


16 Years Experience

Marlboro, NJ

Male, 40

I've been an audiologist for 16 years. I work with all types of patients, focusing on balance disorders, tinnitus, and hearing aids. As I have worked in an Ear, Nose, Throat setting much of my career, I am also exposed to much of the medical side of audiology. ASK ME ANYTHING about being an audiologist.

DISCLAIMER: If you feel that you have a hearing or balance issue, please be sure to see your local ENT or audiologist. This Q&A is not designed to treat or diagnose your problems.

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82 Questions


Last Answer on March 21, 2020

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Do you think "sonic weapons" ( are the future of high-tech warfare?

Asked by Pablo over 12 years ago

I can see the benefit from sonic weapons, however, an audiologist is probably not going to be on the top of the list for people asked about its benefits. Military is working on recovery for sudden hearing loss, so eventually, maybe sonic weapons won't be as effective down the line. Just a guess.

Why does it seem like people with hearing aids still can't hear worth a damn? Do these things work??

Asked by Harumph over 12 years ago

The million dollar question. This cannot be answered in a couple of sentences or even a paragraph. Much goes into whether a hearing aid is effective. A few factors include: 1) the patient's hearing loss and ability to discriminate speech. People with poor speech discrimination will have difficulty understanding with or without hearing aids. As inner hair cells of the ear die, they cannot be recovered. Thus, presenting loud sound may not be enough to make things "clear". Certain newer technologies combat this. 2) the product that a patient gets. Unfortunately, people will value money over performance all too often with hearing aids, and they pay for it in the end. The hearing aids purchased must fit a person's lifestyle. By lifestyle, I mean social lifestyle. A homebody will require a much less sophisticated hearing aid than someone who is social and active. This does result in a different price point, often significant. Yet some will buckle over the price. Other issues include the cosmetic component. Many "smaller" or "invisible" hearing aids have limitations, such as fewer directional microphones, shorter battery lives, or simply less power output. Getting a small hearing aid is not always appropriate given certain types of loss. 3) Education. This is the most important part of the process. Yes, hearing aids work, as many audiologists can attest. Yet the patient needs to truly understand that hearing aids are part of a rehabilitation process. Simply putting on hearing aids does not "make it all better". As the ears are learning to re-hear, many patients will indicate that things are loud or annoying, etc.. Having the hearing aids turned down or lowered for comfort prematurely will often result in poorer speech audibility and understanding. A good audiologist should indicate to the patient that things will be very different with hearing aids, but not perfect. While designed for speech intelligibility, hearing aids cannot choose specifically what a person wants to hear. They cannot "get rid of" all background noise. They cannot overcome massive amounts of background noise. They need to be worn all of the time to experience benefit. They need to wear two if appropriate. They need to be cleaned regularly. But the bottom line is that for hearing aids to be successful, you need three things. 1) A willing and understanding patient, 2) a good audiologist to help facilitate and assist in the rehabilitation process, and 3) the right pair of hearing aids to fit the patient's loss appropriately.

LOVE Mac's earplugs! Guess I'm in good company :) As a follow up, do you think customized ear plugs are worth the money? I've seen them run $100+, wondering if I should look into them.

Asked by MsMurphy28 over 12 years ago

It depends upon what you are using them for. I have many patients who are professional or amateur musicians who do find extreme benefit with custom ear plugs. Many of them enjoy the interchangeable filters, offering different levels of protection depending upon what activity they may be engaged in. As someone with custom plugs, I do notice the difference. The firm seal of custom molds gives the user confidence that sound will not leak in. They also won't fall out.

Is it true that you can seriously damage your hearing by going to just one loud concert?

Asked by headbangersballs almost 12 years ago

Generally, the answer is no. However, each time you go to a concert, cilia (receptor hair cells) do get damaged. If you were to have a hearing test prior to the concert and after, the odds of a hearing loss appearing are small. There are plenty of instances where a loud concert can cause permanent hearing loss, just like any other form of traumatic event to your ears (i.e. explosions, head injuries, etc). To avoid this, be sure to wear hearing protection to concerts. I'm a huge hard rock fan; I rarely feel my experience is hindered due to wearing "plugs".

What brand of earplugs do you recommend?

Asked by MsMurphy28 over 12 years ago

I used to use Mac's Ear Plugs. Simple and inexpensive. However, please be sure to follow instructions on how to insert them. Many people will try to place them deep into the ear canal; this is not appropriate and can be dangerous.

If balance is something that relies on the innerworkings of our ears, can an audiologist help someone improve their balance?

