Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Artist

Tatted Mom

Tucson, AZ

Female, 32

I'm a tattoo artist who underwent a standard apprenticeship under a certified tattoo artist. I am an artist first, tattooer second, which means I put creativity and art into my tattoos, not just the 'you pick it, we stick it' type of tattooer. Apprenticeships for tattooing vary by state, according to the laws. I'm also a trained body piercer, as well. Any questions about the job or apprenticing, I'd be happy to help!

PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT price tattoos. Seek a shop for that.

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422 Questions


Last Answer on May 23, 2014

Best Rated

I have this tattoo on my chest that I want to add more design to but I have no idea what would look good... Can you look at it and tell me what you think would look good? I just want it to have some design around it or something.

Asked by Jordan over 10 years ago


If you are under 18 are you allowed to get a tattoo on your butt with parental consent?

Asked by rachel almost 11 years ago


I got my tattoo 10 days ago. It was my third tattoo. I cleaned it with Dove 4-5 times a day and applied a small amount of Lubriderm. Some of the letters look fine but some look like there's no ink there. Is this normal? Will the ink reappear

Asked by Chris over 10 years ago


Hi there, I'm hoping to have a specific celebrity sign his autograph on my body(on my back) and the make the autograph permanent by tattoo... Any recommendations to what type of pen to use..?

Asked by Kev Antxustegi over 10 years ago


I'm 5"1' and have been wanting cherry blossom tree on the right side of my torso starting from my pelvis up to my chestst area(covered by branches) how much do you think this can add up to ?

Asked by pamela almost 11 years ago


I want to get a cherry blossom tree on the right side of my bod with roots starting at my pelvis area and some of the branches extending up my chest, its a big tattoo and I want it well detailed an colorful , how much do u think it would add up to???

Asked by pamela almost 11 years ago


hi, the colours in my tatoo seem to have faded quite quickly, after 3 months, why is this, please?

Asked by kp over 10 years ago