Obstetrician Gynecologist

Obstetrician Gynecologist


Minneapolis, MN

Female, 36

I am a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, providing care for women in all stages of life. Approximately half of my practice consists of pregnancy-related care, including routine prenatal care, high risk obstetrics, and delivering babies at all hours of the day. The other half consists of gynecologic care, which ranges from routine annual check-ups to contraception and menopause. I perform many surgeries, including laparoscopies and hysterectomies.

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118 Questions


Last Answer on July 14, 2017

Best Rated

took low dose aspirin since i was 12 weeks pregnant. today i am 35 weeks and i am thinking about stopping it this week.

Asked by merline almost 12 years ago

Without knowing the details of your medical history and why you are taking the lo dose aspirin, I would encourage you to speak to your provider about this question.

Hi, i am pregnant now. (20 weeks) I using vitamins and there is 1000 mcg of folic acid. It is ok or too much?

Asked by egle almost 11 years ago

400 mcg of folic acid is the recommended dosage in pregnancy unless you have other underlying medical issues such as twins, use of certain anti-seizure medications or history of a baby with a neural tube defect.

I have a friend whose "pregnant" for weeks because she made a 3 POSITIVE pregnancy tests and when "she did the check-up, the doctor said it's negative based on the ultrasound". how do we know if she's really pregnant? thanks!

Asked by clyne almost 12 years ago

An ultrasound is never the confirmatory test for pregnancy. Reasons for a positive pregnancy test with a negative ultrasound can include a very early pregnancy that is too small to detect by ultrasound, an abnormally developing pregnancy (i.e. evolving miscarriage), an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy developing outside the uterus, which can be life threatening) or a rare antibody that causes false positive pregnancy tests. If your friend is unclear about what to do next, she should speak with her doctor immediately. She may need a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and may need to be followed closely by her doctors to rule out anything dangerous.

When you tell people what you do, do you they often start hounding you for free medical advice? Does this irritate you, or does it just come with the territory?

Asked by stephanie almost 12 years ago

I find this is true of most professions- when you meet a lawyer or an electrician or a physical therapist, people liine up with questions. It's pretty common and not a big deal at all. Actually, most people have their own ObGyn already, and find the topic too personal to discuss in a social situation.

Is it ok to take the flu shot if you're pregnant?

Asked by Mel over 11 years ago

Yes, not only is it safe, but it is advisable and recommended to receive a flu shot while pregnant.

can my husband know that i was sexually active before marriage by seeing my vagina ? When I spreads my legs my vagina opens up( my outer lips spreads out). is this happen with all girls even virgin girls or just with girls who had sex ?

Asked by mamta over 11 years ago

It is unlikely that your partner would be able to tell if you have had intercourse before. There are subtle signs, but they are subtle. If you have specific questions, I would ask your provider to examine you.

I happened to find a lot of video tutorials on how to remove the IUD for one self insinuating how simple it is vs. the bill you will pay to be professionally removed/did you ever get a case that attempted to do that and caused a certain damage?

Asked by Stan over 11 years ago

I would strongly advise you to have a provider remove the IUD. There can be complications related to the procedure. Only someone trained in IUD insertion and removal, as well as someone who can manage any possible complications, should perform this procedure.