Asked by klutztownUSA over 12 years ago

Some audiologists specialize in balance disorders and treatment. However, please be sure to have an evaluation of your balance system first. Go to an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist that has an audiologist who performs vestibular testing (not all do). Depending on the findings and case history, results may indicate that vestibular rehabilitation (balance therapy) is beneficial. There are specialized audiologists (as noted above), but more commonly, specialized physical therapists who can create programs to improve one's balance.

Is it true that most soldiers come back from war with hearing impairments? Is there anything the Army should be doing better, or is that simply what happens when you're so close to that much gunfire?

Asked by Bill over 12 years ago

While I do not know the specifics, I do believe that soldiers are monitored by their local VA's to monitor their hearing. I am aware that research is being performed to address sudden onset hearing loss via a pill. However, I am sure, as with any occupation using firearms, there are risks of hearing loss. I have often been told by military and police, etc., that wearing hearing protection is not realistic given that they must respond to commands and orders in the field. So I guess that this is what happens. This article pretty much sums it up:

I practically live with my iPod earbuds in my ears. Are earbuds dangerous for my ears, and if so, is there a different type of headphones you'd recommend?

Asked by tunezy over 12 years ago

Many people believed at one point that IPOD earbuds were dangerous. Further research does refute this. You would essentially have to wear your earbuds for 8 hours a day or more at 80% or more volume almost every day for there to be any effect on your hearing. Additionally, Apple combat this by reducing the volume of later generation IPODs. Personally, I would recommend any earbuds or headphones that allow for a good seal in the ear. If background noises are not audible and the volume of the device is not too high, then you have a good pair.

What makes someone decide to go the "ear route" when choosing a specialty? Guess I could ask the same of proctologists lol.

Asked by Allen over 12 years ago

A long and strange road for me. Most don't even know what audiology is unless they or a family member has some sort of hearing loss or balance problem. A study was done years ago, whereas lawyers, doctors, and audiologists were asked at what age they decided to become a lawyer, etc. Doctors and lawyers were something like 6-8 years old, audiologist 21. I wanted to get into health care and wanted to specialize in something. I thought of becoming a dentist, optometrist, etc., but I'm not going to bore you with details. Just turned out that after learning about the ears, it became interesting and exciting...and here I am.

My 3 1/2 year old saw the audiologist today. She has hearing loss in her right ear and slightly in her left. Fluid in both. Only 1 ear infection. Will the hearing loss be permanent?

Asked by Joyce almost 12 years ago

Most likely, no. However, I urge you to follow-up with the audiologist and/or an ENT within one month to ensure that the fluid has resolved. Once the fluid resolves, your daughter should be back to normal. Just make sure you don't "leave it be".

Is it true that using a Q-tip to remove ear wax does more harm than good?

Asked by MD over 12 years ago

It depends on what you do with the Q-tip. If you use the Q-tip to clean the external bowl of your ear, fine. If you decide to insert the Q-tip deep into your ear, you could risk puncturing your ear drum. You could also risk damaging the lining of your ear canal if you are too rough; this could also lead to ear infections. More commonly, when using Q-tips, wax simply just gets pushed farther down the ear canal, closer to the eardrum. Long story short, I don't use Q-tips at all. You shouldn't either. If you are prone to wax impaction, get a professional to clean it periodically.

When you're not on the job, do you offer up unsolicited ear-related advice to the people around you? (e.g. suggesting earplugs at a concert, etc)

Asked by Bilko101 about 12 years ago

It's the other way around....everyone asks for free advice. If it's a simple question regarding noise exposure or earwax, I'll address it. If people ask me questions about having a tumor or something that sounds serious in nature, I urge them to make an appointment with the appropriate medical professional. When I'm not a the job, I don't preach the job. =)

What causes "ringing in the ears?"

Asked by klutztownUSA over 12 years ago

You name it. =) Aging of the ears, noise trauma, certain medications, stress/anxiety/tension, back problems, earwax, hair on the eardrums, tumors, blood circulation problems, circulatory problems...... Now before you start thinking that you have a tumor, please be sure to visit and audiologist for an evaluation. Having your hearing tested can be a gateway into learning about why tinnitus exists. Self diagnosis is not the answer.

What's the annual salary for an audiologist?

Asked by Red diamond over 12 years ago

Without getting into too many specifics, it's all over the place. It depends on whether you go into private practice, work for an ENT, a hospital, work for yourself, at a university, whether you sell hearing aids or not (and if so, the commission scale), and the region you are working in. For example, an audiologist in New York City may not make a huge salary, but may have relatively good commission given the amount of hearing aids sold and how much they sell for. Audiologists can make six figures, but that is usually done by selling a large amount of hearing aids.

What tests are available to determine the extent of damage in the inner ear to the cilia or other parts?

