Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Artist

Tatted Mom

Tucson, AZ

Female, 32

I'm a tattoo artist who underwent a standard apprenticeship under a certified tattoo artist. I am an artist first, tattooer second, which means I put creativity and art into my tattoos, not just the 'you pick it, we stick it' type of tattooer. Apprenticeships for tattooing vary by state, according to the laws. I'm also a trained body piercer, as well. Any questions about the job or apprenticing, I'd be happy to help!

PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT price tattoos. Seek a shop for that.

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422 Questions


Last Answer on May 23, 2014

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How do you "practice" creating tattoos before actually doing a real one? Do you practice on "dummies" or other skin-like surfaces?

Asked by L-Train about 12 years ago

I started by tattooing honeydew melons and grapefruit. Tattoo supply companies do sell fake skin, but it's thicker and more durable than human skin, so it's hard to get the depth right on fake skin (which isn't good for a newbie, because they need to learn how deep they can go in a person's skin just by feeling how the skin moves). I've had some apprentices practice on pig skin that the shop got from a butcher. That's the closest thing to human skin, but it made me sick (lol). Once the basics have been learned on one of these mediums, the next step is finding friends or family members that will let you experiment on them.

Is there one tattoo you've done that you're most proud of?

Asked by ontheplane about 12 years ago

There is. It's my Panama piece (you can see it at A customer of mine used to travel the world on his summer break, and when he got back from his various vacations, he'd bring me an idea of what he wanted to memorialize his trip, and then let me have creative freedom. After his trip to Panama, he told me he wanted some of the animals he saw on a night safari, gave me a list, and that was it. I chose to put the animals in the shape of Panama on his back, and we did the whole tattoo in one sitting, taking about 5 hours (if I remember correctly). To this day, that's my favorite tattoo that I've ever done.

Is it illegal to tattoo someone who is drunk, and why? Is it just because they may get a tattoo they regret, or is it unsafe or something?

Asked by Charlotte about 12 years ago

To my knowledge, it's not illegal to tattoo a drunk person, it's just annoying (lol). Most paperwork that is filled out before a tattoo is done states that the person is signing that they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they are getting tattooed. There are several reasons why most tattoo artists will not tattoo a drunk person: 1- Yes, people don't make the best decisions under the influence of drugs and alcohol, so we don't want to be held accountable for the Tweety Bird tattoo you wanted to get on your butt last night in a drunken stupor. 2- Drunk people do not sit still when they are getting tattooed. 3- Drunk people usually come in groups, and then we have an entire tattoo shop full of drunk people. 4- People who have been drinking bleed slightly more than people who haven't been drinking. Now, you have to have been drinking for a while that day in order for it to affect the tattoo, but there is a chance you will bleed more, which means the blood will carry the ink out and you'll have a splotchy tattoo. 5. The body goes through several stages when tattooing, including the release of adrenaline and endorphins when you first start the tattoo. Most people handle the release quite well, and no adverse reactions occur. Some people can't handle the release, and that's why they pass out. Drunk people are less likely to handle the release, therefore more likely to pass out or throw up when the tattoo begins.

If a customer asks for a tattoo that you're 99% sure he will regret, do you try and talk them out of it?

Asked by JoeyTX about 12 years ago

Me, personally, yes- definitely. I don't put my name on any work that I don't think the customer will always be happy with. If a young person comes in and wants something I think they'd regret later down the road, I either try and approach their idea in a more long-lasting direction. (For example, if they wanted a band logo, I'd try and talk them into a generic music tattoo, or to get one of the song lyrics that holds the most meaning to them tattooed instead.) If I can't talk the person into a different idea, I will usually pass on the tattoo. Just as an FYI, I do the same when people come in wanting their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend's name tattooed on them, too. If they are hell bent on getting it done, I try and steer them toward using a colored ink or gray ink because it's easier to cover in the future. If they insist on solid black ink, I won't do that tattoo, either.

Have you ever messed up while giving someone a tattoo? Or is it a "perfect" execution every time?

Asked by I heart Mom about 12 years ago

I'm probably the first tattoo artist to admit that they'd messed up tattoos before (lol). The good thing is, I know how to fix them. Generally speaking, if I mess something up, it's usually small, and can be covered or fixed by adding more shading or changing the light source on the tattoo (if it's not too late). Thankfully I have never misspelled a tattoo or screwed one up beyond repair. If I do screw up in the tattoo process, I never let the person know because I have always been able to fix it or incorporate it in.

What is the certification process for a tattoo artist? Is there a minimum level of proficiency you have to show?

Asked by dan79 about 12 years ago

It all depends on the state. Where I apprenticed in South Carolina, a minimum of 1,000 hours of apprenticeship under a certified tattoo artist is required by the state to be a tattoo artist. You also have to have certain certifications such as first aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control. Many states require apprentices to take an exam upon completion of their apprenticeship hours, and many states also require a license to tattoo. What a lot of people don't understand when they venture into the tattooing industry is that most apprenticeships don't pay. People interested in becoming a tattoo artist will mop floors, clean a shop, scrub tattoo tubes and more for about a year of their life, without getting a dime for it. It's been my experience that only 1 in every 10 people who start on the path to becoming a tattoo artist actually succeed. Another point to make here is that it's my opinion that a tattoo artist should be an 'artist' first. Tattooing is an art form, and if the person can just replicate some piece of flash that's on the wall, they aren't a tattoo artist. A tattoo artist should be able to draw, paint, whatever their medium of choice is, but should be able to create a custom piece for a client.

Can anything that I can draw be turned into a tattoo, or does the ink limit you in certain ways?

Asked by joshua1 about 12 years ago

The ink and skin limit you. Ink expands under the skin over time, no matter how well the tattoo was done or how amazing the skill level of the tattoo artist. This is why you see people with 30 year old tattoos that look like black blobs on the skin. The ink will naturally expand over time, so any tattoo that has a lot of fine line or details in a small space is at risk, years down the road, of being a blob. Anything with a small face (full-bodied pinup, fairy, etc) shouldn't be smaller than the length of a forearm. Portraits of loved ones should be at least baseball-sized. Tattoos should be done in a way to where they look good now, but they also look good 10 or 30 years from now, and while it may look impressive when it's first done to have fit all 50 stars and 13 stripes on that American flag that's smaller than a playing card, in 5 years you'll have a red, white, and blue mess on your body. Drawing for tattoos is different than regular sketching or drawing. In some ways, details on tattoos should be exaggerated so they are big enough to get the detail in without compromising the look of the tattoo down the road. If it's difficult to fit everything a person wants into the size they want it, playing with perspective by putting items into a background and foreground can help.

i'm thinking about getting a tattoo and am checking out local shops in my area. what are the red flags to look out for so I don't wind up picking a bad place?

Asked by mike c about 12 years ago

Always, ALWAYS check artists' portfolios first. If you see a bunch of crap but one or two really great tattoos, then pass. You want to see a portfolio that is consistent throughout. You also want to make sure they only use single-use needles, and you can ask if the artist uses disposable tubes or if they steralize metal tubes. Either option ensures you aren't getting tattooed with contaminated tools. Price can sometimes tell you a lot about a shop or artist, too. For example, if you go to a few shops with a drawing and they all tell you $300, and you walk into a shop that tells you $150, you may think you've found a deal. You need to question, however, WHY all of the other shops said $300 but this guy says $150. Chances are he's either just starting out, or doesn't have a clientele built up so he's desperate for work, or he's just not that good.

Do you think tattoo artistry gets enough respect as an art form? Or do you think it carries some kind of social stigma?

Asked by JoeyTX about 12 years ago

Honestly, I think it carries a stigma. Even with all of the reality shows on TV about tattoos and the tattooing industry, which have helped to make tattooing a little more mainstream, there still seems to be a stigma attached to it. For those who don't care about the stigma, tattooing is definitely an art form. We can view beautiful tattoos like we would a famous painting, staring at shading, color, light source, etc. For those who don't see tattooing as an art form, every tattoo looks the same to them and they can't find the artistic quality in it.

What was the most clever/original tattoo anyone's ever asked you for?

Asked by 2Tents almost 12 years ago

My Panama piece was probably the most original. After going on vacation and participating in a nighttime safari in Panama, my customer made a list of the animals he saw and wanted me to create a tattoo with them. I put the animals next to each other and enclosed them in the shape of Panama and tattooed that on him. To this day it's my favorite tattoo, and one of the most original tattoos I've ever done.

What's the male to female ratio of your clients?

Asked by Starchild about 12 years ago

Being a female tattoo artist, I tend to have more female clients. I used to have women specifically ask for a female artist because of where the tattoo was, or because they were more comfortable with a woman touching them for a few hours. For me, it's probably a 70%-30% split between women and men clientele.

How much does a really intricate tattoo cost?

Asked by Ysrmehico8 about 12 years ago

It all depends on the artist. Standard rate across the country is $100-$150 an hour at most shops. Top artists charge more because their art is worth it. Some artists have a minimum amount per hour AND number of hours you have to sit to even book with them. The highest I've ever actually seen charged is $350 an hour, but the artist was definitely worth it. His tattoos looked like realistic pictures when he was done.

Nice blog:) So if your kids wanted to get tattoos, what sort of motherly advice would you give them?

Asked by aceinteh123 about 12 years ago

Think before you get something. Don't cover your body in small, random tattoos because you'll regret it (speak from experience). If you like tattoos, commit to them and plan parts of your body out for big pieces. Always look at an artist's portfolio before getting tattooed by them. Always get tattooed in a shop. Let your mother see the drawing to approve it before you get it (lol).

I got a nipple ring but it never really healed and then kept getting shallower under the skin til i showed a piercer who insisted he remove it or else it would grow out completely. Is that common and why did it happen? I took really good care of it.

Asked by Ryan about 12 years ago

Many people have the problem of their body rejecting a piercing. I had my eyebrows pierced 6 times before I finally accepted the fact that I wasn't meant to have eyebrow rings. Every time I had them pierced, my body pushed them out. It's common. It happens because the body senses a foreign object and does what it can to remove the foreign object. Some people are fortunate enough that their body accepts the piercing and they never have a problem. And, unfortunately, it doesn't have anything to do with how well you take care of it. Your body just attacked it and forced it out.

I had an appointment with my Tattoo Artist. He was sick and cancelled on me. He said that he would have to fit me in but did not give me a date that he would get back with me. I am very disappointed. How long should I wait to hear back from him?

Asked by Melissa almost 12 years ago

Maybe a week?? It all depends on the artist. Some artists have wait lists 2-6 months long. But, if he cancelled on you, he should make it a top priority to fit you back in. I wouldn't wait long.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much does it hurt while getting a tattoo? How do you get customers to hold still while in so much pain?

Asked by gummyshoe about 12 years ago

It all depends on the place of the tattoo and the person. For me, the ribs are the worst- up there around 9, but the lower back didn't hurt a bit. I've had customers almost jump out of my chair on a lower back piece, so it's all according to the person's pain tolerance. I usually try and just get them to concentrate on something else, read a magazine or talk to me.

I have my kids name on me and it didnt come out good can it be fixed?

Asked by dee almost 12 years ago

It all depends on the tattoo. Without seeing it, it's hard for me to tell someone if it can be fixed, is better covered up, or should just be removed.

I feel most tattoos seem to lack a specific light source? I feel many confuse light source with shading. Is this because some are tattooist and some are true artists? Do you feel there is a difference?

Asked by TheIcon about 12 years ago

There is definitely a difference. Many people are pick-it-and-stick-it tattooists. I would never call these people tattoo artists because they can only replicate the flash on the wall. If you wanted a custom piece, they'd be lost. Tattoo artists are that- artists. They can draw, get a light source correct, and create custom pieces. Thank goodness there is a rise of tattoo artists as society accepts tattoos more, but unfortunately there's still an abundance of tattooists out there.

Would having my infection control certificate significantly help me get a foot in the door towards an apprenticeship

Asked by Tweak1991 almost 12 years ago

Most definitely. With a proper apprenticeship, you wouldn't be allowed to even scrub tattoo tubes unless you've had infection control training. I did my first aid, CPR and infection control classes before I even stepped into a shop to ask about an apprenticeship. That way I was able to start the very next day! It shows them you are serious about wanting to apprentice and take initiative. 

I am seriously considering getting into tattooing, but when I see intricate custom pieces that seem to be drawn from the artist's imagination, I feel baffled! I can only draw something if it's in front of me. How do you bring your ideas to life?

Asked by Aubrey about 12 years ago

I happen to be one of those artists who has to look at a refernce to draw, as well. I'm great at piecing things together, so if I have a custom piece to draw, I usually either take pictures myself of different components to piece together, or search for actual reference pictures on the internet. One of my favorite pieces was a custom compilation of animals that my client had seen on a nighttime safari trip in Panama. I looked up pictures of each animal and drew them together in the shape of the country of Panama to create the custom piece.

Hi, I started tattooing on my own and Im not half bad. I did a piece on my arm and I need some advice on how I can fix is. It's the illuminati symbol. I made a mistake and closed the letter U so now it looks like O. How can I fix it so it will show

Asked by AL almost 12 years ago

If you weren't half bad, as you say, you wouldn't have closed a U and made it look like an O.

My advice to you is quit tattooing yourself, go see an actual tattoo artist in a shop to fix it, and if you want to be a tattoo artist, do an apprenticeship like everyone else who becomes a tattoo artist. Then you'll be taught how to not turn a U into an O.

Is it a bad idea for someone to get a tattoo just for the sake of having a tattoo, as opposed to having something meaningful come into their life and *then* deciding to immortalize it with a tattoo?

Asked by JoeyTX about 12 years ago

That's completely up to the person, but I have noticed that spontaneous tattoos are generally regretted later. Either the subject is regretted, or the placement (for example, someone wants to plan out an entire sleeve and we have to work around a little butterfly tattoo they got when they turned 18 or cover it up, which isn't easy). I am covered in random, spontaneous tattoos (we used to get really bored at the tattoo shop in the off season and would practice new techniques on each other) and I regret a lot of them. I hate how splotchy and not-brought-together my body art is. I think if you wait until you have something meaningful to tattoo, there's a lot less chance of regretting it later.

Are tattoo removal techniques getting better? Is it generally easier to get a tattoo you don't like REMOVED or incorporated into a larger design that conceals it?

Asked by zzz about 12 years ago

Tattoo removal is very easy nowadays. They just blast it with a laser. Painful, yes, but effective. Dark black ink takes a few sessions to be removed, reds take a few more. Color ink (other than red) is usually removed in 1-2 sessions. A much less painful approach is covering up the old tattoo with a new tattoo, but it all depends on the old tattoo. Tribal is almost impossible to truly cover up, unless it's thin tribal or severely faded. And the customer has to be open to the design being used as a cover up. It has to have lots of lines and shade points to disguise the tattoo below, so things like faces and words won't work to cover up tattoos.

Kudos to you for admitting you've messed up a tat on occasion :) My question is, let's say you ROYALLY messed one up, like a mispelling or something. Can the customer sue you in that case?

Asked by Brian ABQ about 12 years ago

Hey, everyone's human. ;) To be honest, I have no idea. If the paperwork signed before the tattoo is done is worded correctly (and most are), then no. Most paperwork says somewhere on it that the customer releases the tattoo shop and artist of all liabilities involving the tattoo. That's written, not so much in case someone screws up (though it will cover that), but in case someone has tattoo regret down the road, or to keep people from saying they don't like the tattoo and trying to get their money back.

Okay, I've got this gorgeous chest piece I want done, but I'm overweight, by a lot.. I'm losing weight now, and have about 100 llbs to go, should I wait to get this piece till I'm done losing weight, or can I get it now without it deforming?

Asked by It'sJess almost 12 years ago

Theoretically, a tattoo adapts with the changes in skin and the body. But, if you have 100 lbs to go, I'd wait. I've fluctuated about 20 lbs in my own weight in the past, and the tattoos I have on my lower stomach shifted slightly to accomodate for my extra weight. Normally this isn't a problem and you wouldn't even notice it, but I have symmetrical tattoo machines on my abdomen that are no longer symmetrical because of the weight gain. The tattoos themselves are fine, the ink expanded with my skin, but they are just slightly off center due to the inconsistant weight gain. I'd hate for you to get the perfect chest piece and have it shift.

