Obstetrician Gynecologist

Obstetrician Gynecologist


Minneapolis, MN

Female, 36

I am a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, providing care for women in all stages of life. Approximately half of my practice consists of pregnancy-related care, including routine prenatal care, high risk obstetrics, and delivering babies at all hours of the day. The other half consists of gynecologic care, which ranges from routine annual check-ups to contraception and menopause. I perform many surgeries, including laparoscopies and hysterectomies.

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118 Questions


Last Answer on July 14, 2017

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Can you help me find a gynecologist, I am hiv positive and my gynecologist passed me to someone else who keeps cancelling my appointment.

Asked by choosing life over 11 years ago

I'm not sure where you live, but I would start by talking to your infectious disease specialists for any good referrals. You should also check the website of any major local university hospital systems, as they may have gynecologists who specialize in patients with HIV. Another good source is the American College of OBGYN website physician finder: http://www.acog.org/About_ACOG/Find_an_Ob-Gyn

I am a 27 year old female and I have been on and off of hormonal birth control (pill, patch, shot) for 13 years. Will this affect my future ability to conceive?

Asked by Tina over 11 years ago

Hormonal contraceptives are not associated with long-term infertility. However, when you are ready, if you are the type of person who likes to plan ahead, you should probably plan to be off of your contraception for at least 3 months before you attempt to conceive. Sometimes it takes a few months for the body to resume natural cycles. With the shot (depo provera), it can take up to a year for the body to resume regular cycles. 

Hi, I am 37 years old expecting my second child. In week 16 I was told that baby is a boy and in weeks 22 and 26 it seemed to be a girl. My test results in week 18 was as follows: hCG:1.44, AFP:1.0. Could you please help me to know my baby's gender?

Asked by SS over 11 years ago

A baby's gender cannot be identified by HCG and AFP results. The only tests that can identify a baby's gender at this time are ultrasound, amniocentesis, CVS, or a test for fetal free DNA. Unfortunately, I am not able to interpret a baby's gender based on the information you have given me.

I was prescribed amoxicillain ,and i think i might be pregnant ,is it dangerous to take it?

Asked by Mel almost 11 years ago

I recommend you discuss any medication concerns with your physican.

If I had sex with a girl in late septemember. Is it possible for a mid july baby to be mine?

Asked by 789 over 11 years ago

The only way to be certain would be to perform paternity testing after the baby is born.

What is the cost of Mirena IUD removal for somebody with no health insurance? How long does the procedure take?

Asked by Amanda almost 11 years ago

The cost of an IUD removal will vary between different offices, but costs approximately $200. It should only take a few minutes and is much less painful than an IUD insertion. Very rarely, the IUD strings are not visible, and the procedure may be more uncomfortable or invasive.

I was recently informed by my endocrinologist that my testosterone level is high- it is 70. My A1C is slightly high. I asked if this would affect my ability to get pregnant in the future, and he said yes. Is this true? Could you guess a percentage??

Asked by rh24 almost 12 years ago

This is a difficult question to answer, because it depends on many variables. A high A1C may be indicative of either diabetes, or even a "pre-diabetes" state. If you are able to control this through diet or medications, your chance of successfully conceiving will be much higher. With a slightly high testosterone and A1C, it is likely that you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which can put you at risk for many other medical problems such as diabetes and heart disease. It is important that you try to make lifestyle changes to improve your numbers- healthy diet, exercise and weight loss (if you are overweight) will be important. In the end, the biggest determining factor as to whether you will be able to conceive is whether or not you are ovulating. You can determine this by tracking your cycles carefully, paying attention to certain subtle signs, taking your basal body temperatures daily or by using an ovulation predictor kit. If you are ovulating regularly, then there is a good chance that you will be able to conceive without assistance. If you are not ovulating, then you will likely need assistance with either a medication that will induce ovulation (clomid), or a medication that will help control "pre-diabetes" (metformin).