Asked by Ramson about 11 years ago

Most audiologists will use their "bread and butter" test....the audiogram to assess hearing.  However, if you want to get more technical, otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) test hair cell integrity.  It is a non-invasive test that takes less than a minute via a probe.

Does damage to the OUTER ear (the visible part that sticks out of our heads) have any affect on a person's ability to hear? Like, if someone's out ear got lopped off, would his hearing be basically unchanged?

Asked by Van Geaux over 11 years ago

I do not believe that hearing would be "basically" unchanged. The auricle (ear lobe) acts as somewhat of a funnel. Without this "funnel", sound cannot be trapped and led to the internal parts of the ear. As a result, hearing may be off somewhat. On the flip side, if you cupped your hand around your ear, you would pick up more sound.

Why do rock stars wear ear pieces while performing? Doesn't that make it hard to hear yourself singing?

Asked by tiffany over 11 years ago

Rock stars are wearing monitors.  Monitors are used for hearing, not protecting.  Monitors present the vocals and the instruments through a complex sound board through the monitors so that all of the musicians are in sync.  Given the loudness of a rock concert, the band otherwise would not be able to know what the other members are doing.

Do you think "Therapeutic Listening" helps CAPD? :)

Asked by Pam about 11 years ago

Yes.  But you need to be on a strict program....not just "whenever" you feel like participating.

What's the difference between audiologists and speech language pathologists? Do you work hand-in-hand with SLPs?

Asked by j.t. over 11 years ago

If I had a year to answer this...I wouldn't have enough time.  Audiologists are somewhat of an outbreak of Speech pathology, whereas many audiology programs were birthed from them.  Same goes for professional organizations.  They are completely different fields, but yes, do work together in certain environments.  For example, children with hearing loss work with an audiologist and SLP to develop appropriate speech and hearing in a team approach.

Thanks ;) I'm 26 and waiting to be assessed for CAPD, having had (now worsened) symptoms all my life. I got through uni fine so nobody understood my complaint. An occupational therapist said I've been compensating.. like how? Thanks again!

Asked by Pam about 11 years ago

CAPD is not widely acknowledged....simply because people don't know what it is!  Best of luck!

Do audiologists perform surgery of any kind?

Asked by brikhaus over 11 years ago

Not at this time, nor do we prescribe medications. But as the profession develops, you never know.

As a police officer, I frequently run code (lights and siren). Siren output is about 120 dB @ 10'. Many sirens are mounted much closer than 10' to the officer. What's the hearing loss danger to repeated exposure? Say 5 min/night, 5 days/week.

Asked by Richard over 11 years ago

Exposure to sound at 120 dB for over 30 seconds is technically considered dangerous if repeatedly listened to.  The degree of damage depends on the length of your long you have been doing this...etc.  But yes, there is danger.  It is my belief that all officers have annual audiological evaluations.

Does hearing loss count as a disability?

Asked by Mellie over 11 years ago

Yes...refer to the Americans with Disabilities act for more information.

My Bahamas hearing aid just stopped working almost at the end of my people class. I did not hit it by accident or got it wet. Is there any way I can fix it?

Asked by Maleena over 11 years ago

I am unclear of your question.  If your hearing aid was purchased in the Bahamas but is made by an international manufacturer, you can call the manufacturer directly and find a local audiologist to address the problem.

-What are the duties and responsibilities of someone working in this occupation?
-What is your background education?
-What do you dislike about your career?

Asked by Melissa_con almost 11 years ago

I've answered the other parts I will focus on the "dislikes".  I think the biggest dislike is the role of audiologists in society.  We are often not considered doctors, but we are "more important" than techs.  Sometimes we are treated and thought of as techs.  We are a rather young profession, still trying to find its niche.  I wish the general population understood that we are comperable to an optometrist or that we went to school and own higher education degrees.

can ringing in ears be stopped

Asked by SUPERJ about 11 years ago

Alas, in most cases, the answer is no.  With the exception of a medically based tinnitus (sound in ears) that is structurally based, there is no cure for tinnitus.  90% of those who have tinnitus simply "just live with it".   Those who cannot often will benefit from tinnitus therapy.  Therapy may include the usage of a hearing aid, a device that masks tinnitus, change in diet, change in medications, accupuncture, etc.  These are not guaranteeds to work.  But again, they are TREATMENTS, not cures.

Hi, I just got my new hearing aids and there's a crackling sound so if its said its done with reshelling I shouldn't face any problem such like crackling sound right? n why would reshelling seems to have a crack on device?

Asked by Jn over 10 years ago

Perhaps the audiologist thought you just said a "cracking"....

I have been told by a hearing aid sales person that a hearing aid "uses" the ear, and that if you "don't use it, you lose it". Is there any truth in this statement, or is this a "snake-oil" sales pitch?

