Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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If my roomate is a convicted felon (Broward County) and I have guns in the home, will this be an issue for him as I heard it is a third degree felony for a convicted felon to live in a home where fire arms are present

Asked by Concerned Citizen almost 11 years ago

You need to contact an attorney for clarification.  If he has access to them, and since you know he is a felon, then -you- could be exposed to criminal liability.

Thanks for taking the time to help me out sir. Is there a specific subject I should be majoring in? I noticed in earlier questions you regarded a criminal justice degree as being pretty much useless.

Asked by Chris over 11 years ago

I'm no life coach :) but in my opinion, anything that teaches marketable skills and not merely theories.  For example, I love history, but unless there is a specific niche I can move into, its a degree that won't pay the bills.

Business degrees are good - especially if they have any type of entrepreneurial program.  Anything related to vets or medical skills, computer/IT/coding degrees, agriculture programs all would be great in my opinion.  Two other areas of study that would be excellent and apply to nearly any industry are communications and language studies.

Consider what kind of law enforcement you are interested in (city cop, game and wildlife officer, marine patrol, FBI, etc.) and your personal interests.  Then see if there is a program that you can get into that is interesting to you, will provide you with marketable skills outside of law enforcement, and might help with a law enforcement career. 

For example, foreign language studies will help in almost all areas of law enforcement.  Accounting might help with federal law enforcement (FBI, IRS, etc.).  Agricultural sciences could help with Dept of Natural Resources/Wildlife officers.

I hope this helps.  Ultimately, find something that works for you and go for it.

My ex boyfriend is harrassing me about my son. He keeps wanting DNA done but my son has already had it done and of course he doesn't believe me. What do I do? Do I have to go to court over this?

Asked by My ex boyfriend is harrassing over 11 years ago

I'm unclear on your situation, and it is a civil matter regardless.  Your best bet is to contact a family law attorney and talk to him or her.

He will likely have to initiate court proceedings if he wants to obtain parental rights of a child born out of wedlock.  On the other hand, if you are trying to obtain child support from him, you would likely need to start court proceedings.

None of this is legal advice, and you should really contact a family law attorney.

My older sister got into a car accident minor fender bender while driving my moms car . She gave the officer my mothers info cuase her DL is suspendended. She then got a ticket n my moms name for not hving an interloock device. How can she fix it now

Asked by Sissy almost 12 years ago

Your sister needs a criminal defense attorney.  It sounds like she has committed at least two crimes, and once discovered, she will likely be arrested for them.  An attorney can help her navigate through the system and get things corrected before they get any worse.

Do police officers usually have a time limit to how long they can be "out of service"? What exactly does that mean?

Asked by Ryan about 11 years ago

Out of service means different things to different agencies.  Do you mean off duty?  On break?  On a call?  If you are referring to a break, then yes - a department will likely have some type of policy on that.  Each department will be different.

Hello, my brother whom I live with in our dads house owes me money for helping him at work he is not willing to pay me and I have taken his computer screen he thinks its sold but its in my room can he report me for stealing and selling stolen goods?

Asked by Ashley over 11 years ago

Yes, you could be charged with theft. 

If he owes you money, it is likely a civil situation, not criminal.  Regardless, one wrong will not justify another.

If someone gets access to YOUR pictures and threatens to post them everywhere online, and blackmails you that way, could they be arrested?

Asked by Allyson over 11 years ago

Blackmail is illegal, regardless of who the victim is.  State laws vary on what constitutes blackmail.  

Depending on the nature of the photos and how someone came into their possession there could be other criminal activity.  For example, did someone hack into your computer and steal data (illegal) or photograph you in a public location (legal)?