I got a blacklight tattoo, and when it peeled it doesn't glow anymore. What causes that to happen

Asked by Kyle Dotson almost 12 years ago

In all honesty, it happened because blacklight tattoo ink isn't meant to last. It's a fad- not something for long term. It fades very quickly- within 3-6 months max. It's a horrible way for tattoo artists to charge more for a tattoo because the ink costs more, and because it will have to be touched up several times a year (which they will start charging you for, to keep it glowing). I've never done a blacklight tattoo nor will I ever because they don't last, the ink doesn't penetrate the skin the way normal ink does, and it comes out looking spotchy and doesn't heal correctly- much like it peeling out when your tattoo healed. 

And, if any artist tells you the blacklight ink is FDA approved- it's not. It's FDA approved for tagging FISH, NOT for tattooing HUMANS. 

I don't recommend anyone getting a blacklight tattoo.

I'm really keen on getting an apprenticeship and have started building my A3 folio of flash and other designs and finally got into my infections control course would it be a good idea to first get a tattoo done by the artist I want to train with 1st

Asked by Tweak1991 almost 12 years ago

I think that's definitely a good idea. You also need to inquire as to whether or not the person you want to apprentice under will even take an apprentice. Many tattoo artists won't. Some states require the tattoo artist to have a license saying they can teach others how to tattoo. Definitely check out the shop, the artist, and their work. Having work done by them is a bonus.

Hi there
I am wondering if you can help
Is it possible to tattoo colour over healed blackwork?? I seen it done with lucky diamond he has a coloured sleeve done over his black healed sleeve is this actually physically possible for many artists?

Asked by Peter almost 12 years ago

Lucky Diamond Rich is pretty much one big black-tattoo-ink blob. I barely see any color on his body. If the tattoo is solid black, then no, it's very difficult to put color over black and have it show up. If the tattoo is a black-and-grey tattoo, then yes, usually color can be put over top or used to accent.

how much does it cost to get a name tattoo

Asked by melinda almost 12 years ago

It all depends on where you want it, how big it is, what style lettering, how long the name is, etc. Walk into a shop and talk to someone. Please, whatever you do, don't call a shop to ask. One of the biggest pet peeves of tattoo artists are people who call a shop to get a price quote. You could call and say, "How much does a name cost?" and we're thinking it's a little name on the wrist and say it'll probably be the shop minimum, but when the person shows up, they want "Sarah Elizabeth Smith, aka Princess" tattooed down the back of both arms, and think it's still only going to cost them under $100.

Have you dealt with underage teens using fake IDs to get tattoos? If you didn't detect that the ID was fake and gave the person a tattoo, are you liable?

Asked by jason almost 12 years ago

I haven't had a problem with that, personally. I've had underagers try and tell me they left their ID at home, which is when we rip up the paperwork we started and tell them to go home and get it. They never show back up. All tattoo shops photo copy the ID with paperwork, but if it's a fake one, I'm honestly not sure what would happen.

I've been thinking of getting my first tattoo done in white ink right under my collarbone, but I've heard that a lot of tattoo artists won't do just white ink. Is that true, and why?

Asked by Ink Virgin almost 12 years ago

White ink tattoos are a fad, and in my honest opinion, a waste of time and money for the customer. They don't show up after the healing process. The only reason they show up in those cute pictures all over the internet is because the skin around the ink is inflamed and red. Doing a white tattoo with nothing around it to help make it stand out is like drawing on a white piece of paper with a white colored pencil. 

White is an accent color in tattoos. It shows up best when placed directly next to a dark, contrasting color. Placed by itself, it gets lost.

If you want a tattoo, get a tattoo. If you don't want people to see it, then don't get it on your collarbone. But a white tattoo will stick around for maybe 3-6 months, and right under the collarbone is not a pleasant area to be tattooed for something that's not permanent.

Can you get a tattoo if u have a airbrush tan ?

Asked by Brandy almost 12 years ago

Yep. Not if you have an airbrush sunburn, though. (That's a tattoo artist joke...)

Are there different inks or techniques you have to use for people with dark skin? I notice that black people typically only have very dark tattoos; is it just because colors won't stand out enough?

Asked by c_adams about 12 years ago

Generally speaking, that's exactly why. In darker skin, usually the only colors that show up well are black, green, red and blue. The rest of them are too overpowered by the skin tone. In medium toned skin, purples and pinks can show up too, but it's hard to get orange and yellow to really show up.

When choosing a significant other, is it important to you that the person also has tattoos?

Asked by bobbysox about 12 years ago

For me, it isn't, but I will say that nice looking tattoos do help. I've dated guys with tattoos and without tattoos, though I married one with tattoos. It's all personal preference, and I think generally it doesn't matter unless one person has tattoos and the other person is completely opposed to them. That might cause some problems down the line.

Do you think tattoos can become an addiction?

Asked by No ink... yet about 12 years ago

Absolutely. I've had several clients over the years that returned each week to get a tattoo just to have that feeling. I used tattoos to help me get through several hard parts in my life, too. It most definitely can become addicting because of the rush of endorphins that the body goes through.

I got a tattoo that I don't like with my daughters name will a good tattoo artist cover it up?

Asked by Vanessa about 12 years ago

Most tattoos are coverable, yes, but you need to pick your artist carefully. Cover ups can be tricky. When you are looking for a piece to use as a coverup, look for something with a lot of lines and a lot of places the artist can use as shade points- that's what will disguise your tattoo. Flowers and dragons make awesome coverup pieces.

Have you ever had clients who changed their minds about getting a tattoo midway through the process? What did you do?

Asked by lalalauren about 12 years ago

Fortunately that's never happened to me. I've had to ask a customer to leave in the middle of a tattoo because they weren't sitting still and they were messing up my work (this customer and I had a long history of problems with him sitting in the chair, but the last time I couldn't take it anymore and told him to leave), but I've never had anyone change their mind mid-tattoo. Usually so much time and effort goes into planning the tattoo, and if the person seems nervous we get the money first, just in case, so once all of that is done, the person generally commits.

I have a butterfly tattooed on my lower back. It was done by an amateur. How hard would it be to fix it, or would I have to cover it up?

Asked by Shauna almost 12 years ago

It all depends on the tattoo. Some can be fixed, others have to be covered up, some only have the option of being removed. The darker the tattoo, the more difficult it is to cover up, but it's not impossible.

So recently got a tattoo and it was supposed to say "into this house we're born into this world we're thrown" but instead of it saying world it says house.. is there any way it can be fixed?

Asked by IsaPerez almost 12 years ago

Nope, not without covering the word, which would probably look strange. You might be able to get just that one word removed by laser tattoo removal, but I'm not familiar with the removal process, so you'd have to ask a licensed removal person about that.

What's a tattoo that's trendy now that you wish would just go away?

Asked by joey friday almost 12 years ago

White tattoos. They've been the biggest craze on Pinterest and other online picture sites and people don't understand that they are useless and a waste of money. In these pictures you see online, you can see the tattoo, only done in white ink, just fine because the skin around the tattoo is red and irritated from the tattoo process. Once that redness goes away, the tattoo won't show up the way it looks in those pictures. White ink doesn't work well in the skin anyway in large areas- it should only be used as highlights so it really shows up. White tattoos are a waste of ink, a waste of a tattoo artist's time, and a waste of money because they won't show up a few months from the time they are done.

When people would ask me to do a white tattoo, I'd always get the same reasoning: "I want a tattoo, but I don't want people to see it." My reply? "Then don't get a tattoo, or get it where people can't see it, but getting an invisible tattoo is not smart."

I want a really small tattoo but I want it executed perfectly by a real artist. How do I ask someone good to do something so insignificant without upsetting her?

Asked by Heather almost 12 years ago

Flattery usually works. No matter how small the tattoo, I found it very hard to turn a new client down if they told me that they did their research, loved my portfolio and only want me to do their tattoo. It's almost a guarantee they'll take an hour or so to do your tattoo.

I got a tattoo recently and discussed the coloring with the artist before doing the tattoo. A significant portion needed to be "white", he went with gray. Can it be fixed?

Asked by bob almost 12 years ago

Maybe. You have to understand that white is just an accent color, best used in small areas to highlight something, and only stands out when directly next to a dark, contrasting area. If there was a big space of the tattoo that should have been white, the artist may have opted to go with a light gray wash to add dimension to the piece, without wasting white ink on a large area. In larger areas, white ink tends to just fade right into the skin, or even worse, turn yellow over time.

It might be possible to add white highlights here and there to trick the eye into perceiving the whole area as white. Without seeing the tattoo, it's hard to advise you.

getting a Irish knot bracelet with a dangling celtic cross, would you suggest color of Irish flag or black ink

Asked by smith almost 12 years ago

If you are getting the bracelet to look like it's a realistic bracelet hanging on your skin, then go black and grey for authenticity. Otherwise, color vs. black and grey is completely up to the client.

And, in reading further into your question, Irish flag colors might be overkill with the celtic knot and celtic cross. Stick with black and grey, or just green. But that's what I would tell a customer if they came to me with that idea, so it's purely my opinion.


Asked by michelle almost 12 years ago

You should probably talk to a local tattoo artist so when the person draws up a tattoo for you, they'll be the ones actuallly doing the tattoo as well. You have a great idea, and enough information to take to a shop where you are and hand the idea over to them. 

How much would it cost to get a name done? Because I want to get my grandpas name and date of birth and death on me

Asked by Tabatha almost 12 years ago

Check with your local tattoo shop. Pricing is different everywhere, and without being the one doing your tattoo, it wouldn't be right for me to give you an idea that's completely different than you local market. And, like I answered above, don't call a tattoo shop for a price quote. Go in and speak with them in person so they have a better idea of what you want. Calling shows the shop that you probably aren't serious about the tattoo and are price shopping, which also isn't something you want to do with a permanent piece of art on your body.

can you sue a tattooists if hes under the influence of alcohol and marijuana? and if he didnt read your rights and explain the step by step procedure??

Asked by ray almost 12 years ago

Honestly, I'm not sure. If you signed the paperwork, which has the procedure written on it, then I'd say no, but you'd have to take that up with someone in your local area to see what the laws there are.

What is the life expectancy for a tattoo? Obviously, I know its permanent. But, how long until it turns into an indecipherable blur like many old people I see?

Asked by bobby j almost 12 years ago

It depends on how well the tattoo was done, the ink used, etc. If there's a lot of detail in a very small area, the tattoo will blur more than ones with lots of open area or clearly defined spaces. A lot of the older people out there with the blurry tattoos are just a victim of a bad quality of ink. 

Can a tattoo that's too dark be made to look "lighter" by adding brighter colors to it?

Asked by Jersey over 11 years ago

In a way, yes. Lighter colors can be added to the tattoo or around the tattoo in a way that tricks the eye into seeing an overall lighter tattoo. But, can you put white ink over top of black ink and have it turn completely white? No.

Do tattoo artists get mad/annoyed when a client wants a simple/generic tattoo, like a star? I understand they don't like repetition, but if THEY won't end up doing that simple tattoo design for me, who will? You know? Help please lol

Asked by Marina almost 12 years ago

You should always be able to find an artist who doesn't mind generic tattoos because it's money in their pocket. As much as I hated doing things like stars, hearts and names, sometimes it's a necessary evil.

My question to you is, with all of the possibilities out there of gorgeous pieces of art you could have tattooed on your skin, why would you choose something generic like a star. A million other people have star tattoos. Just think about it before you get it permanently inked on your body.

I know for a fact of a tattoo shop that is under the influence all the time....what is the legality on all of it.

Asked by Jamie almost 12 years ago

I'm going to be brutally honest on this one, and leak out a trade secret that not a lot of people know.

Being under the influence of anything- drugs, alcohol, even prescription meds, and working, no matter what the job, is not advisable. With that said, many tattoo artists out there smoke weed. With many, it goes hand in hand with the whole 'artist' thing, and many of them will get high before doing a tattoo because it "helps the creative process," and I've seen some gorgeous tattoos come from people who just smoked up. So, if the shop in question is under the influence of weed, watch and see if they mess anything up or can't control themselves, but I'd let that one go, personally. If it's alcohol, harsh illegal drugs or prescription meds used in an illegal manner, that could result in harming a customer (even by just not doing the tattoos correctly), so I'd report them to whatever regulation board covers tattoo shops (sometimes it's the cosmetology board, sometimes it's the health board, sometimes environmental control board).

And for the record, I was not one of those artists who used any drug to help me create. 


For a person who's getting a tattoo for the first time. Is it best to get a small or big tattoo?

Asked by Rivera over 11 years ago

I recommend starting small, but I've seen people start with huge rib pieces as their first tattoo. It all depends on your mindset. If you start getting tattooed, though, and find you absolutely hate it, would you rather sit there for maybe 30 more minutes, or 3 hours, before what you've chosen is finished?

Hi can ANY tattoo be covered up? I have a huge chest piece(sugar skull with black wings) and i want it covered up but I am not sure it can be done. Can a bigger dark piece cover it up? I can email you the pics if it helps. Really really need help

Asked by Ryan over 11 years ago

It all depends on the original tattoo and area. Not every tattoo can be covered. If it's too dark, too big, or on the edge of a body part (like covers the entire top of the hand), it makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to cover.

Would you be interested in helping me cover or camouflaging a tattoo of a crown I have on my back? Or do you know of someone in the Chandler area that you would suggest ? Thanks for your help.

Asked by Melissa almost 12 years ago

I'd be happy to help you with ideas for your cover up. I'm not familiar with anyone in the Chandler area, sorry. Head to my website above (The Inklings of Life) and find my email address in the Contact & Disclosure section! =)

I recently got my 2nd tattoo on the outside of wrist. It's a small crescent moon w dark shading. 2nd day its already healed- the problem is I kind of dont love it. The owner did my tat &she's great! Would it b horrible to go back & ask for a coverup.

Asked by toy over 11 years ago

Go back and talk to her about it. That's about the only advice I can give. Don't be surprised if she isn't slightly offended, though. 

I got my third tattoo 2 weeks ago and on my small hearts that the artist went back and added more ink too, they still have rough dried skin. One heart still has the scab on it. They also are are bit red around them. Is this normal? It is on my ankle.

Asked by Kelly almost 12 years ago

Scabbing can happen when an area of the skin is overworked, or if the person bleeds a lot during the tattooing process. Redness around the tattoo is normal during the healing process. Without seeing your ankle, it's hard for me to judge if it's healing properly, but if it were infected, it would smell horrible, would hurt like hell, and you'd have a greenish or yellow ooze coming from it. So, if you don't have those symptoms, you are probably fine.

I just got a tattoo on my shoulder cap 4 days ago and it is NOTHING like the stencil or what I asked for. The artist said they are so embarrassed and it can be fixed but I seriously do not know how it can be. Its way bigger than I wanted, etc.

Asked by Lane Lovett almost 12 years ago

Okay... did I miss a question somewhere in there? If you aren't satisfied with the artist, then don't go back to them. If they botched it in the first place, chances are they will just continue to mess it up in an effort to "fix" it. If you are comfortable with them fixing it, they shouldn't charge you, so get it done. If you aren't comfortable, talk to the shop owner to see if another artist can do it free of charge, otherwise you'll have to pay for a cover up or rework somewhere else.

Can you sue a tattoo artist for a mis-spelling??

Asked by lily123 over 11 years ago

I have no idea. The paperwork you sign before your tattoo (if done correctly) will release the tattoo artist of all liabilities involving that tattoo. I'd seek a lawyer, and definitely find a new tattoo artist that knows how to spell.

Hey, a really good friend of mine does all my tattoos. I want one covered up, would it be wrong of me to ask him to cover up his own work

Asked by jason almost 12 years ago

That would have to be between your friend and you. Some artists don't mind it. I've had to cover up my own work before (though it was a name of a significant other that I advised the client not to get, she found out he was cheating and I had to cover his name up). Honestly, I'd talk with your friend and give them the option. It's better to do that then to just show up with their work covered up and they had no idea.