Asked by Cam about 11 years ago

Well, hearing aids send information to the ear.  The ear then sends information to the brain.  Whether you get hearing aids or not, the ear will age.  You cannot stop this from happening if you get hearing aids.  However, auditory processing can be adversely affected without hearing aids.  If the ear and the brain are not in communcation over a period of time, auditory pathway fibers will wear down.  We try to preserve that communication with hearing aids.  So, in THAT sense, if you don't use it, you lose it.

Could you tell me about auditory processing disorder please? How is it diagnosed? How common is it - undiagnosed / diagnosed and disruptive? Can it worsen over the years after a mild traumatic brain injury? Any compensativr strategy? Thanks!

Asked by Pam about 11 years ago

Loaded question, my friend!  Auditory Processing Disorders, in short, are related to how the brain processes auditory information and cues.  Some will have difficulty understanding certain sounds, while others have difficulty hearing under specific listening conditions.  Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD) can be diagnosed through a battery of tests, generally lasting around 2 hours in duration.  These tests focus on different listening conditions and different stimuli and how the ears and brain work to process it.  An audiologist performs and interprets the results.  Personally, it is hard to say "how common" it is, as many who suffer with CAPD do not have tests and "live with it" through adulthood.  Testing is more common today, as parents test their kids for everything.  As a result, more children are being discovered as opposed to being called dyslexic or Attention Defecit Disorders.  Processing, as a rule, declines over the years...and TBI contributes.  TBI can affect certain areas of the brain dealing with auditory stimuli and processing of that data.

What software do you currently use to run your business and what do you like/dislike about it?

Asked by cindy over 10 years ago

I am not sure of your question, but I will answer in a few different ways.  I am currently part of an ENT practice and utilize its software for my patient database.  I personally do not like it, thus will not recommend it on here.  As for other software, audiologists utiliize a program called NOAH for hearing aid programming.  This is a database gateway that is pretty universal...we don't really know of any other.  Each manufacturer has its own programming software as well.  Some are more user friendly than others.  I own a computer based audiology system by a brand called Interacoustics.  It's not that user friendly, but once you get the hang of it, it's great to run.  For my balance testing, I utilize Micromedical software.  It's simple and easy to run.

My friend says she has tiny audio wire implants to help her hear better and communicate back and forth...How do they work and how do they do that with-out batteries? How does a person get one for them selves so they can hear better?

Asked by inner wire auddio implants over 10 years ago

I am not sure what you are referring to.  Please clarify, especially if you have a website.

If you have a client who is is non-verbal due to cerebrovascular accident how might she respond to air-conduction testing pure tone stimuli? What about her speech stimuli ? How would you perform an SRT ?

Asked by about 10 years ago

You may utilize alternate forms of response. Generally, if the person is verbal but has good receptive language, you can utilize button pressing for pure tones. If they are cognitively incapable, you may utilize child methods, such as play audiometry or visual reinforcement. Instead of an SRT, you may utilize an SDT, Speech detection threshold. This would be a cross check to pure tones. As for speech stimuli, there are also picture boards that the patient may be able to point to. More than one way to skin a cat!

Had sudden hearing loss. Went to ENT. Prescribed Prednisone 15 days. Made it 3. Never took again. Kick started Dianetes type II. Worsened hearing. 7 audigy tests in <1 yr. Tested for CAPD. Not CAPD. Changed headsets multiple times at work. Now what??

Asked by Robert Shields almost 8 years ago

While this page is not used to diagnose, I am a little confused about the story as written. If you have sudden loss, there is a specific time frame to improve your hearing via steroids. If steroids were not successful, your hearing may be your hearing. However, you claim that your hearing has worsened. Most certainly go to another ENT, have a CT scan, blood work, etc.. As I always say, there has to be a reason why something is happening. I don't understand the relevance of the headsets to your story.

Is it possible for tinnitus/hyperacusis to arise a few months after noise exposure? Went to two concerts last May, Gun range w/ protection in July. Very mild hyperacusis emerged around November. Very mild tinnitus emerged shortly after around Dec/Jan

Asked by Antonio over 8 years ago

Perhaps. It can vary case by case. Sometimes we can have delayed reponses...or rather, it may simply be something else that trips the problem into existence.

Hi there,

Is it alright to wear a hearing aid during skydiving? Or will that cause damage to the hearing aid?

Thank you!

Asked by Neel over 10 years ago

I was just at a hearing aid manufacturer's plant and asked this question. They are actually researching it.

Which direction should I look in?
No one is willing to diagnose me, I need some help for WHAT I should be seeking a diagnosis for even at this point... :(

Asked by Robert Shields almost 8 years ago

I don't know where you are, but most certainly, if this is a concern for you. please visit a higher level Neurotologist. They are a subspecialist ENT who is focused on the ear and internal structures.

