


16 Years Experience

Marlboro, NJ

Male, 40

I've been an audiologist for 16 years. I work with all types of patients, focusing on balance disorders, tinnitus, and hearing aids. As I have worked in an Ear, Nose, Throat setting much of my career, I am also exposed to much of the medical side of audiology. ASK ME ANYTHING about being an audiologist.

DISCLAIMER: If you feel that you have a hearing or balance issue, please be sure to see your local ENT or audiologist. This Q&A is not designed to treat or diagnose your problems.

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80 Questions


Last Answer on March 21, 2020

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can ringing in ears be stopped

Asked by SUPERJ over 10 years ago

Alas, in most cases, the answer is no.  With the exception of a medically based tinnitus (sound in ears) that is structurally based, there is no cure for tinnitus.  90% of those who have tinnitus simply "just live with it".   Those who cannot often will benefit from tinnitus therapy.  Therapy may include the usage of a hearing aid, a device that masks tinnitus, change in diet, change in medications, accupuncture, etc.  These are not guaranteeds to work.  But again, they are TREATMENTS, not cures.

What software do you currently use to run your business and what do you like/dislike about it?

Asked by cindy about 10 years ago

I am not sure of your question, but I will answer in a few different ways.  I am currently part of an ENT practice and utilize its software for my patient database.  I personally do not like it, thus will not recommend it on here.  As for other software, audiologists utiliize a program called NOAH for hearing aid programming.  This is a database gateway that is pretty universal...we don't really know of any other.  Each manufacturer has its own programming software as well.  Some are more user friendly than others.  I own a computer based audiology system by a brand called Interacoustics.  It's not that user friendly, but once you get the hang of it, it's great to run.  For my balance testing, I utilize Micromedical software.  It's simple and easy to run.

My friend says she has tiny audio wire implants to help her hear better and communicate back and forth...How do they work and how do they do that with-out batteries? How does a person get one for them selves so they can hear better?

Asked by inner wire auddio implants about 10 years ago

I am not sure what you are referring to.  Please clarify, especially if you have a website.

If you have a client who is is non-verbal due to cerebrovascular accident how might she respond to air-conduction testing pure tone stimuli? What about her speech stimuli ? How would you perform an SRT ?

Asked by over 9 years ago

You may utilize alternate forms of response. Generally, if the person is verbal but has good receptive language, you can utilize button pressing for pure tones. If they are cognitively incapable, you may utilize child methods, such as play audiometry or visual reinforcement. Instead of an SRT, you may utilize an SDT, Speech detection threshold. This would be a cross check to pure tones. As for speech stimuli, there are also picture boards that the patient may be able to point to. More than one way to skin a cat!

Had sudden hearing loss. Went to ENT. Prescribed Prednisone 15 days. Made it 3. Never took again. Kick started Dianetes type II. Worsened hearing. 7 audigy tests in <1 yr. Tested for CAPD. Not CAPD. Changed headsets multiple times at work. Now what??

Asked by Robert Shields over 7 years ago

While this page is not used to diagnose, I am a little confused about the story as written. If you have sudden loss, there is a specific time frame to improve your hearing via steroids. If steroids were not successful, your hearing may be your hearing. However, you claim that your hearing has worsened. Most certainly go to another ENT, have a CT scan, blood work, etc.. As I always say, there has to be a reason why something is happening. I don't understand the relevance of the headsets to your story.

Hi there,

Is it alright to wear a hearing aid during skydiving? Or will that cause damage to the hearing aid?

Thank you!

Asked by Neel about 10 years ago

I was just at a hearing aid manufacturer's plant and asked this question. They are actually researching it.

Which direction should I look in?
No one is willing to diagnose me, I need some help for WHAT I should be seeking a diagnosis for even at this point... :(

Asked by Robert Shields over 7 years ago

I don't know where you are, but most certainly, if this is a concern for you. please visit a higher level Neurotologist. They are a subspecialist ENT who is focused on the ear and internal structures.