I just got a butterfly tat on my inner calf its 5 days old and red around the edges no push or swelling or odor been washing with antibacterial soap and hydrogen provide it doesn't hurt real bad should i see a Dr

Asked by ladonna over 11 years ago

Redness around the site of a tattoo is normal, but for the love of all that is good in this world, STOP washing it with hydrogen peroxide. That's the LAST thing you want to put on a fresh tattoo, next to alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide will eat away at the healthy skin that's trying to form, AND dry your tattoo out. I'm not sure if your tattoo artist told you to do that or not, but that's a definite NO NO! That's why your tattoo is red; it's inflamed. Just leave it alone. 5 days is enough time to just let it heal on its own, no special washing. Just put unscented white lotion on it (Aveeno is the best, in my opinion, the green container with the oatmeal in it) and that's it.

hey tatted i wanna ask you about my tatto, i had my tatto like 5month now it was black but now is getting blue what i have to do ? sorry for my english :)

Asked by souki almost 12 years ago

Sounds like a poor quality of ink. You'll need to get it re-colored, but I'd go to a different shop or tattoo artist because it sounds like they aren't using a true black ink.

I got a foot tattoo 3 weeks ago. It's the quote, everything happens for a reason. The problem: the artist placed for a reason with almost no spacing and connected the r, a,r. The spacing stinks. The stencil was right. Do you think iCan it be fixed?

Asked by Tiffany almost 12 years ago

Probably not. Ink is permanent. You can usually fix a tattoo if you have to add something, because there isn't ink there to begin with, but you can't remove something that's there unless you have it lasered off and start again.

I've been looking for info on Autoclaves and Ultrasonic cleaners, some forum said you don't need one if everything about your machine is disposable. Is that true?

Asked by julia over 11 years ago

It depends on the laws in the state where you are tattooing. If your tubes are disposable, you generally do not need an autoclave or ultrasonic cleaner. There are no disposable machines, though. Those are always some sort of metal, and they are NOT autoclavable. Only single use needles should ever be used, so you wouldn't need to autoclave them. Look into the laws for your state, because every state is different.

Hey what's going on? So I've been thinking about getting a tribal tattoo on my shoulder but i wanted one that meant something. I was wondering if there's any kind of tribal that means perseverance?

Asked by Connor over 11 years ago

If you are getting tribal, then I assume you are a part of a tribe. In that case, ask the person who is the head of your tribe. If you are not part of a tribe, it's my opinion that you shouldn't get tribal.

Would it be really unusual to ask a tattoo artist to do another sitting? I'm not happy with the quality of the coloring of the tattoo I just got.

Asked by Caroline over 11 years ago

You can always ask. If a tattoo artist is proud of their work, and wants to keep a customer happy, they will color it in. Their name is on that tattoo, and if it looks like crap, and you tell all of your friends who did it and that you aren't happy, it's not good for them.

Does a tattoo hurt on the inside of your forearm

Asked by Craig over 11 years ago

The inside of the forearm is a tender area, yes. Pain is completely subjective, though. For me, the ribs is the most painful area to be tattooed, but I've had clients fall asleep during rib tattoos before because the pain didn't affect them at all. So, what hurts for one person won't hurt for another. 

Any part of the body that doensn't get normal exposure to outside elements or wear-and-tear will be more tender.

i was wondering if a tattoo artist realizes a line is straight and the ink is fresh, like they are still doing the tattoo, can they some how remove the ink and redo the line

Asked by mitch over 11 years ago

Once the ink is in the skin, it's in there. There is no eraser in tattooing.

Can you add more detail to a tattoo that is four years old?

Asked by Allis over 11 years ago

In theory, yes. Without seeing the tattoo, I can't give definites. Tattoos can be touched up and refreshed years after they are done, though.

What's your opinion on which is a better form of tattoo removal out of the 2 options below:

Laser or Tattoo Vanish

Also, is it possible to ink a 'skin colour' over an old tattoo, as a form of cover up?

Asked by Erin over 11 years ago

I've never heard of Tattoo Vanish, so I looked it up. It looks sketchy to me; most of the photos look photoshopped, sorry to say. It could work, but it's been my experience with clients who have used topical ointments for tattoo removal, that they just don't work. I've never used one, though, so I can't fully say one way or another.

If the ink that the skin color is going over is darker than skin color, then no, it's not possible. I get asked that a lot, though.

i have to ask, do tattooist charge you to draw a picture or a design.

Asked by gabi almost 12 years ago

Some do, some don't. Most tattoo artists make you put down a deposit in order to draw your tattoo, and that deposit goes toward the cost of your tattoo. It isn't likely to find a tattoo artist that will draw a tattoo for you with no guarantee that they'll be the one doing the tattoo.

I had a friend do a crappy tat on my back so i wnt for a cover up and i then they messed it up even worse i am in soo much pain

Asked by Amanda over 11 years ago

I'm sorry?

I'm also missing a question...

Will numbing creams ruin your tattoo? Does it prevent proper healing?

Asked by Natalie over 11 years ago

Numbing creams change the surface texture of the skin, and make tattooing much more difficult. Somehow, they make the skin squishier (for lack of a better word), and they affect how the surface of the skin bleeds, which isn't good for a tattoo artist. We base a lot of how we are tattooing a customer on the look and feel of the skin- if it's been compromised with a numbing agent, it makes our job much harder. I know artists who won't tattoo if you've put on a numbing agent, and because of this, I've become one of those artists.

I have a butterfly tattoo on my lower back. It is a cover up. I expected it to be dark, but it looks almost solid black. Can anything be done to "lighten" it up? I believe another cover up would be impossible. I hate it!! Please help. :-(

Asked by Jamie over 11 years ago

You can't lighten a dark tattoo. Once the ink is there, it's there. In order to lighten it, you'd need to do some sort of tattoo removal. Even one session with a laser remover should lighten it enough to have a cover up be more effective.

So, I've never gotten a tattoo before and have my heart set on a splashed watercolor house sparrow -Silhouette only, If I got that roughly around the size of 2inx2in wide. what would you charge me for that kind of work?

Asked by Grunged Tattoos almost 12 years ago

I don't price quote for shops or even throw numbers around online, just as a respect to whatever artist you have do your tattoo. I'd hate if someone came to me with "Well, this tattoo lady online said she'd charge me x-amount, so that's what I want to pay."

Talk to whoever you want to do your tattoo to get a ballpark range. Very nice idea, though, and something I'd love to be able to do. Good luck!

Would it be okay to add skulls around a tribal tattoo that doesnt wrap all the way around your arm?

Asked by John over 11 years ago

Without seeing tattoos, it's hard for me to judge what would and wouldn't look right.

I was thinking about getting some art by Alex Pardee tatted on me but it got me thinking.. is that illegal? Is it considered copyright infringement? I guess my question is can you get an artists drawings tatted on you without permission?

Asked by David over 11 years ago

To be completely honest, I don't know the answer to this question. If you aren't using the image for capital gain, I don't think it's a problem, but I honestly have no idea. People are always getting Dali's art as tattoos, but just because everyone does it doesn't make it right. If the artist is still alive, maybe shoot him or her an email, just to cover yourself? Sorry I couldn't help wiht this one more.

Hi, I'm looking for someone online that I can send a picture and stencil of my current tattoo and engage them on a cover up design. It's a small letter M on my right arm. I'd like to pay an artist to come up with some designs then find someone local.

Asked by RIch Fiori almost 12 years ago

I wouldn't advise doing that. You want whoever your tattoo artist is to create a design that they would enjoy doing, that they are comfortable with, and that they have already put the work into drawing it. Plus, not all drawings can be tattooed, so you really need to find the tattoo artist you want to do your tattoo and work directly with them. Take out the middle man. It can be an insult to some artists, and they may not even tattoo someone else's work.

I'm wanting to get a tattoo of a bird for a dear friend that passed away but I don't know any sayings that he liked he didn't have any bible verses that we knew off an thebonly music he liked was country so I cant do a song lyric an I have no idea

Asked by jaime over 11 years ago

Why not just get the bird? Sometimes, keeping a tattoo simple is the best way to go. Many people add words to tattoos, and it ruins the meaning of the artwork. If your friend had a specific quote that they liked, then get that. If they didn't, then just get the artwork. You'll know what it means.

is it normal for my tattooer to ink his signature beside the tattoo he just finished?

Asked by james D over 11 years ago

It's not, actually. I've seen tattoo artists do it, but it's not an industry standard practice, no. They have to ask the client before they do it, too.

I got a tattoo on Friday, my first one and the girl forgot to cross the second in eternity on it. I have been trying to get her to do it for me, and it keeps getting put off. How much would it cost to go and get it done elsewhere?

Asked by Sarah over 11 years ago

You'll probably be charged the shop minimum, which can range anywhere from $40-$100, depending on the shop. My advice is to get the artist who screwed it up to fix it- it's her job, and her reputation, to do so.

I want to get a disney tattoo on my ankle or shoulder but I'm not sure what I want , I want something they will look bad as I get older ?

Asked by Disneygirl24 over 11 years ago

The best advice I have for you is to just get on the internet and find pictures you like. If you like it, who cares what other people think?

I'm new to tattooing, I was wondering how do you use stencil paper to transfer to skin?

Also, I was also wondering how deep to go while tattooing?

Asked by William about 11 years ago

Ask the person that I'm assuming you are apprenticing under, or other people in the shop where I'm assuming you are apprenticing. If you are trying to teach yourself, without a formal apprenticeship, then stop. 

I already have a black pentagram about 5 inches down my shoulder on my arm that needs a touch up but My question is do you think a tarot illustration might look tacky? I want to put the High Priestess above it.

Asked by Priestess almost 12 years ago

Completely up to you.

It was a lil red before i started using the peroxide only been using it for two days i will try just leaving it alone thanks

Asked by ladonna over 11 years ago

Redness around a tattoo for the first week (or more, depending on if it's a highly exposed area on your body that has clothes rub against it or bends) is completely normal. Just keep that in mind for future use, and always follow your tattoo artist's healing instructions... unless they tell you to clean your tattoo with hydrogen peroxide. Then, find a new tattoo artist.

Hey, last night I did a small cross tattoo on my ankle. The needle was clean and I used a tattoo machine that I bought online. But I noticed the back of my leg is kinda sore and my foot is a little numb. I was just wondering if thos is normal?

Asked by Mike Robertson over 11 years ago

No, it's not normal, and it occurred because you bought a machine online and tattooed yourself without having gone through an actual apprenticeship or knowing what you are doing.

Im an African American with brown skin thats like a chestnut brown i want to get one sleeve in color and one in realism black and grey as i dont see many ppl do this would this be a good idea

Asked by OmarRaymond almost 12 years ago

Darkers skin doesn't show colors the way light skin does. Greens, blues and reds are about the only colors that really show up in dark skin, and even then the colors aren't as vibrant as with lighter skin pigments. The choice is ultimately up to you, but darker skin tones show black tattoos and black and grey tattoos better than color tattoos, generally speaking.

Do you accept pictures for advice? I had a tattoo with numbers in it and the numbers got switched. I was hoping to find someone that could look at the area I need fixed and see if they "see" a way it could be done.
Thank you!

Asked by Jen almost 12 years ago

You are more than welcome to send me a picture to and I can take a look.

What is your favorite type of tattoo to ink? What about other tattoo artists you know?

Asked by Jonathan over 11 years ago

I like outlineless artsy tattooes. I do a lot of flowers, birds, soft things. Many of my tattooes come out looking like a painting, and I love that. I know artists who like neo-traditional, traditional, Japanese, biomechanical- just about anything, except tribal. I haven't found one single artist that actually likes doing tribal.

I'm thinking about getting a white tattoo on the inside of my right index finger. I've been reading online about finger tattoos and how they don't last.
How long would a white one typically last in this spot?

Asked by Sarah over 11 years ago

About as long as it takes for the tattoo artist to ink it. White tattoos are a fad, and once the redness from the skin goes away from the tattooing process, you'll immediately find that you wasted your money on a white tattoo. Tattoos on the inside of the finger, on average, last 6 months to a year. When you combine a white tattoo on the inside of a finger, you are basically handing a tattoo artist money to cause you pain for no reason whatsoever. 

Hi! I saw a tattoo online and I really love it. But it was on pinterest and I can't discover its provenance. I wanted to buy the art from the designer, but I can't find him/her. What do I do? Thanks!

Asked by Tam over 11 years ago

I'd take the tattoo to a tattoo artist and have them draw their own original version based on what you saw on pinterest.

I got a tatt on June 1 it's healed and looks good but it has a few white bumps that look like pimples on it..Should i be concerned they are itchy but i don't know if its the bumps itching or the tatt still healing I hv several tatts and this happened

Asked by Lucious over 11 years ago

Without seeing a picture, it's hard to say. Sometimes white pimpley bumps can be irritation from having been shaved or the oitment a tattoo artist uses while they tattoo. Sometimes, bumps can be a sign of an allergic reaction to a pigment (usually happens with red ink). Sometimes, white pimpley bumps can be a sign of MRSA, which is an advanced staph infection. MRSA bumps usually happen during the healing process, though, and are big.

Can I sue the tattoo artist for improper apprenticeship training.. I have not been trained or work in the shop sine our contract was 6moths are up and he now wants me to pay him the 5,000$ for my apprenticeship and tattoo license

Asked by inkgame almost 11 years ago

How about, instead of paying the $5000 and then trying to sue him, you just find another shop to apprentice in? Why would you pay someone $5000 if they aren't training you, just so you can sue them later? That makes absolutely no sense, because then you are out $5000 AND have to pay lawyers, when you just handed the guy you are suing $5000 to pay for his lawyers...

What is the type of tattoo called when its just a lighter shade of your skin, not colored ink?

Asked by Natasha almost 12 years ago

I'm not sure about a 'lighter' shade of your skin, but black and gray tattoos are done with different shades of gray ink and no color. 

Hi, have a tattoo with a lot of color. some outlines are in red or green and some in black/grey. Some of the colors are fading - do other artists hate redefining someone else's art? Original artist is no longer in the area. not sure what to ask for.

Asked by N9NA over 11 years ago

It all depends on the artist, so I say just ask. I can say, if you don't know exact colors used in the tattoo, that can make it difficult for an artist to touch up another artist's work.

I'm designing a tattoo for a friend. Do I need to just draw it and leave it unshaded or can I shade it?

Asked by Lacey over 11 years ago

Either will work. If I were you, I'd give a completed drawing to your friend, shading and all, so they have the full reference to take to a tattoo artist. Just keep in mind, though, that the artist will more than likely change some things, to make it more tattooable or to add their own flair to it.

Thank you for answering my last question. My next question is. Will a person still be able to get a tattoo on there forearm if they have liver spots but it's just a few not a lot?

Asked by Rivera over 11 years ago

I don't think it's advisable to tattoo over any skin abnormalities- liver spots, scratches, bruises, even moles. 

Hi, I wanted to get a tattoo on my wrist. I was thinking an anchor or something that says family in it and my brother and sisters names: Spencer and Vanessa.

Asked by Taylor over 11 years ago

Very nice idea.

I'm missing a question here...

Ive been seeking an apprenticeship for about a year and a half. Its extremely hard to find. I read into a 3 month tattoo 'school'. I am asking if it would rewin my chances of getting hired, or getting an apprenticeship. What do you think?

Asked by ryan over 11 years ago

Tattoo "schools" are a joke, in my opinion. They may help you learn the fundamentals, which may make it easier to get an apprenticeship, but I wouldn't count on it. Then, you could have wasted all that money on the school for no reason.

What are your thoughts on getting a tattoo at a tatt convention? (With an international with a good on line portfolio but I cant check any reviews) looking at a sleeve.

Asked by AJ over 11 years ago

Tattoo conventions are a great place to get a tattoo from international artists. I definitely recommend it. Just keep in mind that their wait list can be extraordinary for tattoo conventions. I've seen international artists book up a year in advance. So, figure out which convention, and contact them immediately.

I just got a tattoo on Friday.
I put the A+D ointment on it every 2-3 hours, but I've noticed that every time I put the creme on, the scabs just come off. Is this normal? The ink also rolls into balls and falls off. It's sort of scaring me

Asked by xRainbowMuffinzx over 11 years ago

A+D ointment should only be used for the first 2-3 days after the tattoo. After that, white unscented lotion is best.

As long as you aren't pulling on the scabs or skin itself, it's fine- the inked skin will exfoliate off, and yes, when it first happens, you do freak out, lol.

I am having five words tattooed along my forearm. fineline, very simple font, like handwriting. I have been booked in for two hours for this. In what world does it take two hours to tattoo five very simple words? Thanks.