How many hearing aids on average does an clinic sell per year?
What is the average cost of one hearing aid?

Asked by bruce wayne over 10 years ago

Sorry I did not get to you earlier as I didn't see this. The long and the short of it is that it depends on the type of clinic and what region of the country they are. I currently work in a large ENT practice with multiple doctors and audiologists. As a result, our hearing aid sales are in the hundreds. A small ENT practice may sell 150-250, depending on how hearing aids are promoted. Private practices will sell more as that is how the clinic stays in business. As for prices, the cost will vary. It varies by technology, as each manufacturer of hearing aids will put out 3-6 levels of sophistication. Additionally, each practice will set their prices, which may or may not include service, batteries, and specific warranties. At the end of the day, I've seen hearing aids sold for as little as $500 to as high as $4000 per unit.

I asked the question about my toddlers abr. We are getting a second opinion. The radiologist came out and said there was a lag between when the ear heard sound and when the brain did. Aud said hearing was normal but abr was not. Later decided it norm

Asked by Jen34geg almost 9 years ago

Ok well that's something a little deeper. If the ear heard sound but there was a delay to the brain...that is a deeper issue. Definitely, get a second opinion.

My told we doesn't speak well and failed her hearing test and shows lots of signs of hearing loss. Had a sedated abr which was originally told abnormal then told normal and has a type Ad tympanogram which I was told was ok due to passed abr. Thoughts

Asked by Jen34geg almost 9 years ago

I know having a sedated ABR may have been traumatic, but perhaps another one would be beneficial. Unless I am reading this wrong, the test was EXPLAINED as abnormal, THEN normal. Is that correct? The one test can only be interpreted one way. If your question actually indicates that two tests were done, one would be generally likely to accept the normal test. However, just to be safe, can you go to a different facility for a double check? If I did not answer your question well, please respond and give me more details.

I havemoderate hearing loss in the low and the high frequencies. 1000 through 4000 are within normal limits. Does this warrant a hearing aid?

Asked by Keri about 9 years ago

As goofy as this sounds, it depends on how you are "getting by". I have a variety of patients who struggle with all different types of hearing loss. Low frequency sounds can include all of our major vowels, high frequency sounds past 4000 Hz can include "f", "s", and "th". This can reek havoc on the ability to understand in background noise as well as with soft well as many other things. If you are having functional issues, meet an audiologist and left them demonstrate a hearing aid to see if you notice improvement.

how do non-verbal clients respond to air bone conduction test and speech stimuli ?

Asked by Samsam about 10 years ago

It depends on the level of functioning. Audiologists will work their way down the aging scale to see what kind of interaction a patient can give. We start with adult performance, then work our way down to pediatric test such as play audiometry and visual reinforcement audiology. If none work, consider an ABR, a brainstem test that does not involve response from the patient.

My daughter has unilateral microtia (right ear) her sedated ABR test results state "response present by air at 80db and absent by bone" (right ear) what does this mean? does she have the "equipment" she needs to hear from her right ear?

Asked by Victoria almost 9 years ago

Actually, that doesn't make sense. Bone response cannot be worse than air response. The only way that this is valid is if the test reached the maximum bone limits. If that is the case, the loss would be sensory, not structural. Personally, I would ask the audiologist performing the test to explain. There is no easy way to type this, but again, air cannot be better than bone.

Hi I'm a highschool student interested in audiology and I was just wondering about the pros and cons of the career and if you could tell me anything about that? Any advice is also appreciated

Asked by CC over 9 years ago

Pros: Growing career. Many more people over the years will need hearing and balance services, as our population is growing and growing. Tens of millions of people will be aging longer, prompting even more need for vestibular and hearing services.

Cons: With all healthcare fields, insurance reimbursements often make it hard to function. With hearing aids, there are so many avenues to purchase them. The population may be focused on pricing and flashy newspaper ads over professional services. This kind of cheapens our profile.

In recent years, audiology is always listed as a top profession. However, we are still relatively young and don't have an official identity. Thus, we have a field of those with doctoral degrees, some without, those who are simply hearing aid dispensers, educational audiologists, etc, etc.. Our governing body is not very strong, financially and politically.

Is it normal to hear a hissing or ringing sound in a silent environment? I get mixed answers when I ask people this. I have been to concerts without protection so my question is, do I have tinnitus due to loud noise, or is this a normal?

Asked by Sal almost 9 years ago

Any sound that a person hears "in their heads" is tinnitus. It is not normal. Please go to a hearing specialist for a hearing evaluation. This will give us more data on what is going on with the sound.

what are some of the dangers of being an audiologist?

