortunately I can't really discuss that on a public forum. And they're all weird, in their way.

Could a persons pants instantly catch on fire , front and back from using a torch?

Asked by Dana Blackmon over 7 years ago

I'm sure that depends on what material the pants were made of.

As a Forensic Scientist, are you legally exempt from being a Juror?

Asked by Ahmed Jordan Ezz Jr. almost 8 years ago

This may vary by county or state, but I am not because I'm a civilian employee and not a sworn officer.

I played a video game recently that had two murderers - separate murders - freeze their respective victims' bodies to throw off the time of death. Does that actually work? If so, how long does it take to unfreeze?

Asked by R-Mod over 7 years ago

Changing the ambient temperature either up or down and then changing it back will affect a pathologist's estimate of time of death because they usually take that into consideration. I couldn't guess how long it would take it to unfreeze, but at room temperature I would think several hours at a minimum.

What are the best colleges in Minnesota for forensics? I want a 4 year, if possible.

Asked by Sarah over 7 years ago

I'm afraid I wouldn't have any idea. Call your local crime labs and ask their personnel for suggestions.

If I decide to pursue forensic science at uni, will I manage if I did not have chemistry in high school (I'm doing the IB)? Of course I do have some knowledge but only basics. will I learn at uni or is it expected of me to have previous knowledge?

Asked by Justyna about 7 years ago

I really don’t know, since my degree is in biology, not forensic science. You should ask one of faculty advisors in the forensic science program at the university (or better yet several universities). You could probably just call the departments on the phone and ask.

Lisa thanks you for responding. Yes there are many variables in this but what Iam asking is : If you had to take a measure of amount of blood that was on human skin , how would you?

Asked by Rodger over 7 years ago

I'm sorry but I really don't know.

Could I ask you some questions for a school project?

Asked by ssosiak1 over 7 years ago

Sure, email me at

I was accused of rape by a diabolical tenant and her daughter! I actually sprayed w d40 and it backsplashed right in my face! I was blwng my nose, wiping sweat frm my head & spit in tissue. Cld they wipe Tht on them or in them and claim rape?

Asked by Pes over 7 years ago

No, because those fluids would not contain acid phosphatase.

For the Ga Fatality Review Board, why wouldnt a minor child who died a Violent death not be in the Statics for that County?

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

I have no idea. You'd have to ask the review board. Since statistics are just numbers, how do you know it's not included?

What are the questions you would ask when you find a fiber?

Asked by Cory over 7 years ago

Well, if it's found on the victim, you might ask if it came from the suspect's clothing/upholstery/etc., and vice versa. Or it could similarly link either party to the crime scene, depending upon the circumstances of the case.

Is there any printed literature or old case dockets I can reference that directly says examiners can distinguish between prints left by bare hands and those wearing gloves, or is this just common knowledge?

Asked by Kayla lions over 7 years ago

The only areas of the body with friction ridges are the palms and fingers of the hand and the soles of the feet. They could not possibly be found on gloves. I don't know if there's a paper that states's kind of like finding research to say that an apple is not an Orange. However if you search 'identifying glove prints ' you could probably find what you need. Best of luck.

I'm writing a short story and would like to know what a body would decompose like after being left unburied in a forest in January, heavy snowfall, and discovered in February? Thank you so much!

Asked by rose about 7 years ago

I'm not an expert in that particular aspect, but I know from experience that it will make a big difference if the area was continuously frozen as opposed to freezing, then thawing, then freezing again and so on. If it was continuously frozen there might not be too much decomposition at all. If it freezes and thaws continuously then it could be quite decomposed, especially if its not covered with anything like dirt or even leaves. Plus under those circumcstances I would expect a lot more animal activity.

Hi my name Is Gemali Monzon and I go to Chehalis Middle School and we are doing a project on the career we want. I want to be a forensic science technician and would like to interview you. You can get back at me at

Asked by Gemali Monzon almost 8 years ago

Sure, I'll email you.

I just tried to email you and it came back undeliverable. You can email me at

After graduation, what do you advice future forensic scientists to do and expect when getting a job in this field?

Asked by kwony123 about 7 years ago

It’s not easy to get a job in this field—there’s a lot of competition and staffs are not as large as you might think. The best thing you can do, after graduation if not before, is get an internship somewhere to get some practical experience and meet people. It will also help if you’re willing to relocate.

I read that it's possible to determine sex from cranium or skeletal features and when trying it out on pictures of well known celebrities I find females with male skeletons and males with female skeletons, can you please explain this anomaly?

Asked by pietas almost 8 years ago

I'm sorry but I wouldn't have any idea. You'd have to ask an anthropologist.

Can a dna test determine whether my husband is an uncle or a half brother

Asked by Donna over 7 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't know. A DNA testing company can probably help you. Best of luck!

Hi there! I was wondering if I can interview you for my school project ? if so please contact me

Asked by Litzy garza over 7 years ago

Yes, I'll email you when I'm back at work tomorrow.

what on going knowledge does your job keep up with.

Asked by amelia over 7 years ago

Our office gets journals from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the International Association for Identification, as well as smaller publications like newsletters for the Florida Division of the IAI and the one for the association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts.

What's the most stressful part of being a Forensic scientist?

Asked by Sam almost 8 years ago

Being 'on call' and knowing you can be interrupted at any moment of the day and have to go to a crime scene, even if it's the middle of the night or a holiday. Having to get up once or twice during the night after working 10-12 hours and knowing you have to work those hours for another day or two is pretty disheartening. I've also had to change vacations because I have to testify in a trial. I hate that. 

What is the first thing a forensic team does when they reach the crime scene in this case homicide?

Asked by marge white over 7 years ago

Get everybody out of it, and then take pictures.

I am the one who asked the question about a right handed person shooting himself in the right temple with a 9 mm weapon.
This was my grandson and the answer is extremely important to me. I found him. if I give more info , can you give more detail?

Asked by Jeannie over 7 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss! However I doubt I could tell you anything more. I believe it's impossible to tell exactly what physics will take place. If you'd like, email me at with your details and I'll see if I can give you any opinions that might help.

So I am going to get my associates degree (and a forensic certification), is that enough to get a job working for a forensic police department?

Asked by Geo over 7 years ago

I have no idea. You'll have to ask the agency to which you are applying. They may all have different requirements.

What are the major clues that indicate a murder?

Asked by bart white over 7 years ago

That would depend entirely on the circumstances and method of murder, wouldn't it? If they are such that it would be impossible for the person to have died by accident, suicide, or of natural causes, then murder would be suspected.

I’ve always wanted to be a forensic scientist and I’m in first year of college. Im struggling in the college level biology class and losing hope. I just think I’m not smart enough because many teachers had told me I’m not. Do you have any suggestions

Asked by Julia over 7 years ago

First of all, no teacher should ever tell you you're 'not smart enough' for a field.

Second, not all forensic work involves a great deal of biology--really only DNA analysis and serology do. Toxicology will require a good chemistry background. But specialized fields such as latent prints, crime scene investigator, questioned documents, digital evidence, ballistics and impression evidence would use little to no biology.

If a formal degree becomes a problem, you might want to see if you can start out in an Evidence/Property area and work up from there.

Best of luck!

A girl was found dead in warf.When some one find the dead body her right hand was not touching ground,it was raised from surface.Also the body had the refreshness.Also her stomach contain the carrot ,it is known by postmortem report.say your thought

Asked by Abi over 7 years ago

Was she washed up out of the water or found on a dock or something? In the first case it wouldn't be interpretable because you can't know where the body was when rigor set in. In the second it might indicate that the body had been moved if the hand position wasn't consistent with where the body was found. I don't know what you mean by 'refreshness'. Stomach contents can help a pathologist estimate how long it had been between eating and time of death, though of course everyone's digestion rate is a little different. I hope that helps!

Cadaveric spasm has also been called 'instantaneous rigor'. Will muscles/muscle groups frozen from cadaveric spasm 'unfreeze' before the muscles that froze from rigor mortis?

Asked by Tom Phillips over 7 years ago

I'm sorry I can't help but that's a pathology question. I do not know.

Hi. Does the crime scene investigator lead the investigation? or does he collect the evidence and analyse it and pass it on to someone who leads the investigation/ interviews witnesses/ searches for the perpetrator etc? I want to work in field

Asked by Justyna about 7 years ago

Usually, as far as I know, the detective is in charge of the investigation. The CSI doens’t work for them but is there to provide technical support and advice, but ultimately, the detective has the final say. And unlike TV, the detectives are interviewing witnesses and deciding who to arrest. Best of luck!

Where would you say is the best university to study forensic science?

Asked by Dom over 7 years ago

I'm sorry but I wouldn't have any idea. They didn't even have forensic science degrees when I went to school.


Asked by Shane about 7 years ago

I think it's unlikely that there wouldn't be any injuries, but I'm afraid I couldn't tell you. You would need a pathologist for that.

Is it normal to find a body in odd and scary places like off a cliff or underwater? If so, is it an option to wait to get the body to lab to analyze or do you have to look at it no matter how bizarre the crime scene?

Asked by ubxh over 7 years ago

Most people die in their homes, so that's the 'normal' place to find them, but there are plenty of more unusual incidents as well. It's never scary, though, since when I go there I'm surrounded by cops, EMS workers, possibly firemen, Medical Examiner staff etc. I always observe the body where it is found, since that is my job. The Medical Examiner's or Coroner's office staff examines the body at their lab, so they can choose to come to the scene or not. If the death appears to be straightforward and natural, they will often not come to the scene and simply have the body transported to them.

Considering gunpowder residue, how is it possible for someone to get it on their hand after simply firing a gun?

Asked by R-Mod over 7 years ago

Gunshot residue can actually refer to two things, gunpowder that flies out of the barrel with the bullet and can land on the victim, and primer residue that can leak out of the back of the bullet cartridge and spray out onto the shooter's hand. But it can also get on the gun or nearby surfaces or people so presence of it on hands does not prove someone fired a gun, and it can wipe off easily so absence of it doesn't prove they did.

What are the most common ways that people have been killed

Asked by bart white over 7 years ago

Gunshot is the most common, then bludgeoning, then stabbing.

If a person died from a bullet wound within an hour and his eyes are open and he was shot 24 more times will his eyes stay open or would they shut from muscle contractions. If alive with 1 shot, then shot 24 times will eyes be open or shut

Asked by Ggrreenn over 7 years ago

I have no idea. It could be either. It doesn't matter how many times they were shot. As far as I know it would only matter if their eyes were open or not at the moment they died, not what happened before or after they died.

research for a novel:
How would a severed hand found on a Cornish coast in autumn after two weeks at sea reveal that it had been in the sea that long and would you know roughly, how long the hand's owner might have lived for at sea? Thank you hugely!

Asked by Helene du Mauri over 7 years ago

Generally bodies in the water decompose more slowly than bodies exposed to air, but more specifically than that I cannot tell you. I did find this:

It's really a pathology question and not my area. Also colder temperatures will cause slower decomposition than warmer temps.

I definitely can't answer your second question but also, are you asking a) how long the person lived as a sailor b) how long the person was in the water before the hand was cut off or c) how long they might have survived in the water after the hand was cut off (assuming they had no access to a tourniquet and such like)? If you could locate someone who worked as a ship's doctor they might be a big help.

Best of luck!!

How long does a blood sample last taken to verify THC content in the specimen? I'm still waiting for results from over 7 months ago.

Asked by Gregory over 7 years ago

I don't know, but it could depend mostly on where the sample was sent and what their backlog is. Some state labs might have a bad backlog. It could also depend on how they prioritize samples.

Do you usually have a lot of free time or none at all?

Asked by Emily almost 8 years ago

Not much free time, no. There's always work to do.

How stressful is the job, and how do you cop? Was the job more than you expected it to be?

Asked by ssosiak1 almost 8 years ago

It can be very stressful at times when unexpected overtime or court interferes with life plans, and at times when we are exhausted/hungry/have five detectives all wanting different things at once. But I just focus on the job what needs to be done right now and looking forward to a shower and bed. No, the job is about what I expected.

What can be said about a time(frame) of death if a deceased was found with no lividity and no rigor mortis?

Asked by Emonzi about 8 years ago

Barring any bizarre circumstances i would think they have only been dead for a short time. But that's really a pathologist's question.Hope that helps!

How do you use chemistry in your job as a forensic scientist?

Asked by Kayla Fitzgerald over 7 years ago

I use it the way you use your computer without writing code. I have chemicals that I use to process for prints, but we just purchase them. There are a few reagents we mix ourselves. At the coroners office we mixed almost all ourselves. A toxicologist, on the other hand, would use it every day.

i want to change my website name. my website name is but i want to change it. so please suggest me.

Asked by I want to Change My website name. almost 7 years ago

I wouldn't have any idea about that.

what work experience is recommended ?

Asked by kenia almost 8 years ago

Any kind of lab work, lab courses or internships in laboratories or with the criminal justice system.

Before an autopsy is performed, must all the blood be removed from the body?

Asked by Richard Ferstandig about 7 years ago

No. Much blood will drain from all the cutting done during the autopsy, but no attempt is made to particularly remove it.

I have a niece that wishes to be a forensic scientist. She did not have the best grades and she is struggling trying to get her AA degree from a 2 year community college in forensics. She now has a baby. What would you suggest?

Asked by mikeruth12 almost 7 years ago

She should try to get an internship with a local agency--city, county, state police or medical examiner's. Practical experience will count for a lot. However much depends on what kind of forensic scientist she wants to be--does she want to do crime scene work, in which case most of the training is on the job, or does she want to work in a lab, in which case she'll probably need at least a BA in biology or chemistry. She can check forensic organization websites and government websites for job vacancy postings to get an idea of what the job requirements are. She might also check out entry level positions. At our department we have PSA--Public Service Aides, a paid position that's basically a step between community volunteers and sworn officers. They do more cop-type things, but will make contacts and learn a lot. They do things like direct traffic at accident scenes, take burglary reports and process scenes for fingerprints. She might also want to consider that forensic positions involving crime scene work often have unpredictable hours and sometimes overtime, which might be difficult to juggle with child care arrangements.

What are the most common mistakes a killer/murderer that gets them caught?

Asked by bart white over 7 years ago

The vast, vast majority of people who kill people didn't plan to kill someone, so they often leave fingerprints, blood, witnesses, text messages, and then come up with some sort of story that sounded good in their head but wouldn't fool a 6 year old.

Is it normal for All Government Offices to Destroy a minor child's death records and accident report????

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

Not that I'm aware of. Are you sure they were destroyed? Or simply not located at that office?

As a forensic scientist, do you use the diameter of blood splatters as clues to how the crime happened?

Asked by Rylee over 7 years ago

Yes, the arcsin of the width divided by the length of the stain will give you the angle of impact at which the blood struck the surface (usually a wall). The direction of the stains can be traced back to a point of convergence and from there the angles can be traced back to a distance from the wall, giving you the approximate point in space where the blow was struck.

If a person kills themselves by hanging (belt) does trauma 2 throat and petecheia show up immediately at time of death

Asked by Jennifer over 7 years ago

Yes. I've never heard it mentioned that certain things don't show up until later.

3. List the five malware analysis techniques that can be used. Why do you think a Digital Forensics Investigator needs to be familiar with them?

Asked by ali mh almost 8 years ago

As I'm not trained in digital forensics, I'm afraid I wouldn't know. PS the purpose of this website is not really so that you can cut and paste your homework and get other people to do it for you.

If you smoked weed within the past few years of applying to be a tech in a crime lab, could you still get the job or is that a deal breaker?

Asked by Cayla over 7 years ago

It almost certainly would not be a deal-breaker. Just tell them the truth.

Can the fingerprints of a living person be taken off a dead human body, namely the skin of the corpse? If so, what are the easiest places for that?

Asked by R-Mod about 7 years ago

Yes. It's not common, but prints have been lifted using superglue or the more recent RTX. The best areas would be those that are smooth, clean and largely free of hair.

What college classes would benefit a forensic degree best? Biology, Chemistry ?

Asked by Sarah over 7 years ago

That depends on what you want to go into. If you want toxicology, go with chemistry. If you want serology or DNA, go with biology. If crime scene, general forensic science.

Hello Lisa
Iam a researcher for a major company and Iam looking for a test method that would allow me determine how much blood would be left on the body after a bandage or fem pad was removed? Can you help? Thank you

Asked by Rodger over 7 years ago

I'm afraid not. I'm guessing that would depend entirely on how large the bandage is and how much the person bled. Best of luck!

s it possible to determine trajectory that a gun was fired, if so, how?

Asked by Noah B over 7 years ago

At it’s most basic, a trajectory is just geometry. If you can find two fixed points then you can draw a straight line between and beyond them.

how do you become a forensic science technician

Asked by Philisa Claridy about 7 years ago

A 'forensic science technician' can refer to anything from someone who works in the Property Department to someone who does DNA analysis to someone who investigates death scenes. A good way to get a handle on the situation is to look at online job postings from places where you might want to work--the local police department, the county morgue, the state crime lab. They will post the duties and requirements for each position. You can also check the same information on the websites of professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences or the International Association for Identification. That should give you a good start.

I want to get a degree in forensic science. Is this possible? And how would I get there?

Asked by Sarah over 7 years ago

Go to a college that offers a degree in forensic science. Each college or university should have a website where they list the degrees they provide.

During interviews, is there a certain type of "personality" that forensic scientists look for?

Asked by kwow111 about 7 years ago

No, just attention to detail and patience.

Why are some surfaces easier for fingerprints to rub off of than others?

Asked by Max G over 7 years ago

If you page up to the very first question, the answer goes into this in some detail.

Good afternoon!im just a bit curious.... at what college did you go to?

Asked by Anna over 7 years ago

Cleveland State University. I have a BS in Biology.

Hello. I'm a high school student trying to become a forensic anthropologist. My parents and many relatives disapprove of my career choice because they think it's morbid. Please tell me something I could use to reason with them. Thanks.

Asked by Maeve about 7 years ago

Well, you could simply say you're going to be an anthropologist, which is true--I believe you'd have to be an anthropologist first and then specialize in forensic work. They might be disapproving because they believe it will be difficult to get a job--which is probably also true. When I was at the coroner's office our anthropologist was a college professor who would drive two hours to come and consult whenever we had skeletal remains. Very few agencies are large enough to have a full-time anthropologist on staff. So you might want to have some sort of back-up plan.

If a right handed person shoots himself in right temple with a 9 mm weapon while in a seated position in floor with back resting against bed and head slumped to his left, where is weapon likely to be found?

Asked by Jeannie over 7 years ago

I would guess in his lap or to his right, but it's impossible to know for sure, since you cannot know exactly how the body was positioned or how powerful the load of the bullet might have been.

If we report a script that was stolen please tell me they'll finger print the bottle or is it not considered that important

Asked by Shannon McTighe almost 8 years ago

They might. I couldn't say for sure one way or the other.

Would taking Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Criminology for A levels be a good start for this job or should I opt for a different option?

Asked by Katrina over 7 years ago

I think those sound like fabulous courses for this field.

Should I get a bachelor's degree in forensic science or in a natural science?

Asked by Rose almost 8 years ago

That depends on what you want to do. Call labs that you're interested in working for or peruse job opportunities postings at the major forensic organizations websites and see what they require.

A dead body washes up on a beach, and is investigated by forensic scientists. What evidence on the body would indicate sustained tiger attacks spanning a duration of three days + proof that the person died as a result of drowning and not the attacks?

Asked by Don Barry/Screenwriter almost 7 years ago

At a guess, I would suggest: slash marks that are too wide for a knife, some partially healed, would indicate animal claws inflicted at different times, but none deep enough or near vital arteries to cause bleeding out. Then water in the lungs would indicate drowning, though that is not always a definite indicator. Drowning is an elimination diagnosis, as in you eliminate other possible causes.

when you find that you have a cold case, how do you find breakthroughs? Or are they almost pure luck?

Asked by NB over 7 years ago

That’s more of a question for detectives, since ‘solving ‘ the case is their responsibility—I’m just there to provide forensic support. But in the cases I’ve been involved with, luck is of course a huge factor.

You are testing a swab that has DNA on it, but you don't know if it's saliva/ skin cells/urin/blood.How long does it take to determine what it is and find out who it belongs to?Which steps do you have to go through and how much does it cost pr test?

Asked by Ayden about 7 years ago

Usually we can assume what kind of cells will be on it depending on where it was collected from—if from a pop can, it will probably have saliva and skin cells. From underwear might have semen. If from a dark stain, probably blood. How long it takes depends on the type of analyses done and the type of DNA testing—STR, ySTR, mitochondrial, etc. It will take at least a day or two, and after that it depends on the lab’s backlog. We send our DNA to a state lab and it will take between a month and four months to get the results back. If detectives or prosecutors want it faster and someone’s budget is willing to pay for it, we can send it to a private, accredited lab and pay for a faster analysis. They can do it in as quickly as three days or up to a week or two depending on what you want to pay for. If you want it in a week it will cost a few thousand dollars—something like $600 a sample plus upcharges for expedited service and an overall charge, if I’m remembering correctly. If you want more like three days it will be more like $5000. That’s for the basic three samples—victim, suspect and questioned sample.

In a hanging subject dead can a swelling happen from a bang to head during the cutting down of the body. person dead for 45 mins or more

Asked by Joyce about 7 years ago

As far as I know that shouldn't happen because functions stop when the person dies, but that's really a question for a pathologist. I also don't know if swelling, depending upon where it is, might happen as a result of the hanging. Sorry I can't be more help.

Hey! I am doing a research paper for my high-school project and I was wondering if Icould interview you.Provided ofcourse its not a bother. My email-id is


Asked by Divya over 7 years ago

Sure, I will email you.

What was your first thought when you started your career in forensic science ?

Asked by Krystal over 7 years ago

I’m not sure what you mean—when I decided to go into forensic science (in which case it would be “that sounds really cool, like I could solve mysteries without being a cop”) or more like my very first day on the job (which would be “I hope I don’t screw up “).

Why is it important in Microbial Forensics to know how medication can change the microbiota of an individual ?

Asked by Sam over 7 years ago

I'm sorry but I'm not versed in microbiology.

I am writing a paranormal suspense thriller novel and I need to know if you could figure out a person's identity in 2010 if all you had were the eyeballs and they were preserved since the 1970s.

Asked by Yvonne Schuchart almost 7 years ago

My guess would be no. I would think the formaldehyde would destroy the DNA in the cells, though I don’t know for sure, and in any event they weren’t doing DNA in the 70’s so you’d have to find something of the person’s to compare the eyeball DNA. If you have something of the person’s retained from the 70’s, especially hair for example, perhaps there is mitochondrial DNA in some cell in the eyeballs that could still be obtained and compared to the mDNA from the hair.Otherwise I doubt ophthalmologists would take or save retinal scans back in the 70’s. Hope that helps. Best of luck!

Well, according to the movie, as fingerprints leave an oily residue, they found traces of R-12 mixed with it. They also said that the uric acid levels in the eccrine gland residue were inconsistent with a guy with active metabolism. Too far fetched?

Asked by R-Mod about 7 years ago

Yes. Unless they have a crime lab more incredibly equipped than any I've ever visited.

1 What is the education requirement for this position? 2 What knowledge do you need to have? 3 What skills do you need to learn and how long did it take you to learn them? 4 What is a normal day like in this job?

Asked by Mattea over 7 years ago

For homework assignments please email me at:

Hello, I have some questions that I would feel better if I asked through a personal email if that is alright with you. May I ask for your email you?