Asked by becky69 over 11 years ago

That's from start to finish, including stenciling, actual tattooing time and clean up. Sounds like your tattoo artist just wants to make sure they don't have to rush before their next appointment.

What do u recommend to addon to a half sleeve i already have a maryln monroe day of the dead with a rose under her. And some cheetah print around that,but i need somthing to blend it all in as a piece i love the little drawings they make by shading!

Asked by melisa! over 11 years ago

You are talking about 'negative' tattooes- where you tattoo around an area, and the place you left blank is the image. Some negative stars would probably look good around a Day of the Dead Marilyn Monroe. Maybe some kiss prints? It's hard to throw ideas out wihout seeing the tattoo, lol.

Hi, I recently went into a tattoo shop for an interview for an apprenticeship. My question is if I do not have any tattoos on my person would that affect them choosing me? I know how to paint/draw really well is that enough or do I need to be inked?

Asked by inquiring artist over 11 years ago

That would completely depend on the artist or shop where you want to apprentice. Some artists feel that you shouldn't be a tattoo artist if you have never even gotten a tattoo; it shows slight disrespect for the art form that you'll do it, but won't have it done to you. Some shops or artists won't care. Many tattoo artists get started in tattooing because of their love of body art; if you have none, you need to ask yourself why you want to be a tattoo artist.

After geting an all black tribal I can see some light spots and a few blotchy spots that need touched up. After the touch up will they then look darker then the rest of the tatt or blend in naturally?

Asked by Ron over 11 years ago

If the same ink is used and the touch ups are done pretty close to the time of the original tattoo, the inks should blend together. If you wait years to get it touched up, the new black will be darker.

I just got a tattoo and im aleady unhappy with it. I got black sihlouette birds flying and i like the idea of the birds just not the birds themselves. Is there anyway to just fix or add the birds without having to do a complete cover up?

Asked by Bailey over 11 years ago

Sorry to say, I don't understand your question. If you want black silhouette birds to be turned into regular birds, with detailed feathers and such, then that's not possible. If that's not your question, I apologize, but I don't understand what you are asking.

how hard would it be to cover up the name brandi

Asked by donald burnham over 11 years ago

No idea. It depends on if you have a small "Brandi" on your arm or the word "Brandi" across your entire back. Size, body placement, darkness of tattoo, and age of tattoo are all a factor in covering a tattoo.

i have a tattoo on my rib, I don't want to remove it but i do want to make the word bigger, is that possible?

Asked by STEPHANIE over 11 years ago

Probably not. Without seeing it, it's hard to give an accurate answer, but usually when you try and make an existing word larger, you will just make the letters even closer together, making it hard to read.

I'm going to get a half sleeve done of a scroll with a map of the world on the scroll.I am going to mark everywhere I've been in the world and continue adding as I travel.I want the continents a solid color, but will that cause trouble for the marks?

Asked by James over 11 years ago

If the continents are a light color and the marks are dark, then you should be fine. In fact, I'd probably do the marks in black just in case. Keep in mind, though, that you don't want to fit too much detail into a small space, because over time the ink will expand under the skin. While your idea sounds awesome, I would worry a little about fitting all of that into a half sleeve. Maybe consider making it a back piece? If you are determined to make it a half sleeve, just keep it simple so it holds its purpose over the years.

My mother is an artist and I would love for her to design me a tattoo. She is willing to learn about the techniques involved, but I am sure it will not be so simple. Will tattoo artists be willing to use my mother's design as is or modify it to work?

Asked by Alison over 11 years ago

It depends on the finished product your mother creates. If it's tattooable, then most artists will honor that. If certain modifications need to be made to make it a more tattooable image, then they may have to make changes. Not all drawings can be tattooed; things with extremely small detail, or smaller images with a lot of detail, don't hold up over time as well as images with larger areas and details.

Will it annoy my artist if I ask him to touch up my tattoo one more time? I see just a couple of tiny spots that need to be touched up but I am afraid I'm going to bug him if I ask for one more touch up :/

Asked by Abby over 11 years ago

It depends on the artist, the tattoo, and how much time has gone by. If a tattoo needs multiple touch ups in a short amount of time, chances are, artists start to wonder if the person was caring for the tattoo correctly during the healing process. If that's the case, that a customer wasn't caring for the tattoo correctly, then chances are the artist won't touch it up without charging you the shop minimum. If it's in a rough area, too, like the hands, elbows or feet, where it's more difficult for the ink to stay bright, they may limit the number of touch ups a customer gets. And, if months (or years) have passed, chances are, they will charge you for a touch up.

I had a consult in may and 2 four hour sessions booked for mid oct/nov.. forgot to ask the artist if I get to see the work leading up to appt? and how long in advance I could excpect to see it? what's the etiquette here?

Asked by desucca over 11 years ago

Every tattoo artist is different. Some get their drawings done ahead of time, some wait until the day of the tattoo to produce their artwork. Just ask your tattoo artist and see how they do things.

Is there a way to fix expanded lines so that the originally empty spaces show again? I really loved my tattoo before and it's very special for me so I would hate to have to get rid of it.

Asked by Dani almost 12 years ago

Nope. Ink expands under the skin over time- it's just a fact. There's nothing you can do to take permanent ink out of the skin, except laser tattoo removal treatments. I'm not too familiar with the process, so I'm not sure if they can fine-tune the area just to remove expanded ink, or if the process would just remove the entire tattoo.

Can u use a numbing cream when getting a tattoo? Do u know of any that have been ruined as a result?

Asked by Natalie over 11 years ago

Natalie, sweetheart, I answered your question above. Just scroll up. =)

If you are concerned with the pain of a tattoo, and many people are, then you have to ask yourself if you really want a tattoo. Tattoos are experiences from start to finish, not just a work of art on your body. I hate being tattooed, but I would never use a numbing cream because that takes away from the *experience* of being tattooed. 

my friend wants my to draw cartoons, how much should i charge?

Asked by alicia almost 12 years ago

Whatever you'd like. I can price tattoos that I'm going to do, but I have no idea what to price art. It's completely up to the person doing the art and the person buying the art.

How can I tell if I've messed up my new tattoo or not? I got it yesterday and whenever I pat it dry, little black specks come off of the tattoo onto the napkin. Is this normal?

Asked by Worrier over 11 years ago

That's normal. The skin will push out excess ink during the first few days of the healing process. If it scabs, don't mess with the scab, though, because pulling that off could result in pulling necessary ink out of your tattoo.

I went to my local tattoo artist for a Celtic cross with elements of four family crests incorporated in it. A month later, not drawing. I'm told the drawing will be ready the day of the tattoo. Is this right/professional?

Asked by Maikeli over 11 years ago

Yes and no, lol. If the piece is a custom piece, the artist should have you stop by a day or so before the appointment to see the drawing, so they can make any necessary changes to it before the day of the tattoo. Do many artists conduct business this way? Unfortunately, no. Many of them, depending on the tattoo, don't draw them up until the week of the appointment. I've seen a lot of artists (the busier ones), sit down on a Sunday and draw out all of their tattoos for the week, regardless of whether the appointment is that Monday or Friday. Each artist has a method to their madness.

When artists ask for a visual to help with the design of the tattoo, be it an object or photo, is it insulting if the person wanting the tattoo brings in a picture of another tattoo design that another artist has done?

Asked by CRG1289 over 11 years ago

Nope, not at all. Many people surf the internet and find already-done tattoos that they like. Taking them to an artist and asking them to reproduce that tattoo exactly is insulting, but tellling them that they like the style of the tattoo and want something custom drawn that has that feel or look, is perfectly fine.

Hi, i'm new to tattooing, I just got home my machine just a week ago. I would like to replace my coils, but I keep breaking the copper wire that connects to the coil always on one of them, what am I doing wrong?

Asked by Lina almost 11 years ago

Ask whoever you are apprenticing under. If you are going the 'self-taught' route, then I suggest you apprentice in an actual tattoo shop.

I got a tattoo today n notice that he spelled a word wrong instead of loving he spelled loveing how can he fix this?

Asked by nene about 11 years ago

Cover it up. There's no erasing in tattooing.

I just got a tattoo of a flower that needs more definition/outlining. Do I need to wait until my tattoo I'd healed or can it be done sooner?

Asked by Melissa over 11 years ago

You definitely need to wait until the tattoo is finished healing. If a tattoo is gone back into before it's ready, it's like dragging a needle on the outside of a filled water balloon; things may go fine, but you may hit that sweet spot that causes the skin to break open and bleed out, resulting in loss of ink, too.

How do I tell a shop manager that my tattooist put the wrong word on me? I had my drawing, everything was spelled right, everything was perfect as I've been designing it for years. Its a completely different word. I dont want him to think im a jerk.

Asked by Ashtoreth over 11 years ago

You tell the shop manager that the artist screwed up. This is on your body forever. You won't know the tattoo artist forever, and if it goes unmentioned, he may screw up again in the future. 

I just got my right upper arm done shoulder too elbow full color and oddly it seems too be in bad pain four days after it was finished. I've washed it twice with soap and apply the a&d ointment and it still seems too cause my whole arm soreness.

Asked by Jordan over 11 years ago

That's completely normal, especially when you get a part of your body tattooed that you use on a daily basis- upper arms, calfs, stomach areas- all of these are sensitive, and when you get large areas covered in one session, it will cause that area to be sore for a while.

Would my lower stomach , not on the hip bone , but near it , be a painful place for a first tattoo?

Asked by Katelynn over 11 years ago

Pain is relative to the person. I have that section of my body tattooed and I couldn't stop laughing. I've seen people almost come off the table while getting that area tattooed, and I had one customer fall asleep.

I got a tattoo about 4 days ago and it was supposed to be with golds and browns but turned out kind of orange. Is there anyway I can change the color? & if I can what would be te best color to change it to?

Asked by Kay over 11 years ago

The ink may not be done settling in your skin. During the healing process, especially if the area slightly scabs, the colors will go from vibrant to muddy brown and back to vibrant once the final healing stages are done. If you still aren't happy with the colors once it's completely healed, head back to your tattoo artist and have them put the golds and browns in.

I got a cross tattoo a couple years ago in SC. Its a just a simple cross with red shading in it. after a few years the red seems to have faded and I don't really like how it looks in that color. Is it possible to go over the red ink with black ink?

Asked by Kenton over 11 years ago

Yes. Black ink can go over red ink.

I'm looking to get a tattoo of a drawing, however, I only want some minor changes. Would it bother a tattoo artist if I went in and didn't want it changed very much?

Asked by Natalie over 11 years ago

Some tattoo artists are fine with that, and other's aren't. It depends on the drawing, too. Some people want a drawing done just the way it is, but the drawing isn't tattooable. Drawings for tattoos are way different than most drawings. So, talk to your artist and see what they say.


Asked by mia over 11 years ago

I don't price tattoos. Head to a shop and ask the artist you'd like to have do your tattoo.

I have a half sleeve tattoo it is hideous i got it when i turned 18 and it consist of the colors red,green and blue. I do not have the money to have it removed so i was wondering if I could just have the whole thing covered with a brown ink??

Asked by Alicia over 11 years ago

Probably not. I'd have to see it to be able to tell you definitely no, but I can't see how covering red, green and blue with brown would work.

Hi, I just got my first tattoo yesterday. It's 2 inches in diameter and on my forearm. I understand that I'm supposed to stay out of the sun but I have practice outside 5 days a week and I can't avoid it. How should I deal with this? Sunscreen?

Asked by Matt over 11 years ago

Sunscreen is a tattoo's best friend. =)

Hey! I was wondering if it is possible to tattoo over scars, and if so what kind of designs cover them up the best? Thanks

Asked by Mikka over 11 years ago

It is possible to tattoo over scars, but you have to make sure the scar is fully healed. New scars are dark in color; a tattooable scar is light or white in color. If you tattoo over an area with a fresh scar, you run the risk of breaking open the old wound. You have to understand, too, when covering up a scar, that tattoo artists are able to disguise the abnormal coloring of skin where a scar is, but we can't take away the puffiness or shape of the scar.

Cover ups are best if the image used has a lot of lines and a lot of shade points; it makes it easier to cover whatever is underneath. Things like flowers, dragons, owls, etc, make for great cover ups, because the artist can layer ink and shade well.

My tattoo artist screwed up a name tattoo an it wasn't noticeable ontill the swelling went down and if scanned then peeled!! What can I do about it or how do I go about it

Asked by tweety over 11 years ago

I'd go back and talk to the artist about it. I'm not sure how they screwed it up to say whether it can be fixed or just needs to be covered up.

I got my rook pierced and it is mostly healed now, but is swollen. The swelling hardly hurts, my sister got her industrial pierced and the swelling was like scarring, I was just wondering if this will go away or if the swelling is permanent?

Asked by Shelby Jones over 11 years ago

Swelling isn't permanent. If a piercing is still swollen and hurts weeks after it's done, it needs to be taken out. Chance are, it's infected, or wasn't pierced correctly. If there is swelling around the entry sites, it may be a keloid, or a pocket of oil that sometimes develops after a piercing. Keloids shouldn't be popped, and they can be treated with tea tree oil, but there's a chance they may never go away.

I just finished my first tattoo on practice skin. Came out great but the white highlights I put on last did not 'take', and didn't show at all. Could this be the ink quality or the skin?
Thank you!

Asked by Tony over 11 years ago

It's more than likely the practice skin. That stuff is thick, and really is not a lot like human skin at all. White is a tricky color, too. You may have not gone deep enough with it.

If I had an artist do my tattoo, and go to another artist to get it touched up and they use different inks, will you be able to tell in the tattoo after the touch up? And will it look bad?

Asked by Kayla Kibbe over 11 years ago

Different inks can result in differences between the old tattoo and the touchup. It could blend fine, and it could be a trainwreck. It all depends on the artist's ability to match the color or blend the old tattoo into the touch up work.

I want to get a tattoo of the stars (like a nebula thats very colorful) but I'm concerned with the colors bleeding together and looking like a bruise. Is there a way to avoid that? If I got touch ups often or did it with lighter colors maybe?

Asked by Tattoo virgin over 11 years ago

Colors don't bleed together in a tattoo, unless the tattoo was not done correctly. If you have purple next to yellow, the purple will forever stay next to the yellow, and not combine. Now, if the tattoo artist does the yellow first, then does the purple, and does not take proper precautions to protect the yellow during the tattoo process, then some brown may occur when the purple goes over the yellow. But, if it's inked individually, it will stay as two separate colors in the skin.

My body seems to reject colors anytime there is more than one color in any spot. I have a butterfly that is shaded with 2 colors of blue (light and dark). My body is only holding the dark blue and pushing out the light blue. Is that normal?

Asked by Stephanie over 11 years ago

It is normal for the body to accept some colors more than others, yes. However, with that said, I will say that areas that are over-worked will push the ink out more quickly. So, it may not be a question of whether or not you take light blue, it may be a question of how much your artist over-worked the skin when they were putting the light blue in.

I got a tattoo yesterday on the inside of my left foot. It's a quote done in dainty script. But its not THAT small. One of the words, "with" has a lot of ink around it. When you look up close you can read it, but from far away it's a blob??????

Asked by Amanda over 11 years ago

I'm missing a question somewhere. If you are asking if the the ink around the word 'with' can be removed, the answer is no. If the rest of the tattoo is fine, but the 'with' looks thicker than the rest, then your tattoo artist "blew" the word 'with', meaning they went too deep into your skin and the ink spread. There's nothing you can do about blown lines in a tattoo, sorry.

Hullo! I got a tattoo on the outside of my foot two weeks ago. I was able to go almost a week and a half with keeping it uncovered, but now I need to cover it. I've used gauze and bandaids - both had ink on them when I took them off. Advice?

Asked by Nichole almost 12 years ago

You should not re-cover a tattoo after the first few days, and especially not 2 weeks later. However, to answer your question, tattoos can take up to a month to heal, depending on the area of the body, and ink can purge from the skin at any time during the healing process. The only concern is when the tattoo scabs and the scab rips off before it's ready; then you might be left with an empty spot where the ink came out completely.

What shades of red and blue work best for a flag tattoo? My artist wants me to pick my colors and buy the ink the rest is free. My problem is has like 20 shades of both!