Asked by Lisa about 10 years ago

No dangers. Just be careful of disease. Like any other healthcare profession, look for blood or open wounds.

Im having ringing in my ears ever since March.. And i will be attending two concerts this month.. I know I need to wear proctection but idk what plugs to get (also I have impaired hearing..)

Asked by Kim over 9 years ago

As long as you have some sort of protection, that is very important. The yellow 3M E-A-R plugs help, but I personally prefer the Mac's earplugs. Why? Because they splat over the entrance of the ear, so no matter what ear canal you have, it will work. I find that the 3M product doesn't always stay in well and sound can leak in. If you are a huge concert goer, consider going to an audiologist and getting custom noise reduction plugs. That could run you $150-$250 a pair, but you will be very happy you did it.

Could non-mercury fillings cause tinnitus/hyperacusis?
The fillings are a bit too high and cause a mild tooth pain when I bite down fairly hard. The date of getting them coincides more closely with my symptoms than my noise exposure history.

Asked by Help about 8 years ago

I only have knowledge of mercury fillings and their relationship to tinnitus. However, in general, jaw discomfort, stress, tension, etc., can contribute to the presence of tinnitus.

Is there such a thing as having better than average hearing? How can this be determined? Are there any devices that can cancel out annoying sounds in a classroom, but allow good sounds to go through (teacher talking).


Asked by Amelia almost 8 years ago

No, you cannot. One of my pet peeves in the industry is when a doctor tells the patient that s/he has "better than normal hearing" or "perfect hearing". We are not born with "100% of our hearing", then declines. We are generally all born within a normal limit, which declines over time. On the audiogram (hearing test), one can have test scores below 0 dB, which is great, but not "perfect" or "above average".One of the best ways to assist in hearing a teacher in the classroom is by utilizing ALDs (assistive listening devices). Many of these devices, which include FM systems or remote microphones, allow the speaker's signal to transmit more prominently to the person with a hearing impairment.

what is the history behind audiology? When did it first come into existence? it seems like a very interesting field!

Asked by bruce wayne over 10 years ago

I liked this article, which sums it up.

Has there ever been a documented case of someone who can hear high pitched electronic noises, ie dog whistles, tuning forks, electronic interference, over human voices? Both in person, and over a headset? NOT CAPD. Respond asap plz.

Asked by Robert Shields almost 8 years ago

I am sorry, but I do not know.

I am a performing musician with tinnitus. I hvaesome hearing loss but was told I do not need hearing aids, HOw can I record and perform without hurting my hearing! Wearing ear plugs means I can only hear myself singing in my ears this drives me nuts!

Asked by Feef over 8 years ago

One could purchase in-ear monitors. They can be balanced to allow for better sound recognition without the impact of loud sound. As for tinnitus and hearing loss...if you have hearing loss, no matter how big or small, my belief is that hearing aids work. It will reduce the growing disconnect between the ear and the brain, allowing for more sound presentation and less chance of growing tinnitus.

Why did my audiologist assure me I could go to a bunch of upcoming concerts with ear protection and I would be fine? I trust him, however its a bit confusing when the obvious recommendation for tinnitus sufferers is “Avoid exposure to loud sounds."

Asked by Luis over 8 years ago

As long as you have noise reduction support, resulting in non-dangerous levels of sound reaching your ear, you can be fine. With that being said, those with hearing loss or repeated trips to concerts should sometimes "double-up", using more than one protection at a time.

I am a pilot who flies piston aircraft. I have tinnitus and was wondering if wearing earplugs and using noise cancelling head sets is enough protection to not make the condition worse. decibels in the cockpit are around 105dbs. Or should I stop fly

Asked by Tarik AlNaqeeb over 7 years ago

Wearing earplugs and headsets together is a great plan. As we age, however, tinnitus can increase as our hearing declines with age. But again, please do what you stated.

I know we cannot put anything in the ear canal and I try not to, put my cerumen is very dry and sometimes it sounds like a little piece of paper turning around when I try to take it out. I'd really like to know how loud is that for our ear ?

Asked by Gosia almost 9 years ago

How loud is the wax in your ear? I've never been asked that one, lol. I have no clue! If you really wanted to research, get a research audiologist to put a probe mic in your ear to determine volume. Sorry I can't be more help on that one.

Is there any side effects of the acoustic reflex if its done twice at the same time ?are they permanent?can it cause hearing loss a high frequency loss or causing tinnitus ,worsening tinnitus, bone displacement isit consider as sudden exposure noise

Asked by Sara about 8 years ago

Could you clarify? Do you mean the test or the actual reflex?