Asked by YTK111 about 7 years ago

Sure, email me at:

What steps should one take to become a forensic scientist in school? I am currently a student working on a BA in chemistry, but I don't know what the next step is as far as after college.

Asked by Brianne about 7 years ago

A good way to get a handle on the situation is to look at online job postings from places where you might want to work--the local police department, the county morgue, the state crime lab. They will post the duties and requirements for each position. You can also check the same information on the websites of professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences or the International Association for Identification. That should give you a good start.

How fast would a Chevy Cavalier 2000 year model, 2.2 liter, 4 cylinder, have to go to throw a child less than 80 lbs and 3'7 & 5/8? What would the MPH be????

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

As I am not trained in accident investigation, I wouldn't have any idea.

Is it possible to be a forensic scientist and a crime scene investigator? Like a job where find the evidence and you test it?

Asked by Rach C. almost 7 years ago

Yes, to some extent. That’s what I’m doing now. It all depends on how much staff and equipment the agency has. For instance I’ll collect items and process them for fingerprints or do preliminary tests for blood or semen, but it’s unlikely that a DNA analyst would also be doing crime scene work.

What is the best college in Minnesota to get a Forensic Science Bachelor's Degree at?

Asked by Talia almost 7 years ago

I have no idea. They didn't have forensic science degrees when I went to school. But I will check with a friend of mine who teaches.

Many of the forensic scientist jobs require experience in addition to education. I have a master's degree in forensics but how do I obtain the experience if it is already a minimum requirement for the job?

Asked by shay almost 7 years ago

That is difficult. An internship is the best thing but they may be scarce. First check with your guidance counselor or forensic teachers at school to see if they can help you. Then call the crime labs in your area to see if they offer any sort of intership or long-term shadowing/volunteer work. You might also check the state and local agencies--ours had community volunteers and Public Service Aides who do some crime scene work. Best of luck!

why did you choose this job/career

Asked by anthony melendez about 7 years ago

if you have homework assignment interview questions, please email me all of them at once at: and I’ll get back to you.

You mentioned internships earlier and I was just curious on how to approach them, as I am currently a sophmore in college and taking criminal justice classes, but not chemistry classes yet.

Asked by k101 about 7 years ago

Your advisor should be able to direct you. If not, then call all the crime labs in the area, city, county, state and ask them if they offer internships and how to apply.

What are most interesting cases you have been a part of or have studied?

Asked by bart white over 7 years ago

Nothing that is nationally famous.

is there a way for me to contact you directly so i can ask more questions

Asked by a student about 7 years ago

Sure you can email me at

What degrees did you take? And what do you think is important in pursuing a job as a forensic science technician?

Asked by Donnie over 7 years ago

 Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or wherever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

What is the exact name of the job that is involved in collecting evidence and analyzing it, or is there no such thing? Like for example, does a Crime Scene Investigator's job include gathering evidence from the crime scene and later analyzing it?

Asked by Aman about 7 years ago

That’s a good question, because there is no hard and fast rule—your title is whatever your boss says it is. A CSI may work only at crime scenes or may also do any office or lab analysis as well, it depends on how big the unit is and how work is distributed.

Like someone ripped out his brain and placed it in the mans hand. And then ripped the wife's heart and placed in his other hand. ... sorry if im taking up too much of your time.

Asked by Paula again about 7 years ago

Oh, sorry, for some reason I thought you meant that the guy had done it himself. In that case it is quite possible of course. The scene would be very bloody, of course, with all those injuries. The bodies would bleed out but probably more from gravity than from the heart pumping because they would have died so quickly. (At least I’m assuming the attack was over quickly.) The heart is about the size of the person’s fist and, obviously, would be blood covered after removal. A brain is grayish white and convoluted and other than some blood smears would look fairly neat, if the entire thing was removed carefully as one would at an autopsy. The killer would need a scraping tool and the expertise to do that. Otherwise it would probably look pretty mangled, but still largely a grayish white color.Hope that helps!

Good afternoon Lisa!

I am currently taking a classes to earn my Bachelor's in Forensic Science, I just had some questions regarding your job now and how you went about getting your degree. Do you have an email were could communicate?

Thank you!

Asked by Cassidy Gould over 7 years ago

Sure, you can email me at

What types of skills for you need for this job?

Asked by kenzie almost 7 years ago

A background in science, patience, and attention to detail.

Hi Lisa, my names Analicia and I just started my first semester in college to be a Forensic Specialist/CSI. I would love to know all the required steps, and advice to get to what I want to do. Thank you.

Asked by Analicia Smith about 7 years ago

Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or wherever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

Okay I am righting a book, and I am looking for a way to describe it from a forensic scientist/analyzer's point of view. the man would die with a caved in skull, holding his brain in one hand, and his wife's heart in the other.

Asked by Paula about 7 years ago

Sorry, I'm having a hard time picturing how what you're describing would be possible.

I have an ultraviolet flashlight; orange goggles, & phosphate detector kit. Is this all a crime specialist would use to detect semen? The stains I’m finding are not turning purple, yet I’m sure it’s semen. Is there different method/product I can use?

Asked by PH13 almost 7 years ago

It may depend on how fresh the stain is and how fresh your reagents are. Plus just becuase something fluoresces does not mean it’s semen (see answer above).

Hello im currently a senior high school student and i always wanted to be a forensic scientist. How do you become one? As in what course should i take ? And is medical technology a good option?

Asked by Star about 7 years ago

It all depends on where you want to work and what they require. At the coroner's office we all had at least a bachelor's degree in a natural science like biology, because there were not any forensic degrees then. If you want to be a DNA analyst you will probably need to major in genetics or biochemistry. At the police department where I work, with our very small lab, we are only required to have a high school diploma--but you get extra points in the interview process for advanced degrees so we all have at least a bachelor's.I don’t know how helpful medical technology would be because that is specifically geared toward a different profession.

Hi so I'm doing a school project on a career I want to do and I was wondering if there was any chance I was able to ask you questions about Forensic science and pathology?

Asked by Bri about 7 years ago

Sure, email me at

I applied for a forensic technician position and I have a online interview to do within the next five days what should I expect?

Asked by DeMario about 7 years ago

I would expect it to be like any other interview--they will ask about your education and experience. If there is any practical experience you have, such as lab analyses, fingerprinting, what programs you used, they may ask specific questions about that such as which software did you use, did you use a mass spec or an electron microscope, etc. If there's things you haven't done, you might say you're aware of the theory of, say, bullet trajectory analysis but haven't had any hands-on experience. That's perfectly okay, no one is an expert in everything. Best of luck!

When women have been raped and they do a rape test kit, how can forensic scientists determine if the woman was raped or if it was consensual sex?

Asked by Steffaney Espinosa about 7 years ago

The rape kit will only show biological evidence of another person besides the victim. Bruising, injuries and testimony will be used to determine whether it was consensual or not.

I stumbled across a Forensic Program on FB. I asked them questions and the person on the other side told me that it is okay not to major in a science, but take several science courses. Should I take their word?

Asked by student about 7 years ago

Every agency will have their own requirements depending on the position and their preferences. For crime scene or to work in an evidence dept, a criminal justice major may be fine. If you can find a forensic science program that may be great. There is no one answer because it depends what positions they have at each agency.

I want to use aconite in a skin cream for the murder "weapon" in my mystery novel. Could he add enough to kill, but not right away?

Asked by Gloria almost 7 years ago

I'm sorry but that's beyond my technical expertise. You need a toxicologist for that one.

Best of luck!

Why is a fingerprint, glass, tire tracks, handwriting, bloodstain or footwear impressions important in a investiagation? Why do these take a more careful analysis than other evidence like DNA?

Asked by lubashka99 almost 7 years ago

Because fingerprints, tire tracks, footwear impressions and sometimes handwriting can, with sufficient individual characteristics, be identified to a specific person or item. (Glass can as well in the case of a 'jigsaw' match, when it physically fits into a piece of evidence.) These analyses require human attention and thorough training and competency and are not quite as simply done as adding a blood sample to a thermocycler for DNA analysis. Explaining DNA analysis takes a highly trained analyst but the actual process is largely automated.

Hi, my name is Tyler and I have a lot of questions and was wondering if it was possible to talk to you one on one via email if that's OK. My email is

Asked by Tyler about 7 years ago

Sure, I'll email you.

What does DNA contain? Other than a persons identity? Like a fingerprint found on an object, and it is swabbed, are there bactarias found as well?

Asked by Jazmin almost 7 years ago

DNA is genetic material. Substances that contain cells that contain DNA, such as blood and sweat and saliva can have many other substances as well, but a crime lab would likely only look for DNA.

Also this girl touched my phone and phone case, and its been 6 months. I remember cleaning my phone with water and my case with soap. I still feel like after 6 months, this persons dna is on my phone.. I have been using my phone for 6 month

Asked by Helena almost 7 years ago

Bleach will also destroy DNA but of course that may damage items. Soap and water will do.

With respect to drug profiling, could you please explain why it is necessary to have a full understanding of the chemistry of drug synthesis?

Asked by Laura over 6 years ago

I'm sorry but I've never worked in toxicology.

As an aspiring forensic scientist, do you have any advice or suggestions for me before I enter this career?

Asked by Eric over 7 years ago

Take all the science courses you can and visit labs that do the kind of services you’re interested in.

1. What is the work environment like?
2. What does the day to day consist of at work?
3. What qualities do you think that someone needs to become a forensic scientist?
4. How often as a forensic scientist have you had to show up at court?
5. How many years of schooling did you go through to become a forensic scientist?
6. What do you find the most challenging aspect of the job?
7. What skills do you find to be the most important to have when entering the job of a forensic scientist?
8. What made you want to become a forensic scientist?
9. About how many hours do you work a day?
10. What do you enjoy most about the job?
11. How did your career begin?

Asked by Student almost 7 years ago

For school projects please email me at:

Hello I have a question about forensic science, I am a senior in high school and I want to know what are the steps to take to be a forensic scientist

Asked by Jessica almost 7 years ago

titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

I’m positive that there was a lot of sexual activity in a bedroom. Therefore, there must be evidence of semen somewhere, right? Even if the person tried to be “as clean” as possible there must be drops leftover. How do u scour room to find evidence?

Asked by PH13 almost 7 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I’ve been on vacation. I guess it depends where the activity took place. If it all took place in bed and they washed the sheets, then there may not be any to find. An alternate light source can look for possible spots of semen, but the problem is many things can fluoresce, such as vaginal secretions, sweat, saliva, cleaners, certain fibers, etc.

I ask because I saw Saw VI that day I think & they took prints off a guy's closed eyelids. Speaking of which, they found traces of Freon R-12 within the prints, as the hand possessing them was removed from a 'corpse' & refrigerated. Is that possible?

Asked by R-Mod about 7 years ago

I am not sure that it would be possible to detect freon, particuarly the type of freon, as I have no idea what instrumentation would be used or its limits of detection or what effect contact with live or dead would have on the compounds, whether it would tend to react with them or not. I do think it's highly unlikely they would look for that as they would most likely, after the prints had been developed and photographed for the ridge detail, swab up the prints and test them for DNA from the person who left the prints. That process would be designed to detect DNA and nothing else. I suspect these results would come from a magical movie 'Batcomputer' that can tell you every single thing about anything on the planet you drop into it.

What is the minimum requirement of education needed for this profession? Is grad school necessary?

Asked by Junn111 about 7 years ago

Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or wherever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

Can DNA (skin cells) if someone just taps you on your shirt, can that be removed just by water? Like if the shirt is cleaned with just water?

Asked by Jackson almost 7 years ago

Most likely.

I’m trying to use a dna detection kit (phosphate) to test a stain for semen. How old does the stain need to be for it to turn positive(blue/purple)? The stains could be 6mo. to a year old. on Berber carpet.

Many thanks

Asked by PH almost 7 years ago

That’s hard to say. It depends not only on how old the stain is but how old or how sensitive the reagents are. I’ve had old known semen stains not react with relatively new reagents so it is possible.

I am conducting a research assignment for my Writing 222 class and wanted to site a source off of my own interview. I was wondering if you would mind answering a few questions through email. If you're interested please email me at

Asked by Jennah about 7 years ago

Sure, I'll email you.

During your High school year what subjects did you take in order to get to where you are today? Also what courses would you suggest to take for someone looking to become a forensic scientist?

Asked by katelin over 6 years ago

Take as many science and then math courses as you can.

Best of luck!

Can you tell the difference between blood from a cut and blood from a hemorrhage under a microscope?

Asked by Carla almost 7 years ago

I couldn’t. I don’t know if a pathologist or biologist could.

How long does “Touch DNA” last? For example, if a person touched a hard surface and no one else ever touched it, how long will that persons “touch” or skin cells be there?

Asked by Jazmin almost 7 years ago

Good question. If the surface isn't disturbed and the temperature and humidity are cool and steady, I know fingerprints can last indefinitely, so I suppose skin cells would last as well.

How do forensic Serologists help the community? In what type of way?

Asked by Deziree Montervino about 7 years ago

In the way of helping to solve crimes.

I am in my last year at school and I'm thinking about going to forensics but I have no idea what the career entails. Could you give me a summary or something

Asked by school pupil over 7 years ago

I'm not trying to be snippy, but no, I really can't. 'Forensics' could be anything from having a PhD in genetics to working in evidence intake. Start with why you're thinking about it as a career, what it is you see yourself doing. Then try to find facilities near you that do that and ask for a tour. It's a good way to get specific answers to specific questions as well as begin to make contacts in the field.

A crime scene, body fond in freezer, the couple murder worker that cleans the apartment, the body fond in freezer, they discover that the body was killed else where frozen, moved to another state and put in freezer, how they figure it out?

Asked by Sherlock almost 7 years ago

So the victim was killed and put in a freezer, then moved to another state and put in another freezer? I have no idea how that would be figured out, unless they leave some compelling clue frozen with the victim.

I think my fiancé is cheating on me- but he continues to say "I'm crazy"... I found used tampons in my bathroom trash and blood stains on our sheets. How can I test the linen sheets we have for blood type to positively prove he is cheating on me?

Asked by charlee over 6 years ago

You can cut off a sample of the tampon or sheet (if you don't want to cut a hole in your sheet, just take a clean cotton swab, dampen with water, and rub on the stain until some of the stain that before you wash the sheet or it probably won't work well). Let it air-dry, if necessary, and package in a clean envelope. Then rub a clean cotton swab on the inside of your own mouth for your own standard and seal in a separate clean envelope. Don't put anything in plastic. You should be able to get those tested at a lab, such as LabCorp, though it might take some explaining since they usually do parent-child comparisons. This will cost you anywhere from $250 to $600, according to their website. Of course all that will do is tell you if the blood is yours. It won't tell you whose it is. PS if it's a tiny amount on the sheets it could also be from him--shaving nick, shin scrape, that sort of thing. We bleed a lot more than we realize.

Hello Lisa! I am doing a essay on pattern and impression evidence for college. One of the requirements is to email someone who works in this field. Why is pattern and impression very important in investigations? An overall description of your job

Asked by Lyubov Barbin almost 7 years ago

I'm sorry but that's a very broad question. What kind of pattern and impression evidence are you talking about?

Like tyler I have some questions to ask. Is there anyway you can email me at and I email you a few questions to answer? Thanks it is for my class.

Asked by Hello My name is Jay, about 7 years ago

Sure, I'll email you.

Hi, I have a career research project and was wondering if you had time for a one on one interview?

Asked by Kiara almost 7 years ago

Sorry for the late response--sure, email me at

Have you been involved in a case that went cold and it affected you personally and professionally?

Asked by aadelle77 over 6 years ago


Today I tried to log into the forums, using my correct username and password and I received the message that the username/password were incorrect.I tried again, but the same thing happened. I checked my username and password spelling and yet they were correct, but I still got an error message. I had to reset my password. Why? I am totally sure that the credential I put in the login form were right and no one can change my credential. The assistance of custom essay writing service ( ) helps students understand the basics of every custom written paper, as well as the elements of creative writing.

Asked by davidjohn2121 about 7 years ago

I"m sorry but that's a question for the website administrator.

Can u plz tell me how to become a forensic scientist.....can i get a scolarship in your land

Asked by Litty almost 7 years ago

Stay in school and take lots of science courses. Scholarships would be offered by different schools and/or organizations. What land are you in now?

Hi, I recently developed OCD with a particular person.. I hate the fact this persons “DNA” or skin cells will be with me. This person touched my shirt and I washed it by hand..will their skin cells be gone after washing? Also my phone?

Asked by Helena almost 7 years ago

Yes, soap will take care of it.

What is the difference between a forensic psychologist and a criminal psychologist?

Asked by soph02 almost 7 years ago

I apologize but I have absolutely no idea. I suspect there may not be a difference.

A criminal stabbed to death two victims and then inflicted wounds upon themselves The killer's shirt was covered in blood. Is it possible to determine that one victims blood was on top of another persons blood? Can they tell who was stabbed 1st or 2

Asked by Chunky Monkey over 6 years ago

I"m sorry, I know I posted an answer to this question but apparently it disappeared into cyberspace. As far as I know, no, it wouldn't be possible. The DNA results would show a mixture so that you could say 'it could be a mix of these two people, meaning there's no alleles that could NOT have come from them' but you couldn't positively state that it is a mixture. And it wouldn't be possible to tell which came first as the sample is put in a liquid medium and mixed to analyze.

I want to become a Forensic Biologist, similar to a Forensic Scientist. However, I'm unsure about what to major in Biology or Forensic Science? To become a Forensic Biologist, Do i major in Biology or Forensic Science?

Asked by Ash almost 7 years ago

I would guess that you should major in biology and minor in forensic science. I don't believe that a general forensic science program would be specific enough for a biologist job. But you should check want ads to see what they require.

My school is offering 2 community health service courses that are credited. Will these courses be any help with forensic science or forensic anthropology?

Asked by Crazykid almost 7 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't know what a community health service course is, but I would think any information about the medical field would always be helpful.

What's the shortest time for an autopsy you've done on a body? What's the longest? How long does an average autopsy take to finally decide you've found everything you could from it?

Asked by R-Mod almost 7 years ago

I have never done an autopsy, as I’m not a doctor. I’ve attended many, many autopsies, and they generally take about two hours, but can go up to four or five if there are a lot of injuries. At that point they will be done with the body, but the autopsy report can take much longer depending on if they have to send out samples for toxicology analysis (most places do) or have to wait on some other kind of specialty report. In one case I remember we had to wait a long time for a pediatric x-ray analysis. That can be weeks to months depending on who you’re waiting on and how big their backlog is.

If someone takes their own life by hanging will they have rope fibers on their hands (cotten rope), will the furrow be completely around their neck and if the person is right handed will the knot be on the right side? Thank you

Asked by Kim over 6 years ago

They would most likely have rope fibers on their hands whether they hung themselves or were strangled. No, the furrow will usually get less deep and maybe disappear, depending on how tight the rope is, toward the spot where the knot is since it is usually higher up on the body as gravity pulls the body downward. As far as I know the location of the knot will depend on where it’s tied, if it’s slid around before suspension occurs, and the structure of the knot (if it slips or not). Being right or left handed shouldn’t make a difference therefore.

If I already have a degree in Chemistry, how would I go about becoming a forensic chemist?

Asked by Tori over 6 years ago

Just apply for it. Check the websites of your local city, state, county police agencies and see if they have a position posted and what the requirements are. You can also check and for national postings. Best of luck!

I wanted to know what was the best degree to get for a forensic biologist? I"m getting mixed answers. Do I pursue and undergrad in forensic science and then master in biology or would a 4-year biology degree work?

Asked by Jackie over 6 years ago

Sorry it took me so long, I was out of town at a conference. But I really don’t know for sure—it’s up to the hiring lab, what they want. I would think a 4 year in Biology with as many Forensic classes as you can get would be best, but a better way to guess would be to call all the labs you’re considering and ask them.Best of luck!

Is it feasible for forensic scientist to work only on the chemistry side of forensics? I enjoy chemistry, but dislike biology, and dislike the idea of working on bodily fluids. Would a forensic CHEMIST still analysis biological fluid?

Asked by Samarkand over 6 years ago

Many forensic chemistry departments only analyze possible drugs, so I would think it would be possible to find.

Hello! I am currently in high school and am having trouble deciding what career in forensics would be the best for me. I know I do not want something overly involved with legal aspects. However, I definitely need on-hand, interactive work. Any ideas?

Asked by kthakur almost 7 years ago

Most any job in forensics is hands-on, either lab work or field work or both, and legalities are usually the responsibility of the officers, who are trained in such, and the attorneys. So I don’t think you’ll have a problem. Best of luck!

About 6 mos ago i lived w people who want to steal my dna to get a rape conviction and sue me for 2.6 million. Can forensic stuff tell that my nail was shed 6 mos ago,not now?

Asked by Samuel waller over 6 years ago


Okay. Also, won’t my own skin cells like disturb her skin cells? Like over the course of 6 months? I have touching many things like in the bus and train handles and then touching my phone. Won’t the new germs like destroy her germs and dna as wll?

Asked by HELena almost 7 years ago

As far as I know germs don’t ‘eat’ other germs. But they can’t live long by themselves so on an inanimate surface, they would die sooner rather than later.

I am a writer doing research, I want to preface this by saying I know what I am about to show might be impossible in the real world, but my story is working with a paranormal cause. Anyway, how would it be possible to appear self inflicted?

Asked by Ahmetia over 6 years ago

Possible for what to appear self-inflicted?

What type of certifications if any are required for the jobs you have had in the forensics industry and how can they be attained

Asked by Kk10 over 6 years ago

The 'forensics industry' encompasses at least twenty different areas, from pathology to accounting, so any certifications would be administered by that disciplines organizing body. Fingerprints, for example, are regulated through the International Association for Identification. Death Investigators have their own organization. Whether or not these certifications are required for your job is up to the agency (such as your city police department or a county medical examiner's office) hiring you for that job.

Do some of the remains you have to investigate make you uncomfortable?

Asked by jasmine Nunez almost 6 years ago

No, I can't say that they do.

how do you advance what made you want to become this
what kind of personality is recommended
how many years of school
how hard is it to find a job

Asked by a student about 7 years ago

I'm not trying to be snobby, but first of all it would be very important that you can communicate in English, with proper punctuation.

How long does an iPhone have to be submerged in lake water before it can’t be used to find locations or contacts?

Asked by J.H. Paree over 6 years ago

I have absolutely no idea. I asked my coworker (who does digital forensics) this one time because I wanted to get rid of some old phones, but she didn't know either. I smashed them with a hammer and then soaked them in my pool for about ten minutes, but of course I have no way to know if that completely worked.

If I have a BS in Physics, is that the right path to become a blood spatter analyst or a ballistics expert?

Asked by Trey over 6 years ago

I think it would certainly be an asset!

Best of luck.

I went to a forensic lab that day and I remembered them saying something about using gas chromatography to know if it wasa suicide or done by others. How do they know?

Asked by Junz over 6 years ago

What was it they were testing?

I need help with my major for being Forensic Science Technician. I was wondering if I could take Criminal Justice for my Associate at a Community College and then Transfer to a four year university and get my bachelors in biology or chemistry for FST

Asked by Kyerra Lenard over 6 years ago

Hi, sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

When making a identity from a fire do you make it by random teeth found or teeth in jaw bone? Or how do you determine that?

