CBP Officer

CBP Officer


7 Years Experience

SouthWest, US

Male, 25

I am a U. S. Customs and Border Protection Officer on the southwest border between Mexico and the United States. I know the ins and outs of the job as seen on TV/News and things intentionally hidden from the media! There's more to this job than "Anything to declare?" I dont know all but I'll do my best to answer any questions you have! All answers are my opinion, and my opinion only!

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220 Questions


Last Answer on April 22, 2019

Best Rated

10 years military and 2 years as a deputy now. Applying to WA, MT & ID boarders. My current job is fast paced and exciting but leaves little room for family life. What is your off time like and are you disconnected from work?

Asked by Cop about 7 years ago



Asked by OHHHHHHHH NO over 4 years ago


Hi. So, when I was last in the States on an ESTA, I got a Simple Assault charge, it was a disaster! Anyway, can I get a new ESTA to travel now? If my ESTA was approved, is it likely you (CBP) will stop me once I get that far? It’s over 3 years ago

Asked by ThisIsntMe almost 6 years ago


Officer I was granted advance parole to follow a treatment but my parole was issued by USCIS for November 1st 2017.
I would like to travel in October attend my medical treatment and come back after november 1st.

Would that mean a problem for me?

Asked by Rdmn about 7 years ago


I married a Canadian and he is staying/working in Canada while we process his I-130. He He tried to visit me in US and was denied entry. Why? He had a letter from employer. if he gets a b2 visa will they let him visit me in US?

Asked by Cat Watkins over 6 years ago


Hi. So, when I was last in the States on an ESTA, I got a Simple Assault charge, it was a disaster! Anyway, can I get a new ESTA to travel now? If my ESTA was approved, is it likely you (CBP) will stop me once I get that far? It’s over 3 years ago

Asked by ThisIsntMe almost 6 years ago


I'm a freshly graduated engineer. My dream job is to work with HSI or FBI as special agent. FBI requires three years of work experience prior to applying. Is it in my best interest to take the CBP Officer job and transition later? is it easy to do ?

Asked by Gabriel over 6 years ago