Hi, this may be a silly question. So I was testing my high frequency hearing online. After doing the test I noticed a warning to keep your volume at a normal level to avoid damage to your ears or speakers and then got worried because I did turn up my volume towards the end. Could listening to those highest frequencies (18-20) on high volume on my phone cause any damage? Even if I couldn't hear them? Nothing hurt while listening afterwards. Just got worried after seeing the warning sign after I did the test about 3 times.

Asked by Devon over 7 years ago

To be honest with you, I don't necessarily think that many cell phones can emit sounds above 18KHz. So even though you couldn't hear them, perhaps that those sounds were not even presented. Speaks have limits as to volume and pitch. I doubt you hurt yourself. =)

What does -10 mean on an audiogram?

Asked by D Lambert about 8 years ago

-10 dB is a volume unit. People are often under the impression that if your hearing test reveals a response of "0", that means that your hearing is "perfect". It is not. We are also not born with "100%" hearing. We are born with whatever. If a person can hear a specific sound at -10 dB, he or she most certainly has great hearing.

What are the duties and responsibilities of someone working in this occupation?
What do you like about this occupation?
What do you dislike about this occupation?
What is your educational background?
What is a typical day like for you?
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What advice do you have for someone considering this career field?

Asked by Ben Lee almost 7 years ago

Please kindly refer to my other answers above about these questions.

I asked a question yesterday and to clarify, if im wearing noise canceling headphones and they get hit or I have ear plugs in and I take them out it always makes a very loud noise. Is this bad for my hearing? And why is it made so loud?

Asked by Luis McDolan over 7 years ago

When you take the earplugs out they make a loud noise? Are you constantly getting hit in the head? I am sorry, I would love to help, but I still don't understand the situation.

I've had sudden hearing loss my doc. prescribed 60 mm predneszone tabs for 10 days i have had some improvement now he wants to try a steriod injection what do you think

Asked by joejohn over 8 years ago

As an audiologist I cannot give a medical recommendation, per se, but given my history, steroid injections are essentially a "salvage mission". Depending on how long ago the sudden hearing loss was, oral steroids can help. Yet if there is still room for improvement, the steroid injection is a more direct approach...literally. Whereas with tablets the relief can be anywhere in the body, a steroid injection is most certainly isolated to the ear.

Hi, i work at a movie theature where im an usher going and out of theatures to clean them. im surrounded by loud noises non stop I am worried that this constant exposure could be causing residual hearing damage and if i should wear hearing protection

Asked by James Lane over 7 years ago

If you are worried, by all means, protect yourself. I am not sure what the volume of the movies are when they are in the "end credits", which is what I assume you are referring to time wise, but you absolutely should. If you are unsure of the volume, use a sound level meter app. It could help you learn about volume. If the volume exceeds 85 dB over an 8 hour span, protection is appropriate.

Im confused on hearing loss works. I know listening to noises that are to loud will result in imediate hearing damage but even when people dont listen to loud noise hearing loss still occurs over time So do all sounds cause little damages that add up

Asked by Max West over 7 years ago

That is only one part of it. Fundamentally, the tiny hair cells in your ear age, then die. This is pretty much like a lot of other parts of the body. This, in tandem with noise exposure, medicines, health, medical conditions, and genetic create our own "perfect storm" to determine when our hearing goes.

I went to get a hearing test yesterday and she said my hearing was in the normal range. One ear couldn't makes out all the words. She said its normal range. But if the words sound muffled in one that normal? Could tinnitus do that?

Asked by Belle over 6 years ago

The relationship with LPR...not 100% sure but if you are getting congestion through your passageways, the muffled sensation may be Eustachian tube dysfunction. ETD can result in a clogged feeling in the ear, though the clog has not officially made its way behind the eardrum. Some MDs will give nasal steroids or recommend decongestants. Please consult someone else because there is more than "just the hearing test".

SSD right ear. Significant loss in left resulting from vertigo (?).
Question : best hearing aid for high frequency sound loss - am looking at Widex and Phonak

Asked by Arthur Luis over 5 years ago

I prefer Widex. However, I am unaware of your specific loss. For many who lose hearing virally, sound quality may be affected. With that being said, make sure you demo aids from your provider to see what you like.

I wear noise cancelimg headphones and earplugs alot Ive noticed that during this talking sounds alot louder Ive heard this called the occolation effect my question is does this really make talking louder and possibly dangerues or dose it seem louder

Asked by Luis McDolen over 7 years ago

It is called the occlusion effect. Caused by the bone-conducted sound vibrations reverberating off the earplugs, we often feel a sensation of hollow sound. It is not dangerous.