Asked by Cybill over 6 years ago

Hi Cybill, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I believe that they can use the inside of a tooth for DNA analysis, but of course if the tooth is loose they may not be able to determine which body it came from if there's more than one. I expect a dentist would need the teeth still in the jaw to compare with dental x-rays in order to make a comparison that way, but it may all depend on what work, if any, has been done to the tooth and how distinctive that work is. I'm not a DNA analyst (any more) or a dentist so I'm not 100% sure.

Something about hydrocarbons

Asked by Junz over 6 years ago

But what sample were they testing? What piece of evidence were they analyzing in the gas chromatograph?

There weren't any samples they just briefed us through. I think changing a question would be better. How is natural science used to establish forensic science?

Asked by Junz over 6 years ago

I'm sorry, but again that is way too broad a question. Most forensic science is based on biology, physics and chemistry, so it's all 'natural' science.

How do forensic scientists determine time of death or how long a person has been deceased?

Asked by Adel about 6 years ago

That determination is made by the pathologist doing the autopsy, and there are a number of ways--body temperature, rate of decomposition, rigor mortis, but it will be an estimate, not the precise number that you might see on TV. All those things can depend on the environment where the body is, temperature, exposure, physical characteristics of the victim, medical conditions etc. Entomologists can help if there is distinct bug activity at the scene as well.

Hope that helps!

How old were you when you first became a forensic scientist?

Asked by Sara over 6 years ago

32. It was my second career, I majored in political science during my first round at college and was a personnel secretary for ten years first.

Can you be multiple different types of a forensic scientist?

Asked by Molly almost 7 years ago

Most people are cross-trained in more than one area. In smaller agencies people might have to wear a lot of hats.

If I keep a lock of hair in a bottle and it's stored in a humid area, will the hair still disintegrade over time? Thank you!

Asked by :) over 6 years ago

If the bottle is sealed well, I don't think so. Hair is pretty tough.

My son died recently and his keys were in his pocket. They gave me back the keys and wallet in a baggie and I need to clean them. I don't want to open the bag without knowing the best way to do it without the smell and such being overwhelming?

Asked by lmc over 6 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. My advice would be to use rubber gloves and take the items to a porch or some dry outside spot if it’s not going to rain for a while, or the garage or utility room if so. If you’re sensitive to smells you might use swimmers nose plugs or a bandana tied over your face. Spread the items out on a clean paper bag or newspaper (or wax paper if there’s some pieces of paper in his wallet you want to keep. Anything that can be wet, like car keys or plastic cards, dip or wash them in a container of water with some bleach in it, then let dry. Let all the stuff in the wallet dry if necessary, then keep what you want and discard the rest. Some of the smell will dissipate the longer its left to dry but if it’s something that can’t be soaked in bleach, you may never get a smell completely out, as far as I know. Best of luck.

What courses did you have to take in college in order to study forensic science?

Asked by hello my name is makiya mcqueen and i am a student at booker t washington magnet high school. I am currently taking a career preparness course and I am very interested in forensic science. I would love to ask you a few questions for my Career investigatio over 6 years ago

Sure, email me at

I am currently a Forensic Science Major and have to complete an internship, would a wildlife rehab and education center be a good location for this?

Asked by Sosi over 6 years ago

I think that depends entirely on where you live or want to work. If you intend to apply for lab or crime scene work in a large city, then no. If you're going to work crime scene in a remote area with a lot of outdoor scenes and animal activity, then maybe yes. Regardless, an internship at your local forensic facility would be better. If that's not possible, at least call them and ask for their advice.

Thank you so much for getting back to me! What kind of science did you use as a Fiber Analyst? Did you use biology, chemistry, etc.? What’s your typical day like as a Fiber Analyst? Is most of the work done at the crime scene or in the lab?

Asked by Bailey over 6 years ago

Biology would help with the natural fibers (like cotton or fibers from plants, or hairs from animals like wool) and chemistry helped with analyzing synthetic fibers with polarized light or fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Those last two don't work on natural fibers because they're not consistent all the way through like a synthetic fiber, that comes out of a machine.

Fiber analysis was usually only examined in cases of stabbing, strangling or bludgeoning, where there had to be close physical contact between victim and suspect. (A gunshot didn't mean there had to be contact.) It was only a small part of my days. Very little is done any more because you can only say the fibers are consistent with having come from a particular sample, you can't say they did, as in DNA or fingerprints. You can't even give a statistic for how likely it would be to find a particular fiber unless it came from the suspect, etc., because we can't know how many items with that fiber are in the environment.

Only collection would be done in the field, to do anything more you would need the microscopes and the equipment at the lab.

Hope that helps!

A criminal stabbed to death two victims and then inflicted wounds upon themselves The killer's shirt was covered in blood. Is it possible to determine that one victims blood was on top of another persons blood? Can they tell who was stabbed 1st or 2

Asked by Chunky Monkey over 6 years ago

As far as I know, no. The DNA tests of the shirt will just show a mixture of the victims, so that the analyst would only be able to say the blood could have come from these two or three people--in other words there are no alleles that definitely couldn't have come from those three. But because it is a mixture, they can't say it did come from these three exact people. And they couldn't tell, again as far as I know, which blood was deposited first.

How long does a body have to be exposed in warm temps before it starts to deteriorate?

Asked by LookingForJustice over 6 years ago

Bodies begin to deteriorate immediately, but the process might progress more slowly or less slowly depending on temperature, humidity, exposure or any medical conditions of the victim.

Do you feel that the junk science portrayed on TV makes it more difficult for you to give successful evidence in court?

Asked by Marcel over 6 years ago

That's called the 'CSI Effect' and it can be a problem for juries to have unrealistic expectations. One instructor described it as "Juries don't know as much as they think they know, but they really do know a lot more than they used to know."

What is the next step from secondary school in order to become a forensic scientist ?

Asked by Maria over 6 years ago

Go to college and major in forensic science or one of the natural sciences. Best of luck!

What can you tell me about death related to homicide, suicide and car fatalities.

Asked by Annette Davis almost 6 years ago

That’s an exceedingly broad question that could take a stack of textbooks to answer.

How much methamphetamine would it take in a body that was submerged 4 two weeks, for an ME to consider it intoxicated? drowning with environmental hypothermia, contributory cause: methamphetamine intoxication

Asked by Lina N Lete about 6 years ago

I’m sorry but I have no idea. I’ve never worked in Toxicology.

How can you prove a controlled substance that was collected from highway isn’t contaminated

Asked by Julie almost 6 years ago

It depends on what you're talking about--was what contaminated with what? Lots of things can be contaminated with things without results being affected. Take blood, you can mix blood with paint or dirt or maybe oil or types of soap and that won't affect the DNA profile. If you mix it with bleach or other blood, it will. So if you had, say, heroin, and it gets mixed with fingerprint powder or cotton fibers, it's still going to test as heroin. If you mix it with cocaine, maybe it won't. (Controlled substances are not my field.) So 'contamination' is not a one-size fits-all word.

Do you do one on one or group tutoring? For forensic Science?

Asked by Sam about 6 years ago

I’m sorry, no. I don’t feel qualified to do that.

Mrs. Black, I'm a freshmen in college and would like to know if you'd allow me to conduct an interview with yourself over email? This is for one of my classes since I am highly interested in becoming a csi.

Asked by Katerin P. over 6 years ago

Sure, email me at

Hey got another question what skill do you need to be a forensic scientist

Asked by Sara over 6 years ago

titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

On a lot of TV shows, it's often said that water washed away dna evidence (ejaculate). Is it not possible for some to be left deep inside vagina? (Assuming there is ejaculate). Isn't it like taking a bath; water can't really get into vagina?

Asked by Leandra over 6 years ago

Sorry, but I really don't know. You'd have to ask a pathologist. I imagine it might depend on how long after death the person was in the water.

I am busy studying Forensic DNA and srtuggle with the following questions:
consequences of contamination collecting DNA

Your assistance would be appreciated.

Asked by Lindi Steyn almost 7 years ago

Contamination may make it impossible to get a DNA profile, or the profile might show a mixture. It will not cause a profile to look like someone else's DNA. Or it may have no effect at all. It depends what is contaminated with what.

I would like to know what exactly happens when using Hair and Fiber analysis to solve a crime. Are there any important things to remember when trying to solve a case involving those two things?

Asked by Adriana Brown over 6 years ago

With hairs, you can’t identify one to a specific person with only microscopic examination—the main reason it is hardly used these days, and typically only as screening to decide to do DNA analysis. Then DNA analysis is actually done on the skin cells clinging around the root, because the actual hair doesn’t have any nuclear DNA. It does have mitochondrial DNA though few labs can do that.Fiber analysis is also rarely done these days because it can’t be positively identified to an article of clothing, or is it possible (usually) to find out how many of that article had been manufactured or sold and who they were sold to, etc. An analyst can say the fiber is consistent with coming from that article but that’s all. Unless there is a ‘jigsaw match’, a section of the material found that can be fit back into the article of clothing like a puzzle piece.Hope that helps!

I'm studying about fingerprint patterns and phenotypic variations between parents and their kids. Which of the patterns are dominant/recessive? How can there be different patterns on each finger?

Asked by Liza almost 7 years ago

Fingerprints develop randomly as a child is moving around in the womb before birth, so they are not dictated by genes. That said, there can sometimes be vague similarities among family members (like having radial loops, all arches, or whatever). There are three patterns, loops, whorls and arches, and you can easily have some of your fingers have loops and then a few have whorls, or they can be all one type, or any combination.

I wanna know few details about image created date, modified and accessed date.if created and accessed date time same can i confirm that i viewed or saved or deleted the image by modify date.because i allowed automatically download media option in viber and when i check propertis of image without i seen or accessed how it comes with different modify date and same created accessed date.and same thing in viber/.thumbnail file because i never seen those images.

Asked by Bryan over 6 years ago

I'm so sorry but I don't know. I'm not trained in digital forensics.

I’m currently taking my first forensic course in college. Its online yet I’ve gotten A’s on every assignment and the teacher puts amazing notes on each assignment. Would this teacher be a good recommendation letter she dosnt know me but knows my work

Asked by Forensic over 6 years ago

I don't see why not!

Best of luck.

What is the best way to read the writing imprints left on paper towels or ziplocks without scientific equipment?

Asked by Amyleigh73 almost 7 years ago

I would try oblique lighting—try laying the piece down as flat as possible and then hold a flashlight to the side so the light beam travels across the piece instead of down onto it. Adjust the light to where it’s the most helpful. With the ziploc bag you might also put a piece of dark paper inside it to increase the constraint. That’s all I can think of since I’m not an expert in questioned documents. Best of luck!

What exactly is Forensic Science? What are the components of it? What did you major in university to work as a Forensic Scientist?

Asked by Jasmine over 6 years ago

It is scientific information applied to matters pertaining to the law. And what you major in depends on what area you're going in to--pathology, toxicology, entemology, etc.

I made a cast of a boot I found in dirt. When it is dry and I collect it as evidence, what kind of bag do I put it into? A large paper bag, a plastic Ziploc bag, or another type of container?

Asked by Sam over 6 years ago

Large paper bag. Casting agents usually warm up so that might create moisture inside a plastic container or bag. A cardboard box might be good as well to give it enough support to keep it from cracking.

FEPAC is this standard for forensic degrees. You can find things here:
I just want to know if I do not get into a school that is approved, what will be my chances to be a csi or in the morgue

Asked by Morgan (From the last question) over 6 years ago

I see, but I still couldn't say. It depends entirely upon the hiring agency and what kind of pool of applicants they typically have--basically, who they have to choose from. There will be a basic set of requirements but after that, advanced degrees are better than high school diplomas, degrees from accredited schools better than non-accredited, internships at forensic agencies very helpful, etc. The best way to know is to call the places you would like to work at and ask them. If you can get a tour of their facility, even better, then you can gently ask the people who work there where they went to school and so on. Shorter answer: It won't automatically get you in or automatically keep you from getting in. Of course it certainly couldn't hurt. Best of luck!

is there any "dream" future advancement that can be made to help improve the forensic processes?

Asked by MB2000 over 6 years ago

Automatic access to a national fingerprint database. Even though you see it on TV every day, it's not really possible for police departments. At best we are tied into the state database, but not any sort of national or international one, at least not without a lot of hoops.

I am currently a sophomore in highschool and I want to be a forensic pathologist/medical examiner. But I don’t know what classes I absolutely need to take in highschool or what to major in college. Could you give me advice please ?

Asked by Isabelle almost 7 years ago

If you want to be a pathologist you will have to be a doctor, and will need to go to med school. So you are looking for a pre-med program. Best of luck!

What’s the difference between a forensic scientist and a crime scene investigator?Can you do both if you have a bachelor degree in criminal and investigation studies and a master in forensic science?

Asked by Bernice over 6 years ago

Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

I'm a forensic chem major and I'm really struggling in my chem courses. When I took forensics in high school, I was incredible in lab. What advice do you have for me? Do you believe I'll be unsuccessful in this field because I'm not good in chemistry

Asked by AmandaM over 6 years ago

I’m sure it depends on what you want to do (lab work or field work) and what’s required. You would be better off talking to your local forensic lab to see what kind of things they do. Most likely the daily work of a forensic lab does not really involve exquisite chemistry. For my part, I was an ace in general chemistry but I never really ‘got’ organic chemistry. Best of luck!

If I were to major in CJ and minor in Forensic Science, could I become a forensic scientist? Or am I required to major in biology or chemistry?

Asked by Eliza over 6 years ago

Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

I am applying for a grad. program that allows me to pursue a masters in forensic science and a PhD in Biochemistry. How would this compare to if I acquire a PhD in forensic science instead? Thank you.

Asked by Joe over 6 years ago

I'm sorry but I have absolutely no idea. You might call the labs at which you'd like to work and ask about the positions you'd like to get, and see what they suggest. They would know a lot more than I would.

Best of luck!

Reading a book & evangelist claims to have raised someone dead for about six hours. He pinched her nose, picked up her hand & leg they just flopped down. Is this possible with Rigor Mortis?

Asked by Mia over 6 years ago

I’m not a pathologist but I think it’s possible even if not likely. Bodies start to stiffen in 1-2 hours but rigor reaches its peak somewhere around 12 hours. It can depend a great deal on temperature, body type and medical conditions.

This is for my forensics class. Was there a case that took you longer than expected, or was very easy to solve?

Asked by TERENCE L SMITH over 5 years ago

Wow, that's kind of hard, possibly because we in forensics don't 'solve' cases, the detective does. We provide them the information that hopefully solves or helps to solve the case. Some that took a surprisingly short time: we had a would-be rapist drop his wallet at the scene. I recently had a burglary/arson/car theft in which I had some decent fingerprints, but they didn't match anyone in our city database. The detective had no leads at all and no idea where the car was. Then as is routine I checked the prints against the neighboring city's database, and got a hit, they questioned the suspect and he confessed. In my small town we often have the killer waiting at the scene and telling us that they did it. However, after sitting in jail for a while they may decide they were justified, so the legal trial may not even begin until 2-3 years later. One that took longer: we had the brutal double murder of a woman and a young girl in 1989. Despite a copious investigation of every friend, acquaintance, fingerprint or hair involved, no leads. Then two years ago a man was arrested on a relatively minor charge and his DNA was searched and hit on the unsolved murder. Hope that helps!

Is it dangerous to be a forensic scientist ?

Asked by Tatiana almost 7 years ago


I am taking a Forensics class in High school and I am looking to ask some questions of a Fiber Analyst. Do you happen to be a Fiber Analyst or do you know know anyone who I can contact?

Asked by Bailey over 6 years ago

I used to be the hair and fiber analyst. Unfortunately it's increasing rare to find fiber analysis done at labs. Perhaps I can help you.

Which drug do you think was the most fatal in this report?
Samples are ng/ml
Morphine 220
Tramadol 780
Fentanyl 19

Asked by Cheryl over 6 years ago

As I’m not a toxicologist, I’m afraid I’d have no idea. Sorry!

Hi I am from butler high school and I am doing a project on forensic science and I was wondering if you had the time if I could do an interview with you if so could you contact me at7047710865

Asked by Stephen Roesly over 6 years ago

Sure, email me at

Can you extract DNA from human poop?

Asked by Jessica over 6 years ago

Yes. I don’t know if it’s actually from the poop or from the skin cells sloughed off on it, but you can.

I just recently graduated from high school with some studies, since sophomore year, in Chemistry, Biology and I've read a bit of Psychology as well. Would you happen to think that'd be enough to get a career in forensics, here in the LA county?

Asked by J_Ven0406 over 6 years ago

The people to ask would be the people hiring forensics personnel in LA county. All agencies (the police department, the sheriff's office, the medical examiner's office) should all have websites that post current job openings. If they don't have any current postings, then you can always call them and ask. That's the only way to know for sure. Best of luck!

I am writing a paper for college about orthotolidine tests. Why do you think they were discontinued and have you ever used it in your professional career? Would you consider a positive orthotolidine test as conclusive evidence in court?

Asked by Penny Kap about 6 years ago

I believe it’s a presumptive test, so it would not be considered ‘conclusive’ evidence, only an indication that further test (like DNA) would be appropriate.

I have never used an orthotolidine test, unless that’s the reagent in the Hemastix test strips. We used those a great deal at the coroner’s office—they’re very handy, but can have false positives. Deciding what reagent to use will always be a function of ease of use, possibility of false positives and false negatives, expense and hazards (such as carcinogenic properties).

Best of luck!

How many people do you think have committed a crime and came here for help desposing the body and everything else?

Asked by Randlel over 6 years ago

My guess would be 0.Mostly it’s just kids wanting me to answer their homework questions.

After 11 months, what would be the condition of an not-embalmed corpse entombed but not buried. The tomb was sealed but not airtight.

Asked by Geoffrey James about 6 years ago

Alas, I really don't know. I think it depends on many cirucumstances, the temperature, the pH and the humidity. I can tell you that covered corpses break down much more slowly than those exposed to air so there's a good chance, if the environment was somewhat cool and dry, that there would be a good amount of flesh left on the body. If the environment was hot and humid, it might be completely decomposed into inches of sludge. Hope that helps.

How (or where) can I get someone to review an autopsy for mistakes or inconsistencies, if corruption is suspected from the investigative agency that was present, and influential during the examination?

Asked by Lina about 6 years ago

You would need another forensic pathologist to review the work of the first forensic pathologist.

Best of luck.

If you were given a 20GB hard drive that had been used to image an 8GB USB device and
found during analysis that more than the 8GB image was on the disk, what would this
indicate? How would you then proceed?

Asked by MK over 6 years ago

Sorry, but I’m not trained in digital forensics. I have absolutely no idea.

Could it be determined that bones found might be 200 years old? Would DNA be found in bones 200 years old? How long does it take to get DNA results back? Are news releases required when remains are found? Do news reporters come around routinely?

Asked by Arleen Anderson over 6 years ago

1. Probably not in a forensics lab. I'm guessing that would require carbon dating; an archaeologist would know much more than I would. 2. Possibly.3. Depends on the backlog at the lab (could be weeks, could be many months) and how much you're willing to pay for rush work at a private lab.4. I'm not sure news releases are ever required for anything, unless there's some sort of imminent threat to the public. Sorry but I actually don't know how our public information officer decides when to issue a release or not. 5. News reporters usually come to the scene of a crime or accident when they see something going on, but it depends on how busy they are, who they can spare to go to the scene, and whether they guess this will be a useful story to them. It's entirely up to them. We have a public information officer that they can always contact to get any release-able information.

Can you get a job as a forensic scientist with a degree in general biology

Asked by Stephen Tryens over 6 years ago

Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

What are the weirdest or odd things in crime scene that you've ever encounter?

Asked by KennyV over 6 years ago

Huh...that's a tough question. Nothing really stands out...everything is a little weird in some ways but not incredibly so. Perhaps the most unusual thing I ever had to examine was a safety harness from a window washer who fell 38 floors. Mostly I'm just amazed at the way people live, and the things people do to their houses. (And what they think looks good in terms of decor.)The most fun thing we had, at a homicide scene, was the homeless victim's cat with her litter of small kittens. That rivaled the litter of puppies who had a temporary bed in the master bath jacuzzi tub of a grow house.

how accurate is measuring the age of human bones , particularly after 30 years of age how less accurate percentage wise per decade after 30 years of age?

Asked by andy over 5 years ago

I'm sorry but I also can't answer that question. You'd have to ask an anthropologist.

How long would it take you to analyze evidence?

Asked by Denise_ot5 almost 6 years ago

That completely depends on what kind of evidence and what analysis we’re doing.

What does your wok schedule
look like?

Asked by Denisse Parada almost 6 years ago

We work 40 hours a week but one of us will be on call during the rest of the time, when no one is at work, 24/7/365.

I currently work as a Lab Tech in the Military and looking into future careers. I have a huge interest in forensics. The problem is I have a little bit of a criminal history when I was a kid. Will this be an issue when it comes to finding a job?

Asked by Re over 6 years ago

I doubt it. It depends on how little it was, and if those juvenile records are sealed (they usually are) but if it didn't prevent you from joining the military I'm guessing it wouldn't affect you working in a crime lab.

Hello. I am a senior in high school that must do an interview for a career. I was wondering if I could interview you. My email is . Thank you.

Asked by Brianne over 6 years ago

I'll email you.

Lisa, I'm a published author working on a novel. Woman was murdered and buried 20+ years ago. Can authorities 1) determine her identity and 2) Can they tell whether she was pregnant when she died? Thank you in advance!

Asked by Jack over 6 years ago

Answer to both is: maybe. If she was buried in the earth over 20 years, unless the ground was always frozen or so dry that she mummified, there will most likely be only skeletal remains left. So they might be able to establish identity from dental records, medical device implants (say a pacemaker or an artificial hip), or something left in the grave with her (like an ID card). I believe anthropologists can tell from the pelvic bone if someone has given birth, but not if pregnant at the time of death. However depending on how far along the baby is, they might have their own bones present so then it would be obvious. Best of luck!

I just graduated with a bachelors in Forensics and I have an interview at a crime lab next week, what can I expect? Will they want to see my transcripts.

Asked by FORENSIC over 6 years ago

I’ve never had someone ask for transcripts at an interview, and I think it would be a little unreasonable for them to expect you to have them with you without warning.It will be generally like any other interview. When they ask what experience you have in forensics be sure to mention specific tests and techniques you’ve done, like superglue, crime scene reconstruction, the AFIS system, etc.

Can a child who is allegedly punched several times by an adult. Get a bump and not bruise? and do bruises typically take 2 weeks to fade. Why 6 days later am I not seeing even a faded yellow mark. I am so confused!!!

Asked by Katie Strange about 6 years ago

I don't know exactly, but I know from personal experience that bruises are strange and unpredictable. I can bump into something terribly hard and have no mark, and then have a huge bruise from some injury I only very vaguely remember. I also don't know exactly how long they take to fade, and that might also be affected by how deep they were in the first place or the physical condition of the person. Sorry I can't be more help.

How important are strong written and verbal communication skills in your field? ( I’m asking as an English assignment )

Asked by Madison over 6 years ago

Well, they need to be complete and accurate, but otherwise the actual English used can be pretty basic. Happily we’re not graded on our composition skills!

Where do you burry a body?

Asked by The man over 5 years ago

Where ever it’s convenient, I suppose.

how can you tell how long someone has been dead if they have been formaldehyde/ formalin poisoned?

