Obstetrician Gynecologist

Obstetrician Gynecologist


Minneapolis, MN

Female, 36

I am a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, providing care for women in all stages of life. Approximately half of my practice consists of pregnancy-related care, including routine prenatal care, high risk obstetrics, and delivering babies at all hours of the day. The other half consists of gynecologic care, which ranges from routine annual check-ups to contraception and menopause. I perform many surgeries, including laparoscopies and hysterectomies.

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118 Questions


Last Answer on July 14, 2017

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How do you feel about VBAC's? My first baby was (despite my best efforts) a c-section because he presented face up. I really want an all natural birth next. What are my chances?

Asked by Jakesmom about 12 years ago

The cesarean section rate is at an all time high right now, and while cesarean section is usually a very safe surgery, there are risks to performing any major surgery. Having a vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) is one way to reduce the cesarean section rate. Benefits to having a VBAC include less bleeding, a shorter and less painful recovery, and lower overall cost. However VBACs also come with significant risk. The uterine scar, through which the baby was delivered at the time of cesarean section, may be weak, and may not tolerate the stress of repetitive uterine contractions. If this is the case, the scar could open up, or rupture. Although rare, uterine rupture can potentially result in hemorrhage, loss of blood flow to the fetus, and ultimately fetal and/or maternal death. When we discuss the possibility of VBAC, we want to make sure that the patient is a good candidate for a successful VBAC- we aren't willing to take this risk unless there is a high likelihood of success. Therefore, patients who had their cesarean sections performed for poor labor progression or because the size of her pelvis was too small for the baby to pass through may not be ideal candidates. If you are considering VBAC, you need to have a discussion with your physician to see if you are a good candidate. If you decide to attempt VBAC, you will be monitored very closely during your labor, and if anything out of the norm occurs, your doctor will likely recommend a cesarean section. It's very important that you understand that at any time during the labor, if there are worrisome signs for uterine rupture or the baby not tolerating contractions, you will likely undergo a cesarean section.

Do you think the ratio of OBGYNs who are pro-life vs. pro-choice is significantly different than in the general population and if so, in which direction?

Asked by David J over 11 years ago

I believe the ratio is probably similar to the general population. Whether we consider them to be ethical, religious or personal beliefs, we all come into this profession with our own beliefs, and one's area of medical expertise doesn't tend to change those. 

Has being an OBGYN affected your own beliefs about when "life" begins? Or swayed your opinions one way or the other on the abortion debate?

Asked by andrea_85 about 12 years ago

Without becoming too political with this question, I'll simply say no. My responsibility to my patients is to provide them with counseling and the resources available to them when faced with a difficult decision about continuing or terminating a pregnancy. I always support my patients in their decisions. For every pregnant patient, I present the options for genetic screening available. Some people choose to be tested because they are looking for peace of mind, others choose to be tested because they would prefer to be prepared in the event that they are having a child with special needs. Others choose to be tested because they would terminate the pregnancy if there was an abnormality. All are valid options, and I want my patients to feel empowered to make their own decisions based on the education I provide and based on their own personal beliefs.

Are most C-sections planned ahead of time, or are they usually a last-minute decision after unsuccessful attempts at natural delivery?

Asked by not a doc about 12 years ago

Approximately half of c-sections are scheduled, mainly for indictions such as a previous cesarean section or breech presentation. The other half consist of unscheduled cesarean sections, for protracted labor, fetal intolerance to labor (fetal distress) or other unpredictable circumstances. So much about labor and delivery is unpredictable, and therefore the mode of delivery is often decided upon after a trial of labor that can last for minutes to hours to days. Because there is often an emergent nature to cesarean sections, I am very thankful for the advances in modern medicine that allow us to perform these lifesaving procedures immediately and safely.

Why do some doctors work these crazy 24 or 36-hour shifts? Doesn't their judgment get impaired from the exhaustion?

Asked by ay caramba about 12 years ago

During my training, I often worked for 48 hour shifts without sleep between, only to return 12 hours later for another shift. This was the traditional way of training residents. Nowadays, there a strict rules in place that limit the number of hours one can work at a time. In real practice however, we continue to work 24-36 hour shifts simply because we don't have the person-power to take shorter shifts. In addition, in our field, there is a need to keep continuity of care- we prefer to follow a patient in labor through delivery, and shorter shifts would mean more frequent turnovers in patient care. If I feel I am ever overtired or impaired, I would certainly call on my colleagues for help.

How harmful is drinking during pregnancy, and at what stage is it most harmful to the fetus?

Asked by emiliaK about 12 years ago

The studies on alcohol consumption in pregnancy are unequivocal- drinking alcohol while pregnant can result in many complications ranging from birth defects to growth restriction, mental retardation and stillbirth. There is a clear dose response relationship between alcohol and poor outcomes, which means that as higher quantities of alcohol are consumed, the risk of complications is higher. However, because every individual metabolizes alcohol differently, there is no "safe" amount of alcohol that can be consumed in pregnancy. Bottom line, I recommend abstaining from all alcohol while pregnant. The critical developmental period for vital organs (such as the brain) occurs in the first trimester. Therefore, it makes sense that most of the birth defects are related to drinking in the early part of pregnancy. However, drinking later in pregnancy can result in cognitive and developmental delays. Of course, if there is a special occasion or celebration, I tell my patients it's acceptable to have a rare glass of wine. But my overwhelming opinion is that drinking in pregnancy should be avoided- why take the risk?

Do you think it's a bad idea for people to only use midwives (and no doctors) during childbirth?

Asked by Belzy about 12 years ago

Trained midwives are skilled clinicians who are fully capable of providing care throughout an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. I have worked with some outstanding midwives, and I do think they can offer a different approach to pregnancies for patients who desire a more non-interventional approach. When choosing a midwife, be sure that he or she is a Certified Nurse Midwife (in some cultures, the term 'midwife' is applied to a lay person who participates in deliveries but who may not have official training and certification). I would always be sure that your midwife has an affiliation with a physician who will provide emergency coverage in the event that things do not go as expected. For a healthy woman without any major complications during the pregnancy, labor and delivery, a midwife is absolutely capable of providing prenatal care, performing deliveries, and caring for you in your postpartum period. If there are concerns for preterm labor, gestational diabetes, hypertension, multiple gestation or other complicating factors, I would recommend consulting with, and perhaps transferring care to, a physician. Finally, I would always recommend delivering your baby in a hospital or birthing center affiliated with a hospital. I do not support the concept of home births with a midwife.