While wearing Shooting Range headphones someone accidentally hit them making a very loud bang in my ear that was painful also any tap on it is made very loud like a stethascope Are these noises actually loud and maybe dangerous or only seem louder

Asked by Luis McDolan over 7 years ago

I'm confused by your question. If someone hit your headphones, most likely, that in itself would not cause hearing loss. However, if you notice a change in hearing or sound perception, please have your hearing assessed immediately.

Best hearing aid for loss of high frequencies

Asked by Arthur over 5 years ago

I personally like Widex hearing aids for high frequency hearing loss. Widex allows for strong high frequency data, good feedback control, and the sound quality is full enough where you often do not feel the aids get tinny.

I'm in Nampa, ID
Anyone in particular you would recommend in my neck of the woods?
I may lose my job: captioning for the deaf & hearing impaired, because I'm becoming hearing impaired :(

Asked by Robert Shields almost 8 years ago

I unfortunately do not. However, an option would be to contact your state's disability services and ask for further information.

What could it mean if a person hears almost every song a different pitch than it actually is?

Asked by Clarion over 7 years ago

It depends on how long that the person has had the problem. If this had a sudden onset, please have your hearing assessed. If other symptoms are present, such as tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, etc), fullness, or vertigo, it may be part of a bigger problem. If this is something that has been around the person's entire life, it may just be a difference that certain people have. Nonetheless, a hearing assessment and case history will open up many doors on this one.

Are you the only person who is not snarky on here?

Asked by Dan over 4 years ago

Obviously...I'm amazing, aren't I? Lol

I used mimi hearing test on my smart phone. It accidently let out a noise at 4000 hz into my ear with headphones at 107 db for 5 seconds. I obtained severe kind of tinnitus over the event. Is it possible for permanent damage at this volume and freq?

Asked by Barcelona almost 5 years ago

It is possible, albeit most likely that length of exposure should not result in permanent damage. Usually that volume’s permissible listening period would be approximately 2 min. Other factors would be distance from sound to your ear, including whether you wore earphones or if the sound just came from the phone itself. You may have caused a sudden threshold shift, whereas the sound temporarily paralyzed the hair cells. If this happened very recently (within the day), see if you improve. If you don’t, go to an audiologist/ent for a hearing test. Anomalies could then be addressed.

I just turned 20 years old and I recently discovered that I can't hear past 15.5khz. 16khz and 17 and so on is all silence to me. Should I be concerned? Is this normal hearing for a 20 year old? I've asked two ENTs and they both said they can't say

Asked by Brandon over 6 years ago

A few questions. How did you find this out? I ask because most audiologists do not test past 8 kHz, some 12 kHz. If you were using your cell phone or some low-lever speaker, do not be alarmed. Conversely, if you were tested or utilize high-level equipment, I personally would not be concerned if your responses 8 KHz and lower were normal (in fact, some research suggests that we start losing out hearing at age 2!) The x factor is if your hearing is changing drastically. If you had an evaluation with an audiologist, please repeat the test in one year to monitor for change. If you work in an occupation that involves loud noise, please use hearing protection. Hope this helps.

I know my device went higher because 1 of my friends could hear the 18khz mark from it.I ask this because I was exposed to 5 gunshots last year w/o protection.I can't say I knew I could hear above that before hand though.I've had tinnitus my whole life

Asked by Brandon over 6 years ago

I think your statement about "I can't say I knew I could hear above that before hand" is telling. We are not all born with "perfect hearing". In fact, I hate that phrase. We are born with whatever we are born with. Is there a chance that your hearing was alway impaired in the higher frequencies? Absolutely. And to tell you the truth, most tests wouldn't even catch it. Those who test frequencies that high are mostly researchers. The tinnitus could also indicate hearing impairment. Does the gunshot exposure play a role? Possibly. Without comparison tests, it is difficult to tell.

Is hearing loss a sign of the virus???

Asked by Justin over 4 years ago

Of this A virus can impact an ear and cause sudden sensory hearing loss. However, hearing loss is not a common symptom of what is going on.

Does law why is football called soccer enforcement agents, intelligence agents, and private investigators use hearing aides to ease drop? Also, can you really do that with them?

Asked by Mike over 4 years ago


Why does 20dB + 20dB = 23dB and not 40dB?

Asked by student95 over 4 years ago


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Asked by MEATBAL over 4 years ago


What is a FM device used for?

Asked by Sam over 4 years ago


Are hearing aides effective if you have nerve damage?

Asked by Dalton over 4 years ago


I'm a live sound engineer, I'm wondering what affects existing hearing damage can have on spl exposure limits, and whether type of hearing damage has an impact?

Asked by LiamDevlin about 4 years ago


Is <a href="">speech therapist</a>
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Asked by elizabeth 5 months ago


Can hearing problem cause issue in speaking and can speech therapy help in solving that problem, help in child development?


Asked by elizabeth 5 months ago