Asked by Student over 6 years ago

You'd have to ask a pathologist, but I believe that drinking (I assume) formalin and dying of poison would not preserve the body as it would if someone was embalmed with formalin/formaldehyde. So the indicators for time of death would be the same as with any other death. But I don't know that for sure. Best of luck!

What college did you go to? What was your major? I’m having lot of trouble finding a “forensic science” major so what should I major in??

Asked by Hannah over 6 years ago

I have a degree in biology because they didn't have forensic science degrees at that time. I would think any natural science is a good basis for the field. A friend of mine who teaches at Miami-Dade recommends Miami-Dade, of course; also the University of New Haven, and Keiser University has some good programs.

Have you ever found any bodies with missing organs? Do you know the effects on a body when organs are removed in a crude way?

Asked by Aly about 6 years ago

No and no, I’m afraid. That’s more a question for a pathologist.

Is there any way I could ask you a couple questions for a project? By phone?

Asked by Allison about 6 years ago

Please send me an email at

If someone takes their own life by hanging is it common for it to be a double knot?

Asked by Kim over 6 years ago

There’s a wide variety of knots as people tend to use whatever they think will work.

I hope that helps.

Have you ever seen anything like from the movie SAW

Asked by Ally about 6 years ago

I actually haven’t seen that movie. Do you mean super bloody homicides or ones where some psycho has set up a torture chamber? (The answers would be yes to the former, no to the latter.)

Can a body be in water and not have rigamortis?

Asked by Amanda Marsh about 6 years ago

As far as I know, water doesn’t change the process of rigor mortis. The temperature of the water may speed it up or slow it down, but the process would still occur.

I am a student doing a research report, when can we connect?

Asked by Meshya Ragan almost 6 years ago

Email me at:

I am interested in becoming a forensic scientist and I just finished school with a Bachelor's. I was wondering how hard will it be to get a job if I take 3 years off to see the world? I have always wanted this job but I want to makesuremyfutureisgood

Asked by Kimmi over 5 years ago

I honestly have no idea. I don’ t think it would necessarily hurt you. What will be more important at hire is your training and experience—and it depends on what you want to do. If you want to be a DNA analyst you’ll probably need postgraduate degrees. If you want to do crime scene work you will need hands-on college courses and preferably an internship or two. If you want to do laboratory analysis then some sort of laboratory experience will be best. Is there a way you can present your travels as having increased your knowledge of forensics?

what would i need to study to become a forensic pathologist?

Asked by esthers33741212 about 6 years ago

Medicine. Forensic pathologists are doctors and go to medical school. So I would suggest you take every science course you can, especially biological sciences. Best of luck to you!

What do you think
A) Jeffery Epstein killed himself
B) Jeffery Epstein was murdered
C) Jeffery Epstein was snuck out and alive
D) Something else

Asked by I don’t know about 5 years ago

I have no idea.

Have you ever been emotional with the cases you have worked on?

Asked by Denise_ot5 almost 6 years ago

Once in a great while something will catch me when I’m not expecting it. But very rarely.

Where do you hide a body?

Asked by Donna almost 6 years ago

That depends a great deal on where the body is now.

Do you watch Law and Order?

Asked by Jimmy over 5 years ago

Not regularly, but I’ve caught many reruns over the years.

if I can send you a picture can you please tell me the entrance wound or the exit wound from the pictures in your experience

Asked by Clu D Wright over 5 years ago

No, you would really need a pathologist for that. Generally, exits tend to be larger than entrances, but it depends on what someone is shot with and where. If the muzzle is very close or in contact with the body, then the entrance will likely be larger than the exit. if the bullet fragments inside, then there might be a small exit. So different factors can affect it. Best of luck to you.

How hard is your job? Does it get a lot easier later down the road? How much easier? How smart (IQ) do you think someone has to be to do your job? What about other skills you have to have?

Asked by DDDDDDDDDDD about 6 years ago

Like any job it gets easier the more you are accustomed and practiced in what you’re doing. I have no idea what kind of IQ you need, and it depends on what you want to do. If you want to analyze DNA you may need a PhD in genetics. But to work crime scene you need only be conscientious, reliable, observant, and willing to learn. Best of luck!

What is your least favorite part of your job?

Asked by Hily about 6 years ago

Being on call and having to leave dinner or get up in the middle of the night to go to a crime scene. And having to schedule vacations and events around whether I can get someone else to cover my call for me.

An author recently solved the question, 'Did Van Gogh cut off his entire ear, or just the lobe(?).' She found his physician's drawing and it shows the entire ear cut off. Can someone really do that? More likely sliced off by Gaughan's fencing sword?

Asked by PT O'Neil almost 6 years ago

As far as I know it’s certainly possible to cut the entire ear off, but I would guess it would be difficult to do accidentally or in the heat of battle without causing other injuries to the face. But that’s entirely a guess on my part. I don’t know more than the basics about either Van Gogh or Gaughan or the incident. Sorry I can’t be more help!

Recently, one of my daughter's friends was dosed with Visine eye drops presumed to be in her drink. Malicious activity? A date rape attempt? Is there a way to test for Visine in a drink, or in food?

Asked by Bill about 6 years ago

The perpetrator could be imitating a scene from the movie “Wedding Crashers” in which they put Visine in a man’s drink to give him diarrhea and vomiting. However Google tells me that’s not what it actually does, it can cause drowsiness and can be dangerous. So the motivation depends on whether the perpetrator knew what the actual effects would be or not.

As far as detecting it, it’s apparently in the imidazole family which includes histidines, so perhaps a chemical lab could detect it or some compenents of it. That would utilize thin layer chromatography and I don’t know how many labs actually do that any more—but I truly have no idea where or how or if a lab could test for it since I don’t have much of a background in chemistry, sorry!

Hope that helps.

How much school is need to become a forensic scientist, as well as what classes do you need to take?

Asked by Denisse Parada almost 6 years ago

The job requirements are whatever the hiring agency says they are, so it could be anything from a high school diploma to a PhD in genetics. The only way to know is to call the department or check their website for job vacancies.

Do you help with Forensic Homework?

Asked by Al about 6 years ago

I think that's what I'm doing most of the time when I answer questions on this site. If you look over the previous Q&As you'll probably see a lot of homework questions.

Thanks for your answer! I have 2 more q's. 1) Is it possible for me to contact you more privately e.g. email, where I can ask more questions in detail? If not, 2) in your opinion, what piece of forensic technology/method helps you the most as a CSI?

Asked by Kate Flynn over 5 years ago

Sure, you can email me at

What we use the most is a camera, and after that a tape measure (to make crime scene diagrams...99.9% these tell us nothing significant, but there could be that rare exception in terms of court testimony).

What is the most helpful to me is our fingerprint database to identify the unknown prints collected from crime scenes and evidence.

What are the physical and chemical properties of blood, hair, footprints?

Asked by Abby about 6 years ago

That's an awfully broad question. What do you think are the physical and chemical properties? Blood has hemoglobin. Hair grows out of your head. Footprints are impressions in the dirt. I'm pretty sure you could write a good answer to this question yourself.


Asked by MUBEENA M I almost 6 years ago

I’m sorry but I don’t know what is. The best way to know is to contact your local crime labs and ask them what their requirements are.

Best of luck.

Do you think physical evidence has increased in importance over the last several decades, with advancements in technology and testing procedures? Why or why not?

Asked by Ar about 6 years ago

Physical evidence was always extremely important. What has changed with technology is what types of evidence are more commonly examined. It used to be hairs and pollen and now it's touch DNA and cell phones.

What is the regular intern day/night shift?

Asked by Crime Scene Investigator almost 6 years ago

We don't have a set schedule for interns. They'll come in on weekdays, but other than that we work with their school/work schedule.

If you were looking to find the amounts of lead in paints, would it be better to analyze liquid paint or paint chips?

Asked by NJ210 almost 6 years ago

I used to analyze dried paint with an FTIR, which I believe would detect lead, but as to what would be better I really don’t know. Sorry I can’t be more help.

what is the importance of physical fingerprinting in a scientific sphere of DNA profiling?

Asked by Nic almost 6 years ago

I”m sorry but I don’t understand the question. What is physical fingerprinting and what is a scientific sphere?

How can I start a path towards becoming a forensic scientist? I am especially interested in DNA and toxicology.

Asked by Ryota almost 5 years ago

I would major in biochemistry for either, and/or genetics for DNA. Best of luck!!

Do you worry about the corona virus?

Asked by Jamie almost 5 years ago

So far it hasn’t come up in my work, and we have lots of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

What does it mean if a cadaver had "abundant amount of mud on the hands," if the body was in the water for two weeks and it was swift water for days?

Asked by Lina N Lete about 6 years ago

‘Abundant’ probably just means the hands were smeared with mud on some parts, not that they had clumps of mud in them. Why it would be on the hands after being in water—some possible reasons might be that the body got hung up in muddy shallows and that’s why it was found, or it was dragged over muddy areas when pulled from the water. As I don’t have any picture of where it was or how it was recovered, that’s my best guess.

Hi how are you, I just wanted to ask about the requirement for becoming a Forensic scientist , and if their any drawback, and if one can self employ after school

Asked by Rahmat almost 6 years ago

The requirements to work in a forensic capacity depend upon the agency--it might be anything from a high school diploma to a PhD for DNA analysis. The only way to know is to contact each agency and ask. Or at least check their websites, or the websites of forensic organizations such as IAI and AAFS, which post job vacancies. Drawbacks can be a lower salary than in the private sector, hours of work, having to work overtime or be on call. I don't know what you mean by 'self employ,' sorry. There are no 'freelance' type forensic positions that I know of, unless you have a specialty like soil analysis or anthropology, then you might be able to work doing consulting work when needed. But you'd have to have many years experience before that would be an option. I hope that helps! Best of luck!

I'm going to be graduating high school in a few months and I'm looking to do forensic science, mostly leaning towards biology and examining. I want to know if going to a FEPAC school really matters.

Asked by Morgan over 6 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't know what a FEPAC school is.

Which is better to be forensic scientist, forensic science in the middle and low university or biology in the good university?

Asked by Kim about 6 years ago

It may depend on what you want to do. If you want to work crime scene, then you might be a more attractive candidate with all the hands-on practical work of a forensic science degree. But if you want to be a DNA analyst, then I’d go with biology. Best thing to do is call the labs where you might someday apply and ask them. Best of luck!

My son died in a car accident. They took him to hospital, then morgue. 3 days later they did blood tests and said he was over the legal limit for alcohol. Is it possible that the numbers are wrong because of the time lapse. Thanks.

Asked by Meho1979 about 6 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. They most likely drew the blood right away, and tested it three days later. As far as I know that would not affect the results--bodily fluids are usually not tested immediately since the M.E. or coroner's office sends the samples to a different location for testing. Blood for alcohol testing is collected in special gray topped tubes for that particular purpose, designed to keep the results accurate. Again, I'm sorry for your loss.

Can you visit and read this and possibly help me?

Asked by Al about 6 years ago

Sorry, the link just took me to the sign-in page.

Why do you think so many people on this site want people to give them the answer they wanna hear instead of the truth or your (or whomever their asking) opinion? I mean they already told them selves so whats the point?

Asked by Walker asks folks almost 5 years ago

I don't get that impression.

Are you able to tell if a person was unconscious just before death after examining the body? For example if someone hit their head and knocked themselves unconscious before they actually died?

Asked by TS about 6 years ago

I don't believe so (in fact I believe I address this question during an autopsy scene in my book Perish) but you'd have to ask a pathologist. Sorry I can't help.

Hi! I'm writing a research paper and wanted to know....What kind of specialized language do you use to communicate with other in your field? Doctors use things like "code blue", do you guys have something like that when you'r talking about case?

Asked by Des almost 6 years ago

We don't have any particular code words so that only we know what we're talking about. Police departments have all sorts of codes for types of crime--such as, where I live, a signal 23 is a burglary. Signal 4 is a traffic accident. 10-8 means you're on duty and available. 10-6 means you're on duty but busy. If we're somewhere, like a crime scene, and we don't want other people to overhear us we're just careful to move away and out of earshot. Hope that helps!

sorry I also have another question, Should I continue with graduate school in the same forensic field or should I expand?
Thank you!

Asked by Kimmi over 5 years ago

That depends entirely on what in the field of forensic science you want to do. The best way is to call some of the places you’d like to work as ask what their requirements would be, because they can vary all over the country. Smaller labs will want you to cross train.Larger ones might want you to specialize.

Good luck!!

I am writing a paper on the neuroses and role of sadistic behavior of female-targeting serial murderers. With your professional stance, I feel that your contribution would be helpful. Do you have information on this topic?

Asked by HG about 6 years ago

Sorry, but no. I’ve never been involved in the psychology of the suspects.Best of luck!

Good morning, My name is scott hunter and i a trying to research, career exploration. I was wondering if it would be possible to meet with you or call you to learn about your profession?i would be greatful for about 20 minutes of your time. Thank you

Asked by scott about 6 years ago

Sure, no problem. Please email me at

I’m currently in high school expected towards b’s and a’s I want to do forensics analysing Dna from crime scenes or what is closest to that, what qualifications would you suggest for me to proceed to take? Thank you

Asked by Daniel wikinson about 5 years ago

If you want to be a DNA analyst you may need a Masters or PhD in genetics, depending on the requirements of the agency or facility. Check vacancy postings at professional organizations, such as and

Best of luck!

Is your average criminal usually as dull as the media makes them out to me. Like multiple offenders and low level gangsters.

Asked by 782346 about 6 years ago

I may not be the best to ask since I'm not really on the front lines, I come in after the action is over, but in my opinion, yes. You don't get criminal masterminds in real life.

I bought a pair of buckskin-colored work gloves and just after one day of warring the gloves for work I put them away. Twenty years later would my DNA still be detected from inside of the pair of gloves

Asked by Hank Saxena over 5 years ago

Possibly, I suppose. If they were swabbed thoroughly and the swabs picked up a few skin cells, then it would be within the realm of possibility.

Is there any police and crime shows, movies, books, e.c.t that show what it is really like?

Asked by Daniel almost 6 years ago

Huh, that's a good question. I hope my books show what it's really like, except, of course, that my protagonist spends much more time out of the lab than in it, which is not at all realistic.

The non-fiction TV shows and books show reality, however, you have to remember that they're presenting cases that most investigators may come across once or twice in a lifetime.

Fiction shows, like "CSI" in which they have computerized databases of every substance in the world including toothpaste and wall paint, or ones in which female pathologists wear cocktail dresses to work. are definitely not realistic at all.

How did your knowledge of bloodstain pattern analysis help you to secure convictions in past experience?

Asked by Jason Tulanda over 5 years ago

In my personal experience, I have only testified to bloodstain pattern analysis once, and it didn’t really tell anything significant about the case because there was blood everywhere, and the fingerprints in blood weighed more than the patterns.

Hello! How easy is it to collect finger prints, scan them and identify a match (I imagine its very hard) but out of say 100 cases how many could actually be solved using fingerprint analysis?

Asked by Eliza over 5 years ago

Generally about a 6 to 10% identified rate is good. Many prints that are collected at scenes by officers are ‘not of value for comparison ‘ (smudges or only have a few ridges) and many that are good belong to the victim or their friends, family, employees etc.

if a person licks their fingers in order to aid them in counting money, counts the money and hands ti to another individual who places that money in their bra. Can there be saliva dna transfer to the breast?

Asked by angie over 5 years ago

I suppose that’s theoretically possible, but I wouldn’t think it likely. The saliva would sink into the paper of the money quickly, and then when swabbing the person’s skin you’d have to happen on the exact spot where that tiny bit of saliva transferred to.

I hope that helps!

After a person kills themself with firearm, does their hand maintain the grip or does the gun fall from the hand?

Asked by Vin over 5 years ago

It depends upon their position and the recoil of the gun and mostly on gravity. I've seen a few where the gun is in their hand, not so much because they're gripping it but because the hand falls to their lap or their side or something. But most of the time the gun has fallen to the floor or at least a lower spot.

Where you ever shocked by a crime scene?

Asked by Denise_ot5 almost 6 years ago

They’re all shocking, in their way, But there hasn’t been one in particular that bowled me over.

I know they use interrogation techniques, polygraphs, and have experts who recognize truth and deception. But do and could someone use hypnosis?

Asked by DJ almost 5 years ago

Supposedly, but I don’t know of any cases personally.

How stressful can working as a forensics scientist be?

Asked by Denisse Parada almost 6 years ago

That all depends on where you work, what the caseload is, and what your job duties are. If you work someplace with a huge backlog and more work than you have personnel for, it could be stressful. When I was at the coroner’s office it was exhausting, we had a ton of work, not much staff, were underpaid, and my boss was a little crazy, but i loved it so much I didn’t care. At the police department now we have just enough people to manage the work, so even though it gets busy at times we stay on a pretty even keel. Good supervisory management is key (in any field). Best of luck!

I have not used cocaine in a year, why is my hair still testing positive for cocaine?

Asked by Terence J Donnelly over 5 years ago

Hair is just dead cells, so once something is there, it stays there. Hair grows at about 1/2 inch per month, in general (mine, to my frustration, grows much more slowly). So if your hair is longer than say 6 inches, the cocaine will still be there. If your hair is much shorter, then I don’t know what’s happening.Hope that helps.

What does forensic science mean to you?

Asked by Caroline over 5 years ago

For homework interview questions, please email me at

What do you like about your career

Asked by Ana about 6 years ago

For school projects, please email me all the questions at once at:

Hey I will ask you since your at the top of the list. Why do so many people not answer but have their accounts open? I know a few of them occasionally will answer but for the most part they lay dormant,

Asked by Sam almost 5 years ago

I have no idea.

is it possible to be stabbed in your subclavian vein leading to death [while standing up] and not get blood on your shoes

Asked by Kerry Ferris almost 6 years ago

Wow, sorry, I have no idea where the subclavian vein even is. I’m afraid you need a pathologist.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help!

Will Nancy Drew make you a better in a job like this is what is in the game anything similar?

Asked by asdfasdfasdf almost 5 years ago

I don’t know that game.

What are some safety hazards, contamination / degradation hazards and how do u package SEMINAL STAINS A

Asked by Jayleen over 5 years ago

That's a pretty broad question. I can tell you that for both seminal stains and blood stains, the best way to package one is to let it dry, then place in a sterile paper envelope or bag. Never plastic! Then keep in a dry, cool environment.

Hope that helps.

Will you go out with me?

Asked by Generic White Male over 5 years ago


Are chaplains always sworn employees or can they be citizen employees?

Asked by Dan almost 5 years ago

At my agency the chaplains are all civilians from local denominations.

How long will latent prints last when ninhydrin is used?

Asked by Krissy over 5 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean: a) how long after a print is left will ninhydrin still detect it, in which case I can say from my own experiment that there's little rhyme or reason to this, sometimes older prints develop better than newer ones or vice versa, or b) how long does a print developed with ninhydrin last, and the answer to that is that ninhydrin is a dark purple dye, so it is permanent, though it will continue to develop so that the entire page may eventually turn purple so we use a fixative chemical on the now-visible print so that will stop the ninhydrin from darkening the paper further. I hope that helps!

Why do some think that these forms are chat rooms?

Asked by Donaldsonerson about 5 years ago

I don’t know what you mean by that.

I want to become a forensic scientist but I've heard that you have to go through police academy and become a police officer first. Is that true?

Asked by Emily Jones almost 6 years ago

That entirely depends upon what agency you work for. Some police department crime labs may have that requirement. Many, like mine, have civilian employees for forensic support. The only way to know is to call the place you might want to work at and ask. (Or check their website for job postings.)

I am complaining about a civil attorney. He was supposed to send me some photographs. He sent an envelope, said the photographs are enclosed, but they were not. He claims he sent them, and I lost them. Can the envelope be examined for residue?

Asked by Tom about 6 years ago

Almost certainly, no. Unlike television, real forensic equipment is designed to test for certain things. For example the mass spectrometer in the toxicology department is set to test for illegal narcotics and not heavy metals such as arsenic. If arsenic is suspected, it could be detected with a different instrument or different parameters programmed into the same instrument. So I doubt there is any equipment that could be set up to detect microscopic amounts of photographic chemicals, if a photo would even shed any.

What does death smell like and why? Do different people smell different?

Asked by asdf almost 5 years ago

It all depends on the circumstances of the death (fire victims can have a smoke smell, of course) but mostly the degree of decomposition. That's the only thing that makes a difference, otherwise everyone is the same.

Why did you want to be in the criminology department?

Asked by jasmine nunez almost 6 years ago

If you have a list of homework questions, please email me at:

Why did you choose this career?

Asked by Beanie almost 5 years ago

I always loved mysteries and detection, but didn't want to be a cop.

Which, in your opinion, is the most effective in solving crime on a daily basis: DNA analysis, Fingerprint analysis or Luminol (or other) spray testing?

Asked by Eliza over 5 years ago

Luminal and dye stains just enhance or show you where things are, like blood or fingerprints. DNA analysis and fingerprint analysis are equally effective, so you use what you have. You might have DNA at a crime scene but no fingerprints, or vice versa. We don’t get a choice of what’s left at a crime scene, so we have to make the most of whatever is there. Given that, whatever is the most effective is whatever gives you information relevant to the crime. Say there’s a smear of the victim’s blood on the suspect’s shirt. The suspect tells police he found the body and tried to administer CPR. In that case, the DNA is very much there, but useless to solve the crime. If the suspect says he never met the victim and the same shirt is found in the suspect’s closet , then that’s very relevant to solving the crime.

How do I become a forensic Scientist and what skills should I obtain?

Asked by Laura L. over 5 years ago

Any science major is a good thing. The requirements for each agency or lab vary, so if you have a particular location in which you wish to work, you might call all your potential employers and ask what the job requirements are. Then you can decide whether a science degree, a forensic science degree, a masters or a PhD would be best. Also check salaries and decide whether they are sufficient, and be prepared for a lot of competition.

Your take on Gorge Floyd

Asked by DeeDee over 4 years ago

You know as much as I do.

Hi Lisa, have you ever thought about going through the process of becoming a sworn officer?

Asked by Scott almost 5 years ago

No, thank you. I would never want to be a cop--I don' t know how they do what they do. I would hate having to deal with stressed-out people all day long.

Please give me details like background, investigation, evidence etc. Of O.J Simpson murder case?

Asked by Hifz Ur Rehman over 5 years ago

Sorry, I wouldn't know anything more about it than anyone else. Try Google. Or watch the excellent miniseries, "American Crime Story: The Run For His Life." It was great.

Have you ever made a arrest?

Asked by Shelby over 5 years ago

I'm a civilian employee, not a sworn officer, so no.

What is the correct procedure to gather DNA doing a mouth swab and if it's not done correctly is it considered contaminated

Asked by Britni about 5 years ago

I'm sorry, I was sure I answered this long ago! Collecting buccal swabs is very easy--they come in a kit with everything necessary plus instructions for rubbing the swabs on the inside of the mouth and then packaging. Anyone could do it. I've never heard of a case where it was considered contaminated.

I was trying to remember this question one of my friends had asked me to fill in the blank so could you help me?

Once the DNA is extracted, it is cut into __ by certain ___ that act as Chemical__

Asked by Saihara over 5 years ago

Sorry, I think that's something I used to know years ago but have since forgotten. I know the DNA can be cut, maybe by enzymes? into the sections of short tandem repeats. But I haven't done DNA analysis in 20 years, so my skills are not up to date. Sorry I couldn't help!

Assume a swimming pool on a yacht was filled with regular tap water and chlorine. A person drowns in the pool. The body is dumped over board and found within hours. Could lung water be tested chemically to help discern the true facts?