Asked by Drew about 11 years ago

Your artist should know what colors are best for a flag tattoo and should not be having you buy the ink and tattoo you for free. That's not normal in the legitimate tattoo business.

im 16 and dying to get a simple tattoo of a word in my bottom inner lip. my parents will not let me. is there any way possible to get a tattoo? i know tattoos are permanent but its such a hidden spot i know i wont regret it.

Asked by dali over 11 years ago

Nope. I don't know of a state that will tattoo a 16 year old without parental consent.

If you use black on a darker person not too dark but not Caucasian will the ink come out dark green when healed or even as a tattoo artis does it would u see the ink on yhe skin dark green or black then when its heal dark green

Thank u

Asked by shy over 11 years ago

Black ink that heals dark green is cheap ink. Good quality black ink stays black.

How fine a line can be achieved in a tattoo? The design I have in mind calls for a symbol with an outline and some smaller lines within--is there a way to get that style without enlarging my design?

Asked by Emily about 11 years ago

The finest a line can be is a single needle. But, lines that fine don't generally hold up over time.

I asked a tattoo artist to fill in a little gap between two lines of an old tattoo (about 16 years old) and he drew a line to fill it in. Now the line is super dark compared to the rest of it. How long will I have to wait until it fades to match?

Asked by Cathy over 11 years ago

A while, probably. When I'm asked to add a line, or touch up a single line of an old tattoo, I usually go light, so the tattoo inks blend together in a matter of months, or, I touch up everything in the area to match my new ink. 

What is the best way to ask a tattoo artist if I want to listen to some music on my phone while he/she is tattooing so I can deal with the pain?

Asked by leroy over 11 years ago

Just tell the tattoo artist that you want to listen to music on your phone. I have no idea why a tattoo artist would object to that. It's a very common request. Hell, I listen to music on my phone while I'm tattooing people sometimes. Many customers don't want small talk. They want to zone out, and that's understandable. Some want small talk to keep their minds off it. Just tell your artist how you like to cope with the tattooing process, and I'm sure they will be fine with it.

I have a tattoo I need help with, but I'm on a budget. Is it weird or bad to go in and say I have X (~$300) dollars and I need this covered or fixed, and I am open to any and all ideas? Is it ok to ask them to try & keep it under a certain $ amount?

Asked by madh0us3 about 11 years ago

That's perfectly normal. 

why do tattoo shops need to make a copy of my id?

Asked by Brad over 11 years ago

To have proof that they checked your age. If the ID is fake, then they can produce the photocopy, showing that they checked your ID, and to them, it seemed real. This releases them of liabilities later on. 

Can I go to a tattoo artist and ask him/her to draw me up a tattoo and not get it that day but to leave and think about it because I have a general idea but I need an artist to help me with the design.

Asked by Skylerrose over 11 years ago

You can always ask an artist to draw you up something, but keep in mind 2 things:

1- They will probably charge you a deposit to do a drawing. That money will then be applied to the tattoo when you have it done.

2- You will more than likely not be able to leave with that drawing, or even take a picture of that drawing, to help you "think". This protects the artist's custom drawing, and ensures that they will be inking it, after putting the time and effort into drawing it.

have you ever done a tattoo that looks like a water color painting

Asked by Will over 11 years ago


Hi. I have a Phoenix on my arm which is great but now I want to add clouds as a background. Do you think this will be an issue as the foreground has been done first? Thank you.

Asked by Mike over 11 years ago

Shouldn't be an issue at all. Many times a background is added behind an existing tattoo.

i have a large eagle tatoo on my forearm done 30yrs ago that is covering and old hand job tattoo. lots of dark areas on body. can this be cover or reworked

Asked by sean over 11 years ago

Without seeing it, it's hard to give an accurate answer here. I've reworked 30 year old tattoos, yes. I've covered 30 year old tattoos, yes. As far as yours, specifically, I'm not sure.

I'm 14 and want to get a RIP tattoo on my forearm. My question is will it stretch as I grow.

Asked by cvleb over 11 years ago

Honestly, I don't recommend getting a tattoo when you are 14. Not only is your body still dramatically changing, which could result in an awkward tattoo when you are older, but your body is still growing, so what would be a forearm tattoo now won't be centered on your forearm once you stop growing. Plus, you have no idea what you want to do as a career when you are older, and a forearm tattoo could hinder you from pursuing certain career fields. PLUS, your taste as a 14 year old will be drastically different than when you are an adult, and I can almost 99% guarantee you will regret whatever tattoo you got at 14. Please don't get tattooed for at least another 4 years. Wait until you are older. You will thank me later.

hi i am a inspiring tattoo artist i was studying under a guy and he moved before i finished the apprenticeship i was under him for almost a year he really showed me nothing , he had me cleaning and prepping , can i get my license i have pics

Asked by chris over 11 years ago

Why would you want your license if he didn't teach you how to tattoo?

When I got my first tattoo, I threw up, got really light headed and lost my vision. From what I have read this is because of my blood sugar being low. I think I may have a general problem with it but how can I prevent this happening next time?

Asked by Danni Xena over 11 years ago

Eat before you get tattooed. That's one of the first rules of getting tattooed. Always eat before you get tattooed, and take a candy bar and/or soda or sugary drink with you, just in case. If you start to feel light headed again, tell the tattoo artist immediately, and get some sugar in you. It also helps to try and look straight forward when you get tattooed instead of down toward the floor. A cold, wet paper towel applied to the back of the neck helps, too. (If the tattoo artist has rubbing alcohol, that's the best thing to use on the paper towel, because it keeps it cooler against the skin for longer than water.)

I recently got my tattoo shaded, it was just an outline prior. The tattoo artist told me it would be all black now, but I would see the shading in a week or so. It's been a few days, and I can't see any of it lightening up. Should I be worried?

Asked by Laura over 11 years ago

I'd wait until the tattoo is fully healed before starting to worry. 

Hi, I live in CA and my mom, older sister and I all want to get matching tattoos. I'm 15 and my sister is 17, do you know of any places in Arizona that will do us even though we are underage

Asked by ekpaine over 11 years ago

The laws in Arizona state that a tattoo artist can tattoo a person as young as 14 with parental consent. Without parental consent, it's 18. Now, tattooing minors is completely up to the tattoo artist and/or shop, so even though the law states as young as 14 with parental consent, the shop and/or artist can rightfully refuse to tattoo a minor, even with parental consent. I'd just call around and ask shops what their policies are (after checking portfolios, of course, and finding one that you like based on portfolios and cleanliness of shop).

Does the purple color or a spirit transfer paper the artist used eventually come of out an all white tattoo?

Asked by Candi about 11 years ago


I want to get a color change. The part is light blue shading, like a powder blue. Not loving it. Can I go over it with a darker blue, and, also what other colors can over it

Asked by groovy over 11 years ago

You can definitely go over it with a darker blue. Purple would work, too. Reds or pinks over blue will cause it to have a slight purple tinge, just as yellow over it will make it look green.

i just got my first tattoo on my wrist a week ago now red bumps, blisters, or zits have been appearing everywhere on that arm. it is infected?

Asked by adam about 11 years ago

Sometimes red bumps on and around the tattoo can be ingrown hairs from where the tattoo artist shaved the area, or people sometimes have a reaction with the A&D ointment used during the tattoo process. If the bumps form white heads, and are located on the actual tattooed area, with no bumps around the tatttoed area, I'd see a doctor. 

How can I tell how many sessions a tattoo will take? Or how complicated can a one session tattoo be?

Asked by Em almost 11 years ago

It all depends on the tattoo and the proficiency of the artist. I've seen artists knock out entire sleeves in one day.

Can i present a picture of a tattoo i like to an artist or does it have to be a drawing?
was thinking of getting that as my first tattoo but cant find any drawings like it.

Asked by Josh over 11 years ago

You can present anything to a tattoo artist that gives them an idea of what you are looking for. I had a customer bring me the plaster stepping stone that had her son's handprint in it as a reference one time. I've been brought pictures, drawings, t-shirts, birthday cards- just about everything.

Hi there, so I've been wanting to get a scar or two covered up and I was wondering a few scars need to be a certain age(ex:6mo or a year old)to be covered? And will an artist be willing to cover them up? Is it like taboo or something idk?

Asked by ann about 11 years ago

A scar can be covered up if the scar is old and usually colored white. Light pink scars can be covered, too, but if the scar is fairly new an still purple or dark pink in color, you run the risk of breaking open the skin again while tattooing it. I've covered quite a few scars, and the skin is a little tougher to take in, but it's defintiely doable.

How much would it cost to get my tattoo fixed. Its a 3d cross with a ribbon going through it that days daddy. On the top and bottom are his birthdate and the day he died. Theres a little shading in it. I need it redrawn.

Asked by kayla over 11 years ago

This question is a difficult one, for 2 reasons:

1- I don't price quote over the internet or for other artists.

2- I don't have a picture of your tattoo to see what needs to be fixed.

If you have an average hangover, what are the risks if getting your tattoo that day? And would it be more advised to wait until the next day?

Asked by Matt over 11 years ago

I would advise to wait, yes. The body doesn't take pain well during a hangover, so your pain threshhold might be severely diminished and your skin very sensitive. Depending on how much you drank the night before, the quality of the tattoo could be compromised due to more bleeding.

I've seen quite a few thin text tattoos that show great detail in the text. But, parlors i have went to insist my text needs to be quite larger. Are there different tools to use to make them thinner or is it preference of the artist not wanting to do

Asked by dani almost 11 years ago

Small lines that are close together, as in the case with small lettering, will expand under the skin and end up growing together after a few years. This happens with all tattoos over time. Small lettering is not recommended because it will be unreadable over time. 

When it comes to blacklight tattoos, is it possible to use anythin like shading? I'm savin to get a tattoo and the idea is to have fire spring up over in blacklight - but I do NOT want cartoony. I want the fire realistically shaded. Is it possible?

Asked by Shine over 11 years ago

Tricky question to answer. Tattoos can be shaded, yes, even if blacklight ink is used. Now, blacklight ink is brighter than regular ink, so, in my opinion, it can look a little cartoony just because it's a neon color. 

Please note, too, that blacklight ink is NOT FDA approved to be tattooed onto humans like those websites tell you. It's FDA approved to tag fish for classification purposes. AND, blacklight ink does NOT last as long as regular ink. My advice on blacklight ink is to pass on it. It's more expensive than regular ink, so the tattoo artist generally charges more, and it only sticks around for, on average, a year. I'd get a regular tattoo and forget about the blacklight ink.

I got a black light tattoo 1 and a half ago but the ink doesn't show up any more (as if I never got to thing). What happened? It cost me 200 bucks should ask for a small refund???

Asked by Mike about 11 years ago

UV ink doesn't stick around at all, but costs an arm and a leg. It's a way for tattoo artists to make a quick buck, and then continue to make a quick buck because it fades so quickly. I doubt you'll get a refund, and my advice is to forget about UV ink.

I wanted to extend my tattoo, but 2 tattoo artists so far have already refused to "work on other's work". Is that an ethical code or something? Does this mean I must always go back to the same artist even if I don't like his style or attitude?

Asked by Christine about 11 years ago

It depends on the tattoo artist. Maybe explain to them why you don't want to return to the other person. That would probably help more.

Is it tacky to get quotes tattooed all over your body?

Asked by ILoveInk93 over 11 years ago

I have seen it done before. On some people, it works. My opinion, though, is that tattoos are for artwork, and words aren't really artwork. Instead of gettting words tattooed everywhere, why not have the quote turned into a piece of art that reminds you of it, instead of covering your body in words? I can almost guarantee you'll regret having your body covered in words down the road.

Im 17 years old an I want to be a tattoo artist an i'm from Dayton Ohio, I wanted to know were do I start?like how do I even get into an apprenticeship

Asked by savon over 11 years ago

You'd have to talk to tattoo shops in your area. You may have a problem finding an apprenticeship until you are 18, though, so I'd start drawing and build up an art portfolio until you turn 18.

I made an appointment to get a good size thigh tattoo and was quoted at $400 in the shop. I had emailed the artist earlier and they told me $600. My question is does each artist have their set price? Should I expect the artist price or the shop price

Asked by Alicia over 11 years ago

Most artists price their own tattoos, but most shops do have a shop average. To explain better, I'll give you an example. Where I live, there's a great shop downtown. The shop runs $100 an hour (which is about average), but there is one tattoo artist in the shop that is known nationwide, and is way above average, so he's $350 an hour. So, your pricing depends on your shop and your artist. I've also seen front desk help price tattoos completely unreasonable, which is understandable because they aren't actually doing the tattoo and don't know all the work going into it.

A quote is just a quote, too, just like when you take your car to have work done. At first glance, the mechanic will shoot out a number they think will cover the job, but once they get in there, there may be a lot more work to do, so the estimate goes up.

In the end, your artist knows how much time and effort goes into that tattoo, and therefore will price it accordingly. They are doing the actual tattoo, not the shop.

I want to cover up my tattoo on my foot. it is a heart with four letters in it.. I want to cover up the tattoo with something like "ohana" with my family members. any ideas ?

Asked by lilly about 11 years ago

Using words as a cover up is nearly impossible because of the spaces between the letters.

Can I send you pictures of what I want my tattoo to be and you draw it up for me and send it back?

Asked by Samantha over 11 years ago

It's best for the person who will be doing your tattoo to be the one to draw it up. 

I have some ideas for a tattoo. a collage kind of thing but i would like to see a drawing of it before i commit.

Asked by jay over 11 years ago

Okay. I'm missing a question with this one. I would definitely have your tattoo artist draw something up before tattooing you. That way you don't get flying genitals tattooed on you as a joke...

Hey. just wondering if i'm going to a tattoo store do i ask them for designs or do i bring a design of my own i'm not sure of what to do and its my first time.

Asked by leo over 11 years ago

You can do either. You can look at the flash on the walls or bring them ideas for a custom tattoo that you've collected before you go to the shop.

is it true a lot of tattoo artists won't touch up another's work? I got tribal work done on my ribcage and the outlines ended up blurring. The original artist is no longer nearby and i would like to ask my current artist to do it-- is it ok to ask?

Asked by rocky over 11 years ago

Ask away. Many artists will touch another artist's work, especially if the original artist is no longer available.

How much would it cost to get mermaid scales on my mid thigh?

Asked by Silent_singer over 11 years ago

I don't price quote. It says it in my description above. Tattoo prices depend on the artist, the shop, the area you live in, etc. It's best to ask an artist who will actually be doing the tattoo.

I have a medium brown skin tone but i wanted a color tattoo. What colors would work with my skin tone or will I have to stick to black and gray?

Asked by Eboni over 11 years ago

Red shows up really well, as well as blue. Sometimes green does. Purple tends to look black, and yellow and orange just fade into the skin. I've seen people with darker skin tones do well with color. Overall, I've mostly just stuck with black and gray on darker-skinned clients.

Can a misspelled tattoo be fixed? For example I just got a script tattoo where the word "Guardian" was misspealled "Gaurdian" the a and u were transposed. Can this be fixed?

Asked by Gloria about 11 years ago

Nope. Sometimes spellings can be fixed, and the 'u' could be turned into an 'a', but the 'a' can't be turned into a 'u'.

I've noticed that some tattoo artists put some kind of clear liquid in the tattoo ink and mix it up before tattooing. Do you know what this liquid is and why they add it in?

Asked by Lynn almost 11 years ago

It's water. They add it in to thin the ink out some. Over time, ink thickens in the bottle, so thinning it out makes it cover easier.

Is it common for artists to tattoo the artwork of another artist? For instance, if there was an artist overseas who's work I admire, could I have a local artist tattoo it on me? Or is that tacky/disrespectful?

Asked by --- over 11 years ago

Honestly, I have no idea. If it's the work of an artist- like painter, sculptor, etc, then I don't think a tattoo artist would have a problem with it. But, if it's the work of another tattoo artist, then yes, that's tacky/disrespectful. Every tattoo artist has their own style, and they are making (or have made) a name for themselves based on that style. Having another person copy that style is disrespectful. If you admire the original tattoo artist's work that much, why would you want someone to do a reproduction on you? Wouldn't you want an original? There are always tattoo conventions in the US that overseas artists come to. That's an easy way to get tattooed by someone whose work you admire.

