Obstetrician Gynecologist

Obstetrician Gynecologist


Minneapolis, MN

Female, 36

I am a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, providing care for women in all stages of life. Approximately half of my practice consists of pregnancy-related care, including routine prenatal care, high risk obstetrics, and delivering babies at all hours of the day. The other half consists of gynecologic care, which ranges from routine annual check-ups to contraception and menopause. I perform many surgeries, including laparoscopies and hysterectomies.

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118 Questions


Last Answer on July 14, 2017

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Is it true that a cesarian is safer for the child if the mother has herpes? Could the child still get infected ?

Asked by IB almost 12 years ago

When a mother has an active herpes outbreak or symptoms suggestive of an upcoming outbreak, then cesarean section is the preferred method of delivery to avoid transmission to the baby. The baby can still be infected if he or she has contact with the active sores, however cesarean section will reduce the number of cases by about 6 fold. Herpes infections in newborns can be very serious and potentially life threatening, so a cesarean section is a very valuable treatment option to prevent passing the infection on to the baby.

My first day of my last period was on the 1 May 2013 and when I went to visit an obstertrician he gave me a date of 05 feb 2014 but I recently saw other two and gave me 21 Jan 2014. How is that possible?

Asked by Khanyi over 11 years ago

Typically, if a due date is changed, it is because an early ultrasound showed that the baby is not measuring the proper size for the original due date. The last menstrual period is usually the most accurate way to date a pregnancy unless you have irregular periods or bleeding after conception that may be mistaken for a period. In those situations, an early ultrasound may be a more accurate way to calculate the due date.

Can it be possible that a baby was born oct. 04, 2010. Is made dec. 13,2009.... because after that day the next time i go to bed with a man is dec 30? Can you tell me if who was his father,, the 1st or the 2nd? He looked almost the same the 1st man

Asked by hopeful over 10 years ago

I don't have enough information to answer your question. You may be interested in paternity testing, which you could discuss with your pediatrician.

Are the following possible early pregnancy symptoms: Sudden tiredness/drowsiness. Lower back ache. White odorless creamy discharge. Weight gain. Emotional changes. All this a week before my period is due!

Asked by mtrip over 9 years ago

Unfortunately, symptoms of early pregnancy are often very similar to symptoms of PMS. The only way to differentiate is to be patient and wait for a missed period so that you can take a home pregnancy test. Typically, however, early pregnancy symptoms do not begin before the first missed period.

As a Gynecologist, you must sometimes see things that aren't "right", and later have the heartbreak of finding out the suspicious lump was indeed cancer. Are you the one who has to give the news, and how do you cope with being the bearer of bad news?

Asked by Mary W about 12 years ago

When a new lump is detected, it is natural that everyone's greatest fear is cancer. Most of the time, routine testing can reassure us that the lump is benign. Rarely, testing comes back with a diagnosis of cancer. As an Ob/Gyn, the types of cancer I might diagnose would include uterine, cervical, ovarian, breast and thyroid. When breaking this type of news to a patient, it is, indeed, heartbreaking. However, I find that being direct and honest, as well as empathetic, is always the best policy. I try to have information available for referrals to specialists who will treat the disease, and I do my best to get the patient in as soon as possible to see the specialist. I encourage patients not to spend time on the computer reading both information and misinformation that is available online, but rather to wait until they are face to face with the specialist. I always try to find a way to have a positive outlook when they leave my office, and try to encourage them to do the same.

I am 19 y/o and I was molested as a child.I have never told anyone.The past few years I have experienced several panic attacks, I have never felt any pleasure during sex and my whole body trembled when im at the gyno.Should I talk to my gyno about it

Asked by rachel about 11 years ago

Absolutely, you should speak to your gynecologist about this. You have carried a very painful and traumatizing secret with you, and it clearly has had a deep effect on your sexual life. You need to find a good therapist who specializes in sexual disorders. I strongly encourage you to reach out for help. This can be a very challenging condition to treat, but with the right providers, you can really take big steps towards a recovery. You deserve the chance to heal, so please reach out for help from your gynecologist, internist, insurance provider or anyone you trust!

when would a baby due on july 17 have been conceived?

Asked by Seminole over 11 years ago

Assuming the person has 28 day cycles with ovulation occurring on day 14, the estimated day of conception would be October 24.