Asked by PT O'Neil almost 6 years ago

As far as I know that is possible. Whether a medical examiner’s office would actually test the water in the lungs in a case of apparent drowning is another matter. There is also the possibility of ‘dry-drowning’ in which the throat closes and no water gets in the lungs. A pathologist told me once that drowning is sort of a ‘negative diagnosis’ in that, if no other cause of death presents itself and the person is found in water, then drowning is assumed. Sorry I can’t be more help!

Hi Miss, I'm a student from Australia conducting a Research Project and my question is 'how have forensic methods evolved through the last 40 years to improve the rates of crimes solved'. As a professional, would you be able to elaborate on this?

Asked by Kate Flynn over 5 years ago

Wow, that's an extremely broad question. I don't know if the rates of crimes solved have been increased greatly--perhaps in some crimes like rape or murder but perhaps not in other crimes like burglary and theft. But certainly the biggest advances in forensics have been DNA and the connectedness of fingerprint databases. Less specific but perfectly valid analyses like pollen, soil, and other trace evidence examination have gone by the wayside. And digital analyses such as the downloading of cell phones and personal computers are helping solve crimes more and more, but then people didn't have cell phones or personal computers 40 years ago so I'm not sure that counts!

I hope that helps!

If fingerprints are collected from evidence that can be bagged, does this happen on the scene or later, at the lab? Has this procedure changed over time?

Asked by Satoko over 5 years ago

It hasn’t changed. In general it’s best to process an item at the scene so that handling and possible smudging is kept to a minimum, but it depends on many circumstances. If there isn’t a clean dry place to do it or if the person at the scene doesn’t feel their expertise is adequate for the particular item or mostly if the item needs other processing than the simple black powder or mag powder. If it’s a porous item like plastic or vinyl or paper and might need to be superglued or sprayed with dye, then it should be transported to the lab.

What is the education needed? The skills needed? The experience needed?

Asked by JaidenKBCL over 5 years ago

That depends entirely on where you want to work and what you want to do. If you want to do DNA analysis and testify in court about it, you may need a PhD in genetics. If you want to work at crime scenes bagging and tagging evidence, you may need only a high school diploma, with added hireability for advanced degrees. The only way to know is to check job opening notices or call the agencies and ask. Best of luck to you.

Does this job ever depress, upset, disgust, or cause you anxiety? Does this job ever make your life a living hell?

Asked by Cillian over 5 years ago

No. Like any job it can be tiring and tedious at points, but the only time it makes me anxious is always due to bureaucratic issues, which, again, you’re going to have in any job.

Do you think Roger Stone is guilty or innocent or unsure?

Asked by JW almost 5 years ago

Who’s Roger Stone?

Can a hair test that came back false positive for alcohol be retested by another lab?

Asked by Joe about 5 years ago

I don’t see why not. But I wasn’t aware hair could be tested for alcohol, I thought it was only drugs and heavy metals.

Hi! I was wondering something about timing. Say a kidnapping takes place in a hotel room. How long is the room cordoned off? At what point is the evidence collected and taken away? When can the room be let again? (Working on a novel!)

Asked by Nico about 5 years ago

We’ll hold the scene as long as we need to get everything done, and that could be a day or two or three, but for a kidnapping it probably wouldn’t be more than a day, just enough to collect all the victim’s stuff, and collect fingerprints, hairs, fibers, anything that might belong to the kidnapper. We eventually get tired and want to go home (though we can go and come back, so long as it hasn’t been ‘released’) and the police department don’t really want to hold it longer then absolutely necessary, because they have a cop or two sitting there doing nothing but guarding the scene, and it takes them off the road. Hope that helps!

Hi, so how do you get used to blood and gore?

Asked by Crazy almost 5 years ago

You just do. Somehow you can either tolerate it or you can't, or you learn to cope with it. There are cops who can work homicide for thirty years and still have a weak stomach. They just don't let it keep them from doing their jobs.

Hi do you know about Forengsic’s regarding suicides?

Asked by Linda about 5 years ago

That’s a very broad question. What specifically do you need to know?

How is it determined that rape occurred after death?

Asked by JODI almost 6 years ago

That’s an excellent question that I”m sorry I can’t answer. You will need to ask a pathologist. Sorry I couldn’t be more help!

Oh, also how can you tell if someone makes a new account?

Asked by Sam almost 5 years ago

I don’t know.

What training did you need and experience? Police academy, collage, trade school, etc? Did you get straight into this position or did you have to work up from somewhere?

Asked by David over 5 years ago

Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

Can we make a profile of a suspect (skin color, eye color, etc.) from DNA? If not, why not?

Asked by Mrs.McGurkin almost 6 years ago

I actually don't know. I haven't done DNA analysis in 20 years so I don't know all the details of what analysis can show. Sorry I can't be more help!

Do you see yourself doing this job in the next ten years?

Asked by Trump 2020 MAGA KAG about 5 years ago


Does a person have to have a strong stomach to do a job like yours?

Asked by Jerry almost 5 years ago

It helps. But I know good homicide detectives who do it for years and still have a weak stomach and they do fine.

What do you think the worst thing you age ever seen in your job so far is?

Asked by Richard over 5 years ago

Probably a small plane crash. And one terrible case of elder neglect.

Can I ask you some questions for my novel? I need some things fact-checked. Probably too long to write on here.

Asked by Paula about 5 years ago

Sure! Email me at

Would you be fired if you accidently messed something up and ruined a case? Even if it was a total mess up and no negligence was involved. What if there was?

Asked by Melvin over 5 years ago

That would depend entirely on what the mess up was and what it affected, and whether it was an honest mistake or the result of negligence or bias. For a serious mistake, yes, I'd probably be fired.

Hi, lets say someone committed statutory rape on one person on only one occasion. Could they be charged with rape, inciting a minor, child molestation, and sodomy

Asked by Davi over 5 years ago

I'm sorry but I have no idea. I have no legal training. You'd have to ask a cop or a lawyer.

Have you ever interviewed a suspect? What is the RIED, PEACE, cognitive, kinesthetic, among other interview and interrogation why is there so many styles???

Asked by Silly Lilly almost 5 years ago

I don’t interview suspects—or victims or witnesses.That’s the detective’s job. I’m there to analyze and collect evidence.

Hi, I'm writing a research paper and wanted to ask a question. Is there different types of crime scene investigators?

Asked by Hi over 5 years ago

I don't know what you mean by that. Different staff might have different specialties, like bloodstain pattern interpretation or digital forensics, but there's pretty standard things that have to be done at every crime scene, like photography and collection of evidence, processing for fingerprints, etc.

I hope that helps.

What IQ do you need to do this job minimum?

Asked by David over 5 years ago

As absolutely no agency I've ever heard of requires an IQ test for hire, I would have no idea.

I'm working on a blog, and one of the topics is DNA. I need to explain how it is extracted in a way an educated teen would understand. Could you please tell me how exactly it is done (including the processes in each stage)?
Thank you for your time!

Asked by Ananya over 5 years ago

I’m sorry, but I can’t. I haven’t done DNA analysis in over 20 years. Sorry I couldn’t help!

Do you ever go through computers and what’s the weirdest thing you have found? Do you run through everything? And do you ever find things that most people think would be gone

Asked by Dillon about 5 years ago

I do not, as I'm not trained in digital forensics. But my coworker who is says that many many times, what people think is deleted is not really deleted.

Hi my name is Olivia a I was wondering if I can have your email because I have a research paper on forenscience and I have to interview someone if you get a chance can u email me

Asked by Olivia A about 5 years ago

Sure, it’s

What is the correct way to gather DNA address using mouth swab and if it's not done correctly is it considered contaminated

Asked by Britni about 5 years ago

Basically just use a sterile swab, rub it on the inside of the cheeks, and package it with a desiccant or in a paper envelope that would allow a little bit of air flow (not plastic). As long as it’s not soaked in someone else’s DNA or bleach or something, it’s pretty foolproof.

Wow the person who continues to spam you does not realize is people like him are probably the reason he left. Anymore this site has just been spammers, trolls, people sharing links, people asking irrelevant and quite weird questions. what a shame

Asked by Follower about 5 years ago

I can’t imagine having so little to do. That would make me crazy.

Hey i want to become a forensic scientist. I am currently a freshman in college majoring in criminal justice and minor in biology would i still be able to become a forensic?

Asked by ahmari fraiser about 5 years ago

That seems like a good plan. It depends on what you want to do--if you want to work in a lab you might want to major in biology or forensic science (if available) and minor in criminal justice. Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or wherever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences or International Association for Identification and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

Why does the BLM not give a half a shit about the Australian American woman who was shot?

Asked by WE THE PEOPPE over 4 years ago

I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

What things we must have to write when making a report of some case?

Asked by Hifz Ur Rehman over 5 years ago

The basics: our name, address of crime, date, time we arrived, and who else was there (cops, detectives, ME, etc.). Then what we did there, processed for prints, how many photos we took, chemicals used, if we collected evidence. We might also measure the area and make a sketch.

What changes in DNA identification technology have you seen over the past ten years? What have been the biggest/most significant changes?

Asked by Diana almost 5 years ago

Probably 'touch' DNA, getting a DNA profile from someone's skin cells where they touched something. It's always a bit of a crapshoot because without a visible stain, you can't be sure there's any DNA there at all. But it's worth a try and sometimes we get results.

Is investigative forensics the same as forensic science?

Asked by Chris74 over 5 years ago

Sorry, I answered this right away but somehow it didn't 'take'.

I'm not familiar with the term, but I would guess so.

Does being a forensic scientist allow time to have a family of your own?

Asked by Sophie almost 5 years ago

Yes, of course! You often have to be a little flexible in your schedule, but it's no more a problem than in any other job.

Can a vehicle to cyclist collision pattern of injuries be similar to a fall from height?

Asked by CNAJ2 about 5 years ago

I”m sorry but I have no idea.

HI! Did you ever regret pursuing your job? Also, can you be both, a forensic scientist and a CSI?

Asked by Fenis almost 5 years ago

No, I've never regretted it. And your job title is whatever your agency says it is, so 'forensic scientist' and 'csi' can mean different things in different agencies, so you can certainly be both. the first implies you work mostly in the lab and the second implies you work mostly in the field, but depending on the size of the agency and any specialization you have, you might do both equally or they might be completely separate.

what does it take to become an forensic investigator? I am currently in sixth form and looking for a course in forensic investigation and wish for some extra information on what else would be needed.

Asked by Hannah brown about 5 years ago

titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

I am about to graduate with a bachelors in forensic science. Moving forward, would employers look away if I got my graduate degree online?

Asked by almost 5 years ago

Not necessarily. I would say in this day and age, all bets are off.

So when a case is done and there is a gun, money, or drugs seized what is done with that kind of stuff? Does it sit around forever, what is destroyed, kept, and does things ever get auctioned off?

Asked by Mr. Brrown almost 5 years ago

Yes, yes and yes. Our Evidence department’s job is to keep track of everything, how long it’s been around, and then get the responsible party (usually the collecting officer or a prosecutor) to sign off on it’s ‘disposition’, which can be returning it to an owner, destroying, or sale or donation. For example, if you find something (like money) and turn it in, if it’s not claimed after a certain amount of time, you can have it. Stuff that no one wants is destroyed. They had a company that used to sell stuff but I don’t think they’re using it any more. (I think it was called Things like bicycles can be donated to charitable organizations to give to underprivileged citizens. Drugs are destroyed (which has to be witnessed by at least three people from three different departments—I have to be one sometimes when my boss is busy and we have to escort the Evidence van to the waste management facility and stand there and watch the stuff go into the incinerator...not fun in the summer months!).

Do prostitutes have to register as sex offenders? If not do you think they should?

Asked by Hdjdjdj about 5 years ago

I have no idea.

How anonymous are people really on the dark, deep, and even on the regular internet? What about websites where people talk about bad things they have, doing, or going to do without signing up or anything?

Asked by Dan almost 5 years ago

I'm sorry, but I have no idea. I don't work in digital forensics.

What would happen if you had to work on someone who had a confirmed or even suspected case of COVID-19?

Asked by Jason almost 5 years ago

See above.

Hi, have you heard about the Hilary Clinton being subpoenaed for a disposition? The emails among other things. How will they detemine gulit and what do you think?

Asked by JAY almost 5 years ago

Not my field.

what is the most important thing to know before becoming a forensic scientist?

Asked by Denisse Parada almost 5 years ago

The most important qualities to have would be patience, persistence, attention to detail and objectivity.

Are there many jobs available in this career? What skills do you need to be someone good in this field?

Asked by Lamece about 5 years ago

Yes and no. Labs and units have expanded a lot in the past 10-20 years especially due to federal grants, but they're not as big as you see on TV. A small police department may do only fingerprints and send everything else to the state lab. A big city facility might take up an entire block or two and do everything from drug testing to paint and glass. As for skills, take as much science classes as you can and try to find programs with hands-on field work. Best of luck!

A Man is found dead near rail track falling from a train. Can a forensic expert say whether he jumped or accidentally fell or pushed by somebody from train?

Asked by Maria Rose almost 5 years ago

I see that on TV all the time but I have a hard time believing it. But I don't know personally. Sorry!

Can a dried blood sample found 10-20 years after a crime be used to find a killer?

Asked by Micah almost 5 years ago

Yes, absolutely. As long as the sample is dried thoroughly before it can decompose and kept someplace dry and not overly humid or hot, it would be fine.

Do you think Jeffrey epstein Killed himself?

Asked by Karma over 5 years ago

I don’t know any more about it than you do.

Have you ever had to go to court for a case?

Asked by Jay almost 5 years ago

Yes, about 60 times over 25 years. But not nearly as often as you'd think.

I really want to pursue a career in forensics, however I am discouraged in the requirements of mathematics. Where do those studies become practical and a part of the daily grind?

Asked by Jess about 5 years ago

I don't know of any particular mathematics requirements. You'd need enough basic math skills to balance chemical equations, calculate reagents in formulas, and record accurate measurements. Ballistics or accident investigation might need more advanced skills, but I would not know about that. Good luck!

Why are some people with jobs like yours some people are sworn officers usually working as detectives/investigators and other times not?

Asked by 345 almost 5 years ago

It’s whatever the particular agency’s Standard Operating Procedures require. Each police agency can make their own requirements.

Can a decades-old used latex condom buried with a body still have dna evidence in it that can be tested?

Asked by J.J. White almost 5 years ago

If it were allowed to dry and kept dry, then it's possible, though the odds would be incredibly slim since the decomposition fluids from the body would most like overwhelm it. It's worth a try.

Hi question to get away from this whole COVID-19 crap. What do you think your life would be like if your job was just like on TV? Better, worse, the same, how?

Asked by was this 100 years ago or almost 5 years ago

Excellent question! I’d have more equipment, more salary and more hair, so that would be better. I would also apparently have no life outside my job, so that would be worse.

Have you ever seen something that traumatized you before?

Asked by Saul almost 5 years ago

There was a really bad case of elder abuse that I think I blocked out of my mind for the most part, because I can picture only a brief image of it while I remember everything else about the call. Other than that, no.

What kinds of detectives are there>?

Asked by Baileigh almost 5 years ago

‘Detective’ is just a position, like sergeant or school resource officer, so what the detectives investigate depends on what department they’re in—white collar, ‘property’ (which would be burglary, theft, vandalism), ‘persons’ (assault, murder, sex assault), vice/narcotics, etc.

Do you consider yourself a hero?

Asked by Connie almost 5 years ago

No. The action is all over by the time I get there, which is just fine with me.

Are the lock down orders constitutional

Asked by WE THE PEOPPE over 4 years ago

I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

Is it true that if someone testes positive or inconclusive for COVID-19 and they die no matter how their death is ruled as COVID-19 even if it is just a suspicion that they had the illness?

Asked by dfasdfasd almost 5 years ago

Honestly, I have no idea. I don't believe we've had any cases in my town yet, or perhaps I don't know because the police department wasn't involved.

Also, only the coroner's or medical examiner's office can declare a cause of death, or the attending doctor if they're under a doctor's care at the time. It's not up to the police department or any other government agency.

i am wanting to start a carear in forensic do you think i can get any help with what i should look for school wise or what i should do??

Asked by dennis almost 5 years ago

That depends entirely on where you want to work and what you want to do. If you want to do DNA analysis and testify in court about it, you may need a PhD in genetics. If you want to work at crime scenes bagging and tagging evidence, you may need only a high school diploma, with added hireability for advanced degrees. The only way to know is to check job opening notices or call the agencies and ask. I would also suggest that you look for schools that have hands-on lab work with forensic topics such as fingerprints or crime scene work. Best of luck to you.

Would you be able to look over my resume and tell me if its ok or if you can give me some tips on how to improve it for the forensics field?

Asked by Sosi almost 5 years ago

Sure, I'll be happy to help. Email it to:

What do they ask on the polygraph in relation to past drug use and what is the reference period?

Asked by Red almost 5 years ago

I don't think there's a standard set of questions. The hiring agency can ask anything they want, I suppose. When I had one for my job they asked about past drug use but I don't remember if it was 'ever' or 'within the past x years..' Sorry I can't help.

What questions does the CSI need to ask the police officers who attended the crime scene first?

Asked by Nansi Vladimirova (Undergrad Forensics) almost 5 years ago

Usually they’ll tell me the basics, what seems to have happened—there’s a body in the bedroom, this car hit that car, the homeowners came home to a broken front window and are missing jewelry from one bedroom but nothing else. Usually it’s everything they know, in general, but mostly what’s relevant to me. I don’t need to know the whereabouts and timeline for every suspect, but I need to know when the victim was seen last, when the neighbor heard shots, that the gun was removed from the scene for security (which we frown on, but if it’s necessary then it’s necessary), that the one bedroom door is closed because there’s a large dog in there so don’t open it. If there’s anything else I want to know I’ll ask, but usually then they leave me alone to do my thing. Hope that helps!

Why do some people still think Jeffery Epstein killed him self?

Asked by Jim almost 5 years ago

I have no idea and don't know anything about the case.

Am I right or wrong a detective is a sworn law enforcement officer and a investigator is usually a non sworn civilian that does similar work but can't make arrests, write warrants, etc

Asked by Jason almost 5 years ago

A detective is definitely a sworn officer. A CSI or forensic tech or whatever their title is, may be a sworn officer at some agencies but commonly is a civilian person who handles the forensic aspects of criminal investigation. Unlike television, we don't interview suspects or canvas neighbors. I might ask a witness or victim if they moved something or if the door was locked when they arrived, but that's all. Our focus of work is much more narrow. We may work to find a source of some clue like a brand of paint or a type of shoe that left a print, but mostly it's the detective that's going to do all the legwork to follow up witness statements and other clues. Hope that helps!

I want to become a forensic scientist technician before I purse education towards becoming a pathologist or forensic scientist. Once I meet the minimum requirements, how do I get started without any experience?

Asked by Mariah Clark almost 5 years ago

A pathologist is a doctor, so you'd have to go to med school first, and they usually have standard placement systems. To be a forensic scientist, it's best to get an internship position with your local lab while you're in school or just graduated. Or at least contact all the labs you're interested in, ask for a tour, meet people. You can also attend forensic conventions, though you'll have to pay for the registration. Hope that helps!

How did Shane delete his question?

Asked by Donald almost 5 years ago

He didn’t. I did.

How do most people enter this career?

Asked by Beanie almost 5 years ago

Get a degree in forensic science or a natural science and apply to a crime lab or police agency.

Hi can civilian employees carry a weapon on duty?

Asked by Lisa almost 5 years ago

No, not that I know of. No reason to, and I wouldn't want to anyway. I have enough stuff to carry around.

Also, what do you think about the Tiger King deal?

Asked by Donald almost 5 years ago

I haven’t seen it. I’d like to, but I don’t have Netflix.

Are you ever kept up at night from things you see? What about when you see someone dead or even severely wonder how does it not get into your brain my gosh this could be me! Or someone else you love plus I mean their a human being too.

Asked by Jason over 4 years ago

No. It’s more of a general awareness that ‘life is short, so enjoy every minute’. Which I think is a good thing.

Can you be a CSI agent if you have a history of bipolar/depression?

Asked by Striving almost 5 years ago

As far as I know, certainly.

Another question why do police sometimes make themselves look bad by interviewing psychics, necromancers, magic star sign people, etc?

Asked by Joker almost 5 years ago

I've never seen that happen in my personal experience.

Which degrees are best to pursue for someone who wants to go into forensic investigation or forensic technician work?

Asked by Maria over 4 years ago

Forensic science degrees or degrees in biology or chemistry. If you want to go into DNA analysis specifically, then perhaps genetics would be good too. Best of luck to you!

You sound like a Trump voter. Is that true?

Asked by Genius over 4 years ago

Can’t imagine what gave you that impression, but you sound like one of the above mentioned people who post a question only to goad me into saying something non-PC.

Another question what is say 100 to dispatch vs 100 to station and 100 to base what is the difference?

Asked by Random over 4 years ago

The numbers and codes refer to types of crimes or types of status (busy, on the way, leaving the scene etc.), but they’d be the same no matter who you’re talking to.

Why are you deleting many valid questions?

Asked by Bob over 4 years ago

I think your definition of valid and mine may vary.

Also, what did you think of those cops that went into that politicians office and napped, ate his food, and just made themselves at home during the riot?

Asked by Tina over 4 years ago

I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

Why are tasers only black yellow or clear?

Asked by Chase over 4 years ago

I have no idea.

So I'm writing a story and want to know if they can test blood against an old sample? By old sample I mean there's a thirteen year difference from when the first sample was taken and the sample presently taken.

Asked by Delaney over 4 years ago

Yes, absolutely. Blood samples can last decades if stored properly. The most important thing is that they’re dried thoroughly right away so there’s no decomposition. After that, they need to be kept away from UV light and at a steady temperature, the lower the better. Frozen is good, or at least refrigerated, but they can even stay at room temperature as long as it doesn’t get too hot or humid.

Sorry, I meant rape-and-murder, not tape-and-murder. Censored by autocorrect.

Asked by Laurel about 4 years ago

I was wondering!!

Have you ever had a encounter with a first amendment auditor?

Asked by Question to you and a few others about 4 years ago

Not that I know of.

Did you hear about the black man that a white man knocked a statue on his head? Should the people who knocked the statue down and put him in a coma be arrested?

Asked by Justin over 4 years ago

I don’t know what you’re referring to, and I wouldn’t know the answer anyway. I’m not a lawyer.

Would it best to get a bachelors degree in Forensic behavioral sciences, or would an associates degree be ok? I dint mind spending the time and money on the bachelors but if an associates is the same then I'll go that route. Thank you for any info.

Asked by DarkBigFootfromTealJungle about 4 years ago

If you’re looking at behavioral psychology, I’m afraid I have no idea what job requirements would be. Try to find the websites of professional organizations, like American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and check their job vacancy postings for job requirements. I’m sure there must be national organizations of behavioral psychology as well, and they should be able to guide you. Best of luck to you.

Why do so many think Gorge Floyd was a race issue?

Asked by Parker over 4 years ago

I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

What Are the Disadvantages of Forensic Scientists?

Asked by dadsfasdf about 4 years ago

I don’t know what you mean by this. What is the disadvantage of working as a forensic scientist? Or what are the disadvantages of the existence of forensic scientists? Or what factors work against you when trying to obtain helpful information from evidence?