I was wondering I have a black tattoo that's pretty dark it was ca cover up. So can we put lime green on a black tattoo will it show up

Asked by marisa about 11 years ago

Probably not.

I need practice when it comes to using and incorporating color into my artwork.
My question is...what is the closest medium to tattoo ink that i could begin practicing with?
Oil paints? Acrylics? Watercolors? ect.

Asked by Spencer over 11 years ago

I'd say acrylics. They have about the right consistency as tattoo ink. Once tattoo ink goes into the skin, however, it coats more like a watercolor. Very tricky medium, tattoo ink and skin.

I got a tattoo for my dad who passed away and got it in roman numerals. I asked my sister the date because my mom isn't a big fan of tat's and she told me the wrong year. Now I have an extra line at the end. How can I cover it? I can send a pic.

Asked by Idiot. over 11 years ago

Without seeing it, it's difficult to answer. You could add some tiny roses to the beginning and end of the date, which will camoflage it, maybe? That's a tough one.

I just got a new tattoo last night for the first time wondering if I can use Neosporin to keep the moisturize that's all I got

Asked by Chris Mackenzie almost 11 years ago

Please don't use Neosporin to heal a tattoo. It causes the skin to heal too quickly, resulting in a loss of ink. Use A&D ointment, Aquafor or white, unscented lotion.

I am getting a tattoo of an infinity sign with feather birds and the words stay strong on my inner bicep, the feather and birds going from inner arm to outside. will resistant training stretch or effect my tattoo and when can I start exercising again

Asked by Mill over 11 years ago

Small changes in size and weight generally won't affect a tattoo. But if you are going from being thin and kind of scrawny to a professional body builder size, the tattoo will stretch and look faded.

Hey! I'm an aspiring artist, and i've been wondering some good practicing techniques that aren't directly on skin. Also, any hints for beginners?

Asked by Natalie over 11 years ago

Fake skin can be used for beginners. 

I just have a quick question. I got a tattoo today. I am supposed to coach and play beach volleyball on tuesday so just over 48hours. Can I cover it up for the hour or so or should I just not do it? And if it is ok to wrap it what can I wrap it with?

Asked by bellis almost 11 years ago

You should not be playing beach volleyball 48 hours after having a tattoo done, especially if the tattoo is somewhere that will exposed to the dirt and sand flying around. 

Hi. Exactly WHAT is a photo realistic tattoo? My understanding was if I brought a picture of a person, sunset, animal...REAL subjects, then that's what photo realistic is. THank you

Asked by Loretta about 11 years ago

Photo realism is recreating the picture exactly on the skin, so it looks like a photo.

I want a full sleeve/left chest Maori tribal tattoo. I provided a photo. A very reputable artist has seen it, taken my deposit, scheduled me 6 weeks out, all is well. My question is, would an artist ever admit they couldn't do a particular tattoo?

Asked by Bruce Gossard over 11 years ago

A good, honest artist would. I don't do portraits. I wouldn't even begin to do portraits. I've had people come to me, asking for portrait tattoos, and I've pointed them in the direction of a portrait tattoo artist. Every artist has a "style". Some don't mind going out of their comfort zones, some stick to what they know.

I got a tattoo on my foot 3 days ago and it's all scabby. I bumped it while walking up the stairs and part of a scab came off and color leaked. Is this normal/ okay? It wasn't much color but I'm concerned

Asked by Carlie almost 11 years ago

If a scab rips off before it's supposed to, there is a chance you'll have a loss of ink in the final healing process. 

Hi! This may be dumb- my understanding is that most artists won't tattoo the bottoms of feet. unfortunately I really want one there, the tattoo is a cultural reference to the soles. Any advice on finding someone / making it work/ why i shouldn't etc?

Asked by Tee almost 11 years ago

Tattoos on the bottoms of the feet and palms of hands don't last long- that's why most artists won't do them. The skin is tough, and because the feet and hands exfoliate skin at a rapid pace, the tattoo does fade more quickly and needs several touch ups in short periods of time.

Do you think that it would be alright for a guy to get a rose on his ribs for a rememberence of his mom?

Asked by Fford almost 11 years ago

I think that's perfectly fine. 

As a tattoo artist do you register your client's tattoos? My step-daughter has a tattoo is she now registered on a list because she has a tattoo? Is that how the police know if she has a tattoo or distinguishing scars or marks?

Asked by Anita over 11 years ago

I've never registered a customer's tattoo before. Maybe it's a law in some states? I have no idea.

Hello. I recently found some fake practice skin online. I was just wondering how good this actually is for practice and how would I actually know if i were doing it wrong ,( going too deep, not deep enough and what ever else might be wrong)?

Asked by lilly almost 11 years ago

Fake skin is much durable than real skin. When I was apprenticing, the artists bought us some fake skin to practice on, and we tried like hell to destroy that stuff, and nothing worked. Human skin is nowhere near that durable, and you can seriously hurt a person if you aren't tattooing correctly. So, from that standpoint, that you can't even destroy fake skin, it's not an accurate substitution for human skin at all.

how long can i wait to re tattoo if d tattoo came out light on my skin

Asked by putrice about 11 years ago

Once the tattoo is fully healed and the skin is no longer shiny looking, it can be tattooed again.

If i get a small tattoo under my collarbone will they make me take off my shirt? If they do will they at least let me cover myself. Im very shy about my body and i need to know before i go in to get it.

Asked by Natasha over 11 years ago

Nope. Wear a tank top and you'll be fine. I have a word under each of my collar bones and I just wore a tank top and then tucked the straps under my arms while it was being done.

I'm a 21 year old guy with several horizontal stretch marks on my back. Is it possible to cover it up with a tattoo?

Asked by Ken about 11 years ago

Tattoos can be used to disguise stretch marks and make them less noticeable, but they won't be 100% covered when the tattoo is done. Also keep in mind that ink doesn't take as well in stretch marks as it does on regular skin, so those areas might heal a little lighter and would need a second session to darken up.

Got a red awareness ribbon yesterday. Was supposd to have white polka dots. Was told couldn't d it so meended up plain red. I did not realise this is awareness for aids. Is it poss to get some kind of dots over red ink with diff colour?

Asked by Dannii j over 11 years ago

Darker dots, yes. Lighter dots, no.

I want to get a text tattoo, but am having trouble deciding where to put it. Where do you think is best for a text tattoo? After doing some research I noticed that a lot of artists do not agree with text tattoos. What is your opinion on them?

Asked by Santana over 11 years ago

I think it's better to find or come up with an art piece that depicts what the saying in words says. But that's my opinion. Words can blur under the skin over the years, but larger pictures tend to hold more over years.

I recently got a 3 year tattoo touched up with black ink. How long will it take for the fresh black to blend in with the existing black? Right now it is a tad darker and uneven. It's a week old.

Asked by cat almost 11 years ago

It's hard to give an exact time frame. It's not an instant thing. It took 3 years for your existing tattoo to fade to what it was when the new black was added, so it won't take a week or two for the two to match. 

I have a mixed caramel/brown color skin. In your opinion, should I get black and white tat, or a color tat? What will heal better in the long run?

Asked by Leroy P over 11 years ago

I don't recommend white tattoos for any skin color. Black and grey tattoos tend to show up more on darker skin than color tattoos do, but colored inks such as reds, greens and sometimes blues show up on darker skin.

My friend is a very talented artist and is going to draw my tattoo. Does her drawing have to be to scale? I want my tattoo rather small but she drew it large. How does that work when I bring in her drawing to the tattoo shop? Thanks!

Asked by Kelly over 11 years ago

They can resize it at the tattoo shop.

I'm under 18 and I really want a tattoo but, my parents won't let me get one.
Is there any way I can get one without them being there in the shop while I get one,
if they sign the legal gardian form?

Asked by Gabi almost 11 years ago

Honestly, that's up to the shop. Some shops have the parent come in with the minor, sign the paperwork, and then the parent can leave. But, that's rare, because many shops don't want a minor in there, being tattooed, without their parents.

And, if you are asking if you can take the paperwork home to "get signed by your parents" and then bring it back to the shop, and they will accept it, the answer to that is no. 

Do I need certain college credits to be a tattoo artist? If so, which colleges are a good choice?

Asked by Melodie almost 11 years ago

You don't need a college degree to be a tattoo artist.

I got a tattoo from a woman who owns her own shop who Claimed that she was doing tattoos for over 30 years and it was on my hand and arm well she tore me so bad I have huge holes in my hand and I am in allot of pain is this normal?

Asked by Mary Lou almost 11 years ago

Holes in your hand and in a lot of pain is not normal.

my husband has a new gun..the black ink goes down good, but cant get the colored ink to go down....the well has ink in lays down on the skin, but skin doesn't take it

Asked by karen over 11 years ago

First off, it's not a "gun," it's a machine. Secondly, I'm assuming your husband hasn't been formally trained as a tattoo artist, so therefore, I refuse to help. Thirdly, there's no actual question here. Forthly, tell him to stop tattooing until he is formally apprenticed in a shop.

Can you put the UV ink over the normal tattoo ink without messing up the normal ink??? Or is the UV ink one of those things that's just used to out line the art???

Asked by Tessa over 11 years ago

You can put UV ink where ever, just keep in mind that UV ink only sticks around for maybe a year. And, if it's the colored UV ink, and not the clear, it will look strange on your skin when not under UV light, and can splotch out badly. UV ink is only FDA approved for tagging fish, not for human use.

Hey. sorry for asking another question but would i be able to get a tattoo at the age of 16?

Asked by leo over 11 years ago

Depends on the state you are in, but even if the state tattoos minors, your parent or legal guardian will still have to be there with you and sign a consent form.

My sister has a monroe piercing so I can't get mine pierced as well. Tonight i'm getting a monroe look alike mole as a tattoo. I've drew it on with black eyeliner and it looks good. But, what color do you think I should tell the artist to make it?

Asked by Kristie about 11 years ago

A piercing is not permanent, but tattooing a fake mole on your face is. I'd think twice about the tattooing your face part, and get the piercing. It can be taken out later if you don't want it.

going for session #3 tonight of a big cover up on my back 1st session all outlione was done 2nd the filling in and shading started but after 2hrs It became too much. artist suggested having a shot or 2 ???? what u think

Asked by jake almost 11 years ago


you help me get a cover up idea ?
I got a tattoo on my wrist. Its about 2 & a half inches long & about an inch wide. Its the symbols of taurus almost looks like an 8. My I have ur email so u can see it ill send a picture. Plz?

Asked by luis angel 210 almost 11 years ago


hi ya, just had a tattoo done can u tell me why it looked really good when it was new now that it has heeled looks really bad, the lining now seems to look blotchy and colour faded out.

Asked by jack over 10 years ago


Im almost 15 and I want a tattoo but for my first one I wanted to know if it hurts more to get a lot of little tattoos at a time or one big one. If small little ones would hurt less then I would like small birds on the back of my shoulder. Thank you.

Asked by over 10 years ago


Hello, I received a tattoo a week ago of 2 skulls. My ouine is really dark black and the rest looks already 5 y/o. Is it the ink that is being used or is it the artist. I would like my work to be dark. Is this something to ask the artist at my next a

Asked by Brian over 10 years ago


I received a tattoo last Sunday. 3 part session. So far my outline is way darker than my art work. Is this because of the ink she is using or is it the artist? Please help and suggest what I can do. She is really good but I was just curious. Thank U

Asked by Brian over 10 years ago


Hello! I'm new to this site, and unsure if this question has been asked. How do you go about planning a leg sleeve? What kind of themes are most popular? I already have a dance tattoo on my thigh, so how would I choose a theme to go along with that?

Asked by Lisa over 10 years ago


I want to get " Train As You Will Fight" in Symbols what is it called ?

Asked by kialee over 10 years ago


I have a tattoo that says sexy and Irish inside a banner. Can that be covered up with a different lettering. I want it to say something different.

Asked by Mandi almost 11 years ago


If I get a tattoo then after a while go to the gym and I get bigger, will the tattoo expand with me or will it be the same Size?

Asked by George over 10 years ago


Hey, my name is Raghu. I'm looking for a tattoo to share with my sister. It should represent something with or without my sister mean while it should also tell something about brother and sister relation. Can you suggest me a design?

Asked by Raghu over 10 years ago


If I was to get a tattoo in my thigh would it hurt this would not be my first tattoo but I haven't gotten tatted in 4 years

Asked by Brianna Merrell over 10 years ago


I want a white ink tattoo, but my skin is brown. Is there any way to make the white ink less visible on my skin?

Asked by Geneva over 10 years ago


Hello I was going to get a tattoo on my thigh and I wanted to know will this hurt this will not be my first tattoo but I haven't gotten a tattoo in 4 years

Asked by Brianna Merrell over 10 years ago


hi there,
I just got a tattoo on my wrist n after 5 day its start scabbing but I can see two white spot kind things underneath .is that problem .plz reply

Asked by amit almost 11 years ago


In my new tattoo "towards" was spelt wrong as "torward" can this be fixed??? I am so upset about this!!!

Asked by Knicole over 10 years ago


I had my sister-in-law tattoo my thigh, qualified - of course, it's near on all black, I'd send a photo if I could, but lines are straight etc.. is there anyway to have it fixed? Anything helps!

Asked by Becca over 10 years ago


What is the best way to get an apprenticeship?

Asked by Corin over 10 years ago


would you be willing to sketch me my first tattoo i know what i want and i used to be a great artist but i messed up a tenant in my wrist which makes it real hard for me to do and i wont have the surgery for a year or two to fix it contact me please

Asked by TheIllusion over 10 years ago


I want a tiny pawprint on my wrist but it has a little bit of scar tissue where I want it. How mad will this hurt and roughly how much will it cost/how long will it take?

Asked by kristine over 10 years ago


I want to get a tattoo soon and want it to be meaning full. My mom always sang me twinkle twinkle little star to me and what my tattoo to say something relating to that. Do you have suggestions on what it could say? Any help would be much appreciated

Asked by Katherine over 10 years ago


im 20 what if my hands get big...after getting a tatoo

Asked by kiran over 10 years ago


I want to get a tattoo relating to the song twinkle twinkle little star because my parents always sung it to me as a child. As ideas on a tattoo I could get relating to it besides just stars? Any suggestions would help a ton. Thanks!!

Asked by Katherine over 10 years ago


im 20 i go to gym.....what if my hand gets big after getting a tatoo...

Asked by pranav over 10 years ago


OK so I got a tattoo on my forearm like 5 months ago and it was bruised for two months then the skin around it turned blue and won't go away can you please explain to me why that happened?

Asked by cassie over 10 years ago


can you get tattoo lettering fixed, the r's on my tattoo don't look a lot like r's because the artist did it in fancy joined up writing, like old english calligraphy

Asked by adam over 10 years ago


Can you make tattoo stencil smaller without drawing it smaller? Can a tattoo stencil maker copier make your drawing smaller if you want it to?

Asked by Ken aka Kid-Ink over 10 years ago


Can you make a tattoo stencil smaller without drawing it smaller? Can a tattoo stencil maker copier make the tattoo stencil smaller for you, if you wanted it to?

Asked by Ken aka Kid-Ink over 10 years ago


Do tattoo artists dislike when a person brings in a picture another tattoo artist did (that they found on the internet) to have tattooed on them?

Asked by pwhitten over 10 years ago


I want a tattoo on my butt is it different from getting it anywhere else. Will i be able to sit on it without messing up the ink

Asked by Doran over 10 years ago


I have this tattoo on my chest that I want to add more design to but I have no idea what would look good... Can you look at it and tell me what you think would look good? I just want it to have some design around it or something.

Asked by Jordan over 10 years ago


If you are under 18 are you allowed to get a tattoo on your butt with parental consent?

Asked by rachel almost 11 years ago


I got my tattoo 10 days ago. It was my third tattoo. I cleaned it with Dove 4-5 times a day and applied a small amount of Lubriderm. Some of the letters look fine but some look like there's no ink there. Is this normal? Will the ink reappear

Asked by Chris over 10 years ago


Hi there, I'm hoping to have a specific celebrity sign his autograph on my body(on my back) and the make the autograph permanent by tattoo... Any recommendations to what type of pen to use..?

