Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Artist

Tatted Mom

Tucson, AZ

Female, 32

I'm a tattoo artist who underwent a standard apprenticeship under a certified tattoo artist. I am an artist first, tattooer second, which means I put creativity and art into my tattoos, not just the 'you pick it, we stick it' type of tattooer. Apprenticeships for tattooing vary by state, according to the laws. I'm also a trained body piercer, as well. Any questions about the job or apprenticing, I'd be happy to help!

PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT price tattoos. Seek a shop for that.

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422 Questions


Last Answer on May 23, 2014

Best Rated

Hey I was wondering what would look cool I kind of want to get a tree on my shoulder and my family crest at its roots. Would that be cooler or would it look nicer if the crest is in the trunk?

Asked by Logan over 10 years ago


I am finding it hard to find a tattoo school.. Are they hard to find or am I not searching correctly? I did find one that I liked but it was over 2400 mi away.

Asked by future tattooist over 10 years ago


Just had a cover up tattoo artist has done pic almost as I want but has put lilac on end of rose petals on a dark pink rose when the colours in pic are red dark pink then lighter pink on ends.I'm not happy as it totally changes the look of pic.

Asked by barbie 42 over 10 years ago


I was wondering can I add a background colour on my arm without covering up my tattoos

Asked by Simon over 10 years ago


I was wondering can I add background colour on my arm without covering up my tattoos

Asked by Simon over 10 years ago


You know those tattoos that are two words in one like sinner and saint.... is it possible to do four words and in color? because ive only ever seen them in black and grey

Asked by dave over 10 years ago


Hi my tattoo looks like it blistered but it not I'm I putting to much cream on it

Asked by becky over 10 years ago