Is it possible to detect K2 sprayed/soaked on paper with a UV/ Black light flashlight?

Asked by Nick almost 4 years ago

I’m sorry but I’m not familiar with what K2 is.

How to become a blood spatter analyts?

Asked by Surya. E almost 5 years ago

You'd have to be a general CSI and then take extra continuing education in bloodstain pattern analysis specifically. Also, I can tell you from personal experience, if you really want to do a lot of it with great expertise, you need to live in an area where there will be lots of bloodspatter cases to practice and work on. Best of luck!

how did the trace evidence of the leanne tiernan case play a role? im doing an assignment for my forensics class

Asked by theresa barnes about 4 years ago

I'm sorry but I have not heard of that case.

What do you think of SHOCK treatment and victim impacts panels? Do you think they help people change or just throwing tax dollars at people who are unwilling to change

Asked by rob almost 5 years ago

I live in a small, low-crime city so I have no experience with this.

Is this good information for detectives

Asked by Brett about 4 years ago

I can't click on links I don't recognize. What's it about?

Have you ever asked someone a question on here? If so do you mind saying what it was?

Asked by QUESTION TO ALL over 4 years ago

Nope, not so far!

Hi Lisa, I am studying forensics for a project and I came across a couple images that have me stumped. I think they may be phony, but not sure. They are from a gore site (they are non nude). Can you help me determine some things about these pics?

Asked by HG almost 5 years ago

What is it you’re going to want to know about them, because I may or may not be able to help.

Take LAW AND ORDER SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT. What are things that they promote that are false and what things do they not really show that is real. I know like y’all don’t work on one case at a time I honestly think it would be more entertaining if they did it sorta more realistic where their working on multiple cases

Asked by DANNCY over 4 years ago

I don't watch the show, so I couldn't comment. But fiction is meant to be entertaining, and it's usually more satisfying to focus on one story at a time.

If you where not a Forensic Scientist what other job could you see yourself doing?

Asked by Question to all over 4 years ago

It might be nice to retire and be able to write full time!

Why do many films try to make it out like the good guys always when when that is not always true? Many people get away, many cases go unsolved, many people are never found, etc. I know God has his vengeance but you know what I am saying

Asked by Joker almost 5 years ago

Because films are entertainment, and stories are more satisfying when they have a definite end.

Do you work with cops on the regular?

Asked by Ronna over 4 years ago

I work in a police department, so yes, work with them every day.Though my immediate coworkers and immediate supervisor are all civilians.

Should police departments be defunded?

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago

Again, I'm not an expert in public safety policy, so I don't know any more about the implications than you do.

I know your a author are you ever going to write a autobiography or have you?

Asked by Mr. Miller over 4 years ago

Nope, not planning on it!

What do you think is the worst case you have ever done. What’s the most gruesome, frustrating, or however you define it.

Asked by Mark over 4 years ago

Probably the most raw was a small plane crash.

What would happen if someone was eating brains line in IZombie?

Asked by Darla over 4 years ago

They would put themselves at risk of contracting kuru, which is similar to Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease.

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Asked by sd almost 5 years ago

If you're trying to ask something, you need to be more specific.

Can “teen” porn on the internet be considered child pornography even if the people in them are not children but prenteding to be young teens/children

Asked by Sammy over 4 years ago

I don’t know. Luckily I don’t have to deal with those cases other than assisting in a search warrant, since I am not trained in downloading computers and phones (my coworker does that). I think you’’d have to ask a lawyer.

Is every death counted as COVID if someone has it even if it is murder, car wreck, heart failure, suicide, or anything else?

Asked by Tim over 4 years ago

I”ve heard that rumor too, but I don’t see how it could possibly be true. Cause of death is decided by a myriad of different doctors. Generally it is signed by the doctor who was caring for the patient regarding the condition that led (or at least appeared to lead) to the death. If that is not clear, if the person wasn’t consistently under a doctor’s care or if, say, a cancer patient suffers a traumatic car accident, then cause could be determined by a different doctor. That could be a pathologist at the Medical Examiner’s Office, a cancer patient’s oncologist, an ill person’s regularly-visited doctor, the doctor on staff at a nursing home, a hospital doctor who’s been caring for the patient during a temporary stay, or even an emergency room doctor. In the past few months I’ve been called to a number of deaths and none of them were ruled as COVID cases.

Wait is your husband the country singer?!

Asked by Tim over 4 years ago

No. That’s the actress Lisa Hartman Black.

What would you suspect the average IQ of a criminal is? What are some of the dumbest and smartest you have dealt with?

Asked by Carlene over 4 years ago

I don’t even know what my IQ is. It’s hard to judge stupidity, since most crimes seem really stupid if you look at the benefits versus the risks. And if the criminals were brilliant, ideally, they could keep anyone from knowing a crime was even committed. Most murders are not premeditated—an argument gets out of control, so suddenly the killer has to figure out what to do, this is a situation they didn’t expect, and they’re highly agitated, so they don’t do a great job of covering up. And then more intentional crimes, burglary, vehicle theft, drug dealing—well, if they were smart, they’d get into more lucrative lines of work.

Are your books related off of real cases you have done and of corse maybe a little more realistic then many other books that are out there?

Asked by AJ over 4 years ago

I try to make them realistic, but they’re not based on real cases. Except for Trail of Blood, which is partly about the unsolved Torso Murders in Cleveland in the 1930s.

What did you think of that man who was killed? Was it just a cop on a power trip? Did the cop do anything wrong in the first place? Was it racism? What do you think?

Asked by Lisa almost 5 years ago

I don’t know anything more than you do.

What do you think of Ms. Maxwell? Just whatever you think

Asked by Jim over 4 years ago

I’m sorry but to be honest, I haven’t thought of her at all. I don’t know any more about the case than you do—probably considerably less—and I’m not aware of the relevant forensic evidence. And like most I’ve had many more immediately personal issues to hold my attention in recent months so I’m afraid I can’t help you.

be honest has there ever been someone you did not like and where happy to see their lifeless body?

Asked by sdf almost 5 years ago

I've never known anyone who became one of our victims, so no.

What are some types of questions you wished people would stop asking

Asked by question to all almost 5 years ago

Thanks for asking! I wish kids would stop cutting and pasting their homework questions for me to answer for them.

Woah! Maxwell finally got arrested! What should be done? Did she do it? How should they protect her in prison from escape, suicide, being killed, or whatever else could be tried to get rid of her because she wants to talk? Who else do you think is involved

Asked by Clearance over 4 years ago

I have no idea.

I am in school for my a.s. in criminology because my school had no alternatives for forensics, I am now 2 semesters away from graduating with my a.s. and my school now has a crime scene technology a.s. degree. Should I change programs or continue?

Asked by Jozalyn over 3 years ago

That’s a tough question. If you want to work crime scenes, then the cs tech major might be better. If you want to work in the lab, it might not be very important. I would advise you to call the forensic units at the agencies you’d like to apply to and ask their opinion. With either degree, they may more likely place more emphasis on whether the courses had a lot of hands-on experience, if you have any work experience in the field, labs, internships, etc. That’s how my agency would feel.

Best of luck to you!

My final question is why do conservatives not get to protest the lock down orders but ANTIFA, BLM, and other leftist groups can and they let them tear up things and sit in the middle of the road?

Asked by WE THE PEOPPE over 4 years ago

I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

You have been asked to rush DNA testing for a homicide case. What information would you request before deciding if you think the testing should take priority over other cases? What ethical framework would you use to help make your decision?

Asked by Albus over 4 years ago

At my agency we send all DNA testing to the state lab. We can give them the scenario of our crime and ask them to rush testing, but how they decide to handle their casework is entirely up to them.

Have you ever seen something so graphic you had to go throw up?

Asked by Kamryn over 4 years ago

Nope. I’m lucky to have a pretty cast iron stomach.

Can someone create false positive molestation forensic testing by wiping a week old rag with dried semen onto their child

Asked by Queen B over 3 years ago

I suppose anything’s possible, but it depends on how well a dried stain is going to transfer to anything. usually a dense, dried liquid simply flakes off a surface. Someone could try wetting the rag but I honestly don’t know how well that would work or if at all. Also, whoever is collecting any evidence off that child would have to swab that exact spot. So I can’t say it’s impossible but I would guess it’s unlikely to work. Hope that helps!

Sorry I meant badge number 100 as a example because they usually go by badge. Anyways sometimes they will call into base, dispatch, or station and I want to know the difference?

Asked by Nsnsns over 4 years ago

At my agency we’d be calling either Dispatch or, less likely, another person, in which case we’d use their badge number. What people call their dispatch unit, base, station, (we call them the name of the city, the first word in ‘such and such police department) probably depends on the habits of that particular agency. In other words there is no difference. Hope that helps!

I knew the Coroner, the people who ran a forensics company, and other people who worked for them. How where they able to eat in the little room next to the morgue? With windows to see and the smell? They would eat lunch in there.

Asked by Ray over 4 years ago

Did it every day. If it bothers you, you probably don't want to work there. Though our lunchroom was on an upper floor so there was no sight, just sometimes smells.

What do you think is the worst thing you ever seen?

Asked by Bradly over 4 years ago

Probably a small plane crash. And one terrible case of elder neglect.

Can a Bachelors Degree in Health Science get you a job as a forensic science technician?

Asked by Harmony Smith over 3 years ago

If the agency you apply to accepts it, then yes. Our agency just asks for at least an associate's degree but doesn't specify the subject, so you would qualify. What an agency is looking for beyond any degree is up to them. They might want only those with forensic training, or they might prefer someone who's had laboratory training even if not specifically in forensics over someone who had forensic training but no hands-on lab work. The only way to know is to call them and ask. Best of luck to you!

I would like to become a forensic scientist but I would like to know the job market whether I could find a job easily.

Asked by Miriam over 4 years ago

That depends on where you live or where you want to work. You can check job vacancy postings at local agencies, or if you’re willing to relocate then check vacancy postings on organization websites like American Academy of Forensic Science or International Association for Identification. That will give you an idea of what is available and what the requirements are. Best of luck!

What do you think of the doomsday cult guy that I just killed his wife maybe he killed his kid something like that what do you think of that case? Been watching too much for TV LOL

Asked by Nero over 4 years ago

I'm not aware of that case.

Do people when you give them your email when they are asking homework or school work questions ever really email you?

Asked by Conner over 4 years ago

Sometimes. Perhaps 10% of the time.

Have you ever did something bad, mean, or inappropriate to a dead body? What is your standard of morals and ethics?

Asked by Dolby over 4 years ago

Quite the contrary, I find myself apologizing to them if I bump into their gurney. They’re dead. How could I not feel sorry for them?Both my department and the various forensic organizations of which I am a member have published codes of ethics to which I have always adhered.

What do you think about Michael Flynn

Asked by Karla over 4 years ago

I am not familiar with the forensic aspects of the case.

¿qo? ?no? ???l no? op

Asked by uu?W?W p???p over 4 years ago

Weird--that looks fine in my email but is distorted on this site.

Does it help my chances of employment if I am a certified peace officer? I know your a civilian but if having the added peace officer certification along with everything else does it help, hurt, or make no difference? Plus I get to carry a gun and badge

Asked by Parker over 4 years ago

I would think it would help because it would show some familiarity with law enforcement agency procedures. Even if you work for a completely civilian agency such as a medical examiner’s office, you would still be interacting with law enforcement constantly, so I would think it would help. Though even if you can carry a gun and badge in your everyday life, you probably wouldn’t be able to carry it on the job unless it was all right with your employer.

Is it ever weird cutting into and doing pretty nasty things to a dead person?

Asked by Jason over 4 years ago

I do not work at a coroner’s/medical examiner so I don’t cut anyone. At a crime scene I might examine the eyes or test the limbs for rigor or look for injuries but that’ s about it.

Do you ever use a CB radio that the cops and dispatchers use?

Asked by Random over 4 years ago

We used to, but only when we were at crime scenes, we wouldn’t have it on all the time when we are in the office. But somehow they went to new ones and we didn’t get any and have done without them since.

What is the point in giving a poly graph if it’s not even admissible in court except for in specific circumstances? (Usually if only the defense and prosecutors agree)

Asked by Zarah over 4 years ago

That's not something I have anything to do with--it's the detectives' and/or attorneys' decision. I supposed they think if they get results that are really surprising it can hint if they're looking at the right people or not.

What do you think about that show on the weather channel when weather helped solve crimes?

Asked by Jocub over 4 years ago

I have not seen it.

I want to work as a forensic scientist and was wondering if doing a criminology and forensic science course is just a good as doing a forensic science course. I would like to know if an employer would favor one over the other?

Asked by av over 4 years ago

That depends entirely on where you want to work and what you want to do. If you want to do DNA analysis and testify in court about it, you may need a PhD in genetics. If you want to work at crime scenes bagging and tagging evidence, you may need only a high school diploma, with added hireability for advanced degrees. The only way to know is to check job opening notices or call the agencies and ask. I would also suggest that you look for schools that have hands-on lab work with forensic topics such as fingerprints or crime scene work. Best of luck to you.

Thanks for your quick response.

Besides black powder, do I need to use a special type of brush and/or lighting such as a UV light to uncover gloveprints?

I should add that the color of the Nitrile gloves I am trying to obtain prints from are blue.

Asked by Richard Gray over 4 years ago

No, just a regular brush, and UV light, as far as anyone here knows, wouldn’t make any difference. The gloves will, however, leave more traces the longer they are worn.

Should we be able to use torture on suspects during interrogations?!

Asked by Dan over 4 years ago

How does that question relate to forensics?

Why in regards to these riots do some police not do anything and let them tear things up? ANTIFA is now a terrorist organization SO WHY JUST SIT THERE AND DO NOTHING?!

Asked by Tina over 4 years ago

I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

Last question. I'm sorry, these were for my class.
If you were just choosing a career field, would you still choose to be a forensic scientist? Why or why not?

Asked by Jessie about 3 years ago

Yes, absolutely. I can’t think of anything I’d enjoy as much.

Oh you kinda look like her though

Asked by Tim over 4 years ago


Do you wear a white suit? If so why or why not? What is really the point?

Asked by Benny over 4 years ago

Do you mean a Tyvek suit? To prevent cross contamination? We have whole body suits but have not yet had a scene that required them. We will wear disposable booties and of course gloves for any homicide scene. Sometimes the point, as with fentanyl and COVID risks, is to protect ourselves, and sometime the point is protect the scene and keep from dragging trace evidence from outside the scene to inside the scene.

I would like to know if an autopsy conducted on a woman buried in dry soil for three years
could determine if she had an abortion, being the cause of her death.
Thank you

Asked by over 3 years ago

That’s a good question…I know that the human body will either decompose or desiccate, so if the conditions were right and she dried out instead of breaking down, then the body might be largely preserved. But what could be determined from an autopsy would be a question for a pathologist, I’m afraid. Sorry I’m not more help.

CN you really find anyone like in NCIS?

Asked by May over 4 years ago


Hi Lisa. If you had to test residue on an object, and might suspect if to be sodium hypochlorite/bleach residue, what kind of field test could confirm it. Would it be a simple chlorine strip test?

Asked by Arin over 4 years ago

I’m sorry but I have absolutely no idea. I have never worked in toxicology. Though my coworker did have to research testing for bleach in one of our cases, I will ask her when I get back to work next week.

Why do people ask you such non sense questions. If you look much of many of these questions the writing styles are the same I am getting the feeling someone or some people are messing around with the site and messing with the forms.

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago

I agree.

I want to be a forensic scientist, but I wanted to know do you need to carry a gun

Asked by Anna over 4 years ago

Some law enforcement agencies still require their forensic staff to be sworn police officers as well, but most have civilian staff for the forensic support. I have always been a civilian and therefore cannot carry a gun.

I found my finance on the floor but his legs were bent perfect and his knees together on top of each other. How is that possible? I'm thinking someone killed him

Asked by Shell over 4 years ago

That's quite possible, the body reacts with the fetal position to many circumstances. I responded to a fatal traffic accident--it actually happened right in front of me--and the victim was thrown from the truck, and that's exactly how I found her. However, bodies and causes of death are really questions for a pathologist.

Is there anyone who you have known do this job because it looked good on TV? How did it go for him or her?

Asked by Bart over 4 years ago

Probably everyone gets interested in the field because it looked interesting in a TV show. But by the time you’re sufficiently trained to actually get a job, you’d know that it’s not like TV.

What would you say is the best way to get into forensic science? I’m either thinking of going into a forensic science course or doing a chemistry/ biochemistry Uni degree?

Asked by Katie over 4 years ago

Either is good. It depends a bit on what you want to do. If you want to work crime scene, then general forensic science is probably good. If you want to go into toxicology, then chemistry, and if DNA, then biology or genetics.

Hope that helps.

Have, is, or are there any of your books that are, is, or will be a movie?

Asked by 272 over 4 years ago

Trace Evidence, my first book, was optioned and I wrote the screenplay for it. But the producers couldn’t sell it and had to give up. I’ve had nibbles on other books but nothing yet. I keep hoping!

Does gas chromatagraph/chromatagram data always show peaks relative to the solvents used with samples to perform gc/ms analysis?

Asked by Answer Seaker over 4 years ago

That is a great question that I can’t answer! So sorry, but I never worked with a GC or Mass Spec. That was the toxicology department.

I have to choose my major so are there branches of this career like examining bodies etc or does a forensic scientist have to do it all and what subjects should i take in school the subjects that my school provides are phys bio maths chem

Asked by dania over 4 years ago

All of those are good. Take as many science courses as you can. Much depends on where you want to work and what you want to do. If you want to do DNA analysis and testify in court about it, you may need a PhD in genetics. If you want to work at crime scenes bagging and tagging evidence, you may need only a high school diploma, with added hireability for advanced degrees. The only way to know is to check job opening notices or call the agencies and ask. I would also suggest that you look for schools that have hands-on lab work with forensic topics such as fingerprints or crime scene work. Best of luck to you.

If a dad commits suicide while his son is in the passenger seat, is the manner of death for the son considered as homicide? or accident?

Asked by Ritchelle over 4 years ago

If the father caused the death of the son, then it's homicide. If he didn't know the son was there, it's accident (or maybe manslaughter, I don't know the precise legalities).

How do you do a ride along?

Asked by Cale over 4 years ago

Contact your local PD and ask what their procedure is. You will probably have to fill out an application and a waiver. Best of luck!

Why are the questions on these pages so irrelevant and so many are repetitive as well as people just going on and on and on. Some people some how to way past the character limit. Sorry I know I’m kind of doing the same thing I’m just wondering

Asked by Paula over 4 years ago

I didn't know there was a character limit. But yes, many people write 'how can I become a forensic scientist' without ever checking past questions to see that that has been asked 20 times. And I think others are trying to goad me into saying something non-PC. Apparently too many people have too much time on their hands.

How can we detect the GHB from urine sample by LCMS?
Is there any simple method?

Asked by Eman over 4 years ago

I’m sorry but I’ve never worked in toxicology. Sorry I couldn’t help!

Why do police still collect so much evidence even though they already have enough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone did it. Like a clear video of someone doing it but they still need DNA, white seed, and a confession. I don’t understand

Asked by Jane over 4 years ago

Because trials don't occur, especially for a homicide, for another year or two or three after the crime, when there's no longer a chance to go back and collect other evidence. Confessions can be recanted, videos are never as clear as they look on TV, and everything will be challenged during a trial. And the evidence can be twisted. I had a guy who confessed to three different people the night of the crime, and then a year later went to trial and pled not guilty.

Do you know if phlebotomy relate to forensic science in any way? If so, how?

Asked by Christina about 4 years ago

I thought phlebotomy was the drawing of blood, so I assume its mostly used in medicine. But one person in my office is actually trained in it so she can draw our blood when we need samples for positive controls.

What do you think of those football players that where in trouble for flying blue and red line flags on the field in support of police and fire fighters?

Asked by Samantha over 4 years ago

I don't follow sports so I haven't seen the story.

Have you ever almost got fired before?

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago

Not that I know of.

Also, what is your opinion on auditors?

Asked by Cale over 4 years ago

I don’t know what you’re referring to.

What is the most complicated case you’ve ever worked and why?

Asked by Captain Coke over 4 years ago

I can't think of any one in particular that was the most 'complicated'--many were difficult and complicated for different reasons. Forensics is only part of the whole investigation, so things really get much more complicated for the detectives who not only have to absorb the information we're giving them but deal with victims, witnesses, suspects, documentation, records, warrants and prosecutors. I worked one where the victim had been taken to three different places before the body was dumped and burned, so there were indoor scenes, outdoor scenes, the suspect's house to deal with. Right now we're dealing with one that spans 30 years, so trying to find reports and piece together who did what and when and what, if anything, still remains to be done. And we had one earlier this year that had inexplicable behavior by about 9 different people over three days and all to cover up an accidental death. Hope that helps.

Since my finance passed away a month ago and there's been something eating at me now and I don't want anyone to think I'm going crazy. I found him on the floor but how can his legs bend perfectly and his knees
directly on top of each other perfectly

Asked by Shell over 4 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss. What was the cause of death?

I hear from local cops. I hear the FBI is idiots and the US Marshals are a bunch of red necks and fire fighters are not tough. I think this is rude and it’s not nice to stereo type everyone from a agency. Why is this done and do you agree do you hear any of that or noticed any of that

Asked by Jake over 4 years ago

Every group of people looks for reasons to feel superior to any other group of people. It's (a not very attractive part of) human nature. But in my experience interagency rivalries have been super mild. It's more a trope of fiction than reality.

What level math do you actually need and use?

Asked by Elizabeth G. over 4 years ago

It depends on what you want to do. I've always used only basic addition, division etc., for calculating reagents. Accident reconstruction would probably require a bit more and maybe DNA analysis, but I don't really know. Best of luck!

after a brutal beating , and internal bleeding how long does it take for bruising and and signs of damage in the outside to occur ?? like how many hours could it take if a person is laying there with no help

Asked by kayla over 4 years ago

That's a good question, that I really can't answer. A pathologist would be much more knowledgeable on that topic. But from personal experience I can say that bruises are funny, and they change over time. It depends how deep the damage is and on the person's chemistry and I think it makes a big difference whether the muscles are tensed or not when hit. Sorry I can't help!

Biggest pet peeve out of co workers? I also heard working at police and sherif departments your lunch is always stolen is this true?

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago

That's never happened to me at the police department, but then there's only my forensic unit with access to our refrigerator so it's not a problem. But it used to happen in the lunch room at the coroner's office all the time! I injected candy with hot sauce once. That stopped it for about a week.

Did you have to get pepper sprayed and tased in training?

Asked by Ashlyn over 4 years ago

Our police officers do, but I'm a civilian forensic specialist, so I didn't. (I also don't carry a gun, don't interview or arrest people and make a lot less money.)

What is the difference between forensic observation & forensic inference?

Asked by Caitlyn over 4 years ago

I'm not familiar with those terms. Sorry I can't help!

I'm looking at going to school to be a forensic scientist; what are the best things to look for in a school?

Asked by Kaelyn over 4 years ago

Take as many science courses as you can. Much depends on where you want to work and what you want to do. If you want to do DNA analysis and testify in court about it, you may need a PhD in genetics. If you want to work at crime scenes bagging and tagging evidence, you may need only a high school diploma, with added hireability for advanced degrees. The only way to know is to check job opening notices or call the agencies and ask. I would also suggest that you look for schools that have hands-on lab work with forensic topics such as fingerprints or crime scene work. Best of luck to you.

