NHL Team Marketer

NHL Team Marketer


Washington, DC

Male, 33

I'm the Director of Strategic Marketing of an NHL team. I focus on revenue generation and customer engagement via digital media. My expertise includes strategy, business development, mobile marketing and application design, CRM, online marketing and market research. Ask me anything.

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33 Questions


Last Answer on June 24, 2013

Best Rated

I live right outside of Philly. For me to take my family to a Flyers game, it costs over $150, including the tickets, parking, and food. Suffice it to say, we don't go often. Are NHL teams trying to bring DOWN the prices on any of the aforementioned?

Asked by Sol almost 12 years ago

Sorry to say that for teams with high ticket demand like Philly, it's very unlikely they will ever lower their prices. To achieve an lower average ticket price, I'd suggest buying a partial season package. But hopefully the efforts that the teams are making to improve the in-game entertainment brings up the value of the game experience commensurate to the price.

What's a marketing initiative your group was excited about that fell flat on its face? How about the inverse: something you weren't expecting to do much of anything that was a surprise success?

Asked by Jenra5 almost 13 years ago

There was an enter to win contest that we ran where a fan could win a phone call and autographed jersey from one of our players, and that kind of fell flat. I guess we thought the player was more popular than he really was. I can't really think of a campaign that we didn't expect to do much; we likely wouldn't run a campaign if we didn't think it would be successful.

Did you ever play hockey yourself? Is that sort of an informal requirement of working for an NHL team?

Asked by flyerbynight almost 12 years ago

I played street hockey a little bit when I was a kid. Playing hockey, nor being a fan of the team, aren't really requirements for working there. Passion for the game or team may help but isn't necessary at all.

If your team had a player who came out as gay, would your marketing and publicity folks go out of their way to highlight that, or would they act as if it never happened?

Asked by Gregg almost 12 years ago

Obviously this is a touchy subject, so anything I write here is my personal opinion and may not reflect what the Marketing team as a whole may do but I think it would be somewhere in the middle of your range. If that subject comes up, it is what it is and we'd of course support that player's decision but I don't think we would try to hide nor push to have it highlighted.

Which team(s), if any, do you expect to be gone or relocated in the next 5 years?

Asked by poof almost 13 years ago

I have no idea what is on Gary Bettman's mind but I imagine that one or more of the southern teams will relocate. Phoenix is an obvious choice, given their tenuous situation over the last couple of years. The Florida Panthers are probably on thin ice (pun intended) as well. I think those two are the most likely to not exist over the next five years, and they'll probably move to Canada.

I could never understand - how on earth does random city like Columbus have a team??

Asked by The Gherkin almost 12 years ago

I have no answer for this one!

Might sound like a dumb question, but does your team have any African-American players, and if so, do you guys make a conscious effort to play that up in your marketing efforts?

Asked by will.i.aint almost 12 years ago

Not a dumb question at all. Yes, we do have an African-American player on our roster but we don't highlight him in our marketing and advertising any more than other players. We'll feature him whenever we feel he would work best but nothing out of the ordinary.