Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.
I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.
Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.
If a police officer can develop reasonable, articulable suspicion that you are involved in criminal activity, you can be detained. You are not free to leave in this case.
Any police officer can walk up and start talking to you, including asking for ID, without any articulable suspicion. However, you are free to leave in this circumstance.
If you want to leave, and don't know if you are able to, politely ask the officer if you may leave. He or she will let you know.
Many 911 centers have call takers who answer the phones. They enter information into a computer (often called a call screen because it shows information about all of the active calls for service).
A dispatcher pulls the information from the call screen and relays it to the patrol officers. This can be done via computer (many agencies use computer aided dispatching), by voice transmission on the radio, or through a combination of both.
As the call taker gets more information, the call screen is updated in real time.
Depending on the size of the agency, call takers and dispatchers may be separate positions or all of the communication staff may be cross-trained and do all of the jobs. At a small department, only one or two people may be on duty and have to do all of the call taking and dispatching. Other departments may employ dozens or even hundreds of communications employees.
Off duty officers are rarely contacted. In those cases it is typically because of manpower shortages and/or emergencies. For example, a hostage situation requires the presence of a large number of officers, so off-duty officers could be called in to assist with normal patrol calls. This tends to be uncommon at most departments.
One of the functions of a police officer is to enforce traffic laws. So, while on patrol I would be looking for both criminal and traffic vioations. Since most criminals use a vehicle in some way (to get to a crime, to flee a crime, to move stolen property, etc.), making traffic stops will frequently result in the discovery of criminal activity.
I have made major felony cases by stopping people for relatively minor traffic infractions. Folks like Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy and others have all been located on traffic stops. I can't tell you how many terrorists, murderers, rapists and others have been arrested after a seemingly small traffic violation.
I don't know why they are withholding information. It is very possible that it is an open investigation and exempt from open records laws.
Hotel Front Desk Agent
Special Education Teacher
Zookeeper and Animal Trainer
It varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. There are no rules, and I doubt anyone can make any accurate generalizations.
Unlikely. It would indicate to me that the person overspent on education and might be a poor steward of the department budget.
First question - Absolutely. There are no prohibitions or requirements for any specific religion or absense thereof to be a police officer. Of course, any religious biases that prevent you from impartially and effectively enforcing the laws of your state should prevent you from pursuing a career in law enforcement. For example, if you believe sharia law trumps the laws of your state, you have no place in police work.
Second question - I sure hope rules are not changed to allow police officers to wear a hijab. Police officers are required to wear uniforms, and that means a standard way of dressing. Clothing visibly worn for religious purposes should not be part of a police officer's uniform. A law enforcement officer is expected to impartially enforce the law for all citizens, and when there is an obvious bias it undermines the public's trust in the officer and agency.
If you believe you should be able to wear a hijab at work, then law enforcement is not the job for you.
Keep in mind that the nature of law enforcement does not allow you to regularly take off holy days. This is the same for Christians have to work Easter, and Jews who work on Yom Kippur.
Faith is very important, and if your faith will cause you conflict in a law enforcement career, you might want to consider an alternative job path.
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