What did you major in and where? Also did you have a minor?

Asked by Ramen over 4 years ago

I have a bachelor’s degree in biology from Cleveland State University. I didn’t have a minor.

I wanted to know whether it is possible to do the courses a certain country and get a job in a foreign country ?

Asked by H•A over 4 years ago

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re asking.

Is blood soaked evidence washed after testing? For example a leather glove. Would it just be dried out and kept like that or do they clean the blood off.

Asked by bailey over 4 years ago

No, nothing is cleaned. It’s just dried and then kept as is. For one thing you might want to do more testing in the future so you’d never want to wash your evidence away.

Hello Lisa, what has changed in your job since you started to now

Asked by Jamie about 3 years ago

The ability to find 'contact' DNA, the improvement and proliferation of video cameras and the improvement and proliferation of downloading cell phone data. I think those are the major points.

Hope that helps!


You recently advised that a simple black powder would reveal glove prints deposited by Nitrile gloves. Would Latent Silk Black Print Powder, manufactured by a company called Sirchie be a good choice?

Thank you.

Asked by Richard Gray over 4 years ago

Sure--any good quality black powder should have the same effect.

I had crash some OLA 2.5 pills with olanzapine 10 mg tablets together and had kept it. Just few weeks back some police officers came to my house n found it. They tested it with forensic and it came back as heroin.
Please can you explain why

Asked by Malvin over 4 years ago

I’m sorry but I can’t. That’s a question for a toxicologist. I don’t know anything about drug chemistry.

I am back to school to complete some science and math courses, like Organic Chemistry and Physics. I then plan on going onto graduate school for a master's program in forensic science. Will that increase my chances of getting a job in the field?

Asked by Yuna over 3 years ago

I think it would absolutely help your chances. But all agencies might not be looking for the same things. I would check the websites for all the agencies you’re interested in to see their job postings.

Best of luck to you!

Have you ever worked a case that was cold?

Asked by Seth over 4 years ago

Yes, certainly. I didn't manage to find the one piece of evidence that solved the whole thing, but I have worked on several. In my department a double homicide finally broke open after 30 years:

If I am wearing thin, latex gloves, is it possible for me to deposit my fingerprint through the glove and onto the surface I am touching?


Asked by Richard Gray over 4 years ago

Apparently experimentation has shown it is possible. It gets more likely the longer the gloves are worn.

Can a coroner make a arrest? People like to always make the point about a “citizens arrest” but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Asked by Richard over 4 years ago

I don’t really know, but at the coroner’s office I worked at I was told that our coroner was actually the highest law enforcement officer, technically, in the county. She was the only person who could arrest the sheriff if necessary. That never became necessary though so I don’t know how it would actually work.

I mean a sworn police officer sorry for not being specific

Asked by Terry over 4 years ago

As far as the job is concerned, I would think the odds of getting the job would be the same, but there are other considerations. The pay and benefits are different (at least at my agency) between sworn and civilian because they’re different unions. A sworn officer would be taking less pay and benefits to be non-sworn so the hiring party might wonder why, or worry that they would get tired of it and want to leave.

Have you ever worked on a animal?

Asked by Barry over 4 years ago

I’ve done microscopic comparisons of animal hairs, when I was doing hair and fiber comparisons at the coroner’s office, to establish a connection between items found on a suspect’s clothing or environment and items found on a victim’s clothing or environment. That’s about it.

My was found deceased. I found him on his back. He had lividity on his inner forearms, palms was clear, lividity on his forehead, across his back side across his shoulders and on both sides of his rib cage down to his hips. Chest was clear. Position?

Asked by Jennifer over 4 years ago

Lividity can be patchy depending on areas of pressure. So you can have reddened areas where the blood flowed in and stayed next to clear areas where the body was pressed against a surface and the blood couldn't pool. You would need to talk to a pathologist for more thorough information. I'm sorry for your loss.

What do you think about the BLM?

Asked by Kaylee over 4 years ago

I think I am an expert in some areas of forensic science. I am not an expert in law, public safety policy or our political system.

I hear there is a lot of politics in police work is this true and why?

Asked by Bobbi sue over 4 years ago

Before I worked in forensics, I was a personnel secretary, a hotel maid, and an ice cream counter server and a gas station 'full service specialist'. My husband is an elevator field engineer. There is 'politics' in every profession. Every. Single. One.

Best of luck!

As someone wanting to become a forensic scientist, do you recommend majoring in an actual forensic science program or is it okay to take biology or chemistry?

Asked by Josie over 4 years ago

My guess is it depends on what you want to do. If you want to work in a lab, then biology for DNA or trace evidence or chemistry for toxicology would be the way to go. If you want to work in the field, mostly at the crime scene, then you might want the more general forensic science. Go on the websites of agencies and professional organizations, look at their vacancy postings, and see what they ask for. Best of luck!

Do you ever listen to music while you work? If so what kind?

Asked by Rinda over 4 years ago

We don’t have music in the whole department but many of us will listen to it at our desks or on earbuds. I have very eclectic tastes so I have everything from Broadway to ragtime to pop on my phone. But if I’m doing super routine things I’m usually listening to a book or podcast.

Why when someone is dying do first responders try to make them talk and keep talking

Asked by Justin over 4 years ago

I have no idea as I’ve never worked as a first responder. I would suspect that’s largely a plot device for film or books, but I don’t actually know.

If shot from close range. Would a civil war era rifle bullet to the eye go all the way through someones head? I'm doing research for a film I'm helping with.

Asked by Shannon over 4 years ago

With all bullets a great deal depends on how much gunpowder is used--the charges can be underpowered or highly powered. But I asked my boss, a history major, and he says absolutely that one at close range entering the eye could go all the way through the head. Hope that helps!

What are the major duties and responsibilities.

Asked by Jessie about 3 years ago

That depends entirely on where you work and what your job is. If you’re a ballistics expert, you’ll spend your days looking at guns and ammunition. If you’re a DNA analyst, you’ll be in a lab with micro tubes. If you’re me, you spend a lot of time looking at fingerprints and sometimes go to crime or death scenes.

I need to know how can I get blood group from old dried blood?

Asked by Mou about 4 years ago

They used to do that in serology, taking threads soaked in the blood and putting them in tiny pools of blood type reagents. I don’t know exactly what the reagents were, sorry, that had never been part of my duties. But if you research old serological techniques you should find it.

Best of luck!

How would you determine if the dye on two pieces of thread are the same? Would you use Ramen Spectroscopy?

Asked by Mike about 4 years ago

That's an excellent question that unfortunately I can't answer. One probably would use it, but back when I did hairs and fibers it was generally thought that the only way was to extract the dye and do thin-layer chromatography, which we didn't have. We also didn't have a Ramen, so all I could do was microscopic comparison.

Best of luck!

If a person is hung on their knees, when cut down and laid on the back with the knees/gegs still stiff and bent, can the blood still pool to the back?

Asked by TK over 4 years ago

That’s really a question for a pathologist, but apparently lividity develops before rigor, so it shoudn’t shift much after rigor has set in. However that can vary depending on temperature and physical/medical conditions. Blood will pool following the law of gravity but if the legs were bent, restricting the blood vessels, then it might pool in the torso. Sorry I can’t be more help.

I'm graduating in may with my forensic science bachelor's degree, and I'm getting emails from employers inviting me to apply Still, I'm hesitant, they'll just tell me they need A person now When did you apply for a job in forensics during your degree

Asked by mike g over 4 years ago

Sorry it took me so long to reply! I applied after I got the degree. THat’s kind of odd that they would tell you to apply—does the position require a degree? It couldn’t hurt to contact them for more information and make it clear you won’t have your degree until May and would need to finish your schooling as well. But jobs aren’t easy to come by, so if they’re that interested. In you , you might as well find out more. Best of luck!

Are there any famous cases in history that involved thin layer chromatography (TLC) that you are aware of? Or any interesting facts many would not know?

Asked by Mike almost 4 years ago

I”m sorry but I”ve never used thin layer chromatography. If I had, it most likely would have been to distinguish extracted fiber dyes. As far as I know it’s the only way to determine if natural fibers likely had the same source.


How do you go back and re construct the last 24 hours of someone’s life

Asked by Margarita about 4 years ago

I’m sorry but I have no idea. that would be the detective’s job, not mine.

Best of luck!

Hi what job can i do in forensics that does not require pure math

Asked by Lamecia about 4 years ago

I don’t know what you mean by pure math. Most crime scene work, fingerprints, tool marks, serology, might need regular adding and subtracting, but I don’t know of any field that uses calculus or algebra. DNA analysis uses a lot of statistics and ballistics and traffic accident investigation might use physics and geometry. But those are the only examples I can think of.

Best of luck!

When you started work in forensics did your job train you or were you having to rely on what you learned in college?

Asked by jsk789 over 4 years ago

They didn’t have forensics degrees when I went to school, so learned all the forensic tasks were on the job or continuing education courses. But the science background helps with understanding lab procedures, preparing reagents, and of course explaining what’s going on during the various processes.

Haha what if some of your old co workers see your post LAMO that’s too funny

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago

To my previous question, the victim claimed that her finger nail fell off during our fight but she bit them off and might also include my own DNA because she was hitting me but Bite mark is the best option and the finger nails were polished in red

Asked by Aj about 4 years ago

Well it's worth a try. However, you should be aware that bite marks are not usually accepted as reliable evidence in court any more.

Have you ever done a autopsy on a animaln

Asked by Ryan over 4 years ago

I haven’t ever done an autopsy at all, since I’m not a pathologist. They can be done on animals, usually it’s called a necropsy and may be done by a veterinarian.

At a postmortem crime scene where hair has fallen out from the victim, over time, is all the loose hair collected for evidence or just some of it

Asked by Leesa almost 4 years ago

That would depend a great deal on the circumstances. Any hair actually on the victim that does not appear to belong to the victim would likely be collected. If there was obviously a struggle, if the victim was beaten or strangled, hairs on their hands or caught in their fingers would warrant special attention or any clumps of hair nearby. If the victim's lying on a carpet that apparently hasn't been vacuumed for the past decade, then single hairs might be disregarded. If the person is outside and shot from a distance, then hairs would likely be disregarded.

I hope that helps!

How often do homeless people intentionally try to get arrested? I heard they do this because the shelters won’t take them if they are on drugs among other things so they commit crimes in front of cops to have a place to sleep

Asked by How often do homeless people intentionally try to get arrested? I heard they do this because the shelters won’t take them if they are on drugs among other things so they commit crimes in front of cops to have a place to sleep about 4 years ago

I wouldn't be involved with cases like this so I don't know. In my experience with homeless camps the people are usually not too cooperative and don't want to leave, so I haven't seen this happen.

Do you have any suggestions for a research topic in forensic science for a class project?

Asked by HG271 almost 4 years ago

Wow, that’s a tough question—I can think of projects and experiments, but research....and what ages? I can ask my coworkers for suggestions.

When you first started interviewing and working in the forensics field, what made you determine if the jobs you were looking at were right for you? I am going through that situation now.

Asked by Jason. B almost 4 years ago

Usually job vacancies aren't that plentiful that you can be too choosy. Are all or most of the duties similar to what you want to do? Is the location acceptable to you (local, or someplace you wouldn't mind relocating to)? Is there a good chance you will meet their expectations sufficiently that they will offer you a job? If the answer to all three is yes, then I would suggest you take it. If the answer to only the first two is yes, try anyway.

Best of luck to you!

Can a fallen fake finger nail show bite mark?

Asked by Aj about 4 years ago

I don't see why not, it's rigid and would hold a shape. It's a very small item and somewhat brittle, though. I would think it would be tough to bite all the way through one. You'd probably be better off swabbing it for DNA of the biter.

If a attacker OC sprayed someone and robbed them is there chemical tests to see if the spray that was on the victims face and the Pepper spray on the suspect to see who did it

Asked by Question almost 4 years ago

That’s a good question that I’m afraid I can’t answer. I’m sure there is some way to determine the chemicals used in pepper spray. But this would be affected by a) how long does it remain on the skin before the skin absorbs it and b) most forensic chemistry labs are set up to detect illegal drugs in urine, blood or gastric contents. Identifying any kind of poison or other substance may require equipment or reference databases they don’t have.

Proving it’s the same batch of pepper spray may or may not be possible. I”m not personally involved in this kind of testing, but I can assure you it is not like television. We had a series of cases and wanted to determine the exact composition of drugs with percentages of fentanyl, heroin etc. Turned out while nearly every crime lab can determine if a drug is present, there were only one or two labs in the entire country we could find that could determine percentages, and they charged an arm and a leg. 

Sorry I can’t be more help.

Browse through some of the other forums too and you will see the same trends and writing styles. Crazy stories, posting links, asking dumb questions, asking the same question over and over just in a different way, trying to get people mad, spamming, and fhe list goes on the bus drivers seems to he the worst and the wearher guy before he went away was getting spammed every day

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago

Some people don't have enough to do!

Why don’t they let civilians interview suspects?

Asked by Jessica over 4 years ago

Because that's not our job. That's the detective's job. They're in charge of and responsible for the investigation.

What are the top 10 most fun/ interesting facts about your job?

Asked by Miki23 almost 4 years ago

Wow, that’s a tough question! I’m not sure I could come up with ten.

What is something other scientists do as well as officers such as patrol and detectives that annoy you or even piss you plumb off

Asked by Johnathan almost 4 years ago

Usually I'm annoyed most often by people asking for things to be done immediately while ignoring a) that we are working on more cases than just theirs, b) that some processes take time, and/or c) that what their asking for isn't going to prove anything for them anyway.

As for fellow scientists, the worst offenses are a) finding typos in my reports and b) taking the last piece of cheesecake out of the communal fridge.

As a senior in college who is interested in pursuing forensic science, would you be willing to give me either some tips or advice about this career path?

Asked by Christina about 4 years ago

Best of luck to you! Other than taking all the science and laboratory courses possible, I would suggest checking out the websites of national forensic organizations to check job postings and what different agencies require. You might also decide if you’d consider moving and where. Try to get a tour of any forensic facility you can, this is a good way to meet people and to see what different jobs entail.

I hope that helps!

Do you think a forensic science certificate of proficiency (or any other forensic science certificates) is beneficial in any way?

Asked by Christina about 4 years ago

Yes, certification in any discipline is definitely a good thing to put on a resume.

Hi, I’m writing a novel in which a tape-and-murder victim’s remains are found after ten or twenty years outdoors in rural New England. Could investigators find the perp’s dna at that point?

Asked by Laurel about 4 years ago

On the victim’s body? Most likely not because after that much time the victim would most likely be skeletal remains only, if buried and certainly if on the surface. If the body was in some kind of container, sealed, it might be completely decomposed, mummified or preserved, depending on circumstances. If the killer’s blood or semen got on some object that was with the body, it could conceivably survive if protected, but it would be very unlikely to yield a usable DNA profile.

Hope that helps!!

How reliable are drug tests? The ones that turn colors. I seen where a dude had doughnut glaze on the ground and it tested positive (no thats not a joke lol).

Asked by Darren about 4 years ago

I'm sorry but I've never worked in toxicology, so I've never tested drugs with any kind of test.

Sorry I can't help!

How to identify if s nose was broken from a fall or from a punch

Asked by Doug almost 4 years ago

I”m sorry but I have no idea—you’d need a pathologist for that one.

I have my first interview out of college for a forensic chemist position. Do you have any tips for a first timer? Are there any questions I should really prepare for?

Asked by MIKE almost 4 years ago

Wow, best of luck!! I would suggest you Google the heck out of the facility and find out everything you can about what they do—if it’s a state lab, what kind of evidence they accept from the state agencies. They probably test for illegal drugs, but are they testing the actual drugs seized, or bodily fluids from arrested people, or blood/urine/gastric samples from medical examiners or coroners offices—or all three. If you can’t find the information then that’s a good and reasonable question to ask. They’re sure to ask you what kind of instrumentation you’ve worked with, in class or in an internship, etc.—GC Mass Spec, IR, etc., how much experience and what kind of samples you tested. PS If it’s not posted you might want to ask about hours and/or overtime. They might be 9-5 M-F or they might be 24/7, depending on the size and location.

Best of luck!!

What's the best way to highlight and uncover gloveprints left by Nitrile gloves from a surface?

Asked by Richard over 4 years ago

Usually simple black powder will show gloveprints as well as fingerprints. The bubbly sort of pattern they make will be visible.

What is the worst part of your job? What is the best part? How do u cope with the stress of the job/the dead bodies etc?

Asked by Niamh almost 4 years ago

What is your favorite part of this job?All the interesting, different, bizarre stories that make up the crimes that have happened that we have to investigate. 

What is you least favorite part of the job?Being 'on call' and knowing you can be interrupted at any moment of the day and have to go to a crime scene, even if it's the middle of the night or a holiday. I've also had to change vacations because I have to testify in a trial. I hate that. 

Being around the dead is something you either get used to really quickly or you don't. The dead will not bother you, but the living can drive you crazy! And stress depends where you work. I have a great office and a relatively low-crime area, so unless we have a lot all happen at once, which is not too often, it's really not that stressful. If I lived in a more hectic place with too many demands and not enough time or resources, it might be a different story.

Do you think if someone had all the training and experience plus is post certified do you think they would have a better or the same chance at getting a job a civilian can get? As well about advancements? I guess it could be like anything else the more the better. Right?

Asked by Terry over 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by post certified?

Question regarding site not this sorry, but after you answer a question are you able to go back and edit it or even delete it afterword's

Asked by Sarah over 4 years ago


What majors and minors do you recommend someone interested in forensics to take? Should I major in forensics or something else? And how can one determine which area of forensics they would like to go into?

Asked by Serena about 4 years ago

Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. As for determining which area, I would suggest you visit crime labs in the area to see what they do and talk to the people working there. Good luck!

Was this election stolen from Trump?

Asked by asdfasdf about 4 years ago

What does that have to do with forensics?

Also, is it possible to specifically detect that the DNA is from saliva and nothing else?

Asked by AJ about 4 years ago

I don't believe so, but I haven't done DNA analysis in 20 years so I'm not the best person to ask. I know there's an amylase test for saliva, but I don't know if it's used any more. And if you have a mixture I doubt it would be possible to tell what DNA is from what bodily fluid.

How long does saliva DNA stay on an object? In other words, for how long the DNA is detectable?

Asked by Aj about 4 years ago

That depends entirely on the circumstances. If a sample of anything--blood, saliva, semen--is properly dried and kept in relatively dry conditions at a steady low temperature, or even frozen, it can last for decades. If the temperature and humidity vary greatly, then the sample could break down. If it's stored in plastic or airtight when wet it could rot and decompose.

Outside of work are you interested in True Crime? Before you where a Forensic Scientist and a true crime author ?? where you into true crime? Fictional or real cases as well

Asked by Mr. Treesorrow over 3 years ago

Yes, I love true crime. I read pretty much the entire section of the downtown branch of the Cleveland Public Library while I was a secretary before I got into forensics. The books I write are fiction but I'd love to write true crime.

is there any device in existance which can sense a possible forensic evidence and give you something to strat search with????

Asked by rekhab almost 4 years ago

That depends on the kind of forensic evidence.

How would you react to this crime scene as well as solve it?

Asked by Seth almost 4 years ago

Sorry, I can't click on unknown links. However, in general terms, I don't react to crime scenes, at least as much as possible. I need to treat each one objectively and consistently, so I'd conduct the same relevant duties as I would at any other crime scene--photo, sketch, collect evidence, etc. And I don't really 'solve' crimes--I provide the forensic support to help the detective solve the crime.

Hope that helps!

Why do you delete so many questions?

Asked by Terry over 3 years ago

Why do you post questions that need to be deleted? Most people have better things to do.

What has been discovered or invented by you or other people who work in the field of forensics?
What is something I could tell my class and teachers that would surprise them about forensics?

Asked by Ella about 4 years ago

"Touch" DNA or "Contact DNA" can obtain a profile from an item that someone merely touched:

I would say Rapid DNA, which can provide a profile in less than two hours and used in the battlefield, but that's been around since 2014.

And though you've seen it on TV every day for 50 years, it has not been possible for the average latent print examiner to scan in a fingerprint and search every person who's ever been fingerprinted, including job applicants and military. Most databases would be just county or state wide, and may or may not include job applicants (or staff) depending on the preferences of the agency, and certainly not the military, ICE or Interpol. At my department we only got the ability to remotely search the FBI database last year.

Hope that helps!

Would a B.A. in physiology be an acceptable degree for pursuing a career in forensics?

Asked by Abigail over 3 years ago

Any agency can use whatever requirements they want, so some (like mine) require only a high school diploma (but give extra points for advanced degrees, so we all have degrees). Some might require a Bachelor’s in any subject but give more points for forensic training—or not. The only way to know is check their job postings. Best of luck!

I need to write an extended essay for school about an area of my interest. What is a forensic science method which still needs some research. I need to conduct an experiment and form a conclusion from my hypothesis.

Asked by Yusra over 4 years ago

Arson investigations, bitemarks...though those might be difficult to do experiments on. Best practices for visualizing superglued fingerprints depending on the surface? Genealogical tracing?

Best of luck!

What if you set someone up with white powder with kool aid that turns colors with water say its red kool aid will it test positive by dying the thing even if it would other wise work just fine? Asking for a friend ;)

Asked by Darren about 4 years ago

Interesting idea, but again I don't know. I don't know what liquid is used for the tests, so that might affect things.

Hey? Do you like your job? Kind of a test question I got a bigger one comming

Asked by Claire over 3 years ago

Like any job it has its tedious moments, but yes I like it.

Is it Unauthorized Practice Of Medicine to make someone wear a mask that is classified by the FDA as a medical device? I think so tell my why, why not, or if you can't or don't know how to answr. Thanks

Asked by Maria almost 4 years ago

I have absolutely no idea.

I am from India.
My father was missing about 1 month ago(23-05-21). after 25 days of missing police got one dead body with only skull and 2 or 3 bones. And there besides my dad clothes there and inside pocket
There has my dad's bike key. this possi

Asked by Kalyan reddy over 3 years ago

See next answer.

A person bites a victim. How difficult would it be for police to track them down based on their DNA?

Asked by Miguelito almost 4 years ago

Not at all difficult IF the person’s DNA profile is already in CODIS.

how do finger[rints get on things, does our fingers leave fluids when we touch things, or we just leave a print on existing dust?

Asked by rekhab almost 4 years ago

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

Yes, fingerprints are impressions made by the oil and sweat on our fingers. If a surface is very dusty, we take away dust on our fingers instead of leaving prints on the object. It will look like fingerprints should be there because there will be finger marks in the dust, but actually we just removed dust.

Hope that helps!

Hi, Lisa Black I am Bobbie-Sue besides fingerprints or DNA what are other things that are looked at? Toe prints? There I am sure many other things besides those two things... right?

Asked by Bobbie-Sue over 3 years ago

We can compare footprints just as finger or palm prints, but there isn’t a database of footprints so you would have to have standards of the suspect’s feet. Otherwise I don’t know what you mean by ‘looked at.’ Everything is looked at, in a sense—there’s ballistics, fibers, bloodstain patterns, arson evidence, toolmarks, video and photo analysis, paint, glass, etc. and etc.

Would be able to give me a few tips on a resume since I'm going into the same field as you?

Asked by Steve about 4 years ago

Sure, you can send it to:

My question to you is how are the audits done like in the state where they are auditing votes? What do you think the results will be?