Asked by Kev Antxustegi over 10 years ago


I'm 5"1' and have been wanting cherry blossom tree on the right side of my torso starting from my pelvis up to my chestst area(covered by branches) how much do you think this can add up to ?

Asked by pamela almost 11 years ago


I want to get a cherry blossom tree on the right side of my bod with roots starting at my pelvis area and some of the branches extending up my chest, its a big tattoo and I want it well detailed an colorful , how much do u think it would add up to???

Asked by pamela almost 11 years ago


hi, the colours in my tatoo seem to have faded quite quickly, after 3 months, why is this, please?

Asked by kp over 10 years ago


Hey I was wondering what would look cool I kind of want to get a tree on my shoulder and my family crest at its roots. Would that be cooler or would it look nicer if the crest is in the trunk?

Asked by Logan over 10 years ago


I am finding it hard to find a tattoo school.. Are they hard to find or am I not searching correctly? I did find one that I liked but it was over 2400 mi away.

Asked by future tattooist over 10 years ago


Just had a cover up tattoo artist has done pic almost as I want but has put lilac on end of rose petals on a dark pink rose when the colours in pic are red dark pink then lighter pink on ends.I'm not happy as it totally changes the look of pic.

Asked by barbie 42 over 10 years ago


I was wondering can I add a background colour on my arm without covering up my tattoos

Asked by Simon over 10 years ago


I was wondering can I add background colour on my arm without covering up my tattoos

Asked by Simon over 10 years ago


You know those tattoos that are two words in one like sinner and saint.... is it possible to do four words and in color? because ive only ever seen them in black and grey

Asked by dave over 10 years ago


Hi my tattoo looks like it blistered but it not I'm I putting to much cream on it

Asked by becky over 10 years ago


Ive been bruised since the first day i got my chest tattoo 3 months ago....What should i do the owner wants to help by coloring over the bruising and then some.

Asked by ari over 10 years ago


Is there a reason why my skin would fight the ink getting into my skin making it difficult for the artist to give me a tattoo?

Asked by Jeremy over 10 years ago


hello, i have a tattoo on the right side of my left hand's ring finger.
and its fading. .
can i recreate it again the same design? so that i'll get the blurred design back in the bold black?

Asked by Apple over 10 years ago


Is there a reason why my skin would fight the ink getting into my skin making it difficult for the artist to give me a good tattoo?

Asked by Jeremy over 10 years ago


i bought a 12 oz bottle of black ink but the its too thin how do i make the ink thicker safely

Asked by wildboy over 10 years ago


Hello i got a tattoo done at the start of this week & I would like to know if I can go back to the shop & start another part of the tattoo as it's nearly heeled?

Asked by Danielle Kelso over 10 years ago


My tattoo artist obviously messed up my tattoo. It is bumpy and what should I do. I already called and they said they never seen anything like that in their life.

Asked by Shanice almost 11 years ago


I can see that watercolor style tattoos can have quite a bit of detail. What is the smallest they can be without compromising the art and fading or turning into a blob as time goes on?

Asked by Carrie over 10 years ago


Hello. I have an old burn scar on full my right arm. I want to tattoo it black Tribal. Do you recommend it? Also, I fear the tattooist cannot make it solid black. How can i ensure he can fill it solid dark black?

Asked by George Sh almost 11 years ago


Thinking of getting my first tattoo. This is my concept, but i want to get ideas from a tattoo artist on alterations/improvements

Asked by Carter over 10 years ago


What does it mean by put Alcohol on skin before you tattoo and what type do i use.

Asked by Nathan over 10 years ago


I was reading the other questions while waiting on an answer for a previous question, and saw the question about disgruntled postal workers. Aren't disabled vets given a higher score based on that? Maybe the disgruntled ones have PTS or something.

Asked by Kathyc2012 over 10 years ago


how much do you think my tattoo will cost

Asked by David K over 10 years ago


my girlfriend got a tattoo 4 hours ago and the artist messed up part of it, is there anyway she can get fixed if she goes back within 24 hours? (besides getting it shaded over with white ink)

Asked by Christopher Pinkston almost 11 years ago


When I'm outlining and the needle kinda gets stuck on the skin... what could be the reason for that to happen?

Asked by Che over 10 years ago


Hi ive been wanting a tattoo since i was 16 I finally had an idea for a tatto I was thinking along something along The Omega sign surronded by 3 wolfs One angry One in the middly howling and one that is scared definition of my self What do you think?

Asked by Gustav over 10 years ago


Hey, Im 18 and want to get a chest piece that curves over my boobs and down my rib cage.. Should I wait till Im older and have kids or can Iget it done..? Im worried that it will stretch and blur as Igrow or have kids.. Whatayou think..?

Asked by Mikki.. over 10 years ago


Hi ive been wanting a tattoo since i was 16 I finally had an idea for a tatto I was thinking along something along The Omega sign surronded by 3 wolfs One angry One in the middly howling and one that is scared definition of my self What do you think?

Asked by Gustav over 10 years ago


I am thinking to get a wild life tattoo like tiger is hunting but I need ideas I want some kinda story :) can you help me with imagination? Thanks

Asked by over 10 years ago



Asked by neha over 10 years ago


I usually get tattooed by one artist, whom I absolutely love. I'm getting two matching pieces by a different artist that I know very well, in a style that he doesn't do. Should I let my regular artist know out of courtesy? I feel like I'm cheating.

Asked by Rocket over 10 years ago


I want to get my wife's initails tattooed on my side but need a good design would you be interested in drawing something up for me her initials are LR

Asked by Feight over 10 years ago


i did a stick n´ poke tattooand I regret about doing it, how can Iremove it. ?

Asked by kathy over 10 years ago


hello im jadeyn and i would love for your help on making a tattoo lol i want my siblings names and parents so something like this brooklynn trinity ronen tammy randy and a design throw it like a wolf or something can you help

Asked by jady over 10 years ago


I was wondering how this would look on a back?

Asked by Emily over 10 years ago


I was wondering if you could think of an idea for a decent smaller sized tattoo. It needs to smoosh together family and firefighting. THANKS! :)

Asked by Tyler over 10 years ago


How much will it be if I was to get lettering of my mother name and a portrait of her on my back and just half of my back. And also a word of r.I.p on my neck. Jist something I can remember her.

Asked by shy over 10 years ago


hi....i have a indian skull with black feather head-dress....could i get the feathers more defined by putting white flicks/strokes in them

Asked by steve over 10 years ago


hi,Can u tell me what ingredients should i use to draw a temporary tattoo with great shadding???i can draw outlines with permenant sherpie markers bt cant shade my tattoo...plz suggest me about the shading process too.Thanx :)

Asked by Ashiq over 10 years ago


I have a tattoo on my arm done in green ink and i was wondering if I get it covered in brown ink would someone be able to still see it

Asked by tasha over 10 years ago


I currently have a tattoo in aqua. I've recently designed a new tattoo with greens and browns, but I can't find any better placement than on my current tattoo, to add detail. Will this work, or should I go back to the drawing board? TY. :-)

Asked by Kyle Keller over 10 years ago


I have a tattoo design I want to change

Asked by Nima over 10 years ago


I have a large fairy tattoo on my back and would love two more but I have been told to much fairies is not good so bit gutted do you think itd to much or should I do it its my back but worried they may be right

Asked by GGreen over 10 years ago


I want to get some simple script on my wrists, but I only want the artist who did my first tattoo to do anything else. Is it an insult to ask him to do something he usually gives his apprentices?

Asked by Squeakins over 10 years ago


does it annoy the artists, or does the client look silly when they bring in a pre-existing tattoo (that someone else has) and says they want that same piece but with a few changes?

Asked by JayKay over 10 years ago


Heya, I now have 7 tattoos (quite big pieces) and have been told in the past that they dont hold well on dark skin. I currently am thinking about a sleeve and was advised to use white ink to make the tattoo 'come to life', any advice?

Asked by Nikkos over 10 years ago


I need to know what is a good idea for a tattoo for my grandpa who is about to pass away!? He loves music I know that for sure and he's a fighter who's just fought to long and now it's time I need ideas please help me

Asked by natilee over 10 years ago


I'm over 18, but don't have an ID with me, can i have a friend sign for me, so i can get it?

Asked by Steven over 10 years ago


I'd like to know if a tattoo I have can be covered up can you help by giving me your opinion?

Asked by Daze over 10 years ago


My daughter has a large chest piece she received about two years ago.Tonight she is panicked as she has green fluid leaking from a nipple.She's positive it's ink. Have you ever heard of this? Thanks for answering.

Asked by Tamara almost 11 years ago


I have a tattoo of Christ about 4 inches by 3 inches on my left bicep. It was done in jail with typewriter ink. Is it easier to cover up or try and have it removed since the ink is inferior.

Asked by aseriousjoker over 10 years ago


I wanted to know what yoyu think of this

Asked by terriblyhandsome over 10 years ago


Where I live, its hard to really talk to a tattoo artist because of their schedule. May I/can I send a photo of my existing tattoo and have you design from it into something more appealing to the eye? Of course I can pay for your design work. Thanks!

Asked by WOLF1969 over 10 years ago


my tattoo is peeling of right now and at some spot where it has cracks I dont see ink under it is this a problem?

Asked by ryan over 10 years ago


I would just like your opinion on my piece that was just done. It's my first one and I don't know anything, will you answer, will it hold, is it done right ex...?

Asked by Trevor over 10 years ago


how much would a 3 1/2 by 15 inches forearm tattoo cost? its all flames that wrap around either blue or regular fire color i know you dont price things i just wanted to get an opinion from someone who knows tattoos please and thank you.

Asked by jon over 10 years ago


Hi I just went an got a tattoo and 2 days later it's pouring out green pus and the whole tat itself is swelled and green and there's no green ink !! Is this just lil infection or big???

Asked by Jessi over 10 years ago


I was wondering if there was a way to combine the eiffel tower infinity symbol and lavender for a small inner wrist tattoo

Asked by amanda almost 11 years ago


I have a tattoo on my back and the letters are too close together and hard to read is there anyway to touch it up and make it look better and easier to read?

Asked by John Henke over 10 years ago


What do you think about white tatto? Im not saying about scarification :)

Asked by Maja over 10 years ago


I want to get a phrase tattooed on me. However, I don't know what size or font. What is the best way to try out sizes and fonts on my body?

Asked by clint over 10 years ago


How would you fix a crooked sentence just under my collarbone stretched all the way to the middle of my chest?

Asked by crooked tattoo over 10 years ago


If a tattoo artist honestly made a mistake and mispelled a tattoo is it fixable by using skin ink? and what is the best way to go about with correcting the customer? they had already finished the tattoo free of charge.

Asked by Ann almost 11 years ago


Hi I have been teaching or trying to teach myself to tattoo. The trouble I'm having is no matter what I do I can't get the ink to stay in everyone loves my tattoos I have done but can't for the life of me get ink to stay in or at times even go in

Asked by April Dixon over 10 years ago


Hello i got a chinese symbol for strength and love outlined on my right wrist. I want to know if i should fill it in or just leave it.

Asked by Lav over 10 years ago


I had gotten a back for arm tat with down lettering ....but the top few letters are curving towards my front arm this supposed to happen or was this bad judgment on the artists behalf

Asked by dana over 10 years ago


Hi! I've been looking at several tattoos online done by several artists and I was wondering if tattoo artists are able to replicate it or not? I know some of them won't but are there some that would?

Asked by curiousjohn over 10 years ago


I have a tattoo of a celtic style cross that has a 3d effect that looks like its in my skin. I am looking to add to it, i'm having a problem bc my artist said I need a pic in foreground. I not sure wt ths means and all my ideas aren't right, help?

Asked by Mblose672 over 10 years ago


Thank you so much for doing this Q&A!
I found some art (not flash) online that I love. The problem is there is a lot of fire...and I don't want cartoony fire. I want realistic fire. Is that even possible? Is it hard to find a tattooist adept at it

Asked by Perfectionist over 10 years ago


How much would this roughly cost. "I drink to remember I smoke to forget some things to be proud of some stuff to forget"

Asked by Alan over 10 years ago


I am currently building a portfolio to become a tattooer. I live in south carolina (upstate). I have an 5 tattoo machines and practice regularly. I have pumpkins, melons, and practice skins. Not looking to be a scratcher. What shop did you go to?

Asked by tpike over 10 years ago


How much would this roughly cost " I drink to remember i smoke to forget some things to be proud of some things to regret "

Asked by Aldo123 over 10 years ago


Why does brown ink turn to blue once under the skin? Is there anything that can fix it?

Asked by Zelma over 10 years ago


I just got a new tattoo, a Lollipop. I wanted it bright and colorful (had taken picture) but it seems very pastel. I mentioned it to the artist and she said it will heal brighter. What's the protocol if it doesn't?

Asked by Mish over 10 years ago


i received as tattoo on my left collar bone. and in the midst o9f getting it in one particular spot i became nauseous and throw up and in that spot it felt totally different. not like a regular pain more like a knuckle rubbing into my muscle. why?

Asked by almost 11 years ago


How do you deal with client erections, or how would you?

Asked by Nash over 10 years ago


If i would just like a tattoo that says my cousins name and roman numerals above it and below it would i have to sketch that out for a tattoo artist

Asked by cw over 10 years ago


I am getting a large tattoo starting at my pelvis and going up the side of my body to about my breast. I have about 50 lbs I want to lose. If I have the tattoo now, will it affect the look after I lose weight or shoulder I wait? Thanks

Asked by Donna over 10 years ago


I got this tattoo yesterday that said "You are my sunshine" and my mom got the rest that says "my only sunshine." After we got home and I had showered, my friend noticed mine said "You are my sushine." I freaked out, called the tattoo place back, he said he'd fix it and he tried by squeezing an "n" in there. Once he did it, it looked like **** and wasn't cursive like the rest, it's all mushed together and much darker than the rest. As soon as he did it I was unsatisfied and went to another shop near my house, the man there then said he knew how to fix it but it'd take awhile. He said I need to mess with the two letters to try to get the ink out, peel it, put too much a&d ointment on, that kinda stuff. And then when it heals I would come back and get it fixed. I just want to know if I should be trying to get the ink out of my tattoo or not. I will not be getting a coverup because this shouldn't be too hard to fix, so what should I do?

Asked by Abby over 10 years ago


I had a tattoo on my forearm, its all black ink. I got it done about 4 months ago. Lately it has been swelling up and itching. But it is only on one side of the tatt, and its the side that gets the most sun. How can I treat it? Is it serious?

Asked by James over 10 years ago


Hello, I just got a half sleeve done that wraps around my arm and also goes to my chest. What program or app can I use to show the full tattoo in one picture? Kind of like what tattoo artists have in their artbook of past projects of sleeves.

Asked by jay over 10 years ago


I want to tattoo my wife's name on my finger how much will it cost me her name as alma

Asked by elvis over 10 years ago


I was just wondering what size a medium size tattoo would be not to huge but like fitting to a upper like shoulder

Asked by Vivian over 10 years ago


I got my first tattoo yesterday and too words in it are put into one word, i.e. "indistance" instead of "in distance". There's a little dot in between them but they still are too close, after the healing period, is there any way I can get it fixed?

Asked by too close for comfort over 10 years ago


If I want a tattoo on my lower ass, how is the artist supposed to position me? Will I have some sort of garment on? lol

Asked by AmyK over 10 years ago


Hi, I'm Dutch/Egyptian and was thinking of getting a tattoo done as a sort of unity.... I was thinking something along the lines of the dutch lion and the gold/yellow eagle that's on the Egyptian flag. would be greatly apprecited!!

Asked by jase over 10 years ago


I want a Tim Burton style cat running along my arm. Do tattoo artists look down on people wanting smaller independent pieces? I don't intend to get a sleeve ever, if I got larger pieces it would be around my back and sides.

Asked by Vivien over 10 years ago


How would you give somebody a tattoo on their ass, like position for the person, so that I don't make it weird, do I offer them clothing

Asked by AmyJ over 10 years ago


can u please make a nice tattoo flash(template just in black and white) of my name please. :)

Asked by aziz over 10 years ago


I have a rather large tribal tattoo that was done over 15 years ago. I want to either cover it up or maybe have it reworked. In need of some inspiration. Do you think a rework could make the tribal tattoo look more feminine? Or laser removal even?