Asked by Forrest almost 4 years ago

I’m sorry but my job has absolutely nothing to do with auditing voting machines. I have zero expertise in that area.

What is the cost to a criminal defendant to have a print run through the FBI's AFIS system? Has that cost remained the same from 1999 through the present?

Asked by MsM over 3 years ago

I'm sorry but I have absolutely no idea. I didn't know there was a cost. I would have guessed that their attorney could request a court order to do so from the judge and the police agency that has the print would take care of it, but I really don't know. Sorry I can't be more help.

Face reading and NLP. It’s a YouTube video

Asked by Brett about 4 years ago

I can’t speak to this guy’s course specifically, but deception detection training is often offered to detectives and law enforcement personnel. I sat in on a two day course through my department once, just to use in my writing.

Saying that they DID do what ever it is they are being accused of?

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago

There have been a few cases in which I testified where the defendants were found not guilty, and I was fine with that. In some there simply wasn't sufficient evidence, in one it was clearly self-defense, in two the defendants were charged with murder and I figured it should have been manslaughter. But that's why we have a jury system, and they did a good job.

How has forensic equipment changed and developed over the time of your career?

Asked by Christina Phokou almost 4 years ago

Departments have access to larger (county, state, sometimes federal) fingerprint databases, though it's still not like you see on TV. DNA analysts can now obtain a profile from 'touch DNA', someone simply touching an object. And video surveillance systems have become commonplace but also much easier to use with better clarity.

Hello what do different colors flags mean? You know those little flags that stick in the ground? What does pink, yellow, green, multicolored, white, etc mean?

Asked by Barney over 3 years ago

I have no idea--are you referring to utility companies marking gas lines, etc? My agency has some flags but we haven't used them recently. I suspect if an agency uses different colored flags it might be some internal coding that they use. Sorry I can't be more help.

Is being a Forensic Scientist more of just a job, a career, or is it a lifestyle?

Asked by Mikey over 3 years ago

I think you could ask that about any job. It all depends on the person doing it; if it's only a way to get a paycheck, then it's just a job. If it's all they want to do, it's a career. If it occupies a lot of their personal time, it's a lifestyle. But forensic science can be demanding and most of all, unpredictable, so most people wouldn't do it just as a 'job.'Hope that helps!

If the song Before He Cheats happened in real life how would you investigate the vandalized car???

Asked by Sherri Karry Katie Perry over 3 years ago

I would fingerprint around all the damaged areas and the handles, and possibly collect a sample of paint in case the suspect’s keys were found (provided the state lab would do FTIR analysis on a non-violent case). And of course we’d check for any video cameras in the area that might cover the parking lot. And measure the width of the holes in the tires in case the suspect’s knife was located.

So do you pretty much get to do all the fun stuff without as much paper work?

Asked by Rae over 3 years ago

No, we have lots of paperwork. Lots.

Have you ever done a case where you did not think the person who did it deserved to be locked up?

How did you handle it?

If you have not. How would you react to that? If you’re asked to do a case but don’t agree the person should be arrested?

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago

My job isn't like TV--I'm not involved in every single aspect of the investigation. My job is to provide forensic support to the detectives, so in any given case I estimate I know perhaps 20% of the overall information relating to the crime. I don't know what witnesses, victims, suspects have said, what financial or phone records might show, etc. etc. The detectives would probably tell me if I asked, but I'm usually too busy with all the other cases to ask.

Who to arrest and who to prosecute is up to the detectives and the prosecutors. They don't ask my opinion, and in light of the first paragraph, I probably couldn't give them an informed one.

What do you think is the minimum age for becoming a Forensic Scientist? Since it’s not (mostly) a sworn position can someone under 21 become one? What about under 18?

Asked by Samuel over 3 years ago

That entirely depends on the requirements of the hiring agency. Since they’d probably require advanced schooling so hirees would wind up being older. It also might have to do with liability if the person would need to drive agency vehicles, etc.

Hello, what would you do if your boss came in and asked you to test a vile of a COVID-19 vaccine for a possible crime but you did not know what it was however you did know it was a death investigation. What would you do? Thanks!!!

Asked by Mikey over 3 years ago

My lab doesn’t have the ability to test vials of any time. We would send any liquid samples to the state lab.

Hello Lisa, what is the dumbest case you ever worked?

Asked by Steven over 3 years ago

Nothing's really 'dumb' since every case involves, a minimum, property loss or inconvenience. Criminals can be dumb...the best example I can think of was when a bunch of boys broke the glass in a door to get into a jewelry store, couldn't find much to take, then were hightailing it out of there as the alarm rang and one was trying to climb back out the broken window and not having much luck when his buddy barreled through the other door simply by pushing the push bar on it. The video was hilarious.

Is that possible with in 25 day. I mean decay process.

Asked by Kalyan reddy over 3 years ago

I’m not a pathologist, so I really wouldn’t know for sure, but I know decomposition can vary wildly depending on circumstances—whether the body is exposed or contained or wrapped; temperature and humidity are majorly important; and predators, insects, water, shade vs sun, all can affect matters. My best guess is yes, it’s possible.

Hello! I have a friend that wants to be a Forensic Scientist! He recently graduated high school and is transitioning to college. Is there any summer jobs/ internships you would recommend for him that can increase his exposure to the field?

Asked by Carter over 3 years ago

I don’t believe there would be any summer jobs at a police department or crime lab, and internships are usually given to students who are college juniors or seniors. Though they should check with the police department, there might be volunteer or Explorer programs. Otherwise any job that involves lab work might help—not just hospitals but food or water testing sites.

Best of luck to them!

Do witnesses often test positive for GSR residue on their hands? How close would they need to be when the firearm is discharged?

Asked by Cat twigg over 3 years ago

I couldn't tell you--I haven't personally done any studies of bystanders at a shooting. GSR analysis is usually testing for primer residue, which can escape from the gun when fired. So someone could have GSR on their hands if they handled a gun, if they touched a surface near to where a gun was fired, if they handled the gun after it was fired, etc. This is why, though they've stated this on television every day for fifty years, having gunshot residue on your hands doesn't prove you fired a gun. Not having gunshot residue on your hands doesn't prove you have not fired a gun. The particles are very tiny and easily dislodged. These are some of the reasons why most agencies don't do gunshot residue analysis any more. Hope that helps!

If you ask a cop why do all cops have short hair and the cop says something like “we cut it short so we don’t pull it all out” what does that mean?

Asked by Ryan over 3 years ago

It means that, like most people, they get tired of people asking them stupid questions.

someone is alleged to have worn a t-shirt for over twelve hours on an 88 degrees day,dancing,drinking,and playing pool,but DNA testing revealed none of his DNA was found in said shirt.What are the odds of that,if not possible?

Asked by over 3 years ago

That sounds odd, but were they looking for blood or semen stains in particular, or just the DNA of whoever wore it?

Hello! I am currently taking classes such as Organic Chemistry and Physics, but not doing so well in them. I am worried that this may impact any grad programs in FS in that they will just not accept me altogether. Is there any advise you can give me?

Asked by Struggling Student over 3 years ago

I honestly have no idea, I never did a grad program. Are there any advisors at your target schools that you can ask? But I sympathize—I had the same problem with Organic Chemistry. I got A’s in General Chemistry, but I just never ‘got’ Organic. Best of luck to you!

What kinds of people do you both love and hate working with? Thanks

Asked by Liam over 3 years ago

Well, as in any job, I like working with people who are competent, responsible and pleasant, whether they're forensic techs, cops, attorneys, or victims. And I dislike working with the opposite qualities.

Hi Lisa! Besides taking science based classes, I also want to shadow some criminalists that I connected with on LinkedIn. Have you ever shadowed/had someone shadow you? What was it like?

Asked by Theresa over 3 years ago

Sure, I visited crime labs and the coroner’s office before I got my first forensics job—usually it was just a tour and answering questions though I got to sit in with a police class at the coroner’s and view an autopsy and hear some lectures. Then I would do the same when we had visiting students. Interns are here for a longer period. We usually have them do minor paperwork and tasks and they can observe our work with evidence, fingerprints, scenes, etc so we can explain what we’re doing and why. It’s a great experience. I think you’ll find people in forensics very friendly and helpful. Best of luck to you!

Hi Lisa the forensic scientist. In this scenario it might be a little graphic.

So let’s say there is a girl/woman (or a guy I suppose) was being raped and sodomized. She was being forced to preform oral sex and she bites his penis totally off.

Would this be self defense? I would hope it would be classified self defense. Right? But I know sometimes the system is messed up and puts someone who was defending his/her/their self(s) are thrown under the bus.

Asked by Claire over 3 years ago

That would be a legal question, unaffected by forensics.

Another question is it true that there is no such thing as totally useless evidence? How much useless information has to be sifted through? I am sure this is more of a detective proble but I’m sure you have to deal with it too right?

Asked by Bobbie-Sue over 3 years ago

Yes, unlike what you see on television, evidence doesn’t necessarily ‘prove’ anything. It all depends on circumstances. If the victim’s blood is on the suspect’s shirt and he says he never met her, that’s vital evidence. If he found the body and tried to revive her, then it likely means nothing. Or bloodstains might tell me the victim was stabbed six inches away from the wall, but that doesn’t tell me who stabbed him. But if the perpetrator is caught and describes what happened, the bloodstains might corroborate or disprove his story. I hope that helps.

Are you pretty much a unsworn detective? Do you do pretty much everything a detective does with the exception of arresting people or charging people?

Asked by Rae over 3 years ago

No. I do lots of stuff detectives don’t do, like lab analysis, scene reconstruction, latent print comparison, etc. And they do tons of stuff I don’t do, like track down victims/witnesses/suspects and interview them, run criminal histories, request search warrants, and so on. So our jobs are really very different. We are there to provide the forensic support for the case, but forensic topics are only part of any case. Hope that helps!

What work do you do on a daily basis?

Asked by Janessa Dillon over 3 years ago

At my department I mostly work with fingerprints, analyzing and comparing fingerprints that I collect off pieces of evidence or pick up at crime scenes or ones that the officers submit after they collect them at crime scenes. I will also go to crime scenes, photograph, collect prints, items of evidence, maybe test for blood or collect samples of blood with sterile swabs. There’s also a lot of time spent writing up all this information in our reports and other paperwork. If I worked in DNA or ballistics or toxicology, I would probably spend all day in the lab doing those types of analysis. So it depends on where you work, what services they provide, and what your exact position is. I hope that helps!

On a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to be a forensic scientist.

Asked by Fayyad over 3 years ago


Accused of rape, she has changed the times from morning to night, claims semen was in her knickers but if it happened at night semen would of turned to water?

Asked by Pat over 2 years ago

I have no idea what you mean by ‘water’ and I don’t see why nighttime would make a difference.

If there is animal blood and human blood mixed at a crime scene, how does that affect a DNA test? In other words, does animal blood contaminate human blood enough to confuse a DNA test? How has this technology advanced in the past 10 years?

Asked by Gorgonbunny almost 3 years ago

That’s an excellent question, that unfortunately I can’t answer. We have the OBTI test that can confirm blood is human, but beyond that…I don’t know if there are alleles that both animals and humans share that might show up in the average DNA analysis. Even if animals have some alleles that are the same as humans, if those aren’t the alleles looked for in a DNA test, then it wouldn’t affect things. But if they are, then I don’t know if scientists have a way to distinguish them. Sorry I can’t be more help!

Do you know anything about the tools a Forensic Toxicologist uses. Or, what equipment do you use also, the maintenance of said equipment.

Asked by GunKillerOdin about 3 years ago

I know they utilize most a GC and Mass Spec, a Gas Chromatograph and a Mass Spectrometer, but I've never used either one.

Is there anyone special you worked with?

Asked by Jason about 3 years ago

Could you clarify that question? I'm not sure what mean.

how long can a DNA be found on a dried semen stain on skin considering the swab was taken after ejaculation's by more than 36 hours and the skin area haven't been washed

Asked by jo about 3 years ago

If the stain is still visible, then clearly the semen is still there, so I see no reason why it wouldn't still have DNA in it. There might be a mixture from swabbing up the skin cells as well as the stain.

Hope that helps!

What are some advancements from a forensic scientist?

Asked by GunKillerOdin about 3 years ago

I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean how does a forensic scientist advance in their career, or what scientific advancements have been made by forensic scientists?

What is the outlook for employment? What is the level of education required? What do you like most about your career? What do you like least? What special skills are required? Are there any special physical demands?

Asked by Jessie about 3 years ago

Job requirements depend on the job. Requirements might range from a HS diploma to a PhD. Check the websites of forensic professional organizations (IAI, AAFS, pathology or other disciplines) for job vacancies. I like the variability of the days.I dislike the hours, which can be unpredictable, and require being ‘on call.’

If you were mandated to take the COVID-19 shot by your employers. Would you or would you not take it?

Asked by Tommie about 3 years ago

A) Totally unrelated to forensics.B) Already have it so it's not relevant.

Since, you are in the forensics field. Do you know anything about forensic toxicologists? If so can you elaborate on what you know about this field?

Asked by GunKillerOdin about 3 years ago

Unfortunately, no, I cannot. I've never worked in toxicology. Sorry I couldn't help.

Hi, for How long the sexual assault can still be detected in vagina, cervix, mouth and on clothes if there was vaginal ejaculation and no barrier

Asked by Lembalo over 2 years ago

I really don't know. I haven't done DNA analysis or biological analysis like that in over 20 years.

Sorry I can't help!

Why did this site pick up in traffic and then slow way down?

Asked by Mikey almost 3 years ago

I have no idea.

Do you have to have special skills to do this? Do you have to have a certain level of fitness?

Asked by Tori about 3 years ago

You will most likely need at least an associates degree in forensics or a natural science. How agile you need to be depends on what you're doing--if you're working in a lab, consistently on level ground, a disability would not be an issue. If you're doing crime scene work and you need to sometimes climb on top of roofs or into attics, out in fields, etc., then you need to be mobile. But nothing like police officers or rescue personnel.

Hope that helps!

Can you have neck tattoos?

Asked by Joseph over 2 years ago


In a situation where fingerprints are planted on the weapon, and the person who committed the assault/murder is holding the weapon with gloves. How do the prints not become smudged or rubbed off?

Asked by Emily over 2 years ago

I would think they’d have to get rubbed off. I don’t know how one could hold a knife tightly enough to stab someone without smudging all the prints on the grip. Guns, despite what you see on television, are terrible surfaces for prints, though I guess if you were very careful and maybe propped the butt on something, I suppose you could use it without grasping and smudging some areas, like the grip (if it were smooth, otherwise it likely wouldn’t retain any prints anyway) or a shiny, chromed barrel. A knife, maybe if it was big enough that you could grip only part of the handle and leave the prints on the other part undisturbed. Or maybe part of the blade if you didn’t stick it in the body all the way. But I would think it would be tough to do.

Hope that helps!

"Blood was not detected on Item 57(bullet); however a sample was collected on Item 57 as 57-1 (swab).
For a debate, did the scientist collect blood or "touch DNA"?
What do the letters "cc" mean in lab report?
Thank you very much!

Asked by Judy Prochnow over 2 years ago

Blood is not touch DNA. Touch DNA is DNA left by skin cells or sweat or oil, basically, not a visible stain. So it sounds like this sample 57-1 was either touch DNA or something visible that they thought might be blood but wasn’t.

I don’t know what cc might mean, other than carbon copy (like a copy of the report was sent somewhere else) or cc’s as a unit of measure.

Hope that helps at all!

This is a hard question. What if in a job interview for law enforcement you are asked. What is a order you would not follow?!

How would you approach that?

Asked by Dave about 3 years ago

I”m a civilian employee so I’m not in the strict line of command as perhaps a police officer is, so I don’t really think in terms of ‘orders.’ If there’s a request of us that we feel could be detrimental to the forensic evidence, we’ll tell them that and discuss alternatives. If that wouldn’t work, I’d get my supervisor involved. If the detectives insist, then I’d probably do what they want (provided of course it wasn’t illegal) and if it makes the case unprosecutable, then that’s on them. So far the issue has never come up.

Hi, I am an Indie author and I have written a nook that involves a murder. The murder is set around 1946. My question is would detectives of that time be able to match the blood on clothing worn by a suspect to that of the victim's?

Asked by Ritu over 2 years ago

Not positively…as far as I know they could tell the blood type and gender, but of course not the positive ID of DNA. I don’t know when they started doing serological testing such as secreter status and PGM sub typing. Hope that helps!

Tragically I have lost a family member to an accidental drug overdose can someone explain the below toxicology and what they think has ultimately caused death.
0.04mg/L of Cocaine

0.022 mg/L of 8-Aminoclonazolam (which is a metabolite of clonazolam)

0.017 mg/L of Alpha-hydroxyetizolam (which is a metabolite of etizolam)

Asked by PARENT over 2 years ago


How was your experience becoming a forensic scientist, how long did you study and where, after graduating was it hard to get a job, what's the monthly pay like and do you think it's a good career to get into, money and employment opportunity wise?

Asked by Temperance Brennan about 1 month ago


Hi Lisa! I'm an author doing research for a new novel, hoping for help 1. If a body is wrapped in plastic and hidden in a wall, what would it look like when found 40 years later? 2. If he died from an overdose of sedatives, could you tell after 40 y?

Asked by Frida over 2 years ago


Hello. If an individual has been charged with cannabis in their blood can it be proven as to when the cannabis was used from the test.? I have a friend who this is happening to, she didn’t smoke anything on the day.

Asked by Allison over 2 years ago


I 2 years owls

Asked by I’m over 2 years ago


If a woman gives you fellatio for 15 seconds.

Is it possible to have Any type of DNA evidence in her mouth if no ejaculation occurred?

For example: let's say it's 3 hours later.

Asked by Jon over 2 years ago


If you suck a woman's breast and she has large enough brests that she can lick her own nipples.

Is it possible for a woman to lick her own breasts after you suck on them and have your DNA in her mouth?

Asked by Jon over 2 years ago


Is your name Wisha Bwaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkk

Asked by Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii over 2 years ago


If someone has say a VPN... And you're looking at their computers. Despite the VPN company and the ISP.

How do they get your GPS location and get information like...e IMSI, MSISDN, IMEI, or MEID or ESN

Asked by Zoey over 2 years ago


I think Jon is a troll LMAO. FYI

Asked by Zoey over 2 years ago


My son died 7 years ago police called it a sucide but here’s my problem he was a left handed man shot at right temporal with mussel imprint but laying supine and gun found on ground by left leg. How is this possible. I feel as if he was murdered

Asked by Linda over 2 years ago


is criminology and biology are good majors to major in to be a CSI?

Asked by Evelyn over 2 years ago


Charge from "Shotgun" entered back of head (occipital bone of skull) and exited out though the middle of forehead. They checked Suicide on death certificate. His wife was in the home with him. Can someone explain how a person can do this alone?

Asked by SM7171 over 2 years ago


how many years of college did it take you to become a forensic scientist ?

Asked by leya over 2 years ago


Body found lying on its back, fatal single bullet wound right skull, semi-auto pistol found under right knee; pistol slide is jammed open with live round stuck in barrel. How could this be ruled suicide?

Asked by about 2 years ago


I am an a level student (In UK) and i am wondering what it is like working as a forensic scientist (day to day activities etc)

Asked by Ethan about 2 years ago


Is there a profession / service to determine, just by physical appearance (for example, facial features), if people are the same person but under a different identity (whether having been officially declared dead or assuming a different identity)?

Asked by Rory about 2 years ago


My sister had scratches on her nose face eyes. And bruising on both sides of face. There were also scratches on her arm neck and hands but her ex said she was hanging when he got home. He was not with her. Seeing another woman.

Asked by about 2 years ago


If a fire was set to cover up a homicide, could DNA still be obtainable under fingernails? Would bruising be evident? Could blood be found on fibers of a comforter or carpet?

Asked by Arleen Anderson about 2 years ago


Can you give me some basic background on the work of a forensic scientist, what schooling you need to be one, and tips for someone who wants to become one?

Asked by Aiden almost 2 years ago


- How reliable is the process of sampling and analysing blood?
- How important do you think forensic evidence is to a case?
- Do you have any comments on the process of sampling and analysing fingerprints and bite marks?

Asked by Keira almost 2 years ago


How Can I Gain Access Into My Cheating Spouse WhatsApp ?

Asked by Tammy Smith almost 2 years ago


How to catch a cheating husband on WhatsApp

Asked by Tammy Smith almost 2 years ago


A man was found dead in a chair of a self inflicted shotgun wound to the head. He and the chair were in an alcove similar to a closet. Oddly there was blood splatter on the wall outside and above the alcove. How? Floor was carpeted, so didn’t slide.

Asked by Digger52 almost 2 years ago


If a person dies at home, is it necessary to do an autopsy to determine the cause of death?

Asked by Jorge Leonel Bailon Carreras over 1 year ago


Writing a thriller...what telltale signs would a body display that had been frozen several months up to a year and then put in a fire? I need it to be accurate with what might be found in the charred tissues, etc.

Asked by Rebecca Kohles over 1 year ago


Does the semen leak to the victim’s auns after death and then detect the sperm during semen analysis?

Asked by Mahmed GHamudi over 1 year ago


i want to be a forensic scientist but i don’t know what to major in for my undergrad, i don’t want to fs as a major bc i heard i wont be able to get a job after so i want to get my bs in biochem and then my masters in forensic science. is that good?

Asked by bre over 1 year ago


Trying to prove a point to my friends- if a cadaver were put under magnetic influence, would the magnetism have any effect on the cadaver's decomposition?

Asked by Max over 1 year ago


Would it be smart to go looking for internships and then working on a Bachelors degree, or working on the Bachelors degree as soon as possible after completing an Associates Degree?

Asked by Briar about 1 year ago


How would a forensic specialist be able to determine that blood in a bad such as a donor blood bag might be different from that of a victim at a murder scene

Asked by Shereen about 1 year ago


Hello, i'm an amateur writer, but i like to be as detailed as possible. Is a snapped broken neck easily spotted on a murdered victim? What would that injury look like, swelling on the neck area, bruising? And where exactly? Thank you.

Asked by Carlos 12 months ago


What are your thoughts on the use of AI in forensics? I know it's frequently used to sift through finger print data, is there anything else you believe it could be used for?

Asked by Aly Gam 10 months ago


Kya b.s.c in forensic science mein admission lene ke liye NFAT exam Dena compulsory hai?

Asked by DISHA SAVALIYA 10 months ago


Is <a href="">speech therapist</a>
a good job ?

Asked by elizabeth 10 months ago


Could blood be drawn from someone who'd just died and planted at a different crime scene? If no body was at the staged crime scene and the perpetrator intentionally created blood spatter, would a forensic expert be able to tell the scene was staged?

Asked by Mystery Writer 9 months ago


Proving that a stain is blood . If a Kastel Meyers presumptive test is positive. Then finding dna in the stain . Does that prove the stain is blood.

Asked by Liz Skinner 9 months ago


Is it possible for a crime lab to receive evidence and have a dna analysis completed within 10 days?

Asked by Sally 9 months ago


We recently received a biology report. The typical Random Match Probability was at 13,000 times more likely. Does this mean I am a grandparent?

Asked by Laesneniel 9 months ago


Is there a job for a forensic scientist to only work cold cases? I want to be a forensic scientist but I believe I won't be able to handle crime scenes. Do you get used to seeing the horrible crime scenes through the years or months?

Asked by Brianna Davis 7 months ago