Asked by DV over 10 years ago


I don't know if this question is the right kind of question for this, but I was wondering if there was a way to get the opinion from a tattoo artist on a tattoo that I would like to have covered up or at least somehow fixed? It was messed up from the get-go and its permanent so I couldn't get it fixed, but maybe if I were able to send in a picture to someone and get any ideas on covering it up or fixing it.

Asked by Lindsay over 10 years ago


i have a small moon crescent tattoo on the inside of my ankle. It's not centered its closer to my achilles tendon. it's a simple piece, just the outline, but i want to get it covered up by a mandala. would that work even though it's not centered?

Asked by Claire over 10 years ago


Hi, I have an old black tattoo and now I wonder can it be covered by watercolor tattoo?
Thanks :)

Asked by Elena over 10 years ago


Asked by Jordan over 11 years ago


I let a friend do my tattoo not only did she not finish but its faded and crooked I need help and advice

Asked by leah over 10 years ago


I have a basic idea of the meaning behind my tattoo that Id like to get, I just need to figure out how to express that meaning as words/pictures. Am I able to send you my ideas for you to think about a design? Or is there somewhere I can go for that

Asked by NewGuy over 10 years ago


hello Im from pa. i got my tattoo at rocknwillies and my tattoo has already faded was the ink that they used or it was me horrid by taking care of it to treat it after it was done

Asked by alyssa almost 11 years ago


Can a normal tattoo be 'transformed' in a watercolor tattoo?

Asked by Rafaela Granzotti over 10 years ago


My tattoo came out too black for me is there anything he can do to fix it??

Asked by Pauline over 10 years ago


I have a very small coral reef tattoo with a capital letter R in script or cursive over it. I wanted to see if I ciuld make that R into a lobster or some other cute sea creature. Lol. It's a small tattoo though.

Asked by Megan over 10 years ago


I had love tattooed in my ringer finger well when he finished it looked good I woke the next morning and it looks fatter its this just because of swelling?

Asked by Amy almost 11 years ago


I want to get a plain black circle (all colored in) on my leg and put a series of orange or red circle inside the black circle. I was told it is not possible to put colors over black, it this true?

Asked by Victoria Way over 10 years ago


I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of my grandmothers writing of 'my angel' on the inner side of my wrist and to me it looks incomplete without the year of her birth whats the best way to incorporate the year into my tattoo?

Asked by alexis over 10 years ago


I want to get a tattoo on the inner side of my right wrist of 'my angel' in my grandmothers writing and to me it looks incomplete without the year of her birth. whats the best way to incorporate the year into my tattoo?

Asked by alexis over 10 years ago


I'm designing a tattoo for a friend. He wanted a snake guarding a lock. In the center of the lock it has number letters. One word is cursive as well. It's a 4x4 tattoo design. I'm worried the letters and numbers will bleed. Can it?

Asked by Frances over 10 years ago


What do you think of a full sleeve as my first tattoo? I have learn a lot and have pretty much made up my mind that I want a beauful peace of art not something that "means" something. If I like the artist work. How much freedom is too much freedom?

Asked by Tatiana over 10 years ago


I have 3 tattoos on my arm . 1 on my arm 2nd on bicep and 3 on my tricep what can I add in between to make them come together so it looks formed

Asked by Frank over 10 years ago


Hi! i'm a beginner, i have a question! is doing "Watercolor" type tattoos easier than black outlined?

Asked by Madison over 10 years ago


How would you fix a watercolor tattoo??

Asked by Elahsim over 10 years ago


What does the letters NFT mean if its under a OG letter tattoo

Asked by Ace over 10 years ago


Hey I needsto ask you if you can tell me some reasons why my tattoo ink won't set....I'm fairly good at tattooing and its happened the last 2 times I've done a tattoo....please email me

Asked by chelsie over 10 years ago


My new tattoo looks very bad, all the ink came out and it looks very bad. Its not infected but it looks wet and the colors came off and the black looks horrible.

Asked by ila over 10 years ago


Hi, my new tattoos look horrible. The ink came out and it looks wet. The colors came off and the black ink looks very bad like green and looks old. Please help. Thank you

Asked by ila2 over 10 years ago


Hiya, i want to get a tattoo soon but im fairly young and would like to know what it will look like in 20/30 years. I want it on the ribcage, its gonna be an arrow with prob a circle, but idk if the circle will get an egg-shape over the years?

Asked by Amke over 10 years ago


I have an existing tattoo but do not like it anymore. I would like a nice tribal design to cover it up but dont know what can cover it up

Asked by Sam over 10 years ago


can a black tattoo really be COVERED or does the artist just try to shade over and around it.

Asked by CK over 10 years ago


I decided to get my first (and probably last) tattoo. It's a simple, small design (not tiny, just small) and I'm looking for a visible area (like my wrist) that won't fade too soon or have trouble healing.

Asked by Vanessa over 10 years ago


I was offered an apprenticeship for tattooing but the guy I'm under doesn't seem to want to train me though I want to learn I feel like I should just leave him alone and drop it or ask him about it. He also try's to get a second apprentice under him

Asked by Rose Loviatar over 10 years ago


if i have a biomechanical on my side, will it make sense if i got a maori tribal tattoo as a sleev?

Asked by tatted over 10 years ago


I got a tattoo back in may, it was gorgeous right from the get go. I did everything to the letter the artist told me, now (oct) it's started to look really dry and blotchy. I moisturize, but my portrait looks like a burn victim. What's with that?

Asked by Ashco over 10 years ago


Me and my daughter just got tattoo four days ago.
Of like mother like daughter
In come fine out the tattoo artist misspell daughter, he spell daugther my question is can itget repaired.

Asked by Mad almost 11 years ago


Can I sue someone for useing my drawing as a tattoo to get from another artist if I never gave my permission since the drawing is my property

Asked by froggy over 10 years ago


I want a white feather on top of my left foot. I absolutely do not want any black or color. This is my first tattoo. Thoughts?

Asked by Rebekah over 10 years ago


My daughter and myself just recieved a tattoo four days ago, a like mother like daughter tattoo, i just realized the tattoo artist misspelled dauhter, my question is can this be repaired because it was my daugter first tattoo i want get spelled right

Asked by MsIdidntno43 almost 11 years ago


I am wanting to get a tat of the grim reaper to show how close death has come to me I would like a exploding fire to show behind him to show my burned way I want a strong side but still the hurt of the pain I went through can you help me

Asked by grant shirah over 10 years ago


I have a large singing dove tattoo that I need to transform into a songbird that sings and I want much more detail. how do i go about finding a person to redo my tattoo. none of the artists i have talked to have much confidence in redos

Asked by sarah over 10 years ago


how bad will this tattoo hurt and how long will it take for it to be done????

Asked by connie S. over 10 years ago


Hello! I just had a question about my tattoo I recently got on my collar bone to my shoulder. I have been noticing lately that it looks smeared and dark all around it. I could send you a picture to see what I'm talking about. Thanks

Asked by Cassandra Canaba over 10 years ago


I am trying to find out the correct spelling of tattoed or tattooed

Asked by carrie over 10 years ago


I am trying to find out the correct way to spell tattoed or tattooed

Asked by carrie over 10 years ago


I have a day-old tattoo – a simple, thin circle outline about 3" in diameter. In some spots it looks as if the ink's spread just a couple millimeters outside the line under skin. Is this normal and temporary, or did I just get into blow out trouble?

Asked by Lauren over 10 years ago


I've been trying to get a tattoo on the side of my thigh, but every tattoo artist won't finish the tattoo because "the skin isn't penetrable" No matter how much they stretch it or how high the volts are, the needle won't go in! Why does this happen?

Asked by Mary D. almost 11 years ago


what is the best way to protect my new tattoo from dirt, sweat and my clothes when it comes to sports practice that I cannot avoid?

Asked by Sami over 10 years ago


Melissa G.05/25/2014Edit

hi my name is melissa im 35 and have a problem this summer and for the last 7 summers im looking about info on apprenticing. i have a tat that needs to be fixed badly. i tried getting a friend to fix it because unfortunately

Asked by melissa grijalva almost 11 years ago


I'm considering a collarbone tattoo or a foot tattoo. It's nothing too big, just two lines and a simple two-line cross to the side. Anyway, I am also about 100 lbs overweight, and I was wondering how weight loss would effect either one?

Asked by Cassie over 10 years ago


hi i have a nightmare before christmas scheme on my leg. is it overkill to get a sleeve of it also??

Asked by ameow over 10 years ago


I have this tattoo on my left foot that says live. But the L is bigger than the other letters and there is an unnecessary space between the L and the other letters. Is there a way that I could get it fixed without getting the entire word covered?

Asked by Chicky over 10 years ago


I am getting a hand cover up and he quoted a price so I paid all in advance he has not showed up to two appt without phone call or anything we are not finished yet and I am unhappy with the shop can I ask for my money back or what can I do

Asked by porkchop over 10 years ago


I got a tattoo several years ago. A gray line, or shadow, has appeared 1/4" along side the main piece in a couple spots. I've never had any trauma to the tattoo. Any idea why something would appear years later?

Asked by colin over 10 years ago


I have a snake tattoo that is BRIGHT GREEN. I did not want it to be this color. Can the color be altered, neutralized, or toned down? I don't want to cover it with solid black.

Asked by Smapdi over 10 years ago


Will sunscreen mess up a month old tattoo?

Asked by Shelby over 10 years ago


I have my tattooing licence in texas. But here shortly ill be moving to michigan. An i was wondering if my licence will be legal there or will i have to go through the whole process over again to obtain my licence again?

Asked by william collins over 10 years ago


I got a large tat done on my back of 6 flowers and my artist used a blue background to give it dimension, but he extended the color out so far that it looks like a big blob with no definition. Its pretty, but not what I wanted. Can it be fixed?

Asked by Polkadotbikinee over 10 years ago


I got a white ink tattoo and it turned grayish with a bit of black in some places,,how can I fix it? I don't want to redo it with black ink..i wanna try to fix it in white!!

Asked by R202020 over 10 years ago


Sometimes when I'm tattooing I have to make the needle go through the same surface of the skin in order for the ink to go in what am I doing wrong or could it be my machine ?

Asked by Deron over 10 years ago


I got a quote tattoo going down my side about 2 years ago. Some of the letters look smeared and others too bold. Is it something I can get cleaned up and fixed without get it covered up?

Asked by Nicole over 10 years ago


hello i was wondering if i could email you with some questions i have with my school assignment about being aa tatto artist? i have to interview someone that does tatttoos but here they either are on hollidays or dont deal with people under 18. :)

Asked by meow over 10 years ago


Do tattoo artists get mad/irritated with you if you ask them for a 'word' tattoo? ( I want simple cursive [not script] writing that just says 'Stay Calm') but I'm afraid my artist would be mad at me for picking something so simple as lettering? Thx

Asked by Hey It's Marina! over 10 years ago


very 1st time i made a tattoo on my friend/s hand and i think black spot is coming in his under skin what should i do?

Asked by vinu over 10 years ago


very 1st time i made a tattoo on my friend/s hand and i think black spot is coming in his under skin what should i do?

Asked by vinu over 10 years ago


what if I paid the person to apprentice me and have been doing it for 8 months only to find out they haven't turned my hours in

Asked by apprentice over 10 years ago


Is there a specific name for a tattoo with a picture in a picture for instance a skull with butterflies and flowers in side the skull

Asked by dianna over 10 years ago


Hi,i'm so scared,because i made a tattoo but because i'm still an amature i didnt made it so good i made him a cross but when i applied the traced tattoo on his wrist he moved and it got a little curved and now he is blaming me and everyone hatesme

Asked by jojo almost 11 years ago


i'm so scared because i made a tattoo but when i applied the traced paper to the skin he moved a lot so the tattoo is rubbish now and now he and everyone are blaming me and pointing fingers at me!i'm hiding i don't know what to do??(a cross tattoo)

Asked by jojo almost 11 years ago


I still really like my tattoo, other then the fact that the ink has bled and the lines are much thicker than I wanted. Is there anyway to thin them out? Is it possible to do intricate laser removal and just target certain parts? Or somehow use ink?

Asked by a.m.2014 over 10 years ago


I have a back piece thats old english(braiden) its my sons name i need it fixed and i wanted to add a whole back piece to my back but cant find anything that would look good with my sons name still there any suggeStions and I won't to connect sleeves

Asked by over 10 years ago


I need to fix an old English tat on my back shoulder blade to shoulder blade (braiden) its my sons name but I also want a whole back piece that connects to sleeves I haven't got the sleeves yet though

Asked by over 10 years ago


I messaged you about the back piece and my sons name any idea on what I could get that would look good

Asked by over 10 years ago


my husband is a tattoo artist, he is good at drawing out patterns and actually doing his job. one thing that kind of bothers me is that he only draws other women... he is away on buisness right now and draws what he sees... concern or not?

Asked by 831sanchez over 10 years ago


My artist started a sunset background last night and the blue is teal now 1 day later as and it doesn't look natural. This I am my first tattoo and this teas long color is bugging me.

Is this something than be fixed ?

Asked by Nathan over 10 years ago


My artist started a sunset background behind a Golden Eagle and the blue was teal this morning .the teal is bugging me and I as m not sure how it can be fixed . It doesn't look natural

Asked by Nathan over 10 years ago


I know you aren't supposed to be drink alcohol when you go to get a tattoo. but can you Drink afterwards? I plan on getting a tattoo for my birthday then going to a party afterwards so I was wondering because I don't want to fuck it up.

Asked by Scarlette almost 11 years ago


i have a tattoo of my mother name on my collarbone i want to connect it or add some to it..what could i add

Asked by Erin over 10 years ago


Asked by Harli over 10 years ago


I got my mom's birthday tatted on my right side. I just noticed that in my re-touch the artist messed up the last roman numeral. Compared to the rest the last one looks more bubbled and thicker. What can I do? :(

Asked by Jen almost 11 years ago


i have a tattoo or my mother name on my collarbone..but mow i want to add or connect something to it, what would be a good idea

Asked by Erin over 10 years ago


Does a watercolor tattoo hurt less than a traditional tattoo? Or is it the same no matter the type of tattoo, just where it's placed and colors?

Asked by Harli over 10 years ago


Is tattooing over scars more difficult? And does the tattoo not turn out as well over time?

Asked by Elizabeth over 10 years ago


Is it okay if i get my new tattoo re-done? I got this 4days ago, the original color is black but now its turning into bluish/grayish. HELP.?

Asked by Graceee over 10 years ago


I've had the unfortunate experience of having a tattoo artist do something completely different from what I asked. What are my avenues for redress?

Asked by Silk over 10 years ago


When getting a tattoo on the shoulder (more of the deltoid area) of an animal whould it be better for the animal to be angled or facing forward? Thx in advance

Asked by Israel maleck over 10 years ago


I have quite a large Tattoo and not quite sure where to put it do you think you could help me out since you know where tattoos look good at?

Asked by Jeanna over 10 years ago


I got a tattoo 4 days ago and want to add/change something about it. Can it be done now, or should I wait

Asked by Denise over 10 years ago


Is there a way to cover up only PART of the tattoo?

Asked by PopcornClouds over 10 years ago


I am wanting to do a tattoo apprenticeship, what kind of things should I expect?

Asked by Rebecca over 10 years ago


I've got a curveball for ya. i think my artist is really cool, and I'd like to be her friend. Is it possible to cross the boundary from business to friendship, and how? She owns her own space, so I cant just pop in. Would I just come off as creepy??

Asked by Friend or Faux Pas over 10 years ago


Im a bigger person not too big about 250 but im starting a sleeve and im worried that it will look bad when I lose weight. Will it look distorted or horrible?

Asked by sawyer almost 11 years ago


I got a cover up tattoo from a legiminte tattoo parlor. But, my cover up didn't cover anything up.Now I have a bad tattoo with a poor cover up. Can I sue the artist or the parlor for compensation.(laser surgerys, etc.)

Asked by Cody over 10 years ago


going for 3rd session of a back cover up 3/4 of my back all of outline was done on 1st session and the 2nd session was hard for me to sit still. artist said to have a shot or 2 before coming in to calm me down what do you suggest

Asked by jake almost 11 years ago


How much are portrait tattoos normally ? Like if it was to be on your ribs .

Asked